HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171575 Ver 1_Certification of Completion_20181228Wanucha, Dave From: Euliss, Amy Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018 3:13 PM To: Wanucha, Dave; Roden Reynolds, Bryan K CIV (US) Cc: Seitz, Phillip K Subject: Br 82 on NC 47 project completion forms Attachments: Br 82 project completion forms.pdf Dave and Bryan, We have completed our bridge replacement project on NC 47 (Br 82) in Davidson. I have attached the completion forms. At our project final last week, I asked them to place @5' of rip rap in the bed at the channel outlet. Despite the pipe being buried the required depth, a small pool had formed at the outlet in the heavy rains causing a slight perch. This 5' of rock will stabilize and bring the stream up to the elevation immediately downstream and stop any future scour. Let me know if you have any concerns. Amy Euliss Division 9 Environmental Officer North Carolina Department of Transportation 336 747 7802 office aeuliss ncdot.qov 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston Salem, NC 27127-7167 � , z«� ��.; ` x�� _ ,r ��__' I i7�•i�ll c;urrc;,�,l�ui�dci�c.c� �C�u ai�d ��rur�7"i ��I�i,, ;�,c�i�dcr i,, ;�,ul�jcc.� �u �C�I�c� I"J C I�:"ul�lic. I�tac;uru,, I,avv ai�d r�7"i�y I�c di,,c.lu,�,c�d E�u �C�I�h�d I�artic�„�,, Action ID Numbe�: SAW 2016-01248 County: Davldson Permittee: NCDOT, Divison 9, T'at Ivev, Division Eneincer Project Namc: Bridee 82 on NC 47 over Lick Creelc Datc Verification Issued: 1/22/2018 Project Managey: Monte Mattliews Upan completion of the activity authorized by this permit ancl xny mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and rehu•n it to tl�e following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Attn: Monte Matthews R�leigh Regulato�y Office U.S Army Corps of �ngineers 3331 Heirtage Tade Drive, Suite 105 Walce F'orest, No►•th C�rolina 29587 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a complit�nce inspection by a U, S, Army Corps of �nginecrs representative. Failw•e to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in thc Corps suspeuding, modifying or revolcing the autho�•ization �nd/or issuing a Class I aciministrative penalty, or initiating other Appropriate Iegal nction. 1 hereby certify that the rvm•]c authorized Uy thc above refcrenced permit has been cotupleted in acca�d�ncc with the terms and condition of the said permit, and required mitigatia� was completed in nccordance fvith thc permit conditions. � ___ S�gna ure f rmittee a� ate � &""'., .,;5 3 ,? �;,; . `_'r'�'`'. ROY COOPER u�,���•, ��„�� MICFIAEL S. REGAN Srri.tru_r Fnviror�nten(al LINDA CULPEPPER i�UO�(i�' Inidriur l)irn�ur rl � ( NCD�VR Projec[ No.: ��J �_. 17 � Cnuntv: .r,OG..U���.._ 'i T t��1��IC�11I: ����. ���1`rJ"U'%i__� _ __ _ . Project �ame. a �� .�li�i� ���-- -���� — — � .}� D;�tc of Issuancc oT d01 �V,itcr Quality Ccrtiticalion: \��,,�� �I, ����__.._. - —�7 "'�` L -\ - Certifcate of Complction Upon eompletion of all ���ork approved within ihe 401 Wnter Qualiq� Cerii(icetion or applicable l3uRer Kules, and any subsequent modifica�ions. tho npplic�nt is required to raturn ihis ceriificnte to the d01 Transportation Permi�tin� Unit, North Carolina Division nF N�ater Resources, 1617 Mail Servicc Ccnler, Raleieh. NC, 2 7699-1 6 1 7. This form mav be relurned ro NCDWR by the applicant, Ihz applicant's authorized agent, or Ihe project engineer. It is not necessan� to send certificates from all of �hese. App 'cnn!'s Cerlificalinn \ , �, - LL c`✓ , hereb�� statc that, to the bes� of my abiliiics, due c2re and dilieence �vas i ed in ie observation of the construction sueh that ih� eonstruction was oliserved to be built within substantial compliance and intenl of the d01 Water Quality Ceititicaiion and Ru(fer Rulcs. tht approved plans ond speci�icationsy�ndothe���materiais. _ - — Signaturc: Datc: ����� �-- l tiAe��!'s Cer/ifiralion �, , herebp state that, to ihe best of my abilities, duc care and diligence �cas used in the observation of Ihe construction such �hat the consuuction �vns observed to be buil� within sub,tantial coinpliance and inlenl ol lhe d01 Water Quality Certifcation �md [3ufler Rules, the approved plans �itd specificalions, and other suppurtin� materials. Sieneture: tl�glneer's Cer(ificnlron Pailial Date: Pin�l �, , as a duly regis�ercd ProFessional F,n�ineer in the Stnte of Nor�h Carolina. havin�. been authorized tu obsen-e (periodicall��. �ceekl��, tull timc) the construetion of the proiect for the Pennittee hereb�� state th;ii. io the best of my abilities, Aue cnre and diligence ��ns used in die obseiv�tion of the eonstruetion sueh �hat �he cunstruetion �c�s observed to be built �cithin substaniial eompliance znd intent of die 401 Water Qualiq� Certilication and Buffer Rules, the nppruvcd plans and specitications, and other supponing materials. Sign�ture -- Datc --- — Registration No. Stalc u( �onh CuruLna I ����irnnmemal Quvlih I ��I7 �I.id tirn I.c Cinf.f I Hnkleh. AUnh CufnllnJ 29G99� I G I7 Eh :�.... ,. .. � __ . .