HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00048219From: Goyt,Ju|ie [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=75D1654D45154C2A8BO859GA2C9AF282-JAGRZY8] Sent: 9/17/I0I59:03:21PW1 To: Hennessy, John [john.hennessy@ncdenr.gmv] Subject: FVV:NCUpdated FY15Priority Permit Candidate List and Next Steps Attachments: NC —Update FY15Priority Permit Candidates_09.142OI5.x|sx Oops Currituck Co. is mine. Only one that is yours is Aqua, Stonehenge Subdivision W'T'P, so if you can check and see if that is an easy one to issue —please let me know. If it can go to a General Permit — that counts as well. Julie Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2015 4:51 PM To: Hennessy, 3ohn Subject: FW: NC Updated FY16 Priority Permit Candidate List and Next Steps John' Iumworking ondetermining the 5permits toPut unthe FY1GPriority Permits list for 0[wastewater. } found four that the complex group can easily commit toand I was wondering what: the status was oothe last: two permits oothe attached list, Aqua |slisted under your name and [urhLuckCo, isunder Derek's. The final permit would need tobe issued between 18/l/2D15and 9/38/2016. Can you committueither uythose for the Priority Permit list? Thanks, Julie From: Zimmer, Andrea [mailto:Zimmer.Andrea@)epa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 5:08 PM To: Belnick, Tom Subject: NC Updated FY16 Priority Permit Candidate List and Next Steps | hope that Tom isenjoying his vacation! |nTonfsO/11email below, his explanation ofthe next steps for FYl6Priority Permits is correct. I've attached the updated FY16 PP Candidate List; all of NC's requests for removals were granted, so the updated list has J7candidates. Again, the calculation is: FY1GPriority Permits =ZOY6ofCandidates (27)=S FY16Commitment =OOY6ofPriority Permits (S)=4 So forNCs FY26Priority Permits please select 5 permits from the attached list and identify which ofthe following criteria are applicable for each permit: a. National program priority ([AFO) b. Significant changes tofacility's operations c. National program priority(CB]) d. Discharge todrinking water resources e. Revised effluent limitations guidelines f. Protection of an endangered species g. Environmental justice h. Facility located on priority watershed i Permit ismore than lOyears expired k. Discharge to an impaired water body (i.e., water body on 303(d) list) i Implementation ofaVVLAfrom aTMDL OEQ-CFVV_00048219 m. Revised water quality standards n. New significant discharger with environmental significance (must also select a reason from the above list indicating such significance) o. Other. If "Other" is selected, an explanation/description must also be provided. (FYI "state priority" can be a reason for this category) Please provide the list and criteria by As always, please let me know if you have questions and I'll be happy to help you. From: 8e|nick,Tom Sent: Tuesday, August 1l2O1S4:13PK4 To: Zimmer, Andrea Cc: Risgaard,Jon; Hennessy, John; Grzyb,Julie Subject: N[Updated FY16Priority Permit List Hello Andrea- welcome to Priority Permits! I'm sure Gina left you some good notes. I've attached our update to your initial list, which included 70 backlogged permits (>2 years). \Nehave highlighted those permits that have already been issued inYELLOW, which drops the list ofbacklogged permits down toZ9. The large discrepancy in backlog numbers appears to be due to the fact that NC has not uploaded permit data to ICIS since Oct 2014. Our IT folks indicate that EPA changed JAVA, and we have been working with EPA to update our system and get them talking again (NC loads data indirectly from B|K4S to |OS). VVewould like torequest 2permits for Candidate removal for the following reasons: w N[0UO4514(RDUAirport)'basedonsitevisitxvithStormw/aterUnitstaff,vvep|ant000nvertthispenmitfnoman NCOOxvastexvater permit to an NCS stormvvater permit. We have given the facility deadlines to apply for stormwmtercovera0e, and will rescind the wastewater permit following conversion. N[OO56731([hessonGroup)'|ongstoryshort,dheohgina|VVVVTP0wnersWppedtown,andtheVVVVTPhas been operated byNCUtilities Commission since. About 1Ohomes total insubdivision. The hope is for the City of Durham to extend sewer line and connect them, but it is not within City limits and is on/off the City budget from year-to-year. There is no "Owner" to issue a permit to. |miU beonvacation from 9/10dhrou8h 9/25, so I've copied several NPDESfo|ks (Jon RisgaartJohn Hennessy, Julie 6rqdz)incase the process isstill ongoing and you need additional info. For the benefit of]ohm]on1u|ie,the process (at least last year) went asfollows. Assuming EPA concurs with our Candidate removal request, the Candidate List drops to 27Permits. We then take 20% of that list (5 permits) and identify those 5 specific permits as our Priority Permits for FY16; EPA might have specific criteria for permit selection. We will ultimately be responsible for reissuing 80% of our Priority Permits (O.8 x5permits =4permits =FY1Gcommitment). Once again, that was last year's process, sonot sure ifthere are any changes planned for FY16. Hope this helps. Let me know if any questions. [ra0�MAW, Supervisor, NPDESComplex Permitting Unit E-mail correspondence toand from this address may besubject tothe North Carolina Public Records Law and may bedisclosed to third parties OEQ-CFVV_00048221