HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00071577FORM B SPECIFIC EMISSIONS SOURCE INFORMATION (REQUIRED FOR ALL SOURCES) REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate 1 EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Diesel Engine for Emergency Electrical Generator EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: RICE-03 CONTROL DEVICE ID NO(S): None OPERATING SCENARIO 1 OF 1 EMISSION POINT (STACK) ID NO(S): EP-RICE-03 DESCRIBE IN DETAILTHE EMISSION SOURCE PROCESS (ATTACH FLOW DIAGRAM): This emission source is a stationary emergency generator that is powered by a 197 HP diesel engine. The diesel engine is subject to the Part 63 Subpart ZZZZ RICE MACT. An emergency stationary RICE may be operated for a maximum of 100 hours per calendar year for maintenance checks and readiness testing. There is no time limit on the use of emergency stationary RICE in emergency situations. TYPE OF EMISSION SOURCE (CHECK AND COMPLETE APPROPRIATE FORM B1-B9 ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES): ❑ Coal,wood,oil, gas, other burner (Form B1) ❑ Woodworking (Form 64) ❑ Manufact. of chemicals/coatings/inks (Form B7) ® Int.combustion engine/generator (Form 62) ❑ Coating/finishing/printing (Form 65) ❑ Incineration (Form B8) ❑ Liquid storage tanks (Form 63) ❑ Storage silos/bins (Form 86) ❑ Other (Form 139) START CONSTRUCTION DATE: Sept 2014 1OPERATION DATE: Oct 2014 JDATE MANUFACTURED: 2014 MANUFACTURER / MODEL NO.: John Deere / Model4045HF285 TEXPECTED.OP. 0.5 HR/DAY 1 DAY/WK 52 WK/YR ULE IS THIS SOURCE SUBJECT TO? NSPS (SUBPART?): YES (1111) NESHAP (SUBPART?): Yes (ZZZZ) MACT (SUBPART?): YES (ZZZZ) PERCENTAGE ANNUAL THROUGHPUT (%): JAN-MAR 25 APR-JUN 25 JUL-SEP 25 OCT-DEC 25 EXPECTED ANNUAL HOURS OF OPERATION: <100 IVISIBLE STACK EMISSIONS UNDER NORMAL OPERATION: -0 % OPACITY CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION FOR THIS SOURCE AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED SOURCE of EMISSION FACTOR EXPECTED ACTUAL (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) POTENTIAL EMISSIONS (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) Ib/hr tons/yr Ib/hr tons/yr Ib/hr tons/yr PARTICULATE MATTER (PM) NCDAQ 0.43 0.02 0.43 1.90 0.43 1.9 PARTICULATE MATTER<10 MICRONS (PM1a) NCDAQ 0.43 0.02 0.43 1.90 0.43 1.9 PARTICULATE MATTER<2.5 MICRONS (PM2.5) NCDAQ 0.43 0.02 0.43 1.90 0.43 1.9 SULFUR DIOXIDE (S02) NCDAQ 0.24 0.01 0.24 1.05 0.24 1.05 NITROGEN OXIDES (NOx) NCDAQ 6.11 0.31 6.11 26.75 6.11 26.75 CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) NCDAQ 1.32 0.07 1.32 5.76 1.32 5.76 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC) NCDAQ 0.5 0.02 0.5 2.17 0.5 2.17 LEAD NCDAQ 1.2E-05 6.2E-07 1.E-05 0.11 1.E-05 0.11 OTHER NCDAQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION FOR THIS SOURCE HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT AND CAS NUMBER SOURCE of EMISSION FACTOR EXPECTED ACTUAL (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) POTENTIAL EMISSIONS (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) Ib/hr tons/yr Ib/hr tons/yr Ib/hr tons/yr See attached NCDAQ "Gas & Diesel Internal Combustion Engine Emissions Calculator" TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION FOR THIS SOURCE INDICATE EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS / LIMITATIONS TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT AND CAS NO. EF SOURCE Ib/hr Ib/day Ib/yr See attached NCDAQ "Gas & Diesel Internal Combustion Engine Emissions Calculator" Attachments: (1) emissions calculations and supporting documentation; (2) indicate all requested state and federal enforceable permit limits (e.g. hours of operation, emission rates) and describe how these are monitored and with what frequency; and (3) describe any monitoring devices, gauges, or test ports for this source. COMPLETE THIS FORM AND COMPLETE AND ATTACH APPROPRIATE B1 THROUGH B9 FORM FOR EACH SOURCE Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071577 FORM B2 EMISSION SOURCE (INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES/GENERATORS) REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate B2 EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: 197 HP Diesel Engine for Emergency Electrical Generator EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: RICE-03 CONTROL DEVICE ID NO(S): n/a OPERATING SCENARIO: 1 OF 1 EMISSION POINT (STACK) ID NO(S): EP-RICE-03 CHECK ALL THAT APPLY ❑X EMERGENCY ❑ SPACE HEAT ❑X ELECTRICAL GENERATION ❑ PEAK SHAVER ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): GENERATOR OUTPUT (KW): 125 ANTICIPATED ACTUAL HOURS OF OPERATION AS PEAK SHAVER (HRS/YR): 0 ENGINE OUTPUT (HP): 197 TYPE ICE: ❑ GASOLINE ENGINE 0 DIESEL ENGINE UP TO 600 HP DIESEL ENGINE 1600 HP ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): DUAL FUEL ENGINE ENGINE TYPE ❑ RICH BURN FX_1 LEAN BURN EMISSION REDUCTION MODIFICATIONS I —I INJECTION TIMING RETARD U PREIGNITION CHAMBER COMBUSTION LJ OTHER OR HSTATIONARY GAS TURBINE (complete below) NATURAL GAS PIPELINE COMPRESSOR OR TURBINE (complete below) FUEL: ❑ NATURAL GAS ❑ OIL ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): CYCLE: ❑ COGENERATION ❑ SIMPLE ❑ REGENERATIVE ❑ COMBINED CONTROLS: ❑ WATER -STEAM INJECTION ❑ UNCONTROLLED ❑ LEAN -PREMIX ENGINE TYPE: ❑ 2-CYCLE LEAN BURN ❑ 4-CYCLE LEAN ❑ 4-CYCLE RICH BURN ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): CONTROLS: ❑ COMBUSTION MODIFICATIONS (DESCRIBE): ❑ NONSELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION ❑ SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION UNCONTROLLED ❑ CLEAN BURN AND PRECOMBUSTION CHAMBER FUEL USAGE (INCLUDE STARTUP/BACKUP FUEL) FUEL TYPE UNITS MAXIMUM DESIGN CAPACITY (UNIT/HR) REQUESTED CAPACITY LIMITATION (UNIT/HR) Diesel Gallons 9.9 9.9 FUEL CHARACTERISTICS (COMPLETE ALL THAT ARE APPLICABLE) FUEL TYPE BTU/UNIT UNITS SULFUR CONTENT (% BY WEIGHT) Diesel 140,000 Gallons 0.15 MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFIC EMISSION FACTORS (IF AVAILABLE) POLLUTANT NOX CO PM PM10 VOC OTHER EMISSION FACTOR LB/UNIT UNIT DESCRIBE METHODS TO MINIMIZE VISIBLE EMISSIONS DURING IDLING, OR LOW LOAD OPERATIONS: This engine will serve exclusively as part of an emergency use electrical generator, and as such wil never be idled or operated under low load conditions. COMMENTS: This engine will serve exclusively as part of an emergency use electrical generator, and as such is limited to 100 hours per year of operation for testing purposes per 40 CFR 63.6640(f)(2). Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071578 FORM D1 FACILITY -WIDE EMISSIONS SUMMARY REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate D1 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION - FACILITY -WIDE EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS (AFTER CONTROLS / (BEFORE CONTROLS / (AFTER CONTROLS / LIMITATIONS) LIMITATIONS) LIMITATIONS) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED tons/yr tons/yr tons/yr Unchanged (site is Unchanged (site is PARTICULATE MATTER (PM) ~ 50 Major Source) Major Source) PARTICULATE MATTER < 10 MICRONS (PM10) ~ 50 Unchanged (site is Unchanged (site isMajor Source) Major Source) Unchanged (site is Unchanged (site isMajor PARTICULATE MATTER < 2.5 MICRONS (PMz.$) ~ 50 Source) Major Source) Unchanged (site is Unchanged (site is SULFUR DIOXIDE (S02) ~ 600 Major Source) Major Source) Unchanged (site is Unchanged (site is NITROGEN OXIDES (NOx) ~ 100 Major Source) Major Source) Unchanged (site is Unchanged (site is CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) - 15 Major Source) Major Source) Unchanged (site is Unchanged (site is VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC) ~ 215 Major Source) Major Source) LEAD < 0.006 OTHER HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION - FACILITY -WIDE EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS (AFTER CONTROLS / (BEFORE CONTROLS / (AFTER CONTROLS / LIMITATIONS) LIMITATIONS) LIMITATIONS) HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED CAS NO. tons/yr tons/yr tons/yr Total HAPs >25 (site is Major Source) >25 (site is Major >25 (site is Major Source) Source) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION - FACILITY -WIDE INDICATE REQUESTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS / LIMITATIONS. EMISSIONS ABOVE THE TOXIC PERMIT EMISSION RATE (TPER) IN 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 MAY REQUIRE AIR DISPERSION MODELING. USE NETTING FORM D2 IF NECESSARY. Modeling Required ? TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED CAS NO. Ib/hr lb/day lb/year Yes No Any increase of TAP emissions as a result of this modification would be X de minimus . COMMENTS: As indicated above, the site is a major source for criteria pollutants and HAPs. The current and post - modification operation of the proposed emergency generator (ID No. RICE-03) does not change any of the current classifications. Attach Additional Sheets as Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071579 FORM D2 AIR POLLUTANT NETTING WORKSHEET Revised: 12/01 /01 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate 27 PURPOSE OF NETTING: ❑ AIR TOXICS ❑ PSD (100/250 tons per year) ❑ PSD SIGNIFICANT LEVELS AIR POLLUTANT: None CAS NO.: EMISSION SOURCE ID NOS.: SECTIQN:.A -EMISSION OFFSETTING ANALYSIS FOR MODIFIED/NEW SOURCES Summarize m this section using the B forms EMISSIONS - USE APPROPRIATE COLUMNS ONLY LBNEAR LB/DAY LB/HR MODIFICATION INCREASE - MINUS - - MINUS - - MINUS - - MINUS - MODIFICATION DECREASE = EQUALS = = EQUALS = = EQUALS = = EQUALS = NET CHANGE FROM MODIFICATION SECTION B - FACILITY -WIDE EMISSION NETTING ANALYSIS CREDITABLE INCREASE - MINUS - - MINUS - - MINUS - - MINUS - CREDITABLE DECREASE = EQUALS = = EQUALS = = EQUALS = = EQUALS = NET CREDITABLE CHANGE SECTION C - FACILITY -WIDE EMISSIONS TOTAL FACILITY EMISSIONS TPER LEVELS (2Q .0711) CHECK HERE ]FAN AIR DISPERSION MODELING ANALYSIS IS REQUIRED ❑ COMMENTS: The requested modification to install an emergency generator (ID No. RICE-03) would result in a de minimus increase of any pollutant. Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071580 FORM D3 MODELING REQUEST FORM REVISED: 02/20/03 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate D3 If the applicant desires, the NCDAQ/AQAB will perform the initial modeling compliance demonstration using EPA approved screening and, if applicable and where possible, refined models. If the model results indicate the facility will be unable to demonstrate compliance with applicable Acceptable Ambient Level(s) the applicant will be notified and will be required to perform the compliance demonstration using established modeling protocol and modeling analysis requirements as defined in the North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2D .1100 and 2Q .0700 and in the Guidelines for Evaluating the Impacts of Toxic Pollutants in North Carolina. o perform the dispersion modeling compliance demonstration, the AQAB will require the following data: 1. INTRODUCTION Provide a brief description of the modification and/or addition necessitating the toxic modeling request: No modeling is requested for this modification to install an emergency generator. 2. EMISSIONS DATA - Facility -wide emissions, by source, of all modeled toxics. MAXIMUM TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT (TAP) EMISSIONS TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT (TAP) Emission Point ID I Ibs/year Ibs/day Ibslhr Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071581 FORM D4 EXEMPT AND INSIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES SUMMARY REVISED: 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate 64 ACTIVITIES EXEMPTED PER 2Q .0102 OR INSIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES PER 2Q .0503 FOR TITLE V SOURCES DESCRIPTION OF EMISSION SOURCE PRODUCTION INSIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY 1. No exempt or insignificant activities are being added as part of this permit modification. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Attach Additional Sheet As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071582 FORM D `TECHNICAL ANALYSIS TO SUPPORT PERMIT APPLIC REVISED: 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate D5 PROVIDE DETAILED TECHNICAL CALCULATIONS TO SUPPORT ALL EMISSION, CONTROL, AND REGULATORY DEMONSTRATIONS MADE IN THIS APPLICATION. INCLUDE A COMPREHENSIVE PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM AS NECESSARY TO SUPPORT AND CLARIFY CALCULATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS. ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC ISSUES ON SEPARATE PAGES: A SPECIFIC EMISSIONS SOURCE (EMISSION INFORMATION) (FORM B) - SHOW CALCULATIONS USED, INCLUDING EMISSION FACTORS, MATERIAL BALANCES, AND/OR OTHER METHODS FROM WHICH THE POLLUTANT EMISSION RATES IN THIS APPLICATION WERE DERIVED. INCLUDE CALCULATION OF POTENTIAL BEFORE AND, WHERE APPLICABLE, AFTER CONTROLS. CLEARLY STATE ANY ASSUMPTIONS MADE AND PROVIDE ANY REFERENCES AS NEEDED TO SUPPORT MATERIAL BALANCE CALCULATIONS. B SPECIFIC EMISSION SOURCE (REGULATORY INFORMATION)(FORM E2 - TITLE V ONLY) - PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF ANY REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO INDIVIDUAL SOURCES AND THE FACILITY AS A WHOLE. INCLUDE A DISCUSSION OUTING METHODS (e.g. FOR TESTING AND/OR MONITORING REQUIREMENTS) FOR COMPLYING WITH APPLICABLE REGULATIONS, PARTICULARLY THOSE REGULATIONS LIMITING EMISSIONS BASED ON PROCESS RATES OR OTHER OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS. PROVIDE JUSTIFICATION FOR AVOIDANCE OF ANY FEDERAL REGULATIONS (PREVENTION OF SIGNIFICANT DETERIORATION (PSD), NEW SOURCE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (NSPS), NATIONAL EMISSION STANDARDS FOR HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANTS (NESHAPS), TITLE V), INCLUDING EXEMPTIONS FROM THE FEDERAL REGULATIONS WHICH WOULD OTHERWISE BE APPLICABLE TO THIS FACILITY. SUBMIT ANY REQUIRED TO DOCUMENT COMPLIANCE WITH ANY REGULATIONS. INCLUDE EMISSION RATES CALCULATED IN ITEM "A" ABOVE, DATES OF MANUFACTURE, CONTROL EQUIPMENT, ETC. TO SUPPORT THESE CALCULATIONS. C CONTROL DEVICE ANALYSIS (FORM C) - PROVIDE A TECHNICAL EVALUATION WITH SUPPORTING REFERENCES FOR ANY CONTROL EFFICIENCIES LISTED ON SECTION C FORMS, OR USED TO REDUCE EMISSION RATES IN CALCULATIONS UNDER ITEM "A" ABOVE. INCLUDE PERTINENT OPERATING PARAMETERS (e.g. OPERATING CONDITIONS, MANUFACTURING RECOMMENDATIONS, AND PARAMETERS AS APPLIED FOR IN THIS APPLICATION) CRITICAL TO ENSURING PROPER PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTROL DEVICES). INCLUDE AND LIMITATIONS OR MALFUNCTION POTENTIAL FOR THE PARTICULAR CONTROL DEVICES AS EMPLOYED AT THIS FACILITY. DETAIL PROCEDURES FOR ASSURING PROPER OPERATION OF THE CONTROL DEVICE INCLUDING MONITORING SYSTEMS AND MAINTENANCE TO BE PERFORMED. D. PROCESS AND OPERATIONAL COMPLIANCE ANALYSIS - (FORM E3 - TITLE V ONLY) - SHOWING HOW COMPLIANCE WILL BE ACHIEVED WHEN USING PROCESS, OPERATIONAL, OR OTHER DATA TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE. REFER TO COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS IN THE REGULATORY ANALYSIS IN ITEM "B" WHERE APPROPRIATE. LIST ANY CONDITIONS OR PARAMETERS THAT CAN BE MONITORED AND REPORTED TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. E PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SEAL - PURSUANT TO 15A NCAC 2Q .0112 "APPLICATION REQUIRING A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SEAL," A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN NORTH CAROLINA SHALL BE REQUIRED TO SEAL TECHNICAL PORTIONS OF THIS APPLICATION FOR NEW SOURCES AND MODIFICATIONS OF EXISTING SOURCES. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FURTHER APPLICABILITY). 1, Michael E. Johnson attest that this application for DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information supplied in the engineering plans, calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. l further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations. Although certain portions of this submittal package may have been developed by other professionals, inclusion of these materials under my seal signifies that l have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. (PLEASE USE BLUE INK TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING) PLACE NORTH CAROLINA SEAL HERE NAME: Michael E. Johnson DATE: September 12, 2014 CA�f7//�/i DuPont CO COMPANY: ny (� ADDRESS: 22828 QI yet ' le, NC O.OF O . TELEPHONE: 910-6 SEAL �', SIGNATURE: — 41399 = PAGES CERTIFIED; Sns deta DAQ � Q-_ Q "Gas & Dies nternal Combustion tNE ��`p`� Engin missions Calculator" (IDENTIFY ABOVE EACH PERMIT FORM AND ATTACHMENT THAT IS BEING CERTIFIED BY THIS SEAL) Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary -- See Attached Calculation Sheet DEQ-CFW 00071583 A Instructions: Enter emission source / facility data on the "INPUT" tablscreen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the "OUTPUT' tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.-DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. +`r`+ This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. WDENR DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS INFORMATION (FOR EMISSIONS INVENTORYPURPOSES) - CONSISTENT IMTH EPA MANDATORYREPORTING RULE (MRR) METHOD GHG - POTENTIAL TO EMIT NOT BASED ON EPA MRR METHOD DISTILLATE #2 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS - utilize max heat input capacity or horsepower and EPA MRR Emission Factors Requested Emission Limitation - utilize requested fuel limit and EPA MRR Emission Factors GREENHOUSE GAS EMITTED WILL NOT USE EPA MRR METHOD IF ONLY HOURS OF OPERATION ARE GIVEN metric tons/ r metric tons/ r, CO2e short tons/ r short tons/ r short tons/ r, CO2e short tons/ r short tons/ r, CO2e CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) no EPA method no EPA method no EPA method 984.85 984.85 11.24 11.24 METHANE (CHQ) no EPA method no EPA method no EPA method 3.99E-02 8.39E-01 4.56E-04 9.58E-03 NITROUS OXIDE (N20) no EPA method no EPA method no EPA method 7.99E-03 2.48E+00 9.12E-05 2.83E-02 TOTAL no EPA method TOTAL 988.16 TOTAL 11.28 NOTE: CO2e means CO2 equivalent. NOTE: The DAQ Air Emissions Reporting Online (AERO) system requires short tons be reported. The EPA MRR requires metric tons be reported. NOTE: Do not use greenhouse gas emission estimates from this spreadsheet for PSD (Prevention of Significant Deterioration) purposes. DEQ-CFW 00071584 Model: 125 R EOZJ G KOHLER. Power Systems 208-600 V Diesel 09001 Tier 3 EPA -Certified for EStationary Emergency Standard Features RR r R SYSTEMS NATIONALLY REGISTERED Applications • Kohler Co, provides one -source responsibility for the Ratings Range generating system and accessories. • The generator set and its components are 60 Hz Standby: kW 91-128 WA 91-160 Prime: kW 84-116 WA 84-145 Generator Set Ratings 130°C Rise 105°C Rise Standby Rating Prime Rating Alternator Voltage Ph Hz kW/kVA Amps kW/kVA Amps 120/208 3 60 124/155 430 114/143 396 127/220 3 60 125/156 410 114/143 374 120/240 3 60 124/155 373 114/143 343 120/240 1 60 91/91 379 84/84 350 4R12X 139/240 3 60 125/156 376 114/143 343 220/380 3 60 112/140 213 104/138 198 2771480 3 60 125/156 188 114/143 171 347/600 3 60 125/156 150 114/143 137 prototype -tested, factory -built, and production -tested. • The 60 Hz generator set offers a UL 2200 listing. • The generator set accepts rated load in one step, • The 60 Hz generator set meets NFPA 110, Level 1, when equipped with the necessary accessories and installed per NFPA standards. • A one-year limited warranty covers all systems and components. Two- and five-year extended warranties are also available. • Alternator features: o The unique Fast -Response' X excitation system delivers excellent voltage response and short-circuit capability using a rare-earth, permanent magnet (PM) -excited alternator. o The brushless, rotating -field alternator has broadrange reconnectability. • Other features: o Kohler designed controllers for guaranteed system integration and remote communication. See Controllers on page 3. o The low coolant level shutdown prevents overheating (standard on radiator models only). o Integral vibration isolation eliminates the need for under -unit vibration spring isolators. o Multiple circuit breaker configurations. 