HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00046026Hazardous Waste Section File Room Document Transmittal Sheet I, Identification- Fillautform ci Your Name Facility Name pletely and a Larry Stan N D t Highlight, check* General (G) Notification 8700 (9700) 1-1 izardous Wiste Peport (HWR) Ppes/Invoice.s (F) Technical Assistance (TA) Compliance Assistance Visit (CAV) Correspondence (C) [j Other (0) ............. ................... Closure (C ) Closure information (Cf) Closure Plan (CP) Closure Report/certification (CR) Correspondence (C) Other Financial (F) Financial Record Review (FRR) Mechanisms and instruments (ml) -J Financial statements (FS) Balance sheets (as) Tax returns (TR) Insurances (I) Corres pondence (C) Other (0) Miscellaneous (M) It to File Room 3 6 6 4 1 2 rcument Type below Permit (P) Part A Application (PA) Part RApplication (pa) Notice of Deficiency (NOD) Permitting Information (PI) Alternative to Post-Clowre Permit (APC) Modification (MOD) Corre spondence (C) Other (0) Groundwater (W) Groundwater Monitoring Report (WAR) Comprehensive Monitoring Event (CME) Correspondence IQ Other (0) inspection/investigation (1) Complaint Investiga tion (CNIP) Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Caw Development inspections (CDI) Compliance SrNMult�,, Evaluation (CSE) Focused Compliance Inspection (FCI) Sampling Event (SPL) Emergency Response (EMR) Correspondence (C) D Other (Ol Ill. Rgn&llm Use up to 256 chororter,5 to describe the document. 1'—Revised I P I hase Ill RFl work plan Corrective Action (A) Corrective Action Information (CM) RCRA Facility Assessment (RFA) Confirmatory Sampling (CS) �El RC RA FadlKy Invest atfran l) interim Measures Study/Plan/Implemented (IM) I Corrective Measure Plan Design (CMP) Land Use Rentriction, instiWtional Controls (LUR) Remediation System Effective Reports (RSER) Corrective Measures Study (COS) HSWA Remedy (HSWA) Environmental Indicators (u) Correspondence (C) Other (0) Enforcement (E) Ticket Notice of Violation (TNOV) Notice of Violation (NOV) Immediate. Action Notice of Violation (lANOV) Enforcement Package (Eli) F1 Compliance Order (CO) J Administrative Order on Consent (AOQ Settlement Agreement (SA) Correspondence (C) Other (0) word below can be used as a searchoble index to locate the IV. Date of Document. Date when the document generated, the date typed orprinted on the front page of document .......... Date on Document 05 2011 V. File Room Use Only; Date Received Date Scanned Date Returned Scanners Initials Hamraws vlaslo simr;op update,;(, lclovwlo F,;io rMP'vr.Va,1 LK-600� DEQ-CFW-00046026 E Q 39 WW *2UW I W alai goo 9WAY14161 111 W:8 I 44:1±1N WAN 10 1 wd 101 kyj =1 9 rel FT &TITLOIN I I's i I 1 :1 V-01 I ITA 0 lei F-11 :j 0 1 LG!U an j M 1) In September 2005, Dexter Matthews, who is Director of the NC Division of Waste Management (DWM), indicated in a letter to Michael E. Johnson that C-8 releases to groundwater and soil at the Fayetteville Works would be addressed under a RCRA permit issued by DWM. In a similar letter, DENR's Assistant Secretary for Planning and Policy, Robin W. Smith, communicated this information to the C8 Working Group. Copies of the letters are attached to these comments. Response Comment noted. Section 2.3.3 2) The work plan indicates that the concentrations of bromoform and dibromochloromethane in groundwater samples collected at monitoring well MW- I I exceeded the NC 2L Groundwater Standards for these compounds. DuPont did not discuss (a) the constituents' fate and transport, (b) their horizontal and vertical extent in groundwater, or (c) the possibility of a source for the compounds other than SWMU 9. The HWS believes the concerns mentioned in this comment should be addressed in the work plan. Response During the Phase III RFI, an attempt will be made to confirm the detections qfbromofarin and dibroinochloromethane inUIV-11 and to delineate theirpotential extent by sampling nearby monitoring wells MIV-2S and MIV-9S and installing and sampling temporary lvellpoints to the south and southwest o 'MIV-11 (if perched ispresent). Confirmation sampling is .f f,r necessary because these contpouittl,,iwere onI detected once in 2005 at low concentrations s. Section 2.3.3 of the work plan (pages 20 - 21) and the corresponding STVIVIU Prioritization ff"orksheet (Appendix A) have been updated to reflect this chan,-c% Once the current concentrations and extent of these compounds in groundwater have been deterinined, a discussion of the constituents' fate and transport, the horizontal and vertical extent in groundwater, and the possibilitysource of soui or the compounds other than SWMU 9 will be 0 provided as part qfthe Final RF1 Report. - -- --------------- DEQ-CFW-00046027 0 Section 3.1.1 Existing Information and Identified SC M Data Gaps 3) Mounding of the water table caused by SWMUs 21 A & B (River Water Sediment Retention Basins) is a major influence on the transport of contaminated groundwater at the DuPont - Fayetteville site. Eventually these basins will be taken out of service, and the groundwater system will return to steady-state conditions. DuPont -Fayetteville should predict the fate and transport of hazardous waste and/or hazardous constituents in groundwater as the transient stresses imposed on the aquifer system by the basins are removed. Response As NCDENR has noted, once SIVYWIT21A & B basins have been taken out of service, there will no longer be a major source qfwater infiltrating into the subsurface and creating a mound of perched water on top of the subsur,/ace clay lens. As the perched mound dissipates, the only source of *infiltrating water will be rain, which will create a more subdued perched zone both in areal extent and thickness. Perched water that is not evaporated or transpired will slowly flow through the sand1vilt overk)7ing, the clay lens, with the perched -one water table mimicking the top of clay contour (as depicted in work -plan Figure 6). Groundwater constituents will be transported with the perched water in a westerly direction (as they currently are in the region west of the basins) as indicatedkr the perched zonepotentionietric surface depicted in workplan Figure 77. If any groundwater constituents east of the basins currently discharge to the eastern bluff slope, once the basins are taken out of service, there will no longer be a hydraulic gradient to the east and discharge to the bluff slope should cease. Additional discussion will he provided as part of the Final R FI Report. • MOM Complete the Investigation of TPH at the Site 4) Groundwater samples collected for the purpose of determining TPH impacts should be analyzed for hydrocarbons by the Massachusetts (MADEP) methods. The samples should also, as proposed in the work plan, also be analyzed for specific TPH-related constituents. Response Groundwater samples collected.lor the purpose ref determining TPII impacts will be analyzedJor hydrocarbons by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental protection (MADEP) method (as well asfor specific TPH-related constituents). Section 3.4 (pages 33 - 34) and Table 2 o0he work plait have been updated accordingly. Section 3.5 Conduct Site -Wide Groundwater Monitoring 5) A table that summarizes SWMU-specific and site -wide groundwater constituents of concern (COCs) should be added to the work plan. Response Table 3, which summarizes SWIIU-specific and site -wide groundwater COCs, has been created and is refe renced in Section 3.5 of the work plan (page 34). DEQ-CFW-00046028 0 Section 4.1 E Field Investigation Methodologies 6) DuPont should discuss Stage I investigations in more detail. Information such as the most likely geophysical techniques to be used in a specific area and the placement of geophysical surveys (locations and number of lines or grids) should be discussed, even if the proposed tasks are tentative. Once details of the Stage I investigation are finalized, DuPont should communicate this information to the HWS before field operations begin. F Section 4.1 qI'the work plan (pages 36 - 37 and page 42) has been updated to include additional information about the field investigation methodologies that intly be employed during Stage I of the Phase III RFI to collect data needed to meet the stated Phase III Stage I objectives. As part qf'the overall RTIfield activities, a geophysical subcontractor will be selected to pedin-in aiiinitial geophysical safety investigation atthe Site. The initial investigation will use ground - penetrating radar and electromagnetic induction survey techniques. While at the site./or the initial geophysical safel ty investigation, the selected subcontractor will evaluate site conditions and determine which of the iwrious, geophysical investigation techniques discussed in the work plan may have the ability to provide adequate data to meet the required Phase III Stage I objectives. During this initial site visit, the subcontractor int(j, also conduct a sinall-scale, survey using one or more of the possible techniques and will perform a detailed review of'existing site lithologic data. The subcontractor will then determine, based on the initial small-scale survey results, site -specific conditions, and previous cwperience, which geophysical survey techniques inightproi,ide usef ul If it is determined that no geophysical investigation technique will provide adequate data to meet the Stage I objectives, then alternative intrusive techniques (as described in the work plan) will be employed (e.g., drill rx4,, Geoprobe*), CPT). The decision about which field investigation methodologies will be employed during Stage I of the Phase Ill RFI will be made in conjunction with NCDENT and will be based on the determination of'the methods that will provide adequate data to meet the Phase Ill objectives. SpecUic details about the selected method(s) will be communicated to NCDEIVR,for review and approval prior to implementation offiFeldwork, along with the basis for selecting the chosen inethod(s). This information will also be included, along with investigation results, in the technical memorandum that will be prepared and submitted to NCDEJVR upon completion qf Stage I of the Phase Ill R Fl. A new Figure II has been created that depicts specific areas where all attempt will be made to use geophysical investigation techniques to determine the presence, extent, and thickness ess of the clay lens and ivlietlierperched water ispresent. The nitnthei-(if'layout lines shown on Figure 11 is onto an estimate; the final number and location will be based on resultsfromthe preliminary screening performed during the initial geophysical safety investigation. T here is no specific e g-wphysical technique that is more likely to be used than another, in fact, more than one geophysical technique (as described in the work -plan) will likely be employed along the same layout lines to provide as much information as possible. A new Figure 12 has been created that depicts specific areas where an attempt will be made to use invasive investigation techniques (if necessaij) to determine the presence, extent, and thickness ol'the clay lens, as well as whether perched water is present. The areas are coincident with the proposed .,,,eopliysicallayout lines. The final locations and areal extents will be based on results from the initial geophysical safety investigation (which will identify underground utilities) DEQ-CFW-00046029 E and on the presence of'other above -ground hazards. The work plan has also been revised to reference the new figures. k1f Ntv�NTTIMW Soil Sampling Methodology 7) Soil samples that will be analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) should not be homogenized during collection. Samples that have been mixed or homogenized may exhibit decreased concentrations of volatile compounds and as a result, may not be representative of the impacts to soil. The recommended method of sample collection is with a small coring tool (for example, an Encore sampler), but any method that efficiently transfers the soil sample to a laboratory -supplied collection bottle is acceptable. Response The text in Section 4.2.5 (page 46) has been changed to reflect the use of an EnCore* (or equivalent sampling device) for sampling for the presence of volatile organic compounds in soil. Section 6.3.2 Waste Management Plan 8) As with any corrective action activity that generates significant quantities of waste, the HWS would like to receive a copy of the site -specific waste management plan before remedial activities are implemented. Response A copy qf the current site-speczfic Waste Management Plan (TV11p) is attached to this document. However, because the IVMP may need to be updated to reflect any changes in anticipated waste management procedures, DuPont will resubmit the WVP prior to implementation of any initial field activities where waste will be produced. DEQ-CFW-00046030 U Project -Specific Waste Management Plan for Groundwater, Surface -Water, and Sediment Sampling DuPont Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Date: 1 10 Project 18985791.508772 URS Corporation CorporateIron Hill Center r19713 DEQ-CFW 00046031 LJ E Project -Specific Waste Management Plan for Groundwater, Surface -Water, and Sediment Sampling Table of Contents 1.0 Description of Activities ............................................................................................. I 2.0 Waste Characterization and Handling ........................................................................ 2 2.1 Applicability of Listed Codes ............................................................................ 2 2.2 Determination of RCRA Characteristic Codes .................................................. 2 2.3 Waste Management and Characterization .........................................................2 3.0 Spill Reporting Procedures ......................................................................................... 3 3.1 Contact Names and Phone Numbers .................................................................. 3 3.2 Reporting Requirements .................................................................................... 3 3.2.1 Reporting Requirements — Federal Regulations ...................................4 3.2.2 Reporting Requirements — State of North Carolina .............................4 4.0 Waste Storage and Documentation Requirements ...................................................... 5 4.1 Containerization and Labeling Instructions .......................................................5 4.2 Waste Container Inventory Procedures ............................................................. 5 4.3 Container Storage Time Limits and Inspection Requirements ..........................5 Tables Table I DuPont Fayetteville Groundwater, Surface -Water, Sediment, and Public Water Supply Well Sampling Project Team Responsibilities Table 2 DuPont Fayetteville Groundwater, Surface-Watei, and Sediment Sampling Anticipated Waste Streams Figures Figure I Sampling Location Groundwater, Surface -Water, and Piezometer Map Appendices Appendix A Sample Container Label for Purge Water Appendix B Sample Field Documentation Form and Weekly Container Inspection Form Fayetteville PSWMP GW-SW-Sediment Sampling_Final Newark, DE DEQ-CFW-00046032 11 E 11 Project -Specific Waste Management Plan for Groundwater, Surface -Water, and Sediment Sampling Description of Activities This project -specific waste management plan and classification document covers the activities associated with ongoing groundwater well monitoring, sediment sampling, surface -water sampling, and public water supply well sampling at DuPont Fayetteville Works in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The E.I. du Pont de Nernours and Company (DuPont) Corporate Remediation Group (CRG) anticipates the following site activities to be conducted by its contractors (see Table I for a list of project team responsibilities): • Sample up to 30 on -site groundwater monitoring wells using low flow techniques. • Conduct surface -water and sediment sampling at on -site and off -site locations. • Monitor water levels at several piezometer locations on -site. Figure I illustrates all sampling locations included in this monitoring program. Fayetteville PSWMP GW-SW-Sediment Sampling_Final Newark, DE -- DEQ-CFW 00046033 Project -Specific Waste Management Plan for Groundwater, Surface -Water, and Sediment Sampling Waste Characterization and Handling The applicability of federal waste listing codes for waste environmental media (e.g., soil, sediments, groundwater) resulting from site remedial activities is not clearly defined under the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations. Soil, sediments, and groundwater derived from investigations or other field activities are "inherently non -waste like" and are by definition not solid wastes. However, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) "contained -in" interpretation insists that management of contaminated media be classified as hazardous waste if it contains or has come in contact with a federally identified listed waste. The compounds monitored under this program are not derived from listed waste sources. Therefore, all media and debris generated will not contain a listed hazardous waste. Investigation -derived media [soil, protective personal equipment (PPE), or water] that does not contain RCRA listed waste(s) may be classified as hazardous if it exhibits a hazardous characteristic(s). The four hazardous characteristics defined by RCRA are as follows: 0 Ignitable (D001) 0 Corrosive (D002) 0 Reactive (D003) 301MEMEMUM The potential application of RCRA hazardous characteristics to waste generated during activities will be based on historical groundwater results and generator knowledge of sampling procedures. Several years of monitoring have occurred under this program. All recovered groundwater, disposable tubing, and PPE will be RCRA non -regulated solid waste for management and disposal. Timo t Me, Anticipated waste streams from the ongoing monitoring and sampling activities are as follows: 0 RCRA non -regulated wastewater from groundwater sampling 0 RCRA non -regulated PPE and disposable equipment from groundwater sampling • RCRA non -regulated PPE and disposable equipment from surface -water and/or sediment sampling A summary of waste management instructions for each anticipated waste stream is provided in Table 2. Fayetteville PSWMP GW-SW-Sediment Sampling_Final 2 Newark, DE DEQ-CFW-00046034 Project-:Spec€€ic'Waate Managemer3i Ran for Gfo-undvbatar. �� C)t��tt Procedures Surface -Water, r,nd Se&nen, Sar .tin ..,:m��:w:.:.. "l'liese procedures have been written expressly to cover the field activities to be conducted by DuPont. or its designated subcontractors, at .DuPont Fayetteville Works, located its Fayetteville., North. Carolina. Release reporting and response will take place in a manner protective of human health r and the en.v-ironrtent and will ccniply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as DuPont standards and policy, The provisions of this plan must be carried out ini_nie .iately whenever there is a tire, an explosion, or a liazardo-us substance release that could threaten human health or the environment, Internal DuPont and CRG Reporting In the event that: a release occurs, the contacts in the table below wil l be inacle as appropriate, >;;< >€ Mike Johnson DUCCsM Fayetteville Plant (Site EnvironmentalManager) 676-11 a5 704-558-4403 Tracy Ovbe (office)Parsons Charlotte (Parsers Project Manager) 704- 93-8146 (mobile) Jamie Vary Buskirk Charlotte -- DuPont 704-362-66 6 (DuPont CRIS Protect Director) Steve Shoemaker Charlotte -- DuPont 704-362-6633 (DuPont C G Business Team Leader) Tracy Ovbev wil.l make the appropriate reporting within the CRG orgar ization. Agency Reporting Mike ;lohnson shall notitv the agencies in the table below, as necessary, All environmental releases shall be reported i.1-nine liately to the Site Envirronniental Manager, Mil e Johnson, and internal DuPont CRG and contractor contact,,as liste€l. above. Reporting requirements .-for hazardous substances and the quantity released of a given chemical vary in type i.e.., air, water, or surface releases). € ayrteviile PSWUP GMSVV-Sediment 5arnpling_Fina1 Newar�, DE DEQ-CFW 00046035 Prolect-Specific WaVe Management Ran for Groundwater, Suflace-16ater, and Sediment Swnolina— In the event that personnel safety and,"or release containment is required, take appropriate action to safeguard human health and the environment. Should a release occur of any other hazardous substance onto the ground, surface water, or air, it should be appropriately reported. Notification to the Site En-vironi-nental Manager. Mike Johnson, and internal DuPont CRG and contractor contacts must occur in a timely manner to ensure that no %gency reporting is required, Other hazardous substances include.. but are not lin-fited to, the following. * Gasoline ® Diesel Fuel 0 Any Oil (e.&, Nlotor Oil, Lubricating Oil) The table below shows the reportable quantities for the constituents anticipated (either used or present in the media to be sampled or handled) during the field activities. The North Carolina Code that pertains to spill andi,"or release re tying, requires unmediate reporting ofany releases that exceed the reportable quantities cited in the table below or an-v rcleasc.s that contact surface -water bodies of the State of North Carolina, Reportable Quantities (RO) for Anticipated Constituents P W IEEE]' Now WNW: 011-1--11 Petroleum products Cannot cause a 40 CFR 110 CWA Petroleum product spills to (fuels, hydraulic sheen on the the ground must be fluids) surface of the water reported to Mike Johnson. Cannot violate applicable water quality standards Cannot cause a sludge or emulsion to be deposited beneath the surface of the water or upon the adioininq shoreline --------------- Fayetteville PSWMP GVV-SVV-Sediment Newark, DE Cl DEQ-CFW-00046036 DEQ-CFW 00046037 !r: 11 DEQ-CFW 00046039 Poje l-S.pecificVvaste Management Ran fofGroundwater. Sur#ace:-Wade , and Sediment Sam ling Appendix a » 11.565m: mlyms. FayetteWi e Pik,V3M V -SVI-SC'CajmeFtt .S. •'.ililp in Final A-1 Wilmington, D DEQ-CFW 00046040 11 E Sample• Documentation Fa '` • Weekly Container Inspection Form DEQ-CFW 00046041 Project -Specific Waste Management Plan for Groundwater, Surface -Water, and Sediment Sampling Appendix B Waste Management Field Documentation Form INSTRUCTIONS: Every project's Field Team Leader is to submit this form to their Waste Managemen� GENERAL INFORMATION: Field Event Date(s): CRGProjeo No.: Project Site Name: Project Name: Site Address: Site EPA |DNo: Task Name: Field Teem URSWaste Consultant: *Site Environmental Coordinator orcontact (°Orphansites will not have anon-site cnntact.) Wastes Requiring Characterization and/or Disposal Assistance by URS Waste Consultant INSTRUCTIONS: This page must be completed to notify the URS Waste Consultant of wastes needing Fayexev|lepSvwwp aamplinQ_pmal Wilmington, DE MK 1-40 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) DUPONT FAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITE RCRA PERMIT NO. NCD047368642-Rl March 1, 2010 Revised April 5, 2011 wp=•, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Corporate Remediation Group 6324 Fairview Road Charlotte, NC 28210 lvd, a I " 121VIGNONSMUMI - WOUMM0311111019 DuPont PN 504639 DEQ-CFW-00046044 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURES AND SEALS SIGNATURESPROFESSIONAL L Professional Geologist Professional Geologist Geologist License number Expiration date Marc Harder 1763 6/30/2011 Signature Date iz, , Y15111 Telephone number FAX number E-mail (704) 558-4199 (704) 558-4139 Marc.Harder@parsons.com DOCUMENT: �- a .�� .. DEQ-CFW 00046045 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) E E C, 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Site Background ................................................................................................ 1 1.1.1 Plant Site Operations ................................................................................ 1 1.1.2 Regulatory History .................................................................................... 2 1.2 Corrective Action ............................................................................................... 3 1.2.1 RFI Approach ........................................................................................... 3 1.2.2 Phase III RFI Goal and Objectives ............................................................3 2.0 CURRENT SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL ............................................................. 5 2.1 Physical Setting ................................................................................................. 5 2.1.1 Regional Physical Setting ......................................................................... 5 2.1.2 Local Physical Setting .............................................................................. 6 2.2 Risk -Based Prioritization Process .................................................................... 8 2.2.1 Initial Risk -Based Prioritization Process and Results ................................8 2.2.2 Current Risk -Based Re -Prioritization Process and Results .....................10 2.3 SWMU and AOC Summaries ........................................................................... 12 2.3.1 SWMU 6 — Common Sump .................................................................... 13 2.3.2 SWMU 7 — Storm Sewer System ............................................................17 2.3.3 SWMU 9A & B — Former Wastewater Treatment Lagoons .....................19 2.3.4 SWMU 16 — Borrow Pit (Construction Debris Disposal Area) .................21 2.3.5 AOC C — Former Ag Products Gasoline/Diesel LIST Area ......................21 2.3.6 AOC E — Butacite@ Ethylene Glycol Release Area .................................22 2.3.7 AOC G — Former Fire Training Area .......................................................23 2.3.8 AOC GW — Site -Wide Groundwater ........................................................25 3.0 INVESTIGATION APPROACH ............................................................................ 28 3.1 Objective 1: Further Characterize Site Hydrogeologic Conditions ..............28 3.1.1 Existing Information and Identified SCM Data Gaps ...............................29 3.1.2 Investigation Methodology ...................................................................... 29 3.2 Objective 2: Conduct Ethylene Glycol Release Investigation ......................31 3.3 Objective 3: Complete the APFO Investigation .............................................32 3.4 Objective 4: Complete the Investigation of TPH at the Site ..........................33 3.5 Objective 5: Conduct Site -Wide Groundwater Monitoring ............................34 DEQ-CFW-00046046 PHASE III RCRAFACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REv1) 4.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION PLAN ........................................................................... 36 -�� 4.1 Field Investigation Methodologies ................................................................. 36 4.1.1 Geophysical Investigation Techniques ................................................... 3O 4.1.2 Other Investigation Techniques .............................................................. 41 4.1.3 Monitoring Well Installation ..................................................................... 42 4.2 Sampling and Analysis Plan ........................................................................... 43 4.2.1 General Field Procedures ....................................................................... 48 4`22 Calibration OfField Equipment ---------------------.44 4.2.8 Decontamination DfField Equipment ...................................................... 44 4.2.4 Groundwater Sampling Methodology ...................................................... 45 4.2.5 Soil Sampling Methodology ----------------------'40 4.2.0 Analytical Methods ................................................................................. 47 4.2.7 Sample Handling and Custody Procedures ............................................ 47 4.2.8 Quality Control Checks ........................................................................... 48 5.0 DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................................. 50 5.1 Data Record ..................................................................................................... 50 51.1 Field Sampling Records ......................................................................... 5Q 5].2 Unique Sample Code ............................................................................. 51 5.2 Data Evaluation ................................................................................................ 51 5.21 Groundwater,Soil and Surface Water .................................................... 51 � 5.3 Data Presentation .............'..............'......'........................................................ 52 5.31 Data Presentation Objectives ................................................................. 52 5.3.2 Tabular Displays ----------------------------. 52 5.3.3 Graphical Displays ................................................................................. 52 6.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN ,__,~,,~,,~,,~,,~,,~,,~,,~,,~,,~,.~,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,~,,____,54 6.1 Personnel ......................................................................................................... 54 6.2 Project Schedule .............................................................................................. 55 6.3 Support Plans .................................................................................................. 55 8.3] Health and Safety Plan ........................................................................... 5O 6.3.2 Waste Management Pkan-----------------------.. 50 6.4 Project Reporting............................................................................................. 57 7~0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 58 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Layout Map Figure 3 Sampling Location GW, SW, and PZ Map Figure 4 North -South Cross Section Map (A -A') Figure 5 Northwest -Southeast Cross Section Map (B-B') Figure 6 Top of Clay Contour Map Figure 7 Perched Zone Potentiometric Surface Map Figure 8 Glycol Underground Pipe Location Map Figure 9 SWMU Location Map Figure 10 TPH Soil Sample Location Map Figure 11 Proposed Geophysical Line Locations Figure 12 Proposed Areas of Intrusive Investigation Table 1 Historical TPH Detections in Soil Table 2 Groundwater Sampling Analytes and Methods Table 3 Summary of SWMU-Specific Constituents of Concerr Appendix A Risk -Based Prioritization System Data Appendix B Historical Groundwater and Soil Sampling Detections Appendix C Former UST Removal Correspondence E DEQ-CFW-00046048 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) Z21= E AWQC Ambient water quality criteria bgs Below ground surface CA Corrective action - ------- --- CPT - -- ------- Cone penetrometer testing CMS Corrective Measures Study COC Constituent of concern COD --------- ---- -- I -- - - -- ---------- Chemical oxygen demand CS Confirmatory sampling -- -------- - --- - DDR i DuPont In -House Data Review DMP Data management plan - ---------- ------ - -- - -------- ------ --------- --------- ----- ------ DRO Diesel range organics - - --------- - DuPont ---------- E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company DWIVI Division of Waste Management EM Electromagnetic ESV Ecological screening values ------------- FEP Fluorinated ethylene propylene ---------- - GPM __I --,Gallons per minute GPR - ------ -- --- Ground penetrating radar ----------------- --- ------------------- - -- --- - --- HASP Health and safety plan HH&E Human health and the environment HSWA ------- -- - -- - --- ----- --- Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments -- ---- ---- ID ------------------- ------ Insufficient data (to make a determination) — ----- -- -- ---- , - - - --------- - ------ IMAC Interim maximum allowable concentrations LOI Letter of Intent MADEP - - --- - ------ - -------- - --------- -------------- ---- ------ -------------------------------------- - Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection - MCL Maximum contaminant levels MDL Method detection limit MG/L -------------- Milligram per liter MIP Membrane interface probe MNA Monitored natural attenuation MS/MSD Matrix spike/matrrix spike duplicate rnsl Mean sea level - --- - ----- - ---- MW Monitoring well NC2LS North Carolina 2L Standards DEQ-CFW-00046049 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) --- Acronym Definition / Description _-_ -_ __� _ _--------- _---------- ____-- NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources NFA No Further Assessment/Action — - _ ------ NFI/NCM No Further Investigation and No Corrective Measures NFI/CM No Further Investigation and Corrective Measures Ng/m3 Nanogram per meter cubed ------------ ------------- _ OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration ----- __.__. __ _-.- _---.---__-- PAH ( Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon _ - _.......... - ---------- PD Project Director ----------- ----_ _ --- ---------- PMP Project management plan ppb Parts per billion _... _.. _____ i _.. ...._. ..,.... _.... _. _. .