HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079020From: Lucas, Jill K8 [/D=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADM|N|STRATVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=71D7FC41OG]94[G0A5E554CCZ79COD72-JK8LUCAS] Sent: 6/2I/I0I77:II:47PW1 To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49d01445a3b541bb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer] Subject: RE: Wilmington Resident of course. ---original message --- prom: Kritzer, 3amie Sent: Wednesday, 3une Zl, 20I7 5:I1 pm To: Lucas, 3ill m <3ill.Lucas@ncdenr.gov, subject: RE: Wilmington Resident zill, one thing - can you change "growing pressure" to "requests" z noticed that in some of the comments z received regarding the FAQ as well. zust thought it's probably a better phrase to use. Thanks' 3amie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 9I9-707-8502 919-218-593S Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ---original message --- prom: Lucas, zill M Sent: Wednesday, zune 21' 2017 1:35 nw To: kylegnshertQyahon.com subject: RE: Wilmington Resident Mr. umshert: on behalf of secretary Regan, thank you for your email about chemours and aenx. He is reviewing all emails, as well as summaries of citizen phone calls, as part of his investigation into this matter. z will do my best to address your questions and comments, but please understand that z may not be able to do so fully at this time. The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality is investigating the presence of menx in the cape pear River and engaged in efforts to stop the discharge of oenx by chemours' until impacts of the unregulated chemical are better understood. You may be aware that chemours responded lute Tuesday to growing pressure from the osQ as well as local governments and concerned citizens by announcing that the company is taking additional measures to capture, remove and safely dispose of wastewater that contains Genx at its Fayetteville manufacturing plant. This is a good first step' but ool and the N.C. Department of Health and Human services will continue to investigate this issue until we have answers to address the concerns of downstream water users. Fresh data is essential for documenting current conditions and taking appropriate action. This neek, os0 began collecting water samples from several sites along the cape rear River. Additional samples will be collected throughout the region in the next two weeks. After meeting with staff in osQ' chemours agreed to bear all the costs for sampling and analysis. The analysis of water samples osO collects will be conducted by two independent laboratories, a certified facility in Colorado and a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lab in the Research Triangle Park near Raleigh. The samples will be analyzed and the results of the testing announced by ocQ and oxxs. In addition to supporting water sampling analysis' EPA is reviewing the additional toxicity data submitted by the company and updating the risk assessment using the additional toxicity data specific to Genx. osQ will be launching a nebsite this week to share information about G=nx. The page is not yet active but will be easily found from our landing page at https://deq.nc.gov/ Again' thank you for contacting osQ about this matter. zill Lucas _ 3ill warren Lucas Public Information officer North Carolina Department of Environmental quality Division of Air Quality office: 9I9.707.8445 Cell: 984.232.I2I8 zill.Lucas@ncdenr.guv Physical: 217 west zones street mail: 164I mail Service center Raleigh, mc 27699-164I Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ---original message --- prom: Kyle ooshert [mailto:kylegoshert@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday' 3une 20' 2017 4:47 PM To: Regan, Michael s <michael.neganwncdenr.gov> subject: Wilmington Resident Greetings Mr. Regan, z hope this email finds you well, and hopefully other local residents are reaching out as well. As you are aware' hundreds of thousands of people are impacted by this assault on our drinking water. The company responsible is mocking us with loopholes and shady tactics similar to it's former parent company for some many decades' despite knowing full well their actions should be illegal. Is there not a single judge in this state friendly enough to real ground -level citizen concerns that someone at the state level can file a suit and get an immediate injunction on this 'byproduct' dumping? They wait while we wait (for testing, expnsure, impact results, EPA statements' etc), the only thing even remotely fair. If one of these execs walked up to you and dumped a glass on Genx down your mouth' it would be criminal, no? Yet we can't even get an injunction while we wait likely over a month just to get more test results despite admitted dumping. unacceptable at the highest levels. Someone there in Raleigh needs to stand up for us now. why not let it be you? Get an immediate cease and desist injunction and send a few local troopers whose children also drink this water up to the factory and tell them: "no work today folks" as they luck the doors Best, A highly concerned citizen OEQ-CFVV_00079021