120/208 3 60 128/160 444 116/145 402 127/220 3 60 128/160 420 116/145 381 120/240 3 60 128/160 385 116/145 349 120/240 1 60 107/107 446 99/99 413 4R13X 139/240 3 60 128/160 385 116/145 349 220/380 3 60 124/155 235 116/145 220 277/480 3 60 128/160 192 116/145 174 347/600 3 60 127/158 153 114/142 137 4T13X 120/240 1 60 125/125 521 114/114 475 RATINGS: All three-phase units are rated at 0.8 power factor. All single-phase units are rated at 1.0 power factor. Standby Ratings: The standby rating is applicableto varying loads for the duration of a power outage. There is no overload capability for this rating. Prime Power Ratings: At varying load, the number of generator set operating hours is unlimited. A 10 % overload capacity is available for one hour in twelve. Ratings are in accordance with ISO-8528-1 and ISO-3046-1. For limited running time and continuous ratings, consult the factory. Obtain technical information bulletin (TIB-101) for ratings guidelines, complete ratings definitions, and site condition derates. The generator set manufacturer reserves the right to change the design or specifications without notice and without any obligation or liability whatsoever. G5-361 (180REOZJG) 5113e DEQ-CFW 00071585 Alternator Specifications Specifications Alternator Manufacturer Kohler Type 4-Pole, Rotating -Field Exciter type Brushless, Rare -Earth Permanent -Magnet Leads: quantity, type 4RX 12, Reconnectable 4TX 4, 120/240 Voltage regulator Solid State, Volts/Hz Insulation: NEMA MG1 Material Class H Temperature rise 130°C, Standby Bearing: quantity, type 1, Sealed Coupling Flexible Disc Amortisseur windings Full Voltage regulation, no-load to full -load Controller Dependent One-step load acceptance 100% of Rating Unbalanced load capability 100% of Rated Standby Current Peak motor starting kVA: (35% dip for voltages below) 480 V 4R12X (12 lead) 448 480 V 4R13X (12 lead) 540 240 V 4T13X (4 lead) 440 Engine Engine Specifications • NEMA MG1, IEEE, and ANSI standards compliance for temperature rise and motor starting. • Sustained short-circuit current of up to 300% of the rated current for up to 10 seconds. • Sustained short-circuit current enabling downstream circuit breakers to trip without collapsing the alternator field. • Self -ventilated and dripproof construction. • Vacuum -impregnated windings with fungus -resistant epoxy varnish for dependability and long life, • Superior voltage waveform from a two-thirds pitch stator and skewed rotor. Application Data Manufacturer John Deere Engine model 4046HF285 Engine type 4-Cycle, Turbocharged, Charge Air -Cooled Cylinder arrangement 4 Inline Displacement, L (cu. in.) 4.5(276) Bore and stroke, mm (in.) 106 x 127 (4.19 x 5.00) Compression ratio 19.0:1 Piston speed, m/min. (ft./min.) 457 (1500) Main bearings: quantity, type 5, Replaceable Insert Rated rpm 1800 Max. power at rated rpm, kWm (BHP) 147 (197) Cylinder head material Cast Iron Crankshaft material Forged Steel Valve material: Intake Chromium -Silicon Steel Exhaust Stainless Steel Governor: type, make/model JDEC Electronic L16 Denso HP3 Frequency regulation, no-load to full -load Isochronous Frequency regulation, steady state ±0.25% Frequency Fixed Air cleaner type, all models Dry Exhaust Exhaust System Exhaust manifold type Dry Exhaust flow at rated kW, m3/min. (cfm) 27.0 (953) Exhaust temperature at rated kW, dry exhaust, °C (°F) 580 (1076) Maximum allowable back pressure, kPa (in, Hg) 7.5 (2.2) Exhaust outlet size at engine hookup, mm (in.) 98 (3.86) Engine Electrical Engine Electrical System Battery charging alternator: 12 Volt Ground (negative/positive) Negative Volts (DC) 12 Ampere rating 65 Starter motor rated voltage (DC) 12 Battery, recommended cold cranking amps (CCA): Quantity, CCA rating each One, 800 Battery voltage (DC) 12 Fuel Fuel System Fuel supply line, min. ID, mm (in.) 11.0 (0.44) Fuel return line, min. ID, mm (in.) 6.0 (0.25) Max. lift, fuel pump: type, m (ft.) Mechanical, 1.8 (6.0) Max. fuel flow, Lph (gph) 90.0 (23.8) Max. return line restriction, kPa (in. Hg) 20(5.9) Fuel prime pump Manual Fuel filter Primary 30 Microns Secondary 2 Microns @ 98% Efficiency Water Separator Yes Recommended fuel #2 Diesel Lubrication Lubricating System Type Full Pressure Oil pan capacity, L (qt.) 27.0 (28.5) Oil pan capacity with filter, L (qt.) 27.9 (29.5) Oil filter: quantity, type 1, Cartridge Oil cooler Water -Cooled G5-361 (180REOZJG) 5/13e DEQ-CFW 00071586 Application Data Controllers Cooling Radiator System Ambient temperature, °C (°F) * 50 (122) Engine jacket water capacity, L (gal.) 8.5 (2.25) Radiator system capacity, including engine, L (gal.) 192 (5.1) Engine jacket water flow, Lpm (gpm) 180 (48) Heat rejected to cooling water at rated kW, dry exhaust, kW (Btu/min.) 72 (4098) Heat rejected to air charge cooler at rated kW, dry exhaust, kW (Btu/min.) 26.5 (1508) Water pump type Centrifugal Fan diameter, including blades, mm (in.) 660 (26) Fan, kWm (HP) 7.7 (10.3) Max. restriction of cooling air, intake and discharge side of radiator, kPa (in. H2O) 0.125 (0.5) * Enclosure with enclosed silencer reduces ambient temperature capability by YC (9°F). Operation Requirements Air Requirements Radiator -cooled cooling air, m3/min. (scfm)$ 226.5 (8000) Combustion air, m3/min. (cfm) 9.65 (341) Heat rejected to ambient air: Engine, kW (Btu/min.) 30.4 (1730) Alternator, kW (Btu/min.) 13.5 (770) $ Air density = 1.20 kg/m3 (0.075 Ibm/ft3) Fuel Consumption Diesel, Lph (gph) at % load Standby Rating 100% 37.4 (9.9) 75% 29.0 (7.6) 50% 21.1 (5.6) 25% 11.4 (3.0) Diesel, Lph (gph) at % load Prime Rating 100% 34.8 (9.2) 75% 26.9 (7.1) 50% 19.5 (5.1) 25% 10.6 (2.8) Decision -Maker° 3000 Controller Provides advanced control, system monitoring, and system diagnostics for optimum performance and compatibility. • Digital display and menu control provide easy local data access • Measurements are selectable in metric or English units • Remote communication thru a PC via network or serial configuration • Controller supports Modbus® protocol • Integrated hybrid voltage regulator with ±0.5% regulation • Built-in alternator thermal overload protection • NFPA 110 Level 1 capability Refer to G6-100 for additional controller features and accessories. Decision -Maker" 550 Controller Provides advanced control, system monitoring, and system diagnostics with remote monitoring capabilities. • Digital display and keypad provide easy local data access • Measurements are selectable in metric or English units • Remote communication thru a PC via network or modem configuration • Controller supports Modbus® protocol • Integrated voltage regulator with ±0.25% regulation • Built-in alternator thermal overload protection • NFPA 110 Level 1 capability Refer to G6-46 for additional controller features and accessories. Decision-Makero 6Paralleling Controller Provides advanced control, system monitoring, and system diagnostics with remote monitoring capabilities for paralleling multiple generator sets. • Paralleling capability with first -on logic, synchronizer, kW and kVAR load sharing, and protective relays • Digital display and keypad provide easy local data access • Measurements are selectable in metric or English units • Remote communication thru a PC via network or modem configuration • Controller supports Modbus® protocol • Integrated voltage regulator with ±0.25% regulation • Built-in alternator thermal overload protection • NFPA 110 Level 1 capability Refer to G6-107 for additional controller features and accessories. G5-361 (180REOZJG) 5/13e DEQ-CFW 00071587 KOHLER CO., Kohler, Wisconsin 53044 USA Phone 920-457-4441, Fax 920-459-1646 For the nearest sales and service outlet in the US and Canada, phone 1-800-544-2444 KOHLERPower.com Standard Features • Alternator Protection • Battery Rack and Cables • Customer Connection (standard with Decision -Maker® 6000 controller only) • Local Emergency Stop Switch • Oil Drain Extension • Operation and Installation Literature Available Options Approvals and Listings ❑ California OSHPD Approval ❑ CSA Approval ❑ IBC Seismic Certification ❑ UL 2200 Listing Enclosed Unit ❑ Sound Enclosure (with enclosed critical silencer) ❑ Weather Enclosure (with enclosed critical silencer) Open Unit ❑ Exhaust Silencer, Critical (kit: PA-354809) ❑ Flexible Exhaust Connector, Stainless Steel Fuel System ❑ Flexible Fuel Lines ❑ Fuel Pressure Gauge ❑ Subbase Fuel Tanks Controller ❑ Common Failure Relay ❑ Communication Products and PC Software ❑ Customer Connection (Decision -Maker® 550 controller only) ❑ Decision -Maker® Paralleling System (DPS) (Decision -Maker® 6000 controller only) ❑ Dry Contact (isolated alarm) (Decision -Maker® 550 and 6000 controllers only) ❑ Input/Output Module (Decision -Maker® 3000 controller only) ❑ Remote Emergency Stop Switch ❑ Remote Serial Annunciator Panel ❑ Run Relay Cooling System ❑ Block Heater, 1500 W, 90-120 V, 1 Ph Recommended for ambient temperatures below 0°C (32°F) ❑ Radiator Duct Flange Electrical System ❑ Alternator Strip Heater ❑ Battery ❑ Battery Charger, Equalize/Float Type ❑ Battery Heater ❑ Line Circuit Breaker (NEMA type 1 enclosure) ❑ Line Circuit Breaker with Shunt Trip (NEMA type 1 enclosure) Paralleling System ❑ Manual Speed Adjust Kohler Power Systems Asia Pacific Headquarters 7 Jurong Pier Road Singapore 619159 Phone (65) 6264-6422, Fax (65) 6264-6455 Miscellaneous ❑ Air Cleaner, Heavy Duty ❑ Air Cleaner Restriction Indicator ❑ Certified Test Report ❑ Crankcase Emissions Canister ❑ Engine Fluids Added ❑ Rated Power Factor Testing ❑ Rodent Guards Literature ❑ General Maintenance ❑ NFPA 110 ❑ Overhaul ❑ Production Warranty ❑ 2-Year Basic ❑ 5-Year Basic ❑ 5-Year Comprehensive Other Options 1000 Dimensions and Weights Overall Size, L x W x H, mm (in.): Weight (radiator model), wet, kg (lb.) 2700 x 1120 x 1527 (106.3 x 44.1 x 60.1) 1270 (2800) H ❑ ❑ L NOTE: This drawing is provided for reference only and should not be used for planning installation. Contact your local distributor for more detailed information. DISTRIBUTED BY: © 2011, 2012, 2013 by Kohler Co. All rights reserved. G5-361 (180REOZJG) 5/13e DEQ-CFW 00071588 I t PowerTech Tm E 4045HF285 Diesel Engine OJOHN DEERE Industrial Auxiliary Engine with US EPA Marine Tier 3 Emissions Certification for US Waterways Certifications EPA Marine Tier General data Model Number of cylinders Displacement —L(cu in) Bore and Stroke —mm (in) Engine Type Aspiration 4045H shown Engine dimensions Dimensions may vary according to options selected. Contact your distributor for more information. 4045HF285 Length—mm(in)to rear of block 860(33.9) 4 Width—mm(in) 612(24.1) 4.5(275) Height —mm (in) 1039 (40.9) 106 x 127 (4.17 x 5.0) Weight, dry —kg (lb) 491(1082) In -line, 4-cycle Turbocharged and air-to-air aftercooled See your John Deere marine dealer ore ngine distributor for complete specifications on our full line of auxiliary drive engines. Performance Data Engine power Generator Rated fan power Power Calculated generator set output Rated speed Standby Prime efficiency factor Standby Prime kW hp kW hp % kW hp kVa kWe kVa kWe 129 kW @ 1800 rpm 129 173 117 157 88-92 7.7 10.4 0.8 133-139 107-112 121-127 97-101 DEQ-CFW 00071589 Features and benefits 2-Valve Cylinder Head —Cross flow head design that provides excellent breathing from a lower cost two -valve cylinder head High -Pressure Common -Rail (HPCR) and Engine Control Unit (ECU) — The HPCR fuel system provides variable common -rail pressure, multiple injections, and higher injection pressures, up to 1600 bar (23,000 psi). It also controls fuel injection timing and provides precise control for the start, duration, and end of the injection Fixed Geometry Turbocharger (VGT) — Fixed geometry turbochargers are sized for a specific power range and optimized to provide excellent performance across the entire torq ue curve. They are also designed to maximize fuel economy between the engine's rated speed and peak torque. Air -to -Air Aftercooled —This is the most efficient method of cooling intake air to help reduce engine emissions while maintaining low -speed torque, transient response time, and peak torque. It enables an engine to meet emissions regulations with better fuel economy and the lowest installed costs Multiple Injection Strategy —The new HPCR fuel system and engine control unit (ECU) allow for multiple fuel injections. The number of fuel injections, based on speed and load, help contribute to lower combustion temperatures, which reduce the formation of NOx and particulates. The multiple injection strategy also provides an added benefit of noise reduction Compact Size — Mounting points arethe same as Tier 2/Stage II engine models John Deere Electronic Engine Controls — PowerTech E engines offer electronically controlled fuel systems with improved col d-start performance, precise engine speed control, torque curve shaping and more. Because these systems have less need for redundant sensors, add -on electronic governors, and shutdown devices — they result in a lower total installed cost. Additional Features — Self-adjusting poly-vee fan drive — Forged -steel connecting rods — Replaceable wet -type cylinder liners — Either -side service — 500-hour oil change — Standard gear auxiliary drive John Deere Power Systems Allvoluesatrated speedand power with standard options un less otherwise noted. 