HomeMy WebLinkAbout19910018 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19910202OCT-Oe-193 FRI 10:05 ID:DIU OF COASTAL MGMNT TEL NO:(919) 733-1495 9446 HUI DUKE ENERGY CORP. RECEIVED DEC g 1992 Wa ,hovia Center 1812, 400 South Tryon Street, CharlottC, N.C. 28202 `CQ (704) 382-2520 ?._ Fax! (704) 373-3319 t em r 3, 1992 Mr. Terry )?. Moore, District Manager North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management (DCM) P. 0. BOX 15017 1424 Carolina, Avenue Washington, NC 27889, SUBJECT:. Bertie. Cogeneration Facility Ketford/Lewistort-Woodville, North Carolina CAMA Application Dear Mr. Moore:` The Berrie Cogeneration Limited Partnership (BCLP) was developing a two unit, 127 MW, cogeneration facility located between Kelford and Lewiston-Woodville, North Carolina in Bertie County. Consequently, a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) permit application for the proposed Bertie Cogeneration Facility was submitted (see my letter of November 15,1991). Following recent discussions with area utilities regarding their projected energy demands, we (BCLP) have concluded that our near term prospects for securing a power sale contract are not favorable. Consequently, we will not continue the development of the facility (see attached letter of December 2, .1992, from Mr- S. E. Eckert). Therefore, we request fl-tat the Bertie CAMA application file be closed and tt)e. DCM "75-clay review period" be terminated. Current plans are to notify all appropriate individuals and organizations associated with the project and inform them of our decision. Let me express my sincere appreciation to you and your staff at the DCM. Your professionalism and helpfulness during the CAMA process were a significant help in addressing environmental concerns and developing the permit application. In the future, I hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with the DCM on a CA,Iv1A application again. In the mean time, if you have any questions, comments of require additional information, please feel free to contact either Steve Eckert at 704 -373-3818 or me at 704-373-5089, Sincerely, Kenneth S. Johnson, P. E. Director of Environmental Affairs cc w/o attach.: S. E. Eckert R_ N_ Schecter (T)CM) V. H. Shellhorse D. Maye (DCM) L. Huff (Radian) J. R. Parker (DCM) - --OCT-0e-'93 FRI 10:06 ID:DIU OF COASTAL MGMNT TEL NU:Cy1J) 444b re2 ?v?a.sTNE ° ?Y ?t State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources i Division of Coastal Management 225 North McDowell Street • Ralcigh, North Carolina 27602 James G, Martin, Governor Roger N. Schecter William W. Cobey, Jr., Secrerary Director December 9, 1992 MEMORANDUM TO: State Review Agencies FROM: John Park SURJECTs Bertie Cogeneration Facility Duke Energy Corporation The attached letter explains why one of the more significant applications of 1991 has been withdrawn. As you may recall, this application has been on hold for several months as the applicant attempted to respond to state and Federal agencies- As requested, DCM will close its record on this application. JP/aw cc: Preston Pate DCM-Morehead City Terry Moore DCM-Washington Cliff Winefordner COL-Wilmington e Po' Boot 27687, Ralelgli, North Caroline 27611-7687 Telephone 919.733-2293 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action EMp6yoer .dO, ?" ®0 Memorandum 1 . To: Jim Mulligan ??rn Deborah Sawyer, From: David W. Moye Subj: Application for CAMA Major Permit and/or Dredge & Fill Permit Duke Energy Corporation Bertie County Date: 13 November 1991 Attached is an application for a CAMA Major and/or a Dredge & Fill Permit which was received by me on 4 November 1991. I am considering this application complete, have acknowledged receipt, and have begun processing. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. DIVISION Ur" CUASTAL MANAGMYMR.P °°...4 FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME Duke Energy Corporation 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE ville off NC 308 on the Roanc The project is located 2 miles north of Lewiston-Wood- River in Bertie County, North Carolina 3. 4. PHOTO INDX: 1989: NA 1984: NA STATE PLAN COORDINATES: X: 2,-515,000 Y: 873,600 Nor leet Quad (lower rign`c come INVESTIGATION TYPE: DREDGE & FILL X LAMA X INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: (A) DATES OF SITE VISIT 10-29-91 11-4-91 (B) WAS APPLICANT PRESENT No Yes 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: APPLICATION RECEIVED 11-4-91 OFFICE Washington 6 ' SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) LOCAL LAND USE PLAN Bertie County LAND CLASSIFICATION FROM LUP_ Conservation, Rural, Developed DEVELOPMENT CONSTRAINTS IDENTIFIED IN LUP "The County policy is tha electric aeneratina plants in Bertie Chanty Shnu M hp arnTi rnnman+a 1 1 v ar-nar+ (B) AEC(S) INVOLVED: OCEAN HAZARD ESTUARINE SHORELINE X COASTAL WETLANDS PUBLIC TRUST WATERS X ESTUARINE WATERS X OTHER (C) WATER DEPENDENT: YES X NO (D) INTENDED USE: PUBLIC