HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079502From: Sink, Marla [/O=EXCHANGELA8S/OU=[XCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=1443GCDF33F147ACADG2D89C87DCF81B-yWARLA.5|NK] Sent: 7/6/20I77:II:35PM To: Vaughn Hagerty [vmuXhn.hagerty@Xmai|zom] CC: Kritzer, Jamie [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHFI]3PD[n/cn=Kedpients/cn=cee93o49dO1445a]b54Ibb]I7dcdc840-jbkritzer] Subject: RE: Questions regarding Chemours'NPD[Spermit renewal process How are you? Tothe best ofour ability, w/ewill get the answers toyour questions below back toyou byCOB tomorrow. As for your other questions re: the permitting process, both Julie Grryb and Connie Brower are out until Monday so | will set a phone conference up for you next vveek— if that works. I will check in with you early next week to get the focus of your questions and set up a conference time. Marla Marla Sink Public Information Officer Department ofEnvironmental Quality Division ofWater Resources gignumno S12North Salisbury Street 1811Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 1:59 PM To: Sink, Marla <Mar|a.Sink@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Questions regarding Chemouo' NPDESpermit renewal process Hi, Marla. First, l\n still interested in talking with folks atDF(l about the same things I'd hoped to discuss from last week. Let me know if and/or when that can happen. I'm working nnastory about the Np(]ESrenewal process and have some questions. Can you help nnc get answers to these? I'm hoping to write ostory to run Monday, so it'd hcgreat ifIcan get these hythe end of tomorrow. Is that do -able? UHas Chemourasubmitted any changeshoorhas 7lFl)requested any changeshothe renewal application received onMay 3,20|6,for the Fayetteville Works site? DPso, can you please provide ocopy ofthose 71 In early June, TJE0/ said this application would bereviewed 6vDF(l staff within two months. Is that still correct? Can you estimate when this review would begin? 3)Our understanding isthat review ofthis application was expedited after the SLarNevvsbegan asking questions in late June. Is that correct? If so, when might it have been slated for consideration under normal 4) At a June 28 forum, Sheila Holman, assistant secretary for environment, said that Chemours' permit would not be renewed until DEQ completes its investigation regarding the discharge of GenX and the other substances. Is that correct? If so, how long is that investigation expected to take? What will that investigation be examining? 5) Marla indicated in a recent email that "DEQ is working with EPA's Toxic Substance Control Act staff to gain access to information submitted to the EPA that will help the state evaluate all manufacturing processes and potential chemicals that need to be included in the NPDES permit renewal before the upcoming site visit." Does DEQ plan to specifically include a requirement for monitoring of GenX and the "novel" substances mentioned in Sun, et al., in the newest permit? If so, what would that entail? If not, why? 6) How does DEQ plan to handle Chemours' request that it be relieved of responsibility for monitoring discharges of PFOA? 7) How much will Chemours pay for this renewed permit, once the renewal process is complete? 8) Where, specifically, will the public notice of the renewed pen -nit be published? ME= Vaughn Hagerty DEQ-CFW-00079503