HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061551 Ver 1_CAMA Application_20060922~~_ r7~ ~~~ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary September 21, 2006 MEMORANDUM: TO: Ms. Cyndi Karoly Environmental Biological Supervisor Division of Water Quality FROM: Doug Huggett Major Permits Processing Coordinator ~ l~ ~ LS tl 1;J D SAP 2 2 2006 w~na"°sa~ ~ n' BRANCH 20061551 SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Applicant: Baytree Landing Properties, LLC Project Location: Craven County, follow SR 1700 N from Harlowe for approx. 6 miles, cross over Long Creek, turn right onto Baytree Lane into Baytree Landing S/D. Lot is on right approx. 50 feet. Proposed Project: Proposes to install a boat ramp, access road, parking area, two groins, six channels markers, and piers to serve the community of Baytree Landing. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by October 12, 2006. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Stephen Lane at (252) 808-2808. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-2808 \ FAX: 252-247-33301 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper _ _ ., C ° DW " ° Development Type FEE 143001601 4351000931625 6253: 24300.1602 435100095.2341 t. Private, non-commercial , development that does not involve 5250 100% ($250) 0% ($0) the filling or excavation of any we0ands or open water areas: II. Public or commercal development ,,. that does not involve the filling or $400 1pp% ($400) 0% ($0) excavation of any wetlands or open :water areas: IIL For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and/or open water areas, determine if A, 8, C, or D below applies: )II(A). For Private, non-commercial . development, If General water Quality $250 100% ($250) 0% ($0) Certification No.3301 (see attached) qn be applied: III(8): For public or commercial development, if General water t]uality $40U 100% ($400) 0% ($0) Certifipfion No.3301 (see attached) can be applied: • III(C). It General Water Quality Certification No. 3301 (see attached) wuld be applied, but DCM staff determined that addifional review and $400 60% ($240) 40% ($160) written DWQ wncurrence is needed because of concerns related to water • quality or aquatic life: III(D). If General Water Quality Certification No. 3301 (see attached) $400 60% ($240) 40% ($160) can not be applied: IV. For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of more 5475 60% ($285) 40% ($190) than one acre of wetlands and/or open water areas: .•,~ _y ~. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Baytree Landing Properties, LLC 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Follow SR1700 North from Harlowe, N.C. for approximately six miles. Immediately after crossing over Long Creek turn right onto Baytree Lane into Baytree Landing S/D. Continue on Baytree Lane for approximately 50' and the lot is on the right. The project site is identified as the common lot for Baytree Landing S/D and is adjacent to Long Creek in Craven County. Photo Index - 2006:65-8621(Indexed by M-0,6) 2000: 65-763(Indexed by M-0,6) State Plane Coordinates -X:2681965 Y:432969 Rover# M082417A 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA and Dredge and Fill 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit -March 28, 2006, August 24, 2006 Was Applicant Present - No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received Complete: September 15, 2006 Office -Morehead City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan -Craven County Land Classification From LUP - RuraUConservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: PTS, PTW, CW (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Community (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing -None Planned -None (F) Type of Structures: Existing -None Planned -Gravel road, parking area, boat ramp, groins, channel markers, and pier. (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: None Source - <1'/year. 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED OTHER (A) Open Water Shallow Water Bottom 330 sf 422 sf usurped/shaded (B) Coastal Wetlands 285 sf 108 shaded Vegetated Wetlands 604 sf 78 shaded (C) High ground disturbance 38,777 18 shaded (D) Total Area Disturbed: 40,622 sq. ft. (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SA; HQW, NSW Open: Yes 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to install a boat ramp, access road, parking area, two groins, six channels markers, and pier to serve the community of Baytree Landing. FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: BAYTREE LANDING PROPERTIES, LLC PAGE #2 9. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION: Project Setting Baytree Landing is a waterfront community located approximately six miles north of Harlowe on the south side of SR1700 (Adams Creek Road) adjacent to Long Creek in Craven County, North Carolina. The project site has been designated as a common area for residents of the development. The common area is the first lot on the right after entering the subdivision on Baytree Lane. The common area was originally platted as lot 1 and 2 in the subdivision, however, the lots have been divided and re-platted to create the common area totaling 3.72 acres in size. The majority of the subdivision development -was completed in the late 1990's, however, there are currently no houses in the development. Elevations on the property range from Normal Water Level to approximately 5' above Normal Water Level. The lot is currently undeveloped and is predominantly vegetated with early successional grasses, a variety of hardwood trees and loblolly pine trees. The high ground transitions to the creek through a section of wetlands approximately 20' to 60' wide and is primarily composed of Spartina cynosuroides, Juncus roemerianus, and Cladium jamaicense. The project was originally developed by Weyerhauser Real Estate Co. and received Low Density Stormwater Permit #SW7980417 from the Division of Water Quality and a Nationwide Permit from the USACE(Action ID 199810849). Weyerhauser Real Estate Co. had the Section 404 Wetlands identified for the entire subdivision and approved by the USACE on February 17, 1998, however, the delineation approval expired in 2003. The waters of Long Creek are inland waters classified as SA High Quality and Nutrient Sensitive Waters and are open to shellfish harvesting. Long Creek is not classified as a Primary Nursery Area by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. The creek is 250' wide immediately upstream of the project, however, the project is located in a narrow embayment approximately 130' wide on the northeast side of the main body of the creek. The water depths in the project vicinity are typically in the -3' to -6' range below NWL. The bottom substrate is a silty sand. The site visit revealed submerged aquatic vegetation identified by the applicant as horned pondweed to be very abundant in the project vicinity. There are currently two piers and no boat ramps in Long Creek south of the Long Creek bridge. The Craven County Land Use Plan classifies the site as rural with all AECs classified as Conservation. Project Proposal The applicant proposes to construct a boat ramp for use by the residents of Baytree Landing subdivision. A gravel road for access to the boat ramp is proposed from Baytree Lane, with dimensions of approximately 15 feet wide by approximately 410 feet in length. The access road would connect to a gravel turn around area and a parking area with maximum dimensions of 120' wide x 415' length and would connect to the boat ramp. At 90' west of Baytree Lane, the access road would pass over an area of Section 404 Wetlands. The applicants have requested to fill the 434 square foot area of wetlands with soil and gravel for the access road crossing. The applicants have proposed a gravel parking area large enough for twelve to fourteen vehicles with boat trailers. The proposed concrete boat ramp measures 15' wide by 60' in total length. The boat ramp FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: BAYTREE LANDING PROPERTIES, LLC PAGE #3 --------------------------- would extend a maximum of 26' waterward of the NWL. The boat ramp would cross 170 square feet of Section 404 Wetlands and also cross 285 square feet of Coastal Wetlands. The boat ramp is proposed to cross the Coastal Wetlands and Section 404 Wetlands in the area where the wetlands are the narrowest on the property. The water depth at the end of the proposed boat ramp is -3.6' below NWL. Two groins are proposed along either side of the boat ramp. The groins are each proposed to be approximately 45' in length and extend a