HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00002167Recommended Water Screening Level for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA or C8) 1. Summary A water screening level has been developed for PFOA: Recommended PFOA water screening level = 0.0021 mg/L or 2.1 µg/L Basis for level: RfD = 0.0003 mg/kg-day; Critical endpoints = Reduction in mean body weight and body weight gain from F, male rat pups and F, adult male rats (Fl generation from Fo adult rats) and increased liver weights in Fo parental males; Critical study = Two generation rat gavage study by York et al., 2002 and Butenhoff et al., 2004. 2. Background The chemical name for C8 is Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). It has a CAS number of 335-67-1 and a molecular formula of C8BF1502. One of its salts, ammonium perfluorooctanoate (APFO; C8F1502NH4; CAS No. 3825-26-1) is the compound that is the most widely used in industry and most of the animal toxicology studies have been carried out with this compound. Once absorbed in the body, APFO disassociates to the PFOA anion. 3. Basis for Screening Levels The first step in developing a water screening level for PFOA involves determining whether the level should be based on the carcinogenic or noncarcinogenic effects of the chemical. If the screening level is based on carcinogenic effects, then the chemical is assumed to not exhibit a threshold and a risk approach is used to develop the basis for the screening levels. In the risk approach, a study (usually animal but can be human) that examined carcinogenic effects is selected to be the basis for the assessment. Mathematical models are used to determine a cancer slope factor based on the results seen in the study. A cancer slope factor is an upper -bound estimate of risk per increment of dose. From the cancer slope factor, unit risk estimates are developed. Unit risk estimates convert the cancer slope factor to units of drinking water (µg/L) or air (µg/fn). From the unit risk, risk -specific doses can be derived that estimate the dose associated with a specific risk level, for example, a one -in -a -million (1 x 10-6) increased lifetime risk. If the screening level is based on noncarcinogenic effects, then the chemical is assumed to exhibit a threshold and a Reference Dose (RfD) is developed. The Rfl) is an estimate (with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a daily exposure to the human population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime. The Rfl) is calculated to be protective against a critical effect, which also results in protection against other effects at higher doses. The RfD is expressed in units of mg/kg (body weight) -day. DEQ-CFW 00002167 Epidemiological studies in workers have not seen an increase in cancer from exposure to PFOA. Two animal carcinogenicity studies have been carried out. One study reported increases in Leydig cell adenomas and mammary gland fibroadenomas. The second study reported increases in tumors in the liver, Leydig cells, and pancreas. EPA's draft risk assessment on PFOA (EPA, 2005a) concluded "overall, based on no adequate human studies and uncertain human relevance of the tumor triad (liver, Leydig cell and pancreatic cell tumors) from the rat studies, PFOA may be best described as "suggestive evidence of carcinogenicity, but not sufficient to assess human carcinogenic potential" under the draft 1999 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment." EPA's SAB submitted a report on January 20, 2006 on EPA's draft risk assessment. In this report, they stated that the majority of panel members concluded that the experimental weight of evidence with respect to the carcinogenicity of PFOA was stronger than proposed in the draft document, and suggested that PFOA is a "likely" carcinogen in humans. This was based on the following: • While human data is ambiguous, two animal studies have shown carcinogenic effects at several sites. • There exist too many uncertainties in the mode of action for liver tumors to say that they are not relevant to humans. • Mammary gland adenocarcinomas seen in the animal study should be considered related to PFOA treatment. • Insufficient data are available to determine the mode of action for the Leydig cell, pancreatic, and mammary gland tumors, and thus they must be presumed to be relevant to humans. A few members of the SAB did not find the weight of evidence sufficient to support the "likely" descriptor and agreed with the EPA's conclusion that PFOA showed suggestive evidence of carcinogenicity. This was based on the opinion that the mode of action for the liver tumors was not relevant to humans and that the mammary gland tumors were not demonstrated in animals when compared to historical controls. The following are the key reasons why the West Virginia Assessment of Toxicity Team for PFOA (CATT) did not conclude that the animal carcinogenicity data indicates that PFOA is probably carcinogenic in humans (WV DEP, 2002): • PFOA has not been shown to be genotoxic. Genotoxic compounds bind to DNA and are more likely to be carcinogenic than nongenotoxic compounds. Although nongenotoxic compounds can be carcinogenic, they are usually much weaker carcinogens that pose a lesser risk to human health. • The liver tumors seen in the