HomeMy WebLinkAbout19910187 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19910202
State of North Carolina
nr. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources
Division of Environmental Management
512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27604
James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph.D.
William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director
October 9, 1991
John A. Broadbooks
46 Haywood Street
Asheville, N.C. '48801
Dear Mr. Broadbooks;
Subject: Proposed Fill-in Headwaters;or Isolated,Wetlands
North'High School/ Apple Valley Middle School
Henderson County
Project ,,# 91644
Upon review of your request for Water Quality Certification
to place fill material" in.2.084 acres of-wetlands for school
construction located at Hwy 64"and Fruitland Road in-Henderson
County, we have determined that the proposed fill can. be covered
by General Water Quality Certification No. 2176 issued November
4, 1987. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This
Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps
of Engineers` Nationwide Permit No. 26. An additional condition
is that a stormwater pond shall.be built on the property to
control stormwater runoff off the site.
If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney
at 919/733-5083.
eo ge T. Evere
cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers.
Corps of Engineers Asheville Regional Office
Asheville DEM Regional Office.
Mr. John Dorney
Central Files
P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 / Pollution Prevention Pays
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources
Asheville Regional Office
James G. Martin, Governor
William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary
Division.o£ Environmental Management
Water Quality Section
September 23, 1991
To: John Dorney
401 Certification
Through: Forrest R. Westall, P.Epunervisor
Regional Water Quality From: Gary T. Tweed, P.E.
Environmental Engineer
Subject: 401 Certification 1%
North High School/Apple Valley Middle School
Henderson County
Ann B. Orr
Regional Manager
SEP 1991
Planning Branch
The request for 401 Certification for subject project has
been reviewed. The project involves the construction of a new
High School and Middle School on a 93.57 arse tract which
involves construction in a 2.084 acre upland wetland area. The
site borders Clear Creek which is class C surface waters. The
wet land area is insignificant as compared to the total site and
is such that the Nationwide Permit 26 appears appropriate. The
wetland areas four total (1.078, .459, .199, & .348 acres) are
along two spring head drainage systems. The property is a
combination of forested area and apple orchards. The lower 30
acres along Clear Creek of the 93.57 acre site will not be
developed. The wetland areas are upland and are proposed to be
removed by construction. A wetland rating sheet has been
completed and the rating is low. It is felt that the loss of
this wetland is insignificant. There is ample room on the
proposed school site for storm water drainage basins and this
could be recommended to mitigate the loss of wetlands. There-1z
no objection to the certification of the proposed nationwide
Interchange Building, 59 Wooditn Place, Asheville, N.C. 28801 • Telephone 704251-6208
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
North High School
Page Two
permit as requested. The construction of the new school will
result in the elimination of an existing point source wastewater
treatment system which provides some mitigation for the loss of
the upland wetland.
It is recommended that a 401 Certification be issued for
the proposed project.
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NO.PA/! fii6.I .SG /TOOL ? ?/(?/?T
Project No. or description
County ,,iy$,?-4/ Nearest road or town G1S f?•?,?ti.,yf,• ?y`"
River bas nibas j .G. ?
Nearest stream C2 C,?,? and classification C.;?,es.
Evaluator ?/?,?,? ?•\/?E„? ?. _ I M e
f/I l?I.?/OIL/ Q% ?i//!?/I?.Oi? iL•••?/?4 "!/vw?/1?7.r r1
Agency and address ,C-7
Date and time evaluated 9-ZO-9/ /O i9?•
Major Wetland Type "JV,.2,6,srrZ /G,7i/GuGyN162V1 ?
Approximate size of wetland system 2,c?,g¢ acres
Approximate extent of wetlands in area acres
within miles di/?•??w?
Three most common plant spec es (in order):
Soil Series (if known)
Hydrologic indicators /vv .5•?,?•..? ff?ZS id &-z4v
Direct surface hydrologic connection? ES NO ???/
Existing Conditions
Disturbance *,c ?' v?r/?,?.,, ?.•a,,, r ??s,????o v
Restoration potential-
Restoration value "9./
Is site known to provide habitat for rare, endangered or
threatened species? /i4p if so, list species observed or recorded.
Item No. Score (circle one)
I. Location/Landscape
1 Natural area buffer 5
2 Sensitive watershed 5 4 3 2 1
3 Dispersal corridor system 5 4 3 2 4 0
II. Ecological Values
4 Special ecological attributes 5 4 2 1
5 Wildlife habitat 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 Aquatic life 5 4 2 a) 0
7 Water storage 5 4 3 2 1 0
8 Streambank stabilization 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 Removal of pollutants 5 4 3 2 0
III. Human Values
10 Outdoor recreation/education 5 4 2 0
11 Economic value 5 4 2 1 0
Total score
Site description and notes:
TiiO S.'.Z••...G ,sss? v,?.a.....?,? sy5: ,?.-.s ?N,z w,F: •c,? .- ? //.zt?fs
7Z1 7Z,04.0- -a
September 5, 1991
Mr. John Dorney
Water Quality Section, Division of Environmental Management
NC Department of Health, Environment and Natural Resource;
Post Office Box 29535
Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 .?
Re: North High School / Apple Valley Middle
U. S. Highway 64 at Fruitland Road
Henderson County, NC
JAB #91060
Dear Mr. Dorney:
14,10 1
/P ?ec
4,d ly
In behalf of the Henderson County Board of Education, I am submitting a PRE-DISCHARGE
My office has been working as the site work design subcontractor to Foy, Lee, Moody and Associates,
Architects, Waynesville, NC and in consultation with Forrest Westall of Water.Quality's Asheville office and
David S. Baker of the U. S. Army, Engineer District, Wilmington, Asheville Regulatory Office.
The 93.57-acre site includes 2.084 acres of upland wetland areas, which include two small spring-fed stream
beds, These areas were mapped by a land surveyor and agreed to by Mr. Baker. At the recommendation of
the North Carolina National Heritage Office, the Owner commissioned a biological survey to determine if
any endangered species are present at the site. The study was conducted in July by Ms. Karin Heiman,
Consulting Biologist, who reported the following:
"The entire tract was surveyed for state and federally listed plant species and unique natural
communities. The area was surveyed during the middle of the growing season, which is an optimum
survey time. A list of plant species was made, plus notes on wildlife and forest community types
were taken.
"No listed species or unique natural communities were found."
The lower portion of the site which is within the 100-year floodplain of Clear Creek is not scheduled for
development. The only disturbance contemplated in that area is for sanitary sewer work which will be
permitted by the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers.
If you need additional information or have any question, please contact me or Bernie Marcelo of my office.
ABroa s,
dbooks, ASIA
Encl: Two copies of notification form and location map
cc: Erick W. Lee, AIA
Dr. Tom Ledbetter
46 HAYWOOD STREET 9 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 • 704-252-5058 • FAX 704-255-0140