HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00078200From: Kritzer, Jamie [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=CEE93C49DO1445A3B541BB327DCDC840-JBKRITZER] Sent: 6/14/2017 4:01:35 AM To: Hobbs, Cindy E [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=544dd4Od92414896864c689e6b8923c9-cehobbs] Subject: FW: Insider for June 14, 2017 From: insider@ncinsider.com Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 12:01:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) To: Kritzer, Jamie Subject: Insider for June 14, 2017 9 Tnday?s lnside�- (PDF) NC1..NS1DER,11.,- STATE GOVERN:MEINT NEWS SERVICE "You can get drunk at lo, go to church at 11 and sober up, and go back into the woods at noon with a gun." Sen. Tommy Tucker, R-Union, on House Bill 559, which would expand Sunday Hunting. DEQ-CFW-00078200 News Summary Past Redistricting week,As legislative leaders rejected Gov. Roy Cooper's call for a special session on redistricting last - - Majority Leader• R-Onslow,- • up a map of the Senate district Cooper represented in the 1990.i showed Nash Countyi•ie' f .ff'• swath extending north into Halifax County.I • . .I'• territory through• . • Edgecombe counties.don'tanybody • r draw a map quite like this one," . • Brown,R-Onslow. • ,. is aboutf.is as it gets,and this happe# be our governor'sof in 1990 that drew." Brown was among several Republican legislators who criticized the governor's record on redistricting after Cooper said the GOP had"rigged the system and wrong." Cooper made voters.that comment while calling for a special session to "create districts that are fair for North Carolina Republicans have been quick to point out Democrats typicallydrew mapsto favor their party when they controlled the legislature in past decades. Sen. Andrew Brock, R-Davie, joked that the '90s Cooper Senate district was "abstract art" that should replace the paintings on the walls of the DEQ-CFW 00078201 � • • ' •., * �. - . 1 1 • ' is f ' ` 1 _ •' _, I f . _ �. �. • •. : •, . 'f "i' .I i 1 • � r ! f I • II f' •' • .il� . • • f .f it I f' 1 • i �f i 'f ' Li • - •• -III • - -• • -• i �� � ' . • li'' I •• • 1' . i i I . 1 ' i•f' . f sli • f •I • f. I ••f . i' 'f 1 - jai: • f • i'. • •.• f. • !.. t f• . I• ••f^ �• ref f I . ' . • ' • r�� �i' f li i �' . • • a voiceAs it awaits action in the N.C. House, a bill calling for a legislative study of what constitutes "fair treatment for college stud ent-ath letes" in the UNC system is picking up more outside support. Eleven of the 16 stud ent-govern m ent presidents at the system's universities have signed a lette that endorses the proposed study as "a step in the direction of" giving its college athletes a way • and about such matters as time demands, player 1 their legal rights. East Carolina University's new student -government president, La'Quon Rogers, instigated the move and argues that it makes sense for the state's leaders to get involved. "Nationally, there's discussion 1•.I:1 n about Rogers said.fir: •: to actually be taking action,•, a leg in the discussion, One of flead sponsors,state Sen. 3eff Tarte, • f li remains optimistic about f `• the state Senate on 0 vote. Having support from student leaders, he said, "can't hurt." For now, though, the bill's stuck in the House's rules committee, along . parallel • ' bill I any sortof • r long stay in t committeerules • f . • don'td for . piece of II • studymove at all. But Tarte thinks the get back on d Senate complete • on .l i budget. DEQ-CFW 00078202 f ^ f • I'� I'. . f 1' '.. 1 � :. � f '� . I ' • y. I i. : '. I f • '. '. f ': • f � .' � Ifs _ . f - . �• i • ' f f I • - _r • r � f' III • :f • f^ : ^f f • 1 • ': - I -: - . ' ' I . f ' - ' • '.. f I - r i. i .. I I I : i ' _ ': • • I a - �. *, _. .1' f '' . ^ f. _ I • f f' s' i . f i ' ' 1' ' . I. �fr f �' . i r f r f _ if • I. ' f r i 1� _ _I 1 . f�. r f ff ,i i f • � f_ rl f r • f' 'f f f• i• `� i f •'f f f�- . f •f. �' II-' f f' .f� f f' i f. • - - rI .f' • -f - - • f. '.� .f f'[ I f .I - f' - •. - If i'' • a - - f i' �' - •' f' f I - i ' -f f - _ r 1 r - r r ' f- - - • . f i. - f f1-' i � �- • ffr � f f1- f' • • f '1i' ■ f i - • �- f f it • i - i f f '. 1 I : • i - i - . - • ' ' '. r - :.