HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00081248From: Kritzer, Jamie [/D=[XCHANG[LAB5/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=C[E9]C49D01445A]B541B8327DCDCD4O-JBKR|TZ[R] Sent: 8/2/20I73:3I:04PM To: Maguire, Megan [K8aguire.K8eXan@epa.gmv] Subject: FVV:Embargoed press release 1yi Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 519-707-8602 Bn� lo �iS ""s i'o0� �o/�rOa/n�naPu�6:�eco/c",xLaw/a//��, abw��a/b�� From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 11:25 AM To:rwoodruffBpendercountync8ov cmoser@pendercountyncgov tproctor@pendercountync.gov m|on8@pendercountync.gov;ccoudriet@nhcgov.com;nmhh@nhqBov.com;j|oeper@nhqBov.com; Lindsey. Hal |ock@cfpua.uqJ;ptarte@nhc8uv.com;michaeicramer@caro|inabeach.or0;tovvens@tovvb.ur8; n.avery@tovvnofkurebeach.org;vvvvhite@nhc8ov.com;b|adenhea|th0Db|adenco.oqJ;medvvards0Db|adenco.oqJ; gmartin0Db|adenco.or8;dhoxvard@b|adenco.or8;ann.hardy@brunsxvickcountync.gov; david.stan|ey@brunsvvickcuuntync.gov;cris.harre|son@brunsvvickcuuntync.gov; Amanda.hutcheson@brunsw/ickcountync.gov;mtrainor@sacommunications.com; stedinBzheatham@m/i|min8tonnc.gov;tony.caud|e0Dvvi|mingtonnc8ov;Richard.kin80Dxvi|mingtonncBov; K4a|issa1a|bert@vvi|min8tonnc.8uv;jimƒ|echtner@cfpua.oqJ; beth.eckert@cfpua.oqJ; bwm|ker@hI0oon|ine.00m; don@|cfm/asa.or8;tovvens@tovvb.org;John. Nicho|s@brunsvvickcountync.8ov; dona|ddixon@brunsvvickcountync.8ov; mmack@pendercountync.gov;kimber|y.fai|0Dipaperzom;Gary.Mornoxv@ipaper.com; michae|.oramer@caru|inabeaoh.ur8; |inco|n.Larry@epa.gov; marradnidavina@epa.guv; Smith.Emi|y@epa.8ov Cc Mackey, [hris<[hris. Mackey@dhhs.nc.gov>; Kritzer, Jamie ^jamie.kritzer@ncdenr.8ou^ Subject: Embargoed press release Em Aswe've been doing, vvewanted toshare with you all anadvance copy ofthe news release DBlwill send today regarding the latest test results for GenXinthe Cape Fear River. I've pasted the text from the embargoed copy below. We will give you an opportunity to digest it and plan to send out the final release to media by about 12:30-1 p.m. OEQ-CFVV_00081248 Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 519-707-8602 Roy Cooper, Govemo Michael S. Regan, Secretary En vircm m. en ta I Release: IMMEDIATE Contact: Jamie Kritzer Date: Aus.Z.JO17 Phone:919'7O7'D6OZ RALEIGH — Concentrations of GenX in finished drinking water from the Cape Fear River continue to be below the state's public health goal, according to the latest test results released by the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality. The state s latest test results released Wednesday reflect conditions in the Cape Fear River July 17-20xvhen the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality completed its fifth week of testing. The state also has received partial test results for July 24, when the sixth week of testing started. The state results for finished drinking water remained below the 140 parts per trillion developed bythe NI. Department of Health and Human Services. The health goal represents the concentration of GenX at which no adverse non -cancer health effects would be anticipated over an entire lifetime of exposure to the most sensitive populations. The state DEQ and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services began investigating the presence of GenX in the Cape Fear River on June 19. That ongoing investigation along with pressure from residents and local officials prompted Chemours, the company manufacturing the unregulated chemical, to stop discharging GenX into the Cape Fear. Instead the company is collecting it and transporting it out of state for incineration. OEQ-CFVV_00081249 Water sampling and analysis will continue at finished water sites for the foreseeable future. Also, DEQ officials began this week conducting groundwater sampling to look for any concentrations of GenX in 16 monitoring wells at Chemours' facility in Fayetteville. DEQ has created a map on its GenX web page to better illustrate the state's sampling results. Results may be viewed at: For more information about the state's investigation, you can check out the GenXweb page at: ### OEQ-CFVV_00081250