HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00083959OY COOPER S. JAY ZIMMERMAN September 5, 2017 VIA LECTR1: NIC 1A11-, AND OVERSIGHT DELIVERY 11r , Ellis 1.1. McGa gh Plant N/Tarra. er The Cherrrours Company 22828 NN;1.1lphway 87W Fayetteville, North Carolina 28306-7332 Subject: 60-Day .Notice of Irrterrt to Suspend N PDES Permit NC00035 7:3 The Cherrro rs Company, Fayetteville Works Dear Mr.'McGaughy: Pursuant to I 5A .NC_,kC 21-1 .t1112(b)(4) and 21 ,11114(a), the North. Carolina Depar inert of Environmental, Quality ( E ), Division of Water Resources (DWR) hereby provides notice of its intent to suspend NPDES Permit NCO003573 (Pon -nit) in 60 days. Under 15A .' CAC 2="I ,1111.2(b)(1) and 2 -1 ,011 l(a), DWR is authorized to suspend a permit on multiple bases, including for "obtaining a$ pert -nit her misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully al.l relevant facts," These rules further authorize DWR to suspend. a perrrrit based on the: criteria in 40 CFR 122.62, which incorporates the provisions of 40 CFR 122.64. The criteria for suspension incorporated front 40 CFR 122.64 include "[-t]he perrrrittee's failure in. dr.e application or during the permit issuance process to disclose fully a:ll relevant facts, or the perrrrittee's n-kisrepreserrtatiorr of any relevant facts at any time." The criteria listed in 40 CFR 122.62 also authorize DWR to suspend a. permit based on the receipt of -now information. that was not availaible at the time of permit issuance arrd ;, would have justified the application of different permit conditions at. the tit-ne of issuance," Based on our review of the history of NPDES Permit NCO003573 fbr the C hertiours Fayetteville Works, there is sufficient cause to suspend the Permit trader the provisions cited in this letter. We have found no evidence in the permit file: indicating that C'hernours or DuPont (Chernours' predecessor) disclosed the discharge to surface water of GenX eorrrpounds at the Fayetteville Works, in particrilar, the NPDE S permit renewal applications submitted. to DWR contain no reference to-"GenX"" or to any cherrrieal rr��rrre, formula, or CAS number that would identify any Germ compounds in the, discharge. In fact, the inibrmation provided by l3uPorrt and C errrours led DWR staff to reasonably believe that no discharge of GenX had. occurred. Oii zkGig tst 2d, 2010, representatives of l')tlPorrt, tact Sum, <39'NoTtt3 Carolit33 I Envimnmcnt<3i Quality 1611 ii ,H 5eavxe Center I Raleigh, ` o3-[h Ca dina 77699-16l 1 DEQ-CFW 00083959 with f:lEQ representatives. During that meeting, the DuPont representatives provided an update; n the anticipated use of GenX technology at the Fayette llle Works as a. replacement for the per luorinat d compound PFO . However, the infortnation DuPont Provided indicated that the GenX compounds would lx� produced In a closed -loop system that would. not remelt in da.e discharge of those compounds into the Calic, ;rear iver� DEQ has found no evidence ofDuPont notifying IYEQ of an actual discharge of GenX compounds ands at this meeting or in any infiaaraa.ation provided to DEQ subsequently by either DuPont t or t: hemou.rs. Further, DuPont and Chern urs didnot provide to DEQ any health studies. related to the Gen compounds. On Jump , 12. 20.1.7. aftcr Daub tantlal. media, coverage re arding the presence, of Gem in th.e gape Fear River, Clicanours informed DEQ in a reeting that for several decades, GenX­cornpounds had been produced as byproducts at the Fayetteville Works, and GenX had been routinely discharged into the river. Similarly, it was not until 2017 — and. only at l�Et 's insistence ..... that Chera-ours provided l EQ with the. Health studies on Gencor pounds that. had been. conducted previously by DuPont ont or Chemours. In abort, :prior to 1017 DuPont and. Chertiours faded to notify DEQ that GenX € ompo nd.s had been disc named into the Cape Fear River, l uPo,nt and Chenioaars� led DEQ to believe that Ge. production was occurring in a closed loop system that would not result in discharges to the Cape Fear River, and DuPont and Chemours laird to provide EQ with any health studies relating t Gen —XL DuPont t and l rracaur g ca ;onw, misrepresentations and. inadequate disclosures, -which have only recently come to light, shielded important information firom DEQ and the public. 'T'hey, also deterred 1R EQ staff ftom. inquiring fuittier into the mature of Gen.. discharges and other related activities at the Fayetteville Works, Had the appropriate disclosures been made, it wouldhave justified the application of one or more different pera It condition-, at the time the Permit was issued, such as nionitoring and reporting r tluirements, appropriate health -based water quality standards, effluent limits, or evaluation ofalternativi��,s to dischar2ljng GenXcompoundsand oth - chemicals in. the process wastewater at the Fayetteville Worics. Based on these circumstances, D R has detem ined that it will suspend the Pen -nit, unless Chei:raours co npli.es with all of the following actions: t 1) Continue to prevent Chemours' discharge of all GenX compounds into the Cape Fear River; 2) By.g ptcna leer 8, 2017, coa e Chem.ours' discharge of process wastewater into the Cape ear River of the chemicals with l:urrnulaa ofC7HEa3 :5S and C7H—?Ea411,Sg with respective CAS Numbers 29311-67- and 74 36-20-2 identified by EPA as %alien byll)rod-acts and 1 and 2); DEQ-CFW 00083960 (3) By October 20, 2017, cease Chemours" discharge of process wastewater into the Cape Fear River of any other perfluorinated or polyfluorinated compound without an effluent limit in the Permit; and (4) Provide complete responses to all outstanding requests for inforination issued to Chemours by DEQ according to the deadlines previously set by DEQ, including the July 21, 2017 letter from DEQ Secretary Michael Regan (requesting records in related to the discharge of Gen X and other emerging contaminants); the August 16, 2017 letter from William Lane (requesting access or consent for the release of Chemours confidential business information in the possession of EPA); the August 18, 2017 letter from Teresa Rodriguez (requesting detailed information about wastewater streams at the Fayetteville Works), and the August 29, 2017 letter from Linda Culpepper (providing clarification and shortening the deadline for DWR's August 18 letter). Copies of these requests are attached. DEQ acknowledges the receipt of responses from Chemours on August 18, August 25, and September 1, 2017, but notes that those responses do not provide complete infon-nation. DEQ will use this information along with any other relevant toxicological and epidemiological data, study results, and calculations to evaluate the potential establishment of appropriate permit conditions in accordance with 15A NCAC 02E regulations that are protective of human health and aquatic life for compounds identified in items (2) and (3) above. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 150B-3(b), DWR will provide an opportunity for Chemours to show compliance with all lawful requirements for retention of the permit. Please contact me to schedule a meeting. Sincerely S. Jay Zimmerman, P.G. Director, Division of Water Resources cc: Michael Johnson, Chemours DEQ-CFW-00083961