HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920315 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_199207064 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor William W Cobey, Jr., Secretary Honorable George Town of Weldon P.O. Box 551 July 6, 1992 W. Draper, Jr. Weldon, N.C. 27890 Dear Mr. Draper: Subject: Proposed Fill in Water or Wetlands Sewer line replacement Halifax County DEM Project # 92315 George T Everett, Ph.D. Director Upon review of your request for Water Quality Certification to place fill material in 0.20 acres of wetlands for sewer replacement located at Weldon from proposed cogeneration plant to existing sewer plant in Halifax County, we have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2664 issued January 21, 1992. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 12. If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney at 919/733-1786. Sincerely, P eston Howard, Jr. P I GTE:JD Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regional Office Raleigh DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files kl(IUNAL01:11('ES A,heville Mr. 1a4.g§iHcer LowMo),r,?,&T• Gre i,?I?Lnd AsWtiV,4,4,rres Wilmington 704/251-6208 919/4861541 704/663169) 919/571-47(X) 919/946-(A81 919/395-31XX) Winston-Salem 919/896 TX17 Pollution Prevention Pays PO Box 29535, k ngh, North ( arolina 276204)535 Iclcphonc 919.733-7015 A, hpi.d (Iprr n unite Af irmaow N nun I ph", ?1119192 June 29, 1992 MEMORANDUM To: John Dorney Through: Arthur Mouberry, .E.- Regional Supervisor Donnelly, P.E.- Regional Water Quality Supervisor From: Izl`? Karl Shaffer- Soil Scientist Subject: 401 Certification Applications Projects No. 92293, 92315, 92312, and 92322 None of the above projects warranted a site inspection, due to minimal extent of impacted wetland acreage, area or type of wetland impacted, or type of project proposed. Each will be referenced with watershed classifications: 1. Project No. 92293. White Oak Creek Crossing. Johnston County. This consistes of three creek crossings with sanitary sewer lines. All impacts will be adjacent to the creek channels, and should not impact water quality, with the exception of some construction impacts. All three creeks are class C NSW in the Neuse River Basin. Recommend the 401 be issued with general certification and conditions. 2. Project No. 92315. Town of Weldon. Halifax County. This project consists of 0.2 acres of impact by constructing a sewer line to connect a new co-generation facility with the existing sewer plant. The sewer line is to be placed in existing easements, and finish grade to be restored to original contours. The drainage is to the Roanoke River, class C. Recommend the 401 be issued with general certification and conditions. 3. Project No. 92312. New Hope Road Part III. Wake County. This project is for roadway re-alignment and will impact 0.5 acres of wetlands. I expect that the wetlands are relatively of low value. Erosion and sedimentation concerns have been addressed. The area drains to an unnamed tributary of Crabtree Creek, class C NSW, Neuse watershed. Recommend that a 401 be issued with the conditions to insure that E&S are accounted for. 4. Project No. 92322. NC DOT Bridge Replacement. Johnston County. This is to be an impact of 0.05 acres for a bridge replacement over SR 1700. The stream, Cattail Creek, is class C NSW in the Neuse watershed. Recommend a 401 be issued with general certification and conditions. r' C....64 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY -?a WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 r S WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 ! r? ,"r IN REPLY REFER TO September 25, 1992 VJaLANUSGRf!I" TMVATFR Q JAI_ITt k 'I Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199202539 and Nationwide Permit No. 12 (Utility Line Backfill and Bedding) Town of Weldon Attn: Honorable George W. Draper, Jr. P.O. Box 551 Weldon, North Carolina 27890 Dear Mr. Draper: Reference the application of June 11, 1992, submitted on your behalf by F.T. Green and Associates, for Department of the Army authorization to discharge fill material within waters of the United States, impacting 0.2 acre of wetlands adjacent to tributaries of the Roanoke River, in Roanoke Rapids and Weldon, Halifax County, North Carolina. The work is for backfill and bedding for sewer and water mains. For the purposes of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits. Authorization, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, was provided for the discharge of material for backfill or bedding for utility lines, including outfall and intake structures, provided there is no change in pre- construction contours. Your work is authorized by this nationwide permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions. This nationwide permit does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain any required State or local approval. You should contact Mr. John Dorney of the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management at (919) 733-1786 regarding a State Water Quality Certification. This verification will be valid for 2 years from the date of this letter unless the nationwide authorization is modified, reissued, or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the 2 years if, during that period, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the nationwide permit authorization. If during the 2 years, the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity r _ V- -2- would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within 12 months of the date of the nationwide permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend, or revoke the authorization. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Eric Alsmeyer, Raleigh Regulatory Field office, at telephone (919) 876-8441, extension 23. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copy Furnished (with enclosure): F.T. Green and Associates Attn: Lester Lowe Post Office Box 609 Wilson, North Carolina 27893 Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of / Environment, Health and V Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 n A^ F.T.GREEN& ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS / PLANNERS / SURVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 809 1 303 NORTH GOLDSBORO STREET / WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA 27893 TELEPHONE (919) 2375385 June 9, 1992 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Planning P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Atten: Mr. John Dorney Re: 401 Certification Concurrence Town of Weldon Sanitary Sewer Improvements Dear Mr. Dorney: JUN 12 1,992 WATER OUN. i i'Y Per our conversation on June 8, 1992, I am enclosing seven (7) copies of the joint application and reference map for your review and acceptance under the 401 general certification in association with the Nationwide # 12. A copy has also been sent to the Corps as required. I trust this information is sufficient for your review. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, F. T. GREEN & SSOCIATES, P. A. es er 27e? - LL/ bwb Attachment cc: Mr. George W. Draper, Mayor U.S. Army Corps (Wilmington District) Mr. Eric Alsmeyer (Raleigh Field Office) D23.060992 DEM ID: ? Z -3?? ACTION ID: JOINT APPLICATION FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E if WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENT ? NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIR A U __ AND NATURAL RESOURC P.O. BOX 29535 JUN 12 ?99Q RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 251- 511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-508 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: Town of Weldon 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: ' P.O. Box-55.1.: 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME): N/A (WORK): (919) 536-4836 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: Honorable George W. Draper, Jr. Box 551 Weldon North Carolina 27890 (919).536-4836 5. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK (ATTACH MAP). COUNTY: Halifax. NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: Weldon SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.): Proiect phase runs from the proposed cogeneration plant to the existing sewer plant -within existing easements. 6. NAME OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: Roanoke River 7. RIVER BASIN: Roanoke River Basin 8. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A WATERSHED CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, OR WS II? YES [ ] NO [x] 9. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [ ] NO [X] IF YES, EXPLAIN. 10. ESTIMATED'TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: .20 Acres 2/3/92 r . -2- 11. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLAND IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT: FILLED: DRAINED: FLOODED: EXCAVATED: .20 (restored to original contour elevation after) TOTAL IMPACTED: .20 construction 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS): Installation of an 8" force main and 27" ? sewer main to replace an existing outfall line 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: to enhance to the town's sewer collection system to better serve the needs of the current and future wastewater requ 14. STATE REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS. Sewer line installation is being placed in existing easements Any impacts to wetlands will be minimal and immediately upon pipe installation those areas will be restored to original contour elevations, dressed up and seeded to avoid prolonged disturbance. 15.. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE N/A (USFWS) AND/OR-NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [ ] NO [ ] RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE ATTACHED. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER N/A (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [ ] NO [ ] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE ATTACHED. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: N/A A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS. AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY FROJE C7. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. E. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? F. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? To N - p? e Id n y -11-92 ' SIGNATURE DATE w 1u I, Y -15- NATIONWIDE PERMIT # 12: UTILITY LINE BACKFILL AND BEDDING. STATUS IN NORTH CAROLINA: ISSUED. AUTHORIZES DISCHARGES OF MATERIAL FOR BACKFILL OR BEDDING FOR UTILITY LINES, INCLUDING OUTFALL AND INTAKE STRUCTURES, PROVIDED THERE IS NO CHANGE IN PRECONSTRUCTION CONTOURS. UTILITY LINE IS ANY PIPE OR PIPELINE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF ANY GASEOUS, LIQUID, LIQUEFIABLE, OR SLURRY SUBSTANCE, FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND ANY CABLE, LINE, OR WIRE FOR THE TRANSMISSION FOR ANY PURPOSE OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY, TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH MESSAGES, AND RADIO AND TELEVISION COMMUNICATION. DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ACTIVITIES WHICH DRAIN A WATER OF THE U.S., SUCH AS DRAINAGE TILE. SECTION 404 ONLY. NATIONWIDE CONDITIONS: STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS AND THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: 1. MATERIAL RESULTING FROM TRENCH EXCAVATION AND MAY BE TEMPORARILY SIDECAST INTO WATERS OF THE U.S. PROVIDED THAT THE MATERIAL IS NOT PLACED IN SUCH A MANNER THAT IT IS DISPERSED BY CURRENTS OR OTHER FORCES AND MUST BE REMOVED WITHIN THREE MONTHS. 