HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060197 Ver 1_Individual_20060206~Po~~,al2a~i ~~~ (~~~~ ~~~x z.~zz ~~lilnrrn~~ri, ~/6a~fl~ ~~azt~ina,~8/s02 ~~~+Tr»~~ ~~ta~~r~ ~if~~~ ~ai~ 2 0 0 6 0 1 9 7 .38I~ `~~tr~lrfsrrrl/e.A;~isPh,cre f~rrfp/5 February 1, 2006 ~~ E TO: Ms. Cyndi Karoly Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 RE: 401 Water Quality Certification Application for Helmsdale at Landfall; New Hanover County, NC Dear Cyndi: ~1~1y,~: ~~o-~.~,z-oor» rirrcrtTr. /nr~7au~i. ~zef COPY Enclosed is a 401 Water Quality Certification application for your review. This application is submitted on behalf of Helmsdale Investors, LLC for the construction of Helmsdale at Landfall located in Wilmington, NC. This tract is landlocked except for access from roads within the existing Landfall Subdivision. The only way to develop the site is to incorporate it into Landfall. The applicant plans to build forty-eight lots within the site and several wetland fingers need to be crossed in order to gain access to uplands. The proposed project would impact 0.295 acre of 404 wetlands and 72 linear feet of stream. Due to previous impacts within the Landfall Subdivision, cumulative wetland impacts exceed the threshold for a Nationwide Permit. The application form, project narrative, associated maps, and site plan are enclosed for your review. Furthermore, the $475 application fee is also enclosed. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, ~ ~~~ Kim Williams Encl. Cc: Ms. Jennifer Frye, ACOE Ms. Noelle Lutheran, DWQ Ms. Stephen Rynas, DCM Mr. Ken Kirkman Mr. Thad Moore, Helmsdale Investors, LLC Ms. Cindee Wolf, Withers and Ravenel ~~~CZ~ cy~~G~%U~2j ey~ZG. ~ ~ ~G>,~~v2a~i ~ab~ ~f ~ fox 2522 ~v~y2~~~, ~d~i ~a~i0~ uc 2802 ~d~ ~ ~ ~~ 3805 ~~u~l~~ile ~~2ce ~uri~e 45 ~~iria~ir2~2, ~28~03 February 1, 2006 TO: Ms. Jennifer Frye U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 RE: Individual Permit Application for Helmsdale at Landfall; New Hanover County, NC Dear Jennifer: ~/aane:940-~52-0004 ~a~:940-~52-0060 ~,~v~~v~i~. ~~2 ~2~c. rem Enclosed is an Individual Permit application for your review. This application is submitted on behalf of Helmsdale Investors, LLC for the construction of Helmsdale at Landfall located in Wilmington, NC. This tract is Landlocked except for access from roads within the existing Landfall Subdivision. The only way to develop the site is to incorporate it into Landfall. The applicant plans to build forty-eight lots within the site and several wetland fingers need to be crossed in order to gain access to uplands. The proposed project would impact 0.295 acre of 404 wetlands and 72 linear feet of stream. Due to previous impacts within the Landfall Subdivision, cumulative wetland impacts exceed the threshold for a Nationwide Permit. The application form, project narrative, associated maps, and site plan are enclosed for your review. The wetland survey is also enclosed and awaits your signature. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sin erely, ( 1 ~ W ~'~ Kim Williams Encl Cc: Ms. Noelle Lutheran, DWQ Ms. Cyndi Karoly, DWQ Mr. Stephen Rynas, DCM Mr. Ken Kirkman Mr. Thad Moore, Helmsdale Investors, LLC Ms. Cindee Wolf, Withers and Ravenel (9G'~~~v~GG~ ~a6~ ~~~ ~~ 2522 ~'~v~r„0~~2, ~/Yd~if~i ~a~id~icc 28402 ~a~2e2~ ~2cr~n,~2 ~~e ~' a/~c 3805 ~2 a~d~i~e ~~~s~uce ~ui~e 45 ~~inz~, ~/j'~28/~03 February 1, 2006 TO: Stephen Rynas Federal Consistency Coordinator NC Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 2857 RE: Request for concurrence; Hehnsdale at Landfall; New Hanover County, NC Dear Mr. Rynas: ~~aaie: 9~0-~i52- 000 ~a~:9~0-~52-0060 ~,r~c~rrr~. ~~r a~. nPi~ On behalf of Hehnsdale Investors LLC, Land Management Group, Inc. requests concurrence from the Division of Coastal Management of the