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19900375 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19900101
SUT[ e J \7 t State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Govemor William W. eobey, Jr., Secretary November 19, 1990 Mr. Benjamin Wilson, P. E. Wilson Engineering Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 12015 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 Dear Mr. Wilson: George T. Everett, Ph.D. Director Subject: Proposed Fill in Headwaters or Isolated Wetlands Naylor Dam Project Chatham County Upon review of your request for Water Quality Certification to place fill material in the wetlands in the headwaters of Landrum Creek (approx. 2.9 acres of wetlands effected), we have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2176 issued November 4, 1987. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers` Nationwide Permit No. 26. If you have any questions, please contact Bill Mills at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, VML-LqWV° George T. Everett GTE: BM Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regional Office Polludon Preventhm Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 \A15A Wilson Engineering Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 12015 Research Triangle Park North Carolina 27709 (919) 544-1735 (919) 787-5124 FAX # (919) 544-0810 P.O. Box 10434 Wilmington North Carolina 28405 (919) 270-3016 FAX # (919) 270-4130 Department of the Army Wilmington District, Corps P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina Attention: CESAW-CO-E of Engineers 28402-1890 }?t 41 ? ,Y J Ov November 26, 1990 f, ( to 4 L ? L?- RE: Wetland Areas and Orientation at the Proposed Naylor Dam and Lake Area Located in Chatham County, North Carolina WEA Project Number 89-105-AA Gentlemen: As authorized by Mr. Peter Naylor, the wetlands for the above referenced project have been located in the field by Mr. Jerry Stipsom, a registered soils scientist, and a grid of the approximate wetland area has been established. A plan of the wetlands as established is attached to this letter for your reference. Other requirements as listed in Nationwide Permit 26 are included with this letter. If you have any questions with regard to the information or recommendations contained in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully, WILSON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. W. Ra olph McElveen Assist nt Project En 'veer j in V. Wilson, P. E. Seni r Engineer/President cc: Mr. Raymond Sundquist/Corps of Engineers Mr. William Mills/Water Quality Section/NCDEM Mr. Peter Naylor Mr. Jerry Stipsom BVW:pjk Geotechnical, Geoenvironmental and Construction Materials Engineering and Testing Soils • Concrete • Steel • Asphalt • Roofing a Soil Borings DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E INFORMATION SHEET - NATIONWIDE PERMIT 26 1. Nationwide permit 26 authorizes the discharge of dredged or fill material which will cause the loss or substantial adverse modification of less than 10 acres of (i) non-tidal rivers, streams, and their lakes and impoundments, including adjacent wetlands, that are located above the headwaters; and (ii) other non-tidal waters of the U.S., including adjacent wetlands, that are not part of a surface tributary system (i.e., isolated waters). The district engineer must be notified if the discharge will cause the loss or substantial adverse modification of 1 to 10 acres of such waters. This notification process is called a pre-discharge notification. 2. The applicant shall not begin discharges requiring pre-discharge notification under nationwide permit 26: a. Until notified that the work may proceed under the nationwide permit with any special conditions imposed by the district or division engineer, or b. If notified that an individual permit may be required, or c. Unless 20 days (calendar) have passed from the time the notification is received by the district engineer and no notice has been received from the district or division engineer. 3. Notification under NWP 26 must be in writing and should include the following: a. Name, address and phone number of owner; b. Location of the planned work; c. Brief description of the proposed work, its purpose, and the approximate size of the waters, including wetlands, which would be lost or substantially adversely modified as a result of the work; and d. Any specific information required by the nationwide permit and any other information that the applicant believes is appropriate. e. Signature of owner. f. Applicant is required to obtain a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the State of North Carolina for NWP 26 to be valid. Applicant should furnish a copy of the certification with the pre-discharge notification to the Corps of Engineers. To obtain a Section 401 certification, applicant should contact: Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management NC Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 SAW26- ATTN: CESAW-CO-E PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT 26 NOTES: If Item A.7. (below) is 10 acres or more or if any of the conditions listed in Section B. (below) are not met, the applicant must submit an individual permit application. Please contact the District for forms and information. Applicant is required to obtain a Section 401 Water quality Certification from the State of North Carolina for NWP 26 to be valid. This certification should be furnished with this pre-discharge notification. PLEASE PRINT A. 1. OWNERS NAME: Mr. Peter Naylor 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: Naylor Associates P. 0. Box 13007 Research Triangle Park, NC 27J09 3• OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME):(9191544-6630 (WORK): (919)361-2630 4. