HomeMy WebLinkAbout19910056 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19910202MEMO TO: DATE: C;? i -2- 519 SUBJECT: 1 amr_ d S,a "? ca-'O. ? 5 CAA,_ 2 ?0.j- wJ-t"- Fro: _ d na STATp q North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Printed on Recycled Paper o? Fri. OL/I W-r3 p ? y' QW 'M z m a .c. d a ¢ ? tx O. o ?• Q m W E: ; m o m m w> C o m a >E U J m 1 L W 'a C m -0 .r aZ L.? C W -0-%) ~ a O V V d E _ ,y Q Q'p E V W Q a c m m ?.. =9w CD i 7 a W y Q Z m m m a _ ?...... Q~ .. m a , N Q. V W O 3 m v H ? ? ¢ LO ` is ID 00 0 I-D co N ~Um mp y o Pt 0 0 0 C 'm m y:0 C Q• co -0 -0 -0 Lo '00 m Z ffiW O> C'6 o p? m 0 t-' x 00 tC'mpaE O\ o my. ?'.- . Sf f'C m'C H ?V ?? a m i R u? a 3 Q m pa L E.0= d Q1 «' o Z,v 0° m N t co m m ? o.. Q? ?fl v? v? Q LL a v a.- r> ui x co x r.: ay L 21 2) GL m • • • n'b c 03. Z O m $am•D?om» z z •io3?e m m to;&-.•mo,yp Z O D m -• 3 m • , 3 e..m C O w m • m N ymQ?• C N .y.? >> x.O: - m O. y co 370 0:;; o. Z m m J ? c Cl) m 0. m 1 N m 3 m C ? m CL N n 0 CL N » s • N V G1 Z N D p Cr m y 0 in ? I? n QCs'` D m SrA7Z State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James C- Martin, Govemor January 31, 1991 George T. Everett, Ph.D. Wiliam W. Cobey, Jr., Sean Director Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Mr. Ronald Culliper Stroud Engineering Hestron Plaza One Suite 102 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Dear Mr. Culliper: Subject: 401 Certification Request Project No. 9007-Q Lancaster Property, Highway 70 Hull Swamp Carteret County Your application for a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act under Nationwide Permit 26 was received on June 21, 1990. I have determined that this project is not eligible for our General Certification since it is likely to have a significant adverse effect on water quality by removing significant uses (see enclosed highlighted copy of our general certification). These uses are store ater quality enhancement, floodwater retention, aquatic life and wildlife habitat. If you still desire to pursue this project, you will need to apply for an individual 401 Certification. However, it is likely that I will deny that request based on removal of significant uses as outlined above and since we believe that practicable alternatives exist for your present project design. Furthermore, since significant uses would be removed, you will need agreement from DEM to even fill less than one acre of the wetland. If you would like to fill less than one acre of this wetland, please submit information regarding the location of that fill and whether there is a practicable alternative to that fill. PoIludm Pm%wWon Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 a., a .. V% Ronald Culliper January 31, 1991 Page Two !, If you.have any questions about this determination, please contact Mr. John Dorney at 919-733-5083. Since y, George T verett GTE:JD/kls Culliper.ltr/401 Enclosure cc: Dave Adkins Hugh Heine, COE Central Files GENERAL CERTIFICATION , THIS GENERAL CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations-in 15NCAC2H, Sectilen .0500 for the discharge of fill material to navigable waters or adjacent wetlands areas which are above the headwaters or to wetland areas that are not a part of the surface tributary system to interstate waters or navigable waters of the United States (i.e. isolated wetlands) as described in 33 CFR 330.5(a)(26) of the Corps of Engineers' regulations. The category of activities shall include any fill activity in these headwaters and isolated wetlands areas where the activity does not result in the loss or substantial modification of 10 acres or more of waters of the United States, including wetlands. The State.of North., Carolina certifies that the specified category of `activity will ,not violate Sections 301, 302, 103, 306.and.;307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217-if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter. set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. Proposed fill or substantial modification of 1 to 10 acres of such waters, including wetlands, requires a written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management. Activities involving less than one acre do not require written concurrence. 