-... ._.. PPE Personal orotective enuinmant DEQ-CFW 00046050 PHASE III RCRAFACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REv 1) 11 W-1 Description Main Manufacturing Areas Butacite Manufactures Butacitee polyvinyl butyral sheeting and polyvinyl butyral resin for automotive and architectural safety glass. Manufactures Nafion'�) fluorocarbon membrane for electronic cells and manufactures fluorocarbon intermediates for Nafion@ membrane, Teflon@ resin, SentryGlasE) Manufactures SentryGlas6 Plus structural interlayer for architectural safety glass Plus (prev�ious location of now defunct Dymetrol nylon strapping). manufactured in the APFO area. However, it is not used, nor has it ever been used, in any of the other manufacturing facilities at the Site.) Manufactures Polyvinyl Fluoride (PVF) used to produce Tedlar@ film. Former Ma nufacturing Area Manufactured Teflon Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) for electrical wiring 0-i insulation and other applications. (Note: This Teflon unit did not use APFO in its process.) The PMDF unit was permanently shut down in June 2009 and, - tT ID. therefore, no longer manufactures DuPon m Teflon Support Areas Produces steam via oil -fired boilers for the facility's manufacturing areas as well as comfort heating for employees and produces process water and dernineralized water from raw river water. Wastewater Treats process wastewater and sanitary wastewater prior to discharge to the Treatment Cape Fear River. The DuPont Fayetteville Works facility received its initial RCRA Permit (NCD04736864 to operate a hazardous waste container storage area and tanks in February 1983. An amended Part A application was submitted in 1991 to document upgrades to its fluorocarbon waste treatment and tank system. The RCRA Part B permit application submitted in August 1993 identified a total of 71,750 gallons of container storage capacity at the container storage area. Stored waste included characteristic wastes In January 1998, the NCDENR reissued the Site's RCRA Part B Permit, which was to remain in effect for 10 years. Part V of the permit requires DuPont to investigate , (through an RFI) potential releases of hazardous substances into the environment as part of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) Corrective Action Program. In 2007, DuPont submitted an application for renewal of the Site's RCRA Pa B Permit, which is currently awaiting NCDENR approval. Since 1996, several stages of investigation have been conducted at the Site under NCDENR oversight to meet the conditions of the permit. Reports detailing these previous investigations have been submitted to NCDENR. The previous investigations ,�-re listed below along with the dates of associated report submittals: • RCRA Confirmatory Sampling (Supplemental) — June 1999 AprilFormer Fire Training Area Investigation — November 2001 11 Supplemental11 • • 2006 'r ReportIn addition, DuPont voluntarily agreed to an NCDENR request to conduct an investigation of potential APFO releases at the Site as part the ongoing RFI, even though APFO is not a RCRA-regulated hazardous substance. The findings of the APFO investigation activities conducted during the Phase 11 RFI were included in Appendix A of the Phase 11 RFI 2006). e' 1 Corrective action refers to all activities related to the investigation,- • and cleanup of - of • • or • •I - constituents from• • waste management units (SWMUs) and/or areas of concern (AOCs) at the Site. DuPont has established several overall goals for the corrective action activities at the DuPont Fayetteville Works Facility. These goals are listed below: Ensure the protection of human health and the environment (HH&E) through the development and use of an SCM based on a thorough understanding of site constituents,pathways,• exposure potential; contaminantm Cost-effectively manage/minimize long-term liabilities associated with potential - - - • risk -based prioritization • a m Appropriately comply with all regulatory requirements; and Coordinate RCRA corrective action activities with other business activities at the Site to minimize disruption t♦ plant operations, - benefits ♦. synergies wiother, overlapping environmental initiativ• ensure field efforts are conducted in a saf@_9,id eftietiViia%, tier. environmental The purpose of the RFI is to gather sufficient information to make remedial decisions in support of the overall corrective action goals. To accomplish this, site -specific data is collected to determine the nature and extent of releases of hazardous wastes or hazardous constituents from regulated units, solid waste management units (SWMUs), and other source areas at the Site. Necessary data is also gathered to support eventual • i determinations an• a Corrective Measures Study addition, DuPont integrates the use of risk management into the investigation as an evaluation tool to prioritize the units for further investigation and remediation. Establishing priorities using risked -based criteria and a SCM enables the RFI to focus on • - units, areas, or - pose the potential foradverse effects on Each investigation phase of the RFI builds upon the previous investigation phase to fill data gaps within the site conceptual model. Data gaps identified in the SCM are then used to generate the goals and objectives forthe next phase of - investigation. The goal of this phase (Phase 111) of the Site RFI is to collect sufficient data to complete the RFI process an•, to refine the SCM to facilitate the completionof - - 3 DEQ-CFW 00046053 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) fzTeTsurg i O a final risk assessment that will support an eventual CMS. Additional field activities will also be conducted during Phase III to address specific NCDENR questions and/or requests. ■ Based on a review of historical Site data and the current SCM (presented in Section 2.0), the following specific Phase III RFI objectives were developed to meet the Phase III RFI Goal: ■ Further characterize Site hydrogeologic conditions; ■ Conduct an investigation of the ethylene glycol release area; ■ Complete the investigation of historical releases at the APFO manufacturing area (SWMU 7) and of SWMU 16 as a possible source for APFO in groundwater; ■ Complete the investigation of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in soil and groundwater at the Site; and ■ Conduct a comprehensive site -wide round of groundwater sampling. ■ The specific tasks that will be completed to meet these objectives are described in the following Sections. U C] IM ;J.:l 4 DEQ-CFW 00046054 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) CURRENT SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL LAS 2.0 CURRENT SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL W ___D_uf:yo_ntutilizes the site conceptual model (SCM) to develop a representation of the chemical and physical characteristics of a site in order to focus investigation efforts and remedial decision making. The SCM also assists in the identification of data gaps, which can be addressed during future phases of the RFI. The SCM for the DuPont Fayetteville Site was developed to determine the potential for each unit (SWMU or AOC) to impact human health and the environment and to identify existing data gaps. The SCM was based on an analysis of potential exposure pathways, hazardous substance release constituent concentrations, environmental fate and transport mechanisms, and risk to human health and the environment. As part of the SCM, an accurate understanding of the geology and hydrogeology at the Site must also be known. The current SCM presented below was developed based on a review of historical data and the results of the activities conducted at the site during the Phase 11 RFL 1 .15133= Regional Climate Relatively mild winters, hot summers and abundant rainfall characterize the climate in Bladen County. Temperatures range from an average monthly high of 91 OF in July to an ;Amkk i average monthly low of 331F in January. Average rainfall ranges from a monthly high of 5.59 inches in July to a monthly low of 2.97 inches in November. Fj Regional Topography The region surrounding the facility is generally level to gently sloping. However, surface topography steepens when approaching the Cape Fear River and its tributaries. 9*70 11 OXCM9 reTel 0 LTA F We 9 0 Tj i I i grained micaceous sand a well as thick lenses of cross -bedded sand. The portion of the formation may also contain glauconitic, fossiliferous clayey san le es The Black Creek Formation and surficial deposits are the principal potable wa er 2quifers in the region. 5 DEQ-CFW-00046055 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) CURRENT SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL 2.2 Risk -Based • • Process To efficiently address the data gaps and potential adverse impacts to human health and the environment identified during the previous phases of the RFI, this SCM presents an updated risk -based prioritization system (see Appendix A) to "rank" the Corrective Action (CA) units according to their potential level of concern. Appendix B provides the historical groundwater, surface water, and soil sampling detections. The prioritization process uses risk -based criteria and evaluation of the potential for exposure to constituents in soil,• - f • groundwater t• identify those areas, or releases that may pose the greatest potential for adverse effects on human health and the environment. This process in not meant to be a one-time event, but an on -going, iterative process. In this way, as the RFI proceeds and more information is gathered, the rankings• •- revised and the investigationpriorities evaluated and changed as appropriate. If further characterization is determined to be unnecessary, the units are evaluated for the need for corrective measures. Use of a prioritization strate• •r• • by the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for CorrectiveAction forRelease from Solid Waste Management Hazardous Waste Management Facilities (ANPRM;Environmental • • Agency [USEPA], 1996c). The ANPRIVI promotes the use of risk management concepts and decision -making to prioritize efforts in order to achieve the objective of protecting human health • the environment• - 2.2.1 Initial Risk -Based Prioritization Process and Results risk -based prioritization system was first im•' -• at the Site in 1999 as described in the Confirmatory Sampling (CS) Report (DuPont CRG, 1999). In the 1999 study, DuPont integrated the use of risk management• the corrective• process to prioritize the units for further investigation and remediation. Establishing priorities enabled • focus on the units, areas, or releasesposed the greatest po• - effects on • the environment.• • '! and one potential release area- Training Area) were the focus of the prioritization process in 1••• as described below. The initial prioritization process us-• at the Fayetteville site incorporated three general steps quantitative comparisonof existing data against health -based screening levels ! physical/chemical criteria for• explosive hazards • ' qualitative evaluation of exposure • • • or mitigating factors the interpretation •" the results of Step relative• A comparative review of the concerns identified in Steps 1 and 2 to establish the priority rankings• • the units In 1999, the first two steps were conducted on potentially releasing units or AOCs for the following •. 71111111111111 'r- • -- as • .r• Potential foradverse effects • direct contact Potential• adverse effects fromreleases groundwat] • 8 DEQ-CFW 00046058 PHASE III nCRAFACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN yREV1> PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) CURRENT SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL ' were• •--t below- clay layer. Groundwater• - -r for ethylene glycol by USEPA Method 8015B. Analytical results did not indicate the presence of ethylene glycol above the laboratory MDL in any of the collected groundwater sam No additional investigationhave been • • -• and data gaps still exist in AOC E. The presence o- clay layer underneathuncertain,• impactsr soil and groundwater in the imme• - suspected release area are unknown. Insufficient Data: No data has been collected from the area immediately surrounding the underground pipe system to detect the presence and extent of the possible ethylene glycol Determine the nature and extent of ethylene glycol release (if present) the area. ` !C G — Former Fire Training Area The Former Fire Training Area consisted of a 3-foot by 3-foot metal pan that was lo on the ground and surrounded by a soil and gravel berm. The total bermed area was approximately 15 feet by 15 feet. Combustible materials (non -process materials) were placed in the metal pan,and diesel fuel was used to start the combustion process. Trainees • '• then practice extinguishing - Training Area • -• • re moving ♦ • pan and pushing the gravel berms into the interior training area. Additional details about the historical sampling investigations/activities that were conducted at AOC G, along with the proposed SWMU prioritization and Pha III RFI objective, are presented below. During the 1999 CS investigation, a hand auger was used to advance one soil boring to 2.5 feet bgs directly below the former locationof the metal pan. Staining was observed in the surface soils• • - - the metal pan had been located. The staining was not visible in the underlying soil at a depth of 2.5 feet bgs. fuel • sn [benzenetoluene,•-lead, TPH (by•r 418.1), DRO (by Method 8015B), and percent moisture]. TPH and TPH-DRO were detected above PQLs (2400 and 340 mg/kg, respectively) at concentrations of 5600 and 6200 • • respectively.Benzene,ethylbenzene,• r • were detected above PQLs (.005 mg/kg for BTEX constituents) at concentrations of 0.008, 1 110, 0.0089 and• 1 mg/kg re • - Area to determine if soilquality had been •. -• as a resultof prior completed at the Site. Soil samples were collected from the area as part of the 1999 supplemental CS inves•. • • - sample (FIRESCH-1) was collected at the presumed center (based on historic operation knowledge) at depth intervals of 8.5 to 91 23 DEQ-CFW 00046073 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) CURRENT SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL shallowgroundwater. Lead, chromium and nickeldetected above MDLs FTA-01, the upgradient well. Chromium and nickel were also detected in the downgradient wells (FTA-02 and FTA-03). No organic constituents were detected above MDLs in any of the three wells. The detected concentrations were attributed to naturally occurring background conditions, and it was recommended that additional groundwater samples be collected to confirm these results. nickel. Based on the recommendations from the Phase I RFI, additional groundwater samples were collected as part of the Supplemental Phase I RFI in 2003. Samples were collected from FTA-01 through FTA-03 and sampled for VOCs, PAHs, TPH-DRO, lead, chromium, and Lead was the only • •.nic constituent detected above - MDL. however,No other constituents were detected above the MDLs in the groundwater samples; r for the r-O analyses were slightly elevated • - to the presence of -a - • Conclusions SupplementalThe Phase I RFI •-•• 115) concluded that the lead detected excavationin the groundwater samples appears to be naturally occurring. No other constituents were detected above the NC2L groundwater quality standards during the last sampling event. However, although the majority of impacted soil was removed during the of - area, a limited area of soil with elevated TPH concentrationsremains at depth (> 11 feet bgs). Based on previous sampling, it is unlikely that the groundwater has been impacted by TPH in the soil; however, the MDL for the TPH-DRO analyses were elevated during the last sampling event due to the presence of sediment in the samples. As NCDENR representatives requested that occurrences of TPH at the site be further investigated, confirmation sampling of groundwater from the monitoring wells in the area is recommended to verify Insufficient Data: Impacts to groundwater from TPH in soil at AOC G ag uncert.?i,m. Confirm the historical TPH-DRO results to support the conclusion that groundwater in the area has not been impacted by TPH in the soil. All groundwater sam• • results were evaluated holistically as part of • help meet the overall RF1 objectives. Although release to groundwater was evaluated as p of r approach• for making determinations • • site-widecurrent site conditions at perimeter boundaries and potential exposure points and for - • • decision making. Additional . details .I•• • • I investigations that were• • ed at AOC GW, alongthe proposed SWIVIU prioritization and Phase III RFI objectives, are presented below. Historical Investigations A total of 45 groundwater monitoring wells and 26 piezometers have been installed at the Site during historical investigation efforts. In addition, there are two on -site domestic is water supply wells that have been used throughout the Site's history to provide potable, process, and domestic water supplies for facility needs. The two on -site water wells 25 DEQ-CFW 00046075 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) have been disconnected • drinking water system but - not been • r SectionDuring the CS and RFI, groundwater samples have been analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, and metals, as well as APFO, methanol, glycols (selected locations only), gas -phase hydrocarbons, MNA parameters, and water quality parameters. The results of these sampling events have been presented to NCDENR in the associated reports (as listed in ,11r hen compared to 15A NCAC 2L, NorthCarolina • • •. • Cr' exceededUSEPA Region IX PRGs for Tap Water, a number of constituents of concern (COCs) the screening criteria. These included several VOCs,i • APFO was also detected in several locations across the site. •MT • - r •� • • • •- •I• -a - •- -i it - • migration to the CapeRiver,either through- water ditch or directly through the lower aquifer. Additionally, the results suggest that there is a decreasing trend for VOCs (i.e., methylene chloride and tetrachloroethene) in the wells sampled in the perched and water table units under the Naflone Area. Furthermore, detected metals are believed to be naturally occurring and not a result of operations at the Site. Data gaps currently exist with regard to AOC GW. A perched zone and a deeper water table aquifer present underthe manufacturing.- of - Site, and a clay/clayey silt layer is present between the two zones. The main perched zone recharge center appears to be the north/south sediment basins, and the potentiometric surface of the perched zone indicates radial• - -• in the area of basins.• - potential unidentified windows may exist in the clay layer in the SWMU 9 area and north of • p. area. • - groundwater fl• • • the-•- of the • -• • - is influenced by -topography,but the perimeter of unknown.layer is addition, table aquifer appears to flow • • .•- however,Fear River; r •n relating to the potentiometric surface of - water table aquifer under the developed portion of the Site is limited. Groundwater flow to the north of the developed area of the Site and the hydraulic relationship between the water table aquifer • Willis Creek is also unknown.groundwater quality data • • still exists to southwestthe of is : ' Insufficient Data: The above -mentioned data gaps still exist with regard A • • Conduct an investigation to determine the perimeter of the clay layer present beneath the Site an• any possible windows that may exist in it. Further investigate the potentiometric surface of the water table aquifer under the developed portion of the site, groundwater fl•. • the northof - developed area of the Site, and the hydraulic relationship between table aquifer and Willis Creek. DEQ-CFW 00046076 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) CURRENT SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL E Conduct a comprehensive site -wide round of groundwater sampling to support SCM refinement in order to facilitate the completion of a final risk assessment that will support an eventual CMS. 27 DEQ-CFW-00046077 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) INVESTIGATION APPROACH 3.0 INVESTIGATION APPROACH This section presents th- strategy for• • the Phase III RFI SWMUs and a including the numberand type of samples to be collected and the analytical testing that will be performed. •- •• • a -• - to be -• during Phase III RFI the activities are •'r in Section4.0. • As presented in Section 1.2.2, five specific Phase III RFI objectives were developed: • Further characterize Site hydrogeologic conditions (necessary for investigati of all required SWMUs/AOCs); • Conduct an investigation of the ethylene glycol release area (AOC E); • Complete the investigationof • • groundwater; • Complete the investigationof • and groundwater Conduct a comprehensive site -wide round of groundwater sampling (SWMU 6, SWMU • a Certain Phase III RFI objectives must be completed and the data analyzed prior to implementing the field investigation for other objectives. The Phase III RFI will, therefore, be implemented in a "staged" approach, as follows: ■ Stage 1 — Further delineate the perimeter of the clay lens in the northern and western portions of the Site (required to partially meet Objectives 1, 2, 3, and 5). ■ Stage 2 — (To be initiated after completion of Stage 1) includes • Perform sampling associated with Objectives 2 and 4; • Install and sample permanent wells and temporary sample points associated with Objectives 1, 3 and 5; and • Collect additional data necessary to complete Objective 1. Based on - Stage 1 results, • • to better define the Stage 2 activities evaluation,consultation with NCDENR representatives. Upon completion of the Stage 1 data • r • ' submitted to NCDENR presenting results. The technical memorandum will also propose where sample points will be installed to fulfill the Stage 2 Objectives. 9"] -1 - M-R 0 M.- TY1 LTA I a Fral Q, - M MoR - I 10 1, M., r 3.1 Objective 1: Further Characterize Site Hydrogeologic Conditions This section presents the strategy for performing investigations to further characterize the Site ! •fie• ••iconditions- • complete investigationof required SWMUs/AOCs) including the overall objectives, potential investigative methods, DEQ-CFW 00046078 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) INVESTIGATION APPROACH and potential number and type of samples to be collected. Existing information relevan) to identified SCM data gaps is summarized below along with the data gaps. • A discontinuous clay/clayey silt lens (layer) is present in the subsurface vadose zone (i.e., unsaturated zone) above the regional aquifer that extends from approximately 1,000 feet east to 1,800 feet west of the Nafion@ Area, and has been encountered as far south and north as the perimeter of the existing manufacturing area (Figure 6 depicts the surface contour of the clay lens that was constructed with existing si. • Two separate saturated zones are present under the manufacturing area of the Site; a variably saturated perched water zone present on top of the clay lens and a deeper regional water -table aquifer (i.e., unconfined aquifer). The potentiometric surface of the perched zone (see Figure 7) indicates radial flow of water centered in the area of the North/South Sediment Basins (which appear to be the main recharge area for the perched water). Potential •i(higherpermeability but r aquifer sands) in the clay lens exist in the SWMU 9 area and north of the Nafion@ Perched water flowalong the -•- of the clay lensinfluenced by - topography of m The clay lens outcrops along the bluff adjacentto the Cape Fear River. m The perimeter of i been determined to the northand west. Aquifer monitoring are present to the northwest1 to the northeast1 of ► 0 `' 1 1:: and • s the river bank. Groundwater flowto the northof '. developed area of the Site and the hydraulic relationship between the water table aquifer (and potentially perched • Willis Creek is unknown. Delineation of the clay lens will provide an initial determination as to the potential for perched water to • ' present n• of the is manufacturing area, west of AO C, and southwestof focusThe main of objective of _ to refine the SCM by •I - • data to fill data gaps identified during the Phase 11 RFI pertaining to where groundwater occurs (both perched and aquifer) and where it flows. To meet this objective the lateral extent s internal continuityof - clay lenspresent in the vadose zone above variousgroundwater aquifer (unconfined water table aquifer) must be determined. There are - • investigative measures that may be used to accomplish this objective; including advancing soil borings and visually logging the lithologyfrom •' core, using geophysical interpretive techniques, or advancing CPT probes using the lithology •Section DEQ-CFW 00046079 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) INVESTIGATION APPROACH Soil cores previously have been collected at the Site using methods such as split -spoon • -rs with hollow -stem audrilling, • rr- sampler with the Geoprobe@ direct -push techniand ' • augering. There are a numberof geophysical techniques that have been •_ -• as potentially - determining the extent of clay lens (both laterally and vertically), the density of subsurface layers (clay vs. silt), and whether saturated conditions are present, including; ground penetrating radar (GPR), electromagnetic induction (EM), electrical resistivity, and seismic surveys. CPT can be "truthed" against prior visual lithologic log(s) and then used where access allows, with no depth limitationbased on - total depth -of -interest for - Site. Hand augering is only limited by - depth the augerbe advanced into the ground. - possible methods that will be used during the Phase III RFI are described in more detail in Section To better define the potentiometric surface of the regional water -table aquifer, seven permanent dual -casing monitoring wells will be installed into the upper 15 feet of the water table aquifer at locations west of the Administration Building, east of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, near the Sediment Basins, east of the Admin/Lab, east of SWMU 9, on the south side of the APFO manufacturing area, and east of the APFO manufacturing area. A figure showing the proposed locations of these wells will be submitted with the technical memorandum that will be prepared in consultation with NCDENR representatives upon completion of Stage 1 of the Phase III RFI. Water levels will be measured in all site wells and piezometers (including newly- -•i) within a 24-hour period so •- potentiometric mapsbe produced foboth the perched water zone and the aquifer.possible, the surface water stage in the Cape Fear River and Willis Creek will also be measured to provide data as to whether the surface water tributaries are gaining or •r • segments. To summarize, this objective will be accomplished through 1. Further delineate - perimeter of the clay lens in the northernand western portions of '• - • -•• ••-Q aquifer:2. Better define potentiometric surface of perched water and regional water -table Install • • monitoring wells into upper 15 feetof - table manufacturingaquifer at locations east of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (SWMU 8), near the Sediment Basins, east of the Admin/Lab, east of SWMU 9, on the south side of the APFO manufacturing area, and east of the APFO area ZMM C Determine if connectionexists between perched water in APFO manufacturirn area • Willis Creek: 0 Determine presence of - r potential presence of perched water) as described in the first task • 30 DEQ-CFW 00046080 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) INVESTIGATION APPROACH Determine connection between potential perched water and Willis Creek during the APFO groundwater quality determination as presented in Objective 3 (see Section 3.3) The investigation of the ethylene glycol release area (AOC E) will consist of ' determination of the depth and location of the underground conveyance pipe system, confirmatory water sampling for ethylene glycol (and equivalent indicator parameters), and delineation of any potential impact. The depth of the conveyance pipe system alo the different runs will be determined through review of engineering drawings, review of 1� the geophysical results used to identify the underground pipe location, and/or potentiall through visual and/or physical contact with the pipe. a depth coincident with the bottom of the conveyance pipe. The sampler will visually inspect the soil for saturated conditions. Saturated conditions would exist where a leak in a pipe was occurring because the pipe is currently being used to move water for comfort cooling. An area where water is currently leaking would, therefore, be the mostly likely area for an ethylene glycol leak to have occurred. If saturated conditions are encountered (i.e., the boring is close to where a leak is occurring), a sample of the water from a depth corresponding to the depth of the bottom of the pipe will be collected and submitted to the analytical laboratory for analysis of ethylene glycol. Because ethylene glycol is readily biodegradable in the subsurface environment and may no longer be present at detectable concentrations in the shallow groundwater from the historical release, e�yuivalent indicator #,arameter r eje_-, chemical o e n d e m a n d f_C_0_Q_- 10 mg/L reporting limit) or total organic carbon (TOC; 1,mg/L reporting limit)] will also be analyzed in the water sample. If saturated conditions are encountered at a boring location, two additional borings will be advanced to the same depth at a distance of 10 feet perpendicular to the pipe on either side. If saturated conditions are encountered at these borings, water samples will be collected and analyzed for ethylene glycol and equivalent indicator parameters. A second 1 0-foot step -out (20-feet out total) and associated sampling will be performed if saturated conditions are encountered at the first 10-foot step -out. If it is determined that the clay lens is present in the vicinity, each boring will also be advanced to the top of the clay layer, and if saturated conditions are still present, a second water sample will be collected and analyzed for ethylene glycol and equivalent indicator parameters. Presence of clay lens will be determined during Stage 1 of the Phase III RFI (see Section 3.1). Locations along the pipe runs (except where pressure -tested) will be hand augered to locate any saturated conditions. In the areas where saturated conditions are observed, water immediately below pipe and at the top of clay (if present) will be sampled. OEQ-CFVV_00046081 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) INVESTIGATION APPROACH be dependent on safety considerations, including access to the area (both for well installation and future well sampling), topography, etc. and will be submitted with the technical memorandum that will be prepared in consultation with NCDENR representatives upon completion of Stage 1 of the Phase III RFI. The wells will be installed in the first -encountered saturated zone, either perched water or the aquifer. Water samples will be collected from the new wells and analyzed for APFO. To summarize, there will be three main tasks for investigating the APFO manufacturing area: 1. Determine the presence of APFO in perched water and aquifer groundwater: 0 Presence of clay lens will be determined during Stage 1 of the Phase III RFI (see Section 3.11). 0 Monitoring wells will be installed in the area, and water perched on the clay lens will be sampled, if present. 0 Groundwater from the water -table aquifer will be sampled. 2. Determine presence of APFO downwind of the manufacturing area in SWMU 16: A monitoring well in the Borrow Pit (SWMU 16) downwind of the APFO manufacturing area (northeast of monitoring well SWM-03) will be installed in the first encounter of "permanent" groundwater (whether perched or aquifer) and sampled for APFO. 3. Determine groundwater quality near Willis Creek: • Monitoring wells in the first encounter of "permanent" groundwater 1101 (whether perched or aquifer) near Willis Creek at locations in -line with wells SMW-04/04B, SMW-03, and SMW-02/02B will be installed and sampled for APFO. Un W-Wff V UrXwk, C kats yaSollne ana MUM) aUnX9-U—U kati ulebul), arlu 11Idj lld'l, been introduced to SWMU 6 through the handling of wastewater containing TPH. Table 1 summarizes the existing TPH data for the four areas, including the depth intervals over which the soil samples were collected. Figure 10 depicts these sample locations. The extent of TPH in SWMU 6 has been adequately delineated in previous investigations. The focus of the Phase III RFI will, therefore, be on further investigating the occurrences in SWMU 9A & B, ACIC C and ACIC G. During the Phase III RFI, groundwater samples will be collected from wells in the vicinity of SWMU 9A is B and ACC G and will be analyzed for hydrocarbons by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) method and for TPH-related constituents. In addition, three soil borings will be advanced at locations/depths that correspond (as 0 closely as possible) to the previously -collected samples in AOC C. Soil samples 1=33 DEQ-CFW-00046083 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) INVESTIGATION APPROACH L11 perched water will be determined during the clay layer investigation. If perched water is determined to be present southwestof : a monitoring well will be installed and sampled for SWMU 8-specific• - or perched water is notpresent, therefore,then the potential for past releases from SWMU 8 to have infiltrated down to the aquifer newly -installed aquifer monitoring well (see Sectionto the east of SWMU 8 (i.e., the groundwater flow direction in the aquifer) will be sampled for the list of 8-specific COCs. To summarize, this objectivebe accomplished through 1. Conduct a comprehensive•- round of groundwater sampling. 2. Develop an expanded groundwater database for the Common Sump release (part of SWMU 6) including collection of MNA parameters to support a CMS. PZ-01 through PZ-09 will be abandoned and PZ-04 will be replaced with permanent monitor Confirm3. - findings of previous investigations,• -• clay that the lens is • present r the southwest of 8 or that there is noperched water present: Section• Presence of perched water will be determined during Stage 1 of the Phase III RFI (see perched water is present,be sampled for SWMU-specific• perched water is notpresent,-a aquifer monitoring well to the east of be sampled for •- • - 35 DEQ-CFW 00046085 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) FIELD INVESTIGATION PLAN L Figure 11 indicates the specific areas where an attempt may be made to use geophysical investigation techniques to determine the presence, extent, and thickness of the clay lens, as well as whether perched water is present. The number of layout lines shown on Figure 11 is only an estimate; the final number and locations will be based on the results of the preliminary screening survey performed during the initial geophysical safety investigation. There are a number of geophysical techniques that have been identified as potentially useful in determining the extent of the clay lens (both laterally and vertically), the density of subsurface layers (clay vs. silt), and whether saturated conditions are present. ■ Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) ■ Electromagnetic Induction (EM) ■ Electrical Resistivity ■ Seismic Surveys • Seismic Refraction • Seismic Reflection • Crosshole Seismic The following subsections discuss the different geophysical techniques in detail. Technical information presented below is primarily fromtwo references; Hager -Richter• - - Inc., website(http://www.hager-richter.com),r • Geophysical•a • ' •(http://www.geo-app.com). Ground Penetrating Radar (dielectricfrom interfaces in the path of the signal at which changes in the electrical properties • of the subsurface materials occur. The signals• -• processed, • displayed on - field •- addition to being recorded for potential additional post processing). provides a c• • profile of the subsurface. .. is commonly used in conjunctionother geophysical techniques magnetic, electromagnetic induction, and seismic refraction. GPR uses high -frequency electromagnetic waves to provide detailed subsurface cross sections. Microwave • reflected back to the surface from different produces various • Ifletal objects produce the strongest• • for determination of location, depth and • GPR can also delineate the boundaries of landfills, excavations, or other are where there is a distinct material density difference Higher -frequency antennas (• •Iwl or 0 '• for eys on concreteslabs,• locate rebar,electrical • • or pipes prior to •- drilling o•. 37 DEQ-CFW 00046087 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) FIELD INVESTIGATION PLAN Electromagnetic Induction methodThe EM measures the conductivityof buried objects,a backfill utilizing electromagnetic ina •n. EM (a.k.a., Terrain Conductivity)allows the .• • collection and interpretation of • quantities of data, • can be used to detect and locate both metal objects and zones of conductive contamination. It is the only •'eavailable geophysical techniquesensitive to the presence of both ferrous and non-ferrous metal objects. EM complements both magnetics and GPR. EM measures the apparent conductivity of the subsurface, including effects of the soil, bedrock contaminants,objects,and groundwater. Variations conductivity may indicate changes in composition, layer thickness, or moisture content, the presence of buried metal such as drums, or presence of contamination. Data are acquired at single stations and/or continuously along lines. EM surveys may not be suitable for examining highly industrialized or urbanized areas where cultural features such as buildings, pipelines and power - interfere • - •r of accurate data. • •. • in -phase and quadrature EM data, or • magnetic contour - • and non-ferrous s• of elevated • • drums landfillversus be differentiated. The electrical resistivity method measures the apparent resistivity of the subsurface, including effects of: soil type, contaminants, and groundwater. Variations in electrical resistivity may indicate changes in composition, layer thickness or contaminant concentrations. This method is useful for simultaneously detecting lateral and vertical changes in subsurface electrical properties. Electrical resistivity is also used to delineat-. 3-dimensional bodies s .'• • Electrical resistivity surveys may not be suitable for examining highly industrialized or I urbanized areas where cultural featuresbuildings, - • power 'interfere with the collection of accurate data. Seismic surveys provide a • about • .•hy, hydrogeology, and bedrock topography. Crosshole seismic is used to determine shear wave velocity as a function of depth to help determine geotechnical properties of soil and rock. Seismic surveys measure the time it takes for -• or -• energy waves traveling through the subsurface to return to geophones at the surface (or in nearby boreholes). By analyzing this data, characteristics of subsurface layers such as depth, s attitude can be determined. • Determine depth of ♦ re - bedrock • Determine depth of water table • Determine overburden thickn .• bedrock s••• .