HomeMy WebLinkAbout19910200 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19910202 ,.,.» nA,t Vt 1_: Y t?? State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor George T Everett, Ph.D. William 'W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director October 18, 1991 Regional Offices Mr. Kenneth Jones Asheville P O .. BOX 208 701/251-62os Wilson: Mills, N.C. 27593 Fayetteville 919/486-1541' Dear Mr. Jones; fvlooresvioe 704/663-1699 ?? Ject: Proposed .Fill in Headwaters or Isolated Wetlands Pasture development Raleigh ' Jdhiig bn County 919!7332314 -' Project #91.356 on 81 Upon review of your request for Water Quality Certification to'place fill material in up to 2.0 acres of wetlands for 90o pasture-development located at SR 1501 near the new US 70 bypass Winstc, S in Johnston County, we have determined that the proposed fill. can 919NQ C_,_ 73 covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2176 issued. November 4, 1987. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for cov age under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 26. Addi octal conditions are that; 1) no fill shall be placed within. 100 feet of the creek channel, 2) a sedimennt and erosion control plan is required, 3) side slopes of the fill shall be no steeper than 10;0 nearest the creek, 47)„fill shall be stabilized with vegetative cover, and•5) stormwater runoff shall be directed to filter through the 100` foot witle"buffer rather than discharged directly to the stream through ditches. -If . fix-`' have ~ft&- questions , pl:e,ase contact John Dorney at,:,,919/733-5083. 1 sincerely, eo ge T. Everett GTE:JD At,chment y cc.{ Wilmington District Corps of. Engineers ' `' Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regional Office Raleigh Regional Office • Mr. John Dorney Central Files P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 / Pollution Prevention Pays An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer MEMO DATE: q j TO: SUBJE v7 ? ? v w is /w ?'1S ? ? ti 7 ?l 1s 14,1 r , J6fiqJ, o n eca? -7? hMs-4 /talk 11?4 u6, SCAME Carolina Department of Environment, n . , `and Natural Resources Z ?t'PnCe? Cem Cem \?. - p BM \35 60 J ,- ? 1 f _ o r 23.. '.. z°. 268 V z inson \, J : •' Cem \ so . L9 Grtavel e?T7 3942 I `'n i. S 1 f I ? ? . ' Richafdson r Vf n Cem r ti e ,U 11.. l s o Ce St Johns ip, lzi ?hWon H17 w 1900 N t \- . 394 Q 35, t, 1 High 1,; Sch ?. B Wilsons Mills ,• 1• • 228 .• \ \? ?.. -__-- \i??:_ ) \`A:_, 1501 O. /.' Wilson Mi?1s• tie :• - a \ ?_ l' S ,Il \ ?k 50 A a-nsl ter f( Cem` i/ ilk x1p bl / - 183 - . I ? ,;: ., ? •`, ?- rte- -`_ ??'- ._? . %? % _ ?. M. % moo Ire, 4 02!3 ,. AC''7?C?C?C*!?l7?C?C?C7k7?C7?CJ?C7k*7?C7?Cl?CIC'?'?'*liC7k?IC)iC7ti?iC7klklk7k7k7kIC?C*AC7Y?'*7k**?1CJ?C*7Y7k*]1C?C7k**11C7kliC7k7k DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE August 5, 1991 MEM.O:R--'ANDUM John Dorney, Supervisor .,Special.Projects Group SOUGH Arthur Mouberry, P.EJ Regional'. Supervisor P Timothy L. Donnelly, P.E. Regional Water Quality Supervisor FROM Karl Shaffer lr,?- Soil Scientist II CT- Kenneth Jones NW 26 Projeq #' 91356 Johns t; _ County RAY J?: ^O nes- is' Jo. acresMr. wetlands in n the e f i "F lling approximately 2.5 * bd *l*.!n ,,o f Poplar Creek (Class C-NSW). The fill will be dc-;byf B?rnhi l Construction, who is currently doing the U.S. ? yr ,? D , work adj acent to Mr. Jones' land. ?