HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181249 Ver 1_Attachment 15-Underhill Deed 1999_20181217(Page 1 of ,2) ��"�� � BK1993PG088S � �� ��y � 07i11f91 ' " ��OB.00 °'n, ,FS � Rasl EfUtt a ExcU� Tex ������ � UV�"i" d_ i PROdEC. :`�" `B U401709 ID�{(�,��' "' . -20U0 BA PAftC�L: 38�_ 97 i�, � , . . .. ; ,: , . , l,l��. ol�`'a�t�oa ' :`Il �( Excise T Tax Lot No. 1628.03-31-2838 Parcei Identifier No. ^__. �,_ Verified by Counly on ihe day of 19 � by Mail afler recording lo C. D. Parker, Division Right of Way Agent 815 Stadium Drive; Durham, NC 27704 This instrument was prepared by C. D. Parker _ � ,__,n � -o � _' � ��x -- wo� �"oc HORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED N _ •- u /}e� TI�S f�E �f�n� �_ day of 19 '7 � by and between � '-�'o;` GRANTOR " � GRANTEE I Timothy C. Underhill � NC Departmenl of Transporlation, an � Unincorporated Agency of the State of North Carolina �__j���l �� b���1 �-p�.{�u.rdul �-o GFjrrE.c�F `l��.. 'l i 815 Stadium Drive g5iu,1-e �iLt.iYtuml�er �-(e-rwu>i���,G�lu,,�fv� o(�%�-•n�' � Durham, NC 27704 Enter in ap nate block for each part/: nama, address and, if appropriale, characler of enti , e.q. corpor ion or parinership. p ,Q m' �O`— � �;� t� �rf�°w�t•r-:.:r:;..��1�� �(.Lc�t.`�f�� e�.��e�nlc.�o�� The desig n Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heir"s, successors, and shall inclu�ingular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by contexl. � WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration in the amount of $ 253,soo.00 paid by Ihe Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by lhese presenis does , grant, bargain, sell and convey unlo the Grantee in fee simple, all ihat certain lot or parcel of land ; j siluated in the Panther Branch, Township, Wake County, North Carolina and more particularly � I described as follows: BEGINNING at a new corner (112 inch rebar) in a nor►hweslern property line of Ihe undersigned, said corner also lying in a �; northeasterly righS of way boundary of a 50 toot wide Colonial Pipetine easement which crosses the property ol Ihe ! undersigned, seid corner (uriher located N35°50'S1"E, 1135.58 (eet; and N35°49'05"E, 1157.02 feel from a corner of the : undersigned common wiih C. G. Myall (now or formerly) as established in Ueed l3ook 1388 at page 597, Wake Counly Regislry; Ihence, along and wilh a northweslern property Ilne of lhe undersigned, common wilh Billy W. Harrington (now or formerly), N35°49'05"E, 1724.65 teet to a corner; lhence, along a commo� property line between the undersigned and Billy W. Harrington (now or formerly), Margarel Newbold (now or formerly), Thomas P. Anderson (now or formeriy) and olhers, N01°55'15"W, 1245.00 teel; Ihence, NO3°79'45"E, 1126.00 feet to a new iron pin in SwiH Creek; Ihence, generally easlerly along and with said creek, the following courses and dislances: N82°04'45"E, 50.00 leel; N73°48'14"F, 29.74 leet; S76°11'46"E, 3B.OM1 teet; 525°20'34"W, 92.55 feeY 501°00'56'[, 94.06 feet; S22°22'03"E, 261.97 feet; S46°01'33"E, 111.10 feet; S74°59'28"E, 103.98 (eel; N50°01'03"E, 42.08 feet; S57°28'30'E, 69.96 feet; SOt°46'AO"E, 71.29 feet; S34°02'01'E, 26.71 feef; S69°00'58"E, 100.15 (eet; N66°32'S9'E, 113.27 leel; N36°59'11'E, 103.96 teet; N89°20'04'E, 50.t01eet; S47°22'04"E, 40.17 feet; St5°46'5B'W, 78.15 feel; S43°26'12"W, 68.87 (eel; S09°01'20'E, 38.01 feet; S62°10'32'E, 307.77 leel; and S85°27'OD'E, 66.29 feet to a corner; thence, leaving said creek S01°34'A5"W, 30.00 feel lo a �ew 1!2 incN rebar set in an easfern property line oI the undersigned, coinmon wilh Vel�ie Sauls (now or formerly); thence, continuing along said properiy line S01°34'45"W, 2982.781eet lo a new iron pin set in Ihe noriheastern right oF way boundary oi a 50 (ool wide Colonial Pipeline