• Determine • and soil properties Determine lithology,and faults _ 38 DEQ-CFW 00046088 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) C seismic waves, it is sometimes referred to as the primary wave and is usually more -readily identifiable - • •' • as compared to the other Refractionseismic waves. Refraction) S-wave refraction evaluates the shear wave generated by the seismic source located at a knowndistance fromthe array. The wave is generated by horizontally striking an object on ground - to induce Since the shear wave is the second fastest wave, it is sometimesreferred to as the secondary wave. When compared to the compressionwave, wave is approximately one-half (but may vary significantly from this estimate) of the velocity depending on the medium. Shear waves cannot travel through liquid media. MwMay-JiMMM, Seismic reflection surveys use field equipment similar to seismic refraction, but field and data processing procedures are em• • -• to maximize the energyreflected along near signalvertical paths by •. density contrasts._• seismic energy is never reflectionfirst to arrive and, therefore, must be identified in a generally complex set of overlapping seismic arrivals. Therefore, the field and processing time for a given lineal footage of seismic - are much greater than for -refraction.However, reflection can be performed in the presence of low velocity zonesor velocity inversions, generally has lateral resolutionsuperior • seismic refraction,and can delineate very deep density contrasts• •y and shorter geophone line limitationlengths than would be required for a comparable refraction survey depth. The main • seismic reflectionpractical limitationto depths generally greater approximately 50 feet. At depths less than approximately 50 feet, • •m subsurface density contrasts- at •-•s • es at nearly the same time as the much higher amplitudeground • s air blast sound of the shot). Reflections from greater depths arrive at geophones after the ground roll and air blast have passed, making these deeper targets easier to detect and Seismic reflection is particularly suited to marine applications (e.g., lakes, rivers, and oceans) where the inability of water to transmit shear waves makes collection of high quality reflectiondata possible even • depths that would be • impossible on •. The general differences between - refraction r reflection are summarized in t11table below. _1 40 DEQ-CFW 00046090 PHASE III RCF0\FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV 1) FIELD INVESTIGATION PLAN Refraction --- - ------------------------------ Reflection Typical Targets Near -horizontal density Horizontal or dipping 4ensity contrasts at depths less than contrasts, and laterally restricted approximately 100 feet targets at depths greater than approximately 50 feet Site Conditions Access to an area greater than 5-times the depth of interest (natural ground cover) Vertical Resolution 10 to 20 % of depth 5 to 10 % of depth Lateral Resolution approximately Y2 the geophone approximately Y2 the geophone spacing spacing Effective Practical 1/5 to 1/4 the maximum shot -to- greater than 50 feet Survey Depth geophone separation In situations where both could be applied, seismic reflection generally has better resolution, but is considerably more expensive. In those situations, the choice between seismic reflection and refraction becomes an economic decision. In other cases (e.g. very deep/small targets) only reflection can be expected to work. In still other cases, where boreholes or wells are accessible, neither refraction, nor reflection may be recommended in favor of seismic tomography. Crosshole Seismic Surveys Crosshole Seismic Surveys measure the time for horizontally traveling compressional (P) and shear (S) waves to travel from a source hole to a receiver hole. Travel times are used to determine P and S wave velocities, which can be used to compute elastic moduli (e.g., shear modulus, Young's modulus, Poisson's ration) of the soil or rock strata. This information is then used to determine the strength and cohesiveness of the strata. The distance between borings at every measurement elevation must be precisely determined for subsequent velocity calculations. This is typically accomplished by performing a borehole deviation survey. The seismic source is placed in the first boring and the seismic signal travels to a geophone placed at the same elevation in the receiver hole(s). The time and distance data are analyzed and interpreted to determine soil properties. Cone Penetrometer Testing (CPT) consists of a cone attached to a sleeve and push rods. The cone and sleeve are equipped with electronic strain gauges that measure "tip resistance" of the cone and "friction" along the sleeve. These electronic readings are then processed and compared against a library to determine the sedimentary lithology of the material (e.g., sand, silt, clay, loam, dense, soft, or any intermediate size fraction). The CPT can also be "truthed" against site -specific conditions by advancing a CPT adjacent to a previously visually logged soil boring. The cone is hydraulically pushed into the ground at a fixed rate (typically 2 centimeters per second [cm/sec]) and can reach depths in excess of 100 feet depending on the density of the sediment. OEQ-CFVV_00046091 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) FIELD INVESTIGATION PLAN 11 then be advanced through the outer casing to a depth to be determined in the field. At the termination depth, diameter polyvinyl chloride "VC) screen connected to flush joint PVC casing will be installed. The well•- factory slotted with 0.010-inch diameter openings. A filter pack will be placed around the screened portion of the well. A minimum of two feet of bentonite will be placed above the filter pack. If the bentonite seal is placed above the water table, approximately ! gallons of potable water will •- _r♦-• is hydration purposes. well - be grouted •' s surface to the top ♦' th bentonite seal. • provide stability• - well casing, the uppermost three feet of • r below land surface will •- a concrete or cement -type• • Monitoring wellsgenerally •- completed with locking protective • pads, and bollards. The bollards be painted yellow to increase visibility. • ever, locations where site -specific• • • directly - ♦ to business activities, such as vehicle traffic, would endanger the physical integrityof • .r completion (completed in such a manner so as to preclude surficial contaminants from entering the •- installed. During drilling,• be monitored with an organic vapor• assessing the presence of volatiles in the soil at each drilling location. Other monitoring equipment also may be used as required in the site -specific HASP prepared for the Grout will be allowed to cure for 24 hours in monitoring wells grouted prior to development. Any preliminary development necessary during monitoring well installation will take place prior to grouting. Newly -installed monitoring wells will be developed after construction using bailing, pumping and/or mechanical sur•- block techniques. After development,-• monitoring wells will be accurately surveyed for elevation control. Horizontal locations will be determined by direct measurement from physical locations (i.e., benchmarks) at the facility. To reduce the effects of any chemical changes caused by formation damage that occurs during any drilling operation, monitoring wells will not be sampled until at least 24 hours after installation and development. 4.2 Sampling and Analysis Plan This section describes the procedures to be used during the investigation field sampling 1 . The Field Team Leader will notify the laboratory of the upcoming sampling event so that the laboratory can prepare the appropriate type and number of sample containers. The anticipated number of sampling sites, list of parameters to be analyzed, and number of sample bottles needed for quality control (QC) testing shall be specified to the laboratory manager. 2. All equipment to be used during the sampling event will be inspected by the Site Supervisor. • 43 DEQ-CFW 00046093 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) FIELD INVESTIGATION PLAN 3. Field instrumentation to be used during sampling (i.e., pH, temperature, water level, and specific conductance meters) will be checked to ensure proper calibration and precision response. 4. All forms to be used in the field (including the field logbook, chain -of -custody sheets and seals, and sample analysis request forms) will be assembled. 5. New pre -preserved sample containers will be provided by the laboratory, and shipped to the Site or other designated location in coolers or insulated sample 11 shuttles". All sample containers will be examined by the field sampling team upon receipt, and containers will be "pre -labeled" during the preliminary phase of the sampling event to reduce confusion in the field. Sample identification information (e.g., well number, sample point, sample identification number, preservative, and analytical parameters) will be pre-printed on sample labels at the time the empty containers are prepared and shipped to the Site or will be printed on the bottle label with permanent ink during the pre -field activities. Other information (e.g., sample time and date, samplers' names, etc.) may be added to the label after the sample is collected. A cross-reference to the information contained on the label will be documented in the field logbook to correspond with the well number or sample location. 6. The field team will review proper sampling protocols for the specific matrices to be sampled. In addition, proper health and safety protocols will be reviewed prior to the sampling event. Calibration of Field Equipment Calibration of equipment will occur daily prior to its use in the field. The Site Supervisor 49 is responsible for maintaining adherence to the calibration schedule and for ensuring that the operator understands the proper usage, maintenance, and storage of each instrument. Calibration information will be recorded in the field logbook and will include: the date of calibration, the operator's name/initials, the calibration measurements, and observations about the instrument or calibration procedures (if needed). All field measurement equipment will be calibrated according to the manufacturers' recommend guidelines. If any meter exhibits unacceptable error (according to manufacturer specifications), it will be recalibrated. If after recalibration, the meter still exhibits unacceptable error, it will be replaced. All field equipment will be supplied and maintained by a manufacturer -approved supplier. -M f �, �M I =1 used (electronic water level indicator, submersible pump, etc.) will be thoroughly decontaminated after use at each location. • Tap water rinse • Scrub with tap water containing non -phosphate detergent (i.e. Alconoe) • Tap water rinse -IN RUM NO= a DEQ-CFW-00046094 PHASE III RCmAFACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV 1) Disposable equipment such (e.g., bailers, tubing, and soil sampler liners) will not All drilling equipment (i.e., hollow stem augers, Geoprobeo rods) will be decontaminated by steam cleaning and/or pressure washing after use at each sample location. Decontamination activities will be performed over a temporary pad for rinse water collection. Rinse water from the decontamination activities will be collected, drained into drums, and labeled for appropriate waste management. Groundwater samples will be obtained (where possible) using low -flow groundwater sampling techniques. However, if necessary, conventional well sampling methods (e.g. three well volume purging) may also be used. The standard procedures to be used for obtaining groundwater samples are described below. • Chemically -inert tubing will be placed into the well water column to the midpoint of the screened interval. This tubing will be connected with flexible Chemically - inert tubing to a peristaltic pump head. • Water will then be removed from the well with the peristaltic pump into a bottom -filling flow through cell that houses the field parameter (pH, temperature and conductivity) probes. • The water level in the well will be measured during purging to ensure that minimum draw -down of the water column in the well is achieved. n Field parameters will be recorded until stabilization. Field parameter stabilization is defined as measurements being within 10% over a five-minute time interval. • To ensure a representative sample, the water intake position at the midpoint the screened interval will remain constant throughout the sampling process. Sampling flow rate will not exceed purging flow rate. I • Once field parameter stabilization has been achieved, the sample containers will be filled directly from the pump discharge tubing. • If the well becomes dry during purging activities, it will be noted in the logbook, and samples will be collected as quickly as recharge will allow, preferably within the next 24 hours. For wells greater than 25 feet deep, the following procedure may be used: • Chemically inert tubing will be attached to a submersible pump. The submersible pump will then be placed into the well water column to the midpoint of the screened interval. • Water will be pumped from the well into a bottom -filling flow through cell that houses the field parameter (pH, temperature and conductivity) probes. • The water level in the well will be measured during purging to ensure that minimum draw -down of the water column in the well is achieved. • Field parameters will be recorded until stabilization. Field parameter 10 stabilization is defined as measurements being within 10% over a five-minute time interval. PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) FIELD INVESTIGATION PLAN To ensure a representative• - the water intake position at the midpoint of the screened interval will remain constant throughout the sampling process. Sampling flow rate will notexceed purging flow rate. • Once field parameter stabilizationbeen -• the sample containers will be filled directly from the pump discharge tubing. • If the well becomes dry during purging activities,be • f in the logbook, • samples will be collected as quickly as recharge• . preferably hours.within the next 24 Unless dedicated, the submersible pump and any other non -disposable sampling equipment be decontaminated using the procedures outlined in Section, • • • - • •- • - -• • • •. •AV4.11• f disposable bailer will be lowered using new cord/string into the well until the bailer reaches the bottom. The bailer will be allowed to fill and then will be removed from the well and emptied into a waste container. This will be -•-.e -. well bore volumes havebeen purged from well or until the well is dry. Field parameters will be collected after each well volume has been • Sample • be filled directly frombailer.- well has rechargebeen purged dry, it will be allowed to recharge before samples are collected. Wells with a slow recharge will be noted in the log and sampled as quickly as will allow. Individual samplealiquots be f - • in the following• •'volatile• • sernivolatile organics, and inorganics. The analytical laboratory will supply all necessary sample containers with appropriate preservatives along with shipping containers. Samples will be shipped in coolers packed with wet ice (if necessary) to ensure that temperature preservation requirements are met. Soil samples to be analyzed for VOCs will be collected directly from the sample collection • - • acetate liner, split-spoon,•auger)• • tool EnCore@ or equivalent - • • • "` and then capped and/or preserved appropriate. For all additional parameters, soil from the depth interval to be sampled wil� be transferred from the collectiondevice to a stainless steel mixing bowl for homogenization. The homogenized sample will then be transferred to the appropriate laboratory -supplied sample collection bottles using decontaminated stainless steel spoons or trowels. Field equipment will consist of some or all of the following: ■ Plastic sheet liners • Field sampling record and soilboring logs trowels,• Stainless -steel knife, ••scoops,bowls All non -disposable sampling equipment will be decontaminated between sample depths and borehole locations using the procedures outlined in Section 4.2.3. _ 46 DEQ-CFW 00046096 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) FIELD INVESTIGATION PLAN E ' . Analytical Methods I ne analysis ot soil and groundwater samples will be performed by a North Carolina - certified laboratory. All laboratories that may be used are under contract to DuPont to provide - • as such, are routinely• rr and monitored '• technical performance. Table 2 lists the proposed groundwater sampling target analytes • analytical methods. 4.2.7 Sample Handling and Custody Procedures • • r Samples will •- collected into the laboratory -supplied pre -preserved • - containers using the procedures outlined in section 4.2.4. Each individual sample container will be sealed according to laboratory specifications• r Clean disposable will be worn during the handling of all samples and sampling devices. - -• • r- .•- • • • r _ s• •• a - • . The custody of samples collected during the field investigation will be traceable at all Prior to shipment •' the samples to the laboratory,a •s '• completed by the field sample custodian.Sample locations,•- identification numbers, description of samples,•- of samples• - -• and specific laboratory analyses • be run • : each sample will be recorded on the -r •form. The -1• • - t• . • • •. - - • •• • t2 g*• for the project r- • • .•le). The chain -of -custody forms• • possession of the samplesfrom of collection until disposing or archiving the sample. sample is considered under custody • It is in the investigator's view after possession has been established investigator locks• the sample after possession Chain -of -custody forms are not required for samples analyzed in the field; however, custody must be maintainedprior to Prior to shipment by a registered courier,• :- shipping container (cooler,s• etc.) will be sealed with signed chain -of -custody forms inside. The authorized laboratory custodian that receives the samples•n the chain -of -custody forms, terminating custody of the field sample custodian. DEQ-CFW 00046097 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) A 1:4 q oil Z kyj*] I Ley -A 9 Laboratory Custody Procedures Sample custody at the analytical laboratory is maintained through systematic sample control procedures composed of the following items: • Sample receipt • Sample log -in • Sample storage • Sample archival/disposal As samples are received by the laboratory, they will be entered into a sample management system. The following minimum information will be provided: • Laboratory sample number/identification • Field sample designation • List of analyses requested for each sample container provided upon r quest. 4.2.8 Quality Control Checks Equipment blanks, m ethod/prepa ration blanks, field duplicates, matrix spike/matrix spike duplicates (MS/MSD)/replicate (REP) samples, and laboratory control samples (LCSs) will be analyzed to assess the quality of the data resulting from the field sampling and analytical programs. IF 111 1121 11!1111 lJ111111II!1111 ;jj11!11p I 1 11111111 # . 0 UWAMOS 0 9 a 0 a 0 lort MIR *UAIIIIII414U40 Trip blanks will consist of a series of certified -clean sample containers filled with analyt free water. The trip blanks will be prepared by the laboratory analyzing the samples a will travel to the Site with the empty sample bottles and back from the Site with the collected samples in an effort to simulate sample handling conditions. Trip blanks are not opened in the field. Trip blanks will accompany every shipping container that has sample bottles specified for volatile analysis. At least one trip blank per cooler will be I analyze•for VOCs. d Equipment Blanks Equipment blanks (field rinsate blanks) are used to evaluate equipment cleaning or decontamination procedures. At the sample location, laboratory -supplied analyte-free water will be poured over or through the clean, non -dedicated sampling equipment, collected in a sample container, and preserved as appropriate. The equipment blank samples will then be handled with the other samples and will be analyzed for the same tj_'I: ��-] , 1 48 DEQ-CFW-00046098 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) FIELD INVESTIGATION PLAN 11 parameters as other samples collected using the same device. In the event that dedicated sampling equipment is used at each sampling location, one field blank consisting of the direct transfer of laboratory -supplied analyte-free water to the sample containers will be collected for each matrix (aqueous and solid). The maximum frequency for equipment blanks is one per 20 samples or one per sampling event. WNW : i r - t: ! r tt An MS/MSD is a subsample of an investigatory sample to which the laboratory adds a spike containing analytes at known concentrations prior to extraction/analysis of the sample to assess the effect of sample matrix on the extraction and analysis methodology. The MS/MSD pair are subjected to the entire analytical procedure in order to indicate both accuracy and precision of - method for the matrix by f the percent recovery and relative percent difference (RPD) of the two spike samples. A matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate sample (or a laboratory replicate) will be analyzed by the laboratory once for each sample group (of the same matrix) or at a minimum of one in every 20 samples analyzed. the actual field samples. If possible, the QA/QC samples should not be held on site for more than four calendardays.s- of - blanks,except the trip • . must be maintained at 40C while on - and during shipment.• blank methodshipped to the Site on ice, but must be maintained at 40C when accompanying collected samples. Holding times for individual parameters are dictated by the specific analytical used. The quality and integrity of samples collected and analyzed during the investigation will be monitored by equipment calibration documentation, equipment decontamination documentation, and the routine preparation of various QA/QC samples. The laboratory will prepare and analyze the iti+/QC samples specified in the analytical methods methodsaccording to their in-house Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS). The • procedures for• r • the .r•r. • RA/QCQA/QC programs are documented in the laboratory QA Plans, which are available for review upon request. - _ � 49 DEQ-CFW 00046099 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) 5.0 . MANAGEMENT . This Data Management Plan (DMP) presents a program for managing information acquired during the RFI. The DMP describes procedures for recording the data, evaluating the data, and displaying the data. A data record for information collected during the Phase III RFI will be developed to provide • • --r • to subsequently analyze and assess the results of fieldwork. Data records will have consistent labeling and recording of field observations to facilitate future data -• • and analysis and to eliminate the need for speculation concerning the quality of observations or the influence of environmental factors on an ultimate result. For each sample or measurement collected as part of the data record, the following information will be provided: ■ Unique sample number ■ Sampling or field measurement location and sample or measurement type ■ Sampling date ■ Sampling or field measurement raw data ■ Property or component measured ■ Results of analysis (concentration) ■ Detection limit ■ Reporting units All laboratory data will be provided to the project team in both hard copy standard report and electronic deliverables. Laboratory data will be reviewed via the DuPont In-house Data Review (DDR) process. The DDR is an automated internal review process used by the DuPont Analytical Data Quality Management group to perform a series of checks on the data order r determine if the data .• - The data -s against hold assessed.time criteria and checked for blank contamination, and the QA/QC sample results are IMMMOTOMM,•- • ♦-•NX4• a•a • •i - - ♦ • -• ♦ . • prevailing conditions during the field investigation.• - • records reviewed at each site visit, and any unusual site conditions• -r during the fielI investigation be described • •interpretation. erroneous •. date. Field •. • • be • • recorded, • s. be easily interpreted - date. • • - . •conducted, - following a- • information l berecorded: 0. . il=M Purpose of a r Date and time of • • • ♦. DEQ-CFW 00046100 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN Sampling location description an• • grid coordinates (including photographs, needed)* • Sampling method, sample containers,and preservatives use I Number Field• Amount of water purged (for groundwater sampling) • :•• • (prevailing weather conditionsand other• mightthat - - sample integrity) Field• measurements conducted* •• - • `'• •• •115 recorasM11`• • - •FOJeGI2fter each field activity. MWMUME• •< • Each sample collected as part of this RFI will be assigned a unique number. The sample number will indicate the type of sample media and the sampling location. The sample media will be indicated by the format of the sample name. A SWMU number and depth interval will be included in the sample name for soil samples. A monitoring well (MW) number (with no sample depth) will be included for groundwater samples. For example, the soil sample collected at SWMU 6, Sampling Location Number 1, would be assigned the following code: 1` Site Sample Type 1 Designation Sample Location Nu•e, Depth (feet) AM • SelectedIn accordance with current NCDENR guidance, the following screening levels will be utilized during the evaluation to identify constituents of potential concern (COPCs). screening levels were based on r use assumptions.-`r. es of screening levels •• not in themselves• • -• release from a unit or unavailable. _ - 51 DEQ-CFW 00046101 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN Soil — Soil data will •- compared to USEPA RSLs for residential soil (unrestricted use). The RSL represents a combined exposure including inhalation • ♦. and volatile compounds, •- absorption and ingestion. Constituents that exceeded the residential RSL will also be compared to the USEPA RSI-s for industrial soil (restricted use) and to •- background •, for inorganics, if available. • concentrations will • •^ compared to NC target concentrations for the protection • groundwater (Csoil levels). Surface Water — Surface water concentrations will be compared to North Carolina Surface Water Quality Standards (1 5A NCAC 2B) or Federal Ambient Water Quality Criteria (AWQC; 40 CFR Part 131), where NC 2B Standards were .• If criteria are not available from either source, then concentrations will be compared to NC 2L criteria and USEPA Region 4 Ecological Screening Values RFI •. will be •-• and presented to facilitate interpretation and understanding of this information as it pertains to the overall •• • the investigation. Typical • summarize information as it relates to conditions • at the Site. It is anticipated that raw •. will •e evaluated predominantly through use • the appropriate tables and screening procedures to evaluate outliers and to produce data summaries. Final data will be assessed using a variety of summary procedures, including tabular and graphic •r, III 1 '1111 • . ■ 0 . Raw data will be presented and evaluated in tabular form using electronic spreadsheets. In addition, data will be sorted and evaluated by examination of their relationship to the Site to determine the presence of outliers or invalid data points. The following will be presented in tabular displays: Unsorted (raw) • Results • each medium • for each • monitored • Statistical analysis, as appropriate • Data sorted by potential stratification factors These displays will • prepared electronically to prevent transcription errors and facilitate rapid • • information. • raw • have •- screened and the QC assessment has •-- completed, final tables and displays will •- prepared. • Displays Final project data will be displayed, where applicable, using a variety of graphical ♦• to ♦ interpretation and development • a clear understanding • the sampling locations, areas where more • are needed, and levels of constituents at each sampling location. 52 DEQ-CFW 00046102 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN • information will •e displayed using vertical profiles and cross -sections to 191 allow an • • the change in •. to • • groundwater with depth. This type of display also will allow an examination of substrata. Hydrogeologic cross -sections will •- -• as appropriate to evaluate • fully the relationship • groundwater to potential releases from the Site. 1] DEQ-CFW-00046103 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN 66.00 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN his Project ITTIanagement P lan PITIP) has been prepared -by DuPont as part 'of -the Phase III RFI Work Plan preparation effort for implementation of the RFI at the DuPont Fayetteville Facility. The PMP contains the following sections: • Personnel (including roles and responsibilities) • Project Schedule • Support Plans Each project team member identified below will be familiar with the entire RFI Work Plan. Additional documents (e.g., Waste Management Plan, Health and Safety Plan [HASP], field notes logbook, sample status logbook) may be developed as part of the pre -field mobilization effort as needed to ensure that all field activities are completed safely and effectively. 6.1 Personnel DuPont has carefully assembled a team of highly qualified professionals for the RFI project, who possess the knowledge and experience necessary to fulfill the needs of the DuPont Fayetteville RFI. All senior personnel assigned to the RFI have years of experience on complex, multi -phased construction, environmental, and remediation projects. The principal members of the DuPont project team are: m Project Director (PD): The duties of the PD are to provide overall project guidance and to ensure consistency with other DuPont projects and that the implementation meets the requirements of the Permit. m Project Manager: The duties of the Project Manager are to schedule and access project resources; to prepare and ensure compliance with all project scopes, schedules, and budgets; to provide project scheduling; to oversee and coordinate the activities of project personnel; and to ensure satisfactory execution of all project work, as well as to communicate with NCDENR. m Project Geologist: The Project Geologist will be the primary technical resource involved in project support and report preparation and will supervise, coordinate, and assist in the performance of field operations. Staff Geologist: The Staff Geologist will support report preparation activities, provide technical and geologic services, and assist in field operations. Health and Safety Officer: The Health and Safety Officer will be responsible for preparing the project health and safety plan, reviewing all project health and safety issues, and ensuring that all project operations are performed in accordance with the applicable health, safety, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and requirements. 54 DEQ-CFW-00046104 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Site Supervisor: During RFl field operations, the Site Supervisor will be designated to oversee field personnel and contractors. • Field Team Leader: During RFl field operations, a Field Team Leader will be designated whose responsibilities will include direct supervision of field sampling operations and transmittal of samples to laboratories. • Site Safety Officer: During RFl field operations, a Site Safety Officer will be designated and will be responsible for ensuring that all field operations are being conducted in accordance with the health and safety plan prepared for the project. Contractors: During RFl field operations, it is anticipated that a drill crew and survey crew will be required. The personnel on these crews will be properly trained and licensed in North Carolina to perform these duties. All contractors will be directed by the Site Supervisor. UUILXMES�� • lei 0 Z 0 0 a • --------------------------------- Activity --------------------------------- Duration - ---------------- - ----- ------ -------- -- Stage ooo 1 Cntractr Selectin and Scheduling Field Planning — --------------------------------------------- Eight weeks - - --------- - - Stage 1 Field Work (clay lens delineation) — -- — - - --------------- Four weeks from NCDENR approval of selected i techniques ra. Evaluation and Technical Memorandum Submittal with Twelve weeks NCDENR Consultation - - ----------- ---- --- ------------------------------- Stage 2 Contractor Selection and Scheduling Field Planning — - — ---- - ---------------- - - Twelve weeks from NCDENR approval of Technical Memorandum Stage 2 Field Work (well installations, soil and groundwater sampling) Laboratory Analyses/ Data Validation Data Evaluation, Final Risk Assessment, and Final RFI Report Twenty-four weeks Preparation 1P 9 roMiNTH-1 =I- --1- W-7=0 - •01"Im- i9of I - (WMP), which will be completed prior to the implementation phase of the IRFI. The following sections provide a brief description of the content to be included in each supporting plan. IN =I-- 55 1 DEQ-CFW-00046105 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Prior to commencement of field activities associated with the Phase III RFI, an updated project -specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) will be prepared. The purpose of the HASP is to assign responsibilities, establish personnel protection standards, specify safe operating procedures, and provide for contingencies that may arise during any of the field activities that take place as part of the Phase III RFI. The HASP will include sections pertaining to the following: • Hazard evaluation • Worker protection • Air/workplace monitoring • Personnel training • Medical monitoring • Site control • Decontamination • Illumination • Sanitation • Emergency contingency plan The RFI Field Team Leader and Site Safety Officer (SSO) have shared responsibility for implementing and enforcing the HASP. The SSO will continue to evaluate the HASP for completeness throughout the course of the field activities and will incorporate changes necessary as a result of changes in site activities. All proposed revisions to the HASP will be reviewed by the Regional Health and Safety Manager prior to implementation by the project team and annotated on a revision checklist provided with the HASP. All participants involved in the field activities will be briefed on the HASP and afforded the opportunity to raise any questions. In addition, DuPont and subcontractor personnel who will be on -site during the RFI will sign the HASP Compliance Form provided in the HASP. All personnel will be responsible for compliance with the HASP and any other regulatory requirements set forth by federal and/or state regulations. 6.3.2 Waste Management Plan Prior to implementation of the Phase III RFI field activities, an updated site -specific Waste Management Plan (WMP) will be developed. The WMP will establish a system for managing, documenting, and monitoring the handling, storage, and disposal of wastes generated during investigation activities. The following types of generated wastes are anticipated as a result of the outlined activities: • Personal protective equipment (PPE) • Decontamination water • Groundwater from investigation activities • Soil from investigation activities During investigation activities, wastes generated at various locations will constitute wastes of known (process knowledge), unknown, or variable composition. Wastes generated during the investigation will be characterized to determine disposal options. DEQ-CFW-00046106 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN ►T water (drill fluids, decontamination water, well purge, and well development water) will be handled separately from soils and other wastes (PPE and disposable sampling debris). Drums or tanks may be used for wastewater storage, depending on the • and similarity •( the Wastes. • will • drummed or stored in roll -off •• (depending • waste volumes) and accumulated and segregated according :• • location. However, if the findings • the • III RFI ••- that additional efforts will • necessary • complete the RFI, a Phase III RFI Report (which will identify any further AT&Aa-&i in place • the Final RFI Report. The Final RFI Report will include an analysis and summary of all required investigations of site SWMUs and AOCs and the results of the investigations. The report will also •- a Final Risk Assessment, which will describe the •- and extent •( contamination at the Site (including identified sources and mitigation pathways) and will provide a description • actual or potential receptors. The report will also describe the extent of contamination in relation to the background levels • the area. In addition, the Final RF1 Report will identify which units will need to be carried forward into a Corrective Measures Study. The report will be submitted in accordance with the schedule is presented in Section 6.2. E 57 DEQ-CFW-00046107 PHASE III RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION WORK PLAN (REV. 1) REFERENCES 7.0 REFERENCES DuPont CRG. December 1996. RCRA Facility Assessment Report DuPont CRG. May 1999a. RCRA Confirmatory Sampling Report DuPont CRG. June 1999b. RCRA Confirmatory Sampling (Supplemental) Report DuPont CRG. November 2001. Former Fire Training Area Investigation Report. DuPont CRG. April 2003. Phase I RFI Report DuPont CRG. January 2005. Supplemental Phase I RFI Report. DuPont CRG. June 2006. Phase 11 RFI Report. Leab, Robert J. 1990. Soil Survey of Bladen County. United States Department of A• Soil Conservation Service. USEPA. 1996. Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Corrective Action for Release from Solid Waste Management Units at Hazardous Waste •' Facilities. 58 DEQ-CFW-00046108 El 1_ :izI DEQ-CFW 00046109 DATE PARSONS I SR Location Map 01 61,113 ------------------. .......................... Phase lil RCRA Fadity lrivesfigation Work Plan �Rev,l) ---------- P'31 R, ,., . . ......... ................... DuPont Fayetteville Works ---------- M2 2U,0�i Fayetteville, North Carolina F.