HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130595 Ver 1_Year 3 Monitoring Report 2017_20171101Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project Year 3 Monitoring Report Burke County, North Carolina NCDMS Project ID Number — 94645 Catawba River Basin: 03050101-050050 SAW ID: 2010-02157, DWR # 13-0595 Project Info: Monitoring Year: 3 of 5 Year of Data Collection: 2017 Year of Completed Construction: 2015 Submission Date: November 2017 Submitted To: NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services 5 Ravenscroft Drive, Suite 102 Asheville, NC 28801 NCDEQ Contract ID No. 003270 Innovation Done Right We Make a Difference ference I N T E R N AT 1 0 N A L November 30, 2017 NC Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) Attn: Mr. Matthew Reid, Western Project Manager 5 Ravenscroft Drive, Suite 102 Asheville, NC 28801 Subject: Response to DMS comments on the Year 3 Monitoring Report Review for the Upper Silver Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Project; Catawba River Basin - CU# 03050101; Burke County, North Carolina; NCEEP Project # 94645; Contract No. 003270 Dear Mr. Reid, Please find enclosed the final Upper Silver Creek Year 3 Monitoring Report. I have addressed the comments that you submitted on the draft report. My responses to your comments are the following: General • Wetland success has improved since MY2 and appears to be trending toward success. As a result, Task 9 will be paid in full. Please be aware that future task payments may be reduced if wetland gauges do not show signs of trending toward success and associated credits are deemed at risk. o Comment is noted. We will continue to monitor the wetland gauges throughout the winter and MY4 and record any changes in wetland performance. Table 2 • Please add June 2017 invasive treatment to table. o Invasive treatment was added to Table 2. • Please add July 2017 beaver dam removal to table o Beaver dam removal was added to Table 2. 797 Haywood Roadl Suite 2011 Asheville NC 28806 oma kasEMaN j�'SALLYPORT MBAKERINTL.CDM Off ice: 828.350.14o8IFax: 828.350.1409 CCPV or Figure 3 Table 5 Innovation Done Right ... We Make a Difference Modify either CCPV to show wetland components (R, E, Creation, riparian/non- riparian) or add well locations to Figure 3. The locations of the wells in relation to wetland component is valuable information for agency reviewers. o Both the CCPV and Figure 3 were modified to show both the wetland components and well locations on the site. This will make it easier to draw comparisons between the two maps in the future. Draft hard copy was missing Table 5, but it was in the PDF. Please QA/QC finals hard copies before submittal for completeness. o Table 5 was added to the hard copy of the report. Vegetation Plot Photos • Currently labeled as Figure 3 in hard copy. Should be Figure 4 according to Table of Contents. It is correctly labeled in PDF. o The Vegetation Plot Photos have been labeled Figure 4 in the report as well as the Table of Contents. Cross-sections • Cross-section 7 does not have MY3 data overlaid on graph. Please update and verify morphology data is correct on graph and corresponding tables. o MY3 data was added to Cross-section 7. Morphology data was correct on graph and corresponding tables. Profile Table 11 The UT2 profile and sections of UT3 indicates significant aggradation. As Baker is aware, the USACE will be looking at defined bed/bank and often denies credit for channels that have become filled with sediment. I am aware of the large upstream sediment sources from past mining activities on UT2. Does Baker have any corrective action or adaptive management planned for these. o No corrective actions are planned for the upcoming year. These sections of UT2 and UT3 will be monitored throughout the winter to see if high seasonal flows clear any of the deposited sediment from the channels and reevaluated in MY4. Consider increasing the significant digits on the Bank Height Ratio to two places. The BHR are shown this way on the cross-section plots (ex: XS1-1.06). This will help alleviate any problems with the IRT regarding calculating BHR and having "1.0" across the board. The IRT does not like to see 1.0 for BHR for every monitoring year. The IRT would like to see this number calculated for each monitoring year. o The significant digits on all Bank Height Ratios has been increased to two places on Tables 10 and 11. These will be presented this way going forward. Innovation Done Right ... We Make a Difference Table 12a Please double check the last column of data (Number of Instances where Water Table is 12 Inches from Ground Surface). I am unable to determine how the numbers shown are calculated when looking at the graphs. Consider removing this table from the report and just including in electronic deliverables. If you decide to remove from report, please update Table of Contents and Appendix E sheet. o The data in this column was still linked to earlier versions of the spreadsheet and had not updated. This has been corrected and the numbers now reflect data from MY3. This table was removed from the hard copy of the report but included in the electronic deliverables. The Table of Contents has been updated. If you have any questions or find any issues that need to be addressed, please contact me directly at (828) 412-6100. I am submitting an invoice for this task to Ms. Debby Davis in the Raleigh DMS Office and will be providing you an email copy. Sincerely, " s Micky Clemmons, Project Manager Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project Year 3 Monitoring Report Burke County, North Carolina NCDMS Project ID Number — 94645 Report Prepared and Submitted by Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 797 Haywood Road, Suite 201 Asheville, NC 28806 NC Professional Engineering License # F-1084 INTERNATIONAL MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT, DMS PROJECT NUMBER - 94645 NOVEMBER 2017, MONITORING YEAR 3 OF 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................1 2.0 METHODOLOGY.........................................................................................3 2.1 Vegetation Assessment................