• ' f i _,.. _ f a r - �. •, � - - .1� -f �f f � f • f i fi f • .III r ' f' i • i • il� f' • r � � ��� • 1 1- • I r a • � i a- f • - DEQ-CFW 00078203 also adds n-w regulations f• , .g therapy businesses i prevent them frombeing used b requirehuman traffickers. "Illicit massage and body -work establishments are the second leading industry for the prevalence of human trafficking" behind escort services, said Sen. Shirley Randleman, R-Wilkes. "In North Carolina, we may be particularly susceptible to this abuse of the law." The N.C. Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy would have a stronger licensing process under the bill, and unlicensed massage services would result in misdemeanor charges. Sexual activity would be banned in the licensed businesses. "We believe that there are no viable options but to ime regulations to make sure massage therapists are licensed and workers protected," Randleman said. The state would also require human trafficking awareness signsto be posted in adult entertainment businesses, businesses that- alcohol, • • I , I and highway rest stops.II would include information about the National• 8 ii helps requirementsSen. Angela Bryant, D-Nash, voiced concerns about a provision in the massage licensing applicants must speaki 'd flag for discrimination for- she said. The bill was developed - i from Lt. Gov.Dan Forest's office, whose attorney,- , -' explained - English requirementthe regulations because the licensing test is in English.said the requirement would also ensure that workers can ,d the human trafficking awareness poster.(Colin Campbell, THE NEWS i OBSERVER, On Tuesday,some , • '• concerns that , bill creating , new criminal offense for vandalizing emergency response equipment doesn't go far enough. Members of the Senate 3udiciary Committee heard House Bill 98, which was sponsored by Rep. Nelson Dollar, R-Wake. The bill establishes th-offense of vandalizing of f with equipmentused by department, •rth Carolina Forestf •' Lawmakers didn't object• the bill,• f some offense could be mo 1i • - i doesn'tmove needle -n.Warren Daniel,• -said. worries,Their • i I • • stop f i • f • • • Rules unanimouslyCommittee for a final hearing before it goes to the floor for debate. HB98 passed the House • INSIDER, • Press Calendar Only one news conference is scheduled in the Legislative Building for Thursday, 3une 14. 11 a.m. Rep. Ed Hanes 3r., D-Forsyth, will hold a press conference on the work the General Assembly done on police and community relations during this session.be joined by Bobby Kimbrough,'d senior specialagent with the U.S. Department of SundayM Legislation to expand Sunday hunting cleared a divided Senate Rules CommitteeTuesday some • supported by religious• • • about the impact on Bill 559, titled "Outdoor Heritage Enhanced," goes beyond a 2015 law legalizing Sunday hunting. If it becomes law, hunters would be allowed to use firearms between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. or Sundays -- when churches are r • • f as they don't • - within 500 yards of a church. Hunters could • hunt migratorybirds,ducks, on • the state'sappointed Wildlife Resources Commission approves the change and sets rules for the practice. The commission wou• conduct a formal• of • report findingsto the legislature. It was unclear if the bill had support from the majority of the committee -- the "nos" sounded louder the but - Rules Chairman Bill Rabon announced that the bill had DEQ-CFW 00078204 � • • • • i .rI • • • •. r - :ilk i t - i' • • •'r 1 f r• • • - rI' r ',• .I . • . 1�� • 'r • • • f i�'i it . • r __ _ t _ _ r • - r' • • MI • 'f -•i _ _ i _ �' .•� • i• - • . • ri • il�i. r • .r • • • a r - • . • . • • �I r • • Drivers DEQ-CFW 00078205 employees. Vi• i i' for moreadministrative roleagency, attaining career status. Vincoli has been pursuing a hearing before the state Office of Administrative Hearings since August 2014, primarily to question state administrative officials about why his it was changed from nonexempt to managerial exempt October termination.change took away Vincoli's rights, and those of another 1,199 state employees, to appeal a Vincoli was fired on Dec. 9, 2013, he claims in relation for a whistleblower legal case he had been pursuing connected to the State HealthPlan. Former DPS Secretary Frank Perry said • position had been .