HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00042520azarous Waste Compliance Data Entry For EPA ID Number: NCD 047 368 642 Facility Name: DuPont Fluoroproducts Street: 2228 NC Highway 87 West City: Fayetteville ZIP: 28306 County: Cumberland Contact Name: Mike Johnson Phone#: (910) 678-1155 EVALUATION DATA New: X Change: Delete: Date: 04/27/2009 Evaluation Type: CEI Date: S' / Zo/ Le,,T Evaluation Type: CS,� Inspector ID #: 036 Evaluation Comments: Date Determined: Branch: 07 Person: 036 Return to Compliance: 5/27/09 S" / 2 0 Scheduled Actual Regulation Description: 40 CFR 262,34(a) 265,16(c) Comment: Except as provided in paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section, a generator may accumulate hazardous waste on -site for 90 days or less without a permit or without having interim status, provided that: (4) The generator complies with the requirements for owners or operators in Subparts C and D in 40 CFR part 265, with §265.16, and with 40 CFR 268.7(aX5). 265.16(c) Facility personnel must take part in an annual review of the initial training required in paragraph (a) of section 265.16. DEQ-CFW 00042520 STATE OF NOP DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL UPSUAl 1 RCIWQ Div tbiON OF WASTE MANAGEMENT nALARDOUS WASTE SECTION 11,TJ I U IN 31 ! 1 1111 111111i'51 iiv 515111:11i jj r 11 -.-- i--i- - V-.% -OP z-!kV.,-tjb I It IAT tMATION: Name: DuPont Flouroproducts EPA ID Number: NCD 047 368 642 Type of Facility: Large Quantity Generator Facility Location: 22828 NC Highway 87 West Fayetteville, NC 28306 Telephone Number: (910) 678-1155 Ownership: DuPont Corp. 2. FACILITY CONTAM 3. SURVEY PARTICIPANTS: Dianne Fields, Eddie Vega Robeh K. Nelms — i , Nt—UrIN.Irs. 44- DATE ,OF INSPECTION: 27 April 2009 5. PURPOSE OF INSPECTION: Unannounced audit to determine compliance with regulations described at 40 CFR 261, 262, 265, 268, 273 and 279 and the facility's permit. 6. FACILITY DESCRIPTION: DuPont — Fayetteville works — manufactures resin and intermediates including Butacite polyvinyl butyral sheeting and membrane. 'fhe facility is a Large Quantity Generator and holds a Part B permit for storage of waste in containers and tanks. 7. HAZARDOUS WASTE STREAMS INCLUDE: Acid Fluorides and F005, D003, DOO I — 1,2 Dichloroethene and Trichlorotrifluoroethane F002, D028 — Dichloromethane and Acid Fluorides D029, D002 — Potassium Hydroxide, Sodium Hyroxide. DEQ-CFW-00042521 DuPont Fluoroproducts (over) 8. AREAS OF REVIEW AND INSPECTION: ➢ Emergency Preparedness ➢ Contingency Plan — The most recent copy of the contingency plan and related revisions was reviewed. No violations were noted. ➢ Manifests / L — 2009 Manifests were reviewed. No violations were noted. ➢ Biennial Report — The 2007 biennial report was on site and available for inspection. ➢ Training Records ➢ Training records for Eddie Vega, William Partrette, Russell Locklear, Kenneth McNeill and Pamela Richardson were reviewed during the inspection. Of the five, only Russell klear's training was up to date. The facility recently switched computer systems which automatically send reminders of required training dates to employees. The new system failed to be on line in January 2009 which has delayed all reminders. ➢ Inspection Records (storage) ➢ 2009 inspection records for tank inspections, the storage pad, 90 day storage area and subpart BB requirements were reviewed. Transporters: Suttles Truck Leasing ALD 095 704 011 Sentinel Trans. DER 000 002 741 ➢ ➢ TD's: DuPont Co. NJD 002 385 730 Clean Harbors ARD 069 748 192 Heritage OHD 980 613 541 Chem Waste Mgmt. ALD 000 622 464 > Accumulation Areas: The satellite area near the Nafibn Polymers area was observed during the inspection. In this area, three separate waste streams are managed in three separategallon drums. Each drum has its own secondary containment 1 distinguishes each Johnson, Dianne Fields and I discussed the interpretation of the rule and decided that the containers should be treated as a 90 day storage area if at all possible to avoid violation of the <55 gallons DEQ-CFW 00042522 'DuPont EPA I.D. # NDC 047 368 642 CEI Report, page 3 A Storage Areas: Waste is stored in four subpart J units, in containers on the permitted pad and in an ISO container. All of these areas were inspected and no violations were observed. ➢ External Condition of Facility: No adverse conditions noted. . WASTE MINIMIZATION: Source Reduction 10. SITE DEFICIENCIES: 40 CFR 262.34 (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section, a generator may accumulate hazardous waste on -site for 90 days or less without a permit or without having interim status, provided that: (4) The generator complies with the requirements for owners or *perators in Subparts C and D in 40 CFR part 265, with §265.16, and with 40 CFR 268.7(a)(5). 