� $i�ei Loc mix-:1, DEQ-CFW-000461 10 1 N Monitoring Well - Type tt Drainage Channel %3 tax �,. €ZG Y,-, n ^rfibri tine t5vn#tor#rFII - 7 f tt1 ThrowdJ ; VMter Ditch to Cl Piezorneter River worm fxiltt to CPT Soo Bo f Boring Pavement'Curb U 15NIA Plant Border ` > vy,1€s`i 1�r°Site i:7ir�.irtur4.,. ::., ..,.. 'Top o 0,9 F7 Contour Estimated .zu- _N, Nott.;i a 13rEt r&?£t ..: 3 •.S' 7.x -.. `� ,t_ f..{2 € a°sRd c�, t ton of c'€?y e eyati n %a:,36 grou d £ 7 t4$4n4 �ud,,R ,,e el&v23f1w data e€ -vati m ranv#tE t #Fa €er<i above sea 3evei 2F m P ;L i �aY�r Map ac,a€f 2ie yr .3 ?�( Yro}e; lion Pdtt� Pisnc Few t# 83 , Aeria€ Phwograph €3rovi derj by DuPri t, "Aer? 12121005 £ 3 j NE <` C500 1,000 H ev� ..... Q : eS,u, i a�,wsa 2tarx t #Y',jfl d'�'s:'•tt2a ifaai�8:a?`• :a ... ....... .... .... ... .... .... ....o ------------------------------------ !1: 1 DEQ-CFW 00046122 Table i Historical TPH Detections in Soil Phase Ill RCRA Facility Investigation Work Plan (Rev, 1) DuPont Fayetteville Work Fayetteville, North Carolina EEE.2? keiE . .�'b'. :ly€Yi: yp .ksk. March 16, 1999 AteC-C AOC-C-92 10 12 TPH 51 March 10, 1999 AC C-C AOC-C-03 10 12 TPH-DIESEL 6A (.;( Marcy 16, 1999 Fire Training Area FIRESCH-1 f1,5 2.5 TPH 5600 March 16, 1999 Fire Training Area RRESCH-1 �9 Z 2.5 TPH-DESEL 6206 Juiy 13, 1999 Fire Training Area FIRESCH-1 8,5 9:5 TPH 16600 .July 13, 1999 Fire Training Area FIRESCH-1 8,5 9.5 TPH-DIESEL 11000 July 13, 1999 Fire Training Area FiRESCH-1 9,5 10.5 TPH 210 ,SOY 13, 19z3g Fire Training Area FIRESCH-1 9,5 13:5 TPH-DIESEL 230 October 27, 1999 Fire Training Area FRESCH-4 12 -NA TPH 8660 October 27. 1999 Fire Training Area FIRESCH-4 12 NA TPH-DIESEL 9606 October 27, 1999 Fire Training Area `"IRESCH-5 15 NA TPH 53 CJetober 27, 1999 Fire Trralninrl Area ? 1RESCH-5 15 NA. TPH-DIESEL 46 October 27, 1999 Fire Training Area FIRESCH-5 14 NA TPH 112 October 27, 1999 Fire Training Area . 1 ESCH-5 -- 12 - NA TPH-DJESEL .w 10 October 27. 1999 Fire Training Area FIRESCH-6 16 NA TPH 2600 October 27, 1999 Fire Training Area :^ iRESCH_6 17 NA TPH 470 October 27, 1999 Fire Training Area `"iRESCH-(s 16 NA TPH-DIESEL 2599 October 27, 1999 Fire Training Area FiRESt.CH^6 17 NA TPH-DIESEL 250 October 27, 1999 Fire Trat ijniq krea FIRESCH-7 18 NA TPH 71„ October 27.1999 Fire Training Area FIRESCH-1 18 AAA TPH-DIESEL 40 October 27, 1999 Fire Training Area =RESCH-7 19 NA TPH 1376 CJctober 27, 1999 Fire Training Area FiRESCH_7 19 NA: 'P PH-�:MSEL 45 t" Bober 27, 1999 Fire Training Area FIRESCH--7 20 NA TPH 5996 October 27, 1999 Fire Training Area ...,^ ..,c.6 wlRESCH-7 20 NA TPH-E E EL .......,...^� 7100 tbtarcn 9; lggg Sr°:'1v4U 6 S'�Ji�1Ll6-s3'1 tl � �: 5 TPH 294 March 15, 1999 Staw mt) 6 SWMt.76-94 45 6, x TPH 63 Marcia 15, 1999 Slav m U 6 SwN11? J6-05 9 11 TPH 41 (. i) march 19. 1999 Sys MU 6 5WIVIU6-08 7,5 9.5 TPH 15 p) March 12, 1999 SvxMU 6 SWNIUG-1G 14 16 TPH 29 [.IJ 9 March 12, 1,3,39 as S w1U 6 1 S Ar:U6.7 1 12 TPH :32 p] March 12, 1999 S�: Mtj 6 S'wV.:Ut-9 10 12 TPH 33 (3i March 11, 1999 awmU 9 Swt11U9.A-G1 14 16 TPH 42 i9arN>?} 11, 19 �L1Yth,9119 Sl'iv9U9 §-01 9 1€3 TPH 1c lI March 11,1999 SYL`MU 9 S;P Ml,,.JaA8-02 3 5 TPH 65 March 12, 1999 S MU 9 SWMU9AE-03 13 16 TPH 14 I,1j March 12, 1999 ^1^ MU 9 SCR MU9.AE-G3 3 5 TPH 21 (wij March 12, 1999 VNVIU9 SY1,mU9AB-03 x 'so TPH 25IJI' NotesS I = Analyte present. Reported value may not be a€:curatn or predse., Should be considered an estimated value NA = Not Applicable UC,/ KG = rnicr63,jrar s per #Jioggra E'ri5 DEQ-CFW 00046123 Table Groundwater Sampling Analytes and Methods Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev, .) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC ,appendix IX VOCs SW-846 8260B Acrolein and Acr lonitril W-846 8260B Appendix IX SVOCs Ww 4b 8270C POA Laboratory SOP Methanol 8015B Modified Petroleum Hydrocarbons MAD P Methods Appendix IX Metals SW-846 6010B Chloride MCAWW 300.0 Fluoride MCAWW 300.0 Note: SOP = Standard Operating Procedure MADFP = Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection El 1.ofI DEQ-CFW 00046124 0 0 0 Table 3 Summary of U-Specific Constituents of Concern Phase III RCRA Facility investigation Work Plan (Rev, 1) DuPont Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina ... :: :.'3 $f�.AO _. :::_ .: .- fMT`�f s#Si£R 4s3 ffC �cu9}d#£YA£,lxi�s�it %3i? f:. ix3>3: 153.fFu'3£>":f.4f f`Q3 f3 €3ca .iirSf n:eb Eat isr>fia'1..i.7s!i'}.X�fO.1C7'11ti Ab..Y-•{�F.3;'3.. >,ilC. �3t..aC f+3g31h[3.!'n.. PSF.%Rh.{f:C,�.>,tkf'>„�,.g ryf..>.3�i..<?.S7 b£:f3?: to r3<:f3,.fUE.f13.33`£.. 1.2 a'.C# af3 t>Ja to .:>?'1 Jay(J3=M& Yfa$fowatef firc;,-I t", t?.a.Yf pimi.? efeas t""i tb 'via Warm 5:Tf:tmm 9vY p arm e [3iL'f1wf;.f>b£?:.^%33Y.,. �R_'1,„t;13S. �ful'3f,Nf;t ftfZfE'0 �:3�':.iE.t'S: l:c:'iY^vTi :°Si3Sf W.-,K.-ieM BMW Ur. am WNW & f£.l hstark.' of 3'1'fC`.`5f1f3;3f3im `,pie S%?kf r. to Wim:wd has bwn ;.csff€eWWy T8fnchiU3Y.{e fll b43mham me'limi.s fiRaftfyfane rfT•llfK. 3nkff3i;3: $'Uf>3p Zivi>.. oa ff' ffie {£f£i•* :)r.0 xea}VZ<3'n "m. 3 vi S"A i,f oad. :): sifo s i>irdit U f• - G{;fnrymi i?Lrnp siYd..W) P that van-iigit.e { �.frft<3r kfiv*::ii3Ur�fi: k3 Ci.Ff f3C VIM, se ii of 6»33 r+f im . �?8i 2 �$ wfiff3?iZ�$Ff41, ri4r1?F>{�,iif3fJf7!3ii1££3. £•1fN3•'..".•fb j{f tf7�nci3Mi�;. ciir}'Sa te. LYf3;3nzia,h;a?3fhft3cen£3. riu£3 arflnmie. p•y ap, i`f':enannrevi , r'yro""33: others :C;{Z£!ii"•Y:. nl' Ef(5?3, I.£k3f . fdtL'f<eit}fIL:)d6'_, rY'f2:ufaJe, iif='f:'+3j -n;" unfi rf_rff3U{s sYesff33 MM HMO :r s,k�s3i of g�si•n{5 _ 3'a'i•fs �3 d g# 1, 3es ii"' €isa£31 £fe4a: Lfs- „eriaviit r of �1e clay Lays' A,t"tw.. ioc sed :f>tUU.0v), f me PlEmivbich we f„ifa£JS W ff3:3 Cav£ Fog Mvw. Tliiistofiii mid£?E3 es 3 the, rPf) marmbilohn sea :33`d >I ferff ';`> !;RC gra °£> nx,Car 3 ..^.Qf�5bf3'PC 'afr "x aprrQ.f$$P^c.f f mefUUF ^hfmmr :'{3F`if4 y M me %S if aad S3P1!AU i - .1{43' i sows System 3 <{ tJ?ii > } 4f k i't £,R ( [ T r �tE": Af' 8i1LCo' :�L'& �p rinviy`nt 0 Me ama we :f3`($min. 33'eS e%iY "f%' 3'"4iT4U£a a>:ff%U: CSJ3 af'f, S <t i pi it ; j:rc> '-'S$ L:ioaafjtue-rim' -if 3:3 te,n 33 coaf'.iuf.,fU lffed is £3•,ris£...f3{: f£:a Yfi£s'ieff;3ng f3f `:e.Fif3 n;:. rF Ur£< :f3:i.L^.`€I..FE:f3: i13Ea: �,fd?rW 3i CGftLs13., .3iiUrkaL 'f, -f':`-'fY nyf U`Fit3?ti:'f i• 3.Cf .3'.UL ?:if21Cf;Aff`.'i£A a»c�^ mi Rrm I'W"' ianfs£ ;n� fr�rc,,v%csf*.;w�3f.Rt 'R-mia.frgai.. mid E"Stnrrrrrr: f£nr^:rofh nc �f; saia3Y51>e3%>fant J;ti it r>t .'a>.:..f'lf.f3,'f,Aff. ;»Q P le?{f,>ai\, .fjfL817 n.�.,EU,iudge 533:iaigidiflgY.<9i3i ? 3;:ifCrii3Jt?3. ui t�J i13 f. S • f +r3r4uf izL'�sYe hat e#i er£ ?.Y .ag3urk f'm ?t g f;ma'e eaSt: vas e .'iiisre di 4 ginq Lr' the Cage Cear fre3irisr3f f> 7nors ?ivT 36 £ i'<3gUa.f EF€<3•sat if.'> w4S` 4Ef c£ ia'f5nLI -. f£3er hey,r » f<f rn €na. 2 hc, SI/MU ?' A P BI il-'n')As { rn occ nn pxx- rr 3rtn smisfy warm ft 3n a lrozignnut?f3ci f8i; iay. Both itig- r.1$ wiii;o (ff5r!f.3rtffad in Tmis MR t.11 sins of ar, RC:fiva.. 3 nf:n£a7 ia'33 -3»T FIhfCn ""ii fX t'3ffier }»xt:£ffi :irls3 Data: N") f :: 23c;.3f r3mpimU ,>EE?fX;a �f•d�f;?ad aY,3fP'fH .. 3ra fsla-:rvod ft7 fie usof" bY:'f:k'ai" f'L:ft,: w J)F.3l;A.:.::nn £fX .:Si Af: g<...c> >Ila i b"in coat'dixt, -xt fU er^site i,Uri.,3fiL>e-o wid £'3ain emitrive 3 'x r{3.ucti'si rrfaiiiiia f8 deArff:ne Mwev Si'!fn U N is f?e8Sitile Bvaos Pit {3,',orsl3 ucty_i 3 CfO = .eXGifY`3feri W ."f and Mel r f ,ef Tali S .3 3 di ao3i5 am s&ur &'c,,ne f,.n Af%> C : £ t,{.'CSUL3d'Xe2e1. rif5Gf3'.i63f A'eak -.1epM'..,U in f'tf.> 3: C;3 Pa R3£rXF< a 73.>3>n.<f£t`f e i'iamftaf L in fi3.i'I'm.3 incf:iCf3 Cf�2C.'A331f, F.Csnf rrfH RC('•f3.3iY.::eaif and vp'pA ab'!r, matter t:i3 As, fffX2 itu?T,t,, a'nc - ma's >n;.Y:Ps, C?r rue ac::3rfer3f frrrii the Rivet fia er se-jimers # sm ur 8 ;n i alxi..Mi`ii Ls TS & B;''mo place££ A MW f3?ea worm ` H mW 80. Tiliswe" �..•f,_._:LLI`._:jf•3'fas����.fv f'��3f Jai &f3 �C'({>'CIF;:s3a wf�.t{A �?rf>'.`63iNi fr:`SryUf%t'tR.2f%rv�f^n,':.i'.YS'/3f3fi"u'{IC,xi$e'ff �if'f'(<a.ts.f ;: i•}i hrione.f i7,.', L 7f m aA f£ .#3esee ff3 f 0 fue{ 3 i5 is in ad dal3 r4 K gae MHS �3 E am f hicim. � A,3g3.", 3� - if t ffa'_ fiti PmAds, 3.ig`;f:f3 .. & PF.> imh; ..,>4 1fm m <n TO :3rf;�i .>f�. ,,33 . {-i.,f�. .. M "M :i3`•if it i>Et;9:3�if3i`��)3U$£:f ? S'f AR;: f ^o 'R^8 3ar3DVe{:. in f`.3(?f3: f no l i iiis "gwea 'A fCfif: "a aff.R£ w1k Fon!av':ii) afiLi £hR i {fn fared is acw a3'. Um3Se:f; g3'a5'S rrive'ed :area, Tns,3.a. Ra .,..u.;a:eC » £STa »'7a5txr f;a3 p ih:s aTan3,`8cfi3 +a . 3 as 1 . ,nr «fr,:isity o SaS{,'ffW Umm NO des a. a<.5 bn€:fY coffee: et'f f-{e;!fonc G"Cart U'Yc' f£3f.t5 :3tii"r a3'Ci d•:i3Tf n35'fraitt5 f Lz,3fCfr4ye d3 c3 �£?f{fe:rka G3 SL•YISL•%fa4 e.333be 545fe 3 f£Urn t he ales f£:3n CC{fc,df'J Stf!fU:4f?a33?i{:tiie Mali 0MAWY M Yf y„U €{ w nE. ;3fyai;l bummn Me Ww paiew "3 33.>f3aftw U?3Wt:3£?f3 W Pam •y'.efn to does Me pomace off{^.£; ijifdinM„ £3` . i.£fcv.,. a,f) n$7CF% bdidirim on Fim cri> i; Cot :?'nf f 7borafory aml, Y:<fml' cif fi(tii"rrok' 91yool. MR 0 BMAW By,-- GiywO Ce[e S3 1xiiili..,f, ai?l4 be f3{,-3rffs->.vi a`omtek.i3"E£l.amp -m me'f3 ..vmAn Deaf Z,: M feisARa. hea 2005''.'Was :fa ii3L It ai ffe syme f• lind boquT3 to require exCe,,..fi'e c"` fa yirfg of efti ".0 e viytcoi ami v t<a i:a£ been imie s 33 >fo:i£:a€fy. A lei*in fi3:z ;i3ba;u`3rA f tF u'a ixe'trr' ed, mid ffil, dr<3f» m f om the liar and repmviid vitfc m7Atef' 0 0 0 Table 3 Summary of S U-SI cIfic Constituents of Concern Phase III RCRA Facility Investigation Work Plan (Rev. t) DuPont Fayetteville Wearies Fayetteville, North Carolina a�,fi2x"?£i'.f3 i'Z33'rEa£,x3 Ftk4r36'Sik` F?£'-.?33XSY>it xs :: �+f3„y5.ti�rffr^ of'is%Irs`£'£ 1.r /�� Tne ro? f f, �: ,f Tr1E .fYq A.-o F. �.r 3..kCi.. ;f ,) .o-: V 3 frt„ i.:raiat pan.£isoi, was {� €.,�SfhL3erk€ LC..w. €f,23.d i6 'f3 gf'mh nd"waw €fom ... 3 PI i i(t; a?96 Ct.. the grnz; ar d st-Y.l ft:_ l"A"d ij3' a . i •.nd gravt i CorlrmLstVE, i'P€ i ;i Jai :3i t° OC G ato umr'"3Y :(n .&'i YU an rzl8t iais. weJ 'f e piac'wU irf the rf;F3 ni (jat3. ar%£< djosc--3 {:3N E'. £t"V M 3<'.i or".'Ory rrf(;`.Rol !.}£:ii':f.'i3:Xi t::,'-.M. MY-, : - huf`1';8? Nye, 7Fa;n; q Ai P;a was use 0 stad t E O'xl t:33i3Un i3�U::€'a#i f f.33rRf 'i "� ..t.iC3 tY.:r r f3ri:nP, 53.•:i33'..:Wi wno. -?m' f7 t"t'. The i' m Tf3ininj ,d.%33 VoAs C.3.'..?rf y r,—lrx t rf >.e f:tciei `ire pan ant'f pus3:Fr3.^., lh8 GreVei i?errrs ipzo tre in.tsmlr 9f i£se - fi>. {j3'Uf. SC M,3Is7'. );a£%332iing ri3333;iY,5 `S.�.fC Nf.:ii33fC"a nnJsfio3iij as r,3r; tsf fh. w"q to rics '•fdent Da3;3, odic 4 .; 6% € v .._ wi 2 repa.ti VOCS ;1, Y. fXch1moe�fhwe'.. 2 f?..Xii.:t: t:£P'1rit:< i ,: 53iGhion3fj3':423fF2 'i, - hslp- mos€'ftC csvt'XaCl Rf`3 t:+h�€ "nq ^>. P+1f11Ut ;3i? rstsA..e to wn 4U AOC iWq. TY}EL _ Mi ; 3e it i€:? i:tCP:U'lif gr":'df:R, E'.x?r:F9 �. pi ^;3:tUt} FP'si;set sA--{€2 rEA, 6 733i?3itiF'£%;, Ca.bort 4.N:�iL' iG3Ci ifi. p'! f2 "rfl ur.;t' €W3' i U •sa:U sj_;,3. '£'ti.h a o w" k'r rfEE3%Shp PnasU :ii RR, Tetrad :or:d . 3-�,. ffL'hiX?f!if CN"ffft:i`.d€f -33:@, ' domeiit0f38 MethkfNi. r,$Ei8?f1i. €3Uf1C wk th rSs35ea€ f3 cL f?3 if ?tip cU'Fri; 5�3'.5 ifi ,3L 7f%3eYE%' wuf i, m end Me .Y€E:SC 3.ffiOf 3dL'+' i@';'23Ci'iti'tS$i''f1 €£if37. T:3::i'i0m6` € 7D VSnY: paierl€.. a32fs wsl fii;332fr am, fof 3iito L'vf(iF3 r-mN atirss fiE`C.isk^E': t'i::. kng. 'Kyien > ; stf(; cg l ,gi t e i "1{i RC$3 sy`, iiFti �(h;€j23�17' - f�{•,$E's$, Hf3fvviz- , -iiee OoUrtdvF_W v2t7LGixi6iU.,va.'ti}383"se, ?3P;;ZUt,i3?(JYfg3'.E,EjJ;�'iL-:i?:yii7e'C'y€3sb13i3:332E?. L ya& 'nC, %'%temntm ne' ?yRne"i; (3£, er F± ?tf6rrt3:53"1, i?(is+,, tA-a ' Marfji r'-$A' Mefu:y, ie'rtk-4 . Ci'iuC€f-in, "I"nda€ dSaPFO, ` PHt athyrien l 'yf:a3i'; i 3nie5: No f•u1 tl3er €f3:+C:s:tgSl%r3%t. afil Qxfectvo i'.m'ostS,?', i Phflfif ;^>d emei ,,.,& S1'�MU":.'fitx:s t9 ,Y � Ui: m,Ves 3 pr^% s'F,d SL4iM I €• .3f,Xiii, eF:O^ Of iiF N.Z.`M tW r1Yi'•Ief i>37eatiq :3�3r. a1351 No 3ti,:f3s IiVs; Me, »33E4£:'). 2 ¢3f 2 APPENDIX A RISK -BASED PRIORITIZATION SYSTEM DATA -' m DEQ-CFW 00046127 SWMU I — Hazardous Waste Container Storage Area Description: SWMU 1 consists of a permitted hazardous waste storage area for containers of hazardous waste. The area is also used for storage of containers of raw materials, in -process materials, and non- hazardous solid wastes, This unit is located on the southwest corner of the Nafion ®R Manufacturing Area, Low. All wastes are segregated and stored in appropriate containers (i.e., 30-gallon plastic drums, 55-gallon steel drums, 120-gallon steel cylinders or corrugated cardboard packing containers, The storage area itself is 8925 ft" and is constructed of five -inch thick reinforced concrete. All fiberboard expansion joints are sealed with neoprene tar on the bottom and one inch of impervious epoxy resistant to acid, bases, and fluorocarbons on the top, The area is entirely roofed to minimize rainfall on the storage area and minimize sun on the containers. In addition, a heated ventilated cinder block building is located on the southern 34.5 feet (four to five rows of the storage area for stora, !,qf,��w materials with melting points above 0"C. Low, All materials are stored in drums or other appropriate containers, Low. All materials are stored in drums or other appropriate containers on concrete. Low. Except for the north fork truck entrance ramp and the south personnel entrance ramp, the concrete pad is enclosed by a six-inch perimeter curb for containment. The center 14-foot wide access ramp enters into a high plateau area of the convex pad. The pad slopes both east and west from the high plateau to drain channels on either side. The drain channels are sloped and connected to a centralized in -ground sump equipped with a discharge valve and drainpipe. Liquids that might collect in the sump are analyzed and 'un d of off -site. Low, The ground surface around the pad is graded away from the pad to discourage surface water entering the area, Surface water runoff from this area flows through drainage ditches to the site's NPDES permitted effluent outfall. No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. There is low potential for release and there are no documented releases reported or evidence thereof during any site inspections. The pad itself is inspected weekly by plant personnel and annually by the NCDENR. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with {3PG. AprD20ll OEQ-CFVV_00046128 DUPONT — FAY TTVILL WORKS - W`MU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET WMU 2 A through N -- Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Areas Description,. The satellite accumulation areas serve as temporary storage units for hazardous waste prior to shipment to the Hazardous Waste Container Storage Area, There are eleven active accumulation areas at the Fayetteville Works facility and three, former, inactive units, Active: April 1-011 DEQ-CFW 00046129 El DUPONT — FAYET'TEVILLE WORKS - SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET SWMU 2 A, through N — Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Areas Description: The satellite accumulation areas serve as temporary storage units for hazardous waste prier to shipment to the Hazardous Waste Container Storage Area. There are eleven active accumulation areas at the Fayetteville Works facility and three former, inactive units. Active: * SWMU 2C — Nafion(E) `vinyl Ethers South * SWIt U 2D Nafion@ MMF Reactor Room * SWMt1 2F Naf:on'J XR Tower * SWMU 2C — Olaf€on(R3 PARC SWMIJ 2H -- Nafion@ Semi -Works SWMIJ 21 — Nafion(r) Slue Warehouse SWMU 2J — Construction Receiving * SWMtt 2K — APFO Laboratory * SWMU 2L — Nafion0 E2 Facility * SWMU 2M — Wastewater Treatment Laboratory * SWMU 2N — Construction Paint Shop Inactive: * SWMLI 2A — Former Construction Paint Shop * SWMU 2B — Rutacite(Manufacturing Building * SWMIJ 2E — Nafionn Maintenance Sho never operationaf� .3 'eepd PIN"",",%i ..`.;v.<., ,.�s:: rx, ;; Q ,?£: 2�+s :'k<k;`.�k}'S:i�??,n k., £<t,`c\`,lM :'.i, { k {.:x. �?r...�s... Low, All wastes are segregated .and stored in appropriate containers before shipment to SWMU 1. 1#,.i`,?, kw ?,. ..... < .}, 3'*<.x...�. 3. 3z; .. Low, All materials are stored in drums or ether appropriate containers. Low. All materials are stored in drums or rather appropriate containers inside buildings or other contained areas. Low. All materials are stored in drums or other appropriate containers inside buildings <or other contained areas. } *r 5 Love. All materials are stored in drums or other appropriate containers inside buildings or other contained areas. No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. There is low potential for release and there are no documented releases reported or evidence thereof during any site inspections. ---------------------------- Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit locations with CFS> April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046130 11 DUPONT — FAYETTEVILLE WORKS - SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET SWMU 3 ® Waste Liquid Hydrocarbon Storage Tank Description: This unit lrvas a 412-gallon stainless steel, aboveground storage tank. It was vertically mounted on reinforced concrete piers inside a reinforced concrete containment area. It was located within the Nafion(.) Manufacturing Area and operated from 1979 to 2000, The tank collected manufacturing process waste hydrocarbons for batch filling of 30-gal and 55-gal drums. The mixture of waste process hydrocarbons contained mainly toluene with a secondary major constituent of acetonitrile. Diglyme (diethylene glycol monomethyl ether), tetraglyme (tetra ethylene glycol monomethyl ether), and adiponitrile were minor constituents. Small uantlties of other com abble process fluorocarbons were also resent. Low. The waste liquid hydrocarbon was stored in an enclosed tank. The tank was located within a six-inch thick seamless reinforced concrete diked containment area. Low. The waste liquid hydrocarbon was stored in an enclosed tank. The tank was located within a six-inch thick seamless reinforced concrete diked containment area. Z .:,a ' ;s<,. • . k . zz }<,. : <:�>i''; :h es`>E'?z": { :z= �5z>a�1 ' x : } wh.,;.,;y i#�'i Low. The waste liquid hydrocarbon was stored in an enclosed tank. The tank was located within a six-inch thick seamless reinforced concrete diked containment area. Low. The wash: liquid hydrocarbon was stored in an enclosed tank. The tank was located within a six-inch thick seamless reinforced concrete diked containment area. The containment area was equipped with a sump. The containment and the sump capacity exceeded the maximum volume of the tank and four 55- gailon drums. :i~::5>. Low. The waste liquid hydrocarbon was stored in an enclosed tank. The tank was located within a six-inch thick seamless reinforced concrete diked containment area. The containment area was equipped with a sump. The containment and the sump capacity exceeded the maximum volume of the tank and four 55- gallon drums. .;E IN }=f}>i ,z„=>i, r;.. �:�` '<<E `:, .z;o, <;E4; :,<sE :s n. w:: o:i .?>3.i„�f?. •'°i;'e's :. h,". � is f � ..,,< ;<'3ro' '. No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. There is law potential for release and there are no documented releases reported or evidence thereof during any site inspections. The flank was inspected every four years and had an external inspection every two years. Phase Ill ,activities: 1) Confirm unit location with CPS. April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046131 DUPONT — FAYETTEVILLE WORKS A SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET SWMU 4 — Waste Liquid Fluorocarbon Treatment System Description: This unit includes a receiving tank and a neutralization reactor tank located in the NafionG? Manufacturing Area. Both tanks have an 1100-gallon capacity. They are horizontally mounted in an iron saddle and supports on reinforced concrete piers. Both tanks are constructed of Hastelloy 5B 575 Hastelloy C276 an industrial allay. Fluorocarbon wastes are collected in the storage tank and transferred in 600-gallons hatches to the reactor tank within a closed system. The tanks were installed in 1990 and are still in use. {#7�rr, 7.11117 � f2 f:#i's' :s:K',,:z�t> `s; > >: Low, Flammable constituents have not been managed at this unit. Loser. Fluorocarbon wastes are collected in the storage tank and transferred in 600-gallon batches to the reactor tank within a closed system, .. ..,..,:.., ..,,, .:... nia..3.'.` ,.,...s+z����x,:��N�. �t�*��z::�;z.uz��,'`,." 4#> z,„z�•'�'�„�#��.,5�'s.h?,,.,..}., Law. Fluorocarbon wastes are collected in the storage tank and transferred in 600-gallon batches tea the reactor tank within a chased system. '*- a -.s.: :. r�•` to � . �#'z }:,i,*„='e:``:z ``&`n �:s .�z��r ,�:£�v{±"iz('� 'z� �{,: s�z?>z 'E,>, z Loser. Fluorocarbon wastes are collected in the storage an and transferred in 6ii0-gallon batches to the reactor tank within a closed system. The tanks themselves are located within the Waste Fluorocarbons System's secondary containment area. This area is constructed of one -foot thick seamless reinforced concrete and has a capacity of 10,500 gallons. The bottom of the diked area has a collection sump, Any liquid or collected water in the stamp is inspected to insure there are no immiscible fluids and the pH is between 4 and 9 prior to being released to the Nafion(E) process wastewater system, 5 =h. Law. Fluorocarbon wastes are collected in the storage tank and transferred in 600-gallon batches to the reactor tank within a closed system. The tanks themselves are located within the Waste Fluorocarbons System's secondary containment area. This area is constructed of cane -foot thick seamless reinforced concrete and has a capacity of 10,500 gallons. The bottom of the diked area has a collection sump. Any liquid or collected water in the sump is inspected to insure there are no immiscible fluids and the pH is between 4 and 9 prior to being released to the NafionCR? process wastewater system. " :a"'#: #`:?%z<`!>>:: #.,#: :? #za::s #?>.zs x <. .<•z.z.z . `zz 4.,��#z. z .,. ,. .,,.: � .,,,,,,. ,;;;,,,.,.. ».fin ":�: ,>', e.:.e», >.:2:n :?u; ;sa.. ,.. ,z,.. r.. Y#.:�5>��6:zat'zzzflz ,<.,:.,.,�k3'•5, »,., , ti`#.,�,#z,,, No Further Investigation/too Corrective Measures. The receiving unit is subjected to monthly ultrasonic inspections and semi-annual internal inspections, The reactor unit receives annual ultrasonic and internal inspections. No oral accounts or written documentation of releases were found. No signs of past releases were observed during any site visits. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046132 M El ------------------------ DUPONT — FAYETTEVILLE WORKS - SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET SWMU 5 — Liquid Mixed Waste Fluorocarbon Shipping Tank Description: This unit was used to store neutralized waste liquid fluorocarbons prior to shipment to a contract incinerator by tank truck, It was an unlined carbon steel aboveground storage tank with a 4290- gallon capacity. It was horizontally mounted by an iron saddle and support on reinforced concrete piers. It was located within the Waste Fluorocarbon System's secondary containment area, It operated from 1979 to 2000. Low. Flammable constituents have not been managed at this unit. _011�1'01 Low, The waste was stored -, i , n , an enclosed tank. Low. The waste was stored in an enclosed tank. N This aboveground storage tank was located within a secondary containment area. The area was constructed of one -foot thick seamless reinforced concrete. The bottom of the diked area had a collection sump. Any liquid or collected water in the sump was inspected to insure there were no immiscible fluids and the pH was between 4 and 9 prior to being released to the Naflon@ process wastewater system, ffl�.X* X-0 This aboveground storage tank was located within a secondary containment area. The area was constructed of one -foot thick seamless reinforced concrete. The bottom of the diked area had a collection sump. Any liquid or collected water in the sump was inspected to insure there were no immiscible fluids and the pH was between 4 and 9 prior to being released to the Nafion@ process wastewater system. No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures, The tank was inspected once every two years. The wall thickness was tested externally every year, No oral accounts or written documentation of releases were found. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. April 2011 DEQ-CFW-00046133 DUPONT" — FA'YET"T"EVILLE WORKS a SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET SWMIJ 6 ® Process Sewer System (and Common Sump) Description, This unit is a system of underground sewer pipes, manholes, and sumps that convey process wastewater from the main plant areas to the site's wastewater treatment plant system. Plant personnel and site sewer maps indicate that the pipes are constructed of vitrified day or steel. There are five process sewer sumps throughout the plant and all are in -ground and constructed of reinforced concrete. These include the following; 1. Butacite@ sump; 2. PVA sump; 3. Nafion@ Vinyl Ethers Forth sump; 4. Semiworks sump; 5. Naflon(, Common Sump. All sumps are concrete -lined, and the Nafion@ Common Sump is also polylined. The Nafion@ Common Sump was removed from process wastewater service in 2001; the other sumps are all still active. The former Common Sump received waste from the Nafion@ process, which included process wastewater, coolie vaster, and steam condensate from the various manufacturin units. :2 {<3 ,k`:'y,a', }, t;?##` 'yk.'k' ;,�sY #{ `°i...:`.�.:: �{5k2•y,; .{3 `k. f,: Loud. Organic constituents were detected in soils during the CS and Phase I RFI above MDL values but the total concentration of the constituents is less than 1 % by weight. Low. Organic constituents were detected in .soils during the CS and Phase I PFl above MDL values, but were below EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) industrial sail concentrations. Detected constituents are located in subsurface soils (mare than 2 feet below grade) where exposure via this pathway is not expected, Although volatile organic compounds have been detected in groundwater, a preliminary evaluation of the air pathway resulted in a low potential for exposure, �? 4 � � f' zua ,,.,..n%F,...,.o....?.-a°� Low. Organic and inorganic constituents were detected in soils during the CS and Phase I RA above MDL values, but below PSL industrial soil concentrations. Detected constituents are located in subsurface soils (more than 2 feet below grade) where exposure potential is love. Institutional and operational controls exist to prevent excavation without taking proper measures and to minimize the potential for exposures via this pathway. Mkt;,} k� -. k �.Fk 1 2 ..... ......... IN R z3ka;z> k�' zz # zn,r�'rl€ �.:kkk,`. #r^ .,'3�,\....-.,.<:2�`�.k: n �:.'a�$.' � � � "�Y 5a� .Y, k2 k#vk*t'`ikR kkk ;, Low. Methylene chloride, benzo(a)pyrene and iron were detected in soils slightly above NC soil concentrations (sail concentrations protective of groundwater), Several constituents were detected in the groundwater at levels above the DENR 2L groundwater quality standards. Groundwater flow is expected to be towards the Cape Fear River therefore, there are no potable sources for down gradient groundwater use, The presence of the underlying clay layer reduces the potential for vertical groundwater migration. x :. r : x,n , , . 004 o Low. This unit is designed to operate with a freeboard and as such would not overflow to a surface water body, A wet weather channel is present approximately 400 feet to the northeast of the unit. Sample results from surface water drainages were below NC 2B concentrations and the unit is overlain by a thick cover of soil and lies on relatively flat ground that does not promote runoff leading to no exposure via this pathway. .t ON No Further Investigation/Corrective Measures Needed Repairs to the Common Sump were made and the unit has since been taken out of service. The unit will be included in the site Snide groundwater monitoring program (AOC GW) to monitor potential impacts to the shallow groundwater. Phase Ili Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. 2) Long-term monitoring as part of AOC CW. IWl April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046134 DUPONT — FAYETTEVILLE WORKS - SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET SWMU 7 ® Storm Sewer System Description: This unit collects stormwater through a system of sumps, drains and ditches located throughout the plant which are routed to the Cape Fear River. The stormwater collection system is designed to handle a combined rate of approximately 13,900 gallons per minute (gpm). Rainfall accumulated in bermed chemical containment areas and other engineered spill containment structures are routed through the process sewer system after the waters have been tested and approved for such discharge, During construction of the APFO manufacturing facility, a temporary rain water retention basin and associated drainage channel were constructed. The basin operating by allowing collected rain water to infiltrate and evaporate. The storm sewer system became operational in 1972 when the plant was started -up. It is still in use; however, the stormwater retention basin associated with the APFO manufacturing area was closed in 2007, Low. Engineering control devices are in place to prevent the mixture and/or contact with plant process constituents. Low. Engineering control devices are in place to prevent the mixture and/or contact with plant process constituents. ON Or ag" Low. Engineering control devices are in place to prevent the mixture and/or contact with plant process constituents. Evidenbe of a release was identified in the vicinity of the former rain water retention basin north of the APFO manufacturing facility. However, the APFO has been identified in shallow groundwater as a result of air deposition in the immediate vicinity of the APFO manufacturing area being carried via runoff to the former retention basin and infiltrating into the subsurface, Since APFO is not present in the surface soils; potential for direct contact is considered to be low. Insufficient Data. Evidence of a release was identified in the vicinity of the former rain water retention basin north of the APFO manufacturing facility. APFO has been of identified in shallow groundwater as a result of air deposition in the immediate vicinity of the APFO manufacturing area being carried via runoff to the former retention basin and infiltrating into the subsurface. Extent of the shallow groundwater contamination has not been determined. Insuffic'le"nt Data. -Evidence of a release was identified in the vicinity of the for=r rain water retention basin north of the APFO manufacturing facility. APFO has been identified in shallow groundwater as a result of air deposition in the immediate vicinity of the APFO manufacturing area being carried via runoff to the former retention basin and infiltrating into the subsurface. The groundwater quality near Willis Creek has not been determined. -M, - .......... Insufficient Data. Need additional data to determine extent of impacts of APFO on shallow groundwater and near Willis Creek. -------------- Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm location/boundaries of the unit using CPS, 2) Determine the perimeter of the clay layer underneath the APFO manufacturing area. 3) Further investigate groundwater quality to the west and northeast of the area. April 2011 DEQ-CFW-00046135 SWMU 8 — Wastewater Treatment Plant System Description: The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is located on the southern portion of the manufacturing area. The WWTP is approximately 2000 feet west of the Cape Fear River and just north of the unnamed effluent channel used as the NPDES permitted outfall, Both sanitary and process wastewaters are biologically treated in the WVVTP activated sludge process involving an influent sump, retention tank, equalization basin, aeration tank, clarifiers, dissolved air flotation tank, digester, sludge press, and sludge dryerSr The wastewater treatment Qlant has been in service since 1972, Low. Series of in -ground sumps, tanks and basins used for processing wastewaters. Low. Series of in -ground sumps, tanks and basins used for processing wastewaters. Low. Series of in -ground sumps, tanks and basins used -for processing wastewaters. Low. Series of in -ground sumps, tanks and basins used for processing wastewaters. All units are located in diked containment areas, All piping is located aboveground except for the treated wastewater feed line to the clarifiers and the gravity drain piping from the clarifiers to the ouffall, Low. Series of in -ground sumps, tanks and basins used for processing wastewaters. All units are located in diked containment areas. All piping is located aboveground except for the treated wastewater feed line to the clarifiers and the gravity drain piping from the clarifiers to the permitted outfall, No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. No oral or written documentation of releases were found. No evidence of release was observed during any site visits, --------------- PheneIII Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPG. Apcil2OD OEQ-CFVV_00046136 El DUPONT ® FaAYETTE'@ ILLE WORKS - SWMU PRIORITIZATION TION WORKSHEE T SWMU 9 aA & R ® Former WWTP Lagoons Description: SWMU 9 A & B consisted of unlined lagoons used for the settling and dewatering of waste activated sludge from the site's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). These lagoons were used from 1979 until the current WWTP`s filter press was completed. The lagoons were in -ground, rectangular in shape and were adjacent to each other. Their dimensions were 380 feet by 578 feet by 6 feet deep and were located east of the existing WWTP area. Wastewater treatment in the lagoons ended in 198; activated sludge was removed in 1990. :..h.,J:o#v ..x ,9o.;, Fy• ,'y'i%k: # 'yk.., . ;}>'F;i ``<F££`6t F'kF",k` Low. Low concentrations of TPH, methanol and acetone were detected in soils during the GS above MDL values but the total concentration of the constituents is less than 1 % by weight. Love. Detected constituents are located in subsurface soils (more than 2 feet below grade) where exposure via this pathway is not expected. No volatile organic compounds have been detected in groundwater. Low. Detected constituents are located in subsurface soils (more than 2 feet below grade) where exposure potential is love. Institutional and operational controls exist to prevent excavation without taking proper measures and to minimize the potential for exposures via this pathway. MOM 1 i WIN Insufficient Data. Detected concentrations of inorganic constituents appear to be associated with ambient background conditions. Detections of bromoform and dibromochloromethane in well kW A I in 2005 exceed NC 2Ls and TPH was detected at 680 ppb in MW-123 in 1999, nMM Lowy. Groundwater monitoring results from down -gradient wells and the perimeter wells adjacent to the Cape Fear River do not indicate that detected constituents have migrated to any surface water body. y 4: Insufficient Data Detected TPH in soil is located in subsurface soils (>3 bgs), below the depth of a concern for direct contact. Detected constituents in groundwater are below screening criteria or associated with ambient background conditions except for low detections of three organic constituents (bromoform, dibromochloromethane and TPH). The Phase 11 RFI Report concluded that additional characterization of groundwater quality to the southwest of the units is not warranted. However, as NCDENR representatives requested that occurrences of bromoform; dibromochloromethane, and TPH at the site be further investigated, confirmation sampling of the groundwater in wells near SWMU 9A & B will be conducted during the Phase Ill RFl to determine current concentrations of bromoform, dibromochloromethane, and TPH in the area. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. 2) Confirmatory groundwater sampling of monitoring wells MW-11 and MW-12S as part of AOC CW. 3) Confirmatory sampling of the groundwater in wells near SWMU 9 A & B will be conducted to determine current concentrations of bromoform, dibromochloromethane, and TPH in the area. PARSONS April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046137 Description: SWMU 9C consisted of six unlined lagoons used for the settling and dewatering of waste activated sludge from the site's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). These lagoons were used from 1972 until 1979 when the newer lagoons (SWMU 9A-B) were started -up. The lagoons were in -ground, rectangular in shape and were adjacent to each other. Their dimensions were 160 feet by 750 feet by 6 feet deep and were located east of the existing W`WTP area, and south of SWMU 9A-B, Wastewater treatment in the lagoons ended in 1979. Accumulated sludge was not removed. The Lagoons were covered with clean soil and abandoned in ce. Low. The lagoons were covered with clean soil in 1979, Low. The lagoons were covered with clean soil in 1979. 