HomeMy WebLinkAbout19910219 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19910202JaiCojcliv3 uoX auliyy /C ilurwbddO'Wn153 Lr, F`* SIOL-££L-666 au04?Ial :9LZeullo? LWON'4gP14'489LZ Xo9'O'd 41 SArd UOW-v-wd uopngod „' It; SaTTa,, TPJlUaO dauzoa u "ZOf - IN a?TTJO TPUOTbag WSCI `aTTTA 4@APa szaauTbua jo sdzoO qoTzqsTa uo_.b Til r n qu?io.' g3.azana 'Z abzoao 'dTazaouTS ?.. r., r r? dauzoQ uuOr _.0P4uoo OSPOTd ' SuoTgSOnb AUP anPu nod II -9Z -ON 4Ttuzaa OPTMUOT4PN , Sl9GUTbu?. O sdzoo zapun abPZanoO zoo buzd TTb uT pasn aq dPUU uoT POT?T41a STgj •pauoE P ST uoTaPDTJT-4zaD ZPZauao a 44 jo ddbO L8 rte.. 'V zagwaAON PanssT 9LTZ -ON uoTgE3T3T4zao d4TT.unO xa4PM TPZauc . dq pazanoo aq uPO TTTJ pasodozd auq 4Pu4 -pauTUIZa_.ap anPL[ aM 'sbuTSSOZO pPOZ zo; puPTgGM Jo azOP S•0 UT ZPT-Ta-4LDIU..TTTJ aaPTd o-4 uOT_4P0T9:T_4za0 d-4TTPno zagvM zoo '4sanbaa znoAjo MaTAaa uodn d4unoo azoOL1 x SbuTSSOZO dPMPPOg spuPT4aM Pa4PTOSI zo sza4PMPPag UT TTTa Pasodoza :4OaCgns zaTTTW IN zP2a L8£8Z PUTT02PO u4zou 'sauTa uzaggnos gnTO d14unOo saTpa@N auTa aOTTTW dTTax •zW J0;--)WIG 'Q•yd '4aJan3 •1 agMa7 T 6 6 T '9T T T zdv fjp?aoaS ` if 'Aaq°J M umIIlM 10wanoD 'u4lPW T) Baum( 119LZ I?u!loJPJ NPON lq$ian • 4aa4S tingsln 41JoN ZIS 4uawa&AwW puawuoiyuq 3o uoIswa sa:)anosa,Nd lelrWN pup 'y4[Lyahl luaLuu0ljnu3 jo 4uawV-edaa pu[]OJPD 4PON Jo aMS GENERAL CERTIFICATION THIS GENERAL CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations"in 1511CAC2H, Section .0500.for the discharge of fill material to navigable waters or adjacent wetlands areas which are above the headwaters or to wetland areas that are not a part of the surface tributary system to interstate waters or navigable waters of the United States (i:.e.-isolated wetlands)- as described in 33 CFR 330.5(aH 26) of the Corps of Engineers'.regulations. The category-of activities shall include any fill activity in these headwaters and-•?solated wetlands areasa,vhere sthe ?-activity:-does -Imdv: lreswlt!izOthe ° loss or< substaatial: modiification oVAD.fteres •or more'of waters.of the United??tates, Ancluding , Hands:-- The State of North'._Carol3ua cefffies that -.the smecified categor3r-of act!i'tr ty will `:riot :Riolate Sections '3011 302, 3.03, 306: and ..x307' of =the Tubhic ;: Laws 92-SWand 95-217•if conducted-.-in'.accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Conditions of Certifications 1. Proposed fill or substantial modification of l.to 10.:acres of such waters, including wetlands, requires a written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management. Activities involving less than one acre do not require written concurrence. 2. Excluded from this General Certification are #ti? discharges of fill in waters classified WS I, II, or III (public water supplies) and SA (shellfish ?,atcar,)_ nijs exclusion also applies to fill in 4 k wc>t l ands adjacent: t.() these waters. Discharge proposed for these waters or wetlands must be considered for cert.ifi.ration on a case-by-case hasi s; i DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT April 4, 1991 MEMOt,RAND UM b ?Nib 678g© , TO: , John Dorney Water' Quality Planning x'79 9r FROM: M. J. Noland, Regional Supervisor iK, Fayetteville Regional Office 7 ._ :ham 8f ???TY SUBJECT: 401 Certification r- Kelly Miller, Pine Needles Country Club Southern Pines, Moore County t The subject project involves the placement of fill material in wetlands of McDeeds Creek near Southern Pines. According to Mr. Mark Ashness of Hobbs, Upchurch, and Associates, the total area of fill will be less than .5 acre and will involve only improvements to two existing road crossings. Since McDeeds Creek bisects the subject development, it seems obvious that some fill would be' required to permit -movement throughout the project. Since the wetland crossings are currently., in existence, it appears that the developers have consciously avoided the need for.fill as much as possible. 