HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920614 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19920101READER FILE State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street - Raleigh, North Carolina 27644 James G. Martin, Governor A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary November 16, 1992 Acting Director Ms. L.K. Mike Gantt USFWS P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Dear Ms. Gantt: DEM has reviewed the Service's Planning Aid Report for the Wilmington Harbor Ocean Bar Channel Deepening Project. DEM requests to be included in.mitigation plan reviews and approval. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the report. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Eric Galamb or me at 733-1786. Sincerely, Jon R. Dorney Environmental Superviso REGIONAL OFFICES Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-6481 919/395-3900 9 19/89 6-7007 Pollution Pre yen tIoo Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity A-Mmia6ve Action Employer f MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Planning Branch SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED (N/A-NOT APPLICABLE)*** INITIALS: Reviewer: WQ Supv : Date: PERMIT_YR: 92 PERMIT-NO: 0000614 COUNTY: CARTERET APPLICANT NAME: COE - MOREHEAD CITY HARBOR OCEAN BAR PROJECT-TYPE: DREDGING PERMIT-TYPE: IND COE_# : (i S9-w'e o -y'3-/(0-000a DOT_# : RCD_FROM_CDA: COE DATE_FRM_CDA: 10/12/92 REG_OFFICE: WIRO RIVER-AND-SUB-BASIN-#: v 3oS O 3 STREAM_CLASS : 54 STR_INDEX_NO: WL_IMPACT?: Ya WL_ TYPE: 0 WL_REQUESTED: 41114- WL_ACR_ EST?: Y/N HYDRO CNECT?: Y/N WL SCORE(#):ti1,'4 MITIGATION?: Y/9 MITIGATION_TYPE:14141- MITIGATION_SIZE: /,/0- IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?: Yo RECOMMENDATION (Circle One):/4SSUE?ISSUE/COND DENY COMMENTS: cc: Regional urrice Central Files ? 2-t? D DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 North Carolina 28402-1890 CESAW-CO-93-16-0002 Ll L-1,i OCT 12199Q WEYL-?"pNp?_? ? i i ago Waal ITY SkCi October 8, 1992 PUBLIC NOTICE MAINTENANCE DREDGING MOREHEAD CITY HARBOR, N.C. OCEAN BAR (Carteret County) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Wilmington District Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, North Carolina, proposes to perform MAINTENANCE DREDGING in Morehead City Harbor between mile 1.75 inside the harbor entrance and mile 2 outside the harbor entrance. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This maintenance work involves the removal of all material lying above the plane of 44 feet below mean low water (MLW) in Range A and 44 feet below MLW in the cutoff and in Range B within the designated limits of the channels as shown on the enclosed sketch 1. Approximately 500,000 cubic yards of material will be removed by hopper dredge. The work which is performed annually will begin on or about December 1, 1992 and end no later than March 31, 1993. The dredged material consisting of predominately sand and shell fragments will be transported for disposal to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designated (final rule making September 14, 1987) Morehead City, North Carolina ocean dredged material disposal site (ODMDS) (sketch 2). The work is required to maintain an orderly, efficient, and safe flow of traffic from the ocean to the North Carolina State Ports, public and private facilities, and other navigation projects. The boundary coordinates for 34 38' 30" N 76 45' 00" W 38' 30" N 41' 42" W 38' 09" N 41' 00" W 36' 00" N 41' 00" W 36' 00" N 45' 00" W the Morehead City ODMDS are: The Morehead City ODMDS is located in ocean waters (contiguous zone) beyond the three nautical mile limit of the territorial sea. The average depth of the disposal area is approximately 50 feet. The disposal area is 8 square nautical miles in area. The capacity of the Morehead City ODMDS is large enough to accommodate the dredged material. Dredged material from the 1992 Morehead City ocean bar maintenance dredging will be placed in the upper central area of the Morehead City ODMDS. -2- ` 3 i DO ? The Morehead City ODMDS has been used for many years for the ocean disposal of dredged material from the Morehead City Harbor navigation channel. Each year approximately 500,000 to 1,000,000 cubic yards of dredged material is dumped in the designated ocean disposal site. Mounding of the dredged material within the ODMDS has been observed. As a result, future placement of dredged material within the site will be managed to minimize mounding. No other significant adverse effects of previous authorized disposal