HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00000528Section 508—conformant HTML versions of these articles are available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1510207 and http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1510295. The correspondence section is a public forum and, as such, is not peer -reviewed. EHP is not responsible for the accuracy, currency, or reliability ofpersonal opinion expressed herein; it is the sole responsibility of the authors. EHP neither endorses nor disputes their published commentary. Comment on "Fluorotechnology Is Critical to Modern Life: The FluoroCouncil Counterpoint to the Madrid Statement" h ttp: //dx. do i. o rg/ 10.1289/ehp.15102 07 Refers to http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1509910 We commend the FluoroCouncil for phasing out long -chain poly- and perfluoroalkyl sub- stance (PFAS) chemistry. However, members of the FluoroCouncil have been producing long -chain PFASs for decades while in pos- session of research showing adverse health effects in humans and animals. This model of chemical manufacturing needs to change. We recommend implementing the principles of green chemistry (Anastas and Warner 1998) in chemical manufacturing to ensure safer and sustainable chemical products. The scientific consensus of the Madrid Statement authors and signatories is that the use of all PFASs is unsustainable, and can and should be greatly reduced and discontinued where feasible. Short -chain fluorinated alternatives were there- fore intentionally included in the scope of the Madrid Statement. Some of the functionalities provided by fluorotechnology have become part of mod- ern life. However, we disagree that PFASs are critical to modern life. Sustainable and less hazardous alternatives are available for many functionalities, and others will be developed. PFAS-based chemistries are used in many nonessential applications such as clothing, sports equipment, food packaging materials, blooming and dispersion agents, and stain -repellant treatments. We urge the FluoroCouncil to provide as much infor- mation as possible on the PFAS chemis- tries used in different commercial products and technologies. We are aware that short -chain perfluoro- alkyl acids bioaccumulate less than long - chain ones. However, some short -chain PFASs have been linked to adverse biological effects (Bull et al. 2014), and further sys- tematic, representative studies on additional end points are needed. Given the ongoing release and environmental persistence of short -chain acids, increasing environmental and human exposures such as those docu- mented by Glynn et al. (2012) are expected, for example, via contaminated drinking water aquifers (Xiao et al. 2015). Thus, continuous release of short -chain PFASs can be expected to lead to poorly reversible internal expo- sures, regardless of their low bioaccumulation potential (Scheringer et al. 2014). A 170 Bowman commented that the Madrid Statement cannot claim insufficient data on the hazards and risks of fluorinated alterna- tives. However, Wang et al. (2015) high- lighted the specific data gaps that prohibit conducting hazard and risk assessments for many fluorinated alternatives. An assess- ment commissioned by the FluoroCouncil (ENVIRON International Corporation 2014) also identified many gaps regarding human health data. Bowman stated that "decisions on the societal acceptability of strategic materi- als such as PFASs cannot be wisely made on a single attribute such as persistence." However, persistent chemicals are unsustain- able in a world with limited resources. We cannot afford to "lose" portions of resources (water, soil, or food) because potentially harmful and persistent chemicals are accu- mulating over centuries and causing continu- ous exposure. Because of their persistence, an enormous inventory of PFASs is being created: Even if all PFAS production and uses were to stop immediately, PFASs would continue to be released for decades during products' use and disposal life -cycle phases (Wang et al. 2014a, 2014b). One of the 12 principles of green chemistry is "design for degradation: chemical products should be designed so that at the end of their func- tion they break down into innocuous deg- radation products and do not persist in the environment" (Anastas and Warner 1998). We endorse this principle and urge the FluoroCouncil to follow it also. We welcome collaboration with the FluoroCouncil to establish information - sharing platforms for PFASs and support all opportunities for dialogue. We ask the FluoroCouncil to take leadership and respon- sibility for the global management of the PFASs they produce, from manufacturing to end of life. The authors declare they have no actual or potential competing financial interests. Ian T. Cousins,' Simona A. Balan,z Martin Scheringer,3.4 Roland Weber,5 Zhanyun Wang,3 Arlene BIum,2,6 Miriam Diamond,? Tony Fletcher,8 Gretta Goldenman,9 Christopher Higgins,10 Avery E. Lindeman,2 Graham Peaslee,f' Xenia Trier,72 and Pim de V0ogt13 'Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; 2Green Science Policy Institute, Berkeley, California, USA; 3ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 4Leuphana University, Luneburg, Germany; 5POPs Environmental Consulting, Schwabisch GmOnd, Germany; 6University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA; 7University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; a London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom; 9European Centre on Sustainable Policies for Human and Environmental Rights, Brussels, Belgium;10Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA; "Hope College, Holland, Michigan, USA;12Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark;13University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Address correspondence to S.A. Balan, Green Science Policy Institute, P.O. Box 5455, Berkeley, CA 94705 USA. E-mail:simona®greensdencepolicyorg REFERENCES Anastas PT, Warner JC. 1998. Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice. New York, NY:Oxford University Press. Bull S, Burnett K, Vassaux K, Ashdown L, Brown T, Rushton L. 2014. Extensive Literature Search and Provision of Summaries of Studies Related to the Oral Toxicity of Perfluoroalkylated Substances (PFASs), Their Precursors and Potential Replacements in Experimental Animals and Humans. Area 1: Data on Toxicokinetics (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion) in in Vitro Studies, Experimental Animals and Humans. Area 2: Data on Toxicity in Experimental Animals. Area 3: Data on Observations in Humans. EFSA Supporting Publication EN-572. Parma, haly:European Food Safety Authority. ENVIRON International Corporation. 2014. Assessment of POP Criteria for Specific Short -Chain Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (Prepared for FluoroCouncil, Washington, DC). Arlington, VA:ENVIRON International Corporation. Glynn A, Berger U, Bignert A, Ullah S, Aune M, Lignell S, at al. 2012. Perfluorinated alkyl acids in blood serum from primiparous women in Sweden: serial sampling dur- ing pregnancy and nursing, and temporal trends 1996- 2010. Environ Sci Technol 46(16):9071-9079; doi:10.1021/ es301168c. Scheringer M, Trier X, Cousins IT, de Voogt P, Fletcher T, Wang Z, at al. 2014. Helsingor Statement on poly- & perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs). Chemosphere 114:337-339; doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.05.044. Wang Z, Cousins IT, Scheringer M, Buck RC, Hungerbilhler K. 2014a. Global emission inventories for C4—C14 per- fluoroalkyl carboxylic acid (PFCA) homologues from 1951 to 2030, part I: production and emissions from quantifiable sources. Environ Int 70:62-75; doi:10.1016/j. envint.2014.04.013. Wang Z, Cousins IT, Scheringer M, Buck RC, Hungerbiihler K. 2014b. Global emission inventories for C4-C14 perfluo- roalkyl carboxylic acid (PFCA) homologues from 1951 to 2030, part II: the remaining pieces of the puzzle. Environ Int 69:166-176; doi:10.1016fl.envint.2014.04.006. Wang Z, Cousins IT, Scheringer M, Hungerbuehler K. 2015. Hazard assessment of fluorinated alternatives to long - chain perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAsi and their precursors: status quo, ongoing challenges and possible solutions. Environ Int 75:172-179; doi:10.1016/j.envint.2014.11.013. Xiao F, Simcik MF, Halbach TR, Gulliver JS. 2015. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluoro- octanoate (PFOA) in soils and groundwater of a US metropolitan area: migration and implications for human exposure. Water Res 72:64-74; doi:10.1016/j. watres.2014.09.052. Response to "Comment on 'Fluorotechnology Is Critical to Modern Life: The FluoroCouncil Counterpoint to the Madrid Statement"' http: //dx. doi. o rg/10.1289/ehp.1510295 Refers to http://dx.dai.org/10.1289/ehp.1509910 The FluoroCouncil's voluntary develop- ment of alternative chemistries is unprece- dented and a model for the development and introduction of more sustainable VOLUME 1231 NUMBER 7 1 July 2015 • Environmental Health Perspectives DEQ-CFW 00000528 Correspondence 0 chemistry worldwide. More than a decade ago, the FluoroCouncil member companies responded to concerns about long -chain poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) by working with regulators to voluntarily phase out those substances and develop alter- natives with improved health and environ- mental profiles. The FluoroCouncil also works with regulators and other stakehold- ers to support a global transition away from long -chain PFASs. This effort stands as a historic collaboration by government and industry to foster sustainable development. The claim that all PFASs are problematic is simply not supported by the wealth of data available on both long- and short - chain PFASs. Because of the concerns raised in regard to long -chain PFASs, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has held the fluorotechnology industry to high standards and increased data requirements to ensure the alternatives are well studied and safer than the substances being replaced. Consequently, short -chain PFASs are some of the most robustly studied new chemicals introduced to the market, having undergone years of toxicity and environmental testing at the request of regulators. Industry con- tinues this collaboration with regulators, developing additional data on the alternatives and working to make those data publicly available, including on the FluoroCouncil website (http://www.fluorocouncii.org/ Resources/Research). Based on this robust body of data, regulators globally have deter- mined the alternatives are safe for their intended use. The "sustainable and less haz- ardous alternatives" sought by the Madrid Statement authors already exist in the form of short -chain PFASs. We continue to be perplexed by asser- tions from the authors of the Madrid Statement that short -chain PFASs present hazards comparable to those of long -chain PFASs, citing publications such as Bull et al. (2014) and Wang et al. (2015). These publi- cations suffer from important data