HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079457From: Aknoyd Cathy R[/O=[XCHANGELA8S/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=D2FDF2DE4BE548IC8FO1C933B5FZCAB9-CRAKROYD] Sent: 6/30/I0I71:36:51PW1 To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49d01445a3b541bb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer] Subject: RE: Did you get these this a.m.? When | did the clips today, there were only two hems on there from others. Maria did send hers (1), but I did not hear from any of the others and don't know who sent the other item that was on there when I started. From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Friday, June 3O 20179:35AM To: Akroyd,Cathy R<[athy.Akroyd@ncdenr.8ov> Subject: RE: Did you get these this a.m.? Okay. Did others send you their clips for the day — Sarah, Bridget, Patricia, Maria, Bueller?? Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 0311101118��� En�J 60 "o�e y�ub�Ca/n8naPubhnReco/�oLam/aa�x/aybad�o600ed6o��d�a/�sa From: Akroyd,Cathy R Sent: Friday, June 3O,JO179:34AK4 To: Kritzer, Jamie Subject: RE: Did you get these this a.m.? Since I was covering your clips only, I did not get these since they are from media outletsthat are not onyour list. |sSarah out today? | noticed most ofthese are from her list. Ifshe isout, | didn't know- and therefore did not look ather media outlets. I will add these. From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Friday, June 3O 20179:31AM To: Akroyd,Cathy R Subject: Did you get these this a.m.? If not, please add. I noticed they weren't in the digest. I circulated around up here, but good to have in the portal. GenX clips Wilmington Star News Did Che€amours tell NC it was discharRing GenX? Wilmington Star News: G.e.r].X w.e l r .?. Port City Daily: Chemo€ rs sends GenX waste out of Norte Carolina, perforrn s `i:rial burn' WWAY: ICYVIL WATCH THE ENTIRE GENX FORUM, HOSTED BY WWAV° STARNEWS AND WNQP WELT: At r€ e ..t;�r� ilrnington €s..':t � r� ����.���il€� for GenX. contarnint�.bon' ... ......... Environmental Working Group: Chemical Co€anies' 'Voluntar ,F Clean Ups Are Little Er�ere � Isar for orate S it Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality r ' • _' DEQ-CFW 00079458