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK: COUNTY: Chatham County SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE STREAM NAMES, ROAD NUMBERS, ETC.): On the Landrum Stream iust west of State Road 1506, and along the east side of the Hickory Mountain (See Figure 1) 5. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK: An earth dam and approximately 1 acrF of lakebed area are to be cleared and inundated with water. ADproximatel 32,000 cubic yards of fill will be included in the proposed dam core and embankment. 6. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: A recreational lake area and source of irrigation and livestock water for existing farm. 7. APPROXIMATE SIZE OF WATERS AND WETLANDS WHICH WILL BE LOST OR SUBSTANTIALLY ADVERSELY MODIFIED AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED WORK (EXPRESS IN TENTHS OF ACRES): 2.9 Acres (See attached Drawing Figure 1) 8. INFORMATION THAT THE APPLICANT BELIEVES IS APPROPRIATE: 9. DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE EXISTENCE OF ENDANGERED SPECIES ON OR • NEAR THE PROPOSED PROJECT AREA? YES [ ] NO [X] IF YES, INDICATE WHAT SPECIES. 10. DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES WHICH ARE LISTED OR DETERMINED ELIGIBLE FOR LISTING ON THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES THAT OCCUR IN THE VICINITY OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT? YES [ ] NO (X) 11. WILL THE ACTIVITY INTERFERE WITH NAVIGATION? YES [ ] NO [X) (N/A) B. CONDITIONS. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS MUST BE MET FOR THE NATIONWIDE PERMITS TO BE VALID (33 CFR 330.5-.6): MET NOT MET 1. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL WILL NOT (X] [ ] OCCUR IN THE PROXIMITY OF A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INTAKE. 2. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL WILL NOT [X] ( ] OCCUR IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED SHELLFISH PRODUCTION UNLESS THE DISCHARGE IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO AN AUTHORIZED SHELLFISH HARVESTING ACTIVITY. 3. THE ACTIVITY SHALL NOT SIGNIFICANTLY DISRUPT THE [X] [ ] MOVEMENT OF THOSE SPECIES OF AQUATIC LIFE INDIGENOUS TO THE WATERBODY (UNLESS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE FILL IS TO IMPOUND WATER). 4. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST [X] [ ] OF SUITABLE MATERIAL FREE FROM TOXIC POLLUTANTS IN TOXIC AMOUNTS. 5. ANY STRUCTURE OR FILL AUTHORIZED SHALL BE PROPERLY (X] [ ] MAINTAINED. 6. THE ACTIVITY WILL NOT OCCUR IN A COMPONENT OF THE [X) [ ) NATIONAL WILD AND SCENIC RIVER SYSTEM; NOR IN A RIVER CURRENTLY DESIGNATED BY CONGRESS AS A "STUDY RIVER" FOR POSSIBLE INCLUSION. 7. THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE ACTIVITY WILL [X] [ ] NOT IMPAIR RESERVED TRIBAL RIGHTS. C. MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. THE FOLLOWING MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE FOLLOWED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE PRACTICES MAY BE CAUSE FOR REQUIRING AN INDIVIDUAL PERMIT. APPLICANT SHOULD PROVIDE EXPLANATION FOR MANAGEMENT PRACTICES NOT MET. MET NOT MET 1. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WATERS [.XJ [ J OF THE UNITED STATES SHALL BE AVOIDED OR MINIMIZED THROUGH THE USE OF OTHER PRACTICAL ALTERNATIVES. 2. DISCHARGES IN SPAWNING AREAS DURING SPAWNING (N/A) [XJ [ J SEASONS SHALL BE AVOIDED. 3. DISCHARGES SHALL NOT RESTRICT OR IMPEDE THE [XJ [ J MOVEMENT OF AQUATIC SPECIES INDIGENOUS TO THE WATERS OR THE PASSAGE OF NORMAL OR EXPECTED HIGH FLOWS OR CAUSE THE RELOCATION OF THE WATER (UNLESS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE FILL IS TO IMPOUND WATERS). 4. IF THE DISCHARGE CREATES AN IMPOUNDMENT OF WATER, [X1 [ J ADVERSE IMPACTS ON THE AQUATIC SYSTEM CAUSED BY THE ACCELERATED PASSAGE OF WATER AND/OR THE RESTRICTION OF ITS FLOW SHALL BE MINIMIZED. 5. DISCHARGE IN WETLAND AREAS SHALL BE AVOIDED. [XJ 6. HEAVY EQUIPMENT WORKING IN WETLANDS SHALL BE PLACED [XJ [ J ON MATS. 7. DISCHARGES INTO BREEEDING AREAS FOR MIGRATORY (N/A) [XJ [ J WATERFOWL SHALL BE AVOIDED. 8. ALL TEMPORARY FILLS SHALL BE REMOVED IN THEIR [XJ [ J ENTIRETY. 0 E GNATURE 4 90 R'S SI DATE IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME: Wilson Engineering Associates, Inc AGENT'S ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 12015 Research Triangle Park NC 27709 AGENT'S PHONE NUMBER: WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM COORDINATORt•S? pll;?nTIMEs _s_ DATE: 09/ 10/90 COUNTY: C'ba4hann NEAREST TOWNS-Siler G+V WATERWAY, Landrum C'ract- QUAD: t oY+heask LOCATION, Si I r i+ PROPERTY OWNERs(NAME/ADDRESS) PAR Y DOING WORKi(NAME/ADDRESS) '1 Se.rry V. S+%M?5nn C.-P. Soil S>oen+iA an i ? -8yoc4on ? lace- 1)1Ayhr,rn I. n1C 2'771oA _P _801 4Z-<--nrh Triangle, rk NC, A770G PHONES (9) )544 - tPG 3o PHONE: ( q)-q-U - 8ao3 OTHER INDIVIDUALS PRESENT: -&-r-, WilScn - Wilson En4incerina ` IS PROPERTY UNIFORM ? OR SEPARATE DISCRETE VEGETATIVE UNITS VEGETATION, (IN ORDER OF DOMINANCE, DRAW LINE ABOVE NON-DOMINANT SPECIES). TREES, SPECIES ---% COVER--INDICATOR GROUND COVER: SPECIES-% COVER-INDICATOR 1•l-obfoity Dine. -?gnus +4edcL - FRG 1.$ulrush; Sc_lrpus 5Pp- 70 8?yo FAe.. . 2. W illovJ Oak - Quercus Phe 11os - o S L 2. Ilisccn =vy - FAC 3. ye Ca+ +ai 1 - -rl p ha 5Pp O B l.- 4 Ilow 5?oplar .- I--# r'?cdendrentulipi{erc?-Fncy7?' . wirled E:m - ulraus o?la+a - FACW 4. Grec..brier - FAC 5.'?in Oak - Quev'CUS paluS+ris - FACW 5. Ects+crr, hophcrnbenrn - FAG SAPLINGS/SHRUBS: b. Common geed - p Ambuti+ s a U?$ rali s 1. The area. has been Cu+ over and -the re. 7. 