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Stream Assessment.......................................................................................................................................3 2.2.1 Morphologic Parameters and Channel Stability ........................................................................................4 2.2.2 Hydrology..................................................................................................................................................5 2.2.3 Photographic Documentation....................................................................................................................5 2.3 Wetland Assessment.....................................................................................................................................5 3.0 REFERENCES...............................................................................................7 APPENDICES Appendix A General Figures and Plan Views Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map and Directions Figure 2 Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) — Overview Map Figure 2A CCPV North half of Project Figure 2B CCPV South half of Project Appendix B General Project Tables Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Figure 3 U. Silver Cr. Project Asset Map Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table 4 Project Attributes Appendix C Vegetation Assessment Data Table 5 Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 6 Vegetation Metadata Table 7 Stem Count Arranged by Plot and Species Figure 4 Vegetation Plot Photos Appendix D Stream Assessment Data Figure 5 Stream Photos by Channel and Station Table 8 Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Table 9 Verification of Bankfull or Greater than Bankfull Events Figure 6 Cross -Sections with Annual Overlays MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. II UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT, DMS PROJECT NUMBER - 94645 NOVEMBER 2017, MONITORING YEAR 3 OF 5 Figure 7 Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlays Figure 8 Pebble Count Plots with Annual Overlays Table 10 Monitoring Year 3 Stream Summary Table 11 Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Appendix E Hydrologic Data Figure 9 Observed Rainfall vs. Historical Average Figure 10 Wetland Gauge Graphs Table 12 Wetland Gauge Attainment Data Figure 11 Wetland Photo Log MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. III UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT, DMS PROJECT NUMBER - 94645 NOVEMBER 2017, MONITORING YEAR 3 OF 5 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. (Baker) restored or enhanced 5,186 linear feet (LF) of perennial stream channel along Silver Creek and three unnamed tributaries (UT 1, UT2, and UT3); and additionally restored, enhanced or created approximately 9.14 acres of wetlands that had been previously disturbed in Burke County, NC, (Appendix A). The Upper Silver Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Project (Site) is located southeast of Morganton, NC, approximately 11 miles southeast of the intersection of Highway 64 and I-40 and to the north of the intersection of Highway 64 and Goldmine Road. The Site is located in the NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) sub -basin 03-08-31 and the NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) 03050101-050050 of the Catawba River Basin. The project involved the restoration and enhancement of a Piedmont/Mountain Mixed Bottomland Hardwood Forest system (NC WAM 2010, Schafale and Weakley 1990) from impairments within the project area due to past agricultural conversion, cattle grazing, gold mining and draining of floodplain wetlands by ditching activities. The project goals directly addressed stressors identified in the Catawba River Basin Restoration Priority (RBRP) Plan such as degraded riparian conditions, channel modification, and excess sediment and nutrient inputs. The primary restoration goals, as outlined in the approved mitigation plan, are described below: • Create geomorphically stable stream channels within the Upper Silver Creek project area including headwater tributaries in the Catawba River basin; • Restore, enhance, and expand wetland functions across the Site; • Improve and restore hydrologic connections between streams and degraded riparian wetland areas and overall ecosystem functionality; • Improve water quality within the Upper Silver Creek project area through reduction of bank erosion, improved nutrient and sediment removal, and stabilization of streambanks; and • Improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat. To accomplish these goals, we recommended the following actions: • Restore the existing incised, eroding, and channelized stream by creating a stable channel that has access to its floodplain; • Improve water quality by establishing buffers for nutrient removal from runoff and by stabilizing stream banks to reduce bank erosion; • Improve in -stream habitat by providing a more diverse bedform with riffles and pools, creating deeper pools, developing areas that increase oxygenation, providing woody debris for habitat, and reducing bank erosion; and • Improve terrestrial habitat by planting riparian areas with native vegetation and protecting these areas with a permanent conservation easement. The riparian area will increase storm water runoff filtering capacity, improve bank stability, provide shading to decrease water temperature and improve habitat. During early 2017, there was at least one high flow event that inundated the floodplain, depositing woody debris and other flotsam in wrack lines well away from the top of bank. This event does not appear to have significantly impacted the bank repairs that were made after the flood event in 2015, although one of the repaired areas is beginning to show erosion and undercutting (CPA -3). Year 3 (MY3) monitoring indicated MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT, DMS PROJECT NUMBER - 94645 NOVEMBER 2017, MONITORING YEAR 3 OF 5 that the planted acreage was functioning well with no bank, bench or flood plain areas having bare areas of a significant size. Invasive Chinese privet and