2. IN WETLANDS, THE TOP 6" TO 12" OF THE TRENCH SHOULD GENERALLY BE BACKFILLED WITH TOPSOIL FROM THE TRENCH. 3. EXCESS MATERIAL MUST BE REMOVED TO UPLAND AREAS IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. 4. ANY EXPOSED SLOPES AND STREAMBANKS MUST BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF THE UTILITY LINE. INFORMATION: 1. ALL UTILITY LINES MUST BE COMPLETELY BURIED SO AS NOT TO IMPACT HYDROLOGY. REGIONAL CONDITIONS: 1. APPLICANTS MUST NOTIFY THE DISTRICT ENGINEER AND RECEIVE FROM THE DISTRICT ENGINEER WRITTEN APPROVAL PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. 2. THE TEMPORARY PLACEMENT OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIAL IN WATERS OR WETLANDS WILL BE FOR THE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM PERIOD OF TIME NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THE WORK. 3. STABILIZATION IS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY ON COMPLETION OF EACH INDIVIDUAL CROSSING. 4.. THE TOTAL WIDTH OF THE ACCESS CORRIDOR, EXCAVATION, AND TEMPORARY FILL AREA IS RESTRICTED TO NO MORE THAN 40 FEET AND MUST BE MINIMIZED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE. 5. WORK PLANS MUST BE PROVIDED AND MUST BE SIZED TO 8 1/2 BY 11 INCHES. 6. RESTORATION PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT ENGINEER DESIGNATING A TIME TABLE FOR RESTORATION. M ?. -16- 401 CERTIFICATION DETERMINATION: GENERAL CERTIFICATION ISSUED, BUT CONDITIONED AS FOLLOWS: 1. PROPOSED FILL OR SUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATION OF WETLANDS AND WATERS IS LIMITED TO 40 FEET IN WIDTH AND MUST BE MINIMIZED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE. 2. WRITTEN.CONCURRENCE IS REQUIRED FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. 3. PERMANENT ACCESS CORRIDORS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE MINIMUM WIDTH PRACTICABLE AND MAY NOT EXCEED 10 FEET IN WIDTH EXCEPT IN LOCATIONS SPECIFIED ON MAPS FOR VEHICULAR ACCESS PURPOSES. 4. ESTABLISHED SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE UTILIZED TO PREVENT VIOLATIONS OF THE APPROPRIATE TURBIDITY WATER QUALITY STANDARD (50 NTU'S IN STREAMS AND RIVERS NOT DESIGNATED AS TROUT WATERS BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 25 NTU'S IN ALL SALTWATER CLASSES AND ALL LAKES AND RESERVOIRS AND 10 NTU'S IN TROUT WATERS). 5. WORK PLANS MUST BE LEGIBLE AND SIZED TO 8-1/2 BY 11 INCHES. 6. MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN TO PREVENT LIVE OR FRESH CONCRETE FROM COMING INTO CONTACT WITH WATERS OF THE STATE UNTIL THE CONCRETE HAS HARDENED. 7. ADDITIONAL SITE-SPECIFIC CONDITIONS MAY BE ADDED TO THIS CERTIFICATION IN ORDER TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE WATER QUALITY AND EFFLUENT STANDARDS. 8. CONCURRENCE FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT THAT THIS CERTIFICATION APPLIES TO AN INDIVIDUAL PROJECT SHALL EXPIRE THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE COVER LETTER FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION: CONSISTENT IN COASTAL AREA SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. SHOULD ALL OR PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY BE LOCATED WITHIN AN AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) AS DESIGNATED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL RESOURCES COMMISSION, A COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT ACT (CAMA) PERMIT IS REQUIRED FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT UNLESS THE APPLICANT IS A FEDERAL AGENCY. IF THE APPLICANT IS A FEDERAL AGENCY AND ALL OR PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY IS LOCATED WITHIN AN AEC, A CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION PURSUANT TO 15 CFR 930 MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AT LEAST 90 DAYS BEFORE THE ONSET OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY. 2. TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THIS PERMIT, ALL UTILITY LINES MUST BE EITHER COMPLETELY ELEVATED OR BURIED SO AS NOT TO IMPACT HYDROLOGY. 3. EMOVAL WATERS AND STAB CROSSING. 4. PROPOSED FILL OR SUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATION OF WETLANDS AND WATERS IS LIMITED TO 40 FEET IN WIDTH UNDER THIS PERMIT AND MUST BE MINIMIZED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE. 5. PERMANENT ACCESS CORRIDORS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE MINIMUM WIDTH PRACTICABLE AND MAY NOT EXCEED 10 FEET IN WIDTH EXCEPT IN LOCATIONS SPECIFIED ON MAPS FOR VEHICULAR ACCESS PURPOSES. 