•e obsolete by • Il - •I and was reclassified much -needed nurse director position." • - he was wrongfullydeclared as managerial11 he was wrongfully'f. The N.C. Court of Appeals ruled in November Vincoli had . statutory rightto an OAH hearing.before that hearing could take place, administrativer1` Randolph Warruled against Vincoli.r said his dismissal decision was in part because Vincoli• d: not file his appeal to the appellate• - is in part becausei law authorizing OAH to provide a hearin• under these- been r^ r Vincoli appealed Ward's ruling to the appeals court May 10. He said his third petition includes claims that his attorneys were responsible for not properly filing previous appeals. On March 30, N.C. Sen. 3oyce Krawiec, R-Forsyth, filed a bill that would expand whistleblower protections for state employees to include that whistleblower communications with a local or state regulatorybody are notpublic - •rds. Krawiec said •li's legal case served as a motivationfor Senate Bill 530. The bill has not been heard in committee. In 3uly 2012, then -Gov. Bev Perdue, a Democrat, signed a deal, also inspired by Vincoli's whistleblowing efforts, that contained new protections for people who allege wrongdoing affecting the State Health Plan.(Richard Craver, WINSTON-SALEM• Impact Orange County may have to come up with a newto help pay for• l buildings legislature moves closero repealing the county's• a levy impacton - •- developers. . bill repealing the impact-- •r-r easily through- Finance Committee on Tuesdayonly dissenting votes.•: s er the chargeson i - and family homes. Orange is one of two counties in the state that has the authority to charge impact fees for •a The bill's sponsor, Rep. Sarah Stevens, R-Surry, was motivated by fees charged the developer of Town House Apartments in Chapelsaid were too high. After• passed the continuebill, Orange County rolled back its fees and froze increases for one year. Orange County opposes the bill, and Board of Commissioners Chairman Mark Dorosin said the county should be allowed to 1 • fees while the legislature does a statewide study. Tom Apodaca, formerly an influential senator and now a lobbyist for Town House Apartments, said the legislature • '. 1revoke the •unty's authority. The bill nowgoes ta the SeRules nate i -Bonner,OBSERVER, • Emoluments North•Attorney3osh Stein is reviewing a lawsuit filed this week against Preside Donald Trump for alleged violations of the "emoluments clauses" to decide what, if any, action hi office should Stein spokeswoman Laura Brewer . d that state Department of officials are examining case to see if North• - • `nts have a stake in the issues that Maryland and the District I Columbia are raising in the new lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Greenbelt, Md. "As with all issue f •I i' • i' • • f • • being f • 1 said •. afternoon. capacity"On Monday, attorneys general for Maryland and the District of Columbia sued Trump "in his offici for allegedly .:: r : 1 constitutional restrictionsbarring thenation's• r' from 1 money on - side from. • • •n countries and individual it Brewer• there was no timetable "for when the reviewbe completeby D03 i DEQ-CFW 00078206 r • r •'• ' f• ''i r • • -f r it r' f . • i. r • fI• f • .r•I •. • ► rl - • • ! . .f• • i r ■#' •ir^ • i- 'r .f • r • ' ^r r • rI l • :. r rf' • ., r � o f r i r • i f i i '• ill Ir • :. • ^ • • f :. •r- 'r - .rr. - r-- r. -r - r• r i - -. i r • •f ri r r • r • • f-. iIr' • f i • i - • - f - - -• as r • • r- • - - - - w w. • .-! • r• • • - r • . i - • r r. r • - r f - fI r� - 'r r -•i- l-r. � r • - - r r• • - - -. ' f f -. ' • r -• i r- - -•' '• •rfi r •- - •i•r • i i - f i • !' -r r• • • r r • r ' •� • r � i r i i r' Staff Reductions stampThe 2017-18 Guilford County Schools' budget calls for a net loss of 139.5 staff positions, according to information obtained by the News & Record. School board leaders gave the budget plan their of approval this sI! • presentations assistedThe News & Record pieced together the figure from a series of interviews and emailed requests, by district staff who signed off on - final number. This is r layoffor r r raccordingI• Chief Financial• Angie Henry and Chief of Staff Noraposition,not personnelsaid. In a large district, many people -. g or retiring in any given year, they expect r be able • shift people around to keep them employed, despite the staffing decrease. Right now,-• ••I • like it will give smaller salary increases for- a other school -based staff than what Gov.Roy Cooperproposed. The district's based on f sure teachers and other - paid by - get the same raises as those in their same employment category who are paid by the state.