HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00054302From: Poupurt,Jeff [/O=NCMAL/OU=[XCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=]EFF. POUPART] Sent: I/4/20I435405PM To: VVood|ietLucia [/b=NCK8A|L/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHF233PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=|uda.wood|ief] Subject: FVV:NCDVVRFYI3IO6VVorkp|anEOYReport Enforcement Attachments NCFY1331O6ENFORCEMENT VVPLAN[OYKpt.docx;EPA IO6 FYI3|nspections Conducted_EOYRpt_TaskIa.x|sx Here is the EPA Compliance Portion of 106 End of Year Report, From: Manuel, Vanessa Sent: Wednesday, December 18,JO1]3:]8PM To: Zimmerman, Jay; K8rOly,Cvndi| Matthews, Matt; Higgins, Karen; Sullivan, Shelton; Bennett, Bradley; Gore, Deborah; Lawson, Christine Cc: POup8Mt,Jeff Attached isthe FYl3lOGVVPeod-of^yearreport for compliance activities, Ifyou note any needed corrections, please let: me know so I can provide a corrected copy to EPA. I appreciate the assistance I received from Shelton, Deborah, and Christine in putting t:his report: together. From: Manuel, Vanessa Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 2:31 PM To: 'Lindquist, Laurie' Cc: 'Tina Lamar'; Poupart, Jeff Hi Laurie, As required by the FY13 106 Workplan, please find attached North Carolina's Compliance/Enforcement portion of the End -of -Year Report. Because I will be taking vacation beginning this Friday, Dec. 20th until after the new year and to ensure we meet the reporting deadline (12/31/2013), 1 am forwarding the EOY report to you early. Please note that because ofthe early submittal and because other staff may be out on vacation and did not have sufficient opportunity to review the report before submittal, I may need to amend the EOY report after the beginning of the year. | hope this isacceptable, and | appreciate your understanding with this request. Ifyou have any questions orneed further information, please contact me. | will return tothe office onMonday, January 6,2014. I MR DOWD." of %**r Resources 0nmsa E. Alannel, Environmental Senior Specialist NCD2NR/Division ofWater Bconuncco/Water Quality pcnoJuingSection Wastewater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 919/807-6392 (wk); 919/807-6489 (fax) ✓f.u...., . >,>+7Y.'.nC'r;, .. `G a .. -9�Jt ,.,; > ..r✓..C+"n, c ,r.l�, �.. N a.Ci f0 ,;,. av Oi`1/f � �5, _ .: f2 t . N ..0 I�,. ; C,� �li 1 t .✓ �, !' .c. s.-,. s..: P.- Jlf � t.-P.�?... DEQ-CFW 00054303