in the Morehead City ODMDS have been observed. The Wilmington District will take all necessary actions to ensure that the materials dredged are appropriately placed within the ODMDS. Those actions will include designation of the transportation route to the disposal site, designation of the.specific area within the disposal site to be used for disposal, and the requirement that the dredge have a navigation recorder on board to document the disposal locations. The location of the proposed work is shown on sketches 1 and 2 with this notice. There is enclosed a list of Federal, State, and local agencies with whom this activity is being coordinated. The effects of the proposed dredging and transportation of dredged material to the ocean disposal site were addressed with the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Morehead City Harbor North Carolina September 1976. The effects of the disposal of dredged material within the Morehead City, N.C. ODMDS were addressed in the FEIS Morehead City North Carolina, Ocean Dredged Material Site Designation, January 1985. Based on EPA's Ocean Dumping Regulations and Criteria (40 CFR, Parts 220 to 229), the sand and broken shell material to be dredged and ocean dumped is environmentally acceptable for ocean dumping without further testing, and that the proposed disposal of dredged material will not cause unacceptable human health effects or other permanent adverse effects. No impacts to known archeological/historic resources will occur as a result of the proposed action. The dredging has been evaluated for adherence to the requirements of Executive Order 11988, Flood Plain Management. The proposed dredging will not induce development in the floodplain. The proposed maintenance dredging will improve harbor navigability. The proposed action has been evaluated under Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands. The work will not require dredging or filling of any wetlands. -3- The proposed maintenance dredging may effect Threatened and Endangered species. Kemp's ridley, loggerhead, and green sea turtles are potentially at risk due to accidental-take by hopper dredges. It has also been determined that migrating right whales are at potential risk from collision by hopper dredges in transit to and from the ODMDS. Methods have or will be implemented to minimize impacts on these species. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) have concluded that the continued operation and maintenance of Morehead City Harbor would not 'jeopardize the continued existence of endangered or threatened species in the project area. The proposed action is consistent with the approved Coastal Management Program of the State of North Carolina. State concurrence with the consistency determination was received on March 18, 1981, and October 18, 1984, for the Morehead City Harbor maintenance dredging and the Morehead City, N.C. ODMDS site designation, respectively. As the proposed discharge of dredged material will take place outside of the 3 nautical mile limit of the Territorial Sea, the discharge is regulated under the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, as amended. A Section 401 Water Quality Certificate under the Clean Water Act of 1977, as amended, is not required. The decision whether to perform this work will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered, including the aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands,.historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values, land use, navigation, shoreline, erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and in general, the needs and welfare of the people. The proposed transportation of this dredged material for disposing of it in ocean waters was evaluated and determined not to unreasonably degrade or endanger human health, welfare, or amenities or the marine environment, ecological systems, or economic potentialities. In making this determination, the criteria established by the Administrator, EPA, pursuant to Section 102(a) of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, as amended, was applied. In addition, based upon an evaluation of the potential effect which the failure to utilize this ocean disposal site would have on navigation, economic, and industrial development, and foreign and domestic commerce of the United States, an independent determination was made of the need to dispose of the dredged material in ocean waters, other possible methods of disposal, and other appropriate locations for the disposal. i ' -4- Any person who has an interest