2. Excluded from this General Certification are discharges of fill in waters classified WS I, II, or III (public water supplies) and SA (shellfish waters). This exclusion also applies to fill in wetlands adjacent to these waters. Discharge proposed for these waters or wetlands must be considered for certification on a case-by-case basis; I - - - _-, d?,a.StATf'o q? MM- State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT August 30, 1990 Mr. Ronald D. Cullipher, P.E. Stroud Engineering, P.A. Hestron Plaza One Suite 102 Morehead City, North Carolina 27611-7687 "pi Subject: 401 Certification Request Project No. 9007-Q Lancaster Property, Highway 70 Hull Swamp Carteret County Dear Mr. Cullipher: The Wilmington Regional office has reviewed your June 21, 1990, 401 Certification request on the subject project. Your project, as proposed, will result in the loss of wetland areas. This being the case, several questions must be addressed in order for this office to make recommendations on the project. These questions revolve around the Federal 404(b)(1) guidelines (40 CFR Part 230 A-F) and our Water Quality Standard Regulations (15A NCAC 2B .0109 - Waters Affected by Dredge and Fill Activities) and (2B .0201(b) - Antidegradation). The 404(b)(1) guidelines state that projects should be water dependent. According to Section 230.10(ii) (3), if the activity (i.e., two lot subdivision) "does not require access or proximity to or siting within the (wetland)... (i.e., is not "water dependent"), practicable alternatives are assumed to exist." (i.e., available upland nearby). Please comment on your project in this light. Bob Jamieson Regional Manager ric. -Al N 7225 Wrightsville Avenue, Wilmington, N.C. 28403-3696 0 Telephone 919-256-4161 0 Fax 919-2568572 9007-Q.AUG Page Two If the water dependency and practicable alternative issues are resolved, you must demonstrate that you have avoided, minimized and mitigated wetland impacts to the maximum extent possible. Your request for a 401 Certification for the Lancaster Property project is considered incomplete. In order to be considered complete, the information requested above should be provided by September 30, 1990. If the requested information is not provided, this Office will recommend the project be returned as incomplete with no action taken. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Jim Gregson, or me at (919) 256-4161. Sincerely, avid Adkins Water Quality Regional Supervisor cc: CF, WiRO Bill Mills Jim Gregson Wayne Wright DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM Date: October 11, 1990 :.,: To: 4401ap-ablaw Planning Branch From: James H. Gregson Wilmington Regio al Office Through: Dave Adkins:, Wilmington R gional Office 0CT 1990 WATER QUALITY Planning Rrenc; Subject: Regional Office Review and Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill Project # 9007-Q Lancaster Property, Highway 70 Carteret County PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a 401 Certification to fill 1.75 acres of wetlands that the COE has determined to be above the headwaters of Hull Swamp. The area proposed for fill is mostly riparian flood plain, bottomland hardwood type wetlands, with scrub shrub vegetation near the upland boundary. The original request was to fill 2.4 acres and leave a 30' minimum strip unfilled adjacent to Hull Swamp proper. The purpose of the project is to create a two lot subdivision. Additional information was requested from the applicant per the attached letter dated August 30, 1990. The letter stated, according to the 404(b) (1) guidelines, projects should be water dependent and if . not water dependent then practicable alternatives are assumed to exist. The applicant was requested to comment on the project in this light. This Office received a response to this request on October 1, 1990. The response did not address the water dependency issue nor did it discuss mitigation. It did state that the filling of 1.75 acres of wetlands would appear to have minimal impacts. s .. -N 9007-Q.OCT Page Two The project has been reviewed to determine impacts to water quality. The following comments have been provided. It is recommended the 401 Certification be denied. Although the COE has apparently determined the area to be above headwaters, it is felt that Hull Swamp at this location has a high enough flow, especially during storm events, to need more protection from the filling of its adjacent wetland than General Certification 2176 provides. The filling of 1.75 acres of wetlands adjacent to Hull Swamp would eliminate the ability of these wetlands to store flood waters, control erosion and reduce the sediment and nutrient loadings of stormwaters when overbanking occurs. This removal of an existing use is inconsistent with 15A NCAC 2B .0201. In addition, the applicant has not demonstrated that 404(b)(1) sequencing requirements have been met. JHG:9007-Q.OCT cc: Wilmington Regional Office Files Central Files Jim Gregson 1 PLO ems-{-fig l g o a??ere.?- Caen }?? AA STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS HESTRON PLAZA ONE SUITE 102 June 21, 1990 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557 (919) 247-7479 Mr. William C. Mills, P.E. X819?