HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079471From: Kritzer, Jamie [/D=[XCHANG[LAB5/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=C[E9]C49D01445A]B541B8327DCDCD4O-JBKR|TZ[R] Sent: 7/3/20I76:I058PM To: Lucas, Jill K8[/h=[xchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=7187fc41O6394e6Oa5e554ccZ79c0d7Z-jm|ucas] Subject: Re: Daily News Clips-- July 3 Thanks, Jill. This isvery helpful. Sent from my iPhone On Jul 3, 2017, atJ:OZ PM, "Lucas, Jill K4" wrote: 7/3 call Mark, Scott Coleman/Jim]ones, Zack, Linda Coleman/Shei|a,Jeremy Mark will moderate Federal perspective? Anything new? Linda — EPA has containers ready for this week's sampling. Anticipates analysis back on first week's sampling end ofthis week. Mina — imminent iuthe word | want to say. We're moving aufast asw/e can but w/ewant toevaluate. Meeting today with toxicologists todiscuss where we're at. Mark — hypothetically, if results come in, how much time does it take to review and then turn it around tothe public? Mina — hours. The reason we're having problem is this is a new chemical with very little toxicology done. We're almost there but we need to clarify points with EPA. It's a screening level so itwon't take long. But there is very little standardized EPA factors available, which makes it really difficult to calculate. Once vvehave the health goal, it's easy. Linda — It will take out staff a day or two to determine the health goal. Two people at our lab are on standby as soon as w/eget the results. Still trying towork through confidential business request from Chemours—They and EPA are still working through that. Mar —local level? Only update | have is, yesterday, | got three emai|sto my DHHS address with questions and reflections... from what appeared to be folks in Wilmington. Is DEQ getting these, too? Is Wilmington Star releasing email addresses for folks to send questions to? Sheila — | have received one similar inquiry, someone from the public, | think Thursday or Friday. | sent it on to Linda and Jamie. I think it was along the lines of why are we note regulating the compound, allowing it (or others) to be released into the water. | also thought we'd get emai|sfrom the media but haven't. Jim Jones— local 8ovtchanne| was rebroadcasting forum. Maybe that was a trigger? Mar — last week there was growing chatter about another forum being planned? Any invited extended, toanexpectation? Sheila — | did get an invitation to a forum. Linda did, too. We need to think about this. It's coming from the P|O at 1-112GO, not the media or local elected officials. | haven't seen a proposed date ortime yet. We need torespond inaunified way. Linda — Should agencies participate? Jim — Do we have something new to share? Waiting on sampling results from week of June 19. Mina —xvaidn8 on revised health risk goals. Calls set for today and Thursday with EPA. Jeremy? — My sense would be to not decide until we need to. There may be other forums that evolve that would be better fir for the state to participate in. If there's a commercial aspect to HZGO | think we should wait and consider all opportunities. Sheila —myemail suggests a short turnaround. H2Go is the public water supplier. There is tension down there. They were getting raw water down therefrom HIGO— We need to be a little bit cautious. Linda — There was no actual date by which to respond back. Brunswick community was interested in having aforum like what happened inWilmington. OEQ-CFVV_00079471 Mark — no rush to respond until we have new information to share... Will conference calls with local health departments continue daily? Do we need to modify our calls to align with that change? ]eremy?—Switched to Mon -Wed -Friday, but not today. Mark — should we move our calls to M-W-F, or enough meaningful information to share daily? Sheila — Appropriate to switch to M-VV-F, and continue working on the talking points togowith the information we're expecting later this week orearly next week. Jeremy — Maybe keep things daily this week and reassess Friday. We're expecting a lot of information this week, and press releases. Given the number of events that might happen, keep it the same for this week. Jim — It sounds as if we're waiting for things to happen. Do we know when? Sheila — The Test America report is due to Chemours Wednesday, we understand. We're hoping to get results from the first sampling week from EPA on Friday. Then our CIA process would take a day ortwo for each before going to Mina at DHHA. Jim — So news would be whenever the evaluation shows, perhaps next week? We wouldn't do a release saying we have information if we're not going to announce until next week Jeremy — Unless Chemours comes out with its answers on Wednesday. I would want to know the DEO/DHHSthoughts before Friday. Sheila — Let's plan K4'VV-Fthis week, then re-evaluate on Friday. Linda was thinking maybe we should have a face to face meeting with the local health depts. to discuss the results. Mark — I think it's a great idea. But I worry that if we physically drive down there to share, our arrival with tests results will draw more than just local health depts. 9orn—calls starting &nring /nfor o different call... Mark suggests wrapping up and continue conversation Wednesday. From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Monday, July U3 20171:32PM To: Lucas, Jill M Cc:Akroyd, Cathy Subject: Re: Daily News Clips-- July 3 Jill, Thank you. Yes, you may send them along. | appreciate it. Jamie Sent from myiPhone On Jul 3, 2017, atO:58AM, "Lucas, Jill K8" wrote: Jamie, I took notes from the GenX call. Want to see them now or wait? From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Monday, July O3 20178,43AM To: Akroyd,Cathy R Cc: Lucas, Jill M Subject: Fvvd: Daily News Oips—July 3 Cathy, For the news dips, here are some on GenXto put in the Digest. ]K Sent from myiPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Robinson,Grace" Date: July 3, 2017 at6:SU:4OAK4 EDT Subject: Daily News Clips— July 3 GENX VVHOR: Genk What We Don't Know Coastal Review Online: GenX Unknowns Frustrate Folks at: Forurn VVE[T: Protesters 'march VVBTVV: NC drinking water tainted with chernical � rot. uct or StarNew/ : ' StarNews: BILLS The Blade: FLQC.Ipins.fj�±�..p.gginst North Carolina farrn bill vvvvac Brunch could start: earlier in New Hanover Countv Greenville Daily Reflector: Salisbury Post: Political notebock Analysis' shows- effects of health care bill on congressional districts The Daily Advance: VOTERFRAUD Saint Peters B|o8: Florida undc�cidE-,,d..on..rE-,,tiL�est from voter fraud commission VV[[O: Trumo Questions States, Minnesota Included, On Not Releasi Voter Info KSAT:Texas will give public info Highland Community News: Voter fraud? The Declaration: