HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00078755From: Lucas, Jill K8 [/D=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADM|N|STRATVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=71D7FC41OG]94[G0A5E554CCZ79COD72-JK8LUCAS] Sent: 6/20/I0I77:52:00PW1 To: nnbratzher@Xmai|.com Subject: RE: Chemours On behalf of Secretary Regan, thank you for your email about Chemours and GenX, and for sharing your concerns about your young family. Secretary Regan is reviewing all emails, as well as summaries of citizen phone calls, as part of his investigation into this matter. | will domybest toaddress your questions and comments, but please understand that | may not beable todosofully atthis time. This week, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) began collecting water samples to better understand current conditions and take appropriate action. While there is a |ovv health risk associated with GenX, DEC\has strongly encouraged Chemours to identify any measures that can be taken to reduce or eliminate the discharges of the chemical to the Cape Fear River until the state completes its investigation. Additionally, DEQ also is pushing the Environmental Protection Agency to provide regulatory guidance on GenX, which is an unregulated contaminant. D8Qappreciates the diverse impacts this matter may have onthe greater Wilmington community. Aapart ofabroad effort to keep citizens informed as we move forward, we will be launching vvebsitethis week to share information about GenX. The page is not yet active but will be easily found from our landing page at Again, thank you for contacting DEQabout this matter. Jill Lucas _ Jill Warren Lucas Public Information Officer North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental CWa|ky Division ofAir Quality Ofhce:919JO7.8446 [eU:984J3I1Zl8 Physical: 217West Jones Street Mail: 1641 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1641 &'mu §n�/ �anz�na�yb�oReoo/doLsvvan�/nsybad/a�oam�kz����ax�ex From: Mark Bratcher Sent: Tuesday, June 2O,2O17lU:54AM To: Regan, Michael S Subject:[hemours Dear Mr. Regan, I am a resident of Wilmington and I'm very disturbed and frightened by the recent disclosure that the Chemours Company has been legally dumping compounds into our water supply that have effects that are poorly understood. I have a two year old daughter Nora, she has been drinking that water, my wife was drinking it while she was pregnant. I never worried about our municipal water supply as I had faith that our City, County, and State had our best interest in mind when making decisions about things as important as clean, safe water. I no longer have that faith, it has been replaced with fear, fear that as long as no one finds out a blind eye will be turned by those who do not have any skin in the game and no regard for the health and wellbeing of the residents whom they are affecting. I would you to imagine what would go through your mind if you found that the water your family is drinking may be harming them and you have no way to undo the damage or any real options to penalize those responsible. I think it is reprehensible that the NC DENR has not put a stop to the discharge, we the citizens of Wilmington will use any legal means necessary to put a stop to this and you can be assured that we will not be deterred from such actions. I was once very proud to born and bread in North Carolina, but that pride is being eroding daily by steady stream of effluent from Raleigh. Robert M. Bratcher DEQ-CFW-00078756