HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00082639From: insider@ncinsider.com [insider@ncinsider.com] Sent: 8/18/2017 4:00:38 AM To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=cee93c49dOl445a3b541bb327dcdc840-jbkritzer] Subject: Insider for August 18, 2017 * Today,--, lnside�- (PDF) NC1.NS1D.ER,.1-- STATE GOVERN:MENT NEWS S:ERVICE # i it orke I I I VMw#1 I I Keg $I., asigim U.S. Rep. Walter ]ones, on his opposition to super PACs. 2:r:. . Y:: :::::::: Legislative Session Another extra legislative session will officially begin at noon Friday, but don't expect any votes until Thursday, Aug. 24, House Rules Chairman David Lewis told the Insider. Redistricting will be the focus for the next week, but legislators might also consider bills vetoed by Gov. Roy Cooper and bills that were in conference committee negotiations, Lewis said Thursday. Other unfinished legislative business will likely wait until next year's short session or another extra session this fall that could happen in late September or early October. That session could be needed to deal with any further vetoes and any further action on redistricting required by courts, Lewis explained. Lewis, who co-chairs the Redistricting Committee, says proposed legislative maps will be released by Sunday -- if not sooner. "We're not quite ready to release themhe said. "We're going to make sure they're out for the public to see them before the hearing." The legislature's DEQ-CFW-00082639 memberscurrent of - would be hesitant to begin • our - and •history by replacing that process with a unilateral rem• . of • public discourse. • - OBSERVER, District Appointment One day after Republicans picked Dan Barrett • be senator, i Democrats asked the governor not to make the appointment. In a Wednesday email to members of the Rowan County Democratic Party, Chairman Geoffrey Hoy said he had asked Gov. Roy Cooper to refuse to appoint Barrett.r . f he also asked Cooper to push forto require p- •iGeneralAssembly. f said voterselected a person,not party,• be their representative in the N.C. Senate. • • - elected Dan Barrett to serve in this capacity,"• • affront • our democracy that we continue to allow political a - and not the people, to select our ^,f Asked about• . • his suggestions• `d on i.rtisan f•about "pushing for more democracy with a small 1 he Hoy said he would be OK with a special election even if the 34th Senate District had been vacated by . Democrat. - r!f- plans- on i. appointment. His office did not respond to . request for• Republicans don't'd Cooper to make the appointment. - law says the governor - the appointment- days of receiving therecommendation."- fails to make the appointment within that period, shall - b- presumed • have made the .ff• Under- the General Assembly- by political party of person • resigned or previously held the office. State Rep. Carl Ford, R-Rowan, said he doesn't understand Dsuggestions because the same process been -ri across North Weekend Bottomguests will discuss how• • . f ' famous in the old economy, •' • in the new economy. Hi •- Stewart and Sougata EditorMukherjee Guests: Burlington Mayor Ian Baltutis, Burlington Economic Development Director Peter Bishop, Wellsley Robinson of Core Properties and Development, Insider •lin Campbell and Randy Neuhaus, president• CEO of :Fridays r • and Sundays at : and ri on North Carolinaor Focus:In panelists f •' • ► growth and North Carolina's•b Host: Loretta Boniti Guests: N.C. Secretary of Commerce Tony Copeland, Rep. Nelson Dollar, R-Wake, Mark Vitner, senior economist at Wells Fargo, Gregg Thompson, state director of •rth Carolina Chapterof rnal Federation of Businesses,• Gary Salamido from the North Carolina Chamber of Commerce. Airs: 11:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. Sunday on Spectrum News/News 14, and can be found online, Education Matters: No episode will air this week on WRAL. An encore episode will be played on - during its regular• Poston Sundays 6:30 a.m. and WednesdaysE 0 or removed,Front Row: Guests this week will discuss the aftermath of the deadly demonstration in Charlottesville, Gov. Cooper's call for all Confederate statues on state property to be i • •vich's thoughts on •: and the CBO repor) n Obamacare subsidies.• ••tterman Guests: Mitch Kokai of the JohnLocke Foundation, Rep. Ed Hanes, D-Forsyth, ABC11 senior political reporter Jonah Kaplan and • i managing editor of • • f r.y on and on f Friday, f d andSunday NC Spin: Panelists this week will cover the criteria for legislative redistricting, ongoing legal battles ••I districts and the growing lack of •st: Tom Campbell DEQ-CFW 00082642 Guests: Former Democratic state House Speaker 3oe Mavretic, former State Board of Education Chairman and Democratic state Senator• . d Lee, Chris Fitzsimonof Watch • author 3ohn•••. Airs: Times vary by - Details can be found online NC Spin. Hearing UNC The University of •rth Carolina has wrapped f . • •! hearing with an NCAA infractions committeepanel that will decide whetherthe school faces penalties tied to its multi -year academic scandal. Nowthe case goes • yet another• d..