applicant's consistency certification. The applicant is proposing to construct Hehnsdale at Landfall, which is located in Wilmington, NC. This tract is landlocked except for access from roads within the existing Landfall Subdivision. The only way to develop the site is to incorporate it into Landfall. The applicant plans to build forty- eight lots within the site. However, several wetland forgers need to be crossed in order to gain access to uplands. The proposed project would impact 0.295 acre of 404 wetlands and 721inear feet of stream. The applicant has applied for an Individual Permit and a 401 Water Quality Certification for this project. Cumulative wetland impacts within the Landfall Subdivision exceed the threshold for a Nationwide Permit. We have reviewed the State's coastal program regulations (ie.15A NCAC 071Vn and the local Land Use Plan for New Hanover County. The proposed project complies with the enforceable policies of North Carolina's approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. Enclosed is a copy of the Project Narrative and the Individual Permit application, which describe this project's compliance with the coastal program regulations, specifically avoidance and minimization of wetland impacts, water quality protection, and mitigation. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance in this process. Thank you. Sincerely, ~~~~~ Kim Williams Encl. Cc: Ms. Jennifer Frye, ACOE Ms. Noelle Lutheran, DWQ Ms. Cyndi Karoly, DWQ Mr. Ken Kirkman Mr. Thad Moore, Helmsdale Investors, LLC Ms. Cindee Wolf, Withers and Ravenel ~y ~`~ E 0 1 9 7 APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Privacy Act Statement Authority: 33 USC 401, Section 10: 1413, Section 404. Principal Purpose: These laws require permits authorizing activities in, or affecting, navigable waters of the United States, the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, and the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. Routing Uses: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating this application for a permit. Disclosure; Disclosure of requested information is voluntary. If information is not provided however, the permit application cannot be processed nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Ehgineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. ~ 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 13. DATE RECEIVED 14. DATE APPL. COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENTS NAME AND TITLE (an agent is not Helmsdale Investors, LLC required) Kim Williams c/o Mr. Thad Moore Environmental Consultant Land Mana ement Grou ,Inc. 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS Preston Development Company Land Management Group, Inc. 100 Weston Estates Way P.O. Box 2522 Ca , NC 27513 Wilmington, N.C. 28402 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NO. W/AREA CODE a. Business (919) 481-3000 (910) 452-0001 (phone) b. Fax (919) 677-8600 (910) 452-0060 (fax) 11. STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize Land Management Group, Inc. to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. SEE ATTACHED FORM APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE -Helmsdale at Landfall 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) UT of Howe Creek 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT New Hanover North Carolina COUNTY STATE 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) Off of Arboretum Drive in the Landfall S/D Wilmington, NC 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN Tax Parcels R05100-002-011-000; R05100-002-010-000; R05100-002-012-000 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE From Wilmington, take Military Cutoff Road into the Landfall Subdivision. Site will be on Arboretum Drive, on right (see vicinity map). 