maximum of 11' beyond the marsh line. The groins are proposed so that the proposed ramp does not cause erosion of the marsh on the sides of the boat ramp... A 70' long by 6' wide pier with a 6'long by 36.3'wide platform is proposed adjacent to the boat ramp for temporary dockage in conjunction with the on/off loading of boats. The pier would extend a maximum of 50' into Long Creek. The pier is approximately 26'•from the adjacent riparian areas at its closest point. Water depths are•in the -5.1' to -6.6' range below NWL at the end of the proposed pier. Six wooden pilings are proposed as channel markers to guide boat ramp users away from the SAV adjacent to the project. The applicant's consultant has mapped out the SAV and proposed the markers at the edge of it such that a small boat launched from the proposed ramp could pass by the SAV without contacting it on the way out to Long Creek. Anticipated Impacts The installation of the boat ramp will result in the filling and grading of 285 square feet of Coastal Wetlands and 170 square feet of Section 404 Wetlands adjacent to Long Creek. It will also result in the filling of 330 square feet of shallow water bottom habitat in Long Creek, which is open to shellfish harvesting. The proposed access road will result in the filling of 434 square feet of Section 404 Wetlands. The access road and boat ramp will produce approximately 2,121 square feet of impervious surface in the 75' Estuarine Shoreline AEC including 1,130 square feet of new impervious surface in the Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Area. The project will also produce an additional 37,192 square feet of disturbance and impervious surface on the high ground of the lot. The proposed development results in a 10% impervious surface in the 75' AEC and a total impervious surface for the lot of 24.3%. The construction of the pier will result in the usurpation and shading of 422 square feet of Estuarine Waters and Public Trust Area. The pier will also shade 108 square feet of Coastal Wetlands, 78 square feet of Section 404 Wetlands, and 96 square feet of area in the Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Area. The pier would extend approximately 50' across the width of the embayment and would exceed 1/a the width of the embayment, but due to its location at the head of the embayment the pier will not pose a hazard to navigation. The pier is not intended as a permanent mooring for any vessels and therefore would not result in any additional permanent slips in the creek. A temporary increase in turbidity can be expected during the construction of the boat ramp, pier, and channel markers. An increase in boat traffic on Long Creek is anticipated with the addition of the boat ramp as there are currently no boat ramps in this section of the creek. Due to the projected increase in activity on the creek, additional contact between boats and the SAV beds present in the creek is likely to occur. Stephen Lane -September 19, 2006 -Morehead City District S mot- ~ FormDCM-MP-1 s~,f, ~ ~~ ~~ ~'`' ~~~ a ~`` # ~~ ~~ ~~, _!!.~=i_. 2 ~ lYi APPLICATIO 5 5 ~To be completed by all applicants) ~~l'~~1~~~ 1~~ ~~v9~r 20061 1. APPLICANT a. County Craven b. City, town, community or landmark Merrimon area -Havelock nearest town a: Applicant: Baytree Landing Properties, LLC . Name c/o Mr. Jim Wig ing_s_ Address 2000 Rivered e~wy Suite 580 City Atlanta State GA Zip 30328-3568 Day Phone 843.810.7281 Fax b. Authorized Agent: Name Land Mana>?ement Group, Inc. Address P. O. Box 2522 City Wilmington State NC Zip 28402 Day Phone 910.452.0001 Fax 910.452.0060 c. Project name (if any) Baytree Landing Community Ramp NOTE: Permit will be issued in name of landowner(s), and/or project name. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT c. Street address or secondary. road number. Adams Creek Road (SR 1700) d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? Yes X No e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, creek, sound, bay) Long Creek 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home; motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, And excavation andlor filling activities) Applicant proposes to construct (1) community boat ramp and associated side-to dock for loading/unloading (2) access road and turn around area for ramp (3) minimal wetland impacts associated with ramp and road. (4) insta116 nilinas to mark channel b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? New c. Will the project be for public, private or commercial use? Commercial, S/D amenity d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. Purpose is to construct a community boat ramp as an amenity for the Baytree Landing subdivision. The ramp will be Revised 03/95 {~' •,;,;5 3 ;J s~ l )t)L ~ ~ r i.iii, used by Baytree Landing residents and their invited Quests Standard daily activities and >;ood marine construction techniques will be used. 4. LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS a. Size of entire tract Common area containin;r boat ramp 3.72-acres b. Size of individual lot(s) Common area is 3 72-acres Other lots within S/D average 2.8- acres/lot (See enclosed Sheet 5:1 c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL avg. +8' MSL . Yes X No -~or~head 't~ '~ 1. Are there wetlands on the site? _~_ s'"'' ~ No Coastal (marsh) X Other _X_ If yes, has a delineation been conducted?_yes_Bill Bittlecome (ACOE) will reauthorize delineation during permit review. (Attach documentation, if available) m. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. Onsite wastewater treatment systems. n. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, Sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges.) No direct discharges Surface run-off from d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Stallings sand on majority of tract. e. Vegetation on tract Pines, Sweet gum, Red maple dominate upland Majority of wetlands contain Black gum Red maple and Red bay. £ Man-made features now on tract Subdivision road. g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan land C1aSSlflcatlon Of the Slte? (Consult the local land use plan.) X Conservation Transitional Developed Community X Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? Property is not zoned by County I. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? _ Yes No N/A (Attach zoning compliance certifecate, if applicable) Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? Yes X No If yes, by whom? k. Is the project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? the proposed roads will be handled through a state-approved low density stormwater plan. o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. Individual wells. 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: * A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project. ~ An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 1/z" by 11" white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7).0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality Revised 03/95 copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. X A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. A Stormwater Management Plan has alread~een obtained for this subdivision. * A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed proj ect to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name NC DOT c/o Aaron Everett Address 209 South GlenburnieRd New Bern. NC 28560 Name Michael & Christine Loper (to the south) Address 314 Cumberland Ct Peachtree City GA 30269 * A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. NW 18 Action ID # 199810849 issued to Weyerhauser Real Estate (previous owners) for 0.04-acres wetland impact for S/D road. * A check for $400 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the application. ~ A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. * A statement of compliance with the N.C. ~"' ~"'} E°" f ~ ~.;" 9 ~ j gg~ ) S 1~ Y `"-~,) ; e 7 t~ ~. ~ l`i % f,I,~y ~ ~~ Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S.113A =1 fo 10) If the project invq' en~~i re of public funds or use of pubh~!•+a~al~a,~j~,i`~ statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subj ect to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. This is the day of , 200 . PrintName ~~~~~~~~ ~-Oud ~dMOs,~~ ~~i~~ Signature Landow er r Author ed Agent Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. _X_ DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information _X DCM MP-3 Upland Development X DCM MP-4 Structures Information Revised 03/95 DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE: Please sign and date each attachment in the space provided at the bottom of each form. a ~~~ ~, ,: ~~~~~.