'rere* le te rthe 6S, Phase RF an Pha RFI in es Low, Groundwater monitoring results do not indicate that detected constituents have migrated to any surface water body. No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures Groundwater samples did not identify any constituents of concern in the nearby wells and no releases have been documented. Phase III Aobvitiea 1) Confirm unit location with GP8. April 2011 OEQ-CFVV_00046138 Description: The ButaciteCr<) waste flake area is located in near the Butacite@ sump. This area serves as the collection and storage area for waste PVB flake (off -specification Butacit&V Flake, which consists of 3GO plasticizer and polyvinyl butyral) from the manufacture of Butacite-0. This material is non -hazardous and contains no hazardous constituents. law NJ Low. Flammable constituents have not been managed at this unit. 11 Low, The waste flake is collected in plastic clumpsters that are located indoors on a concrete floor, Low, The waste flake is collected in plastic dumpsters that are locate i oors on a concrete floor. Low. he waste flake is collea�d in plastic dumpsters that are located indoors on a concrete floor. This area is roofed with a concrete floor. Any waste flake that collects on the floor is swept up and put back in Low. The waste flake is collected in plastic dumpsters that are located indoors on a concrete floor. Thisarea is roofed with a concrete floor. Any waste flake that collects on the floor is swept up and put back in No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. No oral or written documentation of releases were found, No evidence of release was observed during any site visits. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. OEQ-CFVV_00046139 Description: Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is received at the Butacitet area as a powder in bulk containers (rail cars). During the transfer process from the bulk containers, some PVA powder is lost and must be swept up and disposed. The transfer operation occurs over a concrete pad. Past practice called for washing the powder from the bulk unloading into an associated drain that feeds into the PVA sump. From the sump, the effluent water and PVA powder would be pumped into the waste Flake Building's vibrating screener. However, current area work practice specifies the powder to be physically removed via sweeping or vacuumling-an-,.1 does not call for this water washdown, Low. Polyvinyl alcohol is non -hazardous and contains no hazardous constituents, Low. Polyvinyl alcohol is non -hazardous and contains no hazardous constituents. IME ow. Polyvinyl alcohol is non -hazardous and contains no hazardous constituents, Low. Polyvinyl alcohol is non -hazardous and contains no hazardous constituents and the process occurs in an area that is concrete -lined. Low. Polyvinyl alcohol is non -hazardous and contains no hazardous constituents and the process occurs in an area that is concrete -lined, No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures, No oral or written documentation of releases were found, No evidence of release was observed during any site visits. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. April 2011 OEQ-CFVV_00046140 SWMU 12 — Power Unloading Area Oil/Water Separator Description: SWMU 12 receives liquids that are collected in the secondary containment of the unloading area. The liquids are conveyed via pipeline to the unit that separates the water (rainfall, wash water, surface water, etc.) from the sludge (oil). The water is sent to the neutralizer where it is neutralized to a pH>6 and <9, and then is sent to the process wastewater sewer. The sludge is periodically removed and placed into 55-gallon drums, which are moved to the storage area to await off -site disposal. A "High Level" alarm which sounds in the Powerhouse ICR prevents overflow of the separator, The separator is located east of the No. 6 Fuel Tank in the Power Area. The unit has been in oLer tion since 1972. Low. Wastes handled are primarily water and non-flammable. Low. Wastes handled are primarily water and non-flammable. Low. Wastes handled are primarily water and non-flammable. Low. Wastes handled are primarily water and non-flammable. The unit is concrete -lined and routinely pumped dry. Lowlastes handled are primarily water and non-flammable, The unit is concrete -lined and routinely pumped dry. No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. No oral or written documentation of releases were found. No evidence of release was observed during any site visits, Phase III Activiti*n� 1) Confirm unit location with SPS. April 2011 OEQ-CFVV_00046141 Description: Construction Debris from building the Butacite(DR and Dymetrol@ Manufacturing Areas was buried beneath the building site of the Nafiong) Manufacturing Area prior to construction. The backfill soil used to cover this area came from within the Fayetteville Works site's property boundary. The approximate area of this SWMU is 0.7 acres, and is approximately four feet deep. This was a one-time event occurring in 1972, Low. Flammable constituents have not been managed at this unit, Low. Buried construction debris. Low, Buried construction debris. cc nstructi n 2006 from a channel located to the north of this unit as well as groundwater samples collected from monitor well down -gradient of this unit did not indicate this unit has released. Analytical date associated with these samples can be found in the Phase 11 RCRA Facility Report. Additionally, extensive analysis done on leachate indicates no release. w, Buried construction debris. Surface water data collected in 2006 from a channel located to the north of this unit as well as groundwater samples collected from monitor well down -gradient of this unit did not indicate this unit has released. Analytical data associated with these samples can be found in the Phase 11 RCRA Facility Report. Additionally, extensive analysis done on leachate indicates no release. No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures, No evidence of release based on analytical results and history of disposal. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. April 2011 OEQ-CFVV_00046142 SWMU 14 A through G — Area Septic Tanks Description: There are two septic tanks that collect sanitary sewer waste from different areas on the plant site. They are located at the WX Building and the construction area Foreman Trailer's restroom trailer, There were five septic tanks that are no longer active; three were in the construction area, one at the Standard Warehouse trailers, and one in the MMF area. The tanks generally contain several thousand gallons of sanitary waste. Septic tank systems in the construction area, at the Standard Warehouse trailers, and in the MMF area were inactive by 2000. Septic tank systems for the WX Building and Construction Foreman Trailer restroom traile��= active. Low. Flammable constituents have not been managed at this unit. Low, The unit is used to treat and store sanitary sewage. The tanks are periodically pumped out and the waste treated at the site's Wastewater Treatment Plant. Low. unit is used to treat and store sanitary sewage. The tanks are periodically pumped out and the waste treated at the site's Wastewater Treatment Plant, Low. The unit is used to treat and store sanitary sewage. The tanks are periodically pumped out and the waste treated at the site's Wastewater Treatment Plant. Low. The unit is used to treat and store sanitary sewage, The tanks are periodically pumped out and the waste treated at the site's Wastewater Treatment Plant. No Further InvestigationlNo Corrective Measures. No oral or written documentation of releases were found. No evidence of release was observed during any site visits. Phase III Activities: i) Confirm unit locations with BPS. April20D OEQ-CFVV_00046143 DUPONT ® FAY TT VILE WORKS - SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET SWMIJ 15 A through F — Used Oil Accumulation Areas Description: Several arms are or have been temporary collection and storage areas for non -hazardous used oils. These areas include the fallowing: A) Stores; B) Dymetrol®; C) Construction; D) Butaoite-0; E) Nafion®: and F) PMDF. All areas are on secondary containment pallets. Prior to release of any accumulated storm water to the storm sewers, the water is checked for oil sheen. The used oil collection area at Stores and D metro# R were eliminated as of 2006. Y lit :. ,;... ..h.:.: .; z �;x fi .�,.::x? ?' a.� E,, Low. Used lubricants and motor oils with loaf flash potential, ROM, Low. Temporary collection and storage areas for non -hazardous used oils. ?::..'. mm Low. Temporary collection and storage areas for non -hazardous used oils. Low. Temporary collection and storage areas for non -hazardous used oils. All areas are on secondary containment pallets. Prior to release of any accumulated storm water to the storm sewers, the water is checked for ail sheen. �y;s`>z;:: 'gx:: ;�.;}Y<, ,. t> .<. :.. : :..,.: }''o NEW Lave. Temporary collection and storage areas for non -hazardous used oils. All areas are on secondary containment pallets. Briar to release of any accumulated storm water to the storm sewers, the water is checked for oil sheen. ,. No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. No oral or written documentation of releases were found. No evidence of release was observed during any site visits.. Phase Ill Activities: 1) Confirm unit locations with CPS. April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046144 SWMU 16 — Borrow Pit — Construction Debris Disposal Area Description. The Borrow Pit is an active, unlined area from which soil or other unconsolidated materials are removed to be used, without further processing, for on -site construction and maintenance activities. Also, construction materials (excavated soils) and other non -hazardous materials and debris are deposited in this area. It covers approximately five acres northwest of the Nafion®R area, The unit is approximately ten feet deep and has been active since 1972. Low. Flammable materials have not been used or disposed in this area. Materials disposed of in this area include masonry, concrete, asphalt, soil, and vegetable matter such as tree stumps and branches. Dredged sediment from the River Water Sediment Retention Basins (SWMU 21A-B) was disposed of in this area circa Low. Non -hazardous materials and debris have been disposed of in this area. Materials disposed of in this area include masonry, concrete, asphalt, soil, and vegetable matter such as tree stumps and branches. Dredged sediment from the River Water Sediment Retention Basins (SWMU 21A-B) was disposed of in this area circa 1985 and 1995, Low, Non -hazardous materials and debris have been disposed of in this area. Materia s disposed of in this area include masonry, concrete, asphalt, soil, and vegetable matter such as tree stumps and branches. Dredged sediment from the River Water Sediment Retention Basins (SWMU 21A-B) was disposed of in this area circa 1985 and 1995. Low. Non -hazardous materials and debris have been disposed of in this area. Materials disposed of in this area include masonry, concrete, asphalt, soil, and vegetable matter such as tree stumps and branches. Dredged sediment from the River Water Sediment Retention Basins (SWMU 21A-B) was disposed of in this area circa 1985 and 1995. Low. Non -hazardous materials and debris have been disposed of in this area. Materials disposed of in this area include masonry, concrete, asphalt, soil, and vegetable matter such as tree stumps and branches. Dredged sediment from the River Water Sediment Retention Basins (SWM U 21 A-13) was disposed of in this area circa 1985 and 1995. Insufficient Data, No oral or written documentation of releases were found, No evidence of release was observed during any site visits. This SWMU was not determined to need additional investigation through the, risk -based re - prioritization process. However, to address a specific NCDENR request, confirmation sampling of the area will be conducted during the Phase III RFI to determine whether SWMU 16 could be a possible source of APFO in groundwater. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit boundaries with GpS, 2) Conduct confirmation sampling in the area, April 2011 OEQ-CFVV_00046145 Description: This unit is a 6000-gallon carbon steel above ground storage tank located in the Nafion@ Manufacturing area. It is horizontally mounted and sits within secondary containment area. The unit has been in oeeration since 1984. 1101 INOWWWWWWRI Low. Flammable materials have not been used at the unit. Low. The waste dimethyl sul xide (DMSO) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) are contained in an enclosed WN Low. The waste DMSO and KOH are contained in an enclosed tank, Low, The tank is located within a one -foot thick seamless reinforced concrete diked containment area. A sump in the containment area is equipped with a high level alarm which sounds when the sump has reached 90 percent of capacity. Any liquid or collected water in the sump is inspected to insure there are no immiscible fluids and the pH is between 4 and 9 prior to being released to the Naflon@ Area common sump. The current area corrosion control program requires testing of shell thickness using external ultrasonic techniques as specified in the RCRA permit as well as external inspections of the tank. Low. The tank is located within a one -foot thick seamless reinforced concrete diked containment area. A sump in the containment area is equipped with a high level alarm which sounds when the sump has reached 90 percent of capacity. Any liquid or collected water in the sump is inspected to insure there are no immiscible fluids and the pH is between 4 and 9 prior to being released to the Nafion®R Area common sump. The current area corrosion control program requires testing of shell thickness using external ultrasonic techniques as specified in the RCRA permit as well as external inspections of the tank. IRWIN No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. No oral or written documentation of releases were found, No evidence of release was observed during any site visits. Phase NActivities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. April 2011 OEQ-CFVV_00046146 El SWMU 18 — VES Waste Hydrocarbon Storage Tank ' This unit was a 65 gallon stainless steel aboveground storage tank located in the Nafion@ Vinyl Ethers South (VES) manufacturing area, It was vertically mounted on 3/16-inch A36 iron supports welded to W8 x 18 I -Beams, It was in operation from 1996 — 2000, The tank collected a process waste hydrocarbon stream for batch filling of 55-gallon containers. The waste process hydrocarbon contained mainly acetonitrile. A small uantitX of comEatible 2rocess fluorocarbon was also eresent Low. The waste was stored in an enclosed tank and is no longer in operation. Low. The waste was stored in an enclosed tank. Low. The waste was stored in an enclosed tank and is no longer in operation. Low, The waste was stored in an enclosed tank and is no longer in operation. The tank was located inside a 36" wide x 36" long x 22" wide catch pan constructed of 3/16" thick stainless steel, The containment volume was adequate for the entire contents of the tank plus six inches of rainfall (24-hour, 25-year storm event). Low. The waste was stored in an enclosed tank and is no longer in operation. The tank was located inside a 36" wide x 36" long x 22" wide catch pan constructed of 3/16" thick stainless steel, The containment volume was adequate for the entire contents of the tank plus six inches of rainfall (24-hour, 25-year storm event). IN No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. No oral or written documentation of releases were found. No evidence of release was observed during any site visits, Phase Ill Activities: 1) Confirmunit location with {S9S. April 2011 OEQ-CFVV_00046147 DUPONT — FAYET`fEVILLE WORK - SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEE'T SWfs U 19 — VES Waste Fluorocarbon Storage 'Tank Description- This unit is a 86-gallon stainless steel above ground storage tank Iodated in the Nafion® Vinyl Ethers South (VES) manufacturing area. It is vertically mounted on 3116-inch A36 iron supports. It has been in operation since 1996, The tank collects a process waste fluorocarbon stream to be pumped to the existing Waste Liquid Fluorocarbon Storage Tank. The waste process fluorocarbon contains mainly fluorocarbon. A small quantit 4of corn atible rocess h drocarbon can also be resent. .,:,....;:a,f�ak`.'3;*�:F?z?,Ezt.� ..; .H' Low, The unit handles primarily non-flammable fluorocarbon. Low, The waste is stored in an enclosed tank, Low, The waste is stored in an enclosed tank, Loan. The waste is stared in an enclosed tank. The tank is located within a six-inch thick seamless reinforced concrete diked containment area. The containment area is equipped with a sump. The containment area will contain the entire contents of the tank. The current area corrosion control program requires internal inspection of the tank every four years and external inspections every two years. a.'a3�>�,... �.<�Y;�e€Y e, a.,.,.?ufi;a.�.X.,fC�E+`,'t ,En�?+�A',,,,.,v`aj.,.., ,3,,r3;�M;. '3�w .>>. Low. The waste is stored in an enclosed tank. The tank is located within a six -.inch thick seamless reinforced concrete diked containment area. The containment area is equipped with a sump, The containment area will contain the entire contents of the tank. The current area corrosion control program requires internal inspection of the tank every four years and external inspections every two years. No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures, No oral or written documentation of releases were found. No evidence of release was observed during any site visits. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with CPS. April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046148 El DUPONT — FAYETTEVILLE WORKS a SWMU PRIORITIZATION N WCif KSHEET SWMU 20A -- Waste Acid Tank Description: This unit consists of a 8,373-gallon aboveground, open tapped waste acid storage tank. This tank is used to store hydrochloric acid and acetic acid. The tank is made out of FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic), The tank is approximately 12 feet high and has a diameter of ten feet, nine inches. The tank Is vertically mounted and sits on a concrete pad in the Nafion® Manufacturing :area. material from this tank is used to neutralize the alkaline waste from the Waste alkaline ,aqueous Tank, which is then transferred to the site's Wastewater Treatment Plant. This tank has been in o eration since 1977. ? ` Low.. Flammable materials are not handled in this unit.. Low. The waste is stared in an enclosed tank. Low, The waste is stored in an enclosed tank. 10*40 j. Lava. The waste is stored in an enclosed tank. This tank farm is fully curbed. Any spills or leaks would be collected and sent to the process sewer for treatment at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, The storage pad is intact with no cracks or hales. Low. The waste is stored in an enclosed tank. This tank farm is fully curbed. Any spills or leaks would be collected and sent to the process sewer for treatment at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, The storage pad is intact with no cracks or hales. , ` S , :.. ,:... :,:. F :... �..... •:.+ a>,,;i'FkY'.t,sJ.ax'h `k��.�':`.<:�\?i; ...'v^.tt.� `'`» s. s,?...�.;.:: .., No Further Investigation/No Corrective measures. No oral or written documentation of releases were found. No evidence of release was observed during any site visits. --------------------------- Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GP . April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046149 Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. April 2011 OEQ-CFVV_00046150 SWMU 21 A & B — River Water Sediment Retention Basins Description: This unit consists of two earthen basins that are used to hold sediment removed from the Cape Fear River water. The south basin is denoted as SWMU 21A, and the north basin is denoted as SWMU 21 B, Each basin is approximately 370 feet long, 210 feet wide and 6 feet deep (4.25 acre/feet per basin). Water overflow from these basins enters the Nafion@ non -contact cooling water ditch for discharge through a NPDES permitted outfall. These units started ogration in 1972 and are still active. Low, Flammable materials are not handled in this unit. Low. These basins receive Cape Fear River water and sediment from the River Water Treatment facility. The sediment is naturally occurring in the river water. The River Water Treatment facility uses alum (aluminum sulfate), which is not a hazardous constituent, as a flocculent. NON IN 0,15 Low. These basins receive Cape Fear River water and sediment from the River Water Treatment facility, The sediment is naturally occurring in the river water. The River Water Treatment facility uses alum (aluminum sulfate), which is not a hazardous constituent, as a flocculent. Low. The basins are earth -packed lined. These basins receive Cape Fear River water and sediment from the River Water Treatment facility. The River Water Treatment facility uses alum (aluminum sulfate), which is not a hazardous constituent, as a flocculent, No wastes handled by this unit contain hazardous constituents. ZEN Low. The basins are earth -packed lined, These basins receive Cape Fear River water and sediment from the River Water Treatment facility. The River Water Treatment facility uses alum (aluminum sulfate), which is not a hazardous constituent, as a flocculent. No wastes handled by this unit contain hazardous constituents, All overflow liquids from this unit release to the NPDES permitted Outfall 002. "I'll 1117 No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. No oral or written documentation of releases were found, No evidence of release was observed during any site visits. All overflow liquids from this unit release to the NPIDES permitted Outfall 002. The accumulated sediment has been removed from the basins on two occasions since startup (circa 1985 and 1995). Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. April 2011 OEQ-CFVV_00046151 SWMU 22 — Former Construction Sandblasting Building Description: This unit consisted of a small building and adjacent concrete pad where sandblasting and painting activities occurred. The unit was in operation from 1972 — 1988, Low. The waste handled at this unit consisted of sandblasting material (solid particles) and paint residuals. The unit is no longer in operation, Low. The unit is no longer in operation. All wastes were contained in the building or on the adjacent pad where they were swept up and discarded. NOW ;MM Low. 'the unit is no longer in operation. All wastes were contained in the building or on the adjacent pa' where they were swept up and discarded, Low. The unit is no longer in operation. All wastes were cA-)ntained in the building or on the adjacent pad where they were swept up and discarded. TCLP analysis of the waste sandblasting media showed no detectable levels for all analyzed constituents, except for barium that was measured at 1.6 mg/L in the Low. The unit is no longer in operation. All wastes were contained in the building or on the adjacent pad where they were swept up and discarded. TCLP analysis of the waste sandblasting media showed no detectable levels for all analyzed constituents, except for barium that was measured at 1.6 mg/L in the No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. No oral or written documentation of releases were found. No evidence of release was observed during any site visits. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GP8. April 2011 OEQ-CFVV_00046152 Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with {SPS. AprU2OD OEQ-CFVV_00046153 Phase III Activities: April 2011 OEQ-CFVV_00046154 Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with CPS. April2011 DEQ-CFW 00046155 DUPONT® FAYEtTEVILL WORKS - SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORK HEFT SWMU 24 ® Waste DMF Tank Description: This tank was a 40-gallon cube -shaped stainless steel above ground storage tank. It was set inside a stainless steel containment area inside the Dutacite0 Manufacturing Building. This tank received waste n-dimethylformamide ("DMF") from the ButacitetRD Tinting Process. The unit started operations in 1972, The Tinting Process was permanently shutdown in December 2005. The waste DMF was a D001 ignitable hazardous waste, The waste could have had as much as 15% dissolved polyvinyl butyral (PVB) and inks. The waste contained nickel dibutyldithiocarbamate, which is a hazardous constituent {Mickel compounds, N.O.S.) under 40 CFR 261 A Uendix VIII. Low. This tank was permanently shutdown in December 2008. Low. The waste was stored in an enclosed tank, Low. The waste was stored in an enclosed tank. The waste DMF was stored in an enclosed tank. The tank was located within a stainless steel diked containment area. The containment exceeded the maximum volume of the tank. If there had been any spills, it would have been pumped from the containment into a 55-gallon container. } " The waste DMF was stored in an enclosed tank. The tank was located within a stainless steel diked containment area. The containment exceeded the maximum volume of the tank. If there had been any spills, it would have been pumped from the containment into a 55-gallon container. NIX No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. No oval or written documentation of releases were found. No evidence of release was observed during any site visits, Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm tarot location with GPS. April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046156 Phase Ill Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. April 2011 DEQ-CFW-00046157 DUPONT — FA'YET TEVILLE WORKS 4 SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET SWMU 26 -- p DF Container Storage Area Description: This unit consists of an uncovered concrete storage area with secondary containment in which containers of raw materials and various non -hazardous wastes, including but not limited to used oil, are temporarily stored until the containers are either moved to the permitted RCRA container storage area or are transported oft -site. The unit has been in o eration }since 2000. Low. Small quantities of rave materials or non -hazardous wastes are stored in this area prior to be transferred to the permitted RCRA container storage area or transported off -site. kk's�#s:>? : ff,; :FF aF"'s�{x's s'iW Low. Small quantities of raw materials or non -hazardous wastes are stored In this area prior to be transferred to the permitted RCRA container storage area or transported off -site. .Al -: . Ir 1. Low. Small quantities of raw materials or nor; -hazardous wastes are stored in this area prior to be transferred to the permitted RCRA container storage area or transported off -site. N ziz Low. Small quantities of raw materials or non -hazardous wastes are stored in this area prior to be transferred to the permitted RCRA container storage area or transported of{ -site. All wastes are contained within the secondary containment in this area.. .2 d h 1? kk k Low. Small quantities of raw materials or non -hazardous wastes are stored in this area prior to be transferred to the permitted RCRA container storage area or transported off -site. All wastes are contained within the secondary containment in this area. No Further InvestigationlNo Corrective Measures. No oral or written documentation of releases were found. No evidence of release was observed during any site visits. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046158 El Phase III Activities: i) Confirm unit location with GPS. OEQ-CFVV_00046159 Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. OEQ-CFVV_00046160 DUPONT — FAYETTEVILLE WORKS - SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET SWMU 29 —Waste Hydrocarbon 90-Day Container Description: This unit is a stainless steel DOT Specification 51 portable tank (lSO container) with a capacity of approximately 5300 gallons.. It is mounted horizontally in a carriage for over -the -read transportation. The container operates as a 90-day storage container. It sits on a concrete containment area, but the containment volume is less than the capacity of the container. It is located within the Nafion@ Manufacturing Area. The unit started operation in 2000 and is still active. The container collects manufacturing process waste hydrocarbons from the various processes. The mixture of waste process hydrocarbons contains mainly acetonitrile with toluene accounting for at most 10% by weight, Diglyme (diethylene glycol monornethyi ether); tetragiyrne (tetra ethylene glycol monomethyl ether), and adiponitnle make up the remaining 50% of the waste. Small quantities of other compatible process fluorocarbons are also present, ,Ka,i, Low. The ISO is put into service with a nitrogen blanket in it so as to prevent the hydrocarbon vapor-, from reaching the flammability range. The ISO's internal pressure is maintained as a minimum of 30 kPa using make-up nitrogen. As new waste enters the ISO, the displaced headspace (nitrogen and hydrocarbons) is vented to maintain the 30 kPa pressure set point. With this automatic pressure control system, oxygen is prevented from entering the ISO, NNW? Low, The waste hydrocarbons are stored in an enclosed tanker. The container remains on -site for less than 90-days before it is transported to an off -site disposal facility. The container has an internal inspection every 6 months. , Lour. The waste hydrocarbons are stored in an enclosed tanker. I.I:.:.< :. _.. „o"M , Low. The waste hydrocarbons are stored in an enclosed tanker, The container sits on a concrete diked containment area, but the containment area's capacity (2600 gallons) is less than the volume of the container. This secondary containment structure drains via underground pipe to an in -ground containment sump, However, current practice is to keep the drain valve closed until accumulated rainfall can be analyzed for hydrocarbons, and if the analysis shows that the accumulated rainfall is uncontaminated, then it is drained to the sump, The container remains on -site for less than 90-days before it is transported to an off -site disposal facility. The container has an internal inspection every 6 months_ { ?.fir Low. The waste hydrocarbons are stored in an enclosed tanker. The container sits on a concrete diked containment area, but the containment area's capacity (2600 gallons) is less than the volume of the container. This secondary containment structure drains via underground pipe to an in -ground containment sump. However, current practice is to keep the drain valve closed until accumulated rainfall can be analyzed for hydrocarbons, and if the analysis shows that the accumulated rainfall is uncontaminated, then it is drained to the sump. The container remains on -site for less than 96-days before it is transported to an off -site disposal facility. The container has an internal inspection every 6 months. y$$ ,s �> Ykk` i'T }� s' :`€ No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. No oral or written documentation of releases were found. The container has an internal inspection every 6 months. No evidence of release was observed during any site visits. Phase III ,activities: 1) Confirm unit location with GPS. April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046161 DUPONT — FAYETTEVILLE WORKS - SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET AOC A — Railroad Unloading Area Description: This area consists of an outdoor railcar unloading area. Raw materials used in the Butacitet. manufacturing process [Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), butyraldehyde (BA), and plasticizer 3GO] are unloaded to storage facilities. There are two main areas. The first area is located adjacent to the Butacite@) manufacturing building. PVA is unloaded here through the use of hoses connected to the bottom of the rail cars. The second area is approximately 200 feet east of the first. BA and 3GO are unloaded here by pumping from the to of the railcars. This area has been in,OE ration since 1972. M111 Win Low. Butyraldehyde is the only potential flammable material handled in this area. The butyraldehyde is transferred from the rail cars to the Butyraldehyde Storage Tank. The Storage Tank has a nitrogen blanket maintained to prevent the headspace from entering the flammability limit for butyraidehyde and oxygen. During unloading, the containers and the Storage Tank are coupled with a common vent line so that the displaced headspace (nitrogen) in the Storage Tank is vented to the delivery container, which prevents oxygen from entering the container. Both railcars and tank trucks are grounded before they are unloaded. Low, airborne particles, either PVA or PVB, have been observed in the nearby stormwater drainage ditches: however, none of the materials handled in this area contain hazardous constituents or other constituents of concern, flm��V MINI 111 Low. None of the materials handled in this area contain hazardous constituents or other constituents o concern. go Low, None of the materials handled in this area contain hazardous constituents or other constituents of concern. The first unloading area (where PVA is unloaded) consists of a concrete pad that has a drain system connected to the Process Sewer System. The second unloading area (where BA and plasticizer 3GO are unloaded) consists of a pad that contains drains connected to the stormwater drainage system. The drains are equipped with valves that are normally closed. Airborne particles, either PVA or PVB, have been observed in the nearby stormwater drainage ditches. R,. ........... NONE AWWWWRINNO Low. Airborne particles, either PVA or PVB, have been observed in the nearby stormwater drainage ditches; however, none of the materials handled in this area contain hazardous constituents or other constituents of concern. The first unloading area (where PVA is unloaded) consists of a concrete pad that has a drain system connected to the Process Sewer System. The second unloading area (where BA and plasticizer 3GO are unloaded) consists of a pad that contains drains connected to the stormwater drainage system. The drains are equipped with valves that are normally closed. M M aM VMS - INS No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. Airborne particles, either PVA or PVB, have been observed in the nearby stormwater drainage ditches; however, none of the materials handled in this area contain hazardous constituents or other constituents of concern, No evidence of any other releases was observed during any site visits. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm area location with GPS. April 2011 DEQ-CFW-00046162 El AOC B — Former Construction Gasoline/Diesel UST Area Description: This area consisted of two underground storage tanks that contained gasoline and diesel used by plant vehicles. The tanks were installed in 1969 and removed in 1990. Analysis of soil samples taken from the excavation showed no detectable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. The excavated areas were backfilled after tank removal and is now an unused, 2ravel area. Low. No detections of flammable constituents during the tank removal and the USTs have been taken out of Low, No detections of flammable constituents during the tank removal and th -'USTs have been ta"'ken7ou"t of Low, No detections of flammable constituents during the tank removal and the USTs have been taken out of service, During removal, samples were collected of the surrounding soil to ascertain any contamination, Analysis of soil samples taken from the excavation showed no detectable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Information regarding the tanks' removal and soil sampling analytical results was submitted to Mr. Mick J. Noland, P.E., Fayetteville Regional Supervisor, NC-DEHNR Division of Environmental Management, on August 22, 1990. In a letter from Mr. Mick J. Noland, P.E., NC-DEHNR DEM, to Mr. James F. Wallwork, DuPont, dated August 27, 1990, it was stated that a review of the soil samples lab results indicated that no additional soil excavation and removal was required. Low. No detections of flammable constituents during the tank removal and the USTs have been taken out of service, During removal, samples were collected of the surrounding soil to ascertain any contamination. Analysis of soil samples taken from the excavation showed no detectable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Information regarding the tanks' removal and soil sampling analytical results was submitted to Mr, Mick J, Noland, P,E., Fayetteville Regional Supervisor, NC-DEHNR Division of Environmental Management, on August 22, 1990. In a letter from Mr. Mick J. Noland, P.E., NC-DEHNR DEM, to Mr. James F, Wallwork, DuPont, dated August 27, 1990, it was stated that a review of the soil samples lab results indicated that no additional soil excavation and removal was required. This correspondence and sample results are included as Appendix C. No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures, No reported releases from this unit No evidence of any other releases was observed during removal of the USTs and soil data confirmed a clean closure. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm area location with GPS, April 2011 OEQ-CFVV_00046163 ------------------- DUPONT -- FAYETTEVILLE WORKS - SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET AOC C — Former Ag Products Gasoline/Diesel € ST Area Description. This area consisted of three underground storage tanks that contained gasoline and diesel (#2 fuel oil) used in association with the agricultural Products test farm area. The tanks were installed in 1977 and removed in 1989. The excavated areas were backfilled after the tanks were removed and the area is now an unused, rasa covered area. NOW Low. No detections of flammable constituents during the1999CS investigation and the USTs have been taken out of service, t' s Loam. No detections above background or detection limits during the 1999 CS investigation and the this have been taken out of service. Low. No detections of flammable constituents during the 1999 CS investigation and the ibis have been taken out of service, Low. No detections of flammable constituents during the 1999 CS investigation and the USTs have been taken out of service. When the tanks were removed in 1989, the tanks were inspected for signs of leaks and none were found by the fuel company that removed the tanks. The tank pits were also examined for signs of leakage and none was found. However, one sample from the 1999 CS investigation had a TPH detection greater than 10 ppm, which is the level for clean closure. ME Lour. No detections of flammable constituents during the 1999 CS investigation and the USTs have been taken out of service. When the tanks were removed in 1909, the tanks were inspected for signs of leaks and none were found by the fuel company that removed the tanks. The tank pits were also examined for signs of leakage and none was found, >sz a>v Insufficient Data. No reported releases from this unit and no evidence of any other releases was observed during removal of the USTs. Sail data confirmed no detections of hazardous constituents; however, one sail analytical result was above the 10 ppm level for TPH. As NCDENR representatives requested that occurrences of TPH at the site be further investigated, confirmation sampling of .sail in AOC C will be conducted during the Phase Ill RFl to deterrnine current concentrations of TPH in the area, Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm area location with CPS, 2) Confirmatory soil sampling for TPH, April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046164 DUPONT — FAYETTEVILLE WORKS - SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET- AOC D ® Nafion@) Caustic Release Area Description: There was a release of dilute potassium hydroxide (KOH) on March 28, 1995. The ground surface surrounding the hydrolysis wastewater sump (approximately 15 ft. in each direction) was affected. The area was remediated the I't week in,April, 1995. ___ Low. No flammable materials are associated with this release of dilute KOH in water with trace amounts of dimethylsulfoxide (DIVISO). No hazardous constituents are associated with this waste. Low. No hazardous constituents are associated with this waste. Low. No hazardous constituents are associated with this waste and the release was directly to the subsurface soil. m M 01fflME Loom. Edo hazardous constituents are associated with this waste aid the release was directly to the subsurface soil. An underground line corroded and released a dilute aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide. Following the release, the soil's pH measured at 12.6 SU. The soil was remediated in situ using acetic acid. The neutralized soil following the acid addition was measured with a pH of 4,7 SU, <1111 NINE Ira, P, Low. No hazardous constituents are associated with this waste and the release was directly to the subsurface soil. An underground line corroded and released a dilute aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide, Following the release, the soil's pH measured at 12.6 SU. The soil was remediated in situ using acetic acid. The neutralized soil following the acid addition was measured with a pH of 4.7 SU, is No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. Release immediately remediated via neutralization with acetic acid. No further action necessary. Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm area location with CPS, April 2011 DEQ-CFW-00046165 DUPONT — FAYETTEVILLE WORKS _ SWMU PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET AOC E — Butaclte@ Ethylene Glycol Release Area Description: There was a release of ethylene glycol that was discovered in December 2005 An unknown quantity was released prior to discovery when an underground line corroded or failed and released a 30% ethylene glycol aqueous solution. Following the discovery of the release, the failed line was deinventoried of ethylene glycol. The sail between the Administration Building, the Butacite(D Office Building, the Butacite® Laborator , and the Butacite® Maintenance ShoE was affected, _. .,;. , .. ., ,t;;;r».�..:�, x.� £a.. £'b a. Low. Flammable constituents are not associated with this area. > . ::: ... n€� � 111411 111 Low, When released to soil, ethylene glycol is not expected to evaporate and is readily biodegradable, In the air, it is degraded by reaction with photochemically ,produced hydroxyl radicals and has a half life of 1 -- 10 days, t{ri Low. When released to soil, ethylene glycol is readily biodegradable. �g3 gg Moderate. When released to sail, ethylene glycol may leach into groundwater; however, it is readily biodegradable. Groundwater samples collected from five nearby monitoring wells (SMW-06, FTA-02, MW- 1 s, NAF-06B and NAF-11 B) and were sampled for ethylene glycol in 2006 as part of the Phase I RFI. Analytical results did not indicate the presence of ethylene glycol above method detection limits in any of the samples. 3; Low. When released to soil, ethylene glycol may leach into groundwater and be transported to surface water; however, it is readily biodegradable iR water and has a half-life of 1 -- 10 days. Ethylene glycol is not expected to bioaccumolate. Groundwater samples collected from five nearby monitoring wells (SMW-06, FTA-02, MW-16, NAF-06B and NAF-11 B) and were sampled for ethylene glycol in 2006 as part of the Phase I RFI. Analytical results did not indicate the presence of ethylene glycol above method detection limits in any of the samples. r Insufficient Data. Although ethylene glycol is readily biodegradable and is not expected to be present in the shallow groundwater; no data has been collected from the area immediately surrounding the pipe runs. Additional samples are needed since an unknown quantity of ethylene glycol was released. Phase III Activities; 1) Confirm area boundaries with CPS. 2) Determine if a clay layer is present in the area that may affect shallow groundwater flaw direction.. 3) Locate saturated conditions along the pipe runs and sample water if present. a April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046166 DUPONT — FAYETTEVIL.L.E WORK m S 'M U PRIORITIZATION WC?F KSHEET A,OC F — Molecular Sieve Release ,Area Description. There was a release of waste molecular sieges in March 2007, The ground in the construction lay -down area was affected, The spent molecular sieves are made of sodium aluminosilicate and contain sodium fluoride, sodium carbonate, sodium acetate, fluorocarbons, and fluorocarbon salts. Because the spent sieves can contain acid fluorides, they are coded with the D003 hazardous waste code for reactivit 17VMS.< ,'g'. 1111111 Low. No flammable constituents were handled in this area. Lora. Sieves were placed on the ground after being washed. The addition of water to the spent sieves neutralized the acid fluorides, therefore washed sieves would not be a D003 livaste, but rather a non- hazardous solid waste, •0: Law. Sieves were placed on the ground after being washed and then shoveled into a waste container for off - site site disposal. The addition of water to the spent sieves neutralized the acid fluorides, therefore washed sieves would not be a D003 waste, but rather a non -hazardous solid waste. p Low. Sieves were placed on the ground after being washed and then shoveled into a waste container for off - site disposal. This practice was stopped in 2007. The addition of water to the spent sieves neutralized the acid fluorides, therefore washed sieves would not be a D003 waste; but rather a non -hazardous solid waste, .. :.,. .., .«... ?? s`Yksx�xjC �? i# a .s:k ..,a> a .... Low, Sieves were placed on the ground after being washed and then shoveled into a waste container for off - site disposal. The addition of water to the spent sieves neutralizes the acid fluorides, therefore washed sieves would not be a D003 waste, but rather a non -hazardous solid waste. This practice was stopped in 2007, , .. . .,,.. „<<. No Further Investigation/No Corrective Measures. Practice of placing sieves on the ground after washing has been stopped. The sieves are now placed in containers at the point of generation, and then stored in the permitted RCRA Container Storage Area. No further action necessary, Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm unit location with (BPS. April ?011 DEQ-CFW 00046167 H DUPONT m FAYETTEVILLEWORKS - SWMU PRIORITIZATION WfiRKSHEET AOO O m Former Fire Training Area Description: The Former Fire Training Area consisted of a 3 foot by 3 foot metal pan, which was located on the ground and surrounded by a sail and gravel bean. The total berrned area was approximately 15 feet by 15 feet. Combustible materials (non process materials) were placed in the metal pan and diesel fuel was used to start the combustion process. Trainees would then practice extinguishing the fires. The fire training area was closed by removing the metal fire pan and pushing the gravel berms into the interior of the training area. Low, Benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes (total) were detected above the PQL values. ' Total constituents were present at a concentration less than 1% in the soil. These soils were removed wring construction activities at the site. Confirmatory sampling did not indicate the presence of volatile organic constituents above the MDL. .;;."� . r ;; -01,01 �. tk . � ^. 'n£' zsk£i lk=tl ; t ,1. ��"It I�1�S��. �4<I Low. Benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes (total) were detected above the PQL values. The constituents were below Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) for industrial soil concentrations. The soils were removed during construction activities at the site. Confirmatory sampling did not indicate the presence of volatile organic constituents above the MDL .. .;.: .;,`x�'µsx .>. ^;»^,,.<> ,..y:.Eo.....:,z�<,tz,}, a :..,.... > .a... k., a #xi,t'4v, .<;'z ''?z .z <�:••^o Low, Benzene, ethylbenzenes, toluene, and xylenes (total) were detected above the PQL values. A majority of the impacted soil was removed during excavation. A limited area of soil with elevated TPH concentrations remains at depth (> I I feet bgs). Confirmatory sampling did not indicate the presence of volatile organic constituents above the MDL. ['1Mu2cient Data. For the Phase I RFI, three piezorneters (FTA-01 through FTA-03) were installed in the vicinity of the Former Fire Training Area to investigate the potential impacts to the shallow groundwater. Lead, chromium and nickel were detected above MDLs in FTA-01, the up -gradient well. Chromium and nickel were also detected in the dawn -gradient wells (FTA-02 and FTA-03). No organic constituents were detected above MDLs in any of the three wells. The detected concentrations were attributed to naturally occurring background conditions and the recommendation was made that additional groundwater samples should be collected to confirm these results. Based on the recommendations from the Phase I RFI, additional groundwater samples were collected as part of the Supplemental Phase I P,FI in 2003, Samples were collected from FTA-01 through FTA-03 and sampled for VOCs, PAHs, TPH-DRO, lead, chromium and nickel. Only one inorganic constituent, lead, was detected above the MDL. No other constituents were detected above the MDLs in the groundwater samples; however, the MDL for the TPH-DRO analyses were slightly elevated dues to the presence of sediment in the samples Low. The area is relatively flat terrain and does not promote runoff. The nearest surface water is approximately 1900 feet from this area, ,::,..... ._.::.. .. ..:::.. .... Insufficient Data. Based on previous sampling, unlikely that the shallow groundwater has been affected; however, the MDL for the TPH-DRO analyses were elevated. As NCDENR representatives requested that occurrences of TPFI at the site be further investigated, confirmation sampling of the groundwater in wells near AOG C will be conducted during the Phase III RFI to determine current concentrations of TPH in the area: Phase III Activities: 1) Confirm area location with CPS. 2) Confirm the previews TPH-DISC} groundwater results. April 2011 DEQ-CFW 00046168 ................... .... ............................ .......................................... ... ................................................................................. ........................ A OC Site Wide Groundwater GW Description- Groundwater was evaluated holistically as one AOC. Although groundwater was also evaluated as part of each unit, a holistic approach allows for making determinations with respect to current site conditions at perimeter boundaries and potential exposure points. A total of 45 groundwater monitoring wells and 26 piezometers have been installed at the site during previous investigation efforts, In addition, 2 water supply wells exist that have been used throughout the site's history to provide potable, process, and domestic water supplies for facility needs; however, these wells have been disconnected from the site's drinking water sXstem, M7 Low, Constituents detected in soils were present in concentrations less than 1%: therefore flammable constituents are not expected to be present in groundwater at concentrations greater than 1 %. Low. Groundwater is generally found at depths greater than 16 feet below ground surface; therefore exposure via this pathway is not expected. However, several VOCs were detected within 100 feet of occupied buildings. These detected concentrations were compared to conservative residential EPA screening levels listed in Table 5 of EPA's draft vapor intrusion guidance and the following VOCs had detections above these levels: bromoform, carbon tetrachloride, methylene chloride, dichlorodifluoromethane, tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene. Currently, carbon tetrachloride, d ich lorod ifl uoro methane, methylene chloride and tetrachloroethylene are used in the Nafion®R area, As a result, the use of occupationally -based endpoints is appropriate for these VOCs, The detections of these compounds are below occupational standards. For the potentially "orphaned" chemicals, both bromoform and trichloroethene were detected once in June 2005 above conservative residential EPA screening levels in one location (NAF-080). Neither was detected in the October 2005 and June 2006 sampling events in the same location. Bromoform has not been detected in other locations in the area and trichloroethene has not been detected above conservative EPA screenin levels I in other locations in the area. Now"MME11=11M MMMMMIUMM Low, Groundwater is generally found at depths greater than 16 feet below ground surface; therefore exposure via this pathway is not expected. Additionally, the site purchases and receives its potable water from the Bladen County Water Authority. The two on -site domestic water wells have been disconnected from the site's drinking water s em, but the wells have not yet been closed. Iffill"I" 01, ANTIMM "i'M 1111111"1", 111,1111 �11111 I Insufficient Data. An aerially limited perched groundwater zone exists above the clay layer underlying a majority of the site. The presence of this perched zone appears to be the result of seepage of water through the bottom of the north/south sediment basins accumulating on the clay layer. The perched zone flows in a radial pattern from a hydrologic high in the vicinity of the on -site north/south sediment basins. The perched zone was encountered from approximately six feet bgs in the vicinity of the north/south sediment basins to a depth of approximately 20 feet bgs along the edges of the perched zone to the west of the sediment basins. A separate regional water table aquifer was encountered approximately 50 feet below the ground surface and below the clay layer that underlies a majority of the manufacturing area. The extent of the clay layer southwest of SWMU 8 is NO unknown, ........... 1.NM 11 011 1"11M, Low. It is expected that shallow groundwater discharges into the Cape Fear River which is located approximately 1900 feet from the manufacturing area; however, samples collected in 2006 from five perimeter wells adjacent to the Cape Fear River (LTW-01 through LTW-05) did not have any detections of constituents above NC 2B criteria exceet for iron, h.g", go 717, Insufficient Data. The extent of the clay layer southwest of SWMU 8 is unknown. Also, the potential for vapor intrusion to be complete for two constituents detected near an occupied building exists, I Phase III Activities: 1) Conduct site -wide groundwater sampling to support refinement of the site conceptual model. 2) Confirm the presence of a clay layer to the southwest of SWMU 8 and whether perched water Is present. 2 April 2011 DEQ-CFW-00046169 Photo No, Dam; Direct rep Taken - SOUTHWEST DekN on: SgmUI- HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTAINER STORAGE AREA DEQ CFW-0 00 6170 Photographic Log is 4m" PAGE 2 of 31 DEQ-CFW 00046171 A El Photographic Log 4:P :0NX PAGE of 3l Photo No, }ate. N/A Direction Photo Taken: A Description - THIS UNIT IS LOCATED IN AN AREA RESTRICTED FROM ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SWM U 2D -- USAGE DUE TO THE EXPLOSIVE NATURE CE THE AREA, THEREFORE NO HAZARDOUS WASTE PHOTOGRAPH WAS OBTAINED. SATELLITE ACCUMULATION AREA - NAFJON7D NIMF REACTOR ROOM DEQ-CFW 00046172 Photographic Log 4LO NJ PAGE 4 of 31 DEQ-CFW 00046173 m Photographic Log 4w,- PAGE 5 of 31 DEQ-CFW 00046174 Log OEQ-CFVV_00046175 11 Photographic Log (M. PAGE 7 of 31 DEQ-CFW 00046176 Photographic Log (C:P 0 aN PAGE 9 of 31 DEQ-CFW 00046178 Photographic Log EO NJ PAGE 10 oaf 1 DEQ-CFW 00046179 Ej Photographic Log (CEU:Nl� SAGE 11 of l DEQ-CFW 00046180 El Photographic Log PAGE 12 oaf 31 b� DEQ-CFW 00046181 Photographic Log PAGE 13 of 31 DEQ-CFW 00046182 L r Photo No. Date: 27 Direction Photo Taken: Description: SWMU 14 B AREA SEPTIC TANK DEQ-CFW 00046183 L n. (q) -- ffm 'fil Photo No. Dated 29 Direction Photo Taken: Description: SWMU 14 D AREA SEPTIC TANK Photo No. Date: 30 Direction Photo Taken: Description: SWMU 14 E AREA SEPTIC TANK DEQ-CFW 00046184 El 11 Photo No. Date: 31 Direction Photo Taken: Description: SWMU 14 F AREA SEPTIC TANK Photo No. Dates 32 Direction Photo Taken: Description. SWMU 14 G AREA SEPTIC TANK DEQ-CFW 00046185 Photographic Lang PAGE 17 cif l a Photo No. Date- 34 Direction Photo Taker, NORTH Description: WAS U 15B — FORMER USED OIL ACCUMULATION ,AREA -- D METROU�l DEQ-CFW 00046186 Photographic Log Im" PA B 1 of B 1 Prato No, Date- 36 V2 7 /r, Direction Photo Take. NORTH Description. SWMU 15D -USED OIL ACCUMULATION AREA - BUTACITE"' DEQ-CFW 00046187 Photographic Log PAGES of y1 \ 0m, � Photo No, Dam: 37 7 Direction Photo Taken: SOUS Description: SWMU 15E- USED 0$ ACCUMULATION AREA - &aQON® DEQ CFW-0 00 6188 13 Photographic Log (M., SAGE 21 of 3 DEQ-CFW 00046190 Photographic Log Im" SAGE 24 of 3l DEQ-CFW 00046193 Im"', PhotoN« . Date. .49 '! Direction Photo Taken: . WEST s£W on: SWMU2±4- CONSIRUCTlON PAINT SHOP El DEQ CFW-0 00 619 El Description: SWMU 25 -- PM DF WASTE TEFLON,: WASTE~ CO TAMER Li El DEQ-CFW 00046195 El Description- SWM U 27 — APFO MANUFACTURING AREA H DEQ-CFW-00046196 13 Photographic Log Om". PAGE 28 of 31. DEQ-CFW 00046197 Photographic Log PA% 29 o 1 DEQ-CFW 00046198 3 Photographic Log Im". PAGE 30 of 31 DEQ-CFW 00046199 Photographic Log Im, PAGE 31 of 31 DEQ-CFW 00046200 APPENDIX B HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER D SOIL SAMPLING DETECTIONS DEQ-CFW 00046201 Appendix Bs Table 1 Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase Ili RFI'+Aork Plan (Rev, 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC '£, a • zr<:,�,:z:. dz :zz;;:s]f€io, '";;., .�'. h' Y ' �s :. , rE ,f�Ks t# £ . z. 16-Mar-99 MW--12S CHLORIDE 7600 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-12S IRON 65 [J] 300 NCAC2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-12S NITRATE/NITRITE NITROGEN 2390 Utz/L 16-Mar-99 MW-12S TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 49000 500000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-12S TPH 680 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-02S CHLORIDE 53800 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-025 DIETHYLENE GLYCOL 15000 [J] UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-02S IRON 18500 300 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-02S LEAD 70 15 1 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-025 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 170000 500000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/I. 16•Mar-99 MW-01S CHLORIDE 21100 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-015 CHLORIDE 20700 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-01S • DIETHYLENE GLYCOL 26000 [J] UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-01S IRON! 7370 300 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 ----------------- MW-01S IRON 4390 300 NCAC2LGW1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 Mill-01S NITRATE/NITRITE -NITROGEN 1520 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-01S NITRATE/NITRITE NITROGEN 940 UG/L 16-Mar-99 IVlW-01S TOTAL. DISSOLVED SOLIDS 116000 500000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UGJL 16-Mar-99 MW-01S TOTAL. DISSOLVED SOLIDS 113000 500000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UGJL 16-Mar-99 MW-01S TRIETHYLENE GLYCOL 68000 [JI UGC/L 16-Mar-99 MW-05D CHLORIDE 11600 250000 NCAC�2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-05D DIETHYLENE GLYCOL 10000 [J] UG/L 16.'Mar-99 I MW-05D IRON 16200 300 NCAC 2LGW_2/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-05D LEAD 13 15 NCACm2LGW_ 1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-05D NICKEL 12.2 100 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-05D NITRATE/NITRITE NITROGEN 12500 UG/L 7.6-Mar 99 MW-05D TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 190000 500000 NCAC_21_G`JV 1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 mw-08S CHLORIDE 6400 250000 NCAC _2LGW _1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-085 CHROMIUM 7,8 10 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-08S DIETHYLENE GLYCOL 17000 [J] UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-08S IRON 1290 300 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW_08S TOTAL DISSOLVED) SOLIDS 21500 [J] 500000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-08S TPH 380 [J] UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-101) CHLORIDE 13300 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-10D IRON 110 300 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Mar-99 IV W-10D NITRATE/NITRITE NITROGEN 11900 UG/L 16-Mar-99 MW-10D TOTAL- DISSOLVED SOLIDS 140000 500000 NCAC_2LGUV_1/10 UG/I-. 16-Mar-99 IVtW-10D TPH 300 [J] UG/L 13-Jul-99 SWMU6-03 CHROMIUM 10800 10 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 13-Jul-99 I SWMU6-03 IRON 1440000 300 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 13-Jul-99 SWMU6-03 LEAD 391 15 NCAC_2LGW_1J10 UG/L 13-Jul-99 SWMU6-03 NICKEL 2290 100 NCAC_2LGW _1/10 UG/L 21-Jul-99 SWMU6-03 ACETONE 140 6000 NCAC2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-JuI-99 SWMU6-03 ACETONITRILE 2400 UG/L 21-Jul-99 SWMU6-03 CHLORIDE 6710000 250000 NCAC 2L'zW_1a'10 UG/L 21-Jul-99 SWMU6-03 FLUORIDE 470000 2000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 21-Jul-99 SWMU6-03 METHANOL 77000 4000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-Jul 99 SWMU6-03 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 29000 5 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 21-Jul-99 SWMU6-03 TPH 560 UG/L 03-Dec-02 MW-1S CHROMIUM 14 [J] 10 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 03-Des-02 T"AW-IS LEAD 14,5 [J] 15 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 03-Dec-02 MW-1S NICKEL 8.9 100 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UGJL 04-Dec-02 FTA-GJJ. CHROMIUM 16.6 10 NCAC�2LGW_1/10 UG/L 04-Dec-02 FTA-01 LEAD 15.2 [J] 15 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 04-Dec-02 FTTA-01 INICKEL 15.9 100 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 1of21 DEQ-CFW 00046202 Appendix Be Table 1 Historical Ste -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 04-Dec-02 FTA-02 CHROMIUM 7.7 10 NC,AC_2LGW_1/10 iiCa/L 04-Dec-02 FTA-02 NICKEL 21.1 100 NCAC 2LGW_1/1.0 UG/L 04-Dec-02 FTA-03 CHROMIUM 61 10 1 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 �2LGW�1/10 Ufa/L. 04-Dec-02 FTA-03 NICKEL 35a6 100 NCAC UG/I. 05-Dec-02 NAF4 ACETONE 13 [J] 6000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF4 EIS(2-ETHYI.HEXYL)PHTHALATE 3 (J] 3 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF4 CARBON DISULFIDE 2 (J] 700 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dee-02 NAF4 CHLORIDE 90600 250000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF4 FLUORIDE 3210 2000 NCAC _2LGW,-_1/10 UG/L 05-Dee-02 NAF4 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 5000 5 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF4 TRICHLOROETHENE 2 [J] 3 NCAC _2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF4P ACETONE 8 [1] 6000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF4P METHYLENE CHLORIDE 1500 5 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 1,4-DIOXANE 2 [J] 3 NCAC _2LGW 1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 1,4-DIOXANE 2 [J] 3 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 ACETONE 45 [JI 6000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 05-Dee-02 NAF2 ACETONE 35 [J] 6000 NCAC 2LGWm1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 BENZYLALCOHOL 15 [J] UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 BENZYL ALCOHOL 11 [.i] UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 BIS(2-€THYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE 3 [J] 3 NCAC _2LGW1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 CARBON DISULFIDE 5 [J] 700 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 CHLORIDE 332000 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 I NAF2 CHLORIDE 325000 250000 NCAC _2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 FLUORIDE 250000 2000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 FLUORIDE 230000 2000 NCACm2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05 Dec-02 NAF2 METHANOL 1900 4000 NCAC �2LGW 1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 METHANOL 1200 4000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 6700 5 NCAC2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 6100 5 NCAC_�21.GW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 NAPHTHALENE 1 [J] 6 NCAC2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 PHENOL 2 [J] 30 NCAC _2LGW_1/10 UCH/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2 PHENOL 1 [J] 30 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 '2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-()2 NAF2P ACETONE 24 6000 NCAC UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2P CARBON DISULFIDE 5 700 NCAC �2LGWm1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF2P METHYL ETHYL KETONE 5 [J] 4000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dee-02 NAF2P METHYLENE CHLORIDE 6000 5 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 I NAF3 1,4-DIOXANE 1 [J] 3 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dee:-02 NAF3 CHLORIDE 82000 250000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF3 FLUORIDE 12500 2000 NCAC 2LGV'd_1/10 UG/L 05-Dec-02 NAF3 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 4 [J] 5 NCAC�2LGW 1/10 UG/L 06-Dec-02 NAF1 CHLORIDE 47100 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 06-Dec-02 NAF1 CHLOROFORM 2 [J] 70 NCAC _2LGW�1/10 UG/L 09-Dec-02 MW-2S CHROMIUM 2.3 [J] 10 NCAC._2LGW---1/10 UG/L 09-Dec-02 MW-2S LEAD 96.2 15 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 09-Dee-02 I+r`IW-2S NICKEL 4.9 [.I] 100 NCAC, 2LGW 1/10 Ufa/L 09-Dec-02 mw-12S CHROMIUM 2.3 [J] 10 NCAC�2LGa'W 1/10 UG/L 09-Dec-02 RAW-12S NICKEL 3.8 [J] 100 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 10-Dec-02 MW-85 CHROMIUM 171 10 NCACV2LGW_1/10 UG/L 10-D c-02 1vW-8S CHROMIUM 155 10 NCAC 2LGW_l/10 UG/L 10-Dec-02 MW-8S LEAD 48.6 15 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 m2LGW_1/10 UG/L 10-Dec-02 MW-8S LEAD 47.4 15 NCAC UG/L 10-Der.-02 MW-8S NICKEL 20.3 100 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 10-Dec-02 MW-8S NICKEL 19A 100 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 10-Dec-02 MW-10D CHROMIUM 57.2 10 NCAC-2LGW_1/10 UG/L 10-Dec-02 MW-10D LEAD 190 15 NCACm2LGW._1/10 Ufa/L 2of21 DEQ-CFW 00046203 Appendix B: Table I Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 10-Dec-02 MW-10D NICKEL 18.9 100 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UGJL 10-Dec-02 MW-5D CHROMIUM 2.8 [J] 10 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 10-Dec-02 MW-5D LEAD 17,5 fJ] 1.5 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 10-Dec-02 MW-5D NICKEL 6.4 100 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 27-Jan-03 NAF-01 APFO 0,0649 L)G/L 27-Jan-03 NAF-01 APFO (Trial) 0.0734 UG/L 27-Jan-03 NAF-01 PFOA 0.0623 2 NC IMAC UG/L 28-Jan-03 mW_1S APFO NQ (<0.05) UG/L 28-Jan-03 MW-15 APFO NQ (<0.05) LIG/L 28-Jan-03 MW-15 APFO (Trial) NQ (<0.05) UG/L 28-Jan-03 mw-is APFO (Trial) NQ (<0,05) UG/L 28-Jan-03 FEW -IS PFOA NQ (<0.05) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 28-Jan-03 mW_1S PFOA NQ (<0.05) 2 NC WAC UG/L 27-Mar-03 mW-15 APFO NQ (<0.05) UG/L 27-Mar-03 MVV_1S APFO (Trial) NQ (<0,05) UG/L 27-Mir-03 I mW-15 PFOA NQ (<0.05) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 27-Mar-03 NAF-01 APFO 0.0684 UG/L 27-Mar-03 NAF-01 APFO (Trial) 0.0684 UG/L 27-Mar-03 NAF-01 PFOA 0.0657 2 NC IMAC UG/L 2-7--Mar-03 NAF-01 APFO 0.0628 UG/L 27- ar 03 - NAF-01 APFO (Trial) 0.0628 UG/L 27-M ar-031 NAF-01 PFOA 0.0603 2 NC IMAC UG/L 03-Feb-04 I-S APFO NQ (<0.05) UG/L 03-Feb-04 I-S APFO (Trial) NQ (<0,05) UG/L 03-Feb-04 I-S PFOA NQ (<0,05) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 03-Feb-04 FTA-03 LEAD 51.5 is I NCAC 2LGW 1110 UG/L 03-Feb-04 FTA-02 LEAD 10.5 j is NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 03-Feb-04 I FTA-01 LEAD 139 is NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L F, 4 03-Feb-04 FT A FTA-01 0 1 LEAD 136 15 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 NA F NAF-01 0 1 APFO 0.0619 UG/L 04-Feb -04 NA NAF-01 F APFO (Trial) 0.0619 UG/L 04-Feb-04 NAP-01 PFOA 0.0595 2 NC IMAC UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-01. CHLORIDE 48600 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-01 CHLORIDE 48200 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-01 "')_NAF_0� CHLOROFORM Ij 70 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 _NAF_O, SWMU6-NAF-01 CHLOROFORM Ij 70 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 NAF-02 APFO 0.303 LIG/L 04-Feb-04 I NAF-02 APFO (Trial) 0,307 UG/L 04- Feb-04 NAF-02 PFOA 0,291 2 NC IMAC UG/L 04- Feb-04 NAF-04 APFO 0,123 UG/L 04-Feb-04 NAF-04 APFO (Trial) 0124 UG/L 04-Feb-04 NAF-04 PFOA 0A18 2 NC IMAC UG/L 04-Feb-04 NAP-03 APFO 1,53 UG/L 04-Feb-04 I NAF-03 APFO (Trial) 1,53 UG/L 04-Feb-04 NAF-03 PFOA 1.47 2 NC IMAC UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-03 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE Ij 200 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L --0-4--Fe b 04 SWMU6-NAF-03 I,I-DICHLOROETHENE 1.1 7 NCAC _2LGW _1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 5WMU6-NAF-03 1,2-,DICHLOROPROPANE Ij 0.6 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L j 0-4---F-eb-04 SWMU6-NAF-03 CHLORIDE 161000 250000 NCAC-2LGW_1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-03 CHLOROFORM 11 70 NCAC_.,2LGW,.,1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWML)6-NAF-03 FLUORIDE 7800 2000 NCAC_2LGW-1,110 UG/L 04-Feb-04 51hlMU6-NAF-03 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 160 5 NCACLGW /1.0 �1 _ UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-03 ITETRACHLOROETHYLENE 2J 03 NCAC_21-GW_1/10 UG/L. 04-Feb-04 SWMU&NAF-03 ITRANS-1,2-0ICHLOROE'FHENE 2J 100 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L_.