18. NATURE OF ACTIVITY (Description of project, include all features) -The preferred project consists of constructing 48 lots within the properly and building two roads; wetland fill for four road crossings and two driveway crossings will be needed to provide access to upland within subdivision. (See Project Narrative) 19. PROJECT PURPOSE (Describe the reason or purpose of the project) - To provide access to 48 lots within subdivision. (See Project Narrative) USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. REASON(S) FOR DISCHARGE - To construct road access to lots within uplands. (See Project Narrative) 21. TYPE(S) OF MATERIAL BEING DISCHARGED AND THE AMOUNT OF EACH TYPE IN CUBIC YARDS -Clean, compacted sub-grade soil materials, clean ABC aggregate, pavement etc all-above street reinforced concrete culverts at map specified locations. See map for area in each location. 22. SURFACE AREA IN ACRES OF WETLANDS OR OTHER WATERS FILLED 0.295 acres of 404 wetlands and 72 LF of stream 23. IS ANY PORTION OF THE WORK ALREADY COMPLETE? no IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. ADDRESSES OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS, LESSEES, Etc., WHOSE PROPERTY ADJOINS THE WATERBODY (see attached sheet) 25. LIST OTHER CERTIFICATIONS OR APPROVALS/DENIALS RECEIVED FROM OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL AGENCIES FOR WORK DESCRIBED IN THIS APPLICATION N/A AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL* IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. ~ t a6 SIGNATURE OF AP~A~(,T ~,(,..~ DATE 18. U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations o rmakes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. a PROJECT NARRATIVE January 2006 Helmsdale at Landfall New Hanover County, NC INTRODUCTION Helmsdale Investors, LLC is proposing to construct Helmsdale at Landfall, which is located in Wilmington, NC. This tract is landlocked except for access from roads within the existing Landfall Subdivision. The only way to develop the site is to incorporate it into Landfall. The applicant plans to build forty-eight lots within the site, which is located at the intersection of Arboretum Drive and South Moorings Drive. Several wetland fingers need to be crossed in order to gain access to uplands. EXISTING CONDITIONS The 40.5-acre project site is located in Wilmington, NC off of Arboretum Drive in New Hanover County, NC (Figures 1 & 2). According to the New Hanover County Generalized Soil Survey, the site consists of Johnston loam, Murville fine sand, Craven fine sandy loam, Onslow loamy fine sand, Rains fine sandy loam, Kenansville fine sand, Seagate fine sand, and Torhunta loamy fine sand soil types (Figure 3). Land use to the north and east of the tract is-residential and consists of the Landfall Subdivision. A forested area that has been dedicated as a conservation area by Landfall exists south of the site (Figure 4). An unnamed tributary of Howe Creek forms the western property boundary and several fingers of this creek extend across the tract, forming approximately 8.55 acres of freshwater wetlands within the tract. The site is currently undeveloped and forested. Uplands support longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), red bay (Persea palustris), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), blueberry (Vaccinium crassifolium), and wiregrass (Aristida stricta). Wetlands within the tract consist of fingers of the unnamed tributary of Howe Creek. The upper reaches support red maple (Ater rubrum), ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana), loblolly pine (P. taeda) and wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera). The creek along the western property boundary contains standing water and supports bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) and black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) trees. The presence of any plant or animal species is determined by the availability and abundance of suitable habitat. Habitat with the potential for supporting federally listed threatened or endangered species was identified by reviewing natural resource databases, aerial photographs, soils maps, and topographic maps of the property and by walking throughout the project area. A search of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program database was conducted to determine whether any state or federally listed rare species have previously been observed within or near the project area. This search found no known record of rare species within the project site, but located four records .within aone-mile radius . of the site. Two rare plants were observed approximately 1000 feet southwest of the site. The snowy orchid (Platanthera nivea; state-listed Threatened) was observed in 1989 and the twisted-leaf goldenrod (Solidago tortifolia; state-listed Significantly Rare) was observed in 1964. Two rare animals were also observed. The chicken turtle (Dei~ochelys reticularia; state-listed Significantly Rare) was noted approximately one mile south of the site and the Carolina diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin centrata; state-listed Species of Concern) was observed one mile east of the site On January 10, 2006, staff of Land Management Group, Inc. evaluated the tract for its potential to support federally-listed threatened or endangered species (Table 1). No federally protected species were observed within the site. Uplands within the tract are forested and contain some fairly large loblolly pine trees. However, the uplands are densely vegetated and do not contain appropriate habitat for the red-cockaded woodpecker, which requires large stands of mature pine trees in which to nest and forage. Wetlands within the tract are thickly vegetated and would not support rare plant species, such as Cooley's meadowrue and rough-leaf loosestrife. Although the western property boundary consists of a tributary to Howe Creek, this feature is fairly small and would not provide suitable habitat for the American alligator or the shortnose sturgeon. Table 1.Federally-listed endangered and threatened species known to occur in New Hanover County, NC, excludine coastal and marine species. Common Name "Scientific Name Status Animals American alligator Alli ator mississi iensis T(S/A) Red-cockaded woodpecker . Picoides borealis E Shortnose sturgeon Aci enser brevirostrum E Plants Cooley's meadowrue Thalictrum cooleyi E Rough-leaf loosestrife Lysimachia as erulaefolia E 2 KEY: Status Definition Endangered A taxon "in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range." Threatened A taxon "likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range:'' T(S/A) Threatened due to similarity of appearance - a species that is threatened due to similarity of appearance with other rare species and is listed for its protection. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS The alternatives evaluated include. a no-action alternative, off-site alternatives, on-site alternative site layouts, and the preferred project. No-Action Alternative The no-action alternative would keep the site in its current, undeveloped condition and would keep Landfall from expanding its subdivision into this area. The no-action alternative is not considered feasible for several reasons. Wilmington is experiencing rapid growth. It would leave approximately 40.5 acres of land. undeveloped. This would cost the current owner of the tract approximately $4,000,000 in potential revenue. Without annexing the tract into Landfall, the tract would be unbuildable