2. is a re,-emergence, Cj +-he 0Lb0Ve spe6CS; S. 3becau6e. fhe. hardwoo(1s cGmpe+e so WOODY VINES: 4. vigorcusiy fcr light and mclsture,, 'rhe, pine secies Ctre. Yer, liml+eGl 1 2• lt'k,\1 NymQl?Qe2 - ORL p y .l a+e ?r ,?p - NyC?roCQ?yle um be lla?"cti GC3L S• OF DOMINANT SPECIES (OBL.- FAC.) iobYo 8TFi `r I}? ATORS19Qnurv' hydl0 peYOides -Os?- HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES- NO_ BASIS: y_5o9o o? r•iorvl'Ar%nnt veachiior. _ob_l FAC FACW TYPICAL:-/'(COMPLETE BELOW) ATYPICAL: (COMPLETE BACK) SOIL, SERIES: _ We,had ke.e, ON HYDRIC SOILS LIST: YES ? NO MOTTLED: YES ? NO_ MATRIX COLOR:lovr (o/a, HYDRIC SOILSt YES-? NO_ BASIS: Chrorna. .2 rrro++IeS ?n -the apps la inches HYDROLOGY, INUNDATED: YES NO ? DEPTH OF WATER: - SATURATED SOILS: YES .? NO DEPTH TO SATURATION/WATER TABLE c lo" OTHER INDICATORS: Hvdric soi I . dpn+h 4o chrcma 'a mo++les. ma+rix coloY WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES,,/ NO BASIS: Ne-4a4iun sa+ura+ed Bondi+ion ATYPICAL SITUATION, YES- NO ? NORMAL CONDITIONS: YES-? NO_ WETLAND DETERMINATION: WETLAND: ? NON-WETLAND: PHOTOS TAKEN, JURISDICTIONS YES NO --- AUTHORITYt 10 404_?10/404_ NONE - ABOVE_HEADWATERS_?/ ISOLATED ADJACENT- NWP # DETERMINED BYt ?k 4s?d On obscrva+iun of the S+umPs lei} from eu++inc?, es+ima+ec( That t50% were. Loblolly pine. The area In _jhe SW Corner revealed +he Same- VQrie l o? -free. species . This Qrea vitas nu+ Cu•E nver. ATYPICAL SITUATIONS VEGETATION: TYPE OF ALTERATION: Clear CLk+ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EFFECT ON VEGETAT ION: ?_ PREVIOUS VEGETATION:__M_lht& _ h_4J??W?2- _______________________________________ HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES? NO SOILS: TYPE OF ALTERATION: EFFECT ON PREVIOUS SOILS: -,?a m? --- --------------------------------------- ----------- HYDRIC SOILS: YES NO--7' HYDROLOGY: TYPE OF ALTERATION: o?e?? t)te_ Q?ug,_yyQt?a werq,_ r1Qt_ ql+e r??____________ EFFECT ON HYDROLOGY: PREVIOUS HYDROLOGY:- ------------------------------------------------------ WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES---- NO ?__ CexcePt +he 4ypkal we- tland areas) AUTHORITY: SECTION 1040410/404NONE JURISDICTION: ABOVE HEADWATERS ISOLATED ADJACENT ---- ---- ---- NATIONWIDE ? YESNO_IF YES, Ik______ PHOTOS TAKEN ; YESNO ATTACH DRAWING W/PHOTO ANGLES AND DIMENSIONS: ?? - 1 0 S- A A N A y Le c,- fl e{ 6f?9-? CO , / A j. c , F/ - lD G R/1) bA7-rA m? wet-LA-NOS NO FatI.rTS A-PE LA rD Avg- `(-?j t'YFE NeR?'N s?pE W??flfyD -?`,? ? ------?..? vTk s,?E M?e?4-svR?? ??6M Dsr?w?E 5 O N Y{{ F Pr_ A N `•D RAw i LJ (3 A? sin, 1 t o O -4- o z+ o0 2 t 5-© 3 Y--0 0 E -}- -t- c O S+so q+o© '9-t 5 1 o-i-o a Ibt- So At oo 1! * So 35 3 ?. N•S. 3 $ b 11© _L?o S•S• I?b °1 O SO ?- 8 (0 7 Co 5 1.86 4-8--4- 1 '8 co 5 5. s. 7S 40 120 229 214 S.S. S.S 30 2a5 q ? 1 ? 201 22? 132 19(l 23Co ??_S i5c? gar 1,3+po ao( !3+ tzn i4 i -I 05;-kA NAyLoP, iJ ?tt?T??m c? -L D G-R ? p I>A" o f W E-TLANAS M?/> sv E O '? `? ri -- :._ 5TH ©_!.3 R D- 5 _ f t tee- 1 Ti -1st M _ ?t 1-Et GRtp t--?NE - ---- 245 2 --- „a AA1L o State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James C- Martin, Govemor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary November 19, 1990 Mr. Benjamin Wilson, P. E. Wilson Engineering Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 12015 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 Dear Mr. Wilson: George T. Everett, Ph.D. Director Subject: Proposed Fill in Headwaters or Isolated Wetlands Naylor Dam Project Chatham County Upon review of your request for Water Quality Certification to place fill material in the wetlands in the headwaters of Landrum Creek (approx. 2.9 acres of wetlands effected), we have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2176 issued November 4, 1987. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 26. If you have any questions, please contact Bill Mills at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, }George T. Everett GTE: BM Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regional Office Poft&m Prey m&m Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 GENERAL CERTIFICATION THIS GENERAL CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15NCAC2H, Section .0500 for the discharge of fill material to navigable waters or adjacent wetlands areas which are above the headwaters or to wetland areas that are not a part of the surface tributary system to interstate waters or navigable waters of the United States (i.e. isolated wetlands) as described in 33 CFR 330.5(a)(26) of the Corps of Engineers' regulations. The category of activities shall include any fill activity in these headwaters and isolated wetlands areas where the activity does not result in the loss or substantial modification of 10 acres or more of waters of the United States, including wetlands. The State of North Carolina certifies that the specified category of activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. Proposed fill or substantial modification of 1 to 10 acres of such waters, including wetlands, requires a written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management. Activities involving less than one acre do not require written concurrence. 