easement; fhence, a new line common with the northeastern righl of way � boundary of said pipeline, N69°15'08'W, 1767.54 (eel to Ihe point o( BEGINNING and conlaining 84.53 acres more or � less. 7here is aiso conveyed herewilh, a 30 fool wide access easement, lhal is, 15 feel on eilher side of lhe toilowing described �U� centerline, for Ihe purposes of ingress and egress In and over remafning property of lhe undersigned; BEGINNING at a poinl on the norlhwestern propeAy line of Ihe undersigned, common wilh William E. Harrington (now or tormerly), sald point lying N35°50'S1"E, 1273.66 leel and N85°39'47'E, 19.63 feel from a PK Nail set in Ihe cenlerline o( SR 1D10; Ilience, N85°J9'47'E, 5A.91 feet; Ihence, N71°54'S3'E, 189.301eet; lhence, N47°15'07'E, 140.71 (aet;lhence, N64°33'59"�, 136.92 (eel; Ihence, N44°05'35"E, 55.25 feet; lhence, N25°39'3A'E, 255.67 feet; Ihence, N04°OD'15"E, 290.441ee1, and ; N35°49'05'E, 249.77 feet lo a poinl on the norlheaslern righl of way houndary ot a 50 foat wide Calonial Pipeline � i easemenl, also Ueing a soulhern properiy line oi that cerlain properly conveyed hereinabove. I � By acceptance of this Deed, the Grantee, the DepartmenC oE TransporCation, agrees that should it elect to use the above-described easement for ingress and egress to its property described ubove, it will construct and maintain the roadway Eor said access,keeping same in good condition at no cost to the utxlersiened Grantor. (Page 2 of 2) .� '� 8� 7 9 9 3 P6 Q88� RH 7�+�P�6�}�� Tae proparly hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by insirument recorded in � Wiil �l�46S8, Wake Count Cle�k of Court's Ofiice _- - - •---__..—..._.......__....._._._..__...---� r; „� ,M ; l A map showing the abov desctibed property is tev�rded in Plal Uook ��7 ��c�e �-1j�.____ . TO HAVE AND TO NOLD ihe a(oresaid lot or parcel of land and all privileyes and appurlenances Iherelo belonginy lo llie Granlee in fee simple. And the Gtanlor covenanls with the Granlee, thai Grantor is seized oi Ilie premises in fee simple, has llie rigiil lo convey the same in fee simple, tliat litle is marketable and (ree and clear ol all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warranl and delend llie litle againsl tlie law(ul ciaims o( all persons whomsoever except tor tlie exceptions iiereinafter stated. Tille lo Ilie ��roperly hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptians: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor lias iiereunlo sel his liand and seal, or i( corporale, lias caused fhis instrumenl to be signed in its corporale name by its duly authorized ofticers and ils seal to be liereunto aflixed by aulhorily of its Board of Direclors, llie day and year first above wrilten. (Corporate Name) BY: Presidenl ATTEST: Secretary (Corporaie Seal) . �-- , (SEAL) Timothy Underhill � (SEAL) BLACK INK ONLY) (SEAL) (SEAL) of said county do hereby ppeared before me this day ai my hand and ofiicial stamp or res: �et `ot i� 7Q � / <nowledged the exe� this� � f day of Public AtHL-A I NMY NUK I H cAROLINA, COUNTY OF �� a Notary Public of tlie County and Slale aforesaid, certify ihat personally came be(ore me lliis day and acknowledged lhat he/she is Secretary o( a corporation, and that by authorily duly given and as the act of tlie corporation, the foregoing inslrumenl was signed in its name by ils Presidenl, sealed wilh its corporate seal and atlested by as ils 5ecrelary. Witness by hand and oflicial stamp or seal, this day of �g My Commission Expires: ^ Notary Public The foregoing Certificate(s) of „ _ islare certified to be correct. This inslrument and lhis �ltificate are duly time and in lhe Book and Page shown on ll�e firsl pape tiereof. and __1 E� DIC� REGIS7ER OF DEEDS FOR ��U GI.�C� COUNTY �Y 'lA Qeryalq/Assistanl-Register of Deeds