__1 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-03TRICt LOROETHENE 5 3 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L. 3 of 21 DEQ-CFW-00046204 Appendix B: Table I Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RI'l Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-02 B IS(2- ETHYLH EXY Q PH THA LATE 23 3 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-02 CHLORIDE 184000 250000 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-02 DI-N-BUTYL PHTHALATE 4 J 700 _NCAC NCACL2LGW_1/10 UG/L 04-Feb 04 SWMU6-PZ-02 FLUORIDE 10800 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-02 CHLORIDE 191000 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-02 FLUORIDE 28900 2000 NCAC_2L(� /10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-04 I,I-DICHL.OROETHENE 2.1 7 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-04 CHLORIDE 28500 250000 NCAC_2LGW-1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-04 DICH LORODI FLUOROM ETHANE 11 1000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-04 FLUORIDE 5000 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-NAF-04 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 210 5 NCAC 2LGW 1/1 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-04 IJ-DICHLOROETHENE 3J 7 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-04 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 2J 0.4 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-04 ACETONE 81 6000 NCAC_2LGA 1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-04 BIS(2-ETHYLH EXYL) PFITHALATE 6 J 3 NCAC-2LGW-1/10_ UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-04 CHLORIDE 24600 250000 NCAC_2LGW_I,/10 UG/L� 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-04 DICH LO RODIFLUOROM ETHANE 17 1000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 04- Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-04 DI-N-BUTYL PHTHALATE 31 700 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 I SWMU6-PZ-04 FLUORIDE 540 2000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-06 CHLORIDE 168000 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-06 CHLOROFORM 3J 70 NCAC_2LGW—I./10 UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-06 FLUORIDE 68700 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10. UG/L 04-Feb-04 SWMU6-PZ-06 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 25 5 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 11-Nov-04 NAF-05A APFO 0.24 LIG/L 11-Nov-04 NAF-05A APFO 0.231 UG/L 11-Nov-04 NAF-05A APFO (Trial) 0.239 UG/L 11-Nov-04 NAF-05A APFO (Trial) 0.228 UG/L 11-Nov-04 NAF-05A BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE 20 1000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 11-Nov-04 NAF-05A CHLORIDE 58800 250000 NCAC_2LGW_I./10 UG/L 11-Nov-04 NAF-05A CHLORIDE 57900 250000 NCAC _2LGW-1/10 UG/L 11-Nov-04 NAF-05A DICHLORODiFLUOROM ETHANE 8 .1000 NCAC_2LGW_I./10 UG/L 11-Nov�-04�NAF-�05A FLUORIDE 65001 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1/1.0 UGA J.1-Nov-04 NAF-05A FLUORIDE 6400J 2000 NCAC_2LGVLI/10 UG/L 11-Nov-04 NAF-05A PFOA 0.23 2 NCIMAC UG/I, 11-Nov-04 NAF-05A PFOA 0.222 2 NCIMAC UG/L 15-Jun-05 mW-11 BROM ODICH LOROM ETHANE 0.21 J 0.6 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 MW_11 BROMOFORM 5 4 _NCAC NCAC-2LGW—I,/10 UGA 1-5--Ju n-05 mW-11 CHLORIDE 42200 2-50000 NCAC2LGW_,!./10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 IOW-11 CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE 1,6 0.4 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 _ mW-11 CHROMIUM 118 10 NCAC,2L.GW_1/10 UG/L I5un-65 MJ W-11 IRON 31600 300 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 mW-11 iSOBUTYL ALCOHOL 9.31 UG/L 15-Jun-05 mW-11 LEAD 60.7 15 NCAC: 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 MW-11. NICKEL 153 J 100 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-01 APFO 0,104 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAr-01 APFO ("Trial) 0.108 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-01 BROMODICH LOROM ETHANE 0,078 J 0.6 NCAC 2LGW_.1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-01 BROMODICH LOROM ETHANE 0.057 J 0,6 NCAC 2LGW_.1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-01 CHLORIDE 57700 250000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-01 CHLORIDE 56900 250000 NCAC 2LGVV 1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-01 CHLOROFORM 1.2 70 NCAC_2LGW—I,/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-01 CHLOROFORM 0,99 70 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-01 PFOA 0.1 2 NCIMAC UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-01 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.104 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-02 11,2-DICHL.OROETHANE 0.21 J 0A NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 4 of 21 DEQ-CFW-00046205 Appendix B: Table I Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFl Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 15-jun-05 NAF-02 APFO 0,338 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-02 APFO (Trial) 0,34 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-02 CARBON DISULFIDE 0.34 J 700 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-02 CHLORIDE 156000 250000 NCAC_2LGW_1_/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-02 CHLOROFORM 0.12 J 70 NCAC._2LGW_I/'10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-02 FLUORIDE 43100 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-02 ISOBUTYL ALCOHOL 15J UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-02 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 390 5 INICAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-02 PFOA 0325 2 NCIMAC UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-02 PFOA(TRIAL) 0,327 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-02 'TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0,12 J 100 NCAC-2LGW 1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAP-03 O'R 1,1,1-TRICHLOETHANE 0.11 J 200 NCAC_2LGW 1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-03 APFO 0.663 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-03 APFO (Trial) 0.656 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-03 CHLORIDE 19200 250000 NCAC 2LGW-1./10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-03 CHLOROFORM 0.43 J 70 NCAC_2LGW 1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-03 CHRYSENE 0.871 5 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-03 FLUORIDE 3240 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-03 PFOA 0,637 2 NC IMAC UG/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-03 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.63 UG/L 1-5--J-un-05 NAF-03 TRANS- 1,2-DICH LOROETH ENE 0,062 J 100 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UGI/L 15-Jun-05 NAF-03 TRICHLOROETHENE 013 J 3 NCAC LGW 1/10 2 UG/L 16-Jun-05 PZ-05 CHLOROFORM 0.16J 70 NCAC_2LGW_.1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 PZ-06 CARBON DISULFIDE 0.88 700 NCAC=21_G�.1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 PZ-06 CHLORIDE 115000 250000 NCAC 21-GW_I./10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 PZ-06 CHLOROFORM 2 70 NCAC_2LGW_11/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 PZ-06 FLUORIDE 62100 2000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 PZ-06 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 120 5 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16 Jun 05 PZ-06 TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0,13 j 100 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16�-Jun-05 NAF-07 APFO NQ (<0,05) UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-07 APFO (Trial) NQ (<O.OS) UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-07 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 0.16J 0.3 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-07 CHLOROFORM 5'5 70 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-07 PFOA NQ (<0.05) 2 NCIMAC UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-07 PFOA(TRIAL) NQ (<0.05) UG/L 16-Jun-05 I NAF-06 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0.38 J 0.4 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 ANTHRACENE 1-3 J 2000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 APFO 0.262J UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 APFO (Trial) 0,26 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE 1.4 J 0.05 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE 1.3.1 0.05 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 BENZO(G,H,I)PERYLENE 1.4 J 200 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE 1.5 J 0.5 NCAq_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 BENZO(A)PYRENE 1.2J 0.005 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAP-06 BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE 1.3 J 1000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 CARBON DISULFIDE 0.131 700 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 CHLORIDE 161000 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 1 6- J u n-05 NAF-06 CHLOROFORM 0.19 J 70 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 CHRYSENE 1.7 J 5 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-0.5 NAF-06 DIBENZ(A,H)ANTHRACENE 1.5 J 0,005 NCAC,.,.2LGW.,.1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 DIETHYL PHTHALATE 0.9 1 6000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UGA 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 DI-N-BUTYL PHTHALATE 1.3 J 700 NCAC 2LGW__1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 DIPHENYL AMINE 1.2 J UG/L 16-Jun-05 ---------------- NAF-06- I WORANTHENE 1.11 300 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 ... jFLUORIDE_ 12500 2000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 5 of 21 DEQ-CFW-00046206 El Appendix B.- Table I Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RF1 Work Plan (Rev, 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 INDENO (1,2,3-CD) PYRENE 1.3 j 0.05 NCAC 2LGVV_i/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 N-DIOCTYL PHTHALATE 1.3 J 100 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 qAF-06 N-NITROSODIPHENYLAWNE 1.21 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 PFOA 0,252 J 2 NC IMAC UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.25 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 PHENANTHRENE Ij 200 NCAC _2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 PYRENE 1.2 J 200 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 TRANS-1,2-1)10HLOROETHENE 0.091 j 100 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-06 TRICHLOROETFIENE 0.063 J 3 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-10 APFO 0122 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-10 APFO (Trial) 0.12 UG/L 16-Jun-05 qAF-10 CHLOROFORM 0.15 j 70 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-10 PFOA 0,117 2 1 NCUAC UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-10 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.115 UG/L 1.6-Jun-05 NAF-09 APFO 0.08 UG/L 16--Jun05 NAF-09 APFO (Trial) 0.0817 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-09 CHLOROFORM 0,07 J 70 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 16-Jun-05 NAF-09 PFOA 0.0768 2 NCIMAC UG/1. 16-Jun-05 NAF-09 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.0785 UG/L 17-Jun-05 I NAF-08A 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 3 0.4 NCAC_2LGW-1./10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-08A APFO 0,0721 UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-08A APFO (Trial) 0.0709 UG/L 17-Ju n 0 5 NAF-08A CHLORIDE 1.2500 250000 NCAC_,2LGW_1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-08A PFOA 0.0693 2 NCIMAC UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-08A PFOA(TRIAL) 0.0681 UG/L I __ 7-Jun-05 PZ-04 I,I-DICHLOROETHANE 0.27 J 6 NCAC 21..GA 3/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 PZ-04 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 0,2 J 20 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 PZ-04 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0.73 0A NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 PZ-04 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.46 J 6 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 PZ-04 CARBON DISULFIDE 0.44 J 700 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 PZ-04 CIILORIDE 13600 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 PZ-04 CHLOROSENZENE 0,35 J 50 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 PZ-04 CHLOROFORM 0.1 j 70 NC C GW_1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 PZ-04 ISOBUTYL ALCOHOL 11 J UG/L 17-Jun-05 PZ-04 TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0.12 J 100 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 PZ-04 TRICHLORCETHENE 0A1 j 3 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-04 I,I-DICHLOROETHANE 0.089 j 6 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 I NAF-04 I,I-DICHLOROETHENE 0,48 J 7 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-04 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0,13 J 0A NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-04 APFO 0.0934 UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-04 APFO (Trial) 0,0929 UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-04 CARBON DISULFIDE 1.2 700 NC UG/L J.7-Jun-05 NAF-04 CHLORIDE 37400 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L. 17-Jun-05 -77-Jun-05 NAF.-04 CHLOROFORM 0.97 70 NCAC-2LGW-1/10 UG/L NAF-04 FLUORIDE 2390 2000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-04 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 880 5 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-04 PFCA 0,0897 2 NCIMAC UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-04 PFOA(TRIAL) 0,0892 UG/L 17-Jun-05 NAF-04 TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0.39.) 100 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 17.-Jun-05 JAF-04 TRICHLORCETHENE 0.63 3 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 20-Jun-05 MW-25 APFO NQ (<0.05) UG/L 20-Jun-05 MW-2S APFO (Trial) NQ(<0.05} UG/L 20-Jun- 5 MVV-25 IPFOA NQ (<O.05) 2 NCIMAC UG/L 20-Jun-05 MW-2s IPFOA(TRIAL) NQ (<0.05) UG/I.. 20-Jun-05 Pi W-Is JAPFO NQ (<0.05) UG/L 6 of 21 DEQ-CFW-00046207 Appendix B. Table 1 Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFi Work Plan (Rev. 1) [DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 20-Jun-05 MW-15 APFO (Trial) NQ (<0.05) UG/L 20-Jun-05 MW-IS PFOA NQ (<0.05) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 20-Jun-05 PJM-1S PFOA(TRIAL) NO (<0.05) UG/L 20-Jun-05 MVV-5D APFO NQ (<0,05) UG/L 20-Jun-05 MW-5D APFO NQ (<0.05) UG/L 20-Jun-05 rMtW-5D APFO (Trial) NO (<0,05) UG/L 20-Jun-05 W-51) APFO (Trial) NCI (<0.05) UG/L 20-Jura-05 MW-5D PFOA NQ (<0.05) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 20-Jun-05 MW-5D PFOA NQ (<0.05) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 20-Jun-05 Iv W-5D PFOA(TRIAL) NO (<0:05) UG/L 20-Jun-05 MVV-5D PFOA(TRIAL) NQ (<0.05) UG/L 21-Jun-05 PZ-03 CHLORIDE 3840 250000 NCAC 2LGW _1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 PZ-03 DICHLORODIFLUOROiVIETHAiNE 0,12 J 1000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 PZ-03 FLUORIDE 200 2000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/I.. 21-Jun-05 PZ-03 META -AND PARA-XYLENE 0.16J UG/I. 21-Jun-05 PZ-03 TOLUENE 0.24J 600 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-.Iun 05 PZ-03 TRICHLOROETHENE 0.065 J 0 NCAC2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 PZ 03 XYLENES 0.181 500 NCACm2LGW_1/10 �2LGW UG/I 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE 9.1 J 7 NCAC _1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B 1,2-DiCHLOROBENZENE 13 20 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-1un-05 NAF-08B 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE 31 200 NCAC 2LGW__1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 30 f NCAC�2LGWw1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B ACETONE 32J 6000 NCAC_2LGW_1/l0 UG/L 21-Jun-05 I NAF-08B BENZENE 2.1 J 1 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-Jun 05 NAF-08B BROMOFORM 2.1 4 NCAC m2LGW _1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B CARBON DISULFIDE 101 700 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 21-.Jun-05 NAF-08B CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 6.7 J 0.3 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B CHLOROBENZENE 8,91 50 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B CHLOROPRENE 6.3 J UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE 33 1000 !NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B ETHYL METHACRYLATE 2.9 J UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B ETHYLBENZENE 14 600 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B META- AND PARA-XYLENE 35 UG/L 21-dun-05 NAF-08B ORTHO-XYLENE 6.4 J I UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAP-08B STYRENE 5.6 J 70 NCAC: 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 55 0.7 NCAC,_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 21.-Jun-05 NAF-08B TOLUENE 8.11 600 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAP-08B TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETI•IENE 81 100 NCnACW2LGW_1./1.0 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B TRICHLOROETHENE 15 3 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 17 2000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 21-Jun-05 NAF-08B XYLENES 44 500 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 29-Jun-05 PZ-03 BIS(2-ETHYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE 1.3 J 3 NCAC_2LGW_i/10 UG/L 29-Ju❑-05 NAF-08B BIS(2-ETHYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE 2 J 3 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 05 JuI-05 NAF 11A ACETONE 3,3 6000 NCAC..-2LGW._1/10 UG/L 05-Jul-05 NAF-11A APFO NQ (<0,05) UG/L NAF APFO (Trl) UG/L05-JuI-05 05-Juk05 NAF-11A CH LORODISRO[vM0"M ETHANE 0.23 J 0.4 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 P2LGW UG/L 05-JuI-05 € AF-11A CHLOROFORM 0.58 70 NCAC 1/10 UG/L 05-Ju1-05 NAF-11A METHYLENE BROMIDE 0.181 UG/L 05-Jul-05 NAF-11A IPFOA NO (<0.05) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 05-Jul-05 NAF-11A PFOA(TRIAL) NQ(<0.05) UG/L 06-5ep-05 SMW"ill APFO NQ (<0.0073) UG/L 7of21 DEQ-CFW 00046208 Appendix B- Table 1 Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 06-Sap-05 Slv W-02 APFO NQ (<0.0073) UG/L 06-Sep-05 SMW-02 APFO (Trial) NQ (<0.0073) UG/L 06-Sep-05 SMW-02 APFO (Trial) NQ (<0.0073) UG/L 06-Sep-05 SM W-02 PFOA NO (<0,0073) 2 NC lMAC UG/L 06-Sep-05 SMW-02 PFOA NO (<0.0073) 2: NC IMAC UG/L 06-Sep-05 SMW-02 PFOA(TRIAL) NQ (<0.0073) UG/L 06-Sep-05 SMW-02 PFOA(TRIAL) NO (<0.0073) UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.13J 20 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A 1,2-DICHI-OROETHANE 0.22 J 0.4 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/ L 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A APFO 0.187 LEG/L 13-Oct-05 I NAF-05A APFO (Trial) 0.191 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A CHLORIDE 39800 250000 NCAC_2LGW 1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A CHLOROFORM 0,86 70 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 1.3-Oct-05 NAF-05A CIS-1,2 DICHLOROETHENE 13 70 NCACm21LGW_1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A DICHLORODIFLUOROM ETHANE 16 1000 NCAC _2LGW_1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A FLUORIDE 3250 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1./10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A ORTHO-XYLENE 0.043 J UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A PFOA 0.179 2 NC IMAC UG/I. 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A PFOA(TRIAL) 0.183 UG/L 110ct-05 NAF-05A TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 12 0.7 NCAC 2LG�V_1/10 �2LG UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A TRANS- 1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0.26J 100 NCAC 1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A TRICHLOROETHENE 0.57 3 NCAC .21_GVJ_.1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-05A VINYL CHLORIDE 0.22 J 0,03 NCACp2LGW 1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-08A 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 43 0A NCAC�2i4aW 1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-08A APFO 0.172 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAP-08A APFO (Trial) 0.172 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-08A CHLORIDE 7570 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-08A DICHLORO)DIFLUOROMETHANE 1,6 1000 NCAC_21.GW 1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-08A PFOA 0.165 2 NC iMAC UG/L 1.3-Oct-05 NAF-08A PFOA(TRIAL) 0,165 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-08A TRICHLOROETHENE 0.072 J 3 NCAC 2LGW_1./10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-08B APFO NO (<0.011) UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-08B APFO (Trial) NQ (<0.011) UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAP-088 CHLORIDE 11300 250000 NCAC_2LGW_1J10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-08B PFOA NQ (<0.011) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-088 PFOA(TRIAL j NQ (<0.011) UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-08B TOLUENE 0,14J 600 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-09 APFO 0,121 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-09 APFO (Triall 0.121 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-09 CHLORIDE 20400 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-09 CHLOROFORM 0,11 J 70 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAP-09 PFOA 0.116 2 NC IMAC UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-09 PFOA(TRIAL.) 0.116 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-10 APFO 0.134 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-10 APFO (Trial) 0.134 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-10 JCJHLORIDE 31200 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 8of21 DEQ-CFW 00046209 Appendix 8; Table 1 Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 13-Oct-05 NAF 10 CHLOROFORM 019 J 70 NCAC_2LGW t/10 UG/L 13-Ott-05 NAF-10 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE 0,69 1000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-10 PFOA 0.129 2 NC IMAC UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-10 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.129 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-01 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.2 J 20 NCAC 2LGW _1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-01 APFO 0.151 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-01 APFO (Trial) 0,151 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAP-01 CHLORIDE 48800 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 13-C3ct-(35 NAF-01 CHLOROFORM 1.1 70 fVCAC�2.t.Gv1f�1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-01 DICt-ILORODIFLUOROMETHANE 0.17J 1000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-01 PFOA 0.145 2 NC IMAC UG/L 13-Oct-05 NAF-01 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.145 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAP-06 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.12J 20 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0.46J 0.4 NC'AC�2LGW_1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0.42 J 0,4 NCAC2LGW1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 APFO 0,535 UGJL 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 APFO (Trial) 0.535 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 BI5(2-E-rHYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE 1.6 J 3 €NC.AC 2LGW-_1J10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 CHLORIDE 166000 250000 NCAC.2LGW_1/10 UG/L 14-0ct 05 NAF-06 CHLORIDE 162000 250000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 CHLOROFORM 0.28 J 70 €NCAC_2LGW 1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 CHLOROFORM 0.25 J 70 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 14-Ott-05 NAF-06 FLUORIDE 11200 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAP-06 FLUORIDE 10500 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 METHYLENE CHLOMDE 0.381 5 1 NCAC�2LGW__1/10 �2LGW UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.3 J 5 NCAC _1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 PFOA 0.514 2 NC IMAC UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.514 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0.18 J 0.7 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 TOLUENE 0.0881 600 NCAC 2LGW_I/10 UG/L 1.4-Oct-05 NAF-06 TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0,0951 100 NCAC �2LGW _1/10 ~2LGW_1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-06 TRAINS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0,093J 100 NCAC UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-03 APFO 0.872 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-03 APFO (Trial) 0.872 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-03 CHLORIDE 11700 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 W2LGW UGJL 14-Oct-05 NAF-03 CHLOROFORM 0.32 J 70 NCAC _1/10 UG/L 14-0tt 05 iNAF-03 PFOA 0.838 2 NC IMAC UGJL 1.4-Oct-05 NAF-03 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.838 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-03 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0,19 J 07 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-02 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0,28 J 04 NCAC�2LGW_1/10 UGJL 14-Oct-05 NAF-02 APFO 0.246 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-02 APFO (Trial) 0,246 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-02 BROMODICH LOROM ETHANE 1,5 0:6 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 I NAF-02 CHLORIDE 62100 2500WO NCAC_2LGW 1/10 �2LGW_1/s0 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-02 CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE 0.32J 04 NCAC �2LGWW1/10 UG/L 14-Litt-05 NAF-02 CHLOROFORM 11 70 NCAC UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-02 FLUORIDE 15100 2000 NCAC_2LWG1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-02 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.55 5 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-02 PFOA 0.236 2 NC IMAC UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-02 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.236 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-02 TOLUENE 0.1 J 600 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 I UG/L 14-Oct-05 PZ-06 ACETONE 9.8 6000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 14-Oct'-05 PZ-06 ICHLORIDE 82200 250000 NCAC_2LGW-_1/10 UG/L 9of21 DEQ-CFW 00046210 m C Appendix B. Table I Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC .0 .14-Oct-05 PZ-06 CHLOROFORM 11 70 NCAC _2LGW 1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 PZ-06 FLUORIDE 49800 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 PZ-06 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 100 5 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-.05 PZ-06 TOLUENE 0.1.4 J 600 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 PZ-06 -1-RANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0A6 J 100 0 UG/I.. 14-Oct-05 NAF-07 APFO 0.0851 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-07 APFO (Trial) 0,0851 UG/L 74-0ct-05 NAF-07 BROMODICH LOROM ETHANE 0.14 J 0.6 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-07 CARBON TETRAC14LORIDE 0.33 J 03 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-07 CHLORIDE 31000 250000 NCAC_21_GW_1./10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-07 CHLOROFORM 10 70 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-07 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.43 J 5 NLACL2L.GW_1.//10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-07 PFOA 0.0817 2 NCIMAC UG/L 14-Oct-05 NAF-07 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.0817 LJG/L 14-Oct-05 PZ-05 CHLORIDE 3940 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 PZ-05 CHLOROFORM 0.26 J 70 NCAC_2LGW 1/10 LJG/L 14-Oct-05 PZ-05 ORTHO-XYLENE 0.057 J UG/L 14-Oct-05 PZ-05 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0,21 J 03 NCAC_2LGW_1'/10 UG/L 14-Oct-05 PZ-05 TOLUENE 0.2J 600 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 17-Oct-05 NAF-11A APFO 0,0206 UG/L 17-Oct-05 NAF-11A APFO (Trial) 0,0206 UG/L 17-Oct-05 NAF-11A PFOA 0.0198 2 NCIMAC UG/L 17-Oct-05 NAF-11A PFOA(TRiAQ 0.0198 UG/L 17-Oct-05 SMW-05 APFO 147 UG/L 17-Oct-05 SMW-05 APFO (Trial) 147 UG/L 17-Oct-05 SMW.-05 PFOA 141 2 NCIMAC UG/L 17-Oct-05 SMW-05 PFOA(TRIAL) 141 UG/L 17-0c.t-05 SMW-07 APFO 0.0193 UG/L 17-Oct-05 SMW-07 APFO (Trial) 0.0193 UG/L 17-Oct-05 I SMW-07 PFOA 0,0185 2 NCIMAC UG/L 17-Oct-05 SMW-07 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.0185 UGIL 17-Oct-05 PZ-12 APFO 0.0207 UG/L 17-Oct-05 PZ-12 APFO (Trial) 0.0221 UG/L 17-Oct-05 PZ-12 PFOA 0,0199 2 NCIMAC UG/L 17-Oct-05 PZ- 12 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.0212 UG/L 77-0ct-05 SMW-04B APFO 2.25 UG/L 17-Oct-05 SFr W-04B APFO (Trial) 2,31 UG/L 17-Oct-05 SMW-04B PFOA 2.16 2 NCIMAC UG/L 17-Oct-05 SMW-04B PFOA(TRIAL) 2,22 UG/L 18-Oct-05 PZ-03 ACETONE 1.7 1 6000 NCAC_2LGW 1110 UG/ L 18-Oct-05 PZ-03 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0,51 5 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 18-Oct-05 PZ-03 TOLUENE 015 j 600 NCAC 2LGW LJC/L 18-Oct 05 NAF-04 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0J3 J 0A NCAC-2LGW-1/10 UG/L 18-Oct-05 NAF-04 APFO 0,212 UG/L 18-Oct-05 NAF-04 APFO (Trial) 0.212 UG/L 18-Oct-05 NAF-04 CHLORIDE 41200 250000 1 NCAC.._2LGW--I-/IO UG/L 18-Oct-05 NAF-04 CHLOROFORM 0,67 70 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 18-Oct-05 NAF-04 METHYLENE BROMIDE 0,25 J UG/L 18-Oct-05 NAF-04 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 580 5 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 18--oct-05 NAF-04 PFOA 0104 2 NCIMAC UG/L 18-Oct-05 NAF-04 PFOA(TRIAQ 0.204 UG/L 18-Oct-05 NAF-04 'TOLUENE 0A7 J 600 NCAC 21_GW_1/10 UG/L 18-Oct-05 NAF-04 ITRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0.28 J 100 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 18-Oct-05 NAF-04 TRICHLOROETHENE 0,55 3 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 18-Oct-05 PZ-04 I HANE 0,24E 6 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 10 of 21 DEQ-CFW-00046211 Appendix B. Table 1 Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC � KK kfi { i # �� 4#3, � 'k ..�rf.�.� S`kf•, sty ~ .5k S 'k � `. 1.8-Oct-05 PZ-04 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.16J 20 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 �2LGW UG/L 18-Oct-05 PZ-04 1,2-DICHLOROETFIANE 1.6 0.4 NCAC 1J10 UO/L 18-Oct-05 PZ-04 CHLORIDE 22000 250000 NCAC _2LGW_1/10 UG/L 18-Oct-05 PZ-04 CHLOROBENZENE 0.087 J 50 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 18-Oct-05 PZ-04 CHLOROFORM 0.25.1 70 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UGJL 18-Oct-05 PZ-04 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.87 5 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 18-Oct-05 PZ-04 ORTHO-XYLENE 0.044J UG/L 18-Oct-05 PZ-04 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0.24 J 03 NCAC 2LGW�1/10 UG/L 18-Oct-05 PZ-04 TOLUENE 0.07J 600 NCAC _2LGW_1/10 UG/L. 18-Oct-05 PZ-0=4 TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0.21 100 NCAC2LGW_1/10 UGJL 18-Oct-05 PZ-04 TRICHLOROETHENE 0.28 J 3 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 �2LGWm1/10 UG/L 18-Oct-05 MW-07S CHLORIDE 12000 250000 NCAC UG/L 18-Oct-05 I MW-07S METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.161 5 NCAC m2LGW_1/10 UG/L 18-Oct-05 MW-7S APFO 0.0472 UG/L 18-Oct-05 MW-7S APFO (Trial) 0,046 UG/L 18-Oct-05 MW-7S PFOA 0.0454 2 NC IMAC UGJL 18-Oct-05 MW-7S PFOA(TRIAL) 0,0442 UG/L 10-Nov-05 SMW-04B APFO 2.51 UGJL 10-Nov-05 SMW-04B APFO (Trial) 2,54 UG/L. 10-Nov-05 5MW-04B PFOA 2.41 2 NC IMAC UGJL 10-Nov-05 SMW-04B PFOA(TRIAL) 2A4 UG/L 13-Dec-05 SHOWER EGS APFO 3.83 UGJL 13-Dec-05 SHOWER EGS APFO (Trial) 3,77 UG/L 13-Dec-05 SHOWER EGS PFOA 3.68 2 NC IMAC UG/L 13-Dec-05 SHOWER EGS PFOA(TRIAL) 162 UGJL 13-Dec-05 I SMW-06 APFO 0124 UGJL 13 Dec-05 SMW-06 APFO (Trial) 0.224 UG/L 13-Dec-05 SMW-06 PFOA 0,215 2 NC IMAC UG/L. 13-Dec-05 SMW-O# PFOA(TRIAL) 0.215 UGJL 13-Dec-05 SMW-05 APrO 765 UG/L 13-Dec-05 SMW-05 APFO (Trial] 765 UG/L 13-Dec-05 SMW-05 PFOA 735 2 NC NAC UG/L 13-Dec-05 SMW-05 PFOA(TRIAL) 735 UG/L 13-Dee-05 I SM W-07 APFO NQ (<0.012) UG/L 13-Dec-05 SMW-07 APFO (Trial) NQ (<0.012) UG/L 13-Dec-05 SMW-07 PFOA NQ (<0,012) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 13-Dec-05 SMW-07 PFOA(TRIAL) NQ(<0,012) UG/L 13-Dec-05 PZ-12 APFO 0.0146 UG/L 13-Dec-OS PZ-12 APFO (Trial) 0.0146 UG/L 13-Dec-05 PZ-12 PFOA 0.014 2 NC IMAC UG/L 13-Dec-05 PZ-12 PFOA(TRIAL) 0,014 UG/L 20-Dec-05 I INSITU ##2 SHALLOW APFO NQ (<OM3) UG/L 20-Dec-05 INSITU #2 SHALLOW APFO (Trial) NO. (<0.013) UG/L 20-Dec-05 INSITU #2 SHALLOW PFOA NQ (<0.013) 2 NC IMAC UGJL 20-DTc-051 INSITU #2 SHALLOW PFOA(TRIAQ NQ (<0.013) UGJL 20-Dec-05 INSITU #1 SHALLOW APFO NQ (<0.013) UG/L. 20-Dec-05 INSITU #1 SHALLOW APFO (Trial) NQ (<0.013) UGJL 2O-Dec-05 INSITU #1 SHALLOW PFOA NQ (<0.013) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 20-Dee-05 INSITU 41 SHALLOW PFOA(TRIAL) NQ (<0.013) UGJL 24-Jan-06 SMW-04B APFO 1.3 UGJL 24-Jan-06 I SPv W-04B APFO (Trial) 1:3 UG/L 24-Jan-06 SMW-04B PFOA 1.25 2 NC IMAC UG/L 24-Jan-06 SMW-04B PFOA(TRIAL) 1,25 UG/L 24-Jan-06 LTW-04 CALCIUM 2200 J UG/L 24-Jan-06 LTW-04 CHLORIDE 3890 250000 NCAC_2LGW 1/10 UGJL 11 of 21 DEQ-CFW 00046212 Appendix B: Table I Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 24-Jan-06 LTW-04 FLUORIDE 205 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 24-Jan-06 LTW-04 IRON 3140 300 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 24-Jan-06 LTW-04 MAGNESIUM 1700 J UG/L 24-Jan-06 LTW-04 MANGANESE 484 50 NCAC _2LGW 1/10 UG/L 24-Jan-06 LTW-04 METHANE 7.5 UG/L 24-Jan-06 LTW-04 PHOSPHORUS 104J UG/L 24-Jan-06 LTW-04 POTASSIUM 1220J UG/L 24-Jan-06 UI"W-04 SODIUM 4180J UG/L 24-Jan-06 LTW-04 SULFATE 13700 250000 NCAC 2LGW-.1/10 UGA 24-Jan-06 LTW-04 TOLUENE 0.084 J 600 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 24-Jan-06 mW-1S APFO 0.0378 UG/L 24-Jan-06 MW-IS APFO (Trial) 0.0378 UG/L 24-Jan-06 mW-1S PFOA 0.0363 2 NCIMAC UG/L 24-Jan-06 MW-15 PFOA(TRIAL) 0,0363 UG/L 2-5--.1 a n 06 NAF-03 1, I-DICH LORD ETHANE 0.092 J 6 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 APFO 0.434 UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 APFO (Trial) 0,426 UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 CALCIUM 1830 J UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 CHLORIDE 11600 250000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 CHLOROFORM 0.14 J 70 ..-NCAC.2LGW_1/10 UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 DICH LORODI FLUORO METHANE 1.3 1000 NCAC-2LGW-1/10 UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 ETHENE 0.75 UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 FLUORIDE 2850 2000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 25-Jan-06 -'25-J.n-06 NAF--03 IRON 100 300 NCAC 2LGW 1110 UG/L NAF-03 MAGNESIUM 495J UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 MANGANESE 13 50 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 NITRATE 1250 J 10000 NCAC_2LGW 1/10 UG/L 25-Jan-06 I NAF-03 PFOA 0.417 2 NCIMAC UG/i- 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 PFOA(TRIAL) 0A09 UG/L 25-Jan-,06 NAF-03 PHOSPHORUS 87.9 j UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 POTASSIUM 23800 UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 SODIUM 7510 UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 SULFATE 11900 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 25-Jan-06 NAF-03 ------------------------------------ TOLUENE 0.074 J 600 NCAC_2LGW-1./10 UG/L 25-Jan-06 Pill-05 APFO NQ (<0.012) UG/L 25-Jan-06 PW-05 APFO (Trial) NQ (<0.012) UG/L 25-Jan-06 PW-05 PFOA NQ (<0.012) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 25-Jan-06 PW-05 PFOA(TRIAL) NO (<0.012) UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A APFO 0,0482 UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A APFO (Trial) 0.0482 UG/L 2-6-2an-06 NAr-11A CALCIUM 3950J UG/L T 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A CHLORIDE 4250 250000 NCAC 2LGW.._1/10 UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A CHLOROFORM 0.111 70 NCAC_21.GW_1/10 UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A FLUORIDE 505 2000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A IRON 749 300 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A MAGNESIUM 2700J UG/L 26-Jan-06 ----------- NAF-11A MANGANESE 58.1 50 , I-NCAC _2LGW _]./I.0 UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A NITRATE 1400 IDWO I NCAC 21LGY_1/10 UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A PFOA 0,0463 2 NCIMAC UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A PFOA(TRIAL) 0.0463 UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A PHOSPHORUS 107J UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A IPOTASSIUM 10901 UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A SODIUM 30301 UG/L 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A ISULFATE 16300 250000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 I UG/L 12 of 21 DEQ-CFW-00046213 Appendix B- Table I Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 26-Jan-06 NAF-11A TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON 6510 UG/L 26-Jan-06 SMW_06 APFO 0.261 UG/L 26-Jan-.06 SMW-06 APFO (Trial) 0.261 UG/L 26-Jan-06 SIVIW_06 PFOA 0.251 2 NC IMAC UG/L 26-Jan-06 SMW-06 PFOA(TRIAL) 0,251 UG/L 26-Jan-06 SMW-07 APFO NO (<0.012) UG/L 26-Jan-06 SMW-07 APFO (Trial) NQ (<0.012) UG/L 26-Jan-06 SMW-.07 PFOA NO (<0.012) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 276--Ja,,06 SMW-07 PFOA(TRiAL) NQ (<0,012) UG/L 26-Jan-06 SMW-02 APFO NO (<0,012) UG/L 26-Jan-06 SMW-02 APFO (Trial) NQ (<0,012) UG/L 26-Jan-06 SMW-02 PFOA NQ (<0,012) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 26-Jan-06 SMW-02 PFOA(TRIAL) NQ (<0.012) UG/L 26-Jan-06 PZ-12 APFO 0.018 UG/L 26-Jan-06 PZ-12 APFO (Trial) 0,018 UG/L 26-Jan-06 PZ-12 PFOA 0.0173 2 NC IMAC UG/L 26-Jan-06 PZ-12 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.0173 UG/L 26-Jan-06 PZ-16 APFO NQ (<0.012) UG/L 26-Jan-06 PZ-16 APFO (Trial) NO (<0.012) UG/L 26-Jan-06 PZ­16 PFOA NQ (<0.012) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 26-Jan-06 PZ-16 PFOA(TRIAL) NQ (<0,012) UG/L 26-Jan-06 PZ-15 APFO 0.0316 UG/L 26-Jan-06 PZ-15 APFO (Trial) 0.0322 UG/L 26-Jan-06 PZ-15 PFOA 0.0303 2 NC IMAC UG/L 26-Jan-06 PZ-15 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.0309 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0.25 J QA f NCAC_2LGW—I,JlO UG/L 3-1--J-an-06 NAF-06 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0.2 j 0A NCAC_2i_GiA .1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 0J4 J 6 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.14 J 6 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 LJG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 ACETONE 0.86 j 6000 NCAC_2LGW 1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 ALKALINITY, BICARB. AS CAC03 AT 29800 UG/L PH 4,5 ALKALINITY, BICARB. AS CACOB AT 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 28700 UG/L PH 4.5 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 AMMONIA 77,8J UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 APFO 0.303 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 APFO (Trial) 0303 UG/L 31_-Jw,06 NAF-06 CALCIUM 2810 J U_G/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 CALCIUM 2760 J UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 CHLORIDE 152000 250000 1 NCAC�_21-GW=1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 CHLORIDE 150000 250000 NCAC_2LGW_1,/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 TAF-06 CHLOROFORM 0.32 J 70 NCAC_2LGW_I./10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 CHLOROFORM 03 J 70 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 ETHENE 0.57 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 FLUORIDE 22700 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 FLUORIDE 20800 2000 NCAC-2LGW-1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 IODOMETHANE 0.0891 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 IRON 2310 300 1 NCAC_2LGW—I-/].0 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 IRON 2270 300 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 I NAF-06 MAGNESIUM 2230J UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 MAGNESIUM 2140J UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 MANGANESE 94.5 so 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 MANGANESE 933 so _NCAC NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 METHANE 14J I I UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 METHANE 8,9 j 1_ I I UG/L 13 of 21 DEQ-CFW-00046214 Appendix 8: Table I Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 31-Jan.-06 NAF-06 NITRATE 56601 10000 NCAC 2LGW 1110 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 NITRATE 3430 J 10000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 31 -Jan-06 NAF-06 PFOA 0,291 2 1 NC IMAC UG/L - 31-Jan- 6 NAF-06 PFOA(TRIA() 0.291 U L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 PHOSPHORUS 116J UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 PHOSPHORUS 111i UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 POTASSIUM 329000 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 POTASSIUM 323000 UG/L 31.