_02j N.C.D.E.M. Water Quality Section P.O. Box 27687 M JUL1990 3 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 N v D r ATER QUALITY . RE: 401 Water Quality Certification 4-vining Branch f Proposed 2.4 Acres of Fill 45 Lancaster Property, Highway 70 O Morehead City, North Carolina Dear Mr. Mills, Please find enclosed copy of a map delineating wetlands on a two lot subdivision for Mr. Rodman Landcaster. This tract is on the west boundary of Hull Swamp fronting on U.S. Highway 70. Approximately 2.66 acres of 404'wetlands have been identified on this parcel and the owner requests a 401 Water Quality Certificate to allow fill for approximately 2.4 acres, leaving a 30' minimum strip adjacent to Hull Swamp. If I can provide any additional information, please let me know. Sincerely, gn n ld D. Culliph .r, P.E. RDC/kw cc: David Franklin, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1 107 COMMERCE ST. HESTRON PLAZA ONE SUITE B SUITE 102 GREENVILLE. INC 27858 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (919) 756-9352 (919) 247-7479 REcF.rvED .BUG "i o i Gil Wilmington Regional 01fice r?r_nq P.O. BOX 2697 2400 N. CROATAN HWY. SUITE B KILL DEVIL HILLS, NC 27948 (919) 441-4081 STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS HESTRON PLAZA ONE October 1, -1990 SUITE 102 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557 (919) 247-7479 Mr. David Adkins, P.E. North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-3696 RE: 401 Certification Request - Project # 9007-Q Lancaster Property, Highway 70, Hull Swamp Carteret County Dear Mr. Adkins, In response to your letter dated August 30, 1990, we would like to provide the following additional information for your review. A corrected map shows that property identified as Parcel 1 does not belong to Rodmand Lancaster, thereby decreasing the total quantity of 404 wetlands to 2.07 acres. The general certificate available to property owners above the "headwaters" of Hull Swamp indicates that fills less than one acre do not require written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management. The "headwaters" determination has been made by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and I am requesting a written concurrence from Mr. Hugh Heine to verify this previous determination. The remaining wetlands area would total 1.07 acres and consist of the following: Hull Swamp Proper 0.107 Acres Previosly Proposed Buffer 0.213 Acres Proposed Fill (Excluding 1 acre included in general conditions) 0.750 Acres Total 1.07 Acres With these quantities better defined, the impacts on the wetlands appear to be minimal in nature and fall within the general conditions of the General Certification. Although we recognize that each project is evaluated on its own merits, it should be noted that at the intersection of Highway 70 and Hull Swamp the remaining three properties. have been filled. Additionally, wastewater discharge from the Mitchener car dealership is still in use. If I cyn provide any additional information please let me know. RECEIVED $ Sincerely, a? Wilmington Regional Office ROri ld D. Cullipher, t. RDC/kw ? DEM >f! P.O. BOX 2697 107 COMMERCE ST. HESTRON PLAZA ONE 2400 N. CROATAN HWY. SUITE B SUITE 102 SUITE B GREENVILLE, NC 27858 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 KILL DEVIL HILLS, NC 27948 (919) 756-9352 (919) 247-7479 (919) 441-4081 111. 4i 14 W1,71mv zana atu ri��t sorce r I Y STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS HESTRON PLAZA ONE SUITE 102 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557 (919) 247-7479 Mr. William C. Mills, P.E. N.C.D.E.M. Water Quality Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 RE: 401 Water Quality Certification Proposed 2.4 Acres of Fill Lancaster Property, Highway 70 Morehead City, North Carolina Dear Mr. Mills, J Please find enclosed copy of a map delineating wetlands on a two lot subdivision for Mr. Rodman Landcaster. This tract is on the west boundary of Hull Swamp fronting on U.S. Highway 70. Approximately 2.66 acres of 404 wetlands have been identified on this parcel and the owner requests a 401 Water Quality Certificate to allow fill for approximately 2.4 acres, leaving a 30' minimum strip adjacent to Hull Swamp. know. If I can provide any additional information, please let me Sincerely, gon ,A0 92 ld D. Culliph r, P.E. RDC/kw cc: David Franklin, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. BOX 2697 107 COMMERCE ST. HESTRON PLAZA ONE 2400 N. CROATAN HWY. SUITE B SUITE 102 SUITE B GREENVILLE, NC 27858 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 KILL DEVIL HILLS, NC 27948 (919) 756-9352 (919) 247-7479 (919) 441-4081 June 21, 1990