• pattern. Schooofficials spentof -• f.y in a closed -door m- f with committeemembersNashville, Tennessee. They • Thursday morning for a second session lasting about hours- panel determine whether UNC facespenalties - probation or vacated wins and championships. monthsNCAA spokeswoman Stacey Osburn confirmed the hearing was complete but didn't comment further because the panel must deliberate before issuing a ruling, which typically comes weeks to - hearing. UNC faces•• -I- . •a including lack of o . control, . case involving irregular courses.(Aaronea • THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, • [ 1 Attorney •ns spoke for about about • gang • Carolina• across the countryappeared at the annual GangsAcross the Carolinas training symposium,held this year in downtown Absent from.rks were any mentiof Spencer or I• Sessions- r focused his prepared - on - national MS-13 gang, .I • addressing the increase in drug overdoses . • immigration problems r he spoke to about 500 local and federal law• officials attending gang r im througho southeast.• selected as the guest speakerfor • - by • Investigators Association because of his proactive approach to crime, the agency said. Sessions also mentioned localof f,. • violence, including one in the Triad. Sessiof the U.S. murderf by percent in one - biggest risinga year since 1968. "1 don't think this is a blip," he said. "I'm afraid it's a trend." And he linked the homicide ratesto heroin and other drug overdoses. the homicide rate has gone up, fatal overdose rate has gone up • •Newell,•l •' ' a' GenX Lawsuits In the wake of - • about -• f chemical GenXbeing found in the area'sdrinking water, several state i federal entitiesopened investigations into • The agencies have been joined by several other groups promising legal action against the company for its actions associated with the release of the man-made chemical into the Cape Fear River. Here's round -up of f• f. • or • since the StarNews first reported in early 3une about GenX making its way into local- pplies: TPEQ/DHHS investigation:Department of Health and Human Services ! f N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) have launched a joint investigation into - •activities.f. • •-f water sampling at multiplealong the Cape Fear that has, in recent weeks, indicated the amount of GenX found in the water has declined significantly. "DEQ and DHHS are working with the EPA and Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention to obtain more research that can be used to develop regulatory guidance • and other emergingcompounds,"D • spokesman 3amie Kritzer . • The agency also is continuing to monitor the Fayetteville Works added, to ensure that discharge has ceased. ,i-ederal attorney investi•.' • Two weeks ago, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District o North Carolina-• a subpoenato ! • for documents. •, immediately DEQ-CFW 00082643 �r, of - t■ ,112 Stepping Down CountyWake . g`r 3im Hartmann announced Thursday he was stepping down. resign Oct. 27, he told county commissioners in a letter Thursday. Hartmann, 64, said his resignation hnothing to do with his handling• $895,000 in cash missing from the Registe of Deeds Office. "That is simply not the case and not a factorr` •wrote the letter. "I have solid - f i, thick skin." Hartmann became aware of the missing cash in early February and consulted District Attorney Lorrin Freeman,who recommended that the county• • f • far, the audit has found $895,000 missing over three years. The amount is likely to grow as auditors investiga previous years. Earlier this month, three county commissioners openly criticized Hartmann's handling of response.Commissioner Greg Ford said he repeatedly asked Hartmann to explain the loss of cash and quickly impose a fresh system of checks and balances only to be disappointed by Hartmann's 1 • 1-r have notbeen • with County management's response to our repeated requests for information and deliverables within a reasonable timeframe (and) certainly not with the sense of urgency I believe this matter Ford r in a statement. eightHartmann has been the county's manager since 2014. His salary in 2015 was $230,707. He spen -, the U.S. CoastGuard and 34 yearslocal governments across • • r Abbie Bennett • Paul 1. Specht, THE NEWS :. OBSERVER, 8 '1 ■ : 111 - 1 DEQ-CFW 00082644 f• 1 r 1 • ' •I •' f ''f f ' • • 1 •. 