HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00084344Internal FAQ for Groundwater Sampling 9/12/2017 9:20 AM When did DEQ and DIHIS learn about the GenX levels in these wells? DEQ received the preliminary water sampling results from Gel (sic) Lab on Friday, September 1, 2017. DEQ notified DRHS the same day. How many wells are on -site at the Chemours plant? There are 14 industrial wells on -site at the Chemours plant. What were the GenX levels in each well? The levels ranged from zero to 61,300 ng/L or parts per trillion (ppt). One well tested negative for GenX; the remaining 13 had values ranging from 519 ppt to 61,300 ppt. Are these one-time readings ... and are there plans to re -test these wells? DEQ tested these wells in early August. [DEQ to insert response regarding re -testing] Were the wells tested only for GenX? If not, what other compounds were tested for? What about Narion? Are there plans to test for those other compounds? The wells were tested for GenX and for [DEQ to insert remainder of response]. The wells were not tested for Nafion or [DEQ to insert response]. Follow-up testing will [DEQ to insert response]. What prompted DEQ to test these wells? The testing of the industrial wells has been a planned activity of the State's thorough investigation of Chemours and their GenX discharge. When was the last time DEQ tested these wells, what did you test for and what were the findings? [DEQ to insert response] Was there a requirement for Chemours to regularly test these wells? If so, what was that schedule and what were they required to test for? And what were the recent testing results? Do these recent results confirm that the groundwater has been contaminated? What are your plans to test private homeowner wells? [DEQ to insert response] Your testing plan is focused on homes with a private well within [xx] feet/miles of the plant's property border. What factors did you consider in setting that range? What was the range used for coal ash/CANIA? [DEQ to insert response] V�l DEQ-CFW-00084344 Should homes with private wells near the Chemours plant immediately stop drinking the water from their private wells? Do they need another source of water for bathing? [Suggested response offered by DHHS] DHHS will provide health risk assessments and recommendations to well owners based on tests from their individual wells. Without knowing the results of the testing of the water in the private wells, we cannot make a definite recommendation. What to do while waiting on the testing results is an individual decision and our goal is to provide information so you can make an informed decision for yourself and your family. Regarding bathing: If GenX is present in well water, people are most likely to be exposed through ingestion/drinking and not through bathing in the water or washing clothes. What's your advice for homeowners near the plant, but on municipal water? Based on the results for GenX and results of routine testing for other compounds, our current recommendation is that you can continue to drink the municipal water. Should we be concerned that that GenX-tainted water from the Cape Fear River has gotten into the groundwater? If not, why? Homeowners should not be concerned that water from the Cape Fear River has seeped into their groundwater. We have tested [xx] wells downstream of the Chemours plant and haven't found elevated levels of GenX. That offers a level of assurance that the river or surface water has not contaminated the well or groundwater. It is possible that GenX or other perfluorinated or polyfluorinated compounds could be present in the groundwater near the facility due to [possible mechanisms from DEQ?]... This is the reason why DEQ is asking that well owners allow testing for these compounds. Shouldn't every homeowner with a private well along the Cape Fear River have their wells tested? There is no evidence that water from the Cape Fear River has contaminated any private well. We have tested [xx] wells downstream of the Chemours plant and haven't found elevated levels of GenX. That offers a level of assurance that the river or surface water has not contaminated the well or groundwater. Who will do this testing and who's paying for it? Testing of the private homeowner wells will be conducted by DEQ with assistance from their regional staff, personnel in the local health departments and DHHS. [Insert response regarding who's paying for the testing] Will the State require private well owners to have their water tested? [DEQ to insert response] Possible response: The State will contact every homeowner with a private well within the testing area and we will strong encourage them to have their well water tested. We cannot require that private well owners have their water tested. If the home is occupied by a tenant or renter and the owner opts not to have their private well water tested, is there any notification the owner or State must provide to the tenant or renter? DEQ-CFW-00084345 If an alternate source of water is needed, who will supply that water? How soon will I get it (from the day of testing or later)? And who will pay for it? [DEQ to insert response] Has DEQ shared this news with Chemours and what was their reaction? [DEQ to insert response] Are these results enough for DEQ to take legal action against Chemours? If not, why? [DEQ to insert response] Is this enough for the Secretary of