HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00084667From: Kritzer, Jamie [/D=[XCHANG[LAB5/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=C[E9]C49D01445A]B541B8327DCDCD4O-JBKR|TZ[R] Sent: 9/15/I0I78:5I:07PW1 To: K8ackey, Chris [/h=[xchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=aef8f6bO6bI]4Zc5b282aeO8d2b45Ice'cmackey3];Benton,W1ark [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=f464O49Ode444ee7a4O6Q4Q77891e3fI'mbenton2] Subject: FVV: Proposed Letter to Residents Attachments Draft letter toresidents egroundwater results 9.15.I7_(EA5T_79QI535I_I)docx Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 519-707-8602 01111061 PA�0� edynhhkdS. From: 8ot ky, Lester[maiho:Lester.Sotsky@apks.com] Sent: Friday, September 15,ZO174:3SPM To: Holman, Sheila <shei|a.ho|man0Dnodenr.8ov>; Scott, Michael xmichaeiscot @nodenr.8oux; Kritzer, Jamie "jamie.kritzer@ncdenr.gov>; Mccarty\Bud <bud.mccarty@ncdenr.gov>;Lucas, Jill M <JiU.Lucas@ncdenr.gov>; Culpepper, Linda «|inda.cu|pepper@ncdenr.8ov>;Benton, Mark <K4ark.Benton @dhhuoc.8ov>;Ti|uon,Betsey <BetseyJi|son@dhhs.nc.8ov^; Moore, Zack <zack.moore@dhhsoc.gov>;Mackey, Chris <[hris. Mackey@dhhsoc.gov> Cc: Johnson, Michael E<M|[HAELEJOHN8ON@chemourszom>;K8cgauBhy,Ellis H <8|is.H.McGau0hy@chemours.00m»;Sparks, Edwin [<EDWI NI.SPARKS@chemouo.cum>; Mariani,Mary Erin (Chemours) <mary-erin.mariani@chemours.com>; Levene, Ralph M. <RMLevene@WLRK.com>; Gross, Joel M. `Jue|.Gruss@apkszom>;Rey, Eric A. <Eric.Rey@apks.com>;Cottin8ham,Laura <LauraIottingham@apks.com» Subject: Proposed Letter toResidents hopefully, sign -off today so we can deliver these today to the 6 residences in question -- a draft letter, which would be accompanied by the fact sheet you sent, as requested. We will have these hand -delivered once we have agency sign -off to do so. We will be offering bottled water to the residences, as indicated. We will go out when we hope to find people at home this evening; will leave the lett and water if no one is home; and will follow up directly with residences at which no one is home, if you all think that is warranted. I We thank you for your continuing cooperation and guidance, and we apologize for not Pgetting this in your hands sooner. Much going on with many of us, you all included, of course. WERE Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP 601 Massachusetts Ave., NW I Washington, DC 20001-3743 T: +1202.942.5170 1 M: +1202.255.3328 1 F: +1202.942.5999 lester.sotskv@apks.com I www.apl<s.com fl ou, Am.):d ' L'Lp hftp://www.apks.com DEQ-CFW-00084668