HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181249 Ver 1_Attachment 3 - 2017-09-13 E-mail from Brian Yamamoto to Tatia White_20181217From: White, 7ati� L[tlwhit� a�ncdot.�ov] Sent: W�dnesday, September 13, 2017 10:1$ P.M Ta: Yamamato, Brian F; Yamamato, 8rian F Subject: RE: Project ReviewlStatus List Thanks Brian. This hel�s tremendously. I wan't put the dates in the status report �ut at least will ha�e the infarn�ation if asKed al�aut it. 7his is the first meeting and the reports on projects in the yellow nr red are meant to f�e brief. I do nat foresee a lat of di�cussior�. Tati a Tatia L. White, PE, PLS, CPM Senlor Praject Mana�er, Divisions 5 and 8 Project Management North Caralina �epartment ofTransportatian 919 707 6200 ma'�n 919 707 6342 direct 11'Nflil[:f[�}�1�C�Ol.yO': 1000 Birch Ridge Drive Raleigh, NC 27610 15�2 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 276�9-15$2 � �-„_ STATF ;=e;... N ' ��F ��P n9�'y� 1 : � �4i ���I � .i li�� �: ;� ���'IM1 ' ' ),,�4h.. ,�, Err?ail co�res��ora��ence r� and fron7 this ac���r�ss is suhject to the North Carp�ina Ptrbfic Recards Law ar;:: n;ay be cYisclaSed to th�i-c�,�3rties. Fram: Yamamota, Brfan F Sent: Wednestlay, 5�ptember 13, 2017 9:�5 RM Ta: Whfta, Tatia L �tlwhite�n�dat.gav� Subject: RE: Project FteviewlStatus List Hey iatia, So the reported sclaedule c�n the website far Complete 540 fs to submit �EIS {to FHWAj for �pprov�l by "Mid-2fl1 S." ihe STaRS schedule ifsis the ap�raval af the FEIS 8131118. We are currently on schedule to sfgn the FElS by 112�f18. The major complFcatfans that we are working with to deliver the FEIS include development of the Indirect and Cum�alative Impacts assessment as well as Biological Assessments far Threatened and Endangered Species and critical habitat for the Rtfarr#ic S#urgean (yes...this r�ow extends all the 3nray ta the Neuse River in our project area}. The ROD is repo�ted on the website as I�eing submitted ta FHWA for approval in "Early 2€319." The STafiS schedule lists #he approval of #he ROD 5131119. We are currently on schedule ta sign the R�D l�y 7116118. The first t�ro pro�ects af the three that camprise Complete 54a are STIP Projects R-2721 and R-2828. These would �ssentially ext�nd 54C3 irarn NC 55 fn Apex to I-46 fn your neck of the woods. Both of thase projects are reported on the �nrebsfte ta ha�e a canstruc;ian contract awarded in "Fiscal Year 2a2a." STaRS report� [�B Let �118120. The managerr�ent mandate v4re hsve been str�vfng io achi�ve fs DB Let by 12l2618 for R-27� 1(th� first part of 546) with R-282S falfowfng shortly thereafter or patent7ally Pet at the same tii�ne. Current schedule would make that DB Let possible in 312019. WRRNING: Tur�pike Authority has been very close ta the vest with the schedule inforn�atian that gets written, even an status r�parts iike the ane you ar� workfng on. If our likely Iftfgants becom� �ware of the schedule we are warkfng #owards, they w�ll 6k�Ey file FQIAs that ��ili delay #he schedule....sa be careful +,3rhat you supply ta this graup in writing. .Actn�ittedly. n�ranagement shaufd know what is gofng an but we have de�ended on Beau M�?mory and Rodger Rochelle to coordfnat� wfth them in as lauv-k�y way as possiGle. B FY Fr4m: White. Tatia L Sent: 7uesday, Septemb�r 12, 2Q17 �:11 PM To; Yamamata, Brian F <�vaman�ot�(c�ncd�t.qav> Subject: RE: Rroject ReViewlStatus List That would be for the Compl�te 540 projects. Tatia L. White, PE, PLS, CPM Senlor Project Marrager, Divisions 5 and 8 Project Mana�gement Norih Caralina �epartment ofTransport�tion 919 707 6?bQ main 919 707 6342 direct ilwlilleCi��rcdot.Qov 10bb Birch Rid�e Qrive Raleigh, NC 27610 15$2 Mail SeYviGe Center Raleigh, NC 2769�-1582 ;'r ��i`r _�. � ;.�,��� � ;;� rf Y � �'� '; ;..4� � : �+`� ��� �,Rt;L:. - Er'raa+r corres�or�dence tfl and from this address +s suhlect to the lVorth �arol:r*a Pul�li� R�ce����s Law arsc! m�y be �1lscic�sc���to thrr��f�artias. Fram: White, Tatia L Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 5:11 PM To: Yamamoto, Brian F �hvaniamotolc�ncc�ot.aov� Subject: Project ReyiewlStatus List Brian, Apparently I did not save the camments I�nras typing into the praject review list far n�y n�eetirtg �sn Thursday. Gan you gi�e me the �erbiage yau used again concerning endangered specfes? Alsa, will ypu provfde me the Secretary's letting schedule for me if it is not what is in the STIP? Thanks Tati a Tatia L. White, F'E, PLS, CPM Senior Project NI�nBger, Divisiorls 5�nd H Project Managemer�t North Carollna bepartment of Transpartaiinn S19 707 6200 main 919 7�7 6342 direct ilNl,la�(u7�rccfot.aav 1000 Birch Ridge drive Raleigli, NC 2761� 1582 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N� 27699-1582 . .� s.,,�r =,� r�a�';r�.� �.:, �< r �.� .` I �_'' ;;�ir:"� 1�� ,,�, � ' Err�ail carres��t�r�d�nc� ta and fran� th+s address is scablecf ta the Ner•t'r, Car•�I�r�a Pdr�l i c f2'� cor��fs L aw a�,� may 6� clrsclose � td third �ar�+�s. �:� �I[ raorretiponden•�e fc ard froir� Itvi� 4ea+ler is �cli�e�cl lo lL-+� rJ C?ut�lia Re!�rd� La❑;� and m���� hP dsselo�eh la lii�rcl p;3r;�r,