HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00078702Questions and Answers about GenX Statement from DEQ Secretary Michael Regan: DB0ix strongly Cboo/ouo,the company ibu mthe cboo/�ulko�dumbdu processes u(ds �N�� oFayetteville, Widentify any measures that can botaken toreduce meliminate the discharges of the chemical (othe river until the state be�vc investigation. the Prni�1ixnAgency io onGonX. Safety of drinking water statement: Based onthe best availableenvironmental data from sampling inJ0l3and 2O|4,DlBBSdetermined there was ulow health risk associated with exposure tothe compound o1those levels Asouoh.DEOho|iovuo this is a low ii sk situation. However, we are collecting additional environmental data to analyze current conditions. DII0will provide this environmental data to DHUHBinassess the level of risk. What is GenX? {}cn}{refers toaprocess that generates afanJvofohondccde,b�o|udinuBD�p0DbmorAcid. Gon}{ioa toxicity than previous products. Gon}<iamanufactured inu process to phase out the use of PFOA and PFOS (sometimes referred to as C8). These chemicals are used to manufacture Teflon, and fluorochemical products such as Chemours Teflon. These are synthetic resins which may be used to coat nonstick surfaces, such as cookware, stain -resistant textiles and other products. Is Genunder the wastewater permit issued toChemours? Currently there are no State or Federal criteria for the regulation of the GenX compound. Without that information, developing an adequate limitation orregulation iadifficult. This iawhy there ionmregulation or limitation of the GenX compound in the wastewater permit. How long has the state known that Chemours was discharging GenX? /\Chumourorepresentative met with [)BUpermitting staff in2O09todiscuss changes inprocesses a1its facility. The god was to eliminate the use ofuPF[)A, acompound noted Lo cause certain cancers in highly exposed populations and replace it with a lower toxicity compound called HFPO Dimer Acid, a compound inthe Gcn}{process. Modeling provided byChcnnoumestablished health dokmuch lower than dboPFO/k. 0Wyou recommend that wedrink bottled water? With the low health risk associated with the level ofGenXiu drinking wuter, dimnot noceouaryLo consume bottled water. Note that bottled water comes from uvariety of sources including public water When did the state learn about the NCS0GmnXstudy? Dr. [)d|cfKnunnpo,professor ofCivil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at NC State University, is one of the lead authors ofthe study thatidenti�y the presence nfGenX. He shared the study with Df%)staff inNovcn/hor20|6.8io important tobear inmind the study focuses onun unregulated, emerging contaminant for which there iovery little research. The study was produced inconjunction nith EPA and reflects the importance ofemerging technologies. lUionot unusual for unregulated oon1ondnunLo to come to light as analytical technology gets better at detecting them. How are drinking water standards developed? North Carolina has adopted federal standards for drinking water. EPA has conducted three rounds of testing for its Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule, which looks at chemicals in drinking water across the [T.8. Data from the monitoring iohelpful indeveloping rules uothe number ofoccurrences and health data indicate n:gu|obone an: warranted. EPA uses ooveod factors in its nu|onuokinR, including removal oFUcionoicm and costs in the bcdoud Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCl.o). What bymeant hvuu"emerging ooutuumbmunt-oroommpoond? EPA, under the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (lJCMR),gathers data about select unregulated contaminants todetermine the prevalence and levels o1 drinking water facilities inthe nation. When combined with relevant health effect studies, the data ioused tohelp EPA determine if regulationio necessary, and if so, at what levels. The web page for the overall program andmonitoring data can bofound at: The data sets for UCMR3are available for download ofthe EPA web page at: The list ofcontaminants which will hemonitored next, inthe lJCMR4,can heviewed at: httox:/hwnxw. Why didn't 0NE0/takes steps toprevent GenXdischarge? As an unregulated compound, there are no state or federal dninking water standards Lo rombic1GonX in its wastewater permit. However, there are regulations for the manufacturing manufacture ofthe chemical, which are enforced hyEPA. Why can't 0NE0/shut down the plant? DEQ cannot shut down a facility unless it poses an imminent health threat and/or violates terms of its permit. Typically, DEQ uses injunctive relief when an imminent health threat is identified. Why mm^t testing be done utEPA buRTP? The EPA campus iuB3Pionot designed to produce analysesonahigh volume basis. They typically are involved inresearch where amore limited number ofsamples may bohandle. /\ laboratory located in in Colorado ioprepared to analyze for the presence of(]onXinsamples being collected. 'Me USEPA has been consulted , and .... ??Yvvowill seek confirmation ofsample results. What is the state doing toreduce ureliminate the discharge of the chemical? T}80io strongly encouragingChomouro&xfind ways tolimit how much ofthe chemical iodischarged. Ln samples at thepoint source, determine current levels and identify methods toreduce oreliminate 0knw did 0NHHScome op with the temporary guidanceunexposure? Using bnfhnnotionfrom a previousDutch study, [)HBSran models based moits established protocol. The health risk evaluations addresses water consumption issues only. Can the state take action againstt6e company orclose the Wid�no1k1�nd�ou1ouofbmnubu�n�b�uldhdbroaL0E0cunooLa�okfacility? juodvorelief against ucompany operating nddh��thoboundoofdopurnr�� Chun�our ionotinrio|udonofomypurnr�.The chemical compound in question is unregulated and, therefore, not addressed in any permitsheld hvthe facility. Additionally, the current health risk evaluation, based mo20|3and 20|4 sampling data, indicates a low risk situation. DGOimencouraging Chemours tofind ways tolimit how much ofthe chemical iodischarged. Ln addition to o1duwater yonnk�bu�keo,ourtoanuowiUho ,rdbChonuour to analyze uon�n|oou1de source, determine current levels and identify methods toreduce oreliminate How will the state evaluate the current safety of drinking water? Are other public water systems affected? D80ioworking with uqualified lab bnthe lJ.8.that can analyze for this compound u1extremely low levels. Reports generated from three sets of samples conducted over a three-week period, beginning on Juno |A,will define the status ofpotontioitoxicity levels. |naddition, rrc are strongly encouraging Chemours to minimize the amount of GenX released from the facility. Will you add GenX into their the next Chemwwrs wastewater permit? The permit currently ioupfor renewal. D80will take uclose look u1all topicsrelevant noregulation. Once the sampling is completedand results studied, I)B()staff will consider all options, including monitoring or limiting discharge. When will the state have test results? The testing buub� expedited Tho���tomL mukmehoukihoreceived abouL ponoouu onoxpoun� � results four weeks after the lab receives the samples. Additional results from subsequent sampling will follow. Multiple aoouplee are essential to developing uoonuprohouaivo picture of conditions and to further evaluate potential health impacts. 0okneed toworry about moy ? we are not aware of impacts. However, we are planning totest the groundwater public water supply source in Wrightsville8cachduotodupm to the Aquifer Supply Recovery well, which has received water from the pub] iowater supply system. If health impacts are observed, who will be held responsible? Atthe state level, veare evaluating all optionsLoreduce and eliminate public health threats. Weare working with EPA to advocate for additional health studies todetermine appropriate regulatory levels. Weare strongly encouraging the facility inreduce discharge atthe plant site. All involved parties have u DEQ-CFW 00078705