(3essie Pounds, GREENSBORO NEWS & RECORD, • DEQ-CFW 00078207 GenX Risk -' "expected r pose . low risk to according • . Monday memo fthe rom -f. of • Occupational ana Environmental Epidemiology Branch. The • is based on - of . f' and reporting on GenX, which belongs t• a risky familyof • r -• compounds, manufactured at Chemours' levelFayetteville Works plant and has been found in the Cape Fear River on three separate occasions in recent years. Referenced in the report is a two-year chronic toxicity and cancer study conducted on rats, in which the maximum of fr for -f• -• . • f 'f f.levelaccording • the DHHS memo, corresponds to 70,909 ng/L of "Based on U.S. risk assessment calculations," the memo said, "this corresponds to a concentration in drinking water of 0 ng/L of more 00 time greater than the mean value of 631 ng/Ldetected in the Cape Fear River." The • also notes the effects of •wn. Those unanswered questions are what continue to worry manyof •rth Carolina Wilmington's Larry Cahoon. "With novel substances like this," Cahoon said, "precautionary principle says don't use us as .1 rats."(Adam Wagner,• AR • An Asheville charity of - begin construction• on advocates say wil alter the landscape for homeless women and children. Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry will break ground on r •n Village project 3une 29. The facility is set to hav 1 beds for• - r and their families. Therebe • two -bedroom apartmen on 24 acres near the Asheville Outlets. The project will triple the nonprofit's capacity to house homeless r i children.also feature playgrounds, greenways and outdoor recreationalone of •- emergency, • and permanent supportive • • facilities for• - •men and children in NorthCarolina,f the Rev. ScottRogers, ABCCM executivedirector. C• • • the first phase is expected • take one Walton,s The National Wildlife Federation has named Morganton conservationist Richard Mode the winner of its National Conservation Leadership Award. The award ceremony took place last weekend at the federation's • in Stevenson, de's four decades or to rally hunters, anglers, and wildlife enthusiasts to support policies protect s•- places and wildlife. Mode is a board member of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation and has served for • - than two decades -f - to the nationalgroup. H- also a past president an• board chair of founder of o.f Henderson,"CHARLOTTEOBSERVER, • Dog Vaccines County,Dog owners should get their pets vaccinated now before Canine Influenza is reported in Orange - officials said Tuesday. The highly• .f !• •' called Canine Flu, can be spread through close proximity to infected dogs. Two fatal cases of have been • -r in North• according • Rollins Laboratories,• • • - in the Raleigh area anf the other in Morehead City. The Northr -rinary Medical Association also reports confirmed cases in Carteret, Rockingham,- and Davidson counties.Dogs carry and spread the virus without showing any symptoms, Orange County Animal Services officials said.ms, which typically showtwo to four days of frinclude coughing, decreased appetite, lethargy, eye discharge, nasal discharge and fever. The best prevention is vaccinating your dogs, animal services officials said.(Tammy Grubb, THE NEWS & OBSERVER, • Moving On Kay Peninger, who is credited with the comeback of Charlotte Museum of History after it was hit hard by •'I i for a •f at the Museum of Bible opens DEQ-CFW 00078208 Washington. director of • r for - of - Bible, led by Tony Zeiss, the longtime leader of Central Piedmont Community College. Peninger, the president r CEO of • - Museum of -r the museum for• - Peninger broadened interpretationof • to include the contributionsfrom - and the Catawbarian Nation. Previously,had just includedop-. • . •colonial times. Peninger was also an advocate for the larger issue of preservation in the Charlotte area and organized merger •Charlotte,• r •fit focused on preservation. expects to announce the new president • to six months.