multiflora rose were noted in the MY2 Monitoring Report as a problem, and were treated in June 2017. We will continue to treat invasive vegetation within this area with herbicide to minimize new growth. The areas of mowing encroachment noted in MY2 were marked with t -posts and flagged early in 2017, and there were no new mowing encroachments noted when MY3 monitoring was conducted. We have established and are monitoring fourteen (14) vegetation plots at this site. The average density of total planted stems following the MY3 growing season is 720 stems per acre, with an additional average of 64 volunteer stems per acre. Based on the average density of 720 planted stems per acre, the Site is on track to meet the established success criteria. Stream geomorphological stability and performance during MY3 was assessed by surveying sixteen cross- sections, a profile of each channel, evaluating the bed particle size with five riffle pebble counts and by replicating channel location photographs. Channel cross-sections and profiles were similar to what was observed in the past with no major instability identified and the general morphology is responding as designed and meeting project goals. At least one significant flood event that was greater than bankfull occurred during MY3. This storm event caused valley wide flooding with wrack lines well away from the top of stream banks. Stream pebble data indicated that the shift to smaller particles on Silver Creek main stem had stabilized at sizes similar to what was seen in previous years. Pebble counts on UT2 and UT3 indicate that fine sediment has accumulated in the channels since MY2. This is likely due to several factors. Backwater from Silver Creek during high water events inundates the location of the pebble count along UT2. It is likely that suspended fine sediment drops out of the water column in this backwater. Also, low flows early in the year allowed herbaceous vegetation to encroach into the channel and impede flow. This prevented fine particulates that entered from upstream of the project from moving through the system and eventually filled sections of the streambed with a layer of fine silt and clay. Lastly, all three pebble counts on the unnamed tributaries were taken in constructed riffles which were designed to be immobile. The constructed riffle material is designed to be much coarser than the natural sediment load than the stream receives. The natural, finer sediment load, is often then deposited on top of the constructed riffles, which shifts the bed material to a finer grain size distribution as compared to the as -built condition. Overall, these data indicate a properly functioning system, as there were no mid -channel bars or other sediment transport issues. Wetland monitoring during MY3 demonstrated that nine of the thirteen groundwater monitoring wells located on the Site met the wetland success criteria as stated in the Site Mitigation Plan (up from three of thirteen in MY2). The gauges that met success criteria (USAW1, USAW2, USAW5, USAW7, USAW8, USAW9, USAW10, USAW11, and USAW13) demonstrated consecutive hydroperiods of 12 percent or greater, ranging from 21.2 to 57.2 percent of the growing season. The gauges that did not meet success criteria demonstrated consecutive hydroperiods of 12 percent or less, with a range from 5.3 percent to 10.1 percent of the growing season. To rectify the wide range of rainfall data available from several nearby weather stations, a recording rain gauge was placed on-site and will be used in future monitoring years. Summary information/data related to the Site and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report Appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the Baseline Monitoring Report and in the Mitigation Plan available on the NCDMS website. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices are available from NCDMS upon request. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. 2 UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT, DMS PROJECT NUMBER - 94645 NOVEMBER 2017, MONITORING YEAR 3 OF 5 2.0 METHODOLOGY The monitoring plan for the Site includes criteria to evaluate the success of the stream, wetland and vegetation components of the project. The methodology and report template used to evaluate these components adheres to the NCDMS monitoring guidance document dated December 1, 2009 and other mitigation guidance (NCDMS 2009 and USACE 2003), which will continue to serve as the template for subsequent monitoring years. The specific locations of monitoring features: vegetation plots, permanent cross-sections, monitoring wells, flow gauges, and the crest gauge, are shown on the CCPV sheets found in Appendix A. The Year 3 monitoring data and site photographs were collected in October 2017. 2.1 Vegetation Assessment In order to determine if vegetation success criteria are achieved, vegetation monitoring quadrants (veg plots) were installed and are monitored across the Site in accordance with the CVS-NCDMS Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.1 (CVS 2007 and Lee, Peet, Roberts and Wentworth 2007). The vegetation monitoring plots are a minimum of two percent of the planted portion of the Site with 14 plots established randomly within the planted riparian buffer and wetland area, per CVS Monitoring Level 2. No veg plots were established within the undisturbed wooded areas along the right bank of Silver Creek. The size of individual quadrants is 100 square meters for woody (tree) species and 1 square meter for herbaceous vegetation. Herbaceous quadrants were established in one corner of the larger woody plots and are monitored by comparing photographs taken year to year. Year 3 monitoring found that all vegetation was in good condition. All vegetation monitoring quadrants indicated that vegetation was growing and in good to excellent condition. The average density of planted stems following the Year 3 growing season was 720 stems per acre. There was also an average of 64 volunteer stems per acre, composed of six different tree species. With an average density of 720 planted stems per acre, the Site has met the minimum interim success criteria of 320 stems per acre by the end of Year 3, and