HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00078180From: Kritzer, Jamie [/D=[XCHANG[LAB5/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=C[E9]C49D01445A]B541B8327DCDCD4O-JBKR|TZ[R] Sent: 6/13/I0I75:57:30PW1 To: Munger, Bridget [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=c54e1f65Ocea49958a5aba689cIO4f61-bcmunXer] Subject: FVV:New Hanover County W1eeting-Thursda)\June, 15,Z017 Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality o"IaLas/anda y b e ooR',�aad' fb��'p,erb'�� 3 From: Young, Sarah Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 2:24 PM To: Kritzer, Jamie <jamie.kritzer@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Young, Sarah <sanah.youn8@nodenr.gov> Subject: New Hanover County Meeting -Thursday, June, 15, 2017 Jamc- ljuataonkctoRuth8nith Communications Director for New Hanover County. Office number: 910-798-7177 Cell number: 910-899-7590 Email: rs Meeting Location: New Hanover County Government Center 23OGovernment Center Drive Administration Suite Lucie Harrell Room #hOl This will be the first office suite to the left when you come in the front doors. Meeting format: 10:30am,l1:15a.no.:Pre-meeting with New Hanover County officials. 11:30 a.zn,l:O0p.cu.: New Hanover County meeting 1:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m. News conference Woody White, New Hanover commission chairman, will lead the meeting with a list of questions for Cnemoura. OEQ-CFVV_00078180 Attendees at the meeting include: New Hanover Counmstaff City ofWilmington staff Brunswick County staff PemdcrCounty staff [ape Fear Public Utility staff Chenmnaataff DEO staff Sample of questions that New Hanover County is asking The ChemounoCompany for the purposes of informing the public: wWhat were the conditions under theT8CA consent order granted to DuPont relative to the manufacturing,procea and distribution ofGon)<? |sthere unorder associated with Chommur use o[the chemical compound? w Were there any limitations under the consent order in regards to discharge of GcnX? * What, if any, responsibility for use of the compound remained with DuPont? Or did it all transfer to Chemours? w Why did Chomour install abatement technology nhcnhdid? What does hdo? If it was intended horecover orrecycle [}cn}{ why is it still showingiothe water? w How long does GcnXlast iowu(or? Does bstay iothe same chemical form? Does bsit onthe bottom ofthe river? * Did Chcmunmknow hwas discharging GonXbefore binstalled abatement technology? * What systems are in place to routinely monitor discharge of GenY, into the water? Did monitoring continue after the installation uIthe abatement technology? w Do you have data that demonstrates reduction in the discharge of GenX since the abatement technology was installed? * Doany permits held byChmoour allow for the discharge o[{}ou}Cinto the 6rm? * Is Cboznourm currently discharging GenX into the river? * What other materials are being discharged into the rbnr?Are all items regulated? � |sthere ocumulative measure ofhow much GonX was discharged into the river before abatement technology and since? � Does DuPont and/or Chemours have health and safety data on GenX and any potential health risks to the drinking water supply at different levels of concentration? Describe the toxicology of the impact iothe body. * Does ChernouruorDuPont know o[any certainty ormethod iofilter orotherwise remove Gen}{from the water supplies? *What iu Ck000urs doing ri8hi now today in thfuture to stop [en}discharge? * What are Chernouruand DuPont doing ioadvance clean-up o[GooJ{iuthe water supply uso{uovv? � Has DuPont and/or Chomour received any type n[not] Gcudonfrom any regulatory body involving the discharge of {}ou}{? |Tso, what are the details o[this/these uod6oaiiou(m)? * Have any local governments made DuPont and/or Chemours aware of their concerns regarding the discharge o[ {}ou}{? |Tso, which local govorunuon1u? * The questions will hcinon format. * This is o closed meeting and the only pool reporter will be Adam Wagner from the Star News who will share information with other media outlets. � There will be no audio or video recording, but city of Wilmington staff will shoot some pictures and film some B-roU. * Congressman Rouzer'mstaff may attend, but the Congressman will not. w There will bennstate nrfederal legislative staff present. The county has a conference call scheduled to update legislators at 2:30 p.m. News conference: The news conference will be down the hall from the meeting. Only oredentiajedmedia will heallowed to attend. OEQ-CFVV_00078181 • Media expected to attend include: 0 WECT o WAAY o Time Warner Cable News o Port City Daily o Star News o Lumina News I told her a decision has not been made on whether DEQ staff will participate. She said Chemours will NOT attend. DEQ-CFW-00078182