DIHIS or the local health director to take action under the imminent health hazard statute? If not, why? There is insufficient scientific information about health effects of GenX or the other emerging PFAS compounds for either the DHHS Secretary or a local health director to take such an action. When did the Governor learn of this new development? Which Secretary told him and what was his reaction? On what date did the well testing occur? Do you regret not conducting that testing earlier? What is your message to homeowners residing near the plant? Homeowners are urged to allow collection of water samples to understand whether these compounds are present [Response based on feedback/decisions from 3 pm call] What distance/radius from the plant do you plan to conduct private well testing? Why that particular distance? DEQ is prepared to test up to 1.5 miles via a phased approach from the center of the Chemours facility. How many homes do you estimate are involved in this initial testing? When will they be notified and how? Are there any businesses inside that radius? How about schools, day care centers or health care facilities? Will the private well testing just look for GenX? If so, why not the other chemical compounds like Nafion? [DEQ to insert response] Has the State alerted the EPA or CDC to this latest development? How about the US Attorney or our Attorney General's office? V�l DEQ-CFW-00084346 DHHS is working closely with CDC on a public health assessment of GenX in the Lower Caper Fear region. This information will be included in that assessment. [DEQ & DHHS to insert respective responses] Does this development change your advice/recommendation last week's to continue using the water? Should anyone feel comfortable drinking this water? This development does not change our recommendation from last week, that being: based on the results for GenX and routine testing for other compounds in the municipal water, our current recommendation is that you can continue to drink the municipal water. People's comfort level on using the water will vary and is an individual decision. Our goal is to provide information so you can make an informed decision for yourself and your family. Schools are now back in session, do you have any new recommendations for them? Should they bring in bottled water? Based on the results for GenX and routine testing for other compounds in the municipal water, our current recommendation is that you can continue to drink the municipal water. You've routinely said that the DHHS health goal is pegged at the level for bottle-fed infants, are we now at a point where you would advise child care providers to find an alternate water source? No, our recommendation for municipal water has not changed based upon this. What are the next steps planned for DEQ and DHHS? DHHS will review testing results from wells within [radius info from DEQ] and provide health information and guidance based on the results. We also continue to work with CDC, EPA and other partners to understand and communicate information about health effects of GenX and other emerging PFAS compounds [DEQ & DHHS to insert respective responses] Should private well owners be looking for a home filtration system? If so, which ones are most effective? No, we do not recommend that private well owners purchase/install a home filtration systems at this time. Although preliminary scientific studies suggest that GenX and related compounds can be removed by certain types of home filtration, these findings have not yet been peer reviewed or published. It seems like the State has set different GenX levels for groundwater versus river or surface water. DEQ is taking regulatory action because the groundwater has reached a GenX level of 10 ppt, but the level of GenX is 140 ppt for finished water households on municipal water. Why aren't the two numbers the same? The DHHS provisional health goal of 140 ppt is based on a review of toxicology data and means that there could be an increased risk of adverse health effects over a lifetime of consuming water with levels areater than 140 n2/L. The level of 10 t)Dt mentioned in reference to re2ulatory DEQ-CFW-00084347 Because the DHHS health goal is based on limited scientific information, it is considered provisional and is subject to further updates based on an ongoing review, consultation with federal agencies and other partners, and the introduction of new research and scientific information. If the testing on my private well tests positive for GenX, how will I know and what are the next steps? Will I get an alternate water source if the level is above 140 ppt? What if it is above 10, but below 140 ppt? Who will be supplying the alternate source of water — the state or Chemours? And will I have a choice in the type of bottled water? [DEQ to insert response] What happens if my well water has elevated levels of GenX? What are my next steps? [DEQ/DHHS to insert response] What is the difference between the Chemours sampling and the DEQ sampling? Why can't you coordinate? [DEQ to insert response] Why did it take so long to get test results from the groundwater at the Chemours facility? [DEQ to insert response] Do you think this will shut down the plant? Should the plant be shut down? [DEQ to insert response] How long has GenX been in the groundwater at the Chemours facility? [DEQ to insert response] V� DEQ-CFW-00084348