HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100123 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report Final_20180206FINAL YEAR 2 (2017) ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT NEIGHBORS BRANCH/WALTON CRAWLEY BRANCH STREAM & WETLAND RESTORATION SITE NCDMS Project No. 92872 Contract No. D09023 USACE Action ID No. SAW -2009-917 & NCDWR Project No. 10-0122 SCO No. 08-07308-01 McDowell County, North Carolina Data Collection: May -November 2017 Submission: December 2017 PREPARED FOR: N.C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES 1601 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1601 FINAL YEAR 2 (2017) ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT NEIGHBORS BRANCH/WALTON CRAWLEY BRANCH STREAM & WETLAND RESTORATION SITE NCDMS Project No. 92872 Contract No. D09023 USACE Action ID No. SAW -2009-917 & NCDWR Project No. 10-0122 SCO No. 08-07308-01 McDowell County, North Carolina Data Collection: May -November 2017 Submission: December 2017 PREPARED BY: AXIOM ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 218 SNOW AVENUE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603 Ak Axiom Environmental, Inc. December 5, 2017 Mr. Matthew Reid North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 5 Ravenscroft Drive, #102 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Axiom Environmental, Inc. 218 Snow Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 919-215-1693 RE: Neighbors Branch/ Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring (DMS Project # 92879, Contract # D09023S) Final Year 2 (2017) Annual Monitoring Report 12-004.21 Dear Matthew: Axiom Environmental, Inc. (AXE) is pleased to provide you with three hard copies and one cd of electronic files for the Final Neighbors Branch/ Walton Crawley Branch Year 2 (2017) Annual Monitoring Report. We received your comments via email on December 4, 2017 and have addressed them as follows. Wetland Hydrology: Report indicates that Gauge 1 malfunctioned during the growing season. Has the gauge been replaced or repaired? Please add a statement in this section stating the corrective action and that the gauge is functioning correctly. The wetland hydrology discussion was updated to read as follows: "Gauge 1 malfunctioned for 6 days (July 29 to August 3, 2017) during the growing season. It is unclear why the gauge was not taking measurements during this time, but it appeared to be functioning properly before and after the malfunction, and it was checked and reset at the time of the next data download. The gauge had no more issues for the remainder of the growing season. Based on precipitation data as well as data from Gauge 2, it is expected that this gauge would have continued to be saturated/inundated during this 6 day period. " • Table 2: Under Year 2 Monitoring, please add two lines of additional data with dates. One for vegetation monitoring and one for geomorphology monitoring. The IRT would like to know when data is being collected for the monitoring years. Please do this for all future monitoring report submissions. These rows were added to Table 2, and these will be added for all future monitoring report submissions. • Cross-sections and Table 11 a: Please calculate BHR for cross-sections. If the BHR has been calculated, please increase the significant digits to 3 places to account for rounding and to show small changes over the course of monitoring (Ex: 1.0 changed to 1.002 or similar). The bank height ratio was recalculated for all cross-sections, and since no cross-sections have exhibited any stream bed elevation change during the monitoring period, all cross-sections have a bank height ratio of]. 0. This indicates minimal geomorphic change and good cross-sectional stability across the site. • In the future, please use a date stamp on photos. The IRT has requested this be included with all photos. All Axiom staff have been notified to use a time -stamp on all future monitoring photos. • As Axiom had done in the past, please include a response to the comment letter and how/where the comments were addressed. Please insert this letter directly behind the cover page and before the table of contents in the final deliverables. The IRT has requested that we include this letter with the final deliverables. The response letter will need to be included with all future monitoring deliverables. This letter has been inserted into the report between the cover page and table of contents. NC Division of Mitigation Services Axiom Environmental, Inc. Neighbors Branch/ Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Page 2 of 2 A . Please let us know if you have any questions or comments regarding any component of this submittal. Thank you for the opportunity to continue to assist the Division of Mitigation Services with this important project. Sincerely, AXIOM ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Kenan R. Jernigan Project Scientist Attachments: 3 hard copies Year 2 (2017) Neighbors Branch/ Walton Crawley Branch Annual Monitoring Report 1 CD containing digital support files TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT SUMMARY.............................................................. 2.0 METHODS................................................................................. 3.0 REFERENCES........................................................................... APPENDICES APPENDIX A. SITE LOCATION MAP AND BACKGROUND TABLES Figure 1. Site Location Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Units Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table Table 4. Project Attributes Table APPENDIX B. VISUAL ASSESSMENT DATA Figures 2, 2A-213. Current Conditions Plan View Figures 3, 3A -3B. Project Assets Tables 5A -5E. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment Stream Fixed Station Photo Points Vegetation Plot Photographs APPENDIX C. VEGETATION DATA Table 7. Vegetation Plot Success Summary Table 8. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Table 9. Total Planted Stems by Plot and Species APPENDIX D. STREAM MEASUREMENT AND GEOMORPHOLOGY DATA Cross-section Plots Longitudinal Profile Plots Substrate Plots Tables IOA- IOB. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary Tables 11A -11D. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary APPENDIX E. HYDROLOGY DATA Table 12. Verification of Bankfull Events Table 13. Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment Summary Figure E1. 30-70 Percentile Graph for Rainfall Groundwater Gauge Graphs 1 4 6 Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Table of Contents 1.0 PROJECT SUMMARY The North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) has established the Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site (Site). The primary goals of the project focused on improving water quality and long term stability by reducing nutrient loading from the on-site cattle and horse operation, reducing excess sedimentation input from Site channel banks and contributing non jurisdictional tributaries/drainages, reducing excess sedimentation from Site access roads and deteriorated crossings, increasing the attenuation of floodwater flows, reintroducing natural watershed flows to Walton Crawley Branch by removing a pond and restoring the channel through its natural valley, and restoring and enhancing aquatic and riparian habitat. Long term stability will be evidenced by channels maintaining stable inverts and banks over an extended period of time. These goals were accomplished through the following objectives. • Reduce point (i.e. cattle/horses directly accessing the channel) and non -point source (i.e. stormwater runoff through pastures) pollution associated with an on-site cattle and horse operation by installing exclusionary fencing along the stream and riparian buffer, and by providing a vegetative buffer on stream banks and adjacent floodplains to treat nutrient enriched surface runoff from adjacent pastureland. • Stabilize degraded portions of on-site streams, eroding ephemeral/stormwater channels, and existing maintained dirt roads to reduce sediment inputs. Stabilization methods included: o Restoring a stable dimension, pattern, and profile to selected sections of channels to ensure the channel will transport and attenuate watershed flows and sediment loads without aggrading or degrading. o Stabilize selected channel banks by excavating bankfull benches, placing stream structures to reduce shearing forces on outside meander bends, and planting native vegetative species to provide soil stability. o Stabilize ephemeral/stormwater channels by planting native vegetation along eroded banks and floodplain and constructing stabilization weirs through the channel valley to lower facet slopes and decrease erosion. o Place gravel along existing degraded soil roads that are situated adjacent to Site streams. • Reintroduce natural watershed flows to Walton Crawley Branch by restoring the channel through the low point of the natural valley and removing a dam that impedes natural down valley flows. • Improve aquatic habitat by enhancing stream bed variability, providing shading/covered areas within the stream channel, and introducing woody debris in the form of rootwads, log vanes, and log sills. • Enhance fish passage within Neighbors Branch and Walton Crawley Creek. This was accomplished by eliminating a pond and restoring the stream through the natural valley and by restoring Neighbors Branch and replacing an existing perched culvert to allow fish passage upstream. • Enhance riparian wildlife habitat by: o Fencing cattle out of existing wetlands and planting impacted wetlands with native vegetative species. Wetlands were also restored by raising Site stream inverts to allow groundwater tables to rise throughout the affected valleys. o Fencing livestock out of existing and restored riparian buffers as well as installing alternative watering devices that will ensure livestock have sufficient watering areas. This is detailed further in the Farm Management Plans completed for the Site by NCDMS. o Vegetating the existing fescue dominated riparian buffers with native trees, shrubs, herbs, and grasses. Forest vegetation species were selected by studying a Reference Forest Ecosystem located on-site and reviewing Montane Alluvial Forest species listed in Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC page 1 Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation (Schafale and Weakley 1990). • Creating wildlife corridors through agricultural lands which have significantly dissected the landscape. The corridors will provide connectivity to a diversity of habitats including mature forest, early successional forest, stream -side forest, riparian wetlands, and uplands. The Site is located approximately six miles southeast of the town of Marion (Figure 1, Appendix B). The Site is situated due southwest of the intersection of Deer Park Road and Harmony Grove Road in McDowell County, North Carolina and is located within the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit and Targeted Local Watershed 03050101040010 (North Carolina Division of Water Quality Subbasin 03- 08-30) of the Catawba River Basin and will service USGS 8 -digit Cataloging Unit 03050101. The contributing watersheds are characterized primarily by forest land (approximately 84 percent of the total area) with pasture at the lower elevations (approximately 10 percent of the total area) and low-density residential development scattered along the outer fringes of the watershed. Impervious surfaces appear to account for approximately one percent of the watershed land surface. Prior to Site construction, riparian vegetation had been removed, stream channels were manipulated, and hoof shear from livestock on stream banks and floodplain soils was responsible for degraded water quality and unstable channel characteristics (stream entrenchment, erosion, and bank collapse). Project mitigation efforts resulted in the following: • Restore 2456 linear feet of Site streams • Enhance (Level I) 202 linear feet of Site streams • Enhance (Level II) 1863 linear feet of Site streams • Preserve 3139 linear feet of Site streams • Restore 0.52 acre of existing hydric soils to riparian wetlands • Enhance 1.62 acres of riparian wetlands • Preserve 1.29 acres of riparian wetlands The Muddy Creek Restoration Partnership (Partnership) was formed in 1998 to address impacts to the Muddy Creek Watershed. The Partnership completed the Muddy Creek Watershed Restoration Initiative Feasibility Report and Restoration Plan (Watershed Plan) for the Muddy Creek Watershed in December of 2003 (MCRP 2003). Since 2004 NCDMS has informally participated in the Partnership by implementing priority projects named by the partnership and adopted the 2003 report as part of its Local Watershed Plan (LWP). The NCDMS's Upper Catawba River Basin Restoration Priorities (2009) identifies North Muddy Creek as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW). The Site is located within the North Muddy Creek Watershed. In 2008 NCDMS contracted with a consulting firm to conduct outreach programs with landowners and identify additional project sites in the Muddy Creek Watershed. The primary goals identified by the Partnership's Watershed Plan include the following. 