40 CFR 265.16(c) Facility personnel must take part in an annual review of the initial training required in paragraph (a) of section 265.16. .�._ DATE:28 April 2009 Robert K. Nelms Environmental Senior specialist, NCDENR Facility Representative DATE: „ April 2009 DEQ-CFW 00042523 Waste Management Division Hazardous Waste Section NOTICE OF VIOLATION To: DuPont Fluoroproducts Docket# 2009- 22828 NC Highway 87 West Inspection Date: 28 April 2009 Fayetteville, NC 28306-7332 Facility Type: LQG/TSDF EPA ID # NCD 047 368 642 *n December 18, 1980, The State of North Carolina, Hazardous Waste Section (State) was authorized to operate the State RCRA hazardous waste program under the Solid Waste Management Act (Act), N.C.G.S. 130A, Article 9 and rules promulgated thereto at 15A NCAC 13A (Rules) in lieu of the federal RCRA program. On 27 April 2009, Robert K. Nelms, representing the N.C. Hazardous Waste Section, inspected your facility for compliance with North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Rules. During that inspection, the following violations were noted. 40 CFR 262.34(a) - 265.16(c) Except as provided in paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section, a generator may accumulate hazardous waste on -site for 90 days or less without a permit or without having interim status, provided that: (4) -fhe generator complies with the requirements for owners or operators in Subparts C and D in 40 CFR part 265, with §265.16, and with 40 CFR 268.7(a)(5). 265-16(c) Facility personnel must take part in an annual review of the initial training required in paragraph (a) of section 265.16. You are hearby required to comply with the noted violations by 9 January 2005, at which time a reinspection will be performed. If compliance with the violations noted above are not met, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22(a) and 15A NCAC 13B .0701-.0707. an administrative penalty of up to $32,500 per day may be assessed for violation of hazardous waste law or regulations. 2 141-011114<71 (Date) Robert K. Nelms Environmental Senior Specialist Hazardous Waste Section, NCDENR Copies to: File Ted Cashion - Eastern Area Compliance Branch Supervisor Central Files DEQ-CFW-00042524 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION Name: DuPont Floroproducts EPA ID Number: NCD 047 368 642 Type of Facility: Large Quantity Generator Facility Location: 22828 NC Hwy 87 West Fayetteville, NC 28306 Telephone Number: (910) 678-1155 2. FACILITY CONTACT: Mike Johnson 3. SURVEY PARTICIPANTS: Mike Johnson Bobby Nelms - NCDENR 5. PURPOSE OF EVALUATION: Follow-up inspection to determine the status of the compliance schedule given in the Notice of Violation, Docket # 2009-075. The NOV was issued subsequent to the RCRA inspection conducted on 27 April 2009. im NXIN Me AREAS RE -INSPECTED DURING EVALUATION: (OK = previous deficiency corrected; V = violation observed; NA = not applicable to this inspection) Contingency Plan = N/A Personnel Training Records = OK Accumulation Areas = N/A Storage Areas = N/A Inspection Logs = N/A Manifests = N/A OTHER = N/A (over) DEQ-CFW-00042525 8. PREVIOUS VIOLATIONS / DEFICIENCIES: Violation(s) previously cited pertained to the following regulation(s): 40 CFR 262.34(a) - 265.16(c) Except as provided in paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section, a generator may accumulate hazardous waste on -site for 90 days or less without a permit or without having interim status, provided that: (4) The generator complies with the requirements for owners or operators in Subparts C and D in 40 CFR part 265, with §265.16, and with 40 CFR 268.7(a)(5). 265.16(c) Facility personnel must take part in an annual review of the initial training required in paragraph (a) of section 265.16. 111111111111", DuPont Floroproducts is in compliance with the requirements of the Notice of Violation docket # 2009-075. 11111_111Z'14�z_ DATE: Emailed to Mike Johnson DATE: Bobby Nelms Facility Representative Environmental Senior Specialist, NCDENR DEQ-CFW-00042526