2. Excluded from this General Certification are discharges of fill in waters classified WS I, II, or III (public water supplies) and SA (shellfish waters). This exclusion also applies to fill in wetlands adjacent to these waters. Discharge proposed for these waters or wetlands must be considered for certification on a case-by-case basis; - 2 - 3. That the discharge will consist of suitable material free from toxic pollutants in other than trace quantities; 4. That established erosion control practices are utilized to prevent excessive increases in turbidity and settleable solids concentrations in the water body as a result of the discharge; 5. That the discharge of fill material shall be in accordance with the conditions and management practices specified by the Corps of Engineers in 33 CFR 330.5 and 330.6 for nationwide permit number 26. Non-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set forth by a specific fill project shall result in revocation of this Certification for the project. The Director of the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management may require submission of a formal application for certification for any project in this category of activity, if it is determined that the project is likely to have a significant adverse effect upon water quality or degrade the waters so that existing uses are precluded. Public Hearings may be held for specific applica-tions or group of applications prior to Certification if deemed in the public's best interest by the Director of the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. let This the f day of d If t-7 . DIVISION' ENVIR T K/MAG NT By R. Paul Wilms, Director b ,r1 T T) Pig Brfv icy NORTH f K {'Ili A40 ti ?Y2??1 w1r,1+? \ groo I ' _ (}3 0 71°0 1 /"This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately depicts the boundary of the jurisdiction of Section I I 6.01 ,vlOC / 404 of the Clean Water Act under the present law and I s °° f°°? / (}? regulations as determined by the undersigned on this I I 4.°°6• date. Unless there is a change in the law or our a+? e / published regulations, this de terminati of Section 404 jurisdiction may be rel ied upon fo period not •'? /? I t)e to exceed 3 years from this ate.: 0.- / 4 .01 / NAME: r- / Q / TITLE: S /010000/ \ I \ ' r 1 1?01 11-1 000, 000, 000, 0,W C 0-1 \ ` 1 5 A \v r +oo rl.c ? ,A / ..,?/ h •t' !, .I ( I 'C / DATE : N 7 Q ??l 1 pE ? ? 1 ? , CI \J / WILSON ENGINEERING `'' , i1 ,,. . • • 1 ?itjl? VIFA ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. Box 12015 Durham (919) 544-1735 O `• rt'l, Irt::i(q .,I? I ` \ Research Triangle Park Raleigh(919)787-5124 North Carolina 27709 Wilmington (919) 270-3016 PROJOCTAXam ? NAYLOR DAM WETLANDS EVALUATION •. • - ?, ` MR. PETER NAYLOR i oluMrr •r W R M 8vW 200 noun «o. ,11 C+r?acm •r •. 1 w nnoor[o all 100-106-AA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE October 22, 1990 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Bill Mills THROUGH: Arthur Mouberry, P.E. nnelly, P.E. FROM: on Ferrell SUBJECT: 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) Naylor Dam Chatham County 'ci"11;11: C; 1 4?r ' ?'nc1? r Q The material submitted with the application for a WQC for the subject project has been reviewed and a site inspection was conducted on October 16, 1990. Peter Naylor and Ben Wilson were present during the inspection. The proposed 19 acre pond will inundate approximately 2.9 acres of cut- over headwaters type wetland above the headwaters of Landrum Creek. The pond will be used for irrigation, recreation, and possibly catfish farming. The pond should replace the existing water quality functions of the wetlands and the wetlands that will develop along the shoreline should compensate for the loss of existing habitat. The Raleigh Regional office recommends approval of the project as sub- mitted contingent upon 'receipt of a wetland delineation map certified by the Corps of Engineers: RF/jf sw WETLAND RATING SYSTEM WORKSHEET Project No. or descript ion_ -I\?K- L ?U -- Location KC -S P? 1-50 Cp C ??\\ ?A pz?-?_ C? ' Evaluator 'R, ?--- • 1????1 L Agency and address C (` - IZiZU Date and time evaluated 10 ?l l?? Major Wetland Type a?r?OwP?=?? ???? 1 Soil Series (if known) Hydrologic indicators SLTA q wG ?A 0 j GL C\(c1) sous. ? ,Ay pL Pt,YJc VQJ(C-74-oxi Existing Conditions Drainage N D Disturbance D ?? ,,?2???cz ?F r ooc (h?Z ?c ?,rz,E?tyr?! - Is site exceptional value wetlands? No . If yes, then score equals 1000. State reasons for exceptional status. Item No. Score I. Location/Landscape 1 Natural area buffer > 2 Sensitive watershed II. Ecological Values 3 Special ecological attributes 0 4 Dispersal corridor system 5 Wildlife 6 Aquatic life 7 Water storage 1 8 Sediment stabilization 1 9 Removal sediment/toxicant I 10 Removal/transform nutrients 11 Groundwater recharge/discharge I III. Human Values 3 12 outdoor recreation/education 13 Commercial value 3 14 Restoration potential/value 3 Total score Percent score (out of a total of 70 po ints) Site description and notes: .J oC ?,'S Cn'-i S` 1tNftc ?6Ctr5TC? ?(2c_ \s- a `1rA Wilson Engineering Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 12015 Research Triangle Park North Carolina 27709 (919) 544-1735 (919) 787-5124 FAX # (919) 544-0810 P.O. Box 10434 Wilmington North Carolina 28405 (919) 270-3016 FAX # (919) 270-4130 Department of the Army Wilmington District, Corps P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina Attention: CESAW-CO-E of Engineers 28402-1890 September 4, 1990 RE: Wetland Areas and Orientation at the Proposed Naylor Dam and Lake Area Located in Chatham County, North Carolina WEA Project Number 89-105-AA Gentlemen: As authorized by Mr. Peter Naylor, the wetlands for the above reference project have been located in the field by Mr. Jerry Strickland, a registered soils scientist, and a grid of the approximate wetland area has been established. A plan of the wetlands as established are attached to this letter for your reference. Other requirements as listed in Nationwide Permit 26 are included with this letter. If you have any questions with regard to the information or recommendations contained in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully, WILSON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. /.i W. Rand lph McElveen Assistant Proje t En eer *Senjor Wilson,P. E. gineer/President cc: Mr. William Mills/Water Auality Section/DEM WRM/BVW:pjk Geotechnical, Geoenvi ron mental and Construction Materials Engineering and Testing Soils s Concrete s Steel s Asphalts Roofing s Soil Borings DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.0. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E INFORMATION SHEET - NATIONWIDE PERMIT 26 1. Nationwide permit 26 authorizes the discharge of dredged or fill material which will cause the loss or substantial adverse modification of less than 10 acres of (i) non-tidal rivers, streams, and their lakes and impoundments, including adjacent wetlands, that are located above the headwaters; and (ii) other non-tidal waters of the U.S., including adjacent wetlands, that are not part of a surface tributary system (i.e., isolated waters). The district engineer must be notified if the discharge will cause the loss or substantial adverse modification of 1 to 10 acres of such waters. This notification process is called a pre-discharge notification. 2. The applicant shall not begin discharges requiring pre-discharge notification under nationwide permit 26: a. Until notified that the work may proceed under the nationwide permit with any special conditions imposed by the district or division engineer, or b. If notified that an individual permit may be required, or c. Unless 20 days (calendar) have passed from the time the notification is received by the district engineer and no notice has been received from the district or division engineer. 3. Notification under NWP 26 must be in writing and should include the following: a. Name, address and phone number of owner; b. Location of the planned work; c. Brief description of the proposed work, its purpose, and the approximate size of the waters, including wetlands, which would be lost or substantially adversely modified as a result of the work; and d. Any specific information required by the nationwide permit and any other information that the applicant believes is appropriate. e. Signature of owner. f. Applicant is required to obtain a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the State of North Carolina for NWP 26 to be valid. Applicant should furnish a copy of the certification with the pre-discharge notification to the Corps of Engineers. To obtain a Section 401 certification, applicant should contact: Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management NC Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 SAW26- ATTN: CESAW-CO-E PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT 26 NOTES: If Item A.7. (below) is 10 acres or more or if any of the conditions listed in Section B. (below) are not met, the applicant must submit an individual permit application. Please contact the District for forms and information. Applicant is required to obtain a Section 401 Water quality Certification from the State of North Carolina for NWP 26 to be valid. This certification should be furnished with this pre-discharge notification. PLEASE PRINT A. 1. OWNERS NAME: Mr. Peter Naylor 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: Naylor Associates P. 0. Box 13007 Research Triangle Park, NC 2Z,709 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME):(919j544-6630 (WORK): (919)361-2630 4. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK: COUNTY: Chatham County SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE STREAM NAMES, ROAD NUMBERS, ETC.): On the Landrum Stream iust west of State Road 1506, and along the east side of the Hickory Mountain (See Figure 1) 5. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK: An earth dam and approximately 19 arras oflakebed area are to be cleared and inundated with water. Approximately 32,000 cubic yards of fill will be included in the proposed dam core and embankment. 6. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: A recreational lake area and source of _irrigation and livestock water for existing farm. 7. APPROXIMATE SIZE OF WATERS AND WETLANDS WHICH WILL BE LOST OR SUBSTANTIALLY ADVERSELY MODIFIED AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED WORK (EXPRESS IN TENTHS OF ACRES): 2.9 Acres (See attached Drawing Figure 1) 8. INFORMATION THAT THE APPLICANT BELIEVES IS APPROPRIATE: 9. DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE EXISTENCE OF ENDANGERED SPECIES ON OR NEAR THE PROPOSED PROJECT AREA? YES [ ] NO [X] IF YES, INDICATE WHAT SPECIES. 10. DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES WHICH ARE LISTED OR DETERMINED ELIGIBLE FOR LISTING ON THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES THAT OCCUR IN THE VICINITY OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT? YES [ ] NO [X] 11. WILL THE ACTIVITY INTERFERE WITH NAVIGATION? YES [ ] NO [X] (N/A) B. CONDITIONS. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS MUST BE MET FOR THE NATIONWIDE PERMITS TO BE VALID (33 CFR 330.5-.6): MET NOT MET 1. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL WILL NOT [X] [ ] OCCUR IN THE PROXIMITY OF A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INTAKE. 2. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL WILL NOT [X] [ ] OCCUR IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED SHELLFISH PRODUCTION UNLESS THE DISCHARGE IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO AN AUTHORIZED SHELLFISH HARVESTING ACTIVITY. 3. THE ACTIVITY SHALL NOT SIGNIFICANTLY DISRUPT THE [X] ( ] MOVEMENT OF THOSE SPECIES OF AQUATIC LIFE INDIGENOUS TO THE WATERBODY (UNLESS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE FILL IS TO IMPOUND WATER). 4. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST [X] [ ] OF SUITABLE MATERIAL FREE FROM TOXIC POLLUTANTS IN TOXIC AMOUNTS. 5. ANY STRUCTURE OR FILL AUTHORIZED SHALL BE PROPERLY [X] [ ] MAINTAINED. 