1. Restore the Watershed to its Full Intended Use 2. Restore Riparian Buffers 3. Enhance Open Space Preservation 4. Improve Water Quality 5. Restore Physical Habitat 6. Establish a Trout Fishery The Watershed Plan listed the following components of watershed restoration to be expected: Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC page 2 1. Natural Channel Design Stream Restoration 2. Riparian Reforestation 3. Livestock Exclusion 4. Riparian Forest Preservation These four components were included within the Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Site Mitigation Plan (NCDMS 2013). The project restored the watershed to its full intended use by restoring a stream, floodplain, and riparian wetland ecosystem through stream and wetland restoration, enhancement, and preservation. The project restored riparian buffers through revegetation of buffer zones with native riparian and wetland species along all Site streams. The project enhanced open space preservation by placing Site streams, wetlands, and their buffers into a permanent conservation easement. The overall Site helps improve water quality by reducing sedimentation in on -Site streams and planted a vegetated riparian buffer that filters nutrients from adjacent pasturelands. Additionally, exclusionary fencing and alternate watering devices removed livestock from accessing on-site channels and riparian buffers. The project restored and enhanced physical habitat for both aquatic and terrestrial species by planting native vegetation along stream banks and riparian buffers, creating wildlife corridors through a dissected landscape, and restoring bedform variability to Site streams. The stabilization of streams and buffers in the project area enhanced water quality in downstream receiving waters, which should help in the re-establishment of the watershed's ability to host trout and enhance their ability to propagate. Site design was completed on March 7, 2013. Site construction and planting were completed in December 2015. Completed project activities, reporting history, completion dates, project contacts, and project attributes are summarized in Tables 1-4 (Appendix A). Stream Success Criteria: Success criteria for stream restoration will include 1) successful classification of the reach as a functioning stream system (Rosgen 1996) and 2) channel variables indicative of a stable stream system. Collected data will be utilized to determine the success in restoring stream channel stability. Specifically, the width -to -depth ratio and bank -height ratios should be indicative of a stable or moderately unstable channel with minimal changes in cross-sectional area, channel width, and/or bank erosion along the monitoring reach. In addition, channel abandonment and/or shoot cutoffs must not occur and sinuosity values must remain relatively constant. Visual assessment of instream structures will be conducted to determine if failure has occurred. Failure of a structure may be indicated by collapse of the structure, undermining of the structure, abandonment of the channel around the structure, and/or stream flow beneath the structure. Stream Dimension: General maintenance of a stable cross-section and hydrologic access to the floodplain features over the course of the monitoring period will generally represent success in dimensional stability. Some changes in dimension (such as lowering of bankfull width) should be expected. Riffle cross-sections should generally maintain a bank -height ratio approaching 1.0, with some variation in this ratio naturally occurring. Pool cross-sections naturally adjust based on recent flows and time between flows, therefore more leeway on pool cross-section geometry is expected. Stream Pattern and Profile: The profile should not demonstrate significant trends towards degradation or aggradation over a significant portion of a reach. Additionally, bed form variables should remain noticeably intact and consistent with original design parameters that were based off Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC page 3 of reference conditions. Pattern features should show little adjustment over the standard 5 -year monitoring period and will be monitored to ensure adjustment is minor prior to close out. Substrate: Substrate measurements should indicate the progression towards or the maintenance of the known distributions from the design phase. Sediment Transport: There should be an absence of any significant trend in the aggradational or depositional potential of the channel. Hydraulics: A minimum of two bankfull events must be documented within the standard 5 -year monitoring period. The two bankfull events shall occur within separate years. Vegetation Success Criteria: Success criteria have been established to verify that the vegetation component supports community elements necessary for forest development. Success criteria are dependent upon the density and growth of characteristic forest species. An average density of 320 stems per acre of planted stems must be surviving in the first three monitoring years. Subsequently, 290 planted stems per acre must be surviving in year 4 and 260 planted stems per acre in year 5. Wetland Hydrology Success Criteria: Target hydrological characteristics include saturation or inundation for 5 to 12.5 percent of the growing season, during average climatic conditions. During growing seasons with atypical climatic conditions, groundwater gauges in reference wetlands may dictate threshold hydrology success criteria (75 percent of reference). These areas are expected to support hydrophytic vegetation. If wetland parameters are marginal as indicated by vegetation and/or hydrology monitoring, a jurisdictional determination will be performed. 2.0 METHODS Monitoring of restoration efforts will be performed for five years, or until success criteria are fulfilled. Monitoring is proposed for the stream channel, vegetation, and wetland hydrology. In general, the restoration success criteria, and required remediation actions, are based on the Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USACE et al. 2003). Monitoring features are described below and are depicted on Figures 2A -B (Appendix B). Streams The restored stream reaches are proposed to be monitored for geometric activity as follows. • 1750 linear feet of stream profile • 5 riffle cross-sections • 3 pool cross-section The data will be presented in graphic and tabular format. Data to be presented will include 1) cross- sectional area, 2) bankfull width, 3) average depth, 4) maximum depth, 5) width -to -depth ratio, 6) meander wavelength, 7) belt -width, 8) water surface slope, and 9) sinuosity. Substrate analysis will be evaluated through pebble counts at five cross sections and data presented as a D50 for stream classification and tracking purposes. The stream will subsequently be classified according to stream geometry and substrate (Rosgen 1996). Significant changes in channel morphology will be tracked and reported by comparing data in each successive monitoring year. Annual photographs will include 43 fixed station photographs (Appendix B). In addition, the Site contains two stream crest gauges to assist with documentation of Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC page 4 bankfull events. One bankfull event has been documented to date during monitoring year 2 (2017) making a total of two documented bankfull events (Table 12, Appendix E). Early in Year 1 (2016), several structures were damaged by significant storm events that occurred shortly after Site construction. Warranty repair work was completed in October 2016 to address these issues. The repaired structures appeared stable during Year 2 (2017). They will be monitored throughout the remainder of the monitoring contract to determine if the repair work sufficiently resolved the issues and if any additional repairs will be required. Currently, stream measurements are meeting success criteria. Vegetation Restoration monitoring procedures for vegetation will monitor plant survival and species diversity. Planted areas within the Site include approximately 12.3 acres. After planting of the area was completed, eight vegetation plots were installed and monitored at the Site; annual monitoring results can be found in Appendix C. Annual measurements of vegetation will consist of 8 CVS vegetation plots. A photographic record of plant growth should be included in each annual monitoring report; current monitoring photographs are included in Appendix B. During the first year, vegetation will receive a cursory, visual evaluation on a periodic basis to ascertain the degree of overtopping of planted elements by nuisance species. Subsequently, quantitative sampling of vegetation will be performed as outlined in the CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008) in September of the first monitoring year and annually between June 1 and September 30 for the remainder of the monitoring period until vegetation success criteria are achieved. Year 2 stem count measurements indicate planted stem densities are well above the required 320 stems per acre. Planted stem density across the Site is 440 planted stems per acre (Table 9, Appendix Q. In addition, all eight individual CVS plots met success criteria based on planted stems alone (Table 7, Appendix Q. Therefore, the Site is currently meeting vegetation success criteria. Wetland Hydrology Two groundwater monitoring gauges were installed to take measurements after hydrological modifications were performed at the Site. Hydrological sampling will occur quarterly throughout the growing season (March 26 to November 5). Approximate locations of gauges are depicted on Figure 2A (Appendix B) and hydrology data can be found in Appendix E. Both gauges were saturated or inundated for well over 12.5 percent of the growing season. The groundwater level at both gauges remained within 12 inches of the surface for the entire growing season (225 days). Gauge 1 malfunctioned for 6 days (July 29 to August 3, 2017) during the growing season. It is unclear why the gauge was not taking measurements during this time, but it appeared to be functioning properly before and after the malfunction, and it was checked and reset at the time of the next data download. The gauge had no more issues for the remainder of the growing season. Based on precipitation data as well as data from Gauge 2, it is expected that this gauge would have continued to be saturated/inundated during this 6 day period. Wetland hydrology is currently meeting success criteria. Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC page 5 3.0 REFERENCES Lee, M.T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation. Version 4.2. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Raleigh, North Carolina. Muddy Creek Restoration Partners (MCRP), 2003. Feasibility Report and Restoration Plan for the Muddy Creek Watershed. North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS). 2013. Neighbor Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site Mitigation Plan. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). 2009. Upper Catawba River Basin Restoration Priorities 2009 (online). Available: http://www.nceep.net/services/restplans/Upper_Catawba_RBRP_2009.pdf [March 12, 2009]. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina. Rosgen D. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology. Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS), and North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. State of North Carolina. Weather Underground. 2017. Station KFQD at Bostic, North Carolina (online). Available: www.wunderground.com/historL/aiiport/KFQD/ [November 27, 2017]. Weather Underground. Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC page 6 Appendix A. Site Location Map and Background Tables Figure 1. Site Location Table 1. Project Mitigation Components Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table Table 4. Project Attributes Table Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices tow fr Imo:. - C Co . / ./.- ..ti t - -.43_� �4 r.Y; _.. Axiom Env ro me is1. Pfic. Prepared for: Roti r' �•~ = - f ;'.' NC Department of °� �. , ,�:: -'' y i Environmental 1 _ --- , '4 L�-- r r� •` �. 7 ; Quality Pre d . A a. ' Division of .� R ■.,u� r -; Y _� 1 dq `Qark �. = `ti F> Mitigation Services opyrigt©2013 Nations og a• ct� �— V ��`w_ - - - ` - , _ •� �y� - ._ �' L Project: Neighbors Branch/ <- Walton Crawley - ':`: Branch Stream CD and Wetland _ - Restoration Site ., IRxc� DMS Project # 92872 t [.......• .� t ,;. -. -_ :. •' McDowell County, NC a l _i~ S� 11 �•- Title: - -'� - "''' �:` -yc'�• '.V l ! �V .•4agy� s, .;�- �. ter- '_ Marion . - _ _ ;� O'� �; �i Site Location 1 ' ��C•' _ ,r_ 226 � i g �,..�.;�. __ � .fyerjJ. - . iF— ¢ I k •!C—" 4 �l i/ NM �A � . ` ' ♦ [ 1 i ~J . \L 3. 26 �� i - - _ �•�_.. _ _� - _--4 Drawn by: �-:. _ -•.... - KRJ 1 a' Date: JUN 2016 `, dry; . Scale: 1:30000 Project No.: 12-004.21 uSGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map (Marion E, NC Quad) �-r 4,'... :�..1 t, "- Directions to the Site from Raleigh: FIGURE 1 e.4 e - Follow Interstate 40 West for approximately 193.8 miles, From Interstate 40 take exit 90 (towards Nebo/Lake James) onto Harmony Grove Road (SR1760), } r, ,= =� �• , - Head southeast on Harmony Grove Road (SR 1760) for approximately 1.5 miles, Continue onto Walnut Grove Drive (gravel road) at the intersection with Deer Park Road, Follow Walnut Grove Drive for approximately 0.5 mile to the Site. Copyrighf:© 2013 Nat onal`Geographic Site Latitude/Longitude: 35.6599°N, 81.9002'W (NAD83/WGS84) �•Society'-cubed i Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site/ DMS Number 92872 Mitigation Credit Summations Stream Riparian Wetland Nonriparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Offset Phosphorous Offset 3964 1.59 --- --- --- --- Projects Components Project Component—or-Reach Existing RestorationRestoration Mitigation Mitigation ID Stationing Footage or Footage or Level/Equivalent Ratio Credits Comment Acreage Acreage Channel returned to natural valley. The easement 15+40 —27+36 1196 break at the road crossing has been removed from Walton Crawley (09+37 — 21+68) 1231-35 = Restoration (PI) 1:1 1196 credit summation. 1196 Removed 35 feet from credit calculations for 2498 road crossing. Walton Crawley 29+11 —29+23 12 Enhance I 1.5:1 8 Bank grading and stabilization. 27+36 —29+11 Fence cattle out of easement area and remove Walton Crawley 29+23 —29+90 242 Enhance II 2.5:1 97 invasive plants. The easement break at 29+90 has been removed from credit summation. Walton Crawley 10+00 — 15+40 1051 Preservation 5:1 210 The easement break has been removed from 29+90 — 35+01 credit summation. UT 1 Walton Crawley 18+13 —20+01 188 Restoration (PI) 1:1 188 Restore channel through existing pond and As -built Plan Stationing (10+00 — 11+88) 872 188 reconnect to Walton Crawley. UT 1 Walton Crawley 14+83 —18+13 330 Enhance II 2.5:1 132 Fence cattle out of easement area and remove invasive plants. UT 1 Walton Crawley 10+00 — 14+83 483 Preservation 5:1 97 The easement break has been removed from credit summation. 10+00 — 13+83 UT 2 Walton Crawley (10+00 — 13+83) 549 Restoration (PI) 1:1 549 Channel routed to the center of the valley, away As -built Plan Stationing 16+36 —18+02 549 from toe of slope. (10+00— 11+66 600 UT 2 Walton Crawley 13+83 —16+36 253 Enhance II 2.5:1 101 Fence cattle out of easement area and remove invasive plants. Channel routed through low point of valley and 523 invert raised from perched culvert. The easement Neighbors Branch 24+74 —29+97 559523 6 = Restoration (PI) 1:1 523 break at the road crossing has been removed from As -built Plan Stationing (09+93 —15+52) credit summation. 2262 Removed 36 feet from credit calculations for road crossing. Place channel structure and stabilize bank. The Neighbors Branch 18+89 —19+09 20 Enhance I 1.5:1 13 easement break has been removed from credit summation. Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices 18+69— 18+89 Fence cattle out of easement area and matt, seed, Neighbors Branch 19+09 —24+74 927 Enhance II 2.5:1 371 and plant vegetation on scoured banks. 29+97 —33+39 Neighbors Branch 09+67 —18+69 902 Preservation 5:1 180 The easement break has been removed from credit summation. 10+56 —10+95 UT 1 Neighbors Branch 11+50 — 12+81 170 Enhance I 1.5:1 113 Bank grading and stabilization. As -built Plan Stationing (10+06 —10+44 281 170 10+77 — 12+09) UT 1 Neighbors Branch 10+00 —10+56 111 Enhance II 2.5:1 44 Fence cattle out of easement area and plant 10+95 —11+50 vegetation. UT 3 Neighbors Branch 11+72 —18+75 703 703 Preservation 5:1 141 --- Riparian Wetland --- 0.0 0.52 Restoration 1:1 0.52 Restore hydrology to hydric soils adjacent to Neighbors Branch. Riparian Wetland --- 1.62 1.62 Enhancement 2:1 0.81 Plant native vegetation on impacted wetlands and fence cattle. Riparian Wetland --- 1.29 1.29 Preservation 5:1 0.26 --- Length and Area Summations Restoration Level Stream (linear footage) Riparian Wetland (acreage) Nonriparian Wetland Buffer (square feet) Upland (acres) (acreage) Riverine Non-Riverine Restoration 2,456 0.52 -- Enhancement (Level 1) 202 1.62 -- Enhancement (Level II) 1,863 -- -- Preservation 3,139 1.29 -- Totals 7,660 3.43 -- Mitigation Units 3,964 SMUs 1.59 Riparian 0.00 Nonriparian WMUs WMUs BMP Elements Element Location Purpose/Function Notes Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site / DMS Number 92872 Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Project Institution 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Mitigation Plan April 2009 March 7, 2013 Permits Issued Construction Plans and Sediment and Florence & Hutcheson Engineering Final Design — Construction Plans (Now HDR) April 2014 Construction -- December 2015 Temporary S&E Mix applied to Entire Project Site -- December 2015 Permanent Seed Mix applied to the Entire Project Site -- December 2015 Bare Root; Containerized; and B&B Plantings for the Entire Project Site December 2015 Baseline Monitoring Document (Year 0 Monitoring Baseline) April 2016 July 2016 Repair -- October 2016 Year 1 Monitoring November 2016 January 2017 Year 2 Monitoring November 2017 December 2017 Year 2 Vegetation Monitoring August 30, 2017 Elisabeth Turner (919) 827-0745 Year 2 Geomorphology Monitoring February 22, 2017 Year 3 Monitoring Raleigh, NC 27603 Year 4 Monitoring Grant Lewis (919) 215-1693 Year 5 Monitoring Table 3. Project Contact Table Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site / DMS Number 92872 Designer Florence & Hutcheson Engineering (Now HDR) 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 Kevin Williams (919) 851-6066 Construction Plans and Sediment and Florence & Hutcheson Engineering Erosion Control Plans (Now HDR) 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 Kevin Williams (919) 851-6066 Construction Contractor Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc. Mount Airy, NC (336) 320-3849 Planting Contractor Keller Environmental 7291 Haymarket Lane Raleigh, NC 27615 Jay Keller (919) 749-8259 As -built Surveyor Turner Land Surveying. PLLC 3719 Benson Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Elisabeth Turner (919) 827-0745 Baseline Data Collection Axiom Environmental, Inc. 218 Snow Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 Grant Lewis (919) 215-1693 Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Table 4. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawlev Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site / DMS Number 92872 Project Information Project name Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Mitigation Site Project county McDowell County, North Carolina Project area (Acres) 33.4 Project coordinates (lat/long) 35.6599°N, 81.9002°W Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic region Blue Ridge Project river basin Catawba River Basin USGS hydrologic unit (8 digit) 03050101 NCDWQ Sub -basin 03-08-30 Project drainage area (acres) 678 % Drainage area impervious < 1% CGIA land use classification ---- Reach Summary Information Parameters Walton UTs to Walton Crawley UTs to Neighbors Neighbors Crawley Branch Branch Branch Branch UT 1 UT 2 UT 1 UT 3 Length of reach (linear feet) 2529 1001 802 2339 281 875 Valley classification VIII 11 11 VIII 11 11 Drainage area (acres) 458 29 20 220 13 15 NCDWQ stream identification 18.5 25 25 33.5 23.5 16.5 score NCDWQ water quality C C C C C C classification Morphological description B4/5c-G4/5 E5 E5 -G5 E5/4 -G5/4 E5/4 E5 (stream type) Design Rosgen stream type C4 E/C5 E/C5 C4 E5/4 E5 Evolutionary trend Design approach (P 1, P2, P3, E, PI, EI, EII, PI, EI, Ell, PI, Ell, & P PI &EII EI &EII P etc.) & P & P Elsinboro, Evard, Hayesville, Underlying mapped soils Evard, Evard Evard Hayesville Hayesville Iotla Hayesville Well / SW Drainage class Well Well Well Well Well Poorly Nonhydric /Nonhydric Soil hydric status Nonhydric Nonhydric Nonhydric Nonhydric Hydric Slope 0.0340 0.0380 0.0545 0.0260 0.0820 0.0656 Not Not Not Not FEMA classification Not Mapped Not Mapped Mapped Mapped Mapped Mapped Forest / Forest / Native vegetation community Forest Forest Forest Forest Pasture Pasture % Composition of exotic invasive <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 spp. Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Wetland Summary Information Walton UTs to Walton Crawley UTs to Neighbors Neighbors Parameters Crawley Branch Branch Branch Branch UT 1 UT 2 UT 1 UT 3 Size of wetland (acres) 0.95 0.37 N/A 1.88 0.23 N/A Riparian Riparian Riparian Riparian Wetland type N/A N/A Riverine Riverine Riverine Riverine Mapped soil series Wehadkee Wehadkee N/A Wehadkee Wehadkee N/A Drainage class poorly poorly N/A poorly poorly N/A Soil hydric status hydric hydric N/A hydric hydric N/A Overbank Overbank Overbank Overbank Source of hydrology N/A N/A and springs and springs and springs and springs Drained/ Hydrologic impairment Cleared Invasives N/A Cleared/ Invasives N/A Invasives Forest / Forest / Native vegetation community Forest N/A Forest N/A Pasture Pasture % Composition of exotic invasive <5 <5 N/A <5 <5 N/A spp. Reg latory Considerations Supporting Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Documentation Waters of the US — Section 404 Yes Yes SAW -2009-917 Waters of the US — Section 401 Yes Yes SAW -2009-917 No Effect — Endangered Species Act Yes Yes CE Document Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes CE Document Coastal Zone Management Act No NA NA (CZMA/CAMA) FEMA Floodplain Compliance No NA NA Essential Fisheries Habitat No NA NA Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Figures 2, 2A-213. Current Conditions Plan View Figures 3, 3A-313. Project Assets Tables 5A -5E. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment Stream Fixed Station Photo Points Vegetation Plot Photos Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . X N40.. a Ax Om EnvKon+nenial, Inc. Prepared for: 'R NC Department of 4 ; Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services Project: Neighbors Branch/ Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site DMS Project # 92872 McDowell County, NC Title: Current Conditions Plan View FIX;I Drawn by: KRJ Date: NOV 2017 Scale: -"Al 1:5500 Project No.: 12-004.21 Legend FIGURE Conservation Easement Boundary .4 Streams 4", 1,000 2,000 Feet Aim ;r �~ z J. y'e's" .P' { ~ /- �• .y L" lqI 7 3.3 34 K 8 40 -!4� 41 _ • ,�� � � � 2 y z: -tea A s � ,• is •'i« or- - 0 250 s '3% • Axiom Enwnrinienial. Inc. r. 4!* Prepared for: `' `�.^-• " NC Department of Environmental t4-^ Quality ' 'FYI ` — s . -'•�rw .���• :. �c't• Division of Y t Mitigation Services •'~L7E " }. ,. ,S" Project: ` * Neighbors Branch/ Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site �- DMS Project # 92872 f� :ti iw McDowell County, NC Title: .'... `, Current Conditions Plan View Legend Conservation Easement Boundary Streams Structures Wetland Enhancement - 1.32 ac Stream Monitoring Reach Cross -Sections `{ Photo Point Locations • Crest Gauge = CVS Plots Meeting Success Criteria During MY2 (2017) 500 1,000 Feet Drawn by: KRJ Date: NOV 2017 Scale: i 1:2400 Project No.: 12-004.21 FIGURE 2B �'.a a Axiom ffnwitVnimnial, Inc. .+� Prepared for: R NC Department of Environmental I Quality Division of Mitigation -" Services Project: Neighbors Branch/ -. . °' Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site DMS Project # 92872 McDowell County, NC Title: �d Project Assets Drawn by: Legend KRJ Date: JUL 2016 r .. Conservation Easement Boundary Stream Restoration Scale: 1:5500 Stream Enhancement (level 1) Project No.: Stream Enhancement (level 11) 12-004.21 Stream Preservation Wetland Restoration -0.52 ac FIGURE Wetland Enhancement - 1.62 ac Wetland Preservation - 1.29 ac how& 0 500 1,000 2,000 Feet •' '�'� '-e..- y �• � r r -, k - ��' • ?.r. ,OM1 r � �."'R+''`7y,„� '�,i I.:� s� y 09+67 = Start of Neighbors Branch preservation reach 11+72 = Start of UT -3 preservation reach Easement breaks (Neighbors Branch sta 14+63 and sta 24+98) have been removed from credit summation. MR ta�cr DMS Project otsQ' Aram Enwironimnial, Inc. # 92872 •`ti Prepared for: NC Department of "' .. Environmental �... �`.Ys McDowell County, NC Quality R rr ` Ilk b'' T.� Division of + Mitigation Services ., ; ` �•. Project: Neighbors Branch/ ' Walton Crawley �'. Branch Stream and Wetland r7- , It Restoration Site ta�cr DMS Project otsQ' # 92872 e`gra McDowell County, NC Title: R rr G� T.� Project Assets �"� .. �,►• :.: Drawn by: Legend KRJ G v.� Conservation Easement Boundary Date: JUL 2016 Stream Restoration Scale: • - ` Stream Enhancement (level 1) Stream Enhancement 11) 1:2400 q (level Project No.: Stream Preservation 12-004.21 Stationing Wetland Restoration - 0.52 ac FIGURE Wetland Enhancement - 0.30 ac ' Wetland Preservation - 1.29 ac 3Ay 0 500 1,000 ,� Feet � *N »2/\,4 Table 5A Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Reach ID Walton Crawley Branch Assessed Length 1450 Adjusted % Number Number with Footage with for Major Stable, Total Number of Amount of % Stable, Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Channel Channel Performing Number in Unstable Unstable Performing Woody Woody Woody Category Sub-Cateciory Metric as Intended As -built Segments Foota a as Intended Ve etation Ve etationVe etation 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) 1. Aggradation - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect flow laterally (not to include point bars) 0 0 100% 2. Degradation - Evidence of downcutting 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains coarser substrate 26 26 100% 3. Meander Pool Condition 1. Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth :Mean Bankfull Depth > 1.6) 25 25 100% 2. Length appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle) 25 25 100% 4.Thalweg Position 1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 25 25 100% 2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide) 25 25 100% 2. Bank 1. Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 0 0 100% 100% Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2. Undercut likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 0 100% 100% and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 3. Engineered Structures 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 24 24 ° 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 24 24 100% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 24 24 100% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) 24 24 100% 4. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining — Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio > 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base -flow. 24 24 100% Table 5B Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Reach ID UT1 to Walton Crawley Branch Assessed Length 518 Adjusted % Number Number with Footage with for Major Stable, Total Number of Amount of % Stable, Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Channel Channel Performing Number in Unstable Unstable Performing Woody Woody Woody Category Sub-Cateciory Metric as Intended As -built Segments Foota a as Intended Ve etation Ve etationVe etation 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) 1. Aggradation - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect flow laterally (not to include point bars) 0 0 100% 2. Degradation - Evidence of downcutting 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains coarser substrate 8 8 100% 3. Meander Pool Condition 1. Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth :Mean Bankfull Depth > 1.6) 7 7 100% 2. Length appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle) 7 7 100% 4.Thalweg Position 1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 7 7 100% 2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide) 7 7 100% 2. Bank 1. Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 0 0 100% 100% Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2. Undercut likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 0 100% 100% and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 3. Engineered Structures 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 10 10 ° 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 10 10 100% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 10 10 100% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) 10 10 100% 4. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining — Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio > 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base -flow. 10 10 100% Table 5C Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Reach ID UT2 to Walton Crawley Branch Assessed Length 802 Adjusted % Number Number with Footage with for Major Stable, Total Number of Amount of % Stable, Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Channel Channel Performing Number in Unstable Unstable Performing Woody Woody Woody Category Sub-Cateciory Metric as Intended As -built Segments Foota a as Intended Ve etation Ve etationVe etation 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) 1. Aggradation - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect flow laterally (not to include point bars) 0 0 100% 2. Degradation - Evidence of downcutting 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains coarser substrate 12 12 100% 3. Meander Pool Condition 1. Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth :Mean Bankfull Depth > 1.6) 11 11 100% 2. Length appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle) 11 11 100% 4.Thalweg Position 1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 11 11 100% 2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide) 11 11 100% 2. Bank 1. Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 0 0 100% 100% Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2. Undercut likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 0 100% 100% and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 3. Engineered Structures 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 12 12 ° 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 12 12 100% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 12 12 100% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) 12 12 100% 4. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining — Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio > 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base -flow. 12 12 100% Table 5D Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Reach ID Neighbors Branch Assessed Length 1470 Adjusted % Number Number with Footage with for Major Stable, Total Number of Amount of % Stable, Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Channel Channel Performing Number in Unstable Unstable Performing Woody Woody Woody Category Sub-Cateciory Metric as Intended As -built Segments Foota a as Intended Ve etation Ve etationVe etation 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) 1. Aggradation - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect flow laterally (not to include point bars) 0 0 100% 2. Degradation - Evidence of downcutting 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains coarser substrate 22 22 100% 3. Meander Pool Condition 1. Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth :Mean Bankfull Depth > 1.6) 21 21 100% 2. Length appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle) 21 21 100% 4.Thalweg Position 1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 21 21 100% 2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide) 21 21 100% 2. Bank 1. Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 0 0 100% 100% Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2. Undercut likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 0 100% 100% and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 3. Engineered Structures 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 16 16 ° 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 16 16 100% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 16 16 100% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) 16 16 100% 4. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining — Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio > 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base -flow. 16 16 100% Table 5E Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Reach ID UT1 to Neighbors Branch Assessed Length 281 Adjusted % Number Number with Footage with for Major Stable, Total Number of Amount of % Stable, Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Channel Channel Performing Number in Unstable Unstable Performing Woody Woody Woody Category Sub-Cateciory Metric as Intended As -built Segments Foota a as Intended Ve etation Ve etationVe etation 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability (Riffle and Run units) 1. Aggradation - Bar formation/growth sufficient to significantly deflect flow laterally (not to include point bars) 0 0 100% 2. Degradation - Evidence of downcutting 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains coarser substrate 20 20 100% 3. Meander Pool Condition 1. Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth :Mean Bankfull Depth > 1.6) 19 19 100% 2. Length appropriate (>30% of centerline distance between tail of upstream riffle and head of downstrem riffle) 19 19 100% 4.Thalweg Position 1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) 19 19 100% 2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide) 19 19 100% 2. Bank 1. Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 0 0 100% 100% Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2. Undercut likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 0 100% 100% and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 3. Engineered Structures 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 20 20 ° 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 20 20 100% 2a. Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 20 20 100% 3. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) 20 20 100% 4. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining — Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio > 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base -flow. 20 20 100% Table 6 Veqetation Condition Assessment Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Mitigation Project Planted Acreage 11.78 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold CCPV De fiction Number of Pol ons Combined Acrea a % of Planted Acrea e 1. Bare Areas None 0.1 acres none 0 0.00 0.0% 2. Low Stem Density Areas None 0.1 acres none 0 0.00 0.0% 2B. Low Planted Stem Density Areas None 0.1 acres none 0 0.00 0.0% Total 0 0.00 0.0% 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor None 0.25 acres N/A 0 0.00 0.0% Cumulative Total 0 0.00 0.0% Easement Acreage 33.4 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping ThresholdDe CCPV fiction Number of Pol ons Combined Acrea a % of Easement Acrea e 4. Invasive Areas of Concern None 1000 SF none 0 0.00 0.0% 5. Easement Encroachment Areas' None none none 0 0.00 0.0% 1 = Enter the planted acreage within the easement. This number is calculated as the easement acreage minus any existing mature tree stands that were not subject to supplemental planting of the understory, the channel acreage, crossings or any other elements not directly planted as part of the project effort. 2 = The acreage within the easement boundaries. 3 = Encroachment may occur within or outside of planted areas and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage. In the event a polygon is cataloged into items 1, 2 or 3 in the table and is the result of encroachment, the associated acreage should be tallied in the relevant item (i.e., item 1,2 or 3) as well as a parallel tally in item 5. 4 = Invasives may occur in or out of planted areas, but still within the easement and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage. Invasives of concern/interest are listed below. The list of high concern spcies are those with the potential to directly outcompete native, young, woody stems in the short-term (e.g. monitoring period or shortly thereafter) or affect the community structure for existing, more established tree/shrub stands over timeframes that are slightly longer (e.g. 1-2 decades). The low/moderate concern group are those species that generally do not have this capacity over the timeframes discussed and therefore are not expected to be mapped with regularity, but can be mapped, if in the judgement of the observer their coverage, density or distribution is suppressing the viability, density, or growth of planted woody stems. Decisions as to whether remediation will be needed are based on the integration of risk factors by DMS such as species present, their coverage, distribution relative to native biomass, and the practicality of treatment. For example, even modest amounts of Kudzu or Japanese Knotweed early in the projects history will warrant control, but potentially large coverages of Microstegium in the herb layer will not likley trigger control because of the limited capacities to impact tree/shrub layers within the timeframes discussed and the potential impacts of treating extensive amounts of ground cover. Those species with the "watch list" designator in gray shade are of interest as well, but have yet to be observed across the state with any frequency. Those in red italics are of particular interest given their extreme risk/threat level for mapping as points where isolated specimens are found, particularly ealry in a projects monitoring history. However, areas of discreet, dense patches will of course be mapped as polygons. The symbology scheme below was one that was found to be helpful for symbolzing invasives polygons, particulalry for situations where the conditon for an area is somewhere between isolated specimens and dense, discreet patches. In any case, the point or polygon/area feature can be symbolized to describe things like high or low concern and species can be listed as a map inset, in legend items if the number of species are limited or in the narrative section of the executive summary. Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Fixed Station Photographs August 2017 Photo Point 3 — UT -1 to Neighbors Branch -. - Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Fixed Station Photographs August 2017 (continued) Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Fixed Station Photographs August 2017 (continued) Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Fixed Station Photographs August 2017 (continued) Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Fixed Station Photographs August 2017 (continued) Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Fixed Station Photographs August 2017 (continued) Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Baseline Fixed Station Photographs Taken August 2017 (continued) Photo Point 37 — UT -1 to Walton Crawley Branch Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch DMS Project No. 92872 McDowell County, NC Photo Point 42 - Walton Crawley Branch ;•� yam, .tis` * � ; Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) December 2017 Appendices Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Fixed Station Photographs August 2017 (continued) Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Vegetation Monitoring Photographs Taken August 2017 Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch DMS Project No. 92872 McDowell County, NC Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) December 2017 Appendices Appendix C. Vegetation Data Table 7. Vegetation Plot Success Summary Table 8. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Table 9. Total Planted Stems by Plot and Species Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Table 7. Vegetation Plot Success Summary Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met? Tract Mean 1 Yes 100% 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 Yes 7 Yes 8 Yes Table 8. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Report Prepared By Phillip Perkinson Date Prepared 9/1/2017 11:09 database name Axiom-NeighborsWaltonCrawleyBranch-2017-A-v2.3.l.mdb database location S:\Business\Projects\12\12-004 EEP Monitoring\12-004.21 Neighbors Bob\Neighbors Branch and Walton Crawley Branch\2017 MY-02\CVS computer name PHILLIP-PC file size 58728448 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT ------------ Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data. Pro', planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes. Pro', total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems. Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.). Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots. Vigor bSpp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Planted Stems by Plot and SPP A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. ALL Stems by Plot and SPI) A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. PROJECT SUMMARY -------------------------------- ----- Pro'ect Code 92872 project Name Neighbors Branch/ Walton Crawley Branch River Basin Catawba length(ft) stream -to -edge width (ft) Required Plots (calculated) Sampled Plots 8 Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Table 9. Total and Planted Stems by Plot and Species DMS Project Code 92872. Project Name: Neighbors Branch/ Walton Crawley Branct Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Pnol-S = Planted excluding livestakes P -all = Planting including livestakes T = All planted and natural recruits including livestakes T includes natural recruits Current Plot Data (MY2 2017) Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 92872-01-0001 PnoLS P -all T 92872-01-0002 PnoLS P -all T 92872-01-0003 PnoLS P -all T 92872-01-0004 PnoLS P -all T 92872-01-0005 PnoLS P -all T 92872-01-0006 PnoLS P -all T 92872-01-0007 PnoLS P -all T 92872-01-0008 PnoLS P -all T MY2(2017) PnoLS P -all T MY1(2016) PnoLS P -all T MYO(2016) PnoLS P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 10 10 10 11 11 11 6 6 17 Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 12 12 12 15 15 15 16 16 16 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 Diospyros virginiana common persimmon Tree 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 41 4 4 11 1 1 6 61 6 51 5 51 21 2 2 1 1 1 19 19 191 24 24 24 31 311 31 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 1 6 1 1 1 11 1 8 3 Nyssa tupelo Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 6 6 6 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 8 8 26 6 6 22 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 24 24 59 28 28 81 29 29 29 Quercus oak Tree I 1 1 1 1 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 4 41 4 1 1 1 6 6 61 21 2 21 4 41 4 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 51 5 5 12 12 12 12 12 12 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Salix nigra black willow ITree 6 6 3 10 Sambucus canadensis ICommon Elderberry IShrub 2 2 4 Stem count 12 12 size (ares)l 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 Species coun 3 3 Stems per ACRE 485.6 485.6 31 4 1255 8 8 1 0.02 3 3 323.7 323.7 32 5 1295 14 5 566.6 141 14 12 121 19 101 101 10 1 1 1 0.02 0.02 0.02 5 5 5 5 7 5 5 5 566.6 566.6 485.6 485.6 768.9 404.7 404.7 404.7 9 9 12 121 2 12 10 10 10 87 871 140 1 1 1 8 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.20 2 2 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 11 11 13 364.2 364.2 485.6 485.6 485.6 485.6 404.7 404.7 404.7 440.1 440.1 708.2 100 100 159 8 0.20 12 12 14 505.9 505.9 804.3 1071 10 541.3 107 132 8 0.20 10 12 541.3 667.7 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Pnol-S = Planted excluding livestakes P -all = Planting including livestakes T = All planted and natural recruits including livestakes T includes natural recruits Appendix D. Stream Measurements and Geomorphology Data Cross Section Plots Longitudinal Profile Plots Substrate Plots Tables 1OA- 1OB. Baseline Stream Data Summary Tables 11A -11D. Monitoring Data -Dimensional Data Summary Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Site Neighbors Br./Walton Crawley Br. Project Number: 92872 XS ID XS - 1, Riffle Reach Neighbors Branch Date: 2/22/2017 Field Crew: Perkinson, Keith Station Elevation 0.00 1199.98 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 2.46 1199.99 11.9 3.93 1199.66 Flood Prone Width: 5.17 1199.44 5.94 1199.24 6.43 1198.73 14.9 7.20 1198.59 7.89 1198.40 8.50 1198.19 9.11 1198.33 1. 