HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070142 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070131DW(~;~ ~ O l ~{ ~~ Date ~~ ` ~'j ~ ' 0 7 Who Review~od: ~ ~~~~ z Plan Deta117ncomplet® ~ - ` ~ ' [] Pleaso provide a Iocation map for tho projoct. ^ Please show all etream impacts including ell fill slopes, disaipatcra, and bank stabilization on the siteplan. . ^. Please show ail wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan. ^ Please indicato ell buffer impacts on the site plan. ^ Pleeao indicate proposed lot layout ea overlays on the site plan. ^ Please indicate tho location of the piotccted buffers as mvcrlays oa the site plan. ^ Ploase locate ail isolated. or non-isolated wetlands, ~aireams and other wators of the State as overlays on the site plan. ^ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic lifo passage. ^ Please locato any plannod•sewer lines on tho aife plan. ^ Please provide the location of any proposed stormwater managomart practices as required liy QC ^ Please provide dotail for the atonnwater managemart practices as required by CiC ^ Ploaso specify the perceat of project impervlouaneas area based on the estimated built-out conditions: ^ Pleaseiadicate all stormwa#er~',oi}ifalls on the site plan. (~ 1 h~~o ~ . ^ Ples'se indicate the difliase flow provlaion measures on the site plan. ~ °~~~ ^ Please indicate wheth~•or not the proposed impacts ahroady bear co~}ducted. S ~ ~ ~ ~ l''J~ ~' ' ~ ' 1 Avoidance,and/or 1Vlinimization Not Provided ~ y~j .e ~~ S S as ~ ~ e ~ ~,~ {',e,J ~ 5 e l~ot~' ,p \ o:,n S ~~ aaddi~°" ~ ~Z.~ s • The labeled as on the plena does not appear to be necessary. Please eliminate o . or pro e oral ~ ~~, infom~ation as to why it is oceasary for this proj . ~ .~ f. 't o . . This Office believes that th~ • ~ labeled on the pleas as ' s ~ came n:e*rsdor raoe~sed to aiiid the~nnpacts to the ~~ ~ ~ . Please rawise the plena to aYeid th44 impacts.. ^. ~ This'Offico believes that the labeled on the plane as• ~ can be moved or recunflgurod to.;nwiimize the impacts tp'tho • . Please revise the plane to minimize the impacts. . ^ The storn-watar discharges ar the location on the plans labeled will. not provide dif~se flow through the buffer because . Please xevlse the plans and provide ealculatione to •show that diflUae flow will be.achieved tJ~rongh the aitirebuffea'. If it is not possible to achiove~diflbae flow through.the entiro buffer ~thar~it may bo necessary to'provide atormwater management practices that ranove nutrients .before the atormwater can be discharged through the. buffer. . Other ~ .. ^•. Tho application fee was inauffieient~because over 150 feet of stream and/or over 1 acre oi~wetland'impacts wero requested. Please provide ~ .This additional fee must be received before your applicatian caa be reviewed. . ^ Pleasse complete Section(s) on the application. - ~ n ' ^ Please provide a signed copy of the application. ^ Pleeseprovide copies of the application, . copies of•the sitepliina sad other supporting information: _ ^ • Pleasesubnut electronic CpD files showirxg ; via email to ian.mcm~7lan®nomail.net and CD: ~. Mitlgafion • ^ of compensatory ~ mitigation is required for this projdet. ~ Please provid'e's c~cnsatory mitigation plan.. The plan must conform to tharequixeanenta in 1 S A NCAC 2H :0500 and mush be appropriate to the type•of impacts proposed. ~ • ^ Please indicate which 404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. ~ . .