which may be affected by the disposal of this dredged material may request a public hearing. The request must be submitted in writing to the District Engineer within 15 days of the date of this notice and must clearly set forth the interest which may be affected and the manner in which the interest may be affected by this activity. In order for such a request to be given appropriate consideration, it should be mailed or delivered to the U.S. Army Engineer District, Post Office Box 1890, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890, in time to be received on or before October 26, 1992. All correspondence should refer to the number and date of this notice. For additional information concerning this project, contact Mr. James Wells, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Post Office Box 1890, Wilmington, N.C. 28402-1890 or telephone (919) 251-4824. Walter S. Tulloch Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer Enclosure] L - PAM VLW vrrno sa. TY?IGL iM10N • tisss?s ?? ?rti-I.w ,u • 3 ,1r'A'I i 1 r` ?t •ut• w. wh«. r .4 1.40 ?? ?, •.•. a "4004 1 w~? ° .;••• •s -?tlw ? a -• ... 11110 f06•66 ? I.L?MO i F 1 .11Vt I mast fw e[Auso11T ? Jam. 7 M I? hV. bfi ? G A UT CFA A ..ems, •*e. s!t_ ?a Xit PRO POS ED ZREDG 1 HCr _ /01st sn"M f ?sw I >•L I M?/ C OC[I N DISPOSAL ARrA SEs s KFTc. u * z rOQ- vr- FAILS MOREHEAO CITY HARBOR, NORTH CAROLINA WALE Or MILE! CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON,N.C. Y 11EYIS9V KPPTCMWR IfTV Crm it .a l • 1 r t . Airport TANK NinREHEAD (. < < ?. ..?,+ .?,.. Cia O,wO • tit Poo era=:srr:rs::,tss=sas+rsirs:: rIClloC ' •owo` cur BEAUFORT rasa SADI `'ila ;.wr'? ,Jf:? ? N.LtfT ? lS1.N y ?. ••r •.O?O 'Owt• " w '• f tow GAP" ""I '4b C' go 10 -••'-- ON CA$ __ - - •• MA YSI v _$ •aia„fl;?; K War" S ............. w 0's 17 IS 17 14 10 •. 2r- .. j ' ` :; , • 24 27 27 S 10 •, 6? ?. =r 36 » weer S".•".. a, 1?1 a 36 ]E w b \17 10 ?y ?J! A04 oppq 47 4S 47 .30 21 `..` 14 G 22 ^S 11? ` i 47 r III f '!.i • °;S. /4 --?1? MESA ]S rll .j 'a..a. 1S 10 4t .J1 Wrnea 20 .: + ' r6. ?w . I w 42 151. 1" 17 4' 120 11`` 2] -------- --------- ]S no?? 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(February 4} 1986) Dbrehead City Ocean Dredged material Disposal Site. lz? s LIST OF FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL AGENCIES Chairman Board of County Commissioners Postmasters Mayors Marine Science Council Water Resources Research Institute US Fish and Wildlife Service Assistant US Attorney US Geological Survey National Marine Fisheries Service US Coast Guard Regional Director of the US Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Director of the National Park Service Regional Shellfish Consultant Office of Chief of Engineers South Atlantic Division All United States Senators and Representatives for State of North Carolina US Department of Health, Education and Welfare Regional Director, Environmental Protection Agency Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service NC State Clearinghouse and Information Center I (Uu: ; r ; licr i+ir,;l t DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY '" ;'`',, District, Corps of Engineers W`T;I I]s[,?,ji?, rl .,??r?t0 Post Office Box 1890 p,North Carolina 28402-1890 PaOrfh Carnlin Wildli` . R snvrc Cwnimss•w 1 CESAW CO-93 16-0002 t'?{` fiber' 8, 1992 ' if?(1ri ?f ? I PUBLIC NOTICE tior+ MAINTENANCE DREDGING MOREHEAD CITY HARBOR, N.C.OCEAN BAR (Carteret County) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Wilmington District Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, North Carolina, proposes to perform MAINTENANCE DREDGING in Morehead City Harbor between mile 1.75 inside the harbor entrance and mile 2 outside the harbor entrance. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This maintenance work involves the removal of all material lying above the plane of 44 feet below mean low water (MLW) in Range A and 44 feet below MLW in the cutoff and in Range B within the designated limits of the channels as shown on the enclosed sketch 1. Approximately 500,000 cubic yards of material will be removed by hopper dredge. The work which is performed annually will begin on or about December 1, 1992 and end no later than March 31, 1993. The dredged material consisting of predominately sand and shell fragments will be transported for disposal to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designated (final rule making September 14, 1987) Morehead City, North Carolina ocean dredged material disposal site (OUMDS) (sketch 2). The work is required to maintain an