` kst4 b I have been in. contac wi h Mr. Drew Johnson of {fi=: ill Construction. They waiting for our approval onditions before developing Mans for the fill area. that time they will also tit an erosion and ..sedimentation control plan to Land Quality Division. Barnhill Construction may or may not co tinue with the fill operation after. hearing our conditions'l- iThese conditions will determine " the fe?ks bi],itYA , cconc itons of the fill proposal. Mr. Jones waritS the fill to supplement his pasture area subsequent to the'loss'of pasture from the U.S. 70 bypass through his property. Mr. John Dorney Page -2- The wetlands is of moderate value (40 percent on the rating sheet - enclosed). The important features are floodwater storage and nutrient/ sediment attenuation. For these reasons I feel the following conditions are important for-the water quality certification: .1. No fill shall be placed within 100 feet of the creek channel. 2. An erosion and sedimentation control plan shall be approved prior to and implemented throughout the project.. 3. The .::`side slopes on the fill which is closest to the oreek, :sha11 be no steeper than 10 percent (10::1) This provision allows for maintenance of the'`?slop6 as well as increased volume for flood storage and stability of the fill during flooding events. 4.; The fill is to be immediately stabilized with a permanent vegetative cover upon completion of the grading work. " 5 Thq,-,overall depth of the fill will be dictated by the height 'red adjacent to the U.S. 70 bypass for cra nag&I ures. In no case shall the fill 't alloy. runoff o directly enter a surface water .course. A mini • foot buffer is required. The Raleigh Regional O:f a ;pO ends approval of the 401 Certification with these' Lond'',t,i In addition, Mr Jones;, is ' eY?ct?uraged to contact the Soil Conservation. Service It Of - e in Smithfield. A detpirmination of "Prior Conversiox" for this land may be ressary to assure compliance With the 1990 Farm Bill AM:TLD:KS•bas cc: Kenneth Jones 1 WETLAND RATING SYSTEM WORKSHEET Project No. or description / ;, a? sq 1 Location.. Cll.(Sr?n ?{7, ? River basin an nearest permanent stream ? • / ?'-? ? ?? / J Evaluator .-Agency and address f _ Date and time evaluated 7 •'Major Wetland Type _cyp_ Tr?yPG?4-/? C?fTX? W e-/Lf?sSFS Approximate size f Y o wetland system zA-, 5 acrbs Approximate extent of wetlands i n area a c r e s ?ca? vl, w?thin miles I ? Three most dominant plant species (in order) Soil Series(if known),: Hydrologic 'indicators 'e'%/s v 1 ,iona ?,,'7t?e, a Direct, hydrologic co.nne ion? (circ e one) E NO Existing; Conditions Drainage Disturban Restorati Does site provide habitat for endangered or threatened, species? If - h . ye s,,..t en score equals 100%. State reasons for exceptional §tatus. F Item No. ;.? Score (circle one) 3.. .Location/Landscape 1 Natural area buffer 5 h 0 2 Sensitive watershed ? ` ,. 0 1 0 e Ecological Values ?-` 3 Special ecological atte.e 3 ® t? U Dispersal corrid - or sys 0 7 J 1 5 W-ildlife 5 1 0 6 Aquatic life5 3 0 7 Water storage .« ? 5 1 0 Streambank stabilization 5 1 0 9.;-Removal sediment/toxicant 3 1 0 10 Removal/transform nutrients 5 1 0 11 Groundwater recharge/discharge 5 1 0 . III, Human Values 12 Outdoor, recreation/education 5 3 0 13 Commercial value 5 '3 0 Total score Z 6 Percent score (out of a total of 65 points) C) Site description and notes: Jif2 i3 0(?G?£'Lf ??lQ, p, Gc f? ?2_ ?? t2 ex- jP e? , ?'" ;. A \ 1-7Z r.??L t 'J ^ I