6. THE ACTIVITY WILL NOT OCCUR IN A COMPONENT OF THE [X] ( ] NATIONAL WILD AND SCENIC RIVER SYSTEM; NOR IN A RIVER CURRENTLY DESIGNATED BY CONGRESS AS A "STUDY RIVER" FOR POSSIBLE INCLUSION. 7. THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE ACTIVITY WILL [X] [ ] NOT IMPAIR RESERVED TRIBAL RIGHTS. C. MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. THE FOLLOWING MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE FOLLOWED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE PRACTICES MAY BE CAUSE FOR REQUIRING AN INDIVIDUAL PERMIT. APPLICANT SHOULD PROVIDE EXPLANATION FOR MANAGEMENT PRACTICES NOT MET. MET NOT MET 1. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WATERS [.X] ( ] OF THE UNITED STATES SHALL BE AVOIDED OR MINIMIZED THROUGH THE USE OF OTHER PRACTICAL ALTERNATIVES. 2. DISCHARGES IN SPAWNING AREAS DURING SPAWNING (N/A) [X] [ ] SEASONS SHALL BE AVOIDED. 3. DISCHARGES SHALL NOT RESTRICT OR IMPEDE THE [X] ( ] MOVEMENT OF AQUATIC SPECIES INDIGENOUS TO THE WATERS OR THE PASSAGE OF NORMAL OR EXPECTED HIGH FLOWS OR CAUSE THE RELOCATION OF THE WATER (UNLESS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE FILL IS TO IMPOUND WATERS). 4. IF THE DISCHARGE CREATES AN IMPOUNDMENT OF WATER, [X] [ ] ADVERSE IMPACTS ON THE AQUATIC SYSTEM CAUSED BY THE ACCELERATED PASSAGE OF WATER AND/OR THE RESTRICTION OF ITS FLOW SHALL BE MINIMIZED. 5. DISCHARGE IN WETLAND AREAS SHALL BE AVOIDED. (X] ( ] 6. HEAVY EQUIPMENT WORKING IN WETLANDS SHALL BE PLACED [X] ( ] ON MATS. 7. DISCHARGES INTO BREEEDING AREAS FOR MIGRATORY (N/A) [X] ( ] WATERFOWL SHALL BE AVOIDED. 8. ALL TEMPORARY FILLS SHALL BE REMOVED IN THEIR [X] [ ] ENTIRETY. 4 n 0 ER'S SIGNATURE DATE IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME: Wilson Engineering Associates, Inc. AGENT'S ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 12015 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 AGENT'S PHONE NUMBER: WETLAND DETERMINATION FORM COORDINATOR:_S?P_50rkTIME: _t_ DATE: 09/ 16/90 COUNTY: eha+harY-1 NEAREST TOWN: _S i l e r Ci+j WATERWAY: La nd vu m 0.1re-P k QUAD: ? u4h east LOCATION: 5i leir i+ LC_ PROPERTY OWNER:(NAME/ADDRESS) PAR Y DOING WORK:(NAME/ADDRESS) ?e-+e-y- tja?glwr Serry V. S+imosc)n C.P. Soil Scien+isk __ ao i:. Bros+on Place, 1uvhrirn , rJC_ 277 1 A Erse rch Trionale' rk NC d770q PHONE: (90544 -'4p4. 3o PHONE: (q)q ) y]1 - Upj OTHER INDIVIDUALS PRESENT: 'Ben Wilson - Wilson E ` IS PROPERTY UNIFORM ? OR SEPARATE DISCRETE VEGETATIVE UNITS ' VEGETATION: (IN ORDER OF DOMINANCE, DRAW LINE ABOVE NON-DOMINANT SPECIES). TREES: SPECIES ---% COVER--INDICATOR GROUND COVER: SPECIES-% COVER-INDICATOR 1. I-obiolly Dine. -?inns +Qeda. - FAG 1.'i3ulruSh : Sc.'lrpus Spp- 7o-To9o FA_ . 2. W111o Oak Quercus phellos - a81- 2. 1 iScn =vy - FAC 3. Iellow ?0plar Li riodendreniul?pi{cra-FACO- Ca+4Qil - 'r7Ph(A 5Fp OBL 4.njed Elm - UlrauS ala}a - FAcW 4. Greenbricr - FAG 5. i?iA Oak - Quefcus paluS+riS - FACW 5. E(k-4crri hophornbeaM - FAG SAPLINGS/SHRUBS: 6. Common Reed - p &mb(ctir\es ctus0+8ra1i5 1. The area has been cu} over and +here. 7. 2. is ck re.- erv.ergence. of the. abovc. Species; g. 3. because +he Kardwoocis cornpe}e so WOODY VINES: visorously {or Iiyh+ and motsture., the. 5• Pine species ctre. Ycry lim-o'1. W a a4er??1y NY- Hjt ro - O'/ If um be Rata G61-- ?' ny o onulmhydvop'?peroides -Gat- /.. OF DOMINANT SPECIES (OBL.- FAC. ) _loaYoTI1ATO?St?9 HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES ? NO BASIS: y5p 56 rlor.,,rnnt vrge+a+ion nbl FAC FACW TYPICAL:b(COMPLETE BELOW) ATYPICAL: (COMPLETE BACK) SOIL: SERIES: _ _YJe.hod keep ON HYDRIC SOILS LIST: YES ? NO MOTTLED: YES ? NO_ MATRIX COLOR: _(c)4 r!o/x. HYDR I C SOILS: YES_? NO BASIS:S.hromo- -1 mo0le in -Vhe over la inchc5 HYDROLOGY: INUNDATED: YES- NO ? DEPTH OF WATER: SATURATED SOILS: YES .? NO_ DEPTH TO SATURATION/WATER TABLE <10" OTHER INDICATORS: _Hvdric. Sail . dpah +o Chycma a mo+iles* ma+61, coloY WETLAND HYDROLOGY( YES _IL NO BASIS: _Ye9e+a4;un sa?ura+ed (-ond;+ion ATYPICAL SITUATION: YES_ NO NORMAL CONDITIONS: YES --' NO WETLAND DETERMINATION: WETLAND: ,/ NON-WETLAND: PHOTOS TAKEN: JURISDICTION: YES_ NO --- AUTHORITY: 10 404_?10/404_ NONE- ABOVE HEADWATERS_ l-ISOLATED ADJACENT- NWP # DETERMINED BY: Y teased On observa+lun CO-he- S+umpS lek+ irom Cu++in9, i} i5 es+; ma+ed +huE t5v`Ic were loblolly P1)e• The area In the 5hl corner r<vealecl +he srtmer VaY1e+4 o? -}Yee s,DecieS . This ATYPICAL SITUATIONS VEGETATION: TYPE OF ALTERATION: Clear Cud --------- -------- ----------------------------------------------------1: /-?---- ?.:i-_-_--- EFFECT ON VEGETATION: }g?_?,?,?,},?y, ?, huts u sh ------------------------- PREVIOUS VEGETATION: -t .______________ ------------------------- HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATION: YES_? NO____ SOILS: TYPE OF ALTERATION: Heay_ z?i?n_ cuu sc?l ??±5____--____ EFFECT ON SOILS: L?Al1er.?..?Q Cri?._?A??din?. +ha thslS.Lwf_?stfst??r.?nt _rcV.t+??nc?.S._______ PREVIOUS SOILS: _Sg _______ _________________________ HYDRIC SOILS: YES____ NO- HYDROLOGY : TYPE OF ALTERATION:.Y-Mf"7 tlLe_ QSfuw __f?LQL-L l?nd.5 We?q,_ r1Qt_ ------------ EFFECT ON HYDROLOGY:j(anf --------------------------------------------------- PREVIOUS HYDROLOGY:- Qmv___________ ------------------------------------------- WETLAND HYDROLOGY: YES--.--NO ?__ Cexcep+ +he -+Ipi(al wc.}land areas) AUTHORITY: SECTION 10404 10/404____ NONE____ JURISDICTION: ABOVE HEADWATERS---- ISOLATED---- ADJACENT.... NATIONWIDE ? YES --NO---- IF YES, #______ PHOTOS TAKEN ? YES---- NO ATTACH DRAWING W/PHOTO ANGLES AND DIMENSIONS: NAyc?o? fl?{?v1 effAr ,4-M Co ??lD GRiD bA7-r-A OF w?r?An1flS 4--b I "T% A-RE L It D - m "t` ----- U-) fl?. 1 N? `? "-*E NORM N stDE VT t? 5 D E c?srwv? s _ - O N ftw-t , c s k0M -- - ?A,? T{{ F Pl. A N tD Rs?w ? ?? p,. , - -G- SO ?., --- -- -- ? 