~ Mor~heaa ~iJ~~ ,Y:~~'„', d a Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-2 EXCAVATION AND FILL (Except bridges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation or fill activities. All values to be given in feet. ' Average Final Existing Project T.ensrth Width Tenth Tenth Access channel (MLW) or N/A ~~-) N/A Canal Boat N/A Basin avg 15' Existing avg. +2' Boat 23' grade ranges NWL to from from +2' same -4' RAP NWL NWL to NWL -4' NWL N/A Rock N/A Rock Breakwat ~ T5r1 , °"'°G, ~,_ `~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~: ors, ~ :.~{~/it;' R~~~~. ~~~ ,~.. ~~~. ~~~ Other N/A (Excluding shoreline stabiliz- 1. EXCAVATION a. Amount of material to be excavated from below MHW or NWL in cubic yards None b. Type of material to be excavated N/A_ c. Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands (marsh), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs) or other wetlands? _ Yes No d. Highground excavation in cubic yards 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL a. Location of disposal area N/A b. Dimensions of disposal c. Do you claim title to disposal area? _ Yes _ No If no, attach a left r granting permission from the owner. d. Will a disposal area be available) for future maintenance? Yes No e. Does the disposal area include ny coastal wetlands (marsh), SAVs or other we a ds? Yes _ No Revised 03/95 £ Does the disposal include any area in the water? Yes _ No Form DCM-MP-2 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION a. Type of shoreline stabilization N/A Bulkhead Ripr~p b. Length c. Average distance waterward oij MHW or NWL I d. Maximum distance waterward of 1~HW or NWL I e. Shoreline erosion during preceding 1I2 months f. Type of bulkhead or riprap g. Amount of fill in cubic yards to below water level (1) Riprap (2) Bulkhead backfill h. Type of fill material placed i. Source of fill material 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization a. Will fill material be brought to site? X Yes _No If yes, (1) Amount of material to be placed in the water Concrete ramp (2) Dimensions of fill area ramp to be 15' wide and max. 26' beyond N w ~ ~, r ,> ~ a (3) Purpose of fill ~ train ~ '-'~'~~~' r1 b. Will fill material be placed in coas~taI-~e s (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? ~~ X Yes No ~/~ If yes, (1) Dimensions of fill area `155 sq.ft. And 434 sq.ft. (2) Purpose of fill To install boat ramp and access~road,respectively. 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? Astate-approved Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan will be followed for all work performed on the site. b. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Pile driver. dozer, dumptrucks, and other standard commercial and marine construction eQUipmerit. c. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? _ Yes X No If yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen environmental impacts. ~~ t~~ ~h ~ Applicant or Proiec Name ati~ ~ Date ~~~ Cf /z- Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-3 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT (Construction and/or land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major. Permit, For DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other ~.~ sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures proposed No buildings proposed in common area. b. Number of lots or parcels 33 lots currently existing in S/D. c. Density (give the number of residential units and the units per acre) No additional lots proposed. d. Size of area to be graded, filled or disturbed including roads, ditches, etc. approximately 23,000 sq.ft. or 0.52-acre within common area. e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources?_ Yes X No If yes, date submitted f. List the materials (such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for paved surface. Concrete for boat ramp, gravel for access drive and turn around. g. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of MHW or NWL, or within 575 feet in the case of an Outstanding Resource Water, to be covered by impervious and/or built-upon surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. Boat ramp and access drive total approximately 2 333 sq.ft. of impervious cover within the ,~} ~: :. ~1 1, ~~~'_ f ~•~Kt ~~~ :.. ~~ ti J~.