HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079186From: Kritzer, Jamie [/D=[XCHANG[LAB5/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=C[E9]C49D01445A]B541B8327DCDCD4O-JBKR|TZ[R] Sent: 6/26/I0I71I:235IPM To: Regan, Michael S[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=be7cd#ad656484fbbce3657O34Of3]b-msnegan];Ho|man,5hei|a [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=94a3f59574d34b769b3bd834a97105c5-scho|man];Nicholson, John A. 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CBS Morning News OEQ-CFVV_00079186 N.C. drinking 'tainted with chemical byproduct for decades? �F!11e (_?rznylt be�,� r.l .:_ �� _i ilaocey-czi'sijl in O t ae C "P e I Ri er ear: - iIa a z ;( .3Q c in E.fiA `ti (c ITVc • Comment • Share • Tweet • Stumble Some 6o,000 Wilmington, N.C., residents get their drinking water from the Cape Pear River. DuPont and its spinoff company Chemours manufacture chemicals at a plant upstream from the city. The plant is situated on a 2, wo-acre property on the Cape Feat, River in Fayetteville. It is there where a chemical called GenX -- a potentially cancer -causing substance that is a byproduct of DuPont and Chernou.rs' manufacturing processes -- is produced. Wilmington residents are demanding to know if those toxic chemicals are making their way do,,N7nri-%er into the city's drinking water. The Gape fear Public Utility Authority co-authored a three-year study on the chemical's elevated presence in the water. But as CIS News' Jericka Duncan reports, the findings were never made available to the general public -- not even to Wilmington mayor hill Saffo9 DEQ-CFW 00079187 The Cape Fear River tie sowce of d--K:n ...g CBS NEWS Saffo met with Cheinours officials, and couldn't believe what lie heard: "We were alarmed. And we want to know how long that compound or that chemical had been dispersed into the Cape Fear River. And they told us since 1980." Last week, a city council meeting in Wilmington was over capacity, as neighbors demanded their leaders held. Chemours accountable. "Why has this been allowed to go on for so long?" asked one citizen, Kalli Smith. I have been drinking this water my entire life." Though they aren't pointing fingers at DuPont or Chemours, Wilmington's self-proclaimed "cancer moms" showed up in full force. DEQ-CFW-00079188 Contamination of d­k:-g,,,P,,;ater in VV'ih*,gton, N,C CBS NEWS Amy Herrman's son, Jacob, had leukemia, and received cherno for three years. "It just seems odd. that we're having to fight for clean water after we've fought for our cfiildren's lives ,11 Herrman said. Lisa Grogan's son, Nathan, was diagnosed at age four with Wilins, a rare kidney cancer. "Because of ,,diat our kids have been through, I think it's hard for people to look at us and say the -water's probably OK, or, there's probably not too much toxin in there to cause health effects,11said Grogan. There are currently no federal drinking water standards for GenX. And because of an EPA rule, Chemours' release of GenX into the Cape Fear River for nearly four decades may have been perfectly legal; that's because it is a byproduct of another substance. "There is a loophole that needs to be looked at by Congress to make certain that we have safe drinking water in this country," said Mayor Saffo. The long-term health effects of GenX on humans are unknown, but studies submitted to the EPA by DuPont between 2oo6 and 2013 show it caused tumors and reproductive problems in lab animals. The company says GenX is a safer alternative to another DuPont chemical called C8, which it no longer makes. DuPont was forced. to pay the largest fine in EPA history ®m $16.5 million m® for -failing-to re-D-ort C8's substantial risk to human health. And this past Februaiy, DuPont and Chemours doled out more than_$ 67o__millio - n to settle a class-action lawsuit iiv I-6ng C8 water contamination in the Ohio River Valley. DEQ-CFW-00079189 Jennifer Adams, the ,ice chair of the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, was asked why the water company never made its Olen X study public. "There were no alarm bells set off," she said. "There wasn't anything indicated in the report that indicated immediate action was needed." CBS News has learned Adams worked as a chemical engineer at DuPont from 1990 to 2001. CBS affiliate WWAY asked Adams, I? Given your connection to DuPont, do you know anybody that works at the Chemours plant9" I' Um, yes, I do." "Have there been any discussions between any board members including yourself and anyone at Chemours? Or DuPont?" T 'No ,? IAdams replied. Water inspectors are testing the current levels of GenX in Wilmington's water, but results are not expected until late next inonth. It is an excruciating wait for a mayor whose coins unity is desperate to know if their water is safe. "We don't know what this is going to do to us, that have been drinking it for long periods of time," affo said. "How long has it been in the river? Since 198o, yes, but how much of it has been in the river?" Chenio urs says it will now voluntarily "capture, remove and safely dispose of ' wastewater containing the byproduct Gen. The company also told CBS News it continues to believe that emissions from its plant have not impacted the safety of drinking water. Oq, 2017 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Jamie Kritzer 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Office: (919) 707-8602 Cell: (919) 218-5935 DEQ-CFW-00079190