HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079107From: Munger, Bridget [/D=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=C54[IF65OCEA499G8A5ABA689C2O4F61'BCPWUNGER] Sent: 6/22/I0I71I:49:18PM To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49d01445a3b541bb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer] CC: Sink, Marla [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=14436cdf3]f147acad6Zdb9cb7dc01b'Mar|a.Sink] Subject: Re: Questions and fact check Greater Wilmington Business Journal Will do. I'll be bock at the Archdale building as soon as we wrap up the interview at the lab. Bridget Munger NC Department of Environmental Sent from n)y iP4hone (]nJun 22, 2017 at 8:30 AX4 Kritzer, }onic j i wrote: Christina Haley with the Wilmington Business Journal is working on a GenX story and I need your help in answering these questions (be|oxv). | worked with Linda/Sheila yesterday and drafted a few responses in red. But can you work with Julie or others on these today and let's discuss before we respond to Christina Haley. Her deadline is today. Is there ongoing research (other than the current GenX) investigation to find emerging compounds/contaminates, either chemical or microbial in our water system? Have any been found in the past? |fso, how many and dothey pose arisk tohuman health? This information, or at least a part of it, should be in our FAQ related to the UMCR. Attached. How many industries are currently being monitored in our region along the Cape Fear River? (If too many for an estimate, then | could also use any information that could describe the vast amount of industries you all are monitoring or why it's important. Or both.) Julie GrrKbshould beable totell you how many companies have NPD[S permits nnthe Cape Fear River. The NPDES permits would include language related to the monitoring for unregulated contaminants. Is this GenX investigation impacting any other industries along the Cape Fear River? Draft Response — At this time, DEQ believes the primary source of GenX to be the Chemours' Fayetteville facility. But we are still evaluating whether there are any other possible sources of GenX. How would you summarize the GenX investigation and what it is the end mission of the investigation? Could you describe how or in what ways this investigation could have as an end result? OEQ-CFVV_00079107 Our objective is to determine the current concentration of GenX in the lower Cape Fear and to better characterize any potential health risk associated with that concentration. The potential health risk will help guide next steps inthe process. Is this a reapplication after the 5-yeartimeframe, or simply 8permit renewal and is there adifferemce? And what i5the timeline for ChenlOur5 new permit? Does the NCDEO'S investigation have any impact on the timeline for permit renewal at this time? In other words, are you all waiting for the completed investigation before issuing a new permit tOChem0unS? Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.[Department ofEnvironmental Quality 919-707-8602 Bn� lo �iS ""s to�m Pu,bfof"'eco/c"'xLaw/a//�xnmy��c���x��/o0�z From: Christina Haley Sent: Thursday, June ZZ,IO177:4IAK4 To: Kritzer, Jamie Subject: Questions and fact check Greater Wilmington Business Journal I wanted to check to see if you all received my questions yesterday. My absolute deadline for my story on GenX is today. Also, I am inputing some of the permitting information released during the press conference last Thursday and wanted to send you the what I have written about it to double check it for factual information. As I understand your staff may not have had documentation in front of them at the time, I wanted to give you all the chance to correct anything that needs to be corrected. I have posted the information below. With that, I would like to ask a few additional questions as it relates to Chemours Company's permitting Is this a reapplication after the 5-yeartimeframe, or simply a permit renewal and is there 8difference? And what iSthe timeline for Chenl0uB new permit? Does the NCOEO'S investigation have any impact on the timeline for permit renewal at this time? In other words, are you all waiting for the completed investigation before issuing 3 new permit tDChem0ur57 Here is the information from last week: OEQ-CFVV_00079108 Currently, the NCDEQ is evaluating the Chemours old permit, which expired in October 2016, for the reissuance of a new •' That •' however, is legally '• until the NCDEQ provides a new •` WON. 1091 ��MMIMIIWRMM TIMEME-YUME conalcts process —FIT ring LnaL Lillie d CO[llpdll'j' IS dil-UTTI, the existing permit. In the NCDEQ's current evaluation of Chemours' new application, and with the new information on GenX, the agency is looking into any additional changes that need to be made with company's existing permit before reissuing its new permit, Holman said. A hope you all can at least provide a timely response to the questions and factual check on the circumstances of Chemours current stance as it relates to the NCDEQ's permitting process. •' Lig INg-All Christina Haley O'Neal Greater Wilmington Business Journal - Reporter Office: 910-375-7290 Cell: 704-651-5828 <GenX FAQ 06212017.docx> DEQ-CFW-00079109