8 Due to the nature cif the project and the small amount of fill area involved, it is the `•recomme'ndation of this office that the requested certification be" granted,.,.incliiding the following condition: In-stream turbidity shall. not be increased to more than 50 NTU's as a result of the proposed.activ'ity after a reasonable opportunity for dilution and. mixture. If additional information is required, please contact Mr. Ken Averitte at (919) 486-1541. M/,KA/t f i , ?Y - DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT d April 4, 1991 MEMORANDUM .r 7 - - - - - - - - TO.: John DQuality D • Water Planning FROM: M. J. Noland, Regonal\fSnrviso Fayetteville Regional office ."SUBJECT: 401 Certification;:.. Kelly Miller, Pine Needles Country Club Southern Pines, Moore County 71, s The sukx}ctx project involves the placement of fill material in wetlands of MGDeeds Creek "near Southern Pines. According to Mr. Mark Ashness of Hobbs, ' U church, and Associates,the total area of fill will be less than .5 acre and P,,:. ?. will+involve'on;,y i?nprbve ents to two existing road crossings. Since MGDeeds creek bisects the uvelopment, it 'seems obvious that some fill would be required to permi.t,` venejnt throughout the project: Since the wetland crossings are cur,reiytcistence, it appears that the developers have consciously avoided` ;neefill as much as possible. Due to the nature ?o t project and the small amount of fill area involved, •?t :is the ;recor?m dation of this office that the requested certification be granted, incla?ing the following condition: e In-stream turbidity shall not be increased to more than 50 NTU's as a result"-of the poposed activity after a reasonable opportunity for ailutiori° 4 'mixture: If additid<nlsnformation is required, please contact Mr. Ken Averitte at (919) 486-1541 `MJN/KA/tf DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ,.- WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 !i WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER 70 March 13 , 1991 f Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199100393, Nationwide Permit No. 26 Mr. Kelly Miller Pine Needles Country Club Southern Pines`, North Carolina 28387 Dear Mr. Miller: f -\D << mn 1991 r? ?l i'l nnin9 aranch .y? Reference the December 14, 1990, letter discussing your meeting with Messr. Rob Moul and Lee Gerald of Land Management Group, formerly Timber and Land Management Consultants, and Mr. Mark Ashness of Hobbs, Upchurch and A i ssoc ates, concerning proposed road crossings of McDeeds Creek and its ' ' tribu t aries, between N.C. 22 and U.S. 1, near Southern Pines, in Moore County , North Cai:olina. kk The!up tream road crossing is determined to be above the headwaters of ' ; Mcbeeds ` ek. Therefore fill material Placed in wetlands in order to widen l x thi crossing is authorized,by our Nationwide Permit No. 26. Please be aware ?.,. that this-rie ioi ride permit authorizes fill material in, and/or impacts to a ' , cumulative ampuhtof less than an acre of headwater wetlands for the entire F . project. -, " For the purposes of the.Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33 , Code of Federal R&gulations (CFR), Part 330, published in the Federal Register on November 13, 1986 "lists nationwide permits. Authorization was provided for discharges of dredged or fill,material into non-tidal rivers, streams, and thei l ke " d u r a s an impo ndments, including adjacent wetlands, that are located above the headwaters•and tither non-tidal waters of the United States , including adjacent wetlands;that are not a part of a surface tributary system ' to int'erstat e waters or navigable waters of the United States. Your work is authorized by nationwide permit, provided it is accomplished 4 in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions. The nationwide permit does 4 t,:"relieve you of the e n r spo sibility to obtain any required State or local approval. Please be aware that this.nationwide permit is not considered valid u til a d n we are ssure that no impacts to Federally endangered species will not c o cur as a result of this project. x .