35 +o 0 3 ¢ 2 2 70 2-r © -78 3-t-o o p / 3 o 90 / 3 5 4too s o 4-so Ho 1 S s oo ?.o w-Er?..A-Nfl o +-. S.s. s. s. 0o q z t Ste. °I? 2 O 5•s. S.S /, q3 -1-0 0 Sp 75 30 2os S+ so 48 58 q 2oI q+ o© 67 /00 I 22 Co 9t So A(&5 © 132. 14? 23Co to-?-oa Co5 Co ? S 5- 2 lot 50 81 12-0 s 22 t oo 228 ff ?- So -r2to?- f.86 21? 2t ?'8fo Z3) 3+ © aoo z !3+ ?n 101 ij 99- t 5; kA NAYLOR L>A,61 ?cF- G-R p t*7-A OF W E?-c ,gNDS - G p G t_t N E ' - -- -- - - - -------- 2 4 i ) 2? -- - ----- - - S© 2-45 __ I i ' i - I i ? ' I ii L ?II T? tLE lee NORTH __ ? 10S rl 4l r> Pt-M eoPv 5? 17 0 b ' i DAr1 SITE. y?lnJt1-`f t?lW r K J 1? ? O 8roo l J 1 \ f "This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately _ 7too ' ( ,' t • ?? ( depicts the boundary of the jurisdiction of Section \ I I (e.o(,vtp? ?r•. / 404 of the Clean Water Act under the present law and I 6ep 10, regulations as determined by the undersigned on this I free • date. Unless there is a change in the law or our J m9 / published regulations, this determination of Section 1 ?J 1 bo`? / / 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for a riod not I f ?Y(r 2 1 f to exceed 3 years from this dat • i 4 / / - NAME: f TITLE: ?t/N c Gi?cG?N?C/L i' i 0001, J • , .pro( / .01 ` / / 41b * N\ Ole \ // // • 114x. 1001 13+-J00 V) t? ? ? ? W ~ io+P?o oZ /0 I, , . . 'I 11 A - -' ( \ / DATE : 11 / 9 70 uol toE "7 , C1 /ICJ ? \JN _ -1 wllsoN ENGINEERING ? -? ?/ , ; 11?t .1?' .;' .` \ \ T Ill /? ASSOCIATES, INC. i I) ~ t? t \ P.O. Box 12015 Durham (919) 544-1735 O % Research Triang;e Park Raleigh (919) 787-5124 1 ~ \ \ \ North Carolina 27709 Wilmington (919) 270-3016 \ NAYLOR DAM WETLANDS EVALUATION 1 i i • ft MR. PETER NAYLOR D"W" •. WRM SVW W'", 200' Mum NO. CHECKED •r 1 1. •r 80-106-AA Wilson Engineering Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 12015 Research Triangle Park North Carolina 27709 (919) 544-1735 (919) 787-5124 FAX # (919) 544-0810 P.O. Box 10434 Wilmington North Carolina 28405 (919) 270-3016 FAX # (919) 270-4130 Department of the Army Wilmington District, Corps P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina Attention: CRSAW-CO-E 19) 0 SEP 1990 K` IVED WATER QUALITY Planning Branch ?4; September 4, 1990 of Engineers 28402-1890 RE: Wetland Areas and Orientation at the Proposed Naylor Dam and Lake Area Located in Chatham County, North Carolina WEA Project Number 89-105-AA Gentlemen: As authorized by Mr. Peter Naylor, the wetlands for the above reference project have been located in the field by Mr. Jerry Strickland, a registered soils scientist, and a grid of the approximate wetland area has been established. A plan of the wetlands as established are attached to this letter for your reference. Other requirements as listed in Nationwide Permit 26 are included with this letter. If you have any questions with regard to the informat.or or recommendations contained in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully, WILSON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 11. Rand lph Mc.1 een Assistant Proje fin eer v G 4rSeno in Wilson, P. E. Engineer/President cc: Mr. William Mills/Water Quality Section/DEM WRM/BVW:pjk Geotechnical, Geoenvironmental and Construction Materials Engineering and Testing Soils • Concrete • Steel • Asphalt 0 Roofing • Soil Borings k ' DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E INFORMATION SHEET - NATIONWIDE PERMIT 26 1. Nationwide permit 26 authorizes the discharge of dredged or fill material which will cause the loss or substantial adverse modification of less than 10 acres of (i) non-tidal rivers, streams, and their lakes and impoundments, including adjacent wetlands, that are located above the headwaters; and (ii) other non-tidal waters of the U.S., including adjacent wetlands, that are not part of a surface tributary system (i.e., isolated waters). The district engineer must be notified if the discharge will cause the loss or substantial adverse modification of 1 to 10 acres of such waters. This notification process is called a pre-discharge notification. 2. The applicant shall not begin discharges requiring pre-discharge notification under nationwide permit 26: a. Until notified that the work may proceed under the nationwide permit with any special conditions imposed by the district or division engineer, or b. If notified that an individual permit may be required, or c. Unless 20 days (calendar) have passed from the time the notification is received by the district engineer and no notice has been received from the district or division engineer. 3. Notification under NWP 26 must be in writing and should include the following: a. Name, address and phone number of owner; b. Location of the planned work; c. Brief description of the proposed work, its purpose, and the approximate size of the waters, including wetlands, which would be lost or substantially adversely modified as a result of the work; and d. Any specific information required by the nationwide permit and any other information that the applicant believes is appropriate. e. Signature of owner. f. Applicant is required to obtain a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the State of North Carolina for NWP 26 to be valid. Applicant should furnish a copy of the certification with the pre-discharge notification to the Corps of Engineers. To obtain a Section 401 certification, applicant should contact: Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management NC Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 V DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 SAW26- ATTN: CESAW-CO-E PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT 26 A. 1. OWNERS NAME: Mr. Peter Naylor 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: Naylor Associates P. 0. Box 13007 Research Triangle Park. NC 27709 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME):(9j3j544-6630 (WORK): (919)361-2630 4. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK: COUNTY: Chatham County SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE STREAM NAMES, ROAD NUMBERS, ETC.): On the Landrum Stream just west of State Road 1506, and along the east side of _ the Hickory Mountain (See Figure 1) 5. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK: An earth dam and approximately t acr of lakebed area are to be cleared and inundated with water. Aaproximate 32,000 cubic yards of fill will be included in the proposed dam core and embankment. 6. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: A recreational lake area and source of irrigation and livestock water for existing farm. 7. APPROXIMATE SIZE OF WATERS AND WETLANDS WHICH WILL BE LOST OR SUBSTANTIALLY ADVERSELY MODIFIED AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED WORK (EXPRESS IN TENTHS OF ACRES): 2.9 Acres (See attached Drawing Figure 1) NOTES: If Item A.7. (below) is 10 acres or more or if any of the conditions listed in Section B. (below) are not met, the applicant must submit an individual permit application. Please contact the District for forms and information. Applicant is required to obtain a Section 401 Water quality Certification from the State of North Carolina for NWP 26 to be valid. This certification should be furnished with this pre-discharge notification. PLEASE PRINT 8. INFORMATION THAT THE APPLICANT BELIEVES IS APPROPRIATE: 1 f 9. DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE EXISTENCE OF ENDANGERED SPECIES ON OR NEAR THE PROPOSED PROJECT AREA? YES [ ) NO [X] IF YES, INDICATE WHAT SPECIES. 10. DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES WHICH ARE LISTED OR DETERMINED ELIGIBLE FOR LISTING ON THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES THAT OCCUR IN THE VICINITY OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT? YES [ ] NO [X] 11. WILL THE ACTIVITY INTERFERE WITH NAVIGATION? YES [ ] NO [X] (N/A) B. CONDITIONS. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS MUST BE MET FOR THE NATIONWIDE PERMITS TO BE VALID (33 CFR 330.5-.6): MET NOT MET 1. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED'OR FILL MATERIAL WILL NOT [X] [ ) OCCUR IN THE PROXIMITY OF A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INTAKE. 2. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL WILL NOT [X) [ J OCCUR IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED SHELLFISH PRODUCTION UNLESS THE DISCHARGE IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO AN AUTHORIZED SHELLFISH HARVESTING ACTIVITY. 3. THE ACTIVITY SHALL NOT SIGNIFICANTLY DISRUPT THE [X) [ ] MOVEMENT OF THOSE SPECIES OF AQUATIC LIFE INDIGENOUS TO THE WATERBODY (UNLESS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE FILL IS TO IMPOUND WATER). 4. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST [X] [ ] OF SUITABLE MATERIAL FREE FROM TOXIC POLLUTANTS IN TOXIC AMOUNTS. 5. ANY STRUCTURE OR FILL AUTHORIZED SHALL BE PROPERLY (X] [ ] MAINTAINED. 6. THE ACTIVITY WILL NOT OCCUR IN A COMPONENT OF THE [X) [ ] NATIONAL WILD AND SCENIC RIVER SYSTEM; NOR IN A RIVER CURRENTLY DESIGNATED BY CONGRESS AS A "STUDY RIVER" FOR POSSIBLE INCLUSION. 7. THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE ACTIVITY WILL [X) [ ] NOT IMPAIR RESERVED TRIBAL RIGHTS. C. MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. THE FOLLOWING MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE FOLLOWED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE PRACTICES MAY BE CAUSE FOR REQUIRING AN INDIVIDUAL PERMIT. APPLICANT SHOULD PROVIDE EXPLANATION FOR MANAGEMENT PRACTICES NOT MET. MET NOT MET 1. DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WATERS [.Xl [ 1 OF THE UNITED STATES SHALL BE AVOIDED OR MINIMIZED THROUGH THE USE OF OTHER PRACTICAL ALTERNATIVES. 2. DISCHARGES IN SPAWNING AREAS DURING SPAWNING (N/A) [ [X] SEASONS SHALL BE AVOIDED. 3. DISCHARGES SHALL NOT RESTRICT OR IMPEDE THE [xi [ MOVEMENT OF AQUATIC SPECIES INDIGENOUS TO THE WATERS OR THE PASSAGE OF NORMAL OR EXPECTED HIGH FLOWS OR CAUSE THE RELOCATION OF THE WATER (UNLESS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE FILL IS TO IMPOUND WATERS). 4. IF THE DISCHARGE CREATES AN IMPOUNDMENT OF WATER, [ l [ 1 ADVERSE IMPACTS ON THE AQUATIC SYSTEM CAUSED BY THE X ACCELERATED PASSAGE OF WATER AND/OR THE RESTRICTION OF ITS FLOW SHALL BE MINIMIZED. 5. DISCHARGE IN WETLAND AREAS SHALL BE AVOIDED. [Xl [ 1 6. HEAVY EQUIPMENT WORKING IN WETLANDS SHALL BE PLACED [Xl [ 1 ON MATS. 7. DISCHARGES INTO BREEEDING AREAS FOR MIGRATORY (N/A) [Xl [ l WATERFOWL SHALL BE AVOIDED. 8. ALL TEMPORARY FILLS SHALL BE REMOVED IN THEIR [Xl [ l ENTIRETY. OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME: Wilson Engineering Associates, Inc. AGENT'S ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 12015 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 AGENT'S PHONE NUMBER: ,r +f S 52 150 6 1b P)"I'S . 500 ITE /f\ yet t? c? LEGEND : .WETLAND AREAS lp ( , W A? WILSON ... ? .000, ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. ?'`I ' • `I V j 1 P.O. Box 12015 Durham (919) 544-1735 Research Triangle Park Raleigh (919) 787-5124 ?;i;?? `';1 ;t?°I ' I `?+ North Carolina 27709 Wilmington (919) 270-3016 Pron"ICUM NAYLOR DAM WETLANDS EYALUATIO 1 Sly 13a? • " • ............. .% MR. PETER NAYLOR Foam No. .' i `! oMw».r RM BVW 1!Oft"- Of 1 CRECKFD @r 89-105-AA 10 000, 1001, 0-4 0000' e. 140 • 1 ' \ / / , / -00 / .; . i .41 . • /? 13+/00 tw?bL 95.0 1 3 O 7"0 / ? / ? I I i 1, O i? I f_ 3 .?11 t1 Sao 1 ? .vim ti ?100, 40, .01 1 %.A doo 000 .00 000p 40 .00p 000, 00, 0.00 '6 4000 stLE ?'o NORTH ?_