(3amieGwaltney, ■ • Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Tuesday, June 13, 2017 What Tuesday, - 1 �:: ::Y:: p::�::;A: ; :K. �:1 in the House : :.:: ':�. �:�' , o SB 41 (Cook) MARINE AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT ACT • Ratified o HB 59 (Brawley, W.) REVENUE LAWS TECHNICAL CHANGES o HB 158 (Saine) SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS/CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE • Re -ref Com On Elections and Ethics Law o B 486 (Brock) UNIFORM VOTING HOURS ACT • Re -ref Com On Environment o SB 205 (Cook) RESOLUTION TO ALLOW SAV OYSTER LEASING o SB 434 (Sanderson) AMEND ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS 2 • Re -ref Com On Regulatory Reform o HB 581 (Lewis) REVISIONS TO OUTDOOR ADVERTISING LAWS • Re -ref to Com on Health o B 161 (Hise) CONFORMING CHANGES LME/MCO GRIEVANCES/APPEALS o SB 38 (Hise) NOTICE OF MEDICAID SPA SUBMISSIONS o SB 383 (Krawiec) BEHAV. HEALTH CRISIS EMS TRANSPORTS/MEDICAID o SB 630 (Hise) REVISE IVC LAWS TO IMPROVE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH • Re -referred To House Committee On Education - K-12 o SB 169 (Berger, P.) TEACHING EXCELLENCE BONUS EXPANSION • Re -referred To House Committee On Education - Universities o B 521 (Curtis) UNC/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OFFICER • Re -referred To House Committee On Finance o SB 126 (Brown, H.) CHANGE THE LOST ADJUSTMENT FACTOR o SB 261 (Brock) KANNAPOLIS DEANNEXATION • Re -referred To House Committee On Finance , if favorable, Commerce and Job Development o SB 660 (Brown, H.) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES MODIFICATIONS • Re -referred To House Committee On Insurance o B 41(Bishop) CLARIFY DEF'N. OF COLLECTION AGENCY • Re -referred To House Committee On Judiciary I o SB 104 (Tillman) REQUIRE CRIMINAL BGC/PHARMACIST LICENSURE o SB 388 (Randleman) INCAPACITY TO PROCEED o SB 4 (Bishop) CLARIFY WORKERS' COMP. POLICY CANCELLATION o SB 569 (Daniel) UNIFORM POWER OF ATTORNEY ACT • Re -referred To House Committee On Judiciary II DEQ-CFW 00078209 What Happened in the Senate Tuesday® June 13, 2017 Passed 1st Reading o SB 410 (Cook) MARINE AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT ACT Ratified DEQ-CFW 00078210 o HB 59 (Brawley, W.) REVENUE LAWS TECHNICAL CHANGES o HB 158 (Saine) SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS/CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE • Re -ref Com On Elections and Ethics Law o SB 486 (Brock) UNIFORM VOTING HOURS ACT • Re -ref Com On Environment o SB 20 (Cook) RESOLUTION TO ALLOW SAV OYSTER LEASING o Sly 434 (Sanderson) AMEND ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS 2 • Re -ref Com On Regulatory Reform o HB 581 (Lewis) REVISIONS TO OUTDOOR ADVERTISING LAWS • Re -ref to Com on Health o SB 161 (Hise) CONFORMING CHANGES LME/MCO GRIEVANCES/APPEALS o SB 3 (Hise) NOTICE OF MEDICAID SPA SUBMISSIONS o SB 383 (Krawiec) BEHAV. HEALTH CRISIS EMS TRANSPORTS/MEDICAID o Sly 630 (Hise) REVISE IVC LAWS TO IMPROVE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH • Re -referred To House Committee On Education - K-12 o SB 169 (Berger, P.) TEACHING EXCELLENCE BONUS EXPANSION • Re -referred To House Committee On Education - Universities o SB 521 (Curtis) UNC/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OFFICER • Re -referred To House Committee On Finance o SB 126 (Brown, H.) CHANGE THE LOST ADJUSTMENT FACTOR o Sly 261 (Brock) KANNAPOLIS DEANNEXATION • Re -referred To House Committee On Finance , if favorable, Commerce and Job Development o B 660 (Brown, H.) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES MODIFICATIONS • Re -referred To House Committee On Insurance o SB 415 (Bishop) CLARIFY DEF'N. OF COLLECTION AGENCY • Re -referred To House Committee On Judiciary I o SB 104 (Tillman) REQUIRE CRIMINAL BGC/PHARMACIST LICENSURE o Sly 388 (Randleman) INCAPACITY TO PROCEED o Sly 48 (Bishop) CLARIFY WORKERS' COMP. POLICY CANCELLATION o B 56 (Daniel) UNIFORM POWER OF ATTORNEY ACT • Re -referred To House Committee On Judiciary II o SB 3 (Britt) AMEND DRUG LAWS/ELLISON V. TREADWAY o SB 445 (Tucker) EXPUNGEMENT PROCESS MODIFICATIONS • Re -referred To House Committee On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House o SB 224 (Jackson, 3.) INCLUDE B/E WITH INTENT TO TERRORIZE IN HB/E • Re -referred To House Committee On Transportation o SB 3 (Rabon) DOT/DMV CHANGES • Re -referred To House Committee On Wildlife Resources o SB 249 (McInnis) COYOTE BOUNTY PILOT PROGRAM • Referred To House Committee On Agriculture o SB 410 (Cook) MARINE AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT ACT • Regular Message Received From Senate o Sly 5 (Barefoot) EXCELLENT EDUCATORS FOR EVERY CLASSROOM o B 615 (Jackson, B.) NORTH CAROLINA FARM ACT OF 2017 • Serial Referral to Finance added o SB 105 (Britt) FAIRMONT VOL. ANNEX.; TROUTMAN LAND USE REG o SB 181 (Lowe) AMEND W-S CHARTER/CERTAIN CANDIDATES o SB 21 (Sanderson) INDIAN BEACH ANNEX/MOREHEAD CITY CHARTER CHGS o SB 2 (Barefoot) WAKE FOREST ANNEXATION • Serial Referral To Regulatory Reform Stricken o B 42 (Hise) REDUCE COST & REG. BURDEN/HOSP. CONSTRUCTION • Serial Referral To Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House Added o HB 900 (Ross, S.) SAFE INFRASTRUCTURE & LOW PROPERTY TAX ACT • Serial Referral To Wildlife Resources Added o SB 217 (McInnis) RICH MOND/RIGHT-OF-WAY SAFETY • Withdrawn From Com DEQ-CFW 00078211 REVISIONSO OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (' bon) DCHANGES • (Brown, ' • AD3USTMENT FACTOR • CONFORMING CHANGES• G . a ES/APPEALS • SB 169 (Berger, P.) TEACHING EXCELLENCE BONUS EXPANSION • SB 205 (Cook) RESOLUTION TO ALLOW SAV OYSTER LEASING s i C TO TERRORIZE IN HB/E • SB 249 (McInnis) COYOTE BOUNTY PILOT PROGRAM ick) KANNAPOLIS DEANNEXATION • SB 388 (Randleman) INCAPACITY TO PROCEED (Bishop) A ' i OF •' i' AGENCY • SB 434 (Sanderson) AMEND ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS 2 ick) UNIFORM VOTING• ' ACT • (Bishop) CLARIFY WORKERS'' COMPPOLICY CANCELLATION • SB 521 (Curtis) UNC/EQUAL OPPORTUNITYOFFICER (Daniel) •' POWER OF ATTORNEY LAWS TO IMPROVE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH •wn, H.) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT iDi '' • Tuesday, June 13, 2017 What Happened in Senate Committees ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Tuesday, June 13, 2017 All - Committees •Reported i. i by i Di . OFFENSE/VANDALIZE FI. : EMS EQUIPMENT • HB 406 (Stevens, S.) REPEAL ORANGE COUNTY IMPACT FEES • HB 415 (Boswell) HATTERAS VILLAGE COMMUNITY CENTER DISTRICT •U NTI ES/CON D EM NATIONOF UNSAFE BLDGS/LIENS •Reported i. i by isubstitute • HB 26 (Watford) WORKERS' COMP/APPROVAL OF DISPUTED LEGAL FEES • + • ■ FEE COLLECTIONS • HB 740 (McNeill) SAR RENAME/DISPUTED COUNTY BOUNDARIES/MAPPING DURHAM SPEEDPILOT/SCHOOL ZONES • _man) STRENGTHEN HUMAN• ► a Wednesday, Tam 1 1' DEQ-CFW 00078212 o HB 630 (Boles) RYLAN'S LAW/FAMILY/CHILD PROTECT. & ACC. ACT ,*,ublic Bills -- SECOND AND THIRD READINGS Wednesday, June 14 0 8:30 a.m. • Cancelled -- House Committee on Finance, Subcommittee on Deannexation/Annexation, 631 LOB ■ HIS 37 (Iler) CAROLINA SHORES DEANNEXATION ■ House Committee on Finance, Subcommittee on Occupancy Tax, 544 LOB ■ HB 143 (Sauls) SANFORD AND HARNETT OCCUPANCY TAX ■ HB 211 (Brisson) INCREASE SAMPSON COUNTY OCCUPANCY TAX AUTH ■ HB 282 (Zachary) YADKIN OCCUPANCY TAX MODIFICATION ■ HB 429 (Henson) CITY OF SALUDA OCCUPANCY TAX • Ira 444 (Ford, C.) ROWAN COUNTY MUNICIP. OCCUPANCY TAX AUTH 0 9:00 a.m. ■ House Committee On Finance, 544 LOB ■ HB 89 (Adams) HOUSING AUTHORITY TRANSFERS ■ HB 118 (Setter) U.S. ARMY SPECIAL FORCES REG PLATE/FEES ■ HB 342 (Yarborough) CREEDMOOR CHARTER REVISED & CONSOLIDATED ■ HB 459 (McElraft) CARTERET LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX FOR DREDGING ■ HB 900 (Ross, S.) SAFE INFRASTRUCTURE & LOW PROPERTY TAX ACT ■ SB 122 (Barefoot) REPEAL CENTERVILLE CHARTER • House Committee on State and Local Government 1, 544 LOB CORNELIUS ANNEXATION House• SB 181 (Lowe) AMEND W-S CHARTER/CERTAIN CANDIDATES • SB 219 (Sanderson) INDIAN BEACH ANNEX/MOREHEAD CITY CHARTER CHGS • SB 260 (Barefoot) WAKE FOREST ANNEXATION • - and LocalGovernment • PERMITTING EFFICIENCY ACT OF 2017 • SB 63 (Davis, D.) MILITARY AFFAIRS COMMISSION/STRATEGIC PLAN FAIRMONT VOL.