HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00081559From: Governor Cooper's Press Office [govpresa@nc.gmv] Sent: 8/3/2017658:49PyW To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHFI]3PDLT)/cn=Kecipients/cn=cee93c49dO1445a]b54Ibb]I7dcdc84O-jbkhtzed Subject: Governor's Office onFederal Investigation Related ToChemours FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 3, 2017 Contact: Ford Porter Phone:g1g-814-21OO Emai|:govpress@ncgov RALEIGH: Ford Porter, spokesman for Governor Cooper, released the following statement on the federal investigation related 0nChemours: "Families deserve to have confidence in their drinking water. That's why Governor Cooper directed the SBI and DEQ to investigate the discharge of GenX into the Cape Fear River by Chemours. It's encouraging that the US Attorney's office is taking steps to get answers on this matter, and DEOwiU be providing documents Uoaid this investigation." Wilmington Star -News: Feds Subpoena DEQ over GenX By Kevin Maurer RALEIGH -- The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality has been served with a federal OEQ-CFVV_00081559 grand jury subpoena requesting information related toanongoing investigation into Chemours permit to discharge the unregulated compound GenX into the Cape Fear River. The U.S. AttorneytOffice for the Eastern District of North Carolina issued the criminal subpoena on July 28. The subpoena requests that by Aug. 22 DEQ provide to a grand jury in Wilmington permits, environmental compliance information, reports and correspondence about the Chemours Company's Fayetteville Works facility, GenX and other fluorinated chemicals. "DEQ will provide all relevant records about Chemours as part of this ongoing federal investigation," DEOspokesman Jamie Kritzer said. "We are pleased that federal authorities are taking this matter seriously aswecontinue our own investigation into Chemoursand the issues surrounding GenXand the other unregulated chemical compounds.^ Aspokesman for the Eastern District ofNorth Carolina would neither "confirm nor deny" subpoenas were issued and refused to comment further on the ongoing investigation. The federal investigation is just one of several looking into Chemours' practices. State Attorney General Josh Stein oentChenmuns an investigative demand last week looking into whether the chemical giant used deceptive trade practices while marketing GenX. And Gov. Roy Cooper, during his visit 0nWilmington last week, said he directed DE0and the N.C. Department ofHealth and Human Services to launch an investigation intoChemnuns' discharge of GenX. He also directed the State Bureau of Investigation's Diversion and Environmental Crimes Unit Uoassess whether a criminal investigation is warranted in this case. Cooper and his administration were successful ingetting Chemour to stop the release of GenX.Since then, the levels of GenX in finished drinking water from the Cape Fear River continues to be below the state's public health goal and has been trending downward, according Unrecent testing samples. Facebogdk * Twitter m 8nstaQram * Fllckr This message sent tn°amnieXhftzer@nc«enr,gowfrom g«v.gow Governor Coope/sP�'es Office Governor Cooper's Press Office 116VVnn!JnnmnSt, Raleigh, NC 27808 Unsubscribe OEQ-CFVV_00081560