3801 W. Ridgeway Ave. Design and data subject to change without notice. See your engine distributor for PO Box 5100 details. Waterloo, IA 50704-5100 Phone:800.553.6446 Litho in U.S.A (14-04) © 2014 JOHN DEERE Fax: 319,292.5075 DEQ-CFW 00071590 EPA nonroad emissions regulations new source performance standard (NSPS) " 0�. 0-6 1 :: II• 1 0-7 0-10 0 40 I ) 77_5� a I g i 1 8-18 11-24 0.40� 1 1 1, 19-36 25-49 7.5 0.30 N 4_7 0.03 4_7 Option i 4.7 37-55 50-74 0.30 1* 10.03 f� 4_7' 9 0.03 h P 7 _ 3.4 I + 0.40 Y 56-74 75-99 0.19 0.191 W 0.02 0.02 p I r 3.4 0.401 75-129 0.19 0.19 �100-174 0.02 0.02 130-224 175-299 2.0 0.40 225-449 300-599 0.19 0.19 600-749 a 750 6-4 0.20 0.02 3.5 0.19 I t 0.02 1 7 4SO-559 z 560 3.5 0.191 i 0.10 „ 0.04 *In the 50 to 75 horsepower category there are two options. Option 1 requires a reduced PM level (.30 vs .40) but allows Final Tier 4 to be delayed one year (2013). NOTE: The vertical dashed lines separating the years show when the seven-year life of the Tier 2/3 Equipment Flexibility Provision ends and engines can no longer be placed in vehicle production. The new source performance standard (NSPS) required most stationary engines to be Tier 1 compatible on 01 April 2006 and meet current nonroad mobile standards after 01 January 2007. EPA: Environmental Protection Agency EU: European Union EU nonroad emissions regulations constant speed NMI 0 7 0-10 1 Not regulated in EU u f 8 18 11 24! Not regulated in EU l ---- 8.0 19-36 25-49 1.5 0.80 1 ll 7.0 r 3756 50-74i'1.31 0.40 57-74 75-99 7.0 �i 1.3 1 0.40 6.0 75-129 100-174 1.0 ! 0.30 1 6.0 130-559 175-749 1.0 tl 0.20 r i z560 750 Not regulated in EU Legend EPA Tier Interim Tier 4 FinalTier4 EU Stage 11 Stage III B Stage IV Examples NOx 2.0 NMHC 0.19 PM 0.025 2.0, the maximum amount of nitrogen oxides (NOx) allowed in g/kWh. 0.19, the maximum amount of nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC) allowed in g/kWh. 0.025, the maximum amount of particulate matter (PM) allowed in g/kWh. NMHC+NOx 1 7_5 PM 0.80 7.5, the maximum amount of NMHC + NOx allowed in g/kWh. 0.80, the maximum amount of PM allowed in g/kWh. European Union directive 97/68/EC requires constant speed engines, such as mobile gen-sets, meet Stage II emissions levels on 01 January 2007. The directive also requires constant speed engines meet Stage III A emissions levels beginning 01 January 2011. FORM E1 TITLE V GENERAL INFORMATION REVISED: 12/01/01 Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E1 IF YOUR FACILITY IS CLASSIFIED AS "MAJOR" FOR TITLE V YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS FORM AND ALL OTHER REQUIRED "E" FORMS (E2 THROUGH E5 AS APPLICABLE) Indicate here if your facility is subject to Title V by: I] Emissions ❑ Other If subject to Title V by other, check or specify: ❑ NSPS ❑ NESHAPS (MACT) ❑ TITLE IV Other, specify: If you are or will be subject to any maximum achievable control technology standards (MACT) issued pursuant to section 112(d) of the Clean Air Act, specify below: EMISSION SOURCE EMISSION SOURCE ID DESCRIPTION MACT "MON MACT" Throughout Facility Facility Wide (40 CFR Part 63 Subpart FFFF) PS -A, PS-B, Natural Gas I No. 2 fuel oil - CAA § 1120); Case -by -Case MACT for PS-C, PS -Temp fired boilers Boilers & Process Heaters RICE-01, RICE-02, Stationary Reciprocating "RICE MACT" RICE-03 Internal Combustion Engines (40 CFR Part 63 Subpart ZZZZ) List any additional regulation which are requested to be included in the shield and provide a detailed explanation as to why the shield should be granted: EMISSION SOURCE REGULATION (Include ID) EXPLANATION Comments: This permit modification is to allow for the installation of a new emergency generator that is driven by a diesel engine (ID No. RICE-03) that is subject to the RICE MACT of Part 63 Subpart ZZZZ. Two existing stationary engines (ID Nos. RICE-01 and RICE-02) have been reported to NC DAQ via the RICE survey and will be added to the DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works' Title V Air Permit as part of the permit renewal, which is currently underway. Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071592 FORM E2 EMISSION SOURCE APPLICABLE REGULATION LISTING REVISED 12/( Division of Air Qualitv - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E2 EMISSION SOURCE ID NO. EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION OPERATING SCENARIO INDICATE PRIMARY (P) OR ALTERNATIVE (A) POLLUTANT APPLICABLE REGULATION ES 1 Coall Wood Boiler P - Coal PM NCAC 2D .0503 A - Wood PM NCAC 2D .0504 RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine P - Diesel fuel S02 NCAC 2D .0516 RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine P - Diesel fuel VE NCAC 213.0521 RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine P - Diesel fuel NMHC 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine P - Diesel fuel NOX 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine P - Diesel fuel CO 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine P - Diesel fuel PM 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine P - Diesel fuel HAP 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071593 FORM E3 EMISSION SOURCE COMPLIANCE METHOD REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division Of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E3 Regulated Pollutant S02 Emission Source ID NO. RICE-03 Applicable Regulation NCAC 2D.0516 Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) NO: 1 ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE TO EXPAND ON ANY OF THE BELOW COMMENTS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS._ Is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) 40 CFR Part 64 Applicable? ❑ Yes No If yes, is CAM Plan Attached (if applicable, CAM plan must be attached)? ❑ Yes 0 No Describe Monitoring Device Type: Not applicable Describe Monitoring Location: Not applicable Other Monitoring Methods (Describe In Detail): Not applicable Describe the frequency and