animals were probably caused by a mechanism of action that is not relevant in humans. • The Leydig cell tumors are rarely seen in humans and the mechanism of action appears to be non -linear. • Technical questions on whether the mammary gland adenocarcinomas and pancreatic tumors were related to the PFOA treatment. DEQ-CFW 00002168 The EPA has not calculated a cancer slope factor for PFOA. The West Virginia CATT concluded that they would base their water and soil screening levels on the noncarcinogenic endpoints of PFOA (the RfD). They stated that they believed that the RM would be protective against the possibility of liver tumors and Leydig cell tumors, since these tumors, if shown to be relevant to humans, would operate under a nongenotoxic, non -linear mechanism (WV DEP, 2002). The EPA Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment state that, "For cases where the tumors arise through a nonlinear mode of action, an oral Reference Dose or inhalation Reference Concentration should be developed in accordance with EPA's established practice. This approach expands the past focus of such reference values (previously reserved for effects other than cancer) to include carcinogenic effects determined to have a nonlinear mode of action" (EPA, 2005b). Based on the reasons outlined in the above paragraph, the water screening level for PFOA has been calculated based on the RfD of 0.0003 mg/kg-day considering noncarcinogenic effects. According to Dr. Luanne Williams, a toxicologist with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, there is some uncertainty in using the chronic oral reference dose of 0.0003 mg/kg-day for calculating a water screening level for PFOA. There is uncertainty associated with the reference dose of 0.0003 mg/kg-day because of the serious critical data gaps in the carcinogenicity and toxicity of PFOA (Williams L, 2006). 4. RiD Development An RfD is calculated as follows: • Review available human and animal studies on the chemical Weigh studies for applicability to be used as the critical study for RM determination. Some of the determining factors are: o Length of study o Number of animals used o Endpoints examined o Relevance of route of exposure o Quality of study (follows EPA or other guidelines) o Exposure levels defined (often a problem in epidemiology studies) o Critical effect determined • Determine critical study • Determine highest dose level at which a critical adverse effect does not occur (NOAEL) or the lowest dose level at which a critical adverse effect does occur (LOAEL) from the critical study • Determine appropriate uncertainty factor (UF) to be applied to the NOAEL or LOAEL • Divide NOAEL or LOAEL by UF. Table 1 presents a summary of the studies that were considered for RM derivation. The human studies were determined to be inadequate for RM determination (all studies reviewed and summarized in EPA, 2005a and West Virginia DEP, 2002). DEQ-CFW 00002169 Table 1. Studies Considered for RfD Derivation Study Animal (sex) Length Doses NOAEL LOAEL Effects (route) (mg/kg-day) (mg/kg- (mg/kg- for APFO day) day) and PFOA as indicated Thomford et Cynomolgus 26 weeks 0, 3, 10, 30 ND 3 Increased al, 2001 monkey (1VI) (oral capsule) APFO liver weights, possible mortality Goldenthal, Rhesus 13 weeks 0, 3, 10, 30, ND 3 Clinical signs 1978b monkey (gavage) 100 PFOA (M,F) Goldenthal, CD rats 13 weeks 0, 0.56, 1.72, 1978a M (diet) 5.64, 17.9, 0.56 1.72 Increased 63.5 PFOA liver weights (F) 0, 0.74, 2.3, 7.7, 22.4, 22.4 76.5 Increased 76.5 PFOA liver weights Palazzolo, ChR-CD rats 13 weeks 0, 0.06, 0.64, 0.06 0.64 Increased 1993; Perkins (M) (diet) 1.94, 6.50 liver weights, et al., 2004 APFO liver hypertrophy Sibinski,1987 Sprague- 2 years (diet) Dawley rats (NI) 0, 1.3, 14.2 1.3 14.2 Increased liver weights, 1.6, 16.1 liver (F) APFO 1.6 16.1 hypertrophy Decreased body weights, effects on blood Cook et al., Sprague 2 years (diet) 0, 14.2 NR* ND 14.2 Increased 1994 Dawley rats liver weights (M,F) Riker Rats 2 years (diet) Laboratories, (M) 0, 1.3, 14 1.3 14 Increased 1983 0, 1.6, 16 liver weights (F) NR* ND 1.6 Ovarian hyperplasia. York et al., Sprague- 2-generation 0, 1, 3, 10, 30 ND 1 Increased 2002; Dawley rats reproductive APFO liver weight Butenhoff et (M, F) study ** al., 2004 (gavage) ND 1 Significant reduction in DEQ-CFW 00002170 mean body weight gain ND 1 Decreased body weight and body weight gain Gortner, 1981 Sprague GD 6-15 0, 0.05, 1.5, 150 ND No effects Dawley rats 5,150 APFO (M, F Staples, 1984 Sprague- GD 6-15 0, 100 APFO 100 ND No effects Dawley rats (M,F) Gortner, 1982 New Zealand GD 6-18 0, 1.5, 5, 50 5 50 Development white rabbits APFO al effects, such as extra rib * NR = compound (APFO or PFOA) not reported **Effect noted in Fo parental males (shown on page 72 of EPA 2005a). However, a mode of action analysis has demonstrated that the liver effects on rats are due to a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha or PPAR a —agonism According to EPA, this mode of action is unlikely to occur in humans (shown on page 8 of EPA 2005a). ***Effect noted in FI male pups (pups from Fo adult rats) (shown on page 68 of EPA 2005a). ****Effect noted in Fl adult males (pups from Fo adult rats) (shown on page 73 of EPA 2005a). GD = gestational day ND = not determined since