HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00083690From: Cohen, Mandy [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=17FG7DE12B7949718F44D59I3FB7FZ7A-PWCOHEN] Sent: 9/6/20I76:03:20PM To: Weiner, Sadie [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8DHFZ33PDLT)/cn=Recipient$cn=df98bd64929O43eeaab54e589dd7d1bZ'asweiner];Ta||ey,Noe||e5 [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cd9[3Q8%4%I745bcb5a6Ocbe8Icdff89'nstaUey];Kritzer,]amie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49d01445a3b541bb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer] CC: Mackey, Chris [/u=ExchangpLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Redpient$cn=aef8f6bOGb2342c5b282ae0Dd2b45lce-cmackey]];8enton,K8ark [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Redpient$cn=f464O49Ode444ep7a4OG84877891p3fl-mbenton2] Subject: FVV: News release Attachments: GenX groundwater news release cohen.docx Not sure who has the pen on this. I edited this down a bit. Have a few questions about ground water standard. I deleted the DEQ testing plan — since we need to talk about what and how they would do that given chemors is also testing. Sent: Wednesday, September 6ZO17lZ:ZSPK4 To: Mackey, Chris ;Ti|son, Betsey Cohen, Mandy Subject: RE: News release My quick feedback --- see attached From: Mackey, Chris Sent: Wednesday, September 6,ZOl71Z:U6PK4 To: Benton, Mark � �Ti|son, Betsey ; Cohen, Mandy Subject: FVV: News release From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Wednesday, September 6,JOl711:S4AM To: Talley, NoeUe8 Mackey Chris Cc: Kritzer, Jamie Subject: News release NoeUe\[hhs, Here's what I banged out in the last little bit. Had to have one of our scientists up here to read some of the more technical stuff over myshoulder. Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919-707-8602 011461ya q. . ....... 100 01 Re- abe s Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized State official. Unauthorized disclosure of juvenile, health, legally privileged, or otherwise confidential information, including confidential information relating to an ongoing State procurement effort, is prohibited by law. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all records of this email. DEQ-CFW-00083691