HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00078248From: John Nichols [John.Nichols@brunswicl<countync.gov] Sent: 6/14/2017 1:18:13 PM To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=cee93c49d01445a3b541bb327dcdc840-jbkritzer] CC: Glenn Walker [Glenn.Walker@brunswickcountync.gov]; Donald Dixon [Donald.Dixon@brunswickcountync.gov] Subject: RE: Bruns. Co. PUD is waiting for the State's determination on GenX Jamie., Dut-inn a conference c,ll with New anovet- County it was meniJoned i:hai: DEQ had identified two facilities that test for GENX, one in Colora o and one in Canada, Can you provide mewith the contact i€-€for€ration for these laboratories; Also, who would be my contact in DEQ to speak with concerning technical GENX issues? I also have an information request.... Can you please fo€wwd me thedischare permit for the Chemours facility' I'he original and renewals arc, requested i appreciate your assistance with this. .i. ank you, 916-2-51-2653 To: 'Kritzer, Jamie' <jamie.kritzer@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Glenn Walker <glenn.walker@brunswickcountync.gov>; Donald Dixon<donald.dixon@brunswickcountync.gov> Subject: RE: Bruns. Co. PUD is waiting for the State's determination on GenX Jamie, Thank you for your response. Please let us know as soon as possible the results of your discussions with Chemours and if you receive additional information from EPA. Thank you, �a `Y',&,f, PE, C P E S C 910-253-2653 From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 7:02 PM To: John Nichols <John,.Nic�iolsralbo�nswickcOLO ntyn� , z�y> ........................ Cc: Glenn Walker <Glenn.;� ,—)Ikor-Shr€i€i.swickco€�tti: €3c. ov>; Donald Dixon <Dorial€i.Dixo€'3-re,)�)€-�inFwick(:ourit: rlc, ov> Subject: RE: Bruns. Co. PUD is waiting for the State's determination on GenX John, Thanks for the email. We certainly understand the public concerns surrounding the issue with GenX and are working with the EPA and others to learn more about the chemical compound and any potential impacts it may have. It's important for the public to know that drinking water for people in the Lower Cape Fear Region meets all state and federal drinking water standards. DEQ-CFW 00078248 EPA has established standards for many impacting water quality and public health. North Carolina and other states are incommunication with EPA oufiodberguidance and research ie developed that willprovide the state Department ofEnvironmental Quality with the information needed tobegin developing limits fhr{}on}{. The EPA iethe sole agencyresponsible for establishing drinking water standards nationwide and has extensive resources necessary todetermine the nature, extent andpotential impacts ofchemicals such uo(}onX.When EPA establishes guidance foremerging contaminants such ao[enX'this triggers the process used hvEPA and states like North Carolina to develop regulations for these contaminants. We recognize that the regulatory process can sometimes take considerable time. While neare awaiting' from the BP/\ staff inDf;3 will be working with ChomouroLo assess waste etrououacontaining GenXand determine if the company can reduce the amount ofthe chemical being discharged to the river. Weare also working closely with our staff and health experts u1the N.C. Department ofHealth and Human Services tostay abreast ofany new developments from the numerous interested stakeholders so we can take swift action to address public health concerns. Our No. 1priority in DEQ is to protect public health and the environment. That is the mission that guides us. Please feel free toreach out tonua1 ' or9|9'?O7'8602ifyou have questions, concerns orsuggestions. l look fbovurdLoworking with you. 'oy N��h�ann0na�o�0���:nn%�Lmw/an�xnn�b����n���h7�n�Y/xa��� From: John Nichols Sent: Friday, June O9 20175,47 PM To: Kritzer, Jamie Cc: Glenn Walker Donald Dixon Subject: FVV: Bruns. Co. PUD iswaiting for the SLate'sdetermination on GenX Jamie, Lauren indicated below that you may beasource for additional information or) the 5ENX topic. Doyou have any additional information? P E, C P E S C Director —Brunswick County Public Utilities 810-253-2553 Fronm:P|ummer,Lauren Sent: Friday, June O9 I0174:5IPK4 Cc: John Nichols Donald Godrea4]essica Mid8ette,Robert Raynor, Linda Proctor, Steve Subject: RE: Bruns. Co. PUD iswaiting for the State'sdetermination on GenX Mr. Walker, Per our phone conversation I have spoken with my supervisor Ms. Linda Raynor, as well as Ms. Jessica Godreau the Public Water Supply Section Chief and Mr. Bob Midgette the Operations Branch Manager, concerning your query. Ultimately, the Public Water Supply Section is a regulatory program and we work to ensure compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDVVA). We are not a research program, and we have no knowledge regarding the existence or potential significance of chemicals, such as GenX, that are not regulated by the SDWA. In the interim, Ms. Godreau suggested that you utilize the EPA'u Safe Drinking Water Hotline. The Safe Drinking Water Hotline toll free number is 1-800-426-4791. Mr. Jamie Kritzer, the North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality Communications Director, may also be resource for statement's related tothe GenXarticle. Hecan bereached via email at if you have any further questions or concerns regarding this matter. Lauren A. Raup-Plummer, PE Public Water Supply Section Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 918-707-8081 —Office Q18-7Q7-8100—Main Number Mailing: 1834Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 276991634 Physical: 512N. Salisbury Street, Rm. i323E RaiaiQh, NC 27604-1170 £oa oun, is, Las/anda y b e ooR,,�aad' fb��jo,erb`�� 3 From: Glenn Walker Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:04 PM To: P|ummer,Launen Cc: John Nichols Donald Dixon Subject: Bruns. Co. PUD is waiting for the State's determination on GenX Lauren, Thank you for speaking with me today in regards to the GenX compound that has been detected in the Cape Fear River atour raw water intake near Lock and Dam #l. Per our conversation | understand that Ms. Linda Raynor, Jessica 6odreau and Steve Proctor are all in discussions with the EPA in regards to what steps water systems may need to take (if any) in order to safe guard the public's health, but have yet to make any statement. Please contact Brunswick County Public Utilities at the first opportunity via email when they have made some sort of determination in regards to this contaminant. Please email our Public Utilities Director John Nichols atyour earliest convenience as|will beout ofthe office June 1»m through June 13~' Water Resources Manager Brunswick County Public Utilities 910-371-3490 PECPESC 910-253-2653 OEQ-CFVV_00078251