HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00001393GROUNDWATER COMMITTEE MEETING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION AGENDA May 9, 2007 Archdale Building - Ground Floor Hearing Room 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Call to Order and Notice of Notice of North Carolina General Statute § 138A-15 ..... Chairman Martin General Statute § 138A-15, which mandates that the Chairman inquire as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the EMC Groundwater Committee. He said if any member knows of a conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict, please so state at this time. OpeningRemarks........................................................................................................ Chairman Martin Action Agenda Item #1- Approval of the Previous Groundwater Committee Minutes............................................................................................. Chairman Martin Information Agenda Item #2 — Division of Water Quality Item: Results from the Groundwater Standards Stakeholders Process - Stakeholder Recommendations regarding the use of Federal MCLs as North Carolina groundwater standards and the modification of the Relative Source Contribution component in 15A NCAC 2L.0202 (d) (1)........................................................................... Carl Bailey Information Agenda Item # 3 - Division of Water Quality Item: An Update on the Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration in groundwater for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA or C8) and an Update on Upcoming Activities of the NC SAB as they relate to this substance ................................................. Connie Brower Information Agenda Item # 4 - Division of Water Quality Item: Update on the Transfer of Some Incident Management Responsibilities from the Division of Water Quality to the Division of Waste Management .................................. Ted Bush NewBusiness.......................................................................................................... Chairman Martin ClosingRemarks......................................................................................... Chairman Martin Groundwater Committee Members: Donnie Brewer, Marion Deerhake, Tom Ellis, Freddie Harrill, Kevin Martin, Steven D. Weber, and Dr. David Moreau. DEQ-CFW 00001393 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION WATER QUALITY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA May 9, 2007 Archdale Building - Ground Floor Hearing Room 12:00 Noon -Teneral Statute § 138A-15, which mandates that the Chairman inquire as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the EMC Water Quality Committee. If any member knows of a conflict of interest or appearance 9f conflict, please so state at this time. 12:00 p.m. - Opening Comments Chairman Peterson ' Asterisk indicates consensus item where no presentation is planned, but staff is present if there are questions. *1. Request for Approval to Send the Final Draft of the White Oak River Basinwide Water OuaUy Plan to the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) for Approval - (Consensus Action Item) (Heather Patt) The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) staff request permission to take the draft White Oak River Basinwide Water Quality Plan to the EMC for final approval. Staff will make a full presentation of plan highlights and public comments at he EMC meeting. (SEE FULL EMC PACKAGE FOR ATTACHMENTS.) Z. Request for Approval to Send the Drafts of the Chowan River and Pasquotank River Basinwide Water Quality Plans for Public Comment and Review - (Action Item) (Heather Patt) DWQ staff will present drafts of the Chowan River and Pasquotank River Basinwide Water Quality Plans to the Water Quality Committee (WQC) and request permission to release the plans for public review and comment. A final draft plan for each river basin will be developed based on public review comments. The final drafts will be brought back to the WQC for final approval in September 2007 along with a request to present the final drafts to the full Commission the following day. (Attachment enclosed: drafts of the Chowan River Basinwide Water Quality Plan and the Pasquotank River Basinwide Water Quality Plan.) 3. Request for the Designation of New Municipalities as Phase 2 Are - (Action Item) (Bradley Bennett) DWQ staff will provide recommendations to the WQC regarding the designation of the following municipalities as new Phase 2 areas: Henderson, Tarboro, Washington, Wilson, Kings Mountain, Mooresville, Atlantic Beach, Emerald Isle, and Morehead City. These specific municipalities are being considered for potential Phase 2 designation by the EMC in ?ccordance with the provisions in Session Law 2006-246 and, if approved for designation by the full EMC, will receive a federal NPDES Phase 2 Permit. Staff will also review all of the public comment that was received regarding these potential designations. The WQC will be asked to formulate a specific recommendation concerning the Phase 2 designation for each municipality and then present these recommendations to the full EMC the following day for Commission approval. (Attachments enclosed: Phase 2 Designation slide presentation.) 4. Update on New Phase 2 State Stormwater Permitting Program — (Information Item) (Bradley Bennett) DWQ staff will provide an overview to the WQC of the new Phase 2 State Stormwater Permitting Program that will be administered and implemented by DWQ throughout many areas of the state beginning on July 1, 2007. 5. Undate on Lislative Activities and Study Regarding the Nutrient Offset Payment Program — (Information http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/emc/2007/MAYWQCAGENDA.htm 5/4/2007 DEQ-CFW 00001394 Rem) (Tom Reeder) DWQ staff will update the WQC on the latest legislative activities and the results of the legislatively mandated study regarding the amendment of the offset fees charged in the Nutrient Offset Payments Program. 6. Wetland Functional Assessment — Overview of NC Wetland Assessment Method and Relationship to EMC's Wetland Rules — (Information Item) (John Dorney) DWQ staff will discuss with the WQC a newly developed rapid assessment method for the evaluation of wetland functions — the NC Wetland Assessment Method or NC WAM. NC WAM was developed by an interagency committee aver the past three years and is near completion. Staff will discuss the origin of the method, its components, plans for completing the method and how the method will comport with the EMC's rules for 1) wetland evaluation methods, 2) 401 Water Quality Certification and 3) Isolated Wetland rules. A rough schedule for public notice, training and implementation will also be presented. 7. Clarification on the Use of Soil Survey maps for buffer rules — (Information Item) (John Dorney) DWQ staff will discuss with the WQC members our conclusion regarding the proposed use of a recently developed GIS version of a soil survey from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) with respect to the Neuse and Tar - Pamlico Riparian Protection rules. Staff have concluded that since this map does not depict streams shown on the written, published county survey, that these GIS-based maps were not intended to be used concerning jurisdictional streams for the buffer rules. NRCS staff concur with DWQ staff on this decision and suggest that we continue to use the written, published version of their maps along with the USGS topographic maps. In addition, DWQ staff will discuss ongoing plans to prepare an updated, digital stream map for the state, which will have widespread uses throughout DWQ's planning and regulatory programs as well as other local, state and federal programs. Closing Comments This agenda is available on the internet at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/emc/2007/EMC Agenda 2007.htm http:Hh2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/emc/2007/MAYWQCAGENDA.htm 5/4/2007 DEQ-CFW 00001395