is on track to meet the final success criteria of 260 stems per acre by the end of Year 5. The Vegetation Problem Area that was observed and noted in the MY2 monitoring report was addressed in Year 3. The Chinese privet found along the right floodplain of Silver Creek downstream of UT2 was treated during June 2017. All existing privet and new growth was treated with glyphosate in this area, and various other invasive vegetation was treated as necessary. Other target species included multiflora rose and Japanese honeysuckle. At the end of MY3, invasive vegetation growth is under control and will continue to be treated as necessary. The four previously identified mowing encroachment areas from MY2 were marked using t -posts, PVC pipe and flagging in March 2017 before the landowner began mowing. The easement boundary is now easy to see and avoid encroachment. At the end of MY3 no areas of encroachment have been noted. No other areas of concern regarding the vegetation were observed along Silver Creek or the tributaries. Year 3 vegetation assessment information is provided in Appendix C. 2.2 Stream Assessment The Upper Silver Creek Site approach is for restoration of a stable morphology that allows for the transport of water and sediment through the Site and allows stream flows larger than bankfull flows to spread onto the floodplain. Stream monitoring efforts focus on visual observations, a crest gauge to document bankfull flooding events, surveying established stream cross-sections and channel profiles to assess channel stability and pebble counts to assess if proper sediment transport is taking place. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT, DMS PROJECT NUMBER - 94645 NOVEMBER 2017, MONITORING YEAR 3 OF 5 Stream survey data was collected to a minimum of Class C Vertical and Class A Horizontal Accuracy using Leica TS06 Total Station and was georeferenced to the NAD83 State Plane Coordinate System, FIPS3200 in US Survey Feet, which was derived from the As -built Survey. 2.2.1 Morphologic Parameters and Channel Stability Cross-sections were classified using the Rosgen Stream Classification System (Rosgen 1994) and all cross-sections were evaluated to determine if they meet design expectations. Cross-sections were also compared to the baseline cross-section plots to evaluate change between construction and the MY3 survey. Morphological survey data is presented in Appendix D. A longitudinal profile was surveyed for the entire length of each channel to document changes from the as -built baseline conditions during the first year of monitoring. The survey was tied to a permanent benchmark and measurements included thalweg, water surface, and top of low bank. Each of these measurements was taken at the head of each feature (e.g., riffle, pool) and at the maximum pool depth. Stream geomorphological stability and performance during MY3 was assessed by surveying sixteen (16) cross-sections (7 on Silver Creek, 2 on UT 1, 2 on UT2 and 5 on UT3) and a profile of these channels as described above. The bed particle size was evaluated with five riffle pebble counts (2 on Silver Creek and 1 on each of the tributaries) and by observation and replicating channel location photographs. Cross-sections of all the channels were very similar to past years especially at riffle cross-sections. Most pool cross-sections showed some level of deposition. This was likely due to low levels of flow during dry periods of the year. There was little change from past profile surveys and profiles of each channel do not indicate any instability issues. The Visual Morphological Stability Assessment indicates that the Site is stable with only minor CPAs identified. Two instances of piping were noted at two log vanes along the mainstem. These structures are called out in the CCPV as CPA -1 and CPA -2. There is also one instance of bank erosion and bank undercutting (CPA -3). The locations, descriptions and photos of this damage are included in the Stream Problem Areas Table in Appendix D and in the MY3 data electronic file. These sites will be monitored in the coming year and repaired if necessary. Overall, channel morphology is responding as designed and meeting project goals. Pebble count data for MY3 indicates that the shift to smaller particles on Silver Creek mainstem has stabilized at sizes similar to what was seen in previous years. Pebble counts on UT2 and UT3 indicate that fine sediment has accumulated in the channels since MY2. This is likely due to several factors. Backwater from Silver Creek during high water events inundates the location of the pebble count along UT2. It is likely that suspended fine sediment drops out of the water column in this backwater. Also, low flows early in the year allowed herbaceous vegetation to encroach into the channel and impede flow. This prevented fine particulates that entered from upstream of the project from moving through the system and eventually filled sections of the streambed with a layer of fine silt and clay. Lastly, all three pebble counts on the unnamed tributaries were taken in constructed riffles which were designed to be immobile. The constructed riffle material is designed to be much coarser than the natural sediment load than the stream receives. The natural, finer sediment load is often then deposited on top of the constructed riffles, which shifts the bed material to a finer grain size distribution as compared to the as -built condition. We will monitor these reaches to determine whether this problem resolves itself as the herbaceous vegetation dies back and high winter flows begin to move through the system. Overall, these data indicate a properly functioning system, as there were no mid -channel bars or other sediment transport issues. Two beaver dams were removed from the site during MY3 near the lower end of Reach 2 (Station 22+50 and Station 25+50). These dams backed up water in the stream, but do not appear to have MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. 4 UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT, DMS PROJECT NUMBER - 94645 NOVEMBER 2017, MONITORING YEAR 3 OF 5 done permanent damage to streambanks or structure. Photos of the dams can be found in the Photolog. 