HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00078766From: Lucas, Jill K8 [/D=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADM|N|STRATVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=71D7FC41OG]94[G0A5E554CCZ79COD72-JK8LUCAS] Sent: 6/20/I0I78:I3:33PW1 To: noe|santI06@Xmaiicom Subject: RE: Cape Fear River - Chemours Permit Mr. santorelli: on behalf of secretary Regan, thank you for your email about chemnurs and oenx. He is reviewing all emails' as well as summaries of citizen phone calls' as part of his investigation into this matter. z will do my best to address your questions and comments, but please understand that z may not be able to do so fully at this time. This week' the Department of Environmental quality (osQ) began collecting water samples to better understand current conditions and take appropriate action. while there is a low health risk associated with Genx, os0 has strongly encouraged chemours to identify any measures that can be taken to reduce or eliminate the discharges of the chemical to the cape pear River until the state completes its investigation. Additionally, osQ also is pushing the Environmental Protection Agency to provide regulatory guidance on aenx' which is an unregulated contaminant. osO appreciates the diverse impacts this matter may have on the greater Wilmington community. As part of a broad effort to keep citizens informed as we move forward' we will be launching a nebsite this week to share information about Genx. The page is not yet active but will be easily found from our landing page at https://deq.nc.gov/ . Again' thank you for contacting ocQ about this matter. 3ill Lucas _ 3ill warren Lucas Public Information officer North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air quality office: 919.707.8446 Cell: 984.232.I2I8 zill.Lucas@ncdenr.guv Physical: 217 west 3ones street mail: 164I mail Service center Raleigh, mc 27699-164I Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ---original message --- prom: Noel santorelli [mailtn:noelsantI06@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, zune 19, 2017 8:36 pm To: Regan, Michael s <michael.neganwncdenr.gov, subject: cape pear River - chemnurs permit Mr. Regan: can you please tell me why chenmurs has not been instructed to cease all immediate discharge/pollution in the cape fear river? chemuurs' blatant' unapologetic disregard for the health of 250,000+ lives of those who drink water pulled from that river is beyond disturbing. Let's call it what is, at a minimum - it's manslaughter - reckless disregard for 250,000+ lives. Forget my questions of why head executives at chenmurs are not in jail right now .... can you please just tell me xow in the he** this chemical polluting company, who is in violation of at least one, if not many' aspects of its permit' has not been oRosnso to shut down already? And my next question is how in the he** is the state of wc government amenable to allow such a permit to pollute in the first place, even if it was in full compliance? The supreme court has clearly stated that States are free to impose stricter environmental protection laws than that as required by the Federal government.... there's no reason why new mc legislation should not be created' and passed, to ensure that this level of pollution to drinking water never happens again' by any company. Thank you in advance for your response. Yours, Noel Santorelli Sent from my iPhone DEQ-CFW 00078767