HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00083490From: Strynar,PWark[Strynac[Wurk@epu.gov Sent: 9/5/2017151:47PyW To: VVissbaun,Brandon [bwissbaum@»wect.onm] CC: K8cCord,]ames[mocordiames@epa.gov Subject: RE: VVECTinquiry Hi Brandon, Yes I was off Labor day is a federal holiday. The ana|yteyou refer towith the CAS 16O9U-l4'SisNOT Nafion. That vvebelieve iuone monomer inthe production of the co -polymer Nafion. Acopolymer isapolymer made oftwo different subunits. The second part ofthe copolymer is tetraOuoroethy|ene(CAS ll6'l4-3). Unlike Teflon (PTFE)which isentirely made ofonly one subunit (tetrafluoroethylene — hence polytetrafluorethylene or PTFE for short), Nafion is a mixture of TFE and CAS 16090-14-5 in some ratio which isunknown tome. For more onNaOoncheck this link out Toxicology testn8on the 16090-14-5 although useful is not the same autoxtesting on the analyteuvve discovered. However it may be a good start. | hope this clarifies things. | attached a few/ slides for explanation. | will be slow to respond to email over the next days as I will be on work related travel. James could answer technical questions if needed. Mark Sent: Monday, September O4 20171:47PK4 To: Strynar,Mark xStrynar.K4ark@epa.gou' Subject: RE: WECT inquiry I realize you are probably off today (if so, enjoy it!), but I wanted to ask this before I forgot.It's information from the paper, but let me know if you are unable to answer. Under the PFESA identification section, it is noted that the two compounds found possibly originate from the oxidation ofethanesu|fony| fluoride, 2'[1-[dUluoru-[(t(Muuroetheny|)oxy]methyl] -1,2,Z,Z'tetraMuoroethoxy]-1,1,I2-tetraUuoro- ([A516O9O'14'5),which | believe isNafion?This fact references aTS[Achemical reported bythe [hemoursCompany: info v From there, | clicked on the SRS Info then the TSCATS Low Detail Report, which lists four studies ofacute/subacute toxicky, three of which were performed by some branch of DuPont (the company that formed Chemours) and one by a company kept confidential. It appears the attached documents are summaries of the studies submitted under section 8(e) of the TSCA for the production of Nafion? Obviously this wouldn't speak directly to these two compounds believed tobeNafionbyproducts, but ittheoretically isagood place tostart? Fnmm:8trmar, Mark Sent: Thursday, August 31,ZU173:Z7PM To: VVissbaum,Brandon x Cc: Smith, Emily 1 Subject: RE: VVE[Tinquiry VVepublished this paper inZOl5. Other inquiries will need tu0othrough our press office. |amoc'in8Emily Smith our PR staff in this response. They have a desk statement I am sure they would be willing to send to you. Mark From: VWssbaum,Brandon Sent: Thursday, August 31,2Ol71I:41PM To: Strynar, Mark Subject: WECT inquiry Hi Dr. Strynar, Hope you've been well. Below is a press release I received today from NC DEQ stating two additional compounds were found in the Cape Fear River downstream from Chemours, which have been called Nafion byproducts 1 and 2. Their chemical names are "perf|uoro-3,6-dioxa-4methy|-7octene'l-su|fonicacid" and "ethanesu|fonicacid, 2-[1' [dif|uuro(1,I,Z,Z'tetraf|uuroethuxy)methy|]'1,Z,2,I-tetraf|uoruethoxy]-1,l,Z,Z'tetraf|uoro`" Basically, while anazlying the water related to GenX, the EPA found these two compounds remained at a higher "concentrations" in the raw and finished water, even after Chemours stopped processes resulting in the GenX discharge, and apparently the other structurally similar compounds estimated to be at higher concentrations. I believe you have previously done research on Nafion and/or its byproducts? If that's the case, isthere any information you can provide that you think would be relevant to our viewers for our coverage? DEQ has stated the public can continue to drink the water, although there is even less known about Nafion byproducts and potential impacts on human health than GenX. Assignment Manager WECT News Office: 910.386.5477 Cell: 910.899.6035 OEQ-CFVV_00083491