2.2.2 Hydrology Two crest gauges were installed on the floodplain at this site, at the bankfull elevation. One is located along the left top of bank on Silver Creek, at approximately Station 19+00, and the second is on the left top of bank of UT3, at approximately Station 9+50. Crest gauges on Silver Creek and on UT3 recorded water levels of approximately .45 feet and .25 feet above bankfull, respectively. Physical indicators of bankfull flows, such as wrack lines and debris on the bank, were also observed throughout the reach. The event that occurred on 4/24/2017 was the highest flow recorded in the area, and likely caused the high flow recorded on project site crest gauges and shown in Table 9, the bankfull verification information. There was also a high flow recorded on 10/23/2017- 10/24/2017 that left debris piles and wrack lines above bankfull level throughout the site, but did not register on the crest gauge. Crest gauge readings are presented in Appendix D. 2.2.3 Photographic Documentation Reference transects were photographed at each permanent cross-section. The survey tape was centered in the photograph of the bank. The water line was located in the lower area of the frame, and as much of the bank as possible included in each photograph. Photographs were also taken at specific photo points established along each channel during baseline reporting. Photographs from these points will be replicated each year and used to document changes along the channel. Points were selected to include grade control structures as well as other structural components installed during construction. Annual photographs from the established photo points are shown in Appendix D and do not indicate any stability issues at the site and no failing structures. 2.3 Wetland Assessment Thirteen automated groundwater -monitoring stations were installed in the wetland restoration area to document the hydrologic conditions during the monitoring period. The installations followed USACE protocols (USACE 1997). Groundwater data collected during Year 3 monitoring are located in Appendix E. To meet the hydrologic success criteria, the monitoring gauge data must show that for each normal rainfall year within the monitoring period, the Site has been inundated or saturated for a certain hydroperiod. Criteria have been met when the wetland is saturated within 12 inches of the soil surface for 12 percent of the growing season when rainfall amounts approximate normal conditions. Alternatively, when dry conditions prevail, we may use the fourteen (14) or more consecutive days during the growing season when antecedent precipitation has been drier than normal for a minimum frequency of 5 years in 10 to 50 percent of the monitoring period (USACE, 1987 and 2005). Visual monitoring of wetland areas will be conducted annually. Photographs will be used to visually document system performance and identify areas of low stem density, invasive species vegetation, beaver activity, or other areas of concern. Reference stations will be photographed each year for a minimum of five years following construction. Photographs will be taken from a height of approximately five to six feet. Permanent well markers were established and used to ensure that the same locations (and view directions) on the Site are documented in each monitoring period. Wetland monitoring during MY3 demonstrated that nine of the thirteen groundwater monitoring wells located on the Site met the wetland success criteria as stated in the Site Mitigation Plan. Although four wells did not meet criteria, these data suggest a significant improvement in wetland performance since MY2. The gauges that met success criteria (USAW1, USAW2, USAW5, MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT, DMS PROJECT NUMBER - 94645 NOVEMBER 2017, MONITORING YEAR 3 OF 5 USAW7, USAW8, USAW9, USAW 10, USAW 11, and USAW 13) demonstrated consecutive hydroperiods of 12 percent or greater, these ranged from 21.2 to 57.2 percent of the growing season. The gauges that did not meet success criteria (USAW3, USAW4, USAW6, and USAW12) demonstrated consecutive hydroperiods of 12 percent or less, with a range from 5.3 percent to 10.1 percent of the growing season. The rain data for the region (Figure 9) shows that rainfall in the early months of 2017 was at or below average. The early months of the growing season are generally when wetland water tables are highest on mitigation sites. This lack of early year rainfall may have contributed to the four unsuccessful gauges. Baker will continue to monitor the groundwater hydrology of the Site during Monitoring Year 4. An on-site recording rain gauge was installed at the site in August 2017. Data from this gauge will be used to measure local precipitation in the future to eliminate reliance on the nearby CRONOS stations. These stations often show a high level of variance across a small geographic area, which makes it difficult to determine the actual amount of rain the site receives. Having direct access to this data will allow accurate precipitation data to be collected and presented in future monitoring years. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT, DMS PROJECT NUMBER - 94645 NOVEMBER 2017, MONITORING YEAR 3 OF 5 3.0 REFERENCES Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) and NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). 2007. CVS- NCEEP Data Entry Tool v. 2.3.1. University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. Lee, M., Peet R., Roberts, S., Wentworth, T. 2007. CVS-NCEEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.1. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). 2009. Guidance and Content Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports Version 1.2.1. December 1, 2009. Rosgen, D. L. 1994. A Classification of Natural Rivers. Catena 22:169-199. Schafale, M. P., and A. S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina, third approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDENR. Raleigh, NC. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. Environmental Laboratory. US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Vicksburg, MS. 1997. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Research Program. Technical Note VN-rs-4.1. Environmental Laboratory. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Vicksburg, MS. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines, April 2003, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Wilmington District. 2005. "Technical Standard for Water -Table Monitoring of Potential Wetland Sites," WRAP Technical Notes Collection (ERDC TN -WRAP -05-2), U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. Vicksburg, MS. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT, DMS PROJECT NUMBER - 94645 NOVEMBER 2017, MONITORING YEAR 3 OF 5 Includes: Appendix A General Figures and Plan Views Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map and Directions Figure 2. Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) — Overview Map Figure 2A. CCPV North half of Project Figure 2B. CCPV South half of Project AVERY e cr s 1 (04-03-06 BROA 3-08- 0f tib$ ;n�,� 0 r BROAD 03-08-02 4 To reach the project site from Asheville, follow Interstate 40 East and take the NC -226 exit (Exit 86). From the exit, turn left onto NC -226 and continue for 10.5 miles before turning left to take the US -64 ramp. Turn left onto US -64 and continue for 2.5 miles before turning left onto Gold Mine Road. Once on Gold Mine Road, travel for approximately .75 miles and turn right at a gate i into the project site. The project site begins where Silver Creek i passes under US -64 and continues downstream for approximately 01--,3,000 LF. Unnamed tributaries 1 and 3 flow to the east under Gold - / Mine Road before converging with Silver Creek. Unnamed tributary 2 enters Silver Creek upstream of the UT1 confluence and flows westward to Silver Creek from a forested area. C�y-q edar Ro _ i $ eno 1 I CATAWBA � l -08-31 cam e11` 9 CATAA I 11 03-08- 2 C 'ahl kounta- \ 1 H son 8 64 l a.re is i 2! � Gr 't Falls --------------- 4d ----fl r 4 -J 321 Rflbdh s u or College pg 76 Connelly Sp_/ings v Glen nton HU 0305010105005 Upper Silver Creek J Project Site ND CAT, Map Inset LEGEND: Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Division of Mitigation +4 NCDWQ Sub -basin 1--iCounties 0 USGS Hydrologic Unit Project Hydrologic Unit Upper Silver Creek NCDMWS Project #94645 Monitoring Year 3 Report Burke County, NC Services 0 Burke County r r Burke County, IVC 0 1 2 4 v Miles I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L I 3oard Michael Baker, 0 250 500 Figure 2 - Overview Feet Current Conditions Plan View Monitoring Year 3 I N T E R N A T I O N A L DMS Project # 94645 Upper Silver Creek Site 2-, Reach 1 UT1-4 r. r /.4 C� PA -2 1 : -A CMY3 Channel Problem Areas - Repaired Stream Banks • Groundwater Well - Fail o Groundwater Well - Pass Successful Vegetation Plot ' A Photo Station ® Crest Gauge Cross Sections In -Stream Structures Stream Centerline Stream Top of Bank Q Conservation Easement Wetland Components Restoration: Non -Riparian ® Restoration: Riparian ® Enhancement: Non -Riparian Enhancement: Riparian Creation: Riparian CPA -1 r r Beaver dams were removed from these two locations in July 2017 Reach 1 _ •: Reach 2 UTUL_ UT2-3 Reach 2 0 100 200 300 Figure 2A Michael Baker Feet Current Conditions Plan View INTIERNATIONA L MonitoringYear3 DMS Project # 94645 Upper Silver Creek Site QMY3 Channel Problem Areas - Repaired Stream Banks s Q Conservation Easement • Groundwater Well - Fail o Groundwater Well - Pass Successful Vegetation Plot n Photo Station ® Crest Gauge Cross Sections In -Stream Structures Stream Centerline Stream Top of Bank Wetland Components Restoration: Non -Riparian ® Restoration: Riparian ® Enhancement: Non -Riparian Enhancement: Riparian Creation: Riparian ;k !; � •. > � �. '", of `....': °t •e Reach 2 UT3-9 UT3-8 "Reach CPA -3 9 Reach 2 Reach 1 0 100 200 300 Figure 213 Michael Baker Feet Current Conditions Plan View Monitoring Year 3 INTERNATIONAL DMS Project # 94645 Upper Silver Creek Site Includes: Appendix B General Project Tables Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Figure 3. U. Silver Cr. Project Asset Map Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table 4. Project Attributes Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 Mitigation Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non-riparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Phosphorus Nutrient Offset Type R Ell R E C R I E C Totals 4,843 SMU 1 137 SMU 4.67 WMU1 1.43 WMU 10.33 WMU 0.21 WMU1 0.21 WMU Project Components Project Component or Reach ID Stationing/ Location Existing Footage/ Acreage Approach Restoration/ Restoration Equivalent Restoration Footage or Acreage Mitigation Ratio STREAMS Silver Creek 2643 LF Reach 1 0+32 to 8+70 Restoration - PII 838 SMU 838 LF 1:1 Reach 2 8+70 to 30+48 Restoration - PI 2,178 SMU 2178 LF 1:1 UT1 478 LF Reach 1 0+07 to 5+02 Restoration - PI 495 SMU 495 LF 1:1 UT2 187 LF Reach 1 0+00 to 1+03 Restoration - PI 103 SMU 103 LF 1:1 Reach 2 1+03 to 3+10 Restoration - PI 207 SMU 207 LF 1:1 UT3 1,162 LF Reach 1 0+00 to 3+43 Enhancement I 137 SMU 343 LF 2.5:1 Reach 2 3+43 to 13+65 Restoration - PI 1,022 SMU 1,022 LF 1:1 WETLANDS See plan sheets JDW1a (NR) 0.42 AC Enhancement 0.21 WMU 0.42 AC 2:1 JDW1b (Ri) 1.01 AC Enhancement 0.51 WMU 1.01 AC 2:1 JDW2 (Ri) 0.51 AC Enhancement 0.25 WMU 0.51 AC 2:1 JDW3 (Ri) 0.03 AC Enhancement 0.02 WMU 0.03 AC 2:1 JDW4 (Ri) 0.24 AC Enhancement 0.12 WMU 0.24 AC 2:1 JDW5 (Ri) 0.81 AC Enhancement 0.40 WMU 0.81 AC 2:1 JDW6 (Ri) 0.25 AC Enhancement 0.13 WMU 0.25 AC 2:1 R1A (NR) 0 Restoration 0.06 WMU 0.06 AC 1:1 R1B (NR) 0 Restoration 0.15 WMU 0.15 AC 1:1 R2 (Ri) 0 Restoration 1.22 WMU 1.22 AC 1:1 R3 (Ri) 0 Restoration 0.18 WMU 0.18 AC 1:1 R4 (Ri) 0 Restoration 0.44 WMU 0.44 AC 1:1 R5 (Ri) 0 Restoration 1.29 WMU 1.29 AC 1:1 R6 (Ri) 0 Restoration 1.54 WMU 1.54 AC 1 1:1 C1 (Ri) 0 Creation 0.33 WMU 0.99 AC 3:1 Component Summation Restoration Level Stream (LF) Ri arian Wetland (AC) Non-riparian Wetland (AC) Buffer (SF) Upland (AC) Riverine Non-Riverme Restoration 4,843 4.67 0.21 Enhancement I 2.85 0.42 Enhancement II 343 Creation 0.99 Preservation High Quality Preservation BMP Elements Element Location Purpose/Function Notes BMP Elements: BR= Bioretention Cell; SF= Sand Filter; SW= Stormwater Wetland; WDP= Wet Detention