9.64 1198.42 10.47 1198.72 10.78 1199.17 11.35 1199.31 12.47 1199.73 14.4 1200.00 17.2 1200.10 • Bankfull 1198 • Flood Prone Area MY -00 4/11/16 MY -01 8/23/16 1197 ---a- MY -02 2/22/17 0 10 20 Station (feet) SUMMARY DATA Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Bankfull Elevation: 1200.0 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 9.5 Bankfull Width: 11.9 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 1201.8 Flood Prone Width: 100.0 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.8 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 0.8 W / D Ratio: 14.9 Entrenchment Ratio: Bank Height Ratio: 8.4 1.0 Stream Typ E Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Stream Reach Neighbors Creek XS -1, Station 14+39, Riffle 1202 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1201 m 1200 1. 0 1199 W • Bankfull 1198 • Flood Prone Area MY -00 4/11/16 MY -01 8/23/16 1197 ---a- MY -02 2/22/17 0 10 20 Station (feet) Site Elevation Neighbors Br./Walton Crawley Br. 1200.7 Project Number: 92872 4.7 XS ID Date: XS - 2, Pool Field Crew: Reach 7.9 Neighbors 1 1198.0 9.2 1197.9 10.1 1197.7 10.8 1197.4 11.7 1197.3 12.1 1197.4 0" �. ;. 1200.2 15.3 1200.3 16.9 1200.5 17.9 1200.9 19.9 1201.1 �. -4 r . '.. �* y XS 2 Looking Upstream Stream Type E Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Stream Reach Neighbors Creek XS - 2 Station 13+89 Pool 1203 1202 1201 01200 W 1199 1198 1197 0 10 20 Station (feet) Station Elevation 0.0 1200.7 2.9 1200.5 4.7 Branch Date: 2/22/2017 Field Crew: Perkinson, Keith Station Elevation 0.0 1200.7 2.9 1200.5 4.7 1200.4 6.1 1200.0 7.2 1199.7 7.9 1199.3 8.1 1198.0 9.2 1197.9 10.1 1197.7 10.8 1197.4 11.7 1197.3 12.1 1197.4 13.4 1200.2 15.3 1200.3 16.9 1200.5 17.9 1200.9 19.9 1201.1 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 1200.3 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 14.0 Bankfull Width: 9.7 Flood Prone Area Elevation: NA Flood Prone Width: NA Max Depth at Bankfull: 3.0 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 1.4 W / D Ratio: NA Entrenchment Ratio: NA Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 --------------------------------------------------- • Bankfull Flood Prone Area MY -00 4/11/16 -MY-018/23/16 � MY -02 2/22/17 Site Neighbors Br./Walton Crawley Br. Project Number: 92872 XS ID XS - 3, Riffle Reach Neighbors Branch Date: 2/22/2017 Field Crew: Perkinson, Keith Station Elevation 0.00 1205.85 8.1 2.84 1205.80 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 4.47 1205.44 100.0 5.49 1205.02 1.6 6.92 1204.53 0.9 7.67 1204.40 9.8 8.68 1203.78 11.2 9.82 1203.59 1.0 10.44 1203.50 AL1 11.25 1203.65 1204 11.84 1203.81 MY -00 4/11/16 12.35 1204.17 13.56 1204.65 14.36 1205.15 --E-- MY -02 2/22/17 15.62 1205.48 1203 17.6 1205.29 19.3 1205.16 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 1205.1 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 8.1 Bankfull Width: 8.9 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 1206.7 Flood Prone Width: t 100.0 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.6 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 0.9 W / D Ratio: 9.8 Entrenchment Ratio: 11.2 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Stream Reach Neighbors Creek XS - 3, Station 11+70, Riffle 1207 1206 m ----------------- ----------------------------- ---am ------- ---- .1205 ti AL1 � � � • Bankfull 1204 Flood Prone Area MY -00 4/11/16 MY -01 8/23/16 --E-- MY -02 2/22/17 1203 0 10 20 Station (feet) Site Neighbors Br./Walton Crawley Br. Project Number: 92872 XS ID XS - 4, Riffle Reach Walton Crawley Branch Date: 2/22/2017 Field Crew: EL Perkinson, Keith Station Elevation -0.10 1167.11 7.9 3.30 1166.96 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 5.21 1166.73 100.0 6.22 1166.74 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 6.83 1166.70 9.4 7.80 1166.10 Bank Height Ratio: 8.33 1165.80 9.14 1165.39 9.65 1165.07 10.80 1165.02 12.35 1164.92 13.23 1164.92 14.81 1164.79 15.88 1164.63 16.63 1164.67 17.4 1164.74 18.3 1166.00 19.5 1166.48 20.7 1167.10 21.6 1167.23 23.4 1167.16 25.7 1167.10 27.5 1167.11 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 1166.7 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area:EW, 7.9 Bankfull Width: 3.0 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 68 Flood Prone Width: M 100.0 Max Depth at Bankfull:2.0 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 1.4 W / D Ratio: 9.4 Entrenchment Ratio: 7.7 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Stream Reach Walton Crawley Property XS - 4, Station 19+17, Riffle 1169 1168 d 1167 0 1166 W 1165 1164 0 10 20 30 Station (feet) _______________________________________________________________ __________ ____________________________ _________________ Bankfull•Flood Prone Area MY -00 4/11/16 MY -0 1 8/23/16 � MY -02 2/22/17 Site Neighbors Br./Walton Crawley Br. Project Number: 92872 XS ID XS - 5, Pool Reach Walton Crawley Branch Date: 2/22/2017 Field Crew: Perkinson, Keith Station Elevation 0.0 1168.7 3.1 1168.7 4.8 1168.4 7.8 1167.7 8.4 1164.5 9.8 1164.5 11.1 1164.4 11.9 1164.0 13.4 1163.6 14.8 1164.0 15.9 1164.3 16.9 1164.7 19.6 1167.7 20.8 1168.0 25.5 1167.8 28.6 1167.9 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 1167.7 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 35.1 Bankfull Width: 11.9 Flood Prone Area Elevation:NA Flood Prone Width: NA Max Depth at Bankfull: 4.1 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 2.9 W / D Ratio: NA Entrenchment Ratio: NA Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 Stream Type E Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Stream Reach Neighbors Creek 1170 XS - 5, Station 17+69, Pool 1168 m ----------- `.tl 167 0 X1166 v W1165 1164 1163 + 0 10 Station (feet) • Bankfull • Flood Prone Area MY -00 4/11/16 MY -01 8/23/16 MY -02 2/22/17 20 30 Site Neighbors Br./Walton Crawley Br. Project Number: 92872 XS ID XS - 6, Riffle Reach Walton Crawley Branch Date: 2/22/2017 Field Crew: Perkinson, Keith Station Elevation 0.00 1170.77 20.2 2.98 1170.48 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 7.13 1170.28 100.0 9.14 1170.30 2.0 10.62 1169.52 11.69 1168.62 10.0 12.75 1168.09 Bank Height Ratio: 13.99 1168.14 14.66 1168.21 15.77 1168.21 17.00 1168.28 18.38 1168.10 19.23 1168.10 19.95 1168.23 21.17 1168.00 21.6 1168.83 22.6 1169.33 23.7 1169.87 24.3 1170.18 26.3 1170.16 29.3 1170.03 32.9 1170.11 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 1170.0 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 20.2 Bankfull Width: 14.2 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 1172.0 Flood Prone Width: 100.0 Max Depth at Bankfull: 2.0 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 1.4 W / D Ratio: 10.0 Entrenchment Ratio: 7.0 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 1173 1172 1168 1167 Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Stream Reach Walton Crawley Property XS - 6, Station 16+19, Riffle 10 20 Station (feet) 30 . Bankfull • Flood Prone Area MY -00 4/11/16 MY -01 8/23/16 MY -02 2/22/17 40 Site Elevation Neighbors Br./Walton Crawley Br. w f Project Number: 92872 Branch Date: XS ID Field Crew: XS - 7, Pool 10.1 1171.7 Reach 1171.5 Walton Crawley 1171.5 14.1 1171.2 15.0 1171.0 16.2 1171.2 17.6 1171.2 18.6 1171.1 20.0 1171.1 21.0 1174.4 24.8 1175.3 29.0 1175.4 XS 7 Looking Upstream y.. Stream Type E Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Stream Reach Neighbors Creek XS - 7 Station 12+69 Pool 1176 1175 1174 m 01173 W 1172 1171 1170 0 10 20 30 Station (feet) Station Elevation 0.0 1175.3 3.4 1175.1 6.1 Branch Date: 2/22/2017 Field Crew: Perkinson, Keith Station Elevation 0.0 1175.3 3.4 1175.1 6.1 1174.8 8.6 1174.2 9.2 1171.9 10.1 1171.7 10.9 1171.5 12.1 1171.5 14.1 1171.2 15.0 1171.0 16.2 1171.2 17.6 1171.2 18.6 1171.1 20.0 1171.1 21.0 1174.4 24.8 1175.3 29.0 1175.4 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 1174.3 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 34.1 Bankfull Width: 12.6 Flood Prone Area Elevation: NA Flood Prone Width: NA Max Depth at Bankfull: 3.3 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 2.7 W / D Ratio21 : NA Entrenchment Ratio: NA Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 • Bankfull•Flood Prone Area MY -004/11/16 MY -018/23/16 � MY -02 2/22/17 Site Neighbors Br./Walton Crawley Br. Project Number: 92872 XS ID XS - 8, Riffle Reach Walton Crawley Branch Date: 2/22/2017 Field Crew: EL Perkinson, Keith Station Elevation 0.00 1179.27 4.85 1179.20 7.14 1179.18 9.24 1178.31 10.44 1177.84 11.32 1177.77 12.16 1177.35 13.04 1177.34 14.44 1177.07 15.54 1177.22 17.23 1177.21 18.27 1177.20 19.54 1177.19 20.26 1177.18 21.68 1177.25 22.3 1177.50 23.2 1177.78 24.5 1179.14 25.1 1179.38 27.0 1179.47 30.0 1179.43 32.4 1179.48 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: AN 1179.2 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area:27.0 Bankfull Width: 17.4 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 1181.3 Flood Prone Width: 100.0 Max Depth at Bankfull: 2.1 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 1.6 W / D Ratio: 11.2 Entrenchment Ratio: 5.7 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Stream Reach Walton Crawley Property XS - 8, Station 11+23, Riffle 1182 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1181 --1180 1179 ti W Station (feet) . Bankfull •Flood Prone Area MY -00 4/11/16 1177 -MY-018/23/16 --a-- MY -02 2/22/17 1176 0 10 20 30 v v c 0 t Name e Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch - Profile Walton Crawley Branch, Station 10+00 - 22+00 Profile 2/22/17 Perkinson, Keith 2016 2017 2018 2019 Avg. Water Surface Slope 0.0145 2016 0.0146 2016 Riffle Length 24 2017 25 Year 0 Monitoring \Survey Avg. Riffle Slope 0.0032 Year 1 Monitoring \Survey 0.0030 Year 2 Monitoring \Survey Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation 2147.7 1163.1 1163.3 2147.7 1163.1 1163.4 2146.6 1163.2 1163.3 2136.7 1162.8 1163.4 2127.6 1163.2 1163.6 2135.8 1162.8 1163.3 2132.5 1162.2 1163.3 2123.9 1162.7 1163.6 2132.9 1162.6 1163.2 2128.3 1162.5 1163.3 2121.6 1163.4 1163.7 2127.3 1162.7 1163.3 2122.8 1162.4 1163.5 2114.1 1163.3 1163.9 2125.3 1163.1 1163.5 2119.2 1163.5 1163.7 2109.9 1163.0 1163.9 2122.6 1162.7 1163.5 2115.3 1162.8 1163.7 2101.0 1162.9 1163.9 2120.6 1162.8 1163.6 2104.0 1162.9 1163.8 2094.9 1162.8 1163.8 2119.4 1163.6 1163.7 2091.7 1162.9 1163.8 2088.3 1163.7 1164.1 2111.5 1163.4 1163.8 2085.1 1163.6 1163.9 2060.8 1163.9 1164.4 2103.9 1162.9 1163.7 2057.2 1163.7 1164.3 2048.0 1164.0 1164.4 2092.7 1162.7 1163.8 2031.9 1164.0 1164.5 2015.6 1164.3 1164.8 2085.5 1163.7 1163.9 2026.5 1163.7 1164.6 2007.5 1163.1 1164.8 2058.9 1164.0 1164.3 2007.1 1163.0 1164.6 1999.5 1163.1 1164.8 2037.4 1164.1 1164.5 1997.2 1162.7 1164.6 1993.9 1164.5 1165.0 2013.4 1164.3 1164.7 1991.6 1164.6 1165.0 1986.7 1164.2 1165.0 2005.8 1163.1 1164.7 1981.9 1164.0 1164.9 1972.6 1164.1 1165.0 1996.8 1163.2 1164.7 1969.8 1164.1 1164.9 1954.3 1163.7 1165.1 1991.4 1164.7 1164.9 1966.1 1164.3 1164.9 1953.1 1165.4 1165.6 1983.0 1164.1 1164.9 1961.1 1164.0 1165.0 1916.9 1165.1 1165.6 1969.1 1164.2 1165.0 1957.7 1164.1 1164.9 1903.5 1164.9 1165.6 1965.6 1164.6 1164.9 1951.6 1163.6 1165.0 1895.6 1164.5 1165.6 1960.0 1164.2 1164.9 1950.3 1165.3 1165.4 1881.5 1164.5 1165.6 1951.5 1163.8 1164.9 1916.9 1164.9 1165.5 1870.0 1164.6 1165.6 1950.2 1165.4 1165.5 1892.2 1164.8 1165.5 1864.9 1165.4 1165.8 1901.2 1164.9 1165.5 1886.9 1164.5 1165.5 1856.2 1165.5 1165.9 1893.4 1164.5 1165.5 1875.7 1164.2 1165.5 1851.4 1165.2 1165.9 1881.7 1164.5 1165.5 1164.4_ ---U65.5 1185 1180 1175 1165 1160 1000 2018I 2019 Year 3 Monitoring \Survey Year 4 Monitoring \Survey Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Walton Crawley Branch Year 2 (2017) Profile - Station 10+00 to 22+00 1200 1400 Year 0 (2016) Bed (Year 1(2016) Bed -*-Year 2 (2017) Bed 1600 Distance (feet) -X-Year 2 (2017) Water Surface 1800 x TOB 2000 0 Engineered Structure 2200 2016 2016 2017 2018 2019 Avg. Water Surface Slope 0.0145 0.0143 0.0146 Riffle Length 24 