HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00084444From: Kritzer, Jamie [/D=[XCHANG[LAB5/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=C[E9]C49D01445A]B541B8327DCDCD4O-JBKR|TZ[R] Sent: 9/13/I0I77:04:34PW1 To: Stanley, Sherri [/b=ExzhanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=4d758%5b6edd454ZbId955436739I98Q-scstanley] Subject: FVV:Courtesy copy this release will besent soon Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N�Department ofEnvironmental Quality 919-707-8602 0111,008��� ��ad����&u����m P'o�Re- am/mndo,aybm0x From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Wednesday, September13 201712:20PM To: Unco|n.Larry@epa.8ov marracinidavina@epa.8ov 5mhh.Emi|y@epa.8ov jim.Oechtner@cfpua.org; beth.eckert0Dcfpua.org; bxva|ker@h2800n|ine.com;don@|chwasa.orB;toxvens@tovvb.or8; dona|d.dixon@brunsvvickcuuntync.gov;mmack@penderouuntync.8ov;'kimber|yƒai|@ipaper.com; Gary.K4orrovv@ipaper.com;michae|.cramer@caro|inabeach.org; Ma|issa.ta|bert@vvi|min8tonnc.gov; Mackey, Chris <[hris. Mackey@dhhs.nc.8ov>;Richard. king@xvi|min8tonnc.8ov;tony.caud|e@m/i|min8tonnc.gov; steding.cheatham@vvi|min8tonno.0ov; mtrainor@saoommunicatiuns.com; Amanda.hutcheson@brunsvvickcountync.8ov;cris.harre|son@brunsvvickcountync.8ov; david.stan|ey@brunsxvickcountyncBov;ann.hardy@brunsvvickcountync8ov;b|adenhea|th@b|adenco.orB; medvvardu@b|adenco.or8;8martin@b|adenco.or8; dhovvard@b|adenco.org;vvvvhite@nhc0ov.cum; n.avery@tovvnofkurebeach.or8;tovvens0Dtoxvb.or8;ptarte@nhcgov.com;Lindsey. Ha||ock@cfpua.org; j|oeper0DnhcBov.com;rsmith@nhc8ov.com;ccoudriet@nhcgov.com;m|ong@pendercountync8ov; Munger, Bridget <brid0et.mun0er@ncdenr.8ov»;Lucas, Jill K4«]i||.Lucas@ncdenr.8ov>;Miller, Anderson <andeoon.mi||er@ncdenr.0ov>; John. Nicho|s@brunsw/ickcountync.gov;Young, Sarahxsarah.youn8@ncdenr.8ov>; Kritzer, Jamie «jamie. kritzer0Dncdenr.8ov>;Culpepper, Linda <|inda.cu|pepper@ncdenr.8ov>; Smith.Emi|y@epa.gov; Smith, William <vvi||iam.smith@robeuon.nc.8ov>; Sa||yShutt«sshutt@co.cumber|and.no.us»; K4e|issa.packer@hth.co.robeson.no.us; Leonard, Laura <|aura.|eonard@ncdenr.8ov>;Benton, Mark <K4ark.Benton 0Ddhhs.nc.gov>; Moore, Zack ^zadcmoone@dhhsoc.gov> Release: IMMEDIATE Contact: Laura J. Leonard Date: Sept. 13'2Ol7 Phone:919'7O7'8233 Well testing part of ongoing investigation into chemical compound GenX RALE|GH—Theutatedepartnent ofEnvironmental Quality and Health and Human Services will host acommunhy information session on Thursday for people interested in the state's plans to test private wells near Chemours' Fayetteville Works facility in 8|aden County. State officials plan to start collecting water samples for testing hnm residential wells adjacent to the facility on Friday as part of an ongoing investigation into the chemical GenX, which is produced by Chemours. The information session will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday at St. Pauls Middle School, 526 WestShaw St.,St. Pau|s, in Robeson County. Thursday's information session will give the community an opportunity to ask state officials questions about the state's plans for testing. Eligible residents will also be able to sign up to have their wells tested. Last week, state officials issued Chemours a notice of violation after detected GenX in violation ufstate groundwater standards in 13 of14 industrial wells atthe company's Fayetteville Works facility. The wells tested are used for environmental monitoring atthe facility and are not a source ofdrinking water. Based on the test results, DE(land DHHS notified local officials and initiated plans to start testing the private wells of residents nearest the facility. "People in this community deserve to know about the safety of their well water and we're working to get them answers," said Michael Regan, secretary of the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality. "Thursday's meeting will give people who use these wells an opportunity to learn more about the well sampling process and next steps." State officials must have resident's permission to conduct private well sampling. The water samples will betaken to Gel Laboratories in Charleston, S.C., for analysis of GenX, PFOA and PFOS, which were detected in the preliminary test results from the industrial wells atChemours'facility. D8Qbegan investigating the presence of6enXinthe Cape Fear River inJune. AtDECysrequest, last Friday ajudge signed an order requiring Chemours to not discharge GenX and two other chemicals, Nafion byproducts 1 and 2, into the state's waterways. More information about the state s investigation can be found at: inves For more details about Thursday's information session, contact Jamie Kritzer, DEQ!s communications director, at 919- 707-8602 or or Launs]. Leonard, public information officer for the state Division of Waste Management, at919-7U7-8J3]or ### Jamie Kritzer Co N.C.Department ofEnvironmental Quality 919'707'8602 UL����� £oa ,-,,ay be fb��3,