duration of monitoring and how the data will be recorded (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS Data (Parameter) being recording: None Frequency of recordkeeping (How often is data recorded?): Not applicable REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Generally describe what is being reported: Not applicable Frequency: ❑ MONTHLY ❑ QUARTERLY ❑ EVERY 6 MONTHS ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): TESTING Specify proposed reference test method: Not applicable Specify reference test method rule and citation: Not applicable Specify testing frequency: Not applicable NOTE - Proposed test method subject to approval and possible change during the test protocol process Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071594 FORM E3 EMISSION SOURCE COMPLIANCE METHOD REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division Of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E3 Regulated Pollutant Visible emissions Emission Source ID No. RICE-03 Applicable Regulation NCAC 211.0521 Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) NO: 1 ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE TO EXPAND ON ANY OF THE BELOW COMMENTS 'MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) 40 CFR Part 64 Applicable? ❑ Yes Q No If yes, is CAM Plan Attached (if applicable, CAM plan must be attached)? ❑ Yes 0 No Describe Monitoring Device Type: Not applicable Describe Monitoring Location: Not applicable Other Monitoring Methods (Describe In Detail): Not applicable Describe the frequency and duration of monitoring and how the data will be recorded (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): RECORDKEEPING,. REQUIREMENTS Data (Parameter) being recording: None Frequency of recordkeeping (How often is data recorded?): Not applicable REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Generally describe what is being reported: Not applicable Frequency: ❑ MONTHLY ❑ QUARTERLY ❑ EVERY 6 MONTHS ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): TESTING Specify proposed reference test method: Not applicable Specify reference test method rule and citation: Not applicable Specify testing frequency: Not applicable NOTE - Proposed test method subject to approval and possible change during the test protocol process Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071595 FORM E3 EMISSION SOURCE COMPLIANCE METHOD REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division Of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate I E3 Regulated Pollutant Nonmethane hydrocarbon Emission Source ID NO. RICE-03 Applicable Regulation 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) NO: I ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE TO EXPAND ON ANY OF THE BELOW COMMENTS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) 40 CFR Part 64 Applicable? ❑ Yes No If yes, is CAM Plan Attached (if applicable, CAM plan must be attached)? ❑ Yes No Describe Monitoring Device Type: Not applicable Describe Monitoring Location: Not applicable Other Monitoring Methods (Describe In Detail): Not applicable Describe the frequency and duration of monitoring and how the data will be recorded (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS Data (Parameter) being recording: None Frequency of recordkeeping (How often is data recorded?): Not applicable REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Generally describe what is being reported: Not applicable Frequency: ❑ MONTHLY ❑ QUARTERLY ❑ EVERY 6 MONTHS ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): TESTING Specify proposed reference test method: Not applicable Specify reference test method rule and citation: Not applicable Specify testing frequency: Not applicable NOTE - Proposed test method subject to approval and possible change during the test protocol process Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071596 FORM E3 EMISSION SOURCE COMPLIANCE METHOD REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division Of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E3 Regulated Pollutant Carbon monoxide Emission Source ID NO. RICE-03 Applicable Regulation 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) NO: I ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE TO EXPAND ON ANY OF THE BELOW COMMENTS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) 40 CFR Part 64 Applicable? ❑ Yes No If yes, is CAM Plan Attached (if applicable, CAM plan must be attached)? ❑ Yes 0 No Describe Monitoring Device Type: Not applicable Describe Monitoring Location: Not applicable Other Monitoring Methods (Describe In Detail): Not applicable Describe the frequency and duration of monitoring and how the data will be recorded (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS Data (Parameter) being recording: None Frequency of recordkeeping (How often is data recorded?): Not applicable REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Generally describe what is being reported: Not applicable Frequency: ❑ MONTHLY ❑ QUARTERLY ❑ EVERY 6 MONTHS ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): TESTING Specify proposed reference test method: Not applicable Specify reference test method rule and citation: Not applicable Specify testing frequency: Not applicable NOTE - Proposed test method subject to approval and possible change during the test protocol process Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071597 FORM E3 EMISSION SOURCE COMPLIANCE METHOD REVISED 12/01 /01 NCDENR/Division Of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate r E3 Regulated Pollutant Particulate matter Emission Source ID NO. RICE-03 Applicable Regulation 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) NO: I ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE TO EXPAND ON ANY OF THE BELOW COMMENTS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) 40 CFR Part 64 Applicable? ❑ Yes No If yes, is CAM Plan Attached (if applicable, CAM plan must be attached)? ❑ Yes No Describe Monitoring Device Type: Not applicable Describe Monitoring Location: Not applicable Other Monitoring Methods (Describe In Detail): Not applicable Describe the frequency and duration of monitoring and how the data will be recorded (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS Data (Parameter) being recording: None Frequency of recordkeeping (How often is data recorded?): Not applicable REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Generally describe what is being reported: Not applicable Frequency: ❑ MONTHLY ❑ QUARTERLY ❑ EVERY 6 MONTHS ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): TESTING Specify