24 25 Avg. Riffle Slope 0.0032 0.0055 0.0030 Pool Length 25 23 22 Pool to Pool Spacing 43 42 41 1200 1400 Year 0 (2016) Bed (Year 1(2016) Bed -*-Year 2 (2017) Bed 1600 Distance (feet) -X-Year 2 (2017) Water Surface 1800 x TOB 2000 0 Engineered Structure 2200 t Name e Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch - Profile Neighbors Branch, Station 10+00 - 16+00 Profile 2/22/17 Perkinson, Keith 2016 2017 2018 2019 Avg. Water Surface Slope 0.0222 2016 0.0221 2016 Riffle Length 28 2017 31 Year 0 Monitoring \Survey Avg. Riffle Slope 0.0043 Year 1 Monitoring \Survey 0.0041 Year 2 Monitoring \Survey Pool Length Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation 1541.4 1196.4 1196.4 1541.4 1196.4 1196.4 1535.4 1197.0 1196.9 1536.2 1194.9 1196.4 1537.7 1194.8 1196.4 1524.5 1196.2 1196.9 1534.4 1196.7 1196.9 1534.6 1196.8 1196.9 1516.8 1195.5 1196.9 1526.1 1196.4 1196.9 1527.5 1196.5 1196.9 1510.4 1196.2 1196.9 1519.8 1195.5 1196.9 1521.1 1195.9 1196.9 1508.3 1198.2 1198.2 1515.2 1195.4 1196.9 1510.1 1195.9 1197.0 1478.7 1197.9 1198.3 1508.9 1196.2 1197.0 1507.9 1198.1 1198.3 1473.5 1197.6 1198.3 1506.7 1198.0 1198.2 1488.4 1198.2 1198.3 1465.3 1197.4 1198.4 1475.6 1198.0 1198.3 1475.6 1197.9 1198.3 1460.7 1197.0 1198.3 1473.9 1197.5 1198.3 1470.3 1197.8 1198.3 1458.8 1198.9 1198.9 1467.1 1197.5 1198.3 1460.0 1196.9 1198.3 1439.4 1198.5 1198.9 1459.3 1196.8 1198.4 1458.2 1198.8 1199.0 1421.4 1198.7 1199.0 1457.8 1198.8 1198.9 1434.3 1198.4 1199.0 1408.3 1198.6 1199.0 1439.1 1198.5 1199.0 1429.2 1198.5 1199.0 1392.8 1198.6 1199.0 1421.5 1198.5 1199.0 1399.7 1198.5 1199.1 1389.8 1197.8 1199.0 1410.0 1198.7 1199.0 1395.0 1198.2 1199.1 1386.0 1197.5 1199.0 1393.1 1198.4 1199.1 1390.1 1197.8 1199.1 1384.4 1199.6 1199.7 1388.5 1197.7 1199.0 1386.0 1197.4 1199.1 1367.0 1199.4 1199.7 1384.7 1197.4 1199.0 1384.5 1199.7 1199.7 1352.5 1199.8 1199.9 1383.2 1199.5 1199.7 1369.3 1199.2 1199.8 1348.0 1199.4 1199.9 1364.9 1199.3 1199.8 1353.1 1199.7 1199.9 1339.4 1199.4 1200.1 1357.6 1199.5 1199.9 1346.9 1199.2 1200.0 1338.2 1200.6 1200.7 1353.4 1199.0 1199.9 1339.7 1199.7 1200.2 1327.7 1200.3 1200.6 1344.8 1199.2 1199.9 1338.2 1200.6 1200.7 1323.7 1198.8 1200.6 1337.5 1199.3 1200.3 1330.0 1200.2 1200.7 1320.3 1198.7 1200.7 1336.4 1200.5 1200.7 1326.7 1199.4 1200.8 1316.8 1201.5 1201.5 1324.7 1200.1 1200.7 1320.8 1198.6 1200.7 1293.6 1201.4 1201.6 141R9 12014 1201.9 1210 1208 1206 m` 1204 A 0 z 1202 C 0 M 2 1200 W 1198 1196 1194 1000 2018I 2019 Year 3 Monitoring \Survey Year 4 Monitoring \Survey Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Station Bed Elevation Water Elevation Neighbors Branch Year 2 (2017) Profile - Station 10+00 to 16+00 1100 1200 1300 Distance (feet) Year 0 (2016) Bed (Year 1(2016) Bed -*-Year 2 (2017) Bed )(-Year 2 (2017) Water Surface 1400 * TOB 1500 0 Engineered Structure 1600 2016 2016 2017 2018 2019 Avg. Water Surface Slope 0.0222 0.0220 0.0221 Riffle Length 28 26 31 Avg. Riffle Slope 0.0043 0.0046 0.0041 Pool Length 12 15 12 Pool to Pool Spacing 36 34 38 1100 1200 1300 Distance (feet) Year 0 (2016) Bed (Year 1(2016) Bed -*-Year 2 (2017) Bed )(-Year 2 (2017) Water Surface 1400 * TOB 1500 0 Engineered Structure 1600 Project Name: Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site D50 9.8 D84 Cross-Section: 1 D95 Feature: Riffle Cumulative Percent 2017 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 2 6% 36% 4 0 > 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% oil :119Lt12 U I Sand very fine sand 0.125 2 6% 44% fine sand 0.250 1 3% 48% medium sand 0.50 3 9% 48% coarse sand 1.00 4 11% 56% very coarse sand 2.0 1 3% 60% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 1 3% 68% fine gravel 5.7 1 3% 72% fine gravel 8.0 0 0% 84% medium gavel 11.3 4 11% 92% medium gravel 16.0 2 6% 92% o > >o Particle Size (mm) — course gravel 22.3 5 14% 96% course gravel 32.0 3 9% 96% very coarse gravel 45 3 9% 96% -MYO-2016 -MYt-2016 -MY2-2017 -MY3-2ot8 -MY4-2019 :MY5-2020 very coarse gravel 64 1 3% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 1 3% 100% 50% Individual Class Percent large cobble 180 1 3% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% 45% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% 40% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% 35% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% a 30% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% 25% TOTAL % of whole count35 100% 100% 0 20% Summary Data s 15% 10% b 5% 0% oobryo~ry� Particle Size (mm) ■MYO-2016 MMYt-2016 ■MY2-2017 ■MY3-2018 ■MY4-2019 ■MY5-2020 D50 9.8 D84 33 D95 98 Feature: Riffle Summary Data D50 1.8 D84 38 D95 59 2017 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 1 3% 33% Sand very fine sand 0.125 2 5% 43% fine sand 0.250 2 5% 48% medium sand 0.50 4 10% 52% coarse sand 1.00 6 15% 62% very coarse sand 2.0 6 15% 67% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 3 8% 67% fine gravel 5.7 1 3% 67% fine gravel 8.0 1 3% 71% medium gravel 11.3 0 0% 76% medium gravel 16.0 4 10% 86% course gravel 22.3 1 1 3% 90% course gravel 32.0 1 3% 95% very coarse gravel 45 3 8% 95% very coarse gravel 64 4 10% 95% Cobble small cobble 90 1 3% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 1 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 40 100% 100% Summary Data D50 1.8 D84 38 D95 59 Individual Class Percent 50% 45% a 40% � 35% a 30% 25% v 20% a 15% a 10% ^C 5% 0% Particle Size (mm) �-Y.-MM ■M11 -2M .-2-2011 ■M13-2015 ■--2019 •M11-2020 ■■■■11111■■■111111■■■�11111�=%�/1111■■■���■� ■■■■11111■■■�IIIII■■/■��Illr���lllll■■■�IIIII _ ,,, ■■■■11111■■■�IIIII���_��� ���■�IIIII■■■�IIIII ■■■■11111■■■111Di��_■I_.�■■111111■■■111111 , , ■■■■11111■■■�IIdII/.���IIIII■■■�IIIII■■■�IIIII - . , , , ■■■■11111■■■�11D;/I■■�IIIII■■■�IIIII■■■�IIIII ,,, ■■■■11111■■�./�1,,,��■■�IIIII■■■�IIIII■■■�IIIII ■■■■11111■�/.�:1111■■■�IIIII■■■�IIIII■■■�IIIII �■■�1�111����11111■■■�IIIII■■■�IIIII■■■�IIIII ,,, ■■■■1%::ice■■�IIIII■■■111111■■■111111■■■111111 Individual Class Percent 50% 45% a 40% � 35% a 30% 25% v 20% a 15% a 10% ^C 5% 0% Particle Size (mm) �-Y.-MM ■M11 -2M .-2-2011 ■M13-2015 ■--2019 •M11-2020 Summary Data D50 0.9 D84 18 D95 28 Cumulative Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% a 50 � 40% 30% U 20% 10% 0% Feature: Riffle >o 00 000 ti Particle Size 2017 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 3 9% 24% Sand very fine sand 0.125 1 3% 32% fine sand 0.250 2 6% 44% medium sand 0.50 6 17% 48% coarse sand 1.00 1 6 17% 56% very coarse sand 2.0 3 9% 60% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 1 3% 68% fine gravel 5.7 3 9% 72% fine gravel 8.0 2 6% 80% medium gravel 11.3 0 0% 80% medium gravel 16.0 1 3% 84% course gravel 22.3 4 11% 96% course gravel 32.0 2 6% 96% very coarse gravel 45 1 3% 96% very coarse gravel 64 0 0% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 35 100% 100% Summary Data D50 0.9 D84 18 D95 28 Cumulative Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% a 50 � 40% 30% U 20% 10% 0% 50% 45% 40% 35% a 30% 25% U 20% 0 15% 10% C 5% 0% oob'LO,,.yS oy5 oh ti ti A h^ W ,,ti'7 tib ryti", �ti p5 ba qo ,ti0 1�0 ry5b �b`L hti'L �oyD.ry�4bo�b Particle Size (mm) •MYO-2016 OMYI-2016 ■MY2-2017 ■MY3-2018 ■MY4-2019 •MY5-2020 Individual Class Percent >o 00 000 ti Particle Size (ram) -MYO-2016 -MY1-2016 -MY2-2017 -MY3-2018 -MY4-2019 �MYS-2020 50% 45% 40% 35% a 30% 25% U 20% 0 15% 10% C 5% 0% oob'LO,,.yS oy5 oh ti ti A h^ W ,,ti'7 tib ryti", �ti p5 ba qo ,ti0 1�0 ry5b �b`L hti'L �oyD.ry�4bo�b Particle Size (mm) •MYO-2016 OMYI-2016 ■MY2-2017 ■MY3-2018 ■MY4-2019 •MY5-2020 Individual Class Percent Feature: Riffle Summary Data D50 7.7 D84 31 D95 49 Cumulative Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% ° 50% 40% E 30% 0 U 20% 10% 0% , do°0 ti 2017 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 1 3% 68% Sand very fine sand 0.125 2 6% 72% fine sand 0.250 1 3% 84% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 84% coarse sand 1.00 4 11% 88% very coarse sand 2.0 3 9% 92% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 2 6% 100% fine gravel 5.7 1 3% 100% fine gravel 8.0 4 11% 100% medium gravel 11.3 1 3% 100% medium gravel 16.0 3 9% 100% course gravel 22.3 2 6% 100% course gravel 32.0 6 17% 100% very coarse gravel 45 3 9% 100% very coarse gravel 64 1 3% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 1 3% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 35 100% 100% Summary Data D50 7.7 D84 31 D95 49 Cumulative Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% ° 50% 40% E 30% 0 U 20% 10% 0% Individual Class Percent 50% 45% 40% 35% a 30% 25% v 20% d 15% S 10% b 5% 0% oO Particle Size (mm) •MYO-2016 ■MYl-2016 ■MY2-2017 MMY3-2018 ■MY4-2019 •MY5-2020 , do°0 ti 00 10 Particle Size (mm) -MYO-2016 -MY1-2016 -MY2-2017 -MY3-2018 -MY4-2019 -MYs-zozo Individual Class Percent 50% 45% 40% 35% a 30% 25% v 20% d 15% S 10% b 5% 0% oO Particle Size (mm) •MYO-2016 ■MYl-2016 ■MY2-2017 MMY3-2018 ■MY4-2019 •MY5-2020 Summary Data D50 20.9 D84 60 D95 98 100% 90% 80% c 70% 60% ° 50% 40% E 30% a U 20% 10% 0% do Particle Size (mm) -MYO-2016 -MY1-2016 -MY2-2017 -MY3-2018 -MY4-2019 �MYS-2020 Cumulative Percent Individual Class Percent 50% 45% 40% d 35% 4 30% 25% v 20% v 15% 6 10% ro 5% 0% oob`1'o�'L5 o'L5 Oy 1 'L b 5^ 4 1�'7 11p ,lti'S 4ti p5 b6` q0 �ti4 140 ,y5b ,�b�' S1'L,pyb'l�p, b��� Particle Size (mm) -M-YO-2016 EMYI-2016 MMY2-2017 MMY3-2018 ■MY4-2019 •MY5-2020 Feature: Riffle 2017 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 0 0% 68% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 72% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 84% medium sand 0.50 2 6% 84% coarse sand 1.00 2 6% 88% very coarse sand 2.0 4 11% 92% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 1 3% 100% fine gravel 5.7 1 3% 100% fine gravel 8.0 2 6% 100% medium gravel 11.3 0 0% 100% medium gravel 16.0 3 9% 100% course gravel 22.3 3 9% 100% course gravel 32.0 7 20% 100% very coarse gravel 45 2 6% 100% very coarse gravel 64 3 9% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 3 9% 100% medium cobble 128 1 3% 100% large cobble 180 1 3% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 35 100% 100% Summary Data D50 20.9 D84 60 D95 98 100% 90% 80% c 70% 60% ° 50% 40% E 30% a U 20% 10% 0% do Particle Size (mm) -MYO-2016 -MY1-2016 -MY2-2017 -MY3-2018 -MY4-2019 �MYS-2020 Cumulative Percent Individual Class Percent 50% 45% 40% d 35% 4 30% 25% v 20% v 15% 6 10% ro 5% 0% oob`1'o�'L5 o'L5 Oy 1 'L b 5^ 4 1�'7 11p ,lti'S 4ti p5 b6` q0 �ti4 140 ,y5b ,�b�' S1'L,pyb'l�p, b��� Particle Size (mm) -M-YO-2016 EMYI-2016 MMY2-2017 MMY3-2018 ■MY4-2019 •MY5-2020 Table 10a. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Neighbors Creek) Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Parameter Gauge Regional Curve Pre -Existing Condition (Neighbors Cr) Reference Reach(es) Data Design (Neighbors Cr) Monitoring Baseline (Neighbors Cr) Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Only LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Max Med Min Mean Med Max SD n BF Width (ft) 5.4 5.9 12.7 11.0 9.6 11.1 12.5 2 Floodprone Width ft 7.4 17.1 150 70 100 2 BF Mean Depth ft 0.9 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 2 BF Max Depth ft 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.5 1.7 1.8 2 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft) 4.9 6.5 11.4 8.3 8.0 9.0 9.9 2 Width/Depth Ratio 5.3 5.8 14.1 14.0 12.0 13.8 15.6 2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.4 2.9 11.8 6.4 8.0 9.2 10.4 2 Bank Height Ratio 1.6 2.6 1 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 2 Profile Riffle length ft 5.4 28.3 25.5 64.7 18.2 13 Riffle slope ft/ft 0.025 0.035 0.0344 0.0120 0.0000 0.0043 0.0022 0.0121 0.0046 13 Pool length ft 6.5 11.9 10.4 21.3 5.2 15 Pool Max depth ft 1.7 1.8 2.2 2.0 2.8 2.8 2.8 1 Pool spacing (ft) 16.4 99.2 38.8 64.7 33.0 56.1 7.0 36.1 37.9 74.7 19.8 15 Pattern Channel Beltwidth ft 8 22 30.5 32 27.5 66 27.5 66 2 Radius of Curvature ft 5 22 14.5 20 22 44 22 44 2 Rc:Bankfull width ft/ft 0.9 1.5 1.1 1.6 2 4 2 4 2 Meander Wavelength ft 30 128 95 98 44 110 44 110 2 Meander Width ratio 1.5 4.1 2.4 2.5 4 10 4 10 2 Transport parameters Reach Shear Stress com etenc lbs/ft2 Max part size (nun) mobilized at bankfull Stream Power (transport canacity) W/m2 Additional Reach Parameters Ros en Classification G5/4 - E5/4 C C E/C Bankfull Velocity s 3.86-5.09 Bankfull Discharge cfs 25 Valley Length ft ---- ---- Channel Thalweg Length ft ---- ---- 541 Sinuosi 1.01 - 1.21 1.22 1.18 1.18 Water Surface Slope ft/ft 0.019 - 0.0204 0.0205 0.008 0.0222 BF slope ft/ft ---- ---- ---- ---- Bankfull Floodplain Area acres ---- ---- ---- ---- % of Reach with Eroding Banks ---- ---- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric I I ---- I ---- Biolo ical or Other ---- ---- Table 10b. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Walton Crawley Property) Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Parameter Gauge Regional CurvePre- Existing Condition (WC Property) Reference Reach(es) Data Design (WC Property) Monitoring Baseline (WC Property) Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Only LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Max Med Min Mean Med Max SD n BF Width (ft) 7.9 9.4 12.7 15.5 13.2 14.3 16.8 3 Floodprone Width ft 12.9 16.8 150 55 90 100 3 BF Mean Depth ft 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 3 BF Max Depth ft 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.9 2.0 2.0 3 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft) 6.2 8.4 11.4 16.6 17.6 19.4 25.0 3 Width/Depth Ratio 10.2 10.4 14.1 14.0 10.2 10.2 11.2 3 Entrenchment Ratio 1.6 1.8 11.8 4.5 6.0 7.0 7.6 3 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 2.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 Profile Riffle length ft 6.7 23.9 16.2 58.1 18 20 Riffle slope ft/ft 0.024 0.030 0.0344 0.0077 0.0000 0.0032 0.0018 0.0113 0.0036 20 Pool length ft 7.9 24.8 24.8 63.1 10.8 27 Pool Max depth ft 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.4 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 Pool spacing (ft) 6.0 40.8 38.8 64.7 15.5 79.2 14.9 42.5 36.4 93.6 21.3 27 Pattern Channel Beltwidth ft 16 25 30.5 32 38.8 93 38.8 93 2 Radius of Curvature ft 5 14 14.5 20 31 62 31 62 2 Rc:Bankfull width ft/ft 0.5 1.5 1.1 1.6 2 4 2 4 2 Meander Wavelength ft 103 121 95 98 77.5 155 77.5 155 2 Meander Width ratio 11 12.9 2.4 2.5 5 10 5 10 2 Transport parameters Reach Shear Stress com etenc lbs/ft2 Max part size (nun) mobilized at bankfull Stream Power (transport canacity) W/m2 Additional Reach Parameters Ros en Classification B/G C C E/C Bankfull Velocity s 3.9-7.5 Bankfull Discharge cfs 24-63 Valley Length ft ---- ---- Channel Thalweg Length ft ---- ---- 1148 Sinuosi 1.01-1.2 1.22 1.1 1.1 Water Surface Slope ft/ft 0.0135-0.0340 0.0205 0.0045 0.0145 BF slope ft/ft ---- ---- ---- ---- Bankfull Floodplain Area acres ---- ---- ---- ---- % of Reach with Eroding Banks ---- ---- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ---- ---- Biolo ical or Other ---- ---- Table lla. Monitoring Data - Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross Sections) Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawlev Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site - NCDMS Proiect Number 92872 "Parameter Cross Section 1 (Neighbors Branch Riffle Cross Section 2 (Neighbors Branch Pool MY -1 (Neighbors Branch) Cross Section 3 (Neighbors Branch Riffle Dimension MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ BF Width ft 12.5 11.1 11.9 8.5 10.4 9.7 9.6 8.7 8.9 Floodprone Width (ft) (approx) 100.0 100.0 100.0 NA NA NA 100.0 100.0 100.0 BF Mean Depth ft 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.6 1.4 1.4 0.8 0.9 0.9 BF Max Depth ft 1.8 1.6 1.8 2.8 2.9 3.0 1.5 1.5 1.6 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft) 9.9 9.6 9.5 13.6 14.1 14.0 8.0 8.1 8.1 Width/Depth Ratio 15.8 12.8 14.9 NA NA NA 11.5 9.3 9.8 Entrenchment Ratio 8.0 9.0 8.4 NA NA NA 10.4 11.5 11.2 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 d50 mm 0.8 4.9 9.8 ---- ---- ---- 0.7 1.1 1.8 Table l lb. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Parameter Baseline (Neighbors Branch) MY -1 (Neighbors Branch) MY -2 (Neighbors Branch) MY -3 (Neighbors Branch) MY -4 (Neighbors Branch) MY -5 (Neighbors Branch) Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Only Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n BF Width ft 9.6 11.1 12.5 2 8.7 9.9 11.1 2 8.9 10.4 11.9 2 Floodprone Width (ft) 100 2 100 2 100 2 BF Mean Depth ft 0.8 0.8 0.8 2 0.9 0.9 1 0.9 2 0.8 0.9 1 0.9 2 BF Max Depth ft 1.5 1.7 1.8 2 1.5 1.6 1.6 2 1.6 1.7 1.8 2 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft2)8.0 9.0 9.9 2 8.1 8.9 9.6 2 8.1 8.8 9.5 2 Width/Depth Ratio 12.0 13.8 15.6 2 9.7 11.0 12.3 2 9.9 12.4 14.9 2 Entrenchment Ratio 8.0 9.2 10.4 1 1 2 9.0 1 1 10.3 11.5 1 2 8.4 1 1 9.8 11.2 1 2 Bank Height Ratiol I 1 1.0 1 2 1 1.0 1 2 1.0 1 2 Profile Riffle length ft 5.4 28.3 25.5 64.7 18.2 13 7.2 26.2 24.9 58.5 17.6 12 8 31 30 66 18 12 Riffle slope (ft/ft) 0.0000 0.0043 0.0022 0.0121 0.0046 13 0.0000 0.0046 0.0035 0.0157 0.0046 12 0.0000 0.0041 0.0028 0.0143 0.0042 12 Pool length (ftj 7 12 10 21 5 15 7 15 15 26 5 16 4 12 11 27 6 14 Pool Max depth ft 2.8 2.8 2.8 1 2.9 2.9 2.9 1 3.0 3.0 3.0 1 Pool spacing (ft) 7 36 38 75 20 15 7 34 32 74 19 16 11 38 38 74 19 14 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 27.5 66 2 Radius of Curvature ft 22 44 2 Rc:Bankfull width ft/ft 2 4 2 Meander Wavelength ft 44 110 2 Meander Width ratio 4 10 2 Additional Reach Parameters Ros en Classification E/C-type E/C-type E/C-type Channel Thalweg Length ft 541 547 538 Sinuosity 1.18 1.18 1.18 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 0.0222 0.022 0.0221 BF slope ft/ft ----- ----- Ri%/RU%P%G%/S% SC%/SA%/G%/C%/B%BE% dl6/d35/d50/d84/d95 % of Reach with Eroding Banks 0 0 0 Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Table llc. Monitoring Data - Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross Sections) Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Parameter Cross Section 4 Walton Crawley Br Riffle Cross Section 5 (Walton Crawley Br) Pool MY -1 (Walton Crawley Br) Cross Section 6 Walton Crawley Br Riffle Cross Section 7 Walton Crawley Br Pool MY -3 (Walton Crawley Br) MY -4 (Walton Crawley Br) MY -5 (Walton Crawley Br) Cross Section 8 Walton Crawley Br Riffle Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Only Dimension MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY5+ BE Width (ft) 13.2 13.1 13.0 11.9 11.7 11.9 14.3 14.5 14.2 12.2 13.0 12.6 16.8 16.9 17.4 Floodprone Width (ft) (approx) 100.0 100.0 100.0 NA NA NA 100.0 100.0 100.0 NA NA NA 100.0 100.0 100.0 BE Mean Depth (ft) 1.3 1.4 1.4 2.8 3.0 2.9 1.4 1.3 1.4 2.7 2.8 2.7 1.5 1.4 1.6 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.9 1 2.0 2.0 3.7 4.0 4.1 1 2.0 1.9 1 2.0 1 3.4 1 3.2 3.3 2.0 2.0 2.1 BE Cross Sectional Area (ft) 17.6 18.2 17.9 32.9 35.2 35.1 19.4 19.5 20.2 33.0 35.9 34.1 25.0 24.4 27.0 Width/Depth Ratio 9.9 9.4 9.4 NA NA NA 10.5 10.8 10.0 NA NA NA 11.3 11.7 11.2 Entrenchment Ratio 7.6 7.6 7.7 NA NA NA 7.0 6.9 7.0 NA NA NA 6.0 5.9 5.7 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 d50 (mm) 1 0.7 1 0.6 1 0.9 ---- I ---- I ---- 1 1 9.9 1 9.4 1 7.7 1 ---- I ---- I ---- 26.5 23.4 20.9 Table lld. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Stream and Wetland Restoration Site - NCDMS Project Number 92872 Parameter Baseline (Walton Crawley Br) MY -1 (Walton Crawley Br) MY -2 (Walton Crawley Br) MY -3 (Walton Crawley Br) MY -4 (Walton Crawley Br) MY -5 (Walton Crawley Br) Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Only Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n BE Width (ft) 13.2 14.3 16.8 3 13.1 14.5 16.9 3 13.0 14.2 17.4 3 Floodprone Width (ft) 100 3 100 3 100 3 BE Mean Depth (ft) 1.3 1.4 1.5 3 1.3 1.4 1.4 3 1.4 1.4 1.5 3 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.9 2.0 2.0 3 1.9 2.0 2.0 3 2.0 2.0 2.1 3 BE Cross Sectional Area (ft 2) 17.6 19.4 25.0 3 18.2 19.5 24.4 3 17.9 20.2 27.0 3 Width/Depth Ratio 10.2 10.2 11.2 3 9.4 11.2 12.1 3 9.3 10.1 11.6 3 Entrenchment Ratio 6.0 7.0 7.6 3 5.9 6.9 7.6 3 5.7 1 7.0 7.7 3 Bank Height Ratiol 1 1.0 1 3 1 1 1.0 3 1.0 1 3 Profile Riffle length (ft) 6.7 23.9 16.2 58.1 18 20 6 24 20 73 17 22 7 25 19 72 19 21 Riffle slope (ft/ft) 0.0000 0.0032 0.0018 0.0113 0.0036 20 0.0000 0.0055 0.0015 0.0241 0.0071 21 0.0000 0.0030 0.0013 0.0124 0.0041 21 Pool length (ft) 8 25 25 63 11 27 6 23 22 41 9 27 6 22 20 57 10 28 Pool Max depth (ft) 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 3.2 3.6 4.0 2 3.3 3.7 4.1 2 Pool spacing (ft) 15 43 36 94 21 27 20 42 35 94 19 27 6 41 35 94 22 28 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 38.8 93 2 Radius of Curvature (ft) 31 62 2 Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) 2 4 2 Meander Wavelength (ft) 77.5 155 2 Meander Width ratio 5 10 2 Additional Reach Parameters Ros en Classification E/C-type E/C-type E/C-type Channel Thalweg Length ft 1148 1144 1141 Sinuosity 1.1 1.1 1.1 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 0.0145 0.0143 0.0146 BF slope ft/ft) ----- ----- Ri%/RU%P%G%/S% SC%/SA%/G%/C%/B%BE% dl6/d35/d5O/d84/d95 % of Reach with Eroding Banks 0 0 0 Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Appendix E. Hydrology Data Table 12. Verification of Bankfull Events Table 13. Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment Summary Figure E1. 30-70 Percentile Graph for Rainfall Groundwater Gauge Graphs Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices Table 12. Verification of Bankfull Events Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Site (DMS Project Number 92872) Date of Data Date of Occurrence Method Photo (if Collection available) August 19, 2016 July 4, 2016 Crest gauge data indicates a bankfull event after ___ approximatel 1.88 inches of rain documented in one day. May 18, 2017 April 23, 2017 Crest gauge data indicates a bankfull event after --- approximately 1.76 inches of rain documented in one day. *Weather Underground 2017 Table 13. Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment Summary *Gauge 1 malfunctioned for 6 days (July 29 to August 3, 2017); however, based on precipitation data as well as data from Gauge 2, it is expected that this gauge would have continued to be saturated/inundated during this 6 day period. Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch Monitoring Year 2 or 5 (2017) DMS Project No. 92872 December 2017 McDowell County, NC Appendices 7 6 U U 5 0 4 3 2 1 0 e, Figure E1: Neighbors Branch/Walton Crawley Branch 30-70 Percentile Graph for Rainfall Data from WETS Station: MARION, NC 5340 .r] C 2016 2017 30th Percentile -70th Percentile Neighbors Branch Groundwater Gauge 1 Year 2 (2017 Data) 12 10 in Growing Season End Growing Season 8 March 26 November 5 6 4 2 0 _ I _ 11P N. rh -2 4 I Malfunction -6 M -8 3 c =i0 225 Days c7 -14 I -16 I -18 I -20 I 22 I -24 I -26 I 28 I -30 I -32 I -34 I -36 I I -38 — — - – ULU I Ili -40 W W A A A A In kn kn Ul Lp In N In l0 M � M r -i N M l0 M Dl V V � O 0 V V V A V 00 W M M l0 1.0 tD 00 tD lJl N l0 V N V W Ol V Date 2.0 1.8 1.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 12 10 8 6 4 2 _ 0 -2 -4 -6 °J -8 m 3 -10 v 3 -12 ° -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 -32 -34 -36 -38 -40 Neighbors Branch Groundwater Gauge 2 Year 2 (2017 Data) 2.0 1.8 1.6 W W cn ui ui cn cn m m m m '4 '4 '4 .i .i W W W W '.0 '.0 'D 'D r r . . N N N N W F\-� F\-� N N W I\-� N N Ln N W I\-� I\-� N W V I\-� N N A F\-� N N O V O V A In N lD N lD m O V A W In N l0 I--' N W m V V V Date 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0