'f f f • 1 .. I� • • _ ... • 1 - - f •.. f •... i • - r ■I • •' r' r i r i � ■ _M • • 1 f r • f' i, i �• i' f li • •' f. • i•li' 'f � •' • • .1I 1 i ' • ' 1• - • • rf• -. � -. - f •• ir• f 1 . • -a1-- f f^ • • • 11• 1 • r . f• f • • i l . r '• • 'f • i- f' If f' • f • �I f` • �'I! • sff -f �' • • • •f f ■ - f' oil .6 f • f . • i' li' f'f '• r i'� • f-a. - • • • •' . •'--i . f .f - • r • - � • - 11'1 • - . a fs' '-f r a I�- • � • � • f •rI- 1 a I •, • • • • f of- INf. • 1. 1 f' f f' `f f ♦. DEQ-CFW 00082645 .If' .Ir' i .i r • '. • r it . • i • - � • • • • � 1 . ' • ram.. • i l0 - -. . f• a .. . - .` • . . • - • -as • • • • • - - • . ' . • • • • . • f Of . • . • • r - f • •li • r • - • • - - .• •t- • r� r �. • •. .- -. - • . .ir r .. .•' . -• �., • -` - .. .-' i.'• •I' it 1 .II • M r l k'ifi Rev. Robert Wright Lee IV is an adjunct professor at Appalachian State University and as pastor at a United Church of Christ in Winston-Salem. Gen. Robert E. Lee is his great -great -great -great uncle. This week, -. is acknowledging his family tiesto saytime to movemonuments don'tancestor into museums where they can be used more to educate than to inflame. He has given an interview to HuffPost and is scheduled to be on NPR's "Weekend Edition." .'. i . said Lee in . . •ne interview. He's a North Carolina native who grew up in Statesville. "But for some of us, it's hard to sit here while our relative is being used as a symbolfor . white supremacy,"said. . has ties Triangle. He graduated • Duke Divinity Schooltheology pastoral - Edenton Street United Methodist Church in Raleigh. •w serves as an adjunct professor at Appalachian State University an• as pastor -. Church of Christ in Winston- Salem. "These neo-Nazis and - Ku Klux Klan and others, - made him into an idol,"-- said of his famous relative. "And it's unacceptable on a lot of levels. As a pastor, I feel it's my obligation to speak out r pulpit 'Supremacy.• plan for • DEQ-CFW 00082646 Lee • he hopes• • be destroyed. M• '• by governments ,tr civic groups during periods when blacks were fighting for increased civil rights. "There is a lifference between remembering our past, and commemorating our past," he said. "We should never celebrate the historybut we can rememberand remember never happen again."(Martha Quillin, THE NEWS & OBSERVER, 8/17/17). Asheville Tech Avadim Technologiesf-rl on 1. of f • 1 private companies in the • The Asheville -based -f - sciences company'f in at No.• r s No. 13 among top health companies, Ili businesses thr• r' • -t Now of operations,Avadim reported $6.3 million- last yearand growth of 2,537 percent..f moved up 72 spotsfrom - r-f in the Inc. list last year. Chairman f CEO Stephen Woodysaid in a newsrelease - Avadim is "honored"to be selected to the list, noting it looksforward to "continued growth and innovation." This m DEQ-CFW 00082647 99 •- all .6 I• - - - • - 6 .28 - • - • 1 • - • • i• Durham-basedThe Southern Documentary d 91011 grant froma and Catherine T. MacArthur• be split into three $300,000 installments over three years. SDF executive directo.• 1 half of r be re -granted to documentary filmmakersf and working in the American South.• •'I `• organizations across the country received part of the $5.7 million in MacArthur grants announc this - :ro•• - Cain,is OBSERVER, i.: r A.: 014 ... :: :::::^ ::::.:..::..i: .. .. :: .. ..:.»:..:�::::::::: :::�:::: :::f::?i:::. ..::5::. . a N.C. Government Meetings and Hearings 9 . The Economic DevelopmentPartnership of •rth Carolina I D PBoard of Directors •Hotel,1 Carolina■ 9 a.m. I The State Board of Community Colleges meet, NC Community College System 11 W. Jones St., Raleigh. 12 i, Revenue Generating Committee of i'I •n Lottery Commission meets, Possibilities Conference Room at lottery headquarters, 2728 Capital Blvd., Suite 144, Raleigh. 11 a.m I The Executive Committee of The North Carolina Partnership for Children meets, 1100 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh. Contact: Yvonne Huntley: 919-821-9573. . VAUJINU DEQ-CFW 00082648 Floor,* 9:30 a.m. I The Wildlife Resources Commission committees meet, Commission Room, 5th Raleigh. Community* 4 p.m. I The Senate Committee on Redistricting hold public hearing, Central Piedmont • -i'e 1112 Charlottetowne Ave., Hall Bldg,'••Charlotte. r.m. I The Senate Committee on Redistricting hold public • , Fayetteville Technical Community College, 2817 Fort Bragg Road, GCB (General Classroom Bldg), Room 108, p.m. I The Senate Committeeon Redistricting I • i public hearing, Caldwell Community CommunityCollege, 2855 Hickory Boulevard, Bldg B, Room 104, Hudson. * 4 p.m. I The Senate Committee on Redistricting hold