HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00084193From: NCLeague ofConservation Voters [cib4?ndcvurg] Sent: 9/I1/20173:3126PN1 To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHFI]3PDLT)/cn=Kecipients/cn=cee93c49dO1445a]b54Ibb]I7dcdc84O-jbkhtzed Subject: O8g/I1/ZOI7:Our new changed climate reality The changed climate future ishere. This week bmC2Bz limate �� han e U te- Hurricanes and Climate Cha nge �N'hen it comes to climate change, the future has ani'ved — and it comes bearing disasters Rend more >> Judicial Watch: DE es Chemours OEQ-CFVV_00084193 (Phm' aeD: NC P,11e v Ak a[d_.) The Cooper Admin Administration's Department of'EinI i-onin on tal Quality (DEQ) last week I iled suit against the Clicniours corporation for decades of toxic discharges contaminating the Cape Fear River and now threaterinip, public drinking, Nvater in the lower Cape Fear region. Rend ninre >> P-h"t. modit. rh-o ,_'011ocuve The continuing meltdo-wn of the so-called "nuclear renaissance" is Just as 6sible In the tale of the one new commercial n aclear reactor site still under construction in the tinned States. Read on >> 17hat's our report,/br this it,eek. DEQ-CFW-00084194 You can support NCLCV's ongoing advocacy work by making a one-timc gift. Or, even better, consider becoming a Grecn GEM. Monthly sustainers make a difference in protecting NC's natural resources and holding our leaders accountable. Questions/concerns? Spot an error? Contact Dan Besse, CIB Editor, at cib(,dncicv.org. Follow NC C'V on Facebook Follow NCLCV on Twitter NCLCV PO Box 12671 Raleigh NC 27605 United States You received this email because jamie.luitzer@nedenr.gov is signed up to receive the weekly Conservation Insider Bulletins or joined NCLCV as a member. If you would like to remain on our mailing list but would like to no longer receive the weekly Conservation Insider Bulletin, simply reply to this email or drop us a note at eib(nelev. org+. If this is not the best email address at which to reach you, please email us at ii_ifo(a'i ndcy'.orq with updated contact information. Please add in'k.' ncicv.c)rQ to your address book to ensure emails are delivered properly. Staying in touch via NCLCV's email list is the best way we have ofkeeping you informed about ways you can take action to protect the environment. Click here to unsubscribe from our supporter list, but if you leave, it will be harder for you to stay involved with NCLCV and continue this important work. NCLCV is successful with environmental policy fights and elections because of dedicated activists like you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Send us any comments, criticisms, or feedback here ii_ifoy ;icicV.ora, or just reply to this email. 'Thanks for your support. 171 DEQ-CFW 00084195