orderly, efficient, and safe flow of traffic from the ocean to the North Carolina State Ports, public and private facilities, and other navigation projects. The boundary coordinates for the Morehead City ODMDS are: 34 38' 30" N 76 45' 00" W 38' 30" N 41' 42" W 38' 09" N 41' 00" W 36' 00" N 41' 00" W 36' 00" N 45' 00" W The Morehead City ODMDS is located in ocean waters (contiguous zone) beyond the three nautical mile limit of the territorial sea. The average depth of the disposal area is approximately 50 feet. The disposal area is 8 square nautical miles in area. The capacity of the Morehead City ODMDS is large enough to accommodate the dredged material. Dredged material from the 1992 Morehead City ocean bar maintenance dredging will be placed in the upper central area of the Morehead City ODMDS. nr:T i 2 1992 WEI?.A?JL'; i;6?' WATER QUALITY i -2- The Morehead City ODMDS has been used for many years for the ocean disposal of dredged material from the Morehead City Harbor navigation channel Each year approximately 500,000 to 1,000,000 cubic yards of dredged material is dumped in the designated ocean disposal site. Mounding of the dredged material within the ODMDS has been observed. As a result, future placement of dredged material within the site will be managed to minimize mounding. No other significant adverse effects of previous authorized disposal in the Morehead City ODMDS have been observed. The Wilmington District will take all necessary actions to ensure that the materials dredged are appropriately placed within the ODMDS. Those actions will include designation of the transportation route to the disposal site, designation of the specific area within the disposal site to be used for disposal, and the requirement that the dredge have a navigation recorder on board to document the disposal locations. The location of the proposed work is shown on sketches 1 and 2 with this notice. There is enclosed a list of Federal, State, and local agencies with whom this activity is being coordinated. The effects of the proposed dredging and transportation of dredged material to the ocean disposal site were addressed with the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Morehead City Harbor North Carolina September 1976. The effects of the disposal of dredged material within the Morehead City, N.C. ODMDS were addressed in the FEIS Morehead City North Carolina, Ocean Dredged Material Site Designation, January 1985. Based on EPA's Ocean Dumping Regulations and Criteria (40 CFR, Parts 220 to 229), the sand and broken shell material to be dredged and ocean dumped is environmentally acceptable for ocean dumping without further testing, and that the proposed disposal of dredged material will not cause unacceptable human health effects or other permanent adverse effects. No impacts to known archeological/historic resources will occur as a result of the proposed action. The dredging has been evaluated for adherence to the requirements of Executive Order 11988, Flood Plain Management. The proposed dredging will not induce development in the floodplain. The proposed maintenance dredging will improve harbor navigability. The proposed action has been evaluated under Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands. The work will not require dredging or filling of any wetlands. Clf ? /4 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 North Carolina 28402-1890 CESAW-CO-93-16-0002 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: PUBLIC NOTICE MAINTENANCE DREDGING MOREHEAD CITY HARBOR, N.C. OCEAN BAR (Carteret County) October 8, 1992 r ou -802 WEI LANDS GROUP WATFR QUALITY The Wilmington District Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, North Carolina, proposes to perform MAINTENANCE DREDGING in Morehead City Harbor between mile 1.75 inside the harbor entrance and mile 2 outside the harbor entrance. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This maintenance work involves the removal of all material lying above the plane of 44 feet below mean low water (MLW) in Range A and 44 feet below MLW in the cutoff and in Range B within the designated limits of the channels as shown on the enclosed sketch 1. Approximately 500,000 cubic yards of material will be removed by hopper dredge. The work which is performed annually will begin on or about December 1, 1992 and end no later than March 31, 1993. The dredged material consisting of predominately sand and shell fragments will be transported for disposal to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designated (final rule making September 14, 