since there are no other ways to access the site. The inability to expand development within this tract of land would be a significant loss of return for the applicant and a loss of upscale housing for the community. Alternate Sites The proposed project will become an expansion of the existing Landfall Subdivision. According to its regulations, Landfall can only annex those tracts of land that have their sole access from Landfall. Based on these rules, the off-site alternatives evaluated were adjacent, undeveloped tracts without alternate access. Only one tract, meeting these criteria was located. Grant Farm Tracts These three tracts encompass 26.02 acres and are located on the north side of Arboretum Drive, west of Pembroke Jones Lake (Figure 5). The tracts currently contain one residence and farm land. Wetlands likely exist on the northern part of the property, where 3 Howe Creek forms the border. Landfall has attempted to purchase the tract from its owners, Adair and Louise Graham, but they are not willing to sell. Therefore, the development of this site by Landfall is not considered a feasible alternative. On-site Alternatives Two on-site alternatives were evaluated. The first option is an alternate roadway pattern that would stop before crossing any wetlands. The second is developing uplands within the entire site by bridging all of the wetland crossings. 1. Alternate Roadway Pattern An alternate roadway pattern was evaluated in which wetlands were not crossed (Figure 6). This site plan allows the development of thirty-two lots. A short cul-de-sac off of Arboretum Drive would provide access to lots # 1 through # 17 and the existing Arboretum Drive would provide access to lots #18 through #32. In addition, one very large lot (#8) would be entered from South Moorings Drive. This alternative would develop sixteen fewer lots than the preferred alternative, which would be a loss of approximately $2,786,000 dollars (Figure 7). Because of this financial loss, this site plan is not considered a viable alternative. 2. Bridging Wetlands The applicant evaluated the potential to develop forty-eight lots within the site and cross wetlands by constructing bridges. In general, bridges are not considered to be a wetland impact by the Corps and DWQ and could provide a mechanism to avoid any wetland impacts within the tract. Four bridges would need to be constructed to NC DOT standards, which would cost approximately $1,000,000 total (Figure 8). In addition, two smaller bridges would be needed for driveway crossings in Lots #10 and #18, which would cost approximately $250,000. Because of this cost, this option is not economically feasible. Preferred Project The preferred project consists of constructing forty-eight lots within the property and building two roads; one narrow private drive that would parallel Arboretum Drive and would provide access to Lots #34 through #48 (Figure 9). The other road has a 50' right-of way and would extend from Arboretum Drive to South Moorings Drive and provide access to Lots #1 through #33. This road 4 would require crossing four wetland fingers, one of which is a stream as well. Culverts will be installed at the wetland crossings (Figure 10). Utilities would also be extended into this area, within the road right-of--way. Additionally, two driveway crossings would be needed within Lots #10 and #18. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The proposed project would impact 0.295 acre of 404 wetlands and 72 linear feet of stream (Figures 11 & 12). Secondary impacts to wetlands and water quality could occur during and after construction of the project through erosion and stormwater runoff. -These potential impacts will be minimized by the development and implementation of a Stormwater Plan and a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan. These plans will reduce the potential for erosion or runoff into wetlands and other water bodies located off site. It should be noted that a total of 83.5 acres of wetland disturbance has already occurred within the greater Landfall Subdivision. These impacts have been permitted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Division of Water Quality, and Division of Coastal Management and the required mitigation has been completed (attached). MITIGATION To mitigate for proposed wetland impacts, restrictive covenants will be recorded on all remaining wetlands within this tract to prohibit any wetland fill beyond what is being requested here. This will protect approximately 8.25 acres of wetlands. In addition, approximately thirty acres of coastal and freshwater wetlands within Landfall will be placed into preservation. Finally, the applicant plans to create at least 0.295 acre of wetlands within an area owned by the Homeowner's Association of Landfall that is located off of Drysdale Drive (Figure 13). The applicant is in the process of developing a complete mitigation plan for this area. 5 01/30/06 09:45 FAX 919 677 8600 PRESTON DEVELOP%ENT CO. 01/27/2006 11:31 9104520060 LANDMANAGENIENT ACx~N'z' AUTHORIZAxXON FORM TO WTIOM IT M,A.Y CONCE,RN': ~ 002 PAGE 02/02 I/we, the undersigned, hereby authorize Land Management Group, lire, to act as our agent in the preparation az~d represe~atation o£ information related to the petmitt application for the Helmsdale project located in 1Vew Hanover County, NC. All questions in regards to this project should be directed to Land Management Group, Tnc. , ~ ' Si.ncercly, ~~ ~~ ~ E ' Owner/Appliewt ~' l-'31-0~ Date Adjacent Property Owners for Helmsdale at Landfall William B. Towles 6301 Towles Road Wilmington, NC 28409-2122 Dock McAllister c/o Arbor Point 905 Arboretum Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 Regency Court, LLC 1337 Regatta Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Landfall Council/Associations 1749 Drysdale Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Frank H. Kenan Chapel/ Landfall 1500 Renaissance Plaza 230 Elm Street North Greensboro, NC 27401 a~ ~ ~ ~~ - ~~i ~~ y~ ~1~ ~ ~+a 1 t ~~ i•~ aLU ~ ' `~ vs T' , ~ ~.. F-y..~ ~~.~ ~~ : , :' y ~iwe;a~i SuA~x~ I sire , wow fixrcu na,; .o . w.r Q ~~ ~-:~S ~_ xP. t{(, +. j C j •'~ wA .[_. !/~N, 2( n\Y 9, ~/~~ l M i f i. '+w to }..: ._.........~.._ ...__._....:- ... C n ..~.; y/ l :. t ;, _ ~:: '~ ~ i ~ a 32 {7pawL. ~ ).q~ '_ F 1 ~`-.~ ~{ iWxfh( .I~nz , 1 4 ~~ ~r t g f Nai:fM al FSpAltinC '. r { ~, I .f~ J6i 4rsEa h f2[xrve '. ~ ~ a4 isw ~ ~ Siyws ... a.,n. ~ ~ _ , .' ~ _ I Myrtle ~~y, •. ~ , ~ - ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5~' ~-' G~roe j.~'y, ~1 DeLorme , A ~. { ~ ~) ~ -'-~: t' ~ , ~Fg 6 2~' `, ~~ ~ y ~~ SITE ?~a~2 - ~~`~ ~ ~~)AN?~lc ~; ahD 5 , Map Source: DeLorme North Carolina Atlas and Gazetteer, pg. 84. SCALE 1 " = 2.4 miles Helmsdale at Landfall Land Management Group, Inc. New Hanover County, NC Environmental Consultants Wilmington, N.C. Figure 1. Vicinity Map individual Permit Application lama 2006 40-05-298P ~}' r ,~~ ~~ 3 M, Mx~M' i s ~ '`.,... ~k ~ M~#, ~+' ~ ~~i~.. r'`/~ ~. --. w~ ,,3 _' _... ,...~ +1• e ~. ~ ^ • • • , w ~_. ~~ ,.,,ao, =~ f Site Boundary ~~ 1" ~~~. Ma Source: USGS To o ra hic g g SCALE 1 " = 1000' p p g p Quadran le, Wri htsville Beach Helmsdale at Landfall Land Management Group, Inc. New Hanover County, NC N;nvironmental Consultants Wilmington, N.C. Figure 2. Topographic Map Individual Permit Application lama X006 40-05-2~)RP ry -- ~. ,, _.