-Jan-06 NAF-06 SODIUM 11400 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 SODIUM 11200 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 SULFATE 204000 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 31 -Jan 0 6 NAF-06 SULFATE 202000 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 TOLUENE 0,083 J 600 NCAC-2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON 8840 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON 8700 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-06 TMCHLOROETHENE 0.06 j 3 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 APFO 0,065 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 APFO (Trial) 0.065 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 CALCIUM 10500 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 CHLORIDE 19100 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 _.CHLOROFORM 2 70 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 FLUORIDE 405 2000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 MAGNESIUM 2550J UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 MANGANESE 74.2 50 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 NITRATE 6410 10000 NCAC-2LGW-1/1.0 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 PFOA 0.0624 2 NC IMAC UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.0624 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 PHOSPHORUS 99.4 J UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 POTASSIUM 3340J UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 SODIUM 11600 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-07 SULFATE 14600 250000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0.48 J 0.4 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 31.-Jan-06 NAF-08A 1,4-DICHLOROBEN2ENE 0.11 J 6 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 I NAF-08A AMMONIA 282J —NCAC UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A APFO 0.0526 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A APFO (Trial) 0D526 UG/L 31-1an-06 NAF-08A CALCIUM 1510J UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A CI-ILORIDE 6260 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A IODOMETHANE 0.14 J UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A M-ON 3790 300 NCAS,2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A MAGNESIUM 9751 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A MANGANESE 206 50 NCAC _2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A METHANE 280 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A PFOA 0.0505 2 NC IMAC UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A PFOA(TRIAL) 0,0505 UG/L 31-Jan-.06 I NAF-08A PHOSPHORUS 87.71 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A POTASSIUM 17501 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A SODIUM 6060 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A SULFATE 8750 250000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-08A TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON 4580J UG/L 31-Jan-06 -71-Jan-06 NAF-08B APFO NQ (<0,012) UG/L NAF-08B APFO (Trial) NO (<0.012) UGA 3 -Jan-06 NAF-08B PFOA NO (<OL12) 2 NC IMAC UCl/L 31-Jan-06 NAF-09B PFOA(TRIAL) Nib (<0.012) UGA 01-Feb.-06 I NAF-02 IANE 0.15 j 0.4 NCAC 2LGW I /10 j 14 of 21. DEQ-CFW-00046215 Appendix 8; Table 1 Historical Site -'Aside Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 01-Feb-05 NAF-02 1 4-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.16J 6 NCAC 21-.GW_1/10 W2LGW UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 J.,4-DICHLORcOBENZENE 0.13 J 6 NCAC _1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 ACETONE 34 6000 NCAC 2LGVV 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 ACETONE 33 6000 NCAC_2LG 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 ALKALINITY, BICARB. AS CAC03 AT 236000 LJG/L PH 4.5 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 ALKALINITY, BICARB. AS CAC03 AT 234000 UG/L PH 4.5 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 AMMONIA 10801 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 AMMONIA 1070J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 APFO 0.316 UG/ L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 APFO (Trial) 0.316 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 CALCIUM 2660 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 CALCIUM 2600J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 CARBON DISULFIDE 0.51 700 NCAC 2LG=a°J_1/10 m2LGW UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 CARBON DISULFIDE 0.291 700 NCAC _1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-0£ NAF-02 CHLORIDE 146000 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 CHLORIDE 144000 250000 NCAC 2LGVV 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 CHLOROFORM 0.19 J 70 NCAC_2LGW_1./10 W2LGW UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 CHLOROFORM 0.17 J 70 NCAC _1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 ETHENE 1.8 UG/L 01-Feb-06 I NAF-02 ETHENE 1.7 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 ETHYL METHACRYLATE 0.1 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 FLUORIDE 38900 2000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 FLUORIDE 38000 2000 NCAC 2LGW _1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 IRON 21.4 J 300 NCAC2LGIN_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF 02 IRON 174J 300 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 MAGNESIUM 1710J UGJL 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 MAGNESIUM 1680J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 MANGANESE 54.8 50 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UGJL 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 MANGANESE 53.7 50 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 METHANE 26 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 METHANE 25 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 NAPHTHALENE 0,68 J 6 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UGJL 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 NAPHTHALENE 0.63 J 6 (NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 NITRATE 3350 J 10000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UGJL 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 NITRATE 18001 10000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 ORTHO-XYLENE 0.037 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 PFOA 0.304 2 NC IMAC UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.304 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 PHENOL 1.1J 30 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UGJL 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 PHENOL 1.1J 30 NCAC_2LGVt4_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 PHOSPHORUS 204 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 PHOSPHORUS 201 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 POTASSIUM 390000 UGJL 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 POTASSIUM 388000 UCH/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 SODIUM 19800 UG/L. 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 SODIUM 19800 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 SULFATE 89100 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UGJL 01-Feb-'06 NAF-02 SULFATE 87300 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/ 0 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 TOLUENE 0.26 J 600 NCAC2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01•Feb-'06 NAF-02 TOLUENE 0.23 J 600 NCAC 2LGW_1J10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON 11300 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 ITOTAL ORGANIC CARBON 10400 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0.068J 1.00 NCAC 2LGW,_1/10 UG/L 15 of 21 DEQ-CFW 00046216 F] Appendix B. Table I Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC MENN 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0.066 J 100 NCAC 2LGW_1/3.0 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-02 TRICHLOROETHENE 0.056 j 3 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L Cif-Feb-06 NAP-01 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 0,24J 20 NCAC_2LGVV_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.16J 200 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01--Feb-06 NAF-01 1,4-DICH LO ROBE NZEN E 0,25 J 6 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 2-HEXANONE 1.3.1 280 NC IMAC UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 APFO 0.115 UG/L 0-1- Feb-06 NAF-01 APFO (Trial) 0.115 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 CALCIUM 609 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 CHLORIDE 51100 250000 NCAC_2LGW_I/lo ml - ---------- 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 CHLOROFORM 0.55 70 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb..06 NAF-01 ETHYL METHACRYLATE 0,53 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 FLUORIDE 395 2000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 MAGNESIUM 2720J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 MANGANESE 7A. i so NCAC2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Fe-06 NAF-01 METHANE 130 UG/L 01- Feb-06 NAF 01 METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE 0.881 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 NITRATE 520 10000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L NAF-01 ORTHO-XYLENE 0.06 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 PFOA 0A1 2 NCIMAC UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.11 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01. PHOSPHORUS 94.9 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 POTASSIUM 2490J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 SODIUM 29300 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 SULFATE 11000 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 TOLUENE 0A J 600 NCAC_2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-01 TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON 3000J UG/L 01.-Feb-06 NAF-01 TRICHLOROETHENE 0,067 J 3 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 I.,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 0A1 J 6 NCAC-2LGW—I./10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 ACETONITRILE 11 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 APFO 0,0653 UG/L 01-Feb--06 NAF-04 APFO (Trial) 0.0653 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 CALCIUM 2650J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 CHLORIDE 44300 250000 NCAC_2LGW._1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 CHLOROFORM 0.37 J 70 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 FLUORIDE 2500 2000 NCAC_2LGW—I,/10 UG/ L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 IRON 4280 300 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 MAGNESIUM 725J UG/L 01-Feb-06 I NAF-04 MANGANESE 69.7 50 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 METHANE 240 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 12 5 NCAC 2LGW I/10 UG/L 01 Feb-06 NAF-04 NITRATE 3330 10000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-F b- 6 NAF-04 ORTHO-XYLENE 0.04 J LEG/L. 01.-Feb-06 NAF­04 PFOA 0.0627 2 NCIMAC UGA 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.0627 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF- 04 PHOSPHORUS 102J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 POTASSIUM 28500 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 SODIUM 18900 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 SULFATE 5510 250000 NCAC 2LGVJ 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 TOLUENE 0.75 600 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UGA 01-Feb-06 NAF04 TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0,35 J 100 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-04 TRICHLOROETHENE 0.58 3 NCAC_2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 11,1-DICHLOROETHANE 0,2 j 6 NCAC -..2LGW 1/10 UG L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 11,2-DiCHLOROPENZENE 0.12J 20, N UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 11,2-DICHLOROETHANE 13 0A NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 16 of 21 DEQ-CFW-00046217 Appendix B- Table I Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC S 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 0,141 6 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01- Feb-06 PZ-04 APFO 0.617 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 APFO 0.241 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 APFO (Trial) 0,615 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 APFO {Trial) 0.239 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 .......... CALCIUM 2120 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 CHLORIDE 27100 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 CHLOROFORM 0,25 J 70 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 ETHENE 10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 FLUORIDE 330 2000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 IODOMETHANE 0.42 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 IRON 2740 300 NCAC 2LGW_.1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 MAGNESIUM 1670J UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 MANGANESE 90.7 50 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 METHANE 130 UG/L 0J-Feb-06 PZ-04 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.72 5 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 ORTHO-XYLENE 0.046 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 PFOA 0.593 2 NCIMAC UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 PFOA 0,232 J 2 NCIMAC UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.591 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 0.23 UG/L 01-Feb-06 —LFOA(TRIAL) PZ-04 PHOSPHORUS 97,5 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 POTASSIUM 2320 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 SODIUM 14500 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 SULFATE 4660J 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 017Feb-06 PZ-04 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0.18 1 0.7 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON 3530J UG/L 01-Feb-.06 PZ-04 TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0.14 J 100 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 PZ-04 TRICHLOROETHENE 0.24 J 3 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 LTW-03 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.111 6 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 LTW-03 CALCIUM 2750J UG/L 01-Feb-06 I LTW-03 CHLORIDE 3730 250000 NCAC 2L.GW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 LTW-03 IRON 5170 300 NCAS=2LGW_1./.10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 LTW-03 MAGNESIUM 2000J UG/L 01-Feb-06 LTV)-03 MANGANESE 111 50 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L. 01-Feb-06 LTW-03 METHANE 1.2 UG/L 01-Feb-06 LTW-03 PHOSPHORUS 95.7 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 LTW-03 POTASSIUM 2710 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 LTW-03 SODIUM 7860 UG/L 01-Feb-06 LTW-03 SULFATE 32100 250000 NCAC _21-GV/_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 LTW-03 TOLUENE 0.09 J 600 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-08B ACETONE ij 6000 NCAC _2LGW UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-08B ALKALINITY, BICARB. AS CAC03 AT 12500 UG/L PH 4.5 01-Feb-06 NAF-086 CALCIUM 6020 UG/L 01-Feb-06 I NAF-08B CHLORIDE 8980 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-08B FLUORIDE 380 2000 NCAC-2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-08B IRON 2210 300 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-08B MAGNESIUM 2730J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-08B MANGANESE 9915 50 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-08B PHOSPHORUS 106J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-08B POTASSIUM 4530J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-08B SODIUM 17800 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-088 ISULFATE 69100 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-08B ITOLUENE 0.12 J 600 NCAC_2LGW 1/10 UG/L 17 of 21 DEQ-CFW-00046218 Appendix B: Table 2 Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DL#Pont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 01 Feb 06 NAF^08B TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON 3170 J - - ------------- UG(L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 APFO 0.0863 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 APFO (Trial) 0.0863 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 CALCIUM 439 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 CHLORIDE 11900 250000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 IRON 264 300 NCAC _2LGW_1110 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 MAGNESIUM 643 J UG/L 01-Feb-06: NAF-09 MANGANESE 12.8 50 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 METHANE 17 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 NITRATE 755 10000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 PFOA 0.0829 2 NC IMAC UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 PFOA(TRIAL) 0,0829 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 PHOSPHORUS 92.53 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 POTASSIUM 111.01 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 SODIUM 14100 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-09 SULFATE 6430 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 APFO 0,0883 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 APFO (Trial) 0.0883 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 CALCIUM 1670J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 CHLORIDE 27400 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 Ufa/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 FLUORIDE 265 2000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/€. 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 IRON 355 300 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 MAGNESIUM 1490J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 MANGANESE 54,5 50 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 METHANE 81 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 NITRATE 135 3.0000 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 PFOA 0.0848 2 NC IMAG UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.0848 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 PHOSPHORUS 96.5 J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 POTASSIUM 1540J UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 SODIUM 22100 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 SULFATE 11200 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 01-Feb-06 NAF-10 TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON 7090 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-02 CALCIUM 1630J UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-02 CARBON DISULFIDE 0.17J 700 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 A2LGVV UG/L 02-Feb-06 !TW-02 CHLORIDE 5850 250000 NCAC 1/10 UG/L 02-Feb-06 I LTW-02 IRON 1080 300 NCAC_2LGW 1/10 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-02 MAGNESIUM 788 J Ufa/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-02 MANGANESE 21.9 50 NCAC_2LGW_1/10 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-02 METHANE 18 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-02 PHOSPHORUS 94.2 J UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-02 POTASSIUM 4270J UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-02 SODIUM 11100 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 APFO 0,0333 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 APFO (Trial) 0.0351 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 CALCIUM 1860 J UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW_01 CHLORIDE 8260 250000 NCAC_2LGW-I/10 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 FLUORIDE 210 2000 NCAC 2LG°A_1/10 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 IODOMETHANE 0.18 J UG/I.. 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 IRON 3510 300 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 MAGNESIUM 1240 J UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 MANGANESE 182 50 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW^01 METHANE 3.9 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 PFOA 0,032 2 NC IMAC UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 PFOA(TRIAL) 0,0337 1 1 UG/L 18 of 21 DEQ-CFW 00046219 Appendix B: Table 1 Historical Site -Wade Groundwater Detections Phase Ill RFI Work Plan (Rev, 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 PHOSPHORUS 97.3 J UGJI-. 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 POTASSIUM 1620J UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-01 SODIUM 6390 UG/L 02-Feb-06 I LTW-05 CALCIUM 2750 J UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-05 CHLORIDE 8980 250000 NCAC 2LG}t 1/10 UG; L 02-Feb-06 LTW-05 CHLOROFORM 0.35 J 70 NCAC 2LGW_1./10 �2LGW_1/10 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-05 IRON 8550 300 NCAC UG/L 02-Feb-06 LPN-05 MAGNESIUM 1550 J LIGJL 02-Feb-06 LTW-05 MANGANESE 368 50 NCAC 2LGW1/10 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LPN-05 METHANE 130 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-05 PHOSPHORUS 1161 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-05 POTASSIUM 4060 J UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTA'-05 SODIUM 9250 UG/L 02-Feb-06 LTW-05 SULFATE 26900 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 22-Feb-06 SMW-05P APFO 6.5 UG/L 22-Feb-06 SMW-05P APFO (Trial) 6.7 UG/L 22-Feb-06 SMW-05P PFOA 6.3 2 IBC IMAC UG/L 1.9-Oct-06 NAF-05A 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0,171 0A NCAC 2LG'JU_1/10 UGJL 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A APFO 0,16 UG/L 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A APFO (Trial) 0,15 UG/L 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A CALCIUM 946J UG/L 19•Oct-06 NAF-05A CHLORIDE 44900 250000 NCAC 2LGW 1/10 UG/L 19"Oct-06 NAF-05A CIS-1,2 DICHLOROETHENE 0.54 70 NCAC�2LGW 1/10 UG/L 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A COLOR QUALITATIVE (FIELD) CLEAR NS 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A DEPTH TO WATER FROM TOC NS Feet 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A DISSOLVED OXYGEN (FIELD) 930 UGJL 19-0ct-06 NAF-05A ETHENE 0,49 J UG/L 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A FLUORIDE 3470 2000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UGJL 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A IRON 44,5 J 300 NCAC_2LGW 1/10 UG/L 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A MAGNESIUM 404J UG/L 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A MANGANESE 21 50 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 UG/L 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A METHANE 13 UG/L 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A ODOR (FIELD) NONE NS 19-Oct-06 I NAF-05A OVA6ZONE NS PPM 19-2ct-06 NAF-05A OVP,CASING NS PPf 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A PFOA 0.15 2 NC IMAC UG/L 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A PFOA(TRIAL) 0,14 UG/L 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A POTASSIUM 50500 UG/L 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A SODIUM 21600 UGJL 19-00-06 NAF-05A SULFATE 24400 250000 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 -2LGW1/10 UG/L 19'-Oct-06 NAF-05A TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 6.1 0.7 NCAC UG/L 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON 4960 J UG/L 19-Oct-06 #NAF-05A TOTAL WELL DEPTH NS Feet 19-Oct-06 NAF-05A TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0.14J 100 NCAC 2LGW_1/10 �2LGW_1/10 UG/t. 19-Oct-06 NAF 05A TRICHLOROETHENE 0,34J 3 NCAC UG/L 12-Feb-07 S€viW-01 APFO NQ (<0.0051) UG/L 12-Feb-07 SMW-01 APFO (Trial) NQ (<0.0051) UG/L 12-Feb-07 S€VW_01 PFOA NO (<0.0051) 2 NC IMAC UG/l. 12-Feb-07 S€v1W-01 PFOA(TRIAL) NO (<0,0051) UG/L 13-Feb-07 LTW-04 APFO NO (<0,0051) UG/L 19 of 21. DEQ-CFW 00046220 Appendix B; Table 1 Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase Ill RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, IBC �'��;'k$�? ;2$ f'k }# }'ts, �'.. i � i% {y i#, d✓�.{ ; ,:${ k.£'. < iT, .hr Ytyli r ,^y`1r 13-Feb-07 LTW-04 APFO (Trial) NQ (<0.0051) UG/L 13-Feb-07 LTW-04 PFOA NQ (<0.0051) 2 NC IMAC uG/L 13-Feb-07 LTW-04 PFOA(TRIAL) NQ (<OM51) UG/L 13-Feb-07 LTW-01 APFO 0.037 UG/L 13-Feb-07 LTW-01 APFO 0.036 UG/L 1.3-Feb-07 LTW-01 APFO (Trial) OD37 UG/L 13-Feb-07 LTW-01 APFO (Trial) 0.036 UG/L 13-Feb-07 LTW-01 PFOA 0.03E 2 NC IMAC UG/L 13-Feb-07 I LTW-01 PFOA 0,035 2 hit; IMAC UG/L 13-Feb-07 LTW-01 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.036 UG/L 13-Feb-07 LTW-01 PFOA(TRIAL) 0,035 UG/L 14-Feb-07 MW-1S APFO 0,05 UG/L 14-Feb-07 MW-1S APFO (Trial) 0.05 UG/L 14-Feb-07 MW15 PFOA 0.048 2 NC IMAC UG/L 14-Feb-07 MW-is PFOA(TRIAL) 0.048 UG/L. 14-Feb-07 SMW-05P APFO 17 UG/L 14-Feb-07 SMW-05P APFO (Trial) 17 UG/L. 14-Feb-07 SMW-05P PFOA 16 2 NC IMAC UG/L 14-Feb-07 SmW_05P PFOA(TRIAL) 16 UG/L 27-Feb-08 LTW-01 APFO 0.073 UG/L 27-Feb 08 LTW-01 APFO 0.069 UG/L 27-Feb-08 LTW-01 APFO (Trial) 0,073 UG/L 27-Feb-08 LTW-01 APFO (Trial) 0.066 UG/L 27-Feb-08 UM-01 PFOA 0.07 2 NC IMAC UG/L 27-Feb-08 LTW-01 PFOA 0.066 2 IBC IMAC UG/L 27-Feb-08 LTW-01 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.07 UG/L 27-Feb-08 LTW-01 PFOA(TRIAL) 0,063 UG/L 27-Feb-08 SMW-01 APFO NQ (<0.011) UG/L 27-Feb-08 SM%V-01 APFO (Trial) NQ (<0.011) UG/L 27-Feb-08 SMW-01 PFOA NQ (<0;011) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 27-Feb-08 SMW-01 PFOA(TRIAL) NQ(<0.011) UG/L 27-Feb-08 mW_1S APFO 0.045 UG/L 27-Feb-08 MW-1S APFO (Trial) 0,045 UG/L 27-Feb-08 MW-1S PFOA 0.043 2 NC IMAC UG/L 27-Feb-08 MW-15 PFOA(TRIAL) 0,043 UG/L 28-Feb-08 LTW-04 APFO NQ (<0.011) UG/L 28-Feb-08 LTW-04 APFO (Trial) NQ (<0,011) UG/L 28-Feb-08 LTW-04 PFOA NQ (<0.011) 2 NC IMAC UG/L 28-Feb-08 LTW-04 PFOA(TRIAL) NQ (<0.011) UG/L 28-Feb-08 SMW-05P APFO 2.7 UG/L 28-Fein-08 SMW-05P APFO (Trial) 2.7 UG/L 28-Feb-08 SMW-05P PFOA 16 2 NC IMAC UG/L 28-Feb-08 SMW-05P PFOA(TRiAL 2.6 UG/L 25-Mar-09 LTW-01 APFO 0,057 UG/L 25-Mar-09 I LTW-01 APFO 0.052 UG/L 25-Mar-09 I.TW-01 APFO (Trial) 0,057 UG/L 25-Mar-09 LTW-01 APFO (Trial) 0,052 UG/L 25-Mar-09 I-MI-01 PFOA 0.055 2 NC IMAC UG/L 25-Mar-09 LTW-01 PFOA 0,05 2 NC IMAC UG/L 25-Mar-09 LTW-01 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.055 UG/L 25-Mar-09 LTW-01 PFOA(TRIAL) 0.05 UG/L 26-Mar-09 LTW-04 APFO NQ (<0.013) UGjL 20 of 21 DEQ-CFW 00046221 Notes: Appendix B: Table S Historical Site -Wide Groundwater Detections Phase III RFiWork Plain (Rev, 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC Nfl = Non -quantifiable i = Analyte present. Reported value may not be accurate or precise. Should be considered an estimated value. JGI€- = micrograms per Liter NCAC_21-CM_IJ1.0 = North Carolina 2t.Groundwater Standards NC IMAC = North Carolina interim Maximum Allowable Concentration 21 of 21 DEQ-CFW 00046222 Appendix B; Table 2 Historical Site -Wide Sall Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC MARROMS t of 8 Appendix ; Table 2 Historical Sate -Wide Sall Detections Phase IN RFI Work Flan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 2of8 Appendix B. Table 2 Historical Situ -Aide Seal Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC PAPIMMMINS 3©f& 0 0 0 Appendix B: Table 2 Historical Site -tilde Soil Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC MOAMMMS 4of8 0 0 0 Appendix B. Table 2 Historical Site -Wide Soil Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 5of8 Appendix B: Table 2 Historical Site -Wide Sail Detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayettevlile Facility Fayetteville, NC 6of8 0 0 0 Appendix Be Table 2 Historical Site -Wide Sail [detections Phase III RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC 7of8 0 0 0 Notes: Appendix B- Table 2 Historical Site -Wide Soil Detections Phase M RFI Work Plan (Rev. 1) DuPont Fayetteville Facility Fayetteville, NC BGS = Below Ground Surface i = Analyte present. Reported valuL may not be accurate or precise. Should be considered an estimated value. UG/KG = micrograms per kilogram EPA SL IndSoil = EPA Industrial Regional Screening Level MIUSONS 8 of 8 0 APPENDIX C FORMER UST REMOVAL CORRESPONDENCE 1 m7-.1 - �zl DEQ-CFW 00046231 0 L :8 ..r. E. i • aU PONT of NEMOURS COMPANY ' `march 19, 1990 1MC*fi. aTC® P. 0. DRAWER Z FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. 2a3og POLYMER PRODUCTS DEPARTMV4T Jim Bales N.C. Dept. of Health, Env., And Natural Resources Wachovia Building, Suite 714 Fayetteville, N.C. r This letter responds to your• conversation last Friday and formally requests sampling and closure instructions after removal of . - ,`r • Within the next • months 1' ,two' ♦ : . UG tanks • •.store and dispense diesel fuel and gasoline. our plant and contract construction vehicles. A new, fully contained# aboveground storage facility isbeing ! •: Please inform us•the specific,documentation •sampling requirementsneeded :.close In addition, we removed three 12 year old tanks belonging to Campbell oil company from our Agricultural Products test farm area last April. reportofthat removal. our 1 Manager is attached. According to Campbell Oil company, no samples were taken. (one 1000 gal Diesel -Fuel Tank, one 1000 gal #2 Heating Oil Tank and one 1000 gal Gasoline Tank). Please instruct us on closing The removal .these five tanks will eliminate underground fuel storage facilities from the site. We never have • underground chemical storage Sincerely Vp- Zz Thomas W. olcott Environmental Coordinator (919) 678-1155 DEQ-CFW 00046232 es. s8el AEV. r-a2 3ON'T SAY T--tits T IT DATE 4/2h/89 To Tom Olaott Dept.In the Agrieultrual Chemical _ there tanks (metal) with a capacity of 1000 gals. each buried below ground. on + •►• these tanks were removed and returned to Campbell Oil Company - :► _ ::.+ before r after there holesfor any sign of leaks and none were found, After the tanks were removed the • r where thewere • inspected for any sign of leakage and none was found, The outside of the tanks was found to be in excellent condition by the people from the fuel companys e"r^ dA VQ ern a near vna in nccr anrwimm r`ansmq Nn CTAFRTC DEQ-CFW 00046233 a ;7 State of • Department FayetteAlle Regional _; Office Thaws W. Olcott E. I. DuPont Do Nemours & Company • ♦ Drawer r7ayetteville, KC 28302 Notification • : UST Abandonment Fayetteville,Located At The DuPont7acility Cumberland The Fayetteville Regional Off ice of the Divisionof Environmental storagement has received -your notification for the planned abandonment of two (2) located at the subject After the subject underground storage tank(s) bav*e been removed or before the tank(s) are abandoned in place, samples of undisturbed soil shall be taken from two. feetbelow the bottomof d then tested for total Petroleum fuel hydrocarbons -removal or abandonment long.in place, soil samples shall be taken for TPFK below each and of, the tank if the tank is less than 20"feet 0 feet or more in length, a sample shall be taken at both ends and the middle of the tank from a depth if 2 feet below the tank bottor. For multiple { abandonments place or multipletank removals from the same tank f ield, a sample should be taken for TPFH at each corner and the middle of the tank f ield from a depth of 2 feet below the tank bottom. At least one soil sample, not composited, should be collected for every twenty (20) feet of piping trench from the bottom of that trench. Analysis for TPFH shall be conducted according to the procedures described in the attached Analytical Procedures. Wachovfa Builcilng. Suite 714 • Fayetteville. N.C. 28301-5043 + Telephone 919- -1541 An Equal opportunity AFBmmtaadve Acdon Employer i DEQ-CFW 00046234 Analytical Procedures A. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons I. Laboratory Methodologies Petroleum Product Methods 1. Low to medium California GC Method with boiling point SW-846 Method 5030* (purge and fuels including trap) as sample preparation. gasoline, some military jet fuels, and, gasohol. 2 High boiling California GC Method with point fuels, in- SW-846 Method 5030* (purge and cluding kerosene, trap) assample preparation, other jet fuels, and California GC Method with diesels, and fuel SW-846 Method 3550* (sonication oil Nos. 1 and 2. extraction) as,sample prepara- tion on split samples of the soil. 3. Other petroleum SW-846 Method 9071*. products, includ- ing residual fuel oils, lubricating & cutting oils, and hydraulic fluids and greases. *The Detection Limit must be less than 10 ppm. S !I Determinants Total Petroleum Fue Hydrocarbons in par per million (ppm). I * 94 Oil and Grease C parts per milli (ppm) - I DEQ-CFW-00046235 August 22, 190 • Dept.Mr. M. J. Noland, Regional Supervisor ResourcesNatural Wachovia Building, Suite 714 Fayetteville, N. C. 28301 Enclosed are the analytical results of jhe site assessment associated with the removal of two underground storage tanks from -Du Pontts Fayetteville Works (NCD047368642). A -map detailing approximate • r . E: sample All of the analytical results are below the 10 ppm detection limit for total petroleum fuel hydrocarbons, indicating that no contamination has occurred as a result of using these _ and*their _ •:. hardware. results are below the 10 ftp• r: limit, Site Sensitivity Evaluation sheet ha's not been attached'. removal With the successful underground storage tanks, Fayetteville Works no longer has any underground storage tanks on -site. Should you have any j;uestions or need additional information, please feel free tocontact. ♦: J i e1kw Enclosure CC: J. E. Nagle N. P. Baumann To rs 1trulr f' ames r. Wallwork Environmental Coordinator DEQ-CFW 00046236 ESTABLISHED 1903 Main office 1111 Castle Stmet 919-762-M82 919-7624956 P.O. Box 629 FAX919-762-8785 Wilmington, N.C. 28402 REPORT DA32: 8-15-90 E.T. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & COMPANY P.O. DRAWER Z FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. 28302 ATTN: NELSON BAUM44W DATE RECEIVED: , 8-08-90 DATE COLLECTED: 8-08-90 COLLECTED BY: LAW & C LAB I.D. IF EW 30941 SAMPLE 'DESCRIPTION: - $OIL FROM TANK REMOVAL EXCAVATION SITE. TESTS/SAMPLzs . UNITS TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON PPM -- <to* <to* �10* TOTAL PETROLEUM FUEL HYDROCARBON •ppM < to* < to* < to* <10* TESTS/SAMPLES --MjjTS #7 #9 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON PPM -- <10* < foit TOTAL PETROLEUM FUEL HYDROCARBON EPA METHOD # 5030 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH ( TPFH) EPA METHOD 4 3550 GAS caomATOGRApH ( TpH) DETECTION LIMITS - 10 PPM BELOW DETECTION LIMITS WOMMAT DIRECTOR DEQ-CFW 00046237 01 ENGINEERING COMPUTATION SHEET Tms'ar j. as Eruar Ufa MLt GJt 1--u 4 1 Iq r 5 r �i1MJfC4"Y' °"�O8 L.. d G N +�` 1�t4h Y'EtwoV�..i t; f z a 4 3 s ' a a- fa f1 ix t3 f• f3 " 6 i ®u s Qn4 D 22 0 f 4 s a . 7 r s • i SomeT No • wonscs Ll 13 m f4F 14 1 iY 23; - w iiidSE� +tSO'jIE 24. Ta,-k Tank .-t o 341 DEQ-CFW 00046238 7 srwr. State of North Carolina Department of Environment Health, and Natural Resources Fayetteville Malonal Office M. M\ M August 27, 1990 Mr. James F. Wallwork Environmental- Coordinator DU Pont Polymer P'rodudts P. 0. Drawer z Fayetteville, North carolina 28302 SUBJECT: Review of Lab Results UST Soil Assessment Du Pont Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, Cumberland Co. This is to acknowledge receipt of the above mentioned soil assessment dated August 27, 1990, Based on review of the lab results, no additional soil excavation and removal is required. Should new information become available concerning this matter, we reserve the right to reverse this finding. Should you have any questions or need clarification, please contact a member of the Groundwater staff of this office at (919) 486-1541. Sincerely,. Noland, Regional Supervisor WaCh0VIa Building. Suite 714 0 Fayetteville. N.C. 28301-SO43 * Telephone 919-486-1541 An 14ual Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer DEQ-CFW-00046239 U 0m, DuPontEn�igneering Ms, Elizabeth W o Carmon, Chief Hazardous Waste Section Waste Management Division 401 t.:berlM Road, Suite 150 Raleigh, NC 27605 I3'Vow : n 6314 0 i }idi fi?tY:: 28210 APR 2 Apri 15, -101`I Re- Phase III RCRA Facility Investigation W rk Plan (Rev. I) Du Po t Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina A ll) No. NCD 047 368 642 Dear GIs. Cannon. Enclosed please: final responses to the commc is provided by Nt."DI:;NR in the'NOD for Phase HT RCRA Facility Investigation Work Plan (dated ,lnnuar -5, 2011), alonl with three (3) copies of the Please Ill RCRA , acility Investigation ation Work Plan (Rev. 1) for the above -referenced Site, '['he revised work. plain addresses the comments provided by NCDENR in the OD letter. Dumont looks forward to working with you through the completion of the RFL If'you have any questions or need additional information please feel free to contact nee at 704 3621-6626, Sincerely, s 1a nie VanBuskirk Project Director DuPont Corporate Remed:iat on Group cc. Mike Johnson - DuPont Fayetteville Works File Enclosures DEQ-CFW 00046240