effects were seen at all doses tested APFO = Ammonum pertluorooctanoate PFOA = Perfluorooctanoic acid York et al., 2002; Butenhoff et al., 2004 was selected as the critical study for the derivation of the RM. The reasons for this include the fact that the study: • Is of excellent quality • Follows EPA OPPTS guidelines for conducting reproductive/developmental studies • Examined for multiple organ effects as well as developmental effects from two rat generations. • Presents the lowest LOAEL of all the chronic and developmental studies (the only study with a lower LOAEL (0.64 mg/kg-day) Palazzolo, 1993; Perkins et al. 2004 is only 13 weeks duration). Table 2 presents the study and factors used to calculate the RM for PFOA: Tahle 2. RfD for PFOA Study Critical NOAEL LOAEL OF RtD Effect York et al. Reduction in NOAEL was 1 mg/kg- 3,000 0.0003 2002; mean body not day APFO mg/kg-day* weight and DEQ-CFW 00002171 Butenhoff et body weight determined al. 2004 gain from F, since effects male rat pups were seen at and Fl male all doses adults tested. `According to Dr. Luanne Williams, a toxicologist with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, the 1 mg/kg-day LOAEL for APFO could be used with some caution to derive a chronic oral reference dose of 0.0003 mg/kg-day for calculating groundwater and soil screening levels for PFOA. There is uncertainty associated with the reference dose of 0.0003 mg/kg-day because of the serious critical data gaps in the carcinogenicity and toxicity of PFOA (Williams L, 2006). A total uncertainty factor (UF) of 3,000 (UF = UFH (10) x UFA (10) x UFs (1) x UFL (10) x UFD (3) = 3,000) was used, consisting of the following areas of uncertainty: 1. Intraspecies variability (UFH). This factor accounts for the natural differences that occur between human subpopulations and for the fact that some individuals may be more sensitive than the average population. EPA recommends values of 3-10 for this factor. UFH =10 because have not defined the most sensitive subpopulation for C8. 2. Interspecies variability (UFA). This factor is used to account for differences in response between animals and humans. EPA recommends values of 1-10 for this factor. UFA =10 because no data available on quantitative differences between animals and humans in pharmacokinetics of C8. 3. Subchronic to Chronic Extrapolation (UFs). This factor is applied when the database lacks information on the health effects of the chemical following lifetime exposure. EPA recommends values of 1-10 for this factor. UFs =1 because many chronic studies available on C8. 3. LOAEL to NOAEL Extrapolation (UFL). This factor is applied when extrapolating from a LOAEL to a NOAEL. UFL =10 since a LOAEL (reduction in mean body weight gain) was used in the calculations. 4. Database (UFD). This factor is applied when there are significant data gaps on the chemical. EPA recommends values of 1-10 for this factor. UFD = 3 since there are database gaps on the toxicity of PFOA. 5. Water Screening Level A water screening level is derived from the multiplication of the RfD by the assumed body weight of an adult and divided by the assumed daily water consumption of an adult. This value is then multiplied by a relative source contribution to take into account exposures from other sources i.e., the relative source contribution (RSC). The RSC is assumed to be 20% for organic chemicals and 10% for inorganic chemicals. The following equation is used (NC, 2005a): Water Screening Level for PFOA = RfD x BW x RSC DI Where: RfD = RfD PFOA = 0.0003 mg/kg-day BW = Body weight of an adult, default = 70 kg DEQ-CFW 00002172 RSC = Relative source contribution, default = 20% for organics DI = Daily water intake for an adult, default = 2 L/day Water Screening Level for PFOA = 0.0003 mg/kg-du x 70 kg x 0.20 = 0.0021 mg/L = 2.1 µg/L 2 L/day 6. References EPA, 2005a. Draft Risk Assessment of the Potential Human Health Effects Associated with Exposure to Perfluorooctanoic acid and its Salts. Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Risk Assessment Division. SAB Review Draft. Available at: hUp://www.epa.g_ov/opptigtr/pfoa/pfoarisk.htm EPA, 2005b. Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment. Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC. EPA/630/P-03/001F. EPA, 2004. Users Guide and Background Technical Document for USEPA Region 9's Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRG) Table. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 2005a. Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina. Subchapter 2L. Division of Water Quality. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 2005b. Guidelines for Establishing Remediation Goals at RCRA Hazardous Waste Sites. Division of Waste Management, Hazardous Waste Section. Prevedouros K, Cousins, IT, Buck, RC, Korzeniowski, SH. Sources, Fate and Transport of Perfluorocarboxylates. 2006. Environ Sci Technol. 40(1):32-44. West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, 2002. Final Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate (C8) Assessment of Toxicity Team (CATT) Report. Available at: hqp://www.depstate wv us/item cfm?ssid=l l&sslid=665 Williams L, 2006. Dr. Luanne K. Williams, Toxicologist with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. DEQ-CFW 00002173