Pond; DDP= Dry Detention Pond; FS= Filter Strip; S= Grassed Swale; LS= Level Spreader; NI=Natural Infiltration Area MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT DMS PROJECT 94645 each 1 UT2 - Reach 2 UT2 - Reoil ach 1 e.' tr 1 R6 JDW046 JDW5 4 e JDW4 6 Silver Creek - Reach 2 • l ' R5 �O R4 7� 4k JD 9 # UT3 - Reach 2 R3 R2 10 1 o Wetland Monitoring Wells ""bill �Ff Conservation Easement Stream Mitigation Type UT3 -Reach 1 11 JDW1B� ] Enhancement I Restoration Wetland Components � ' R1A 12 �R1B Restoration: Non -Riparian 13 ® Restoration: Riparian ® Enhancement: Non -Riparian a Enhancement: Riparian �, r �' , ••; , `` 777= Creation: Riparian NC Center for Geographic Inf rm fiion &Analysis BakerMichael 0 250 500 Figure 3 !i Feet U. Silver Cr. Project Asset Map I N T IE IR N A T 1 0 N A L DMS Project # 94645 Upper Silver Creek Site Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 Activity or Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Deliver Mitigation Plan Prepared Jan-13 N/A Jan-13 Mitigation Plan Amended Sep-13 N/A Sep-13 Mitigation Plan Approved Oct-13 N/A Oct-13 Final Desi — (at least 90% complete) N/A N/A May-14 Construction Begins N/A N/A May-14 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area N/A N/A Dec-14 Permanent seed mix applied to entire project area N/A N/A Dec-14 Planting of live stakes Winter 2015 N/A Feb-15 Planting of bare root trees N/A N/A Feb-15 End of Construction N/A N/A Dec-14 Survey of As-built conditions (Year 0 Monitoring-baseline) N/A Mar-15 Jul-15 Repair of 3 piping structures N/A N/A Aug- 15 Mitigation Plan Addendum N/A N/A Dec-15 Year 1 Monitoring Dec-15 Dec-15 Apr-16 Repair of channel problem areas resulting from flooding N/A N/A Mar-16 Year 2 Monitoring Dec-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Invasive vegetation treatment N/A N/A Jun-17 Beaver dam removal N/A N/A Jul-17 Year 3 Monitoring Dec-17 Oct-17 Dec-17 Year 4 Monitoring Dec-18 N/A N/A Year 5 Monitoring Dec-19 N/A N/A MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT DMS PROJECT NO. 94645 Table 3. Project Contacts Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 Designer Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 797 Haywood Rd Suite 201 Asheville, NC 28806 Contact: Micky Clemmons, Tel. 828-412-6100 Construction Contractor River Works, Inc. 6105 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Contact: Phillip Todd, Tel. 919-582-3575 Planting Contractor River Works, Inc. 6105 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Contact: Phillip Todd, Tel. 919-582-3575 Seeding Contractor River Works, Inc. 6105 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Contact: Phillip Todd, Tel. 919-582-3575 Seed Mix Sources Green Resources (seed), Tel. 336-855-6363 Nursery Stock Suppliers Mellow Marsh Farm (trees), 919-742-1200 ArborGen Inc. (trees), 843-528-3204 Dykes and Son (trees), 931-668-8833 Monitoring Performers Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 797 Haywood Rd Suite 201 Asheville, NC 28806 Contact: Stream Monitoring Point of Contact Micky Clemmons, Tel. 828-412-6100 Vegetation Monitoring Point of Contact Micky Clemmons, Tel. 828-412-6100 Wetland Monitoring Point of Contact Micky Clemmons, Tel. 828-412-6100 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT DMS PROJECT NO. 94645 Table 4. Project Attributes Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 Project Information Project Name Upper Silver Creek Mitigation Project County Burke Project Area acres 22.0 Project Coordinates latitude and longitude) 35.6078N, -81.81742W Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Blue Ridge (borders Piedmont) River Basin Catawba USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit and 14-digit 03050101 / 03050101050050 DWR Sub-basin 03-08-31 Project Drainage Area AC Mainstem 2.7 - 3.3, UTI 0.28, UT2 0.05, UT3 0.17 Project Drainage Area Percentage of <2% impervious Area Deciduous Forest (64%) Woody Wetlands (1%) Evergreen Forest (3%) Developed, Open Space (5%) USGA Land Use Classification Shrub/Scrub (5%) Pasture/Hay (14%) Grassland/Herbaceous (6%) Forest (59%) NCDMS Land Use Classification for Silver Agriculture (23%) Creek Watershed Impervious Cover (2.9%) Stream Reach Summary Information Parameters Mainstem - Reach 1 Mainstem - Reach 2 Length of Reach LF 838 2,178 Valley Classification (Rosgen) VIII VIII Drainage Area AC 1,746 2,147 NCDWR Stream Identification Score 49.5 49.5 NCDWR Water Quality Classification C C Morphological Description (Rosgen stream E E Incised channel, little connection to Incised channel, little connection type) floodplain to floodplain Evolutionary Trend E4G, E4C/F E—G, E— C/F Underlying Mapped Soils AaA, FnA, UnB AaA, FnA, UnB Drainage Class Somewhat poorly to well drained Somewhat poorly to well drained Soil Hydric Status Site-specific Site-specific Average Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.004 0.004 FEMA Classification Zone AE Zone AE Piedmont/Mtn. Mixed Bottomland Piedmont/Mtn. Mixed Bottomland Native Vegetation Community Hardwoods Hardwoods Percent Composition of Exotic/Invasive Ve etation 10% 5% Parameters UT1 - Reach 1 UT2 - Reach 1 UT2 - Reach 2 Length of Reach LF 495 103 207 Valley Classification (Rosgen) III III in Drainage Area (AC) 177 32 32 NCDWR Stream Identification Score 47.5 45 45 NCDWR Water Quality Classification C C C Gc channelized B channelized B Morphological Description (Rosgen stream Incised channel, little connection to Incised type) channel channelized/ditched channel floodplain Evolutionary Trend Gc4F 13—F—C 13—>F—>C Underlying Mapped Soils AaA, FnA UnB UnB, FnA Drainage Class Somewhat poorly to well drained Somewhat poorly to well drained Somewhat poorly to well drained Soil Hydric Status Site-specific Site-specific Site-specific Average Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.016 0.037 0.037 FEMA Classification N/A N/A N/A Piedmont Dry-Mesic Oak and Piedmont/Mtn. Mixed Bottomland Piedmont/Mtn. Mixed Bottomland Native Vegetation Community Hardwoods to Mixed Bottomland Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Percent Composition of Exotic/Invasive 5% 2% 2% Vegetation MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT DMS PROJECT NO. 94645 