~L 2 ~ 2~~6 ~~rt~e~~ City D~:~~ Coastal Shoreline AEC. This is roughly 10 % of the total AEC area. h. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit may also require a Stormwater Certification. Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of Environmental Management for review? Yes X No The stormwater permit for the subdivision will be modified as required. i. Describe proposed method of sewage disposal. N/A- no sources of wastewater proposed within common area. j. Have the facilities described in Item I. above received state or local approval? N/A k. Describe location and type of proposed discharged to waters of the state (for example; surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industriaUcommercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges). No direct discharges proposed. All stormwater runoff will be managed _per astate-approved stormwater plan. 1. Describe proposed drinking water supply source (e.g. well, community, public system, etc.) N/A for boat ramp m. Will water be impounded? _Yes X No If yes, how many acres? N/A n. If the project is an oceanfront development, when was the lot(s) platted and recorded? N/A Revised 03195 Form DCM-MP-3 ~~~ (~~° Appl' ant or Project N e Signature ~ Date ~i~~C~~4~~~D ;u~ z A zoos Morehead City DCM Revised 03/95 .:... Form DCM-MP-4 STRUCTURES (Construction within Public Trust Areas) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major d. Permit, Form DCM-MP-l . Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application which relate to this proposed project. a. Dock(s) and/or Pier(s) (1) -Commercial X Community Private (2) Number 1 ram~and 1 fixed "L" shaped dock alongside ramp. (3) Length 40' alongside ramp (portion beyond NWL only,), 70' total length. (4) Width 6' (5) Finger Piers Yes X No (i) Number (ii) Length (iii) Width (6) Platform(s) X Yes _No (i) Number 1 (ii) Length 6' x 36.3' (iii) Width (7) Number of slips proposed All docks eg for loadin unloading at ramp. no permanent slips proposed. (8) Proximity of structure to adjacent riparian property lines Approx. 22' to the north, 135' to the south (9) Width of water body roughly / 3 dwide, structures to extend no more than So` beyond NWL. (10) Water depth at waterward end of pier at MLW or NWL Avg -4' b. Boathouse (including covered lifts) N/A (1)_ Commercial-Private (2) Length (3) Width c. Groin (e.g. wood, sheetpile, etc.) ~ (1) Number 2 groins /retainine walls alongside ramp (2) Length(s) 't' beyond NWL on north side of ramp 1 !' beyond NWL on south side of ramp ~`-~'. ~` < .,.` ~. -`' !~" :i ,J/~ ! I O~~p~~ ~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~ y~c Breakwater (e.g. wood, sheetpile, etc.) N/A /ijJ (1) Length (2) Average distance from MHW, NWL r wetlands (3) Maximum distance beyond MHW, , or wetlands e. Mooring buoys N/A (1) Commercial _Community Private (2) Number (3) Description of buoy (Color, inscription, size, anchor etc.) (4) Width of water body (5) Distance buoy(s) to be placed eyond shoreline ~ f. Mooring structure (boatlift, mooring pilings, etc:) N/A (1) -Commercial -Community Private (2) Number (3) Length (4) Width g. Other (Give complete description) 15'-wide concrete boat ramp. Ramp to be 60' long with no more than 26' of that extending waterward of NWL. 6 pilings to mark. channel signature Qi~•e yGK^ rs vp IrC ~ ~/~ ate Revised 03/95 SG /f ^y b`. ~ i t~.F "` ~ xt ,~ -~ "^1- ~ { _ ~.r."'~'~ - .~~ - "tit-: rr° ~ r ~- i` s _ _ .. _ .gyp r.,. a yr P - _~ _ _ ~ _ _ ~ ~~ t~~~ ,;~~ `~ _ R V _ ._ T' ~+'~} ''~,~~ ~°~~~~~ ~ ~z I ,.,~''~ t ~ ~ '~ BOAT RAMP LOCATION «. kkk 1 ~ 3 ~ ~. , ~ ~ _ a t s- ~ ,, s. t ~~ y ' ~ ~ s tfr s~ "~~1 '~'~ _ ~~ _ ~, ~`, sc ~ ~ , l R,,r C3 ~ _ `~,, _ ;' ~' ac ~' _ } ~ ~ ~ i ~M ~ i w a ~., t ,~ ..-,. cr a S ....~~, _._ j~ i ~ ' i ... t ~ ~ _~~' Y LS ~ ,„ ;rte ~ _ o _~ tr~~ `~ ( ~ ^,-.-~ ~;~'~ I v ~•^~ t .r, .,s, JUI, w ~ 'Z006 Morehe~~ '~I ~y ~ ~~ ~ ,' i 0 1.2 2.4 SCALE 1" = 1.2 miles Land Management Group, /nC. CAMA Major Permit Application, Environmental Consultants Baytree Landing Community Ramp P.O. Box 2522 VICINITY MAP Applicant: Baytree Landing Properties LLC Wilmington, NC 28402 North Carolina Gazetteer c/o Mr. Jim Wiggins 910-452-0001 Location: Long Creek, Craven County LMG # 03-04-247 Date: 8/2005 Sheet 1 of 11 z~ :2 • _ ~ -.i ~, t j ~ r' r, ~ t S <1x i.