HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181249 Ver 1_Attachment 25 - 20150116 Eads to McRae_20181217moving in to Yates Mill? Subject: Re: moving in to Yates Mill? From: Chris Eads <chris eads@ncsu.edu> Date: 1/16/2015 10:51 AM To: "McRae, Sarah" <sarah_mcrae@fws.gov> This is complicated isn't it??? Please don't hesitate to ask for help if there is anything I can do. Regarding moving into YM. ....I think at this point it would be best to do any DWM work this year at the mussel barn at this point. And then maybe we can plan to do some lanceolata work over there this year (May-June). We can try to move in some snails earlier if we need to occupy space before that. Another possibility (if Greg is going to be involved) is to propagate some Lampsilis over there for Greg's student Sean Buczek. I know he will be looking for more animals. Regarding bringing in DWM, I would say any that are collected by Catena should be sent to Marion for the short-term. I will ask Rachael if she can house those temporarily. Come March, I am prepared to put for whatever effort is needed to find them in Swift Creek. I don't have any help now, but we can always try to recruit volunteers. As for my commitments, my basic plans for this year are: Now-March: Plan and Prep March-April: DWM collection and propagation April-June: some TRSM propagation May-June: E. lanceolata surveys and propagation Now-?: Help you with the new facility as needed. As for how many DWM I can produce. ... it will depend on how many females we get. If growout goes well, I would think a fair estimate for how many adults we can produce from a single female would be 300-500. So if we use Tar broodstock, 5000 is likely no problem. But we probably don't want to deplete Maple Branch reproduction just to throw mussels into a potentially degrading stream in Swift Creek. So the real answer to this question is going to need to be a group decision. Chris On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 10:28 AM, McRae, Sarah <sarah mcrae(�fws.�ov> wrote: Timely questions... I'm just now sitting down to try to figure out how to come up with a proposal that is specific to DWM conservation in Swift Creek (Neuse) to tie it to what we are thinking for the propagation facility, and what we ultimately need to produce... I don't think I can answer your questions today because I feel like there are two important meetings we need to have first. The one next week with Greg/Tom, and the one the week after (2/3) that we (USFWS) is having with DOT to discuss the consultation for the Complete 540 project. I hope to get 1 of 3 4/25/2018 11:26 AM moving in to Yates Mill? a commitment of some early funding from them, but I am in a really tough situation... Wake county folks are telling me that we are going to need to hire a consultant to see if the modifications we want are possible and how much they are going to cost. But, I can't get DOT to pay money unfil they know what this whole thing is going to cost... catch 22. I'm hoping to lay things out relatively generically for DOT so that they might be willing to sign off on equipment purchase and hiring of a consultant. Not sure if this will work or if they will want the whole thing priced out before signing off on it. Also, I'm not even sure what the best plan is for getting ourselves set up in the building is... we do want a presence, but we don't want to have to modify too much once the renovations are underway. Do you have any ideas as to how to stage this? We have asked that whenever Tim and other Catena folks are out there to bring in any DWM they come across. So we will need to have a plan for what to do with those if we get them. But I'm not even sure we are going to get any from that effort. We will probably need to figure out a plan to get out to Swift Creek and hit it hard to collect as many brood stock as possible. We won't want to do that until you are set up to accommodate them. But, we also want to be sure to get them before they all die off! Do you think it would be a good idea to try to get some and hold them at Marion where it is colder? Sort of a hold and wait approach?? I think it is going to take considerable effort to get DWM out of Swift, and we'll likely need funding to pay for you to do that (as part of the DOT package). I think Catena only has 4 days of surveys planned...!! Another thing I need for you to consider is how many DWM you will ultimately be able to produce. When we were working through the structured decision making project with Dave Smith, I think you had said you could produce 5000/year. Is that still accurate given the possibility of the new space? I also need to look up the numbers and info on what constitutes a viable population and effective population stuff... that's all info I'm intending to put into this proposal that we will discuss next week. Sorry to dump a lot out in this email. The bottom line is, I don't know! But, we probably can't plan for too much because I know you have other commitments and we don't have funding! Sarah On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 10:13 AM, Chris Eads <chris_eads@ncsu.edu> wrote: Hey Sarah: It is hard to believe but the propagation season for heterodon is trying to sneak up on us. There are a lot of things I would have to do to get ready for that if we start working on that this year. I was wondering what you thought I needed to start setting up some things up at Yates Mill and when you think would be good to do that. Should I plan on propagating heterodon this year? Or will I need to spend all my time setting up the new place? 2 of 3 4/25/2018 11:26 AM moving in to Yates Mill? Chris Sarah McRae Aquatic Endangered Species Biologist US Fish and Wildlife Service PO Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 ofFice phone: 919-856-4520x16 (M, W, F) telework phone: 919-245-8444 (T, Th) fax: 919-856-4556 email: sarah mcrae@fws.�ov FWS.GOV/RALEIGH � Facebook � Flickr � Linkedln 3 of 3 4/25/2018 11:26 AM