+NNEX.; TROUTMAN LAND USE REG RICH • ! • , SAFETY • SB 244 (Jackson, B.) COASTAL CRESCENT TRAIL/STATE PARKS SYSTEM • SB 253 (Sanderson) CARTERET CO. BD. OF ED. PARTISAN ELECTION • SB 312 (Tarte) SURPLUS COMPUTERS FOR LOW-INCOME STUDENTS House Committee On Regulatory Reform, I. REVISIONS• OUTDOOR ADVERTISING LAWS • SB 16 (Wells) AMEND ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE LAWS 00 P.M. ■ House Committee on Judiciary I, 415 LOB ■ HB 182 (Warren, H.) LEADERSHIP TERM LIMITS ■ HB 566 (Hardister) PRIVATE PROTECTIVE SERVICES CHANGES DEQ-CFW 00078213 PASSING a a j PENALTY House• - on Judiciary• • HB 629 (Alexander, K.) AMEND FUNERAL PROCESSION LAW ., • TO CERTIFY AS + COMPANY POLICE AGENCY • SB 292 (Lee) ORD. VIOLATION/NO AUTO MISDEMEANOR ..:.....:::.: Wednesday, June 14 Immediately • • • the NominationsCommittee - Senate Committee On Rules and Operations of the Senate, 1027/1128 LB • HB 21 (Goodman) DRIVER INSTRUCTION/LAW ENFORCEMENT STOPS • HB 26 (Watford) WORKERS' COMP/APPROVAL OF DISPUTED LEGAL FEES CLARIFY EXPIRATION OF REGISTRATION (Dollar) CRIM.OFFENSE/VANDALIZE ■ i EMS EQUIPMENT • HB 120 (McNeill) NATIONAL GUARD CAN PURCHASE FROM CE • ' FEE COLLECTIONS (Malone) • ' IMAGES TAKEN • CONSENT FROM DISSEMIN • HB 406 (Stevens, S.) REPEAL ORANGE COUNTY IMPACT FEES • HB 707 (Jordan) LIEN AGENT/NOTICE OF CANCELLATION following - Afternoon Session - Senate Select Committee on • •1027/1128 LB • SB 679 (Rabon) CONFIRM STATE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER r :00 Committee- Senate On 643 LOB • HB 243 (Murphy) STRENGTHEN OPIOID MISUSE PREVENTION (STOP)ACT (Dobson) S''i • •' OLDER ADULTS & DHHS STUDY (Dollar) • CLAIMS REPORTING/MENTAL HEALTH AMDTS 11:00 a.m. . Senate Committee on Commerce and Insurance, 1027/1128 LB ■ HB 3 (McElraft) 2017 DOL TECHNICAL CHANGES. -AB • HB 3 (Setter) NAIC MODEL/OWN RISK AND SOLVENCY ASSESSMENT. -AB • B 604 (Sanderson) HOMEMADE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE TASTING PERMIT 0 12:00 p.m. . Senate Committee On Education/Higher Education, 544 LOB ■ HB 90 (Elmore) ELIMINATE NC FINAL EXAM ■ HB 135 (Elmore) TECHNICAL CHANGES TO COURSES OF STUDY STATUTE • HB 149 (Conrad) STUDENTS Wj DYSLEXIA AND DYSCALCULIA • HB 482 (Blackwell) COUNTY COMM. ROLE IN SCHOOL BLDG ACQUISITION ■ HB 532 (Horn) MODIFY UNC LABORATORY SCHOOLS ■ Senate Committee On Transportation, 1027/1128 LB ■ HB 128 (McNeill) PROHIBIT DRONE USE OVER PRISON/JAIL ■ HB 3 (Steinberg) CURRITUCK-DEVELOPER FUNDS FOR ROAD CONSTR • HB 469 (Shepard) REGULATION OF FULLY AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES 0 2:00 p.m. DEQ-CFW 00078214 CommitteeSenate On • REVISE - PENALTIES/ORGANIZED RETAIL THEFT RECORD CHECKS •.n) REQUIRE CRIMINAL'' • SB 622 (Barringer) BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT REVISIONS Other Legislative Studies and Meetings 10 a.m. I The Social Services Commission of DHHS hold public hearing on proposed rule changes, NC DSS McBryde Building 1st floor room 151, 820 South Boylan Ave., Raleigh. 12 i The UNC Campus- • -e: Subcommittee on - f Conference meets, Conference Room B, Spangler Building, Chapel Hill. Contact: 3osh Ellis, a • • • 4• • 8:30 . The State .•. • of - Contractors • • public -. g on proposed -r changes,- Board of Examiners of i rrs, 3101 IndustrialDrive, Suite 0 • Raleigh. - N.C. Rules Review • •meets,Administrative- f office, Rules Review Commission Room, 1711 New Hope Church Road, Raleigh. • • Board of Dental Examiners hold public • on proposed changes, 2000 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 160, Morrisville. • . The state Office of - Commissioner of . • r public e. f on proposed f changes,rule • W. Edentond Floor Hearing Room, Raleigh. changes,2 p.m. I The state Private Protective Services Board hold public hearing on proposed rule PrivateProtective Board, •I Raleigh. f fus Security Committee: Subcommittee on • meets, Conference Room B, Spangler Building, Chapel Hill. Contact: 3osh Ellis, 919-962- • • 165,1116r.1m .' DEQ-CFW 00078215 3:30 i and Audit Committeeof •,rth Carolina State Ports Authori meets via teleconference. The teleconference will be available in the Board Room of th North Carolina- Building located 2202 Burnett •Wilmington. MI-MR71i' 8:30 a.m. I The Fund Development f Communications Committee• oCarolina Partnership for Children,meets,11 Wake ForestRoad, •821-9573. Forest10 a.m. I The North Carolina Partnership for Children Board of Directors meets, 1100 Wake Road, Raleigh. •Yvonne Huntley, 919-• 9 a.m. I The Board of Directors of the North Carolina State Ports Authority meets, Board Room of the North Carolina Maritime Building, 2202 Burnett Blvd., Wilmington. f.m. I The N.C. Commissionfor Public Health• i public hearing on proposed changes,• Room,•15 Six Forks Road, Raleigh. r Tobacco Trust Fund Commission hold public - • on proposed changes,•rth Blount St., Raleigh. r Commission i Public Healthhold public II on proposed changes,• Room,•15 Six Forks Road, Raleigh. 