proposed reference test method: Not applicable Specify reference test method rule and citation: Not applicable Specify testing frequency: Not applicable NOTE - Proposed test method subject to approval and possible change during the test protocol process Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071598 t � 4 FORM E3 =U1Qc1nnl -qr)l IRCF CC)MPLIANCE METHOD REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division Of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E3 Regulated Pollutant HAP Emission Source ID NO. RICE-03 Applicable Regulation 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) NO: I ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE TO EXPAND ON ANY OF THE BELOW COMMENTS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) 40 CFR Part 64 Applicable? ❑ Yes 0 No If yes, is CAM Plan Attached (if applicable, CAM plan must be attached)? ❑ Yes FRI No Describe Monitoring Device Type: Non-resettable hour meter Describe Monitoring Location: Meter is located on the diesel engine Other Monitoring Methods (Describe In Detail): Not applicable Describe the frequency and duration of monitoring and how the data will be recorded (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): The hours recorded on the non-resettable hour meter will be documented in a logbook (written or electronic format) at least once per year. RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS Data (Parameter) being recording: The hours recorded on the non-resettable hour meter Frequency of recordkeeping (How often is data recorded?): At least once per year REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Generally describe what is being reported: The hours recorded on the non-resettable hour meter Frequency: ❑ MONTHLY ❑ QUARTERLY ❑ EVERY 6 MONTHS O OTHER (DESCRIBE): Upon request by NCDAQ representative TESTING Specify proposed reference test method: Not applicable Specify reference test method rule and citation: Not applicable Specify testing frequency: Not applicable NOTE - Proposed test method subject to approval and possible change during the test protocol process Attach Additional SneetS AS Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071599 FORM E4 EMISSION SOURCE COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE Revised 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate I E4 COMPLIANCE STATUS WITH RESPECT TO ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS Will each emission source at your facility be in compliance with all applicable requirements at the time of permit issuance and continue to comply with these requirements? 0 Yes ❑ No If NO, complete A through F below for each requirement for which compliance is not achieved. Will your facility be in compliance with all applicable requirements taking effect during the term of the permit and meet such requirements on a timely basis? ® Yes ❑ No If NO, complete A through F below for each requirement for which compliance is not achieved. If this application is for a modification of existing emissions source(s), is each emission source currently in compliance with all applicable requirements? 0 Yes ❑ No If NO, complete A through F below for each requirement for which compliance is not achieved. A. Emission Source Description (Include ID NO.) B. Identify applicable requirement for which compliance is not achieved: C. Narrative description of how compliance will be achieved with this applicable requirements: D. Detailed Schedule of Compliance: Step(s) E. Frequency for submittal of progress reports (6 month minimum): F. Starting date of submittal of progress reports: Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary Date Expected DEQ-CFW 00071600 A, FORM E5 TITLE V COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION (Required),W p Mft SOCOW Revised 01/01/07 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate In accordance with the provisions of Title 15A NCAC 2Q .0520 and .0515(b)(4), the responsible company official of.• SITE NAME: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works SITE ADDRESS: 22828 NC Hiqhwav 87 W CITY, NC: Fayetteville, NC 28306-7332 COUNTY: Bladen PERMIT NUMBER: 03735T38 CERTIFIES THAT (Check the appropriate statement): Fx1 The facility is in compliance with all applicable requirements ❑ In accordance with the provisions of Title 15A NCAC 2Q .0515(b)(4) the responsible company official certififies that the proposed minor modification meets the criteria for using the procedures set out in 2Q .0515 and requests that these procedures be used to process the permit application. ❑ The facility is not currently in compliance with all applicable requirements If this box is checked, you must also complete form E4 "Emission Source Compliance Schedule" The undersigned certifies under the penalty of law, that all information and statements provided in the application, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, are true, accurate, and complete. Signature I r' company official (RY41REk, USE BLUE INK) Ellis H. McGaughy, Plant Manager Name, Title of responsible company official (Type or print) Date: 09-12-2014 E5I DEQ-CFW 00071601 Zoning Consistency Determination Facility Name DuPont Company — Fayetteville Works Facility Street Address 22828 NC Highway 87 W Facility City Duart Township, Bladen County, North Carolina Description of Processes Stationary Diesel Engine for Emergency Electrical Generator SIC Code/NAICS 2869 / 325120 Facility Contact Michael E. Johnson, PE Phone Number (910) 678-1155 Mailing Address 22828 NC Highway 87 W Mailing City, State Zip Fayetteville, NC 28306-7332 Based on the information given above: 0 I have received a copy of the air permit application (draft or final) AND... C1 The proposed operation IS consistent with applicable zoning and subdivision ordinances Agency Name of Designated Official Title of Designated Official Signature Date Bladen County Planning Department Greg Elkins Planning Director September 12, 2014 0 Please forward to the mailing address listed above and the air quality offices listed below: Attn: Major Source Review Branch Supervisor NCDENR — Division of Air Quality Permitting Section 1641 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1641 Mr. Steven F. Vozzo NCDENR — Division of Air Quality Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street — Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 DEQ-CFW 00071602 NCDENR-FRO DIVISION - AIR QUALITY 225 GREEN STREET, SUITE 714 FAYETTEVILLE NC 28301 DENR - DIVISIONAIR QUALITY PERMITS SECTION ATTN.• HEATHER SANAS 1641 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1641