gaps, such as the failure to cite key published articles on the toxicity of short -chain PFASs (e.g., Klaunig et al. [20151, which presents ani- mal data indicating perfluorohexanoic acid is not carcinogenic). Furthermore, these pub- lications actually acknowledge or demon- strate that many of the leading short -chain PFASs are less bioaccumulative and less toxic than the long -chain PFASs with which they have been compared, based on the avail- able data taken as a whole. This conclusion, which is well accepted by regulatory agencies such as the EPA, compels a different policy outcome than the Madrid Statement sug- gests. The first priority for risk management should be phase -out of the long -chain PFASs. Attempting to broaden that phase -out to effective alternatives that are less hazardous can only create a technological impasse that supports the retention of long -chain PFASs in the marketplace. The authors of the Madrid Statement also contend that PFASs are not critical to mod- ern life. The importance of PFAS chemis- try, however, was long ago determined by the market. Industries relying on PFASs evaluated fluorinated and nonfluorinated alternatives, as well as alternative technology, and decided on the products that met their specifications and performance needs. Some decisions involved continuing to use PFASs because they meet performance needs that nonflu- orinated alternatives cannot. For example, first -responder protective gear is treated with fluorinated products to help maintain per- formance in fires; firefighting foam produced with fluorinated surfactants provides shorter extinguishment times and critical burnback resistance when fighting flammable liquid fires; and hospital gowns, drapes, and divider curtains rely on fluorinated polymers to pro- vide protective barriers against transmission of diseases. Because the short -chain PFASs have been reviewed and approved by regula- tory authorities globally, all applications rely- ing on these substances can be used without presenting a significant risk. The largest use of short -chain PFASs is for polymeric products. These products — like other polymers —are quite stable under environmental conditions. The resilience of short -chain PFASs is directly connected to its performance, providing long-lasting, durable properties. First responders, medical personnel, and patients would certainly not want the properties in safety gear or medi- cal garments to quickly become ineffective. Even when the short -chain PFASs, which do not present a significant risk, are used in what some people may characterize as "nonessential applications," such as clothing and furniture, these substances significantly extend the effective lifetime of those prod- ucts, meaning less waste, infrequent wash- ings, and economic savings. These benefits of Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 123 I NUMBER 7 I July 2015 short -chain PFASs can be further enhanced by reducing emissions through the adoption of best environmental practices, which the FluoroCouncil has identified and is encour- aging in the supply chain. The FluoroCouncil members remain committed to science -based stewardship activities, including continually enhancing the sustainability of their chemistries and products by improving their environmen- tal, health, safety, and performance profiles. We are open to working collaboratively and constructively with stakeholders on 1) strate- gies to complete the global transition away from long -chain PFASs, 2) identification of issues that warrant further data development and risk assessment, 3) actions that can foster additional stewardship activities within the supply chain, and 4) best methods for trans- parently sharing information relevant to the health and environmental impact of PFASs. The author is employed by the American Chemistry Council and manages the FluoroCouncil, a global organization represent- ing the world' leading fluorotechnology com- panies. The members of the FluoroCouncil are Arehroma Management LLC, Arkema France, Asahi Glass Co., Ltd., Daikin Industries, Ltd., Solvay Specialty Polymers, and The Chemours Company LLC. Jessica S. Bowman FluoroCouncil Address correspondence to J..5. Bowman, FluoroCouncil, 7002ndSt., NE, Washington, DC20002 USA. E-mail' jessica�-bowman@fluorocouncil.org REFERENCES Bull S, Burnett K, Vassaux K, Ashdown L, Brown T, Rushton L 2014. Extensive Literature Search and Provision of Summaries of Studies Related to the Oral Toxicity of Perfluoroalkylated Substances (PFASs), Their Precursors and Potential Replacements in Experimental Animals and Humans. Area 1: Data on Toxicokinetics (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion) in in Vitro Studies, Experimental Animals and Humans. Area 2: Data on Toxicity in Experimental Animals. Area 3: Data on Observations in Humans. EFSA Supporting Publication EN-572. Parma, Italy:European Food Safety Authority. Klaunig JE, Shinohara M, Iwai H, Chengelis CP, Kirkpatrick JB, Wang Z, et al. 2015. Evaluation of the chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity of perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) in Sprague-Dawley rats. Toxicol Pathol 43(2):209-220; doi: 10.1177/0192623314530532. Wang Z, Cousins IT, Scheringer M, Hungerbuehler K. 2015. Hazard assessment of fluorinated alternatives to long - chain perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) and their precursors: status quo, ongoing challenges and possible solutions. Environ Int 75:172-179; doi:10.1016/j.envint.2014.11.013. A 171 DEQ-CFW 00000529