~ 1 j` f i ~ 3 i ___ l } i i i ~~ i~ ne r,Ci <<', ':a ~ t ' - /,/F" ~ ~~ ~~' - t _i .~,,r-' ~.:--~ .: ~ .r .~ ' - ~ ~,.} - ~P _ ?- - .. - ~ .. --.,, .- ~~eaS t,.latid ~ ~ ~,j ~-~ ~ ,` y ; ~' ~ % ~ ~ ~~ _ 'I ' '_~ ~~ 1= ~ ~ _ z.: ~~ -• - f ~ i~ `~ ` .. t ~".` ~ ~ ,I~ t-~~` _ _ ,. r .. F ~ " ~ ~ ~~ ~,I t (t~~~ i i ''. n 7 Y`a .~ ~ ~ '_ A.'' f __,_ fa a " ` _.e_< r .~ 3' = " V 7 ~ ;~ r ~~ ~ : ~ ,... ~ n r 1 i " ~~ ~~ ~' _ ' a ~ i ~„ ~~s_ z• .. ~ .- ,. - - ~ '~ ~, li ;: ~, ~ ~ ` ~~~ ~ t', ~ '~'~ - ~~' BOAT RAMP LOCATION xt; t I ~,' is~ : ~. ., ,F)t/,' ~. s. J '~ ~~'~t ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ S i~ ~ a ~ _ .~ .., ~ ~ ~ 1 is ~ `,.: ,~ lI ~ ~ ~ J _+ ~~ i y _~ ~ ~ ~ i .~ ., ' it , ~,~, i ~' .i~ ~' - IE ! ~` - r ~f.' ~, , - ~ ~'~. ~ ~ , tl l . ~ u. ~~ ti: A .. - - .- - ~-- ~ ~` r Xt e ~~ 'j ~ - -- - - _- .~ ~~. ~ i t ~~ ~~ e t j ~"`, ~~ ~'" ` c ,,: ~.., - -~~, r~ s t I' ~~ ~,- ~ ~~ ;' ~ `~ _ ,, i , k f ~ Ir;~ ~~ L ~ t r > Y.} - ~, ~ ~ - N ~~; - ~. ., ,, ~~~q~ ~. ~ ~~~1, ,. _ ~ ,.~ JU 2 s 7.006 Morehead City 2000 4 00 Note: Subdivision boundaries are approximate. SCALE 1" = 2000' Land Management Group, InC. CAMA Major Permit Application, Environmental Consultants Baytree Landing Community Ramp P.O. Box 2522 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC Applicant: Baytree Landing Properties LLC Wilmington, NC 28402 MAP -' c/o Mr. Jim Wiggins 910-452-0001 Merrimon Quad. Location: Long Creek, Craven County LMG # 03-04-247 Date: 8/2005 Sheet 2 of 11 ~~' /. { f ~ I / - ji .1 ~ \ ~ ~ I ~ ., ~ ~ ' ~ t ~:~ 1h ~ , ~ t a ~. . ~ ~ ~ ~~< ~~ ) ~ J '~` I ~ ~ I. ~rtm~ ~ ~~ ~- ~ i ~ <<, ~- ~- _ , r ~ Ad -_ `'. ~, ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~'~ ~~ ~ z 3 ~'• '~ ft -sf ~ .~ ~ ~~ ~ i f '..'.t t ,' ~ ,, ~' .~ ~,~ ~y~3,Y1 ~ ~h % ~~ fog. t ~;` n~ ~ 3 ~~a ~ L~,~'s~ ~ ;,' ~~~ ~~~ti~~~ ~- ~~~1~ BOAT RAMP LOCATION ~ ~;:. `~"1 } /~r ~2~ , i ,~~StA ~~}~~- .~1.~~ 1 i~ ~~,/~ ~ ~~~ 1 1 .- irk 2 ~ ~~~ i {.{ C~ ~ + ~ / . y ~i S t~ ~~ Y, /1 r I : ~ '*~ ~ ~~ r 1 ~~~ t ~ ' t r J off i { ~ ( -C~u ~~' '~` ~ ~.~ ~ ',.\ l ` _ t ~ ~ r ;' ~~~, ~ rv. ~ AaA - r' ~- ~ ~ j 1 ~~ t.. ~ 7 \ / I ~J ~ 1 ~ /~ f R r r r (1 t t .. - ~, ti' ~ t / ! `' 1 ~, ~~ 1, l ~~~ ~1 ~ ~ t ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~/ I ~ 1~n t 1 r fir./, _ ~\ ~1 ~.. `1 r[~I it ( ~~.-.....J~j p ~,..~I ~T I \ ~ x Note: Subdivision boundaries are approximate. r~. ~~ j~~ r '~~ ~u~ ~ g ?uo6 2000' 4000' SCALE 1" = 2000' Land Management Group, ~t7c. Marehead Cit (~r"~i~AMA Major PermitApplication, Environmental Consultants ~' tree Landing Community Ramp P.O. Box 2522 NRCS SOIL SURVEY Applicant: Baytree Landing Properties LLC Wilmington, NC 28402 Craven Co, pg.17 c/o Mr. Jim Wiggins 910-452-0001. Location: Long Creek, Craven County LMG # 03-04-247 Date: 8/2005 Sheet 3 of 11 Land Management Group, inc. Environmental Consultants P.O. Box 2522 Wilmington, NC 28402 910-452-0001 LMG # 03-04-247 AERIAL ~i~PH Morenea~ city ~~ CAMA Major Permit Application, Baytree Landing Community Ramp Applicant: Baytree Landing Properties LLC c/o Mr. Jim Wiggins Location: Long Creek, Craven County Date: 8/2005 Sheet 4 of 11 0 500' 1000' ~~~~~'~ SCALE 1" = 500' +. ~ ~ 1 ., ; ,~ t~a ;~~. 11.481 .;. ~41+~ -419 ~~~~L~~~ ~p 1~±ei~smmm... T'~k~#L.:,~Ir.1t`~ ~f~. =~t _. ~_ BOAT RAMP LOC_ ATION ~~ ~ ryS .. 7 T w.. ~ .•, s, ~ °-~ ~~ ~T~.T It~l Common Area -€~1~ S•414~ ~tf41 ~~5.'Yi"RE s1D~PI~G ~R{5 Lot 1 r ~' f Ta4"~"i.~R, f~X ~'t1T a49t1 ~~~~~ ~~:~ ~.~~ Lot 2 ~~i ~r~T, ~o~~s ~ ~ ~;ra~ Lot 3 ~ ,~~~~..~~~i=r~ Lot 4 -~,~~ _ _ ~41~ •4td:5 ~d~iR~l, ~i~14 Lot 5 ~. = ~''~ S•418 1 ~~i Adjacent Landowner to North: NC DOT (SR 1700) Adjacent Landowner to South: (Lot 1 has since sold) Michael and Christine Loper 314 Cumberland Ct. Peachtree City, GA 30269 {,'~i~ a .3 J! JL 2 8 2 i~'or~t~~a~ N 0 300' SCALE 1" = 300' 600' Land Management Group, /nC. CAMA Major Permit Application, Environmental Consultants CRAVEN COUNTY Baytree Landing Community Ramp P.O. Box 2522 GIS DATA, Applicant: Baytree Landing Properties LLC Wilmington, NC 28402 c/o Mr. Jim Wi ins 910-452-0001 Adjacent Landowners gg Location: Long Creek, Craven County LMG # 03-04-247 Sheet 5 of 11 Date: 8/2005 revised 7/2006 08/23/2006 09:36 9104520060 LANDMANAGEMENr rHUt F71/171 2 d I - ~~~- ~ ~ 1 d~~ g ~ ! ~ ~ ~ D z ... X w zm ~~ ~© z 0 ca w Q 0 ~~xc~ O i d .