public hearing, Guilford Technical • -i'e 3amestownCampus,1 Medlin- Campus Center,o / 3amestown. Community* 4 p.m. I The Senate Committee on Redistricting hold public hearing, Halifax Community College, 100 College Road, Bldg 100, Room 108, Weldon. * 4 p.m. I The House Select Committee on Redistricting hold public hearing, Caldwell • 'i and Technical• Blvd., r • Community* 4 p.m. I The House Select Committee on Redistricting hold public hearing, Central Piedmont • -•- 1141 Elizabeth Ave., Charlotte. •.m. I The House Select Committeeon • • hold public hearing, Technical Community College, 2201 Hull Rd., Fayetteville. p.m. I The House Select Committee on Redistricting hold public -. • • Technical Community College, 601 E Main St., 3amestown. •.m. I The House Select Committeeon Redistricting • • public hearing, Community College, 100 College Dr., Weldon. 4 p.m. :.. House Select Committee on Redistricting County Community College, 5337 US Hwy 264 East, Building 9 (Room #935), Washington. 9 a.m. I The Wildlife Resources Commission meets, NC Museum of Natural Sciences Nature Research Center, 4th Floor, 121 W. 3onesRaleigh. 2 p.m. I The N.C. Board of Agriculture meets, Martin Building at the N.C. State Fairgrounds, Raleigh. i • c * 9 a.m. I The Board of Directors of the North Carolina State Ports Authority meets, Board Room of the North Carolina Maritime Building, 2202 Burnett Blvd., Wilmington. * Immediately Following The Board of Directors Meeting I The Strategic Planning Committee of the North Carolina State Ports Authority, Board :r:.o: Room Carolina Maritime Building, 2202 Burnett Blvd., Wilmington. a , • a. I • Mr. a DEQ-CFW 00082649 • li i•. • of i • public 1 on proposed changes, 2000 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 160, Morrisville. i - - i' I.•. 1' • •' f f - • •" f •i• -• - 1' MEMO_ 1 i•. i • i' �� . • FMITI-F•' �' i' • : 1 •fl` • •:f i If 1 • f •f• 'f 1:' f •• .•• � a f- . II 1 e f • - •,I 9 a.m. I Environmental. • • fn meets, Ground Floor HearingRoom, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh. * 10 a.m. I The N.C. Social Services Commission holds public hearing on proposed rule changes, Division: Social820 SouthBoylan Ave., Conference Raleigh. ■ . • a.m. I Environmental.•-' • • • Floor Hearing Room, Archdale Building, f Raleigh. ■ 10 a.m. I The N.C. Rules Review Commission meets, Administrative Hearings office, Rules Review Commission Room, 1711 New Hope Church Road, Raleigh. 10:30 a.m. I The Standard Commercial Fishing License Eligibility Board to the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries meets, N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries' Wilmington District Office, 127 North CardinalDr. Extension,Wilmington. • • TBD I The Golden LEAF Foundation's board meets, TBD. Contact: Jenny Tinklepaugh, 888- 684-8404. • TBD I The NC Wildlife Resources Commission meets, WRC Centennial Campus, 1751 Varsity Dr., Raleigh. • 10 a.m. I The N.C. Rules Review Commission meets, Administrative Hearings office, Rules Review Commission Room,ifs Church Road, Raleigh. DEQ-CFW 00082650 ♦ ..m. I Environmental ManagementCommission i • Floor Hearing Room, ♦' Archdale d 1 512 N. SalisburyRaleigh. ♦ ..m. I Environmental ManagementCommission i • Floor Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh. • iD I The Goldenr i' f.' l• board meets,i i 1. 'i. • 888- 684-8404. • CD I The NC WildlifeResources f i fRaleigh. Review CommissionAdministrative 1 office, Review Commission Room, 1711 New Hope Church Road, Raleigh. ♦ ..m. I Environmental ManagementCommission i • Floor Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh. ♦ ..m. I Environmental ManagementCommission i • Floor Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh. • Staff Conference • Staff Conference DEQ-CFW 00082651 .. • �. - ii..f • ::i -:i �' i.. f it .i-. C - Ci. t• a- i iEmsm •' .f-' . /< �t - i•. iIF 11f- i i f • .i • a.m. I The State Consumerand Family Advisory • - ADix Grill, 1101 CafeteriaRaleigh. 12p.m.1 The Revenue Generating Committee of the N.C. Education Lottery Commission will meet, Possibilities Conference Room, Lottery Headquarters, 2728 Capital Blvd., Suite 144, Raleigh. i Time GivenThe 77th Annual. i .l Folk Festivalopens in Downtown -- b i for its third year in the state. Contact: Kaitlin Smith, 336-373-7523, ext 246. DEQ-CFW 00082652 RIM TBID I The NC Bankers Association hold Young Bankers Conference, Crowne Plaza Asheville Resort, Asheville. =- =q MTA M M M M UIN IN ilia 4 NOWN Leis M Mizal IMMADJAM -".F— ME M TBID I The NC Bankers Association hold Women in Banking Conference, Renaissan Charlotte Southpark, 5501 Carnegie Blvd., Charlotte. i 8, '8 ra,� i- E--ltor d" "91, IQ z e 11' wv ,,t N evv's DEQ-CFW-00082653