PRIVATE COMMERCIAL X (E) TYPE OF WASTE WATER TREATMENT : EXISTING None PLED Wastewater treatment plant with river discharge or plant operations and a septic system or the human sewage (F) TYPE OF STRUCTURES: EXISTING Several old barns PEE A cogeneration power plant with a pump station at the Roan- e River (G) ESTIMATED ANNUAL RATE OF EROSION 0 SOURCE Applicant 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: AREA (A) VEGETATED WETLANDS DREDGED FILLED OTHER Pipeline within the ES-AEC 225 sq.ft. 225 sq.ft. Wetlands outside the ES-AEC 914,899 sq.ft. (B) NON-VEGETATED WETLANDS: River bottom (C) OTHER: Highground (D) TOTAL AREA DISTURBED: 99 sq. ft. 99 sg.ft. 133,284 sq.ft. 1,048,507 sq.ft: 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: Duke Energy Corporation proposes to construct an electrical and steam cogeneration facility. The applicant proposes to place a 30" intake and a 12" discharge pipe into the Roanoke River. A pile supported pump station is proposed 190' from the river in 404 designated wetland. The two pipes will run underground from the pump station to the Plant approximately 18,660' away. The pipes in the river will each be supported by 2 steel pilings and a cradle. Project Setting The applicant's property is located in Bertie County off NC 308 approximately 2 miles north of Lewiston-Woodville adjacent the Roanoke River. The site varies in elevation from 26' to 88' above mean sea level. The highground area of the property is bordered by mixed hardwood and pine forest, agricultural fields and residential lots. The wetland portion of the project site is bordered by mixed hardwoods and cutover sections of forest that are vegetated with various annual and perennial grasses and young hardwoods. The project site comprises 186.3 acres of which approximately 75 acres will be disturbed. The area at the proposed plant site is prior converted cropland. The easement for the pipeline traverses agricultural land, pine plantations, mixed hardwood forest, and 404 designated wetlands including bottom land hardwoods. The pile supported pump station will be located in a cutover forested wetland that is vegetated with various species of annual and perennial grasses and various species of young hardwoods including white ash, yellow poplar, red maple, gum and sycamore, and designated as 404 wetland by the Corps of Engineers. The area adjacent the Roanoke River is a ± 10' high sloped bank vegetated with various grasses. A cleared section of the river bank (± 1001) indicating the easement area is bordered on the upstream and downstream sides by mixed hardwoods including white ash, yellow poplar, red maple, gum and sycamore and other hardwoods, and is also designated as 404 wetlands. The Roanoke River is classified C waters by the Environmental Management Commission. Project Description Duke Energy proposes to construct an electrical and steam cogeneration facility on an abandoned agricultural field approximately 2.75 miles from the Roanoke River. The applicant proposes to construct an intake pipe and a discharge pipe into the Roanoke River and within the estuarine shoreline. The installation of the intake line will be accomplished using a boring machine and will not result in any open trench digging or filling within the estuarine shoreline. The intake pipe is 30" in diameter and will be supported in the river by 2 steel pilings and a cradle. The installation of the discharge pipe will result in the excavation and filling of 225 square feet of estuarine shoreline and 99 square feet of river bottom. The discharge pipe is 12" in diameter and will be supported by 2 steel pilings and a cradle. A pile supported pump station is proposed 190' from the river in 404 designated wetland. The proposed pump station is 25' by 50' and a 50' by 20' gravel parking area will be constructed adjacent to the pump station. The intake and discharge pipes will continue underground from the pump station to the plant site approximately 18,660 feet away. Anticipated Impacts The project as proposed would result in the excavation and filling of ± 99 square feet of river bottom. The placement of the underground lines would result in the disturbance of ± 17,890 square feet of 404 designated wetlands. The impact to this area should be minimized by the construction technique proposed of replacing the excavated material to the original grade. The proposed project would result in localized turbidity associated with the i installation of the intake and discharge pipes into the river. The driving of interlocking sheetpile to create a coffer dam should reduce the turbidity in the project area. The construction of the pile supported pump station and gravel parking lot would result in the filling of ± 1,221 square feet of 404 designated wetlands. The plant construction would result in the disturbance of'and/or filling of ± 285,600 square feet of 404 designated wetland. David W. Moye - Washington Office - 13 November 1991