6. ESTABLISHED EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE UTILIZED TO PREVENT VIOLATIONS OF THE APPROPRIATE TURBIDITY WATER QUALITY STANDARD (50 NTU'S IN STREAMS AND RIVERS NOT DESIGNATED AS TROUT WATERS BY THE NCDEM, 25 NTU'S IN ALL SALTWATER CLASSES AND ALL LAKES AND RESERVOIRS AND 10 NTU'S IN TROUT WATERS). PRO APPLICANT MUST POSALTIS CERTIFIED UNDERRTHEECEIVESECTWRITONTEN401CONCURWATERRENCEQUALITYFROMCERTIFTHE THE PROGRAM. _ 8. IF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS WITHIN THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL AREA, THE APPLICANT MUST RECEIVE WRITTEN CONCURRENCE FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT THAT THE ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. INFORMATION SHEET NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THE DISTRICT NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION C RRENCE NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CER CAT?N ni l? A. NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS DISTRICT ENGINEER. TjtEFER ITEM B. BELOW FOR DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NOTIFICk'ON 2- `?. REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICALLY NOTE NWP 26 DIFFERENCE.) Certain nationwide permits require notification to the Corps of?E before work can proceed. They are as follows: NWP 5 (only for discharges of 10 to 25 cubic yards) NWP 7 NWP 13 (only for stabilization activities in excess of 500 feet in length or greater than an average of one cubic yard per running foot) NWP 14 (only for fills in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, and must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites) NWP 17 NWP 18 (required when discharge exceeds 10 cubic yards or the discharge is in a special aquatic site and must include a delineation of the affected special aquatic site, including wetlands) NWP 21 (must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) NWP 26 (only for greater than 1 acre total impacts and must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) NWP 33 (must include a restoration plan of reasonable measures to avoid and minimize impacts to aquatic resources) NWp 37 NWP 38 (must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) For activities that may be authorized by the above listed nationwide permits that require notification, the applicant shall not begin work a. Until notified that the work may proceed under the nationwide permit with any special conditions imposed by the District Engineer, or b. If notified that an individual permit may be required, or c. Unless 30 days (calendar) have passed from the time a complete notification is received by the District Engineer and no notice has been received from the District Engineer, and required state approvals have been obtained. Required state approvals include: 1) a Section 401 water quality certification if authorization is requested for a discharge of dredged or fill material, and 2) an approved coastal zone management consistency determination if the activity will affect the coastal area. 2/3/92 -2- Use of NWP 12 also requires notification to the District Engineer, but work' may not aegin until written concurrence is received from the District Engineer. The time periods described above do not apply. Furthermore, requirements to notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), as indicated below and on the notification form, do not apply. B. REQUEST TO DEM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT SECTION 401 GENERAL CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE OR INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION. Certain nationwide permits were denied general 401-certification by the State of North Carolina and, thus, require individual Section 401 water quality certifications. They are NWP 6, NWP 17, NWP 21, and NWP 34. Certain nationwide permits have general certifications, but require concurrence from the N.C. Division of Environmental Management that the general certification applies to a proposed action. They are NWP 7, NWP 12, NWP 13, NWP 14, NWP 15, NWP 16, NWP 18, NWP 26 (if greater than 1/3 acre total impact), NWP 33, NWP 38, and NWP 40. NWP 23 requires only that the applicant notify DEM. C. APPLICATION PROCEDURES. The attached form should be used to obtain approval from the Corps of Engineers and/or the N.C. Division of Environmental Management as specified above. The applicant should make sure that all necessary information is provided in order to avoid delays. One copy of the application is required by the Corps of'Engineers and seven copies are required by DEM. Plans must be on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. Endangered species requirement: Applicant must notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding the presence of endangered species that may be affected by the proposed project. U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE RALEIGH FIELD OFFICE P.O. BOX 33726 RALEIGH, NC 27636-3726 Historic resources requirement: Applicant Preservation Office regarding the presence may be affected by the proposed project. NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE HABITAT CONSERVATION DIVISION PIVERS ISLAND BEAUFORT, NC 28516 must notify the State Historic of historic properties that STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE N.C. DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY 109 EAST JONES STREET RALEIGH, NC 27601 (919) 733-4763 Information obtained from these agencies should be provided with application. r p N I - '? -',,A 1--1. ?, I ?' ; ' II a cb •. ? 3011 1158 S =0k) 4v 141 l '' gr BM 113 lClir`?Toun r ' Weldon vvv : 1 A: 1 Iic C Fie ail?.• 0A 'vo g Dist (.-you;fie \ ?. ((fi. -- / ?` Sq "TREA M l FIL L(e I() 1 M r/ 171idg sr•h '?r :. ? ? ?? ?l? I V 1? 1? ! . f? / ?? J) ? (. i M U S H"„ ?1 S L u"j b° - .I •,• °o•ii ?' ?'_' -?, )), .? j• ?? `??A?. _? ate. 0 1 t ?\ )6 /7 1621 ?? ,?'/. r l (I G aver \I60U? i,1 / l l/n p? \ so 117 Ian '1 j9 ___,,.• `IG23? ?Ir; SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT; TOWN OF WELDON y I 1?I I/ 8CA' : r • 2000' JUNE, IM 3 F.T. ORM & ASEOCIA?g, PA C % WILSON, NORTH CARM.1