HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00054217From: Templeton, Mike [/O=NCMAIL/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=MIKE.TEMPLETON] Sent: 2/27/2013 12:06:38 AM To: lapatterson/Contractor@rti.org CC: Poupart, Jeff [/o=NCMAIL/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=jeff.poupart] Subject: RE: data request: annual loading rates for NPDES permitted WWTP's Attachments: BIMS_20121203-albemarle drainages-rti.xlsx Lauren - Here is a listing of the NPDES WW permits In the .six river basins you identified. It should shed some light on What the universe of permits in that drainage looks like. Permits are color -coded by river basin (basin is also noted in Column J) and sorted in order of facility type, river basin, and permitted flow. — Mike T Templeton, Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 6:04 PM To: lapatterson/Contractor@rti.org 'r r. : Jeff Subject: FW: data request: annual loading rates for NPIDES permitted WWTP's Hi, Lauren — I Work on nutrient issues and trading; in NC's NPDES program and can compile this information for you. First, I need to get a better idea of what information you hope to collect and how soon You need it. 0 Are you looking for permit limits, or actual discharge data, or both? If you need discharge data, do you have a particular size and type of facility in mind? (We have nearly 350 active Wastewater permits in the six basins you listed, most of which monitor their discharges for nutrients. In general, WWTPs of 0.1 MGD and greater capacity account for 98-99rb of the point .source nutrient contribution to surface Waters and are the most likely to receive TN & TP lirnits.) * What nitrogen .species do you need (just 'i'N, or NH,?,-N, NC-N+NC2-N, & TKN?), and over What time period? 6 Are You interested in any other parameters besides nutrients — flow, BOD, etc.? Generating a list: of permit: limits for these dischargers is straightforward, and I can probably get that: to yd:sda in tale next few days, a Week at the outside. Compiling effluent data for this many dischargers is more involved and even more so With additional parameters. This could easily take another couple of Weeks or so to complete, depending on the quality of the data I get from the queries and what: else lands on my desk in the meantime. I look forward to hearing back from You and to collecting the information You need. I would also be interested in hearing more about the scope of your trading project, if you can talk about that. Thanks. - Mike Templeton Michael E. Templeton, P.E. Point Source Branch/ NPDES Surface Water Protection Section NCDENR • DWQ Raleigh, NC Tel: 919.807.6402 Fax: 919.807.6489 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Patterson, Lauren (Contractor) [ma i Ito: la p.atterson/Contractor@rti.org] Tuesday, -b . 2013 2:45 P To: `• •. Subject: data request: annual loading rates for NPIDES permitted WWFP's DEQ-CFW 00054217 Good afternoon Jeff, My name is Lauren Patterson and I am working on a water quality trading project between WWTP in the Albemarle- PamlicoSounddrainin8basinsofNorth[aroUna.|havebeentryin8tofindtheannua|Tota|NandTota|P|oadin8rates for NPIDES permitted WWTP's in these basins. Marion Deerhake, from RTI, suggested I get in touch with you for how to obtain a list of NPIDES permitted point sources and their permitted annual loading rates in the Neuse, Tar, Roanoke, Choxvan,Pasquotank,and White Oak basins. Thank you for any help or further advice you can give me. Sincerely, Lauren OEQ-CFVV_00054218