1987) Morehead City, North Carolina ocean dredged material disposal site (ODMDS) (sketch 2). The work is required to maintain an orderly, efficient, and safe flow of traffic from the ocean to the North Carolina State Ports, public and private facilities, and other navigation projects. The boundary coordinates for 34 38' 30" N 76 45' 00" W 38' 30" N 41' 42" W 38' 09" N 41' 00" W 36' 00" N 41' 00" W 36' 00" N 45' 00" W the Morehead City ODMDS are: The Morehead City ODMDS is located in ocean waters (contiguous zone) beyond the three nautical mile limit of the territorial sea. The average depth of the disposal area is approximately 50 feet. The disposal area is 8 square nautical miles in area. The capacity of the Morehead City ODMDS is large enough to accommodate the dredged material. Dredged material from the 1992 Morehead City ocean bar maintenance dredging will be placed in the upper central area of the Morehead City ODMDS. -2- The Morehead City ODMDS has been used for many years for the ocean disposal of dredged material from the Morehead City Harbor navigation channel. Each year approximately 500,000 to 1,000,000 cubic yards of dredged material is.dumped,in he designated ocean disposal site. Mounding of the dredged material * fir! he ODMDS has been observed. As a result, future placement of dredged mat'W it within the site will be managed to minimize mounding. No other significant adverse effects of previous authorized disposal in the E@eadMty ODMDS have been observed. The Wilmington District will take all necessary actions to ensure that the materials dredged are appropriately placed within the ODMDS. Those actions will include designation of the transportation route to the disposal site, designation of the specific area within the disposal site to be used for disposal, and the requirement that the dredge have a navigation recorder on board to document the disposal locations. The location of the proposed work is shown on sketches 1 and 2 with this notice. There is enclosed a list of Federal, State, and local agencies with whom this activity is being coordinated. The effects of the proposed dredging and transportation of dredged material to the ocean disposal site were addressed with the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Morehead City Harbor North Carolina September 1976. The effects of the disposal of dredged material within the Morehead City, N.C. ODMDS were addressed in the FEIS Morehead City North Carolina, Ocean Dredged Material Site Designation, January 1985. Based on EPA's Ocean Dumping Regulations and Criteria (40 CFR, Parts 220 to 229), the sand and broken shell material to be dredged and ocean dumped is environmentally acceptable for ocean dumping without further testing, and that the proposed disposal of dredged material will not cause unacceptable human health effects or other permanent adverse effects. No impacts to known archeological/historic resources will occur as a result of the proposed action. The dredging has been evaluated for adherence to the requirements of Executive Order 11988, Flood Plain Management. The proposed dredging will not induce development in the floodplain. The proposed maintenance dredging will improve harbor navigability. The proposed action has been evaluated under Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands. The work will not require dredging or filling of any wetlands. -3- The proposed maintenance dredging may effect Threatened and Endangered species. Kemp's ridley, loggerhead, and green sea turtles are potentially at risk due to accidental-take by hopper dredges. It has also been determined that migrating right whales are at potential risk from collision by hopper dredges in transit to and from the ODMDS. Methods have or will be implemented to minimize impacts on these species. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) have concluded that the continued operation and maintenance of Morehead City Harbor would not jeopardize the continued existence of endangered or threatened species in the project area. The proposed action is consistent with the approved Coastal Management Program of the State of North Carolina. State concurrence with the consistency determination was received on March 18, 1981, and October 18, 1984, for the Morehead City Harbor maintenance dredging and the Morehead City, N.C. ODMDS site designation, respectively. As the proposed discharge of dredged material will take place outside of the 3 nautical mile limit of the Territorial Sea, the discharge is regulated under the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, as