--_ ~ ; -~-m, ,!,r • • r ~ J~ ^ t 1 ~~'". ~~ ~1 ~t8 & "'~~ " z-, ;~"'-.ti i '„ yV+~ , 1-a , .emu 1,~ .. ,,;.,,, !t , ' °°~ To ~. . . ~Q ~~~~~~~ ~~~ Site Boundary ~ ~'~ 6 2G ~,~;, Map Source: New Hanover County soil survey SCALE 1 " = 1000' Helmsdale at Landfall Land Management Group, Inc. New Hanover County, NC l?nvironmcntal Consultants Wilmington, N.C. Figure 3. Soils Map [ndividual Permit Application Janua 2006 40-OS-298P ~' ~* ~'* ~. '~ ~ ~~ ~ ~' ; ~ - t r E t ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ _~. ~,• ~,raa ,~~'~ '~` ~* ~ ~,y, ,"'~, ~" i ~ ~ ~ s ,« g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ a ~"'.~,~ ~ ' ~ ~ ice. ~ ~~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~~~, ~yb ~ ~ . t5 ~" '~" ,~ ~qy '"~ is k • ~~ ~ ~~ ~y ~` ~ t~ ~~, ~~' 7 .. -. ~ ~t ' y, . ~' ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. k. ~ ~!° " 9 w ;3 p m ~~ y 4 q ~ µ' ~ My ^a,~ib" $; ~. /i~,~°~" ~' R#s 7~4~,~ ~'s. ~ fir. i. ~ .~'YF i ~ `:. 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Off site alternative: Individual Permit Application Janua 2006 Graham Farm Tract 40-05-298P ~ ~m~k: c, $.R ~~ (Mia ~~o~!~d ,ss) ~_ 'U'~ ~71.D(C~ .qP~ tlY~ ~a: Fa w ~- ~ L 1 r rOm ~ J _~ ~_ om ~~ 1 1 g~ ~~ , -- ~~ J on J 1 ~N aN I J ON J S 3 j N ~ '"~ 3 -- d '-IQ ~IJOOI.J 4~S Ks :~~, ~~~~ r ,~ . ./ \. r W Q Z W H J Q W 'F- VJ W mW 1..V r~ V J J a 0 z J Q W J Q J W 2 HELMSDALE PROFIT ANALYSIS 1 /20/2006 LAND INFRASTRUCTURE CLEARING/STUMPING INTEREST MARKETI N G COMMISSIONS SURVEY ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING LEGAL ACCOUNTING ON SITE MANAGEMENT TOTAL EXPENSES SALES PROCEEDS MEMBERSHIP PROCEEDS TOTAL PROCEEDS PRETAX PROFIT MITIGATION EXPENSE PRETAX PROFIT AFTER MITIGATION PROFIT DIFFERENTIAL AVERAGE SALES PRICE COMMISSION RATE 2/1 /2006 32 LOTS 48 LOTS 4,000,000 4,000,000 539,000 930300 81,000 129000 330,780 342,519 100, 000 100, 000 384,000 576000 16,000 24000 50,000 65,000 20,000 25000 20,000 22500 10, 000 10000 25,000 35000 5,575,780 6,259,319 6, 400, 000 9, 600, 000 640, 000 960000 7, 040, 000 10, 560, 000 1,464,220 4,300,681 - 50,000 1,464,220 4,250,681. 2,786,461 200, 000 0.06 HELMSDALE AT LANDFALL FIGURE 7. COST ANALYSIS A~I~^~7'cAV ~~ ^ ~~ ~. co~ucnorr IlMtooucrs ~Nc :t CfSlO]lCt7 :.C:U.3?~MY Jack Webb -Estimator Phone (205)879-6800 Fax 205 445-0983 DATE: December 15, 2005 COMPANY: Withers S< Ravenel ATN: Garry Pape, P.E. PHONE: 910-256-9277 FAX: 910-256-2584 QUOTE # 2902A-E RE: Wetland Crossings We are pleased to quote you a price on the Steadfast Bridge described below. The floor will be a 20 gage galvanized composite floor deck. Reinforcing steel and pouring of the lightweight concrete shall be by the owner or contractor. This bridge will be fabricated from A572 carbon steel and hot-dip galvanized as per ASTM A123. All Steadfast Bridges carry a 10 year limited warranty. Shop drawings signed and seal ed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of North Carolina will be provided. Location: Wilmington, NORTH CAROLINA Bridge Type: Beam Truss AREA #1 AREA #2 AREA #3 & 4 DRIVEWAY Width in feet 34'-0" 34'-0" 34'-0" 16'-0" Span in feet 28'-0" 77'-0" 60'-0" 60'-0" Type steel A572 GALVANIZED A572 GALVANIZED A572 GALVANIZED A572 GALVANIZED Type floor (shipped loose) CONCRETE CONCRETE CONCRETE CONCRETE Floor thickness 8" 8" 8" 8" Field splice YES YES YES YES Dead Load PSF 105 115 115 125 Live Load PSF AASHTO AASHTO AASHTO AASHTO Vehicle Load LBS. HS - 20 HS - 20 HS - 20 HS - 20 Assembled Weight LBS. 32,484 125,606 89,587 52,123 Vert. abutment load KIPS 146 277 239 182 Horiz. abutment load KIPS 6 17 14 14 Truss height in feet N/A N/A N/A N/A Beam camber NONE NONE NONE NONE Hwy guide rail YES YES YES YES Bearing pads YES YES YES YES Setting plates YES YES YES YES Special features NONE NONE NONE NONE Bridge cost delivered $58,080 $202,159 $147,643 $90,744 times 2 bridges. $295,286 Total of all bridges $646,269 Delivery: 6 to 8 weeks (delivery schedule subject to backlog at time of drawing