HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190011 Ver 1_Stormwater coordination_20190102From: Kimberlev, Rvan (FHWA) To: "bill.mooreC�ncdenr.gov" Subject: RE: Milltail Road Improvements - Dare County- FHWA project ALRI 10(4) Date: Friday, December 28, 2018 10:30:00 AM Attachments: ALRI10(41 Plans cert.ndf Hello Bill, Your email was forwarded to me by my supervisor, Kevin Rose. I am working on the environmental documentation and permitting for the project. This email contains the information you requested. Project Description: The Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division, of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is preparing plans for roadway improvements on Milltail Road and Milltail Road Bridge within the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, Dare County, NC. Milltail Road is currently an 18' wide, two lane, gravel road flanked by a manmade agricultural channel and wetlands. The road provides access for visitors and staff to the central portion of the Refuge. Milltail Bridge provides access to a parking area used by visitors to canoe or I<ayak in Milltail Creel<. The objective of the project is to improve a 0.8-mile- long section of Milltail Road by raising the profile which would improve sustainability and resilience in flood prone areas. Bridge work includes repair of exposed reinforcing steel with epoxy paint on the bent caps, cleaning and resealing the expansion/relief joints, and filling areas that have subsided beneath the abutment footing. These improvements will enhance safe travel on Milltail Road and Milltail Bridge during and after high rain and wind events. Wetland impacts would be minimized by reducing the roadway width from 18' to 12' to the extent possible. Any impacts to wetlands would be mitigated in accordance with federal and state regulatory agency requirements. No significant impacts to natural or cultural resources are anticipated. A copy of the project plans is attached. Impervious Surface Summary: The existing roadway is 18' wide with an unpaved/aggregate surface. Since the road profile will be raised, the embankments will need to be widened; however, the roadway travel lanes will be reduced to only 14' with one pulloff area to allow vehicles traveling in opposite directions to pass each other. Overall, the amount of impervious/aggregate surface will be reduced due to the narrower travel lanes. Stormwater Management Summary: The project includes extensive temporary Erosion and sediment control measures to be used during construction. The area will be permanently stabilized with riprap and/or vegetation. No additional permanent stormwater management features are proposed. Due to the on-site conditions (water on both sides of the road), and desire to minimize impacts to the adjacent wetlands, it would be difficult to enginaeer any addtioanl SWM features. Permitting Overview: We have already received Erosion and Sediment Control Approval, including NPDES. We are planning to submit the Joint Permit Application to receive US Army Corp 404 permit and NCDEQ 401 Water Quality Permit. The project is exempt from CAMA. We intent to coordinate with you to receive the Stormwater Management Permit. My assumption was that we would need the Coastal Stormwater Permit, and I was planning on filling out and submitting the "Stormwater Management Permit Application Form" , NCDEQfor # SWU-101 (October 31, 2013 version) along with the attachments and $505 permit fee. I appreciate your effort to reach out to us to confirm whether this is accurate. Please let me know what needs to be done. FWS CONTACT: Kelley Van Druten, Assistant Refuge Manager U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alligator River NWR PO Box 1969, 100 Conservation Way Manteo, NC 27954 252-473-1132 ext. 239 252-475-0172 cell kelley_vandrutenC�fws.gov Thanks again for reaching out to us and we look forward to receiving your response, Ryan Kimberley From: Rose, Kevin (FHWA) Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 3:46 PM To: Kimberley, Ryan (FHWA) <ryan.kimberley@dot.gov> Subject: FW: Milltail Road Improvements - Dare County FYI From: Moore, Bill Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 1:30 PM To: Rose, Kevin (FHWA) <Kevin.Rose�dot.gov> Subject: Milltail Road Improvements - Dare County Hey Kevin, I received notice that this project requires a Sedimentation/Erosion Control Plan approval; which triggers a stormwater review. My sw review will focus primarily on proposed impervious areas & drainage/stormwater controls. Please provide a brief project description by email. If you can attach a site plan/details; that would be helpful in deciding the appropriate sw permit option. Also, do you have a US Fish and Wildlife Service contact that may be familiar with this project ? I will get back to you with any questions. Bill Moore, Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 (252)946-6481