HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00084253From: Kritzer, Jamie [/D=[XCHANG[LAB5/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=C[E9]C49D01445A]B541B8327DCDCD4O-JBKR|TZ[R] Sent: 9/1I/I0I78:I9:26PW1 To: Vince Winkel [vwinke|@whqcorg] Subject: RE: MONDAY from Vince .... Re: State issues notice of violation against Chemours based on new groundwater tests Vince I tried calling earlier and left a voice mail. I'm guessing you're gone for the day, but if you need to speak with me on this topic feel free to call. Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality En�J ����m��a�d�a �au���0� y�ub��a/n8na�ub�nReco/�oLam/aa�x/aybad� edpa/Vsa, From: Vince Winke|[naiko:vwinkel@whqr.org] Sent: Monday, September 11,ZO17lO]lAM To: Kritzer, Jamie ^jamie.krhzer@ncdenr.8ov> Subject: MONDAY from Vince .... Re: State issues notice of violation against Chemours based on new groundwater tests Hi Jamie, would you have ufew minutes for o phoner on what Friday'aagreement means, and where we go from here? Vince Winkel WHQR Public Radio Wilmington, NC 910'343-1640 ext. 2|8 WB0Roo FACEBOOK On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 4:32 PM, Jamie Kritzer <jamJe.krJtzerL�)ncdenr.gov> wrote: Roy Cooper, Governor Release: Date: September 6, 2017 ^~nruopwmen������ � � Contact: Jamie Kritzer Phone: Michael S. Regan, Secretary State issues notice ofviolation againstChon/onrmbumcdonnmvgronndwu1ortoxts RKLEUG0|—State officials initiated additional enforcement actions against Chonxour Wednesday after preliminary state test results detected {3on}{inviolation ofstate groundwater standards in water wells o(the company'sFayetteville Works facility. Preliminary test results publicized today 6vthe state Department o[Environmental Quality show concentrations n[Gcn}Cin wells onChonxour " Fayetteville Works' property inviolation o[state groundwaterstandards. The wells tested are used for ouvirouo/oniu monitoring u1the facility and are not osource o[ drinking pxVer. Based onthe preliminary results, DE0announced its plans tocite Chonuuoswith onotice of violation. Tndov`sounounoomon( comes a day after the state initiated other legal action against the company. CEQ and the NZ.Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday also alerted health officials in Bladen and Cumberland counties iothe preliminary test results. The state will perform initial testing for people who live near Chonx/ur while requiring the company to produce a comprehensive testing and compliance plan. The two stateagencies are also making plans iohost an information session from 6-7:3Op�no. Sept. 14 at St. PmJ`mn�kid� School hommvnrpcupba`quoa6unuabout the 0ogn�uUa�un�the Works "We are taking all necessary steps ioaddress clear violations o{state rules and will launch aprivate well testing for homeowners living near the facility, bodetermine Jthe contamination has moved beyond the [hcnxour [uoJ6ty into well water used fordrinking," said Michael Regan, secretary of the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality. "As is our routine when xofind violations o[ groundwater rules on a company's property, we are reaching out to residents who use wells as their source of drinking water."' Preliminary Test Results from Chemu rs`Wdls Aspart o[theongoing state investigation. DE0coOoo(ed groundwater samples from |4 monitoring wells on the Chonuuosproperty inearly August. Concentrations ofGonXthat exceeded acceptable limits were detected in|3o[|4 industrial wells at the plant. Preliminary test results have identified other detections of flourinated compounds. The water samples collected 6vDG0inearly August at the company's industrial wells were sent (othree laboratories. The preliminary results come from only one of the labs — Gel Laboratories in Charleston, S.C. State officials have not received test results from Chemours that were sent to Test America's Colorado lab for analysis, and are awaiting final results from the EPA lab ioResearch Triangle Park. Web site: Facebook. ............................................................ Twitter: RSS Feed: ----------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------- 1601 Mad Service Center, Raleigh„IBC 27699-1601 If you would rather not receive future communications from North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources, let us know by clicking here. North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources, 217 W. Jones St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 United States DEQ-CFW-00084255