amended. A Section 401 Water Quality Certificate under the Clean Water Act of 1977, as amended, is not required. The decision whether to perform this work will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered, including the aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values, land use, navigation, shoreline, erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and in general, the needs and welfare of the people. The proposed transportation of this dredged material for disposing of it in ocean waters was evaluated and determined not to unreasonably degrade or endanger human health, welfare, or amenities or the marine environment, ecological systems, or economic potentialities. In making this determination, the criteria established by the Administrator, EPA, pursuant to Section 102(a) of the'Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, as amended, was applied. In addition, based upon an evaluation of the potential effect which the failure to utilize this ocean disposal site would have on navigation, economic, and industrial development, and foreign and domestic commerce of the United States, an independent determination was made of the need to dispose of the dredged material in ocean waters, other possible methods of disposal, and other appropriate locations for the disposal. i r i . -4- Any person who has an interest which may be affected by the disposal of this dredged material may request a public hearing. The request must be submitted in writing to the District Engineer within 15 days of the date of this notice and must clearly set forth the interest which may be affected and the manner in which the interest may be affected by this activity. In order for such a request to be given appropriate consideration, it should be mailed or delivered to the U.S. Army Engineer District, Post Office Box 1890, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890, in time to be received on or before October 26, 1992. All correspondence should refer to the number and date of this notice. For additional information concerning this project, contact Mr. James Wells, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Post Office Box 1890, Wilmington, N.C. 28402-1890 or telephone (919) 251-4824. Walter S. Tulloch Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer Enclosures ? L V LW ---------- MRHt# ??• t vain too rypl 1. Scala Nlk' • ?r1? I?•r? ?1 ? y II rII r ?I $Abu PRO POS Eb DREDG IWGp h •fA• - - f?t 's" .GUT OFD v, ?? i o ?I tM.f:RI fP011• _ plow? Ile 641e A . l? r? A rLANTI1 C OClAM DISPOSAL ARSA seS s lc r4. u z Tta- Dr-l-AIL& r,' Iltto w. .....t :: w` ..... ..:°.... tY... t. -7aift an 1 ? 1 11MN aw 1•L•M• R?? 11 MOREHEAD CITY HARBOR, NORTH CAROLINA WALE Of MILES CORPS OF ENGINEERS MIILMINGTON.N.C. ?+ •cvlfco KPTC WIR port 4YrT u 4w I 4 w.r L6t ,E? ?* 1 h; Y L rst f• ?,f .,oo, - r I C s ....... ------- -? .. sill K ?s 17 IS 17 14 JO ?....... ?......... 1 C 24 27 27 S 10 ?' Q.?•A- O VV 'i >< ??? w ?q„si ? 23 \17 u IO .?, may. ??? 47 47 ?i \ 21 22 ?y 11~ 9 4 0 16 47 /111 lll,.• -s.a- .r 4i &-N SA J11 Won& 3S ` 20 21i. r { r r 14. ??_ `3 4 49 I!• "'20 1 _ SO ?i 27 ?n .. 4, 44 rt 34 0•i..•w. . 24 .. r 33 !1 L. soesoms V S r..2S.• 3S st D&MA0, I've ` ? :' 42 41 o.r? N? s.+a .rww sr. a ? N•ooL.tsl N.Ifs 4S 7! 30: n6 43 . 49 • ]a .! - - - - - - - - - - - - so 6A Cos Soft At" `` SO S0. ?i V 065 45 SO !0 47 c 52 N ! 1 BEAUFORT 04,ET d V ? ? An SI 1 !2 The pewcI amm to 42 IM Poo V 1 ilc?o Comoro" Gee vM Cflatlt 11547 52 0 0 10 53 -" ' 52 !2 -&O IA ....I....?.u.Lrrr/rrrr/,r°,ft !1 Dtg bo?..r_ 7S? !' / rr ?,, `BOSS 52 62 fl 53 &ZEA ? i 54 53 54 S3 ja % 516 S3 N O 53 \Np . I . 1 r rglr,. ' ,.417 (February 4,! 1986) Morrtead City Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site. ' SIG.?•z?4 ? 7r LIST OF FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL AGENCIES Chairman Board of County Commissioners Postmasters Mayors Marine Science Council Water Resources Research Institute US Fish and Wildlife Service Assistant US Attorney US Geological Survey National Marine Fisheries Service US Coast Guard Regional Director of the US Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Director of the National Park Service Regional Shellfish Consultant Office of Chief of Engineers South Atlantic Division All United States Senators and Representatives for State of North Carolina US Department of Health, Education and Welfare Regional Director, Environmental Protection Agency Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service NC State Clearinghouse and Information Center