~ v W i ~ O ~ ~ d O O N U U {+ $d„ +' ~ 0 sou O ;~, L U U d ~a ~~~ ~ u o .~ c~ d~3u ++ +~ d ~¢ ~ o c~ _ N _ U `~ `~ ~ ~ ,:. "'~. r~..` o ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ m - o ~' v o < ~s ~ z ~ F l~° Z ~ ~ ,~ ° ~e°, ~ n ~ ~~J a ~ ~ O ~ ~ D ~ ~ F o O p ® Z (~D N W F ' 0o ° r,- p ~ ~ ~ ~D ~ o ~~ ~ '- ~ ~- D R a n ~ m a:`o' o ~ ~m~~ m v 0 n n ~ a cn ~ 3 ~' a F o ~, ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ z O r "O (~ ~ ~ 'Q = ~ ~ Q ~ ~• ~~ ~' ~- o n ~~~ D ~ R O ~ ~ ~ ~ flt~ n ~ F ""-_ r- a ~ `` ~ ~ ~. ~ O _~ ~~ o ~ ~ ~~ ~- O ~ ~ _ o 0 ~ ~ Q ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~-* ^-~- r I ~ ~'vCDO '~ o cn y ~ ~ o Q ~ ~ v ~ ~ fop ~ (~, ~j CD LLt ~r ~ F ~i ~ v ~ ~ ~® I~ ~ G O n ~ ~ ~ a R ~, O (n ~ ~ ~ CD p W~ ~ o ~ ~~ryry -' +„ `~'- ~~'¢~~J ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ o v d ~ a ' ~ tv °" ~ ~. L O 02 O 2W hn r~-t O ~o Nm g~ 0 F U rrrrrrrrrrrrr 0000000000000 'i "1 ~1 ~i ~'I '~1 '1 '^1 ~I ~1 ~i ~1 "1 ~~~~DCAVQ1CJi~AWN~ Wrv~--O -~~F~j~W01 AWCNn1NCAW 'vvNo~~l-AtO~IN~~~U N U W W aannaaataaaana nnnc~canc~c~c~nnncn mmmmm~~mmR mmm cncncn~nyy~~yy~~~ ~i ~~ ;. rrrrrrrrrrrrr F ® ; F fi 0000000000000 h "i '~i "I ~I ^i -1 'ti -I -1 'y -I ~I -i , r 0 N~bNb-V~VN•~«~-...~ ~a rntT '~Y li Q ~ rncn,ac,,1~~O~nmy . (~ ~. ~ ; ; .p ~ .p~y W -A rnp~ V Of ~O V1 -A -p cp ~O N N O1 Ut ~A Cn 'V U~ -A aaaaaaaaaaaaa ~~~~n~~~~~~~~ m,~,,m,~n n~,n mmmmmm W WNyy~yyWCr~cocncn O a V" C5R~1 %/'/ /ewA~ i /~ / _n .t1~~ 'n~i Ncoor c%Aaron Everett 209 South 6lenburnie Rd. New Bern, NC 28560 Leo ~s~u wwsr ~- Ntn,vm uwr ~wrt~waeo azr a cascu wRSr xar (wc br cps) '~'---~ 4 s rst •,~~ .. "~ (~ ?^' ~~. r, •, ~ .,, 1 ~r~' x y ~, ,~i; i ax ttl ~ ra „K4 r~ v: -4r / / c ~ { .; ~ /~ ' ~ • . .. / / ~. ...., r~ sG :..'.::•.::.'.•.:..'•F..':.'.f1::':.' ~~: C/L N.C.S.R. 1700 (60' R/W) ~~~/ O 3.79 ACRES ~ ~{i O 40 SCALE I " = 120' c«nral Notes (1)SAVs were mapped using a handheld 6P5 unit by LM6. Limits are not exact and ore meant for reference use only. SAV survey stopped at project limits, (2) Creek edge estimated from 6I5 DATA and aerials (3) Origins/Survey and drawing provided by Bell d Phillips Surveying, PLLC J" S ~5~~f/,~ i~,' 'f f , ~~ `n v J ~~~ h~~~, ff'~11 V~]~,~ ~y/ No, tbvWon/Inw •~ OaN LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. P05T OFFlCE BO% 2522 WILMINGTON, NC 28402 (910) 452-0001 Bell & Philllp9 Surveying, PIdC soles cauia PODlT lu% 911ANSaaRO, N.C. 88081 TaLdFBOlYa: (808)-909-8181 assn, ~6eDrur-e~lnjltop8.oom Pcrojec des Baylreslmdln9 Applicants eaytrul~are Properties, CLC Locations Cony c}~eeek, amn cowry lMG N 03-04-247 SITFPLAN COMMON ARfA ow •.• '+i:izo 7 of 5!30!06 reNSed 912006 / General Notes warEnw,aRa consr~t ~sx ~• uwownrm catsrnc ~sN uurr N ...~.... - x-:.. ~: a~:.': ... ~~ ~•.• Proposed Gravel Access Road and Tum Around (with parking in center) wFruwo uMrr ' ' ~ i ~ : ,a' ~ , , , . . . . "' I S / ~, ~ ns r RPM -.Wi . t a~ ~~~' .,... ~ p ~ • - fir. -~,. '.~'.'. 5' l , ~ ,, r~ l ............ . . ........ ............ ~ g . ::. :. ................. ..... ~ ~ ~ .. :. l .:...... ..:.. '.'.'::.'.'. '..': ~ ~ ~ ~~t ~ Y'' ... l ... l .............. .... .. ....................... ../... ........ ....... ~.... ............... ........ COATSTAL A uA~rr 4s5sq. FT. WETLAND IMPACT for rump SCALE 1" = 40' o io®o ~o SCAIE.' 1"=100' x'00 No. ~ Revision/Issue I Date f LAND MANAGEMENT CROUP, INC. P05T OFFICE 60X 2522 WILMINGTON, NC 28402 (910)452-0001 Surveying, PLLC 4 PalNi' BLVD. ~. N.C. 28594 JUL 2 $ ~~~w°~SAV sx L® ~9x -55x x ,~~LiMirs-~-~_~,~x y ~' y ~4.9x v. y -5.7x ~y \ t y.yxW y y~ -4.8x ~ 3.,3x y ~ .tt. t~ , .tt. ~' :.~ l i l ,.I ..~............~ ~ ~ ~` ~ SCALE ~1" = 40' . ~ . ,,...,.. .., .~.~. .4. v /. . ..:............. ~.~.~.~... "v- ~. (1)SAVs were mapped using a handheld GPS unit by LMO. Limits are not exoct and are meant for reference use only. SAV survey stopped at project limit (2)Fill for Romp: Coastal Marsh Fill = ~ 8 5 SQ. FT. '404" Wetland Filf = 170 SR. FT (3)Frll for Drive: '404" Wetland t=rll = 434 SQ. fT. ~ (4)Original Survey and drawing provided by Bel( & Phillips Surveying, PLLC Morehead ~~~ Appricont: 9ayn,ec tmdrny Orwperties, LLC Location: ~ cam, c„~ county AccEss DRrvE WITHIN COMMON AREA d PROPOSED WETLAND IMPACTS '" 9ofil 5!30106 rev~5ed 7/2006 ~ 404 WETLAND UM