approval). Bridge will be delivered to nearest location easily accessible to over-the-road trucks. Teflon slip pads and setting plates shipped with bridge. No slopes or skews are included unless. specifically mentioned above. Anchor bolts, sales tax, unloading, erection, supports, and abutment designs not included. Terms: 1/3 down, balance 20 days after delivery, pending credit approval. This quote is valid for 30 days. Please call if you have any questions (866-294-9767). Your Name Here Your Title Here Accepted By: Title /Date: STEADFAST BRIDGES * 400 Union Hill Dr., Suite 250 * Birmingham, AL 35209 A CONTECH Company NOTE: ESTIMATE DOES NOT INCLUDE INSTALLATION HELMSDALE AT LANDFALL (APPROX. 30% TO 40% ADDL) FIGURE 8. BRIDGE ESTIMATE i - ' ~ ' _..~' " ~.,.., I' ~~ / i I ` i I __ ' i j ~.. _ ,, r ; I ,. / ~ .1 ,. ~' ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 J W d ~ ~N N 4 = O~~ f ~NN ~'I, - J O ~ ~ ' ~ ~ Q U c2 ° ~' ~ '', >o m', W 4U~o f'' Z 41YLL N 1 z'j On N ~+ ~Zl~i ~ n ~ m 3 ~N3 ~ 'I~ :50. d W y~E01 ~ n3 W ~ z ~ I `ti z 3 ~ NMI a ° a ~^o wZaN~ wawoa o~zzo; z~arrn ~ waw w 3U~ ~ c a ~ 1 ~ ~ j ~ ~~~ 1 ; z - ~ '~ .~ .\ .,\ \ ~ _ a •' II " II ~ o ~~ 1 - ,' 3 .'y.•~•.•e• :. i rv" ~~ ~ 1 - a .,/ a --II ~_ ;. ~ pit II ~ ' al h _ = i ~ _ _._._.._._._._ --if o aI', ~~ ~ ii ii ~ . ;_u ;- I ,, e ii, _ i ~ ~I _..___. o it -- - - ~- _.._-~R 11 ~ ~ :. Figure 9. Site plan showing proposed wetland and stream impacts. 200 100 0 200 400 SCALE. 1 "=200' z~~83 i ~i,~i~E W-1 r / ~ _ ~` ~\ J 1. _ ~ ~\ '. I ~, t ~ 1 ~ 1 1~ 1 ~ 1 1 , 1 j ,\ 1 j . .; ,,,;: .. ti _. ~--- 6 _ - _ i , -_ , ~~,~ / ~ soot ` \ ~ / 1~6 ~ 26 t535i __ ~ / _~-~~ '-~ 526553fi ~ ~ / I C35 ]> ,\ 55,424 $, F. I - _ 1 I \ \ @~' ofiU - _ _ ~' t-43.528' . ,_ __ ---~ I _. _ - - I \~~ 6\ X30291'.-_ - ~ 515134 E __ __ ~ I ITT GH 8 ' N az ..... 1 _ 24 ....~ r _ I - 5 55'51 ti' E 391 efi' - - - - L +3053 I w>a awry I I 125,868 SF.J ~ r______ __- _. .. - __. \. ( _ a ~ 36 831 5 F 1 ~- ~ - \ I ~ \ 21 I r - X~ / o _ ~ ~ - ~f ro ~ I °s f ` \ \24.566 S. F.I I I 20 J I ~ X --F-- -~ I i .~_ ~ I I I / I '~ rr arsa'Ia \ "I 70,605 S.F I 'I~' I Uo ~~ _,-I ( 1 23 \ \ I /J I III I \ ~ I 1 E ~ E 5152' - O ~ I ~~/ ~ I I I 1 1 I I ~ _} -~ I~I I I \I ~ I -~ ay o3, k ~2a,296 S.E~ \ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I ~ 1 \ S ~ ~~ ~ I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I ICI j I I I I I I h ~~ I ~ ~ I I~ I I I I 11 I I 10 I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I © S S~~ / ~ ~ 15 11 I 14 I 13 I 12 I v 36,020 SF. ~ ~~ 11 1 1 I I~ I I ~ I ~~ I~ I I~ I ~4 I I 3~ I~ I I~ I~ I I 19 I 131,035 S.F. 30,962 B,F. 30,889 S.F.I 70,816 S.F 33,292 6.F,1 33,706 8.F.1 133,120 S.F.I 30,506 S.F. 30,433 S.F. 30,360 SF. 30,287 S.F. 30,215 S. F. 30,369 S.F. 31,234 SF. 32884 S.F.° I ' ~' ~ C I 124, 74fi SF I I I III III III III I I I I I I I ' S AF 22 } L ~ I I I I I I I I i 111 III III III 1111 III I~ I II' I£ \ S A\ 30,170 S. F. / ~ ~~ '. 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(roTAL - a.55 Ae.f> Proposed V1letland Impacts #1 - 3; Stream Impact #1 --TOTAL PROPOSED WETLANDS FILL AREA scA~E: i "=50' ~ - Withers & Ravenel ~LIMIl~4~aF~Y January 2006 Land Management Group, lnc. .ss�2ar Proposed wetland " preservation area , A I[ A N z ' s 4AA3 A7 AhOFMImet ' s n utiDttu t r e d > 7l t-Xl ' WE Single Family Hom" '-mw Patio/Multi-Fanjjty Hotttes I_ydumi dt lAndfaU k �1 .. +9. . � it ffi y M a R 'Fr '� q � , t •> '_ `S; < it4at � 'e} � tom, .1 � � � .t. � `3 x _ �i • I III � � .��YE 2 + .•�j AREA Val J y Y F « i . {N f � n - a �A „ s a t sa vHelmsdale at Landfall site _- •r % Mk71AtRt t COMURVA(ION AREA aT at: A� fisYY >- '`7Prdposed mitigation �i t .s s. X C7f_'fered by Landfall Reilly, LLC Thi- k — dior ;,t ( h,,r r 800.227.8208 0 910.256.6111 ww-w landfallrealty.eom