9 a.m. I Environmental Management Commission meets, Ground Floor Hearing Room, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh. 9 a.m. I Environmental Management Commission meets, Ground Floor Hearing Room, Archdale Building, i Raleigh. Hargett9 a.m. I The N.C. Board of Architecture hold public hearing on proposed rule changes, 127 W. 14 Raleigh. a. r - N.C. RulesReview CommissionAdministrative - • office, Rules Review Commission Room, 1711 New Hope Church Road, Raleigh. DEQ—CFW 00078216 a.m. I The N.C. Code Officials . iI Board holds public . •' on proposed - changes, 1st Floor Hearing Room, Room 131 (Albemarle Building), 325 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh. • TBD I The NC Wildlife Resources Commission meets, WRC Centennial Campus, 1751 Varsity Dr., Raleigh. 12 p.m. I The N.C. State Board of Elections hold public hearing on proposed rule changes, State Board of Elections Office, 441 N. Harrington St., Raleigh. TBD I The Golden tFoundation'sboard meets,: • ' .3ennyei. •' 684-8404. 10:30 . The Criminal 3ustice Education and Training Standards Commissionitpublic hearing on proposed rule chan!mmunity College-Pub Training Center, 321 Chapanoke ' • • Raleigh. Review Commissionmeets,Administrative Hearings Review Commission Room, 1711 New Hope Church Road, Raleigh. • a.m. I Environmental.• - • fn meets, Ground Floor Hearing Room, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh. -. I ♦ ..m. I Environmental Managementi •n meets, Ground Floor Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh. `' ` 1 i ` • • `i• �1' ��.i ` • .. i • TBD I The Golden LEAF Foundation's board meets, TBD. Contact: Jenny Tinklepaugh, 888- 684-8404. • TBD I The NC Wildlife Resources Commission meets, WRC Centennial Campus, 1751 Varsity Dr., Raleigh. DEQ-CFW 00078217 • . . • ♦ ..m. I Environmental ManagementCommission • • Floor Archdaled 1 512 N. SalisburyRaleigh. ♦ ..m. I Environmental ManagementCommission • • Floor Archdaled 1 512 N. SalisburyRaleigh. • TBD I The Golden LEAF Foundation's board meets, TBD. Contact: Jenny Tinklepaugh, 888- 684-8404. • CD I The NC WildlifeResources CommissionRaleigh. Rules Review CommissionAdministrative HearingsRules Review Commission Room, 1711 New Hope Church Road, Raleigh. ♦ ..m. I Environmental ManagementCommission • • Floor Archdaled 1 512 N. SalisburyRaleigh. ♦ ..m. I Environmental ManagementCommission • • Floor Archdaled 1 512 N. SalisburyRaleigh. • Staff Conference DEQ-CFW 00078218 9:30 ..m. I EC-43 Sub % Time Warner CableSoutheast Complaint . i f Petitionfor Relief Against 3ones-OnslowI Corp.,Dobbs Commission Hearing Room, 2nd floor, Room 2115. Hearing 9:30 a.m. I EC-49 Sub 55 ... Time Warner Cable Southeast LLC's Verified Complaint and Petition for Relief Against Surry-Yadkin Electric Membership Corp., Dobbs - Commission Room,f floor,Room 2115. . r Time Warner Cable Southeast LLC's Verified Complaint HearingPetition for Relief Against Carteret -Craven Electric Membership Corp., Dobbs - Commissi Room,r floor,'ri Southeast9:30 a.m. I EC-39 Sub 44 ... Request for Resolution for Dispute with Time Warner Cable Regarding Use of Clients Poles, Dobbs• i • Room, 2nd floor,Room . Staff Conference • i • Sub Application fi Rate Case, Dobbs Commission Room, 2nd floor,Room 2115. . Staff Conference . Staff Conference 9:30 a.m. I T-4635 Sub 0 ... Application For Certificate of Exemption to Transport Househo Goods, Difis - Commission Hearing Room, f floor,'ii . Staff Conference . Staff Conference DEQ-CFW 00078219 • Staff Conference y a • a . M1111111"M MUZININ411. i. i i i - • . i . i �. - ii..f • ::i -:i �' i.. i it .i-. a 1'< a 1111 It: a /< ii. K.9mrom i .i Vher Meetings and Events of Interest • 11 a.m. I The N.C. State Farmers Market hosts annual Blueberry Day, 1201 Agriculture St., Raleigh. a D I The NC Bankers• i i 81st Annual NC Schoolof . f William & Id'2 Friday.feinference concludes on Aug. a a DEQ-CFW 00078220 RIM No Time Given I The 77th Annual National Folk Festival opens in Downtown Greensboro for its third year in the state. Contact: Kaitlin Smith, 336-373-7523, ext 246. TBD I The NC Bankers Association hold Young Bankers Conference, Crowne Plaza Asheville Resort, Asheville. "Zo I I If. TBD I The NC Bankers Association hold Women in Banking Conference, Renaissan Charlotte Southpark, 5501 Carnegie Blvd., Charlotte. i Snte News e::r cc�mpbeH, c;,)sd�q-,c—n jz;ZC Z;Z. oTh e IN i, DEQ-CFW-00078221