Parameters UT3 - Reach 1 UT3 - Reach 1 Length of Reach LF 342 1,006 Valley Classification Ros en III III Drainage Area AC 123 123 NCDWR Stream Identification Score 49.75 49.75 NCDWR Water Quality Classification C C Morphological Description (Rosgen stream B/E E Aggrading at upper end then stable Incised channel, little connection type) to incising at lower end to floodplain Evolutions Trend B/E—G E—G Underlying Mapped Soils AaA AaA, FnA Drainage Class Somewhat poorly to well drained Somewhat poorly to well drained Soil Hydric Status Site-specific Site-specific Average Channel Slope ft/ft 0.015 0.015 FEMA Classification N/A N/A Piedmont Dry-Mesic Oak and Piedmont/Mtn. Mixed Bottomland Native Vegetation Community Hardwoods Hardwoods Percent Composition of Exotic/Invasive 2% 2% Veizetation Wetland SummarUy Information Parameters JDW1 JDW2 JDW3 JDW4 JDW5 JDW6 Size of Wetland AC 1.43 0.51 0.03 0.24 0.81 0.3 Wetland Type Riparian Riparian Riparian Riparian Riparian Riparian Mapped Soil Series FnA FnA FnA FnA FnA FnA Somewhat poorly Somewhat Somewhat Somewhat Somewhat Somewhat Drainage Class to well drained Poorly to well poorly to well poorly to well poorly to well poorly to well drained drained drained drained drained Soil Hydric Status Site-specific Site-specific Site-specific Site-specific Site-specific Site-specific Hillslope seepage; Hillslope seepage; Hillslope seepage; Hillslope seepage; Hillslope seepage; Hillslope seepage; Source of Hydrology Baseflow; Baseflow; Baseflow; Baseflow; Baseflow; Baseflow; Overbank Flooding Overbank Flooding Overbank Flooding Overbank Flooding Overbank Flooding Overbank Flooding Hydrologic Impairment Partially Yes No Partially Partially Partially Piedmont/Mountain Mixed Bottomland Hardwood Forest. Successional Deciduous Forest Land was once Native Vegetation Community also present near Wetlands 2 & 5. Percent Composition of Exotic/Invasive –30% 55% –10% -40% 55% –35% Vegetation Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable Resolved Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States – Section 404 Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Waters of the United States – Section 401 Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Endangered Species Act Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/ NO N/A N/A Coastal Area Management Act CAMA FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A Notes: 1. See Figure 2.3 of Mitigation Plan for key to soil series symbols. 2. All wetlands had been disturbed to some degree at the time the project was initiated. As a result, only remnants of native vegetative communities exist in the wetland areas. 3. Fescue is considered as invasive vegetation; it and other field grasses were the dominant nonnative wetland vegetation observed. 4. USGS Land Use Data (2001) used rather than CGIA Land Use Classification data which is more outdated (1996). 5. Source: Upper Catawba River Basin Restoration Priorities (NCEEP 2009) (https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/mitigation-services/dms- MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. YEAR 3 MONITORING REPORT UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT DMS PROJECT NO. 94645 Appendix C Vegetation Assessment Data Includes: Table 5. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 6. CVS Vegetation Metadata Table Table 7. Stem Count Arranged by Plot and Species Figure 4. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Table S. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary (per acre) Plot # Stream/ Wetland Stems' Volunteers2 Tota 13 Success Criteria Met? 1 1174 121 1295 Yes 2 1133 40 1174 Yes 3 445 121 567 Yes 4 688 0 688 Yes 5 850 0 850 Yes 6 647 0 647 Yes 7 607 0 607 Yes 8 567 405 971 Yes 9 445 0 445 Yes 10 769 202 971 Yes 11 769 0 769 Yes 12 728 0 728 Yes 13 647 0 647 Yes 14 607 0 607 Yes Project Avg 720 64 783 Stem Class characteristics 1Stream/ Wetland Native planted woody stems. Includes shrubs, does NOT Stems include live stakes. No vines 2Volunteers Native woody stems. Not planted. No vines. s Total Planted + volunteer native woody stems. Includes live stakes. Excl. exotics. Excl. vines. Exceeds requirements by 10% Table 6. Vegetation Metadata Upper Silver Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration - Project 94645 Report Prepared By Russell Myers Date Prepared 10/19/2017 14:26 database name MY3_94645_UpperSilver_cvs-eep-entrytool-v2.3.1.mdb database location L:\projects\120598-Upr-Silver-FD\Monitoring\YR3 Monitoring\2.0 - Monitoring Data\App C - Vegetation Data computer name ASHELRMYERS file size 63311872 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------ Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data. Proj, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes. Proj, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems. Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.). Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots. Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. Stems by Plot and spp PROJECT SUMMARY --------- Project Code project Name Description River Basin length(ft) stream -to -edge width (ft) area (sq m) Required Plots (calculated) Sampled Plots A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. 94645 Upper Silver Creek Full Delivery stream and wetland restoration site Broad 5,169' Minimum of 30 ft 62,321 sq. m. 14 14 Table 7. Stem Count Arranged By Plot Project: Upper Silver Creek, DMS Project #94645 Current Plot Data (MY3 2017) Current Plot Data (MY3 2017) Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type P Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 94645-01-0001 P—F V T 94645-01-0002 P V T P 94645-01-0003 V T P 94645-01-0004 V T P 94645-01-0005 V T P 94645-01-0006 V T P 94645-01-0007 V T P 94645-01-0008 V T P 94645-01-0009 V T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 1 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 12 1 13 13 1 14 3 3 12 12 Alnus serrulata hazel alder Shrub 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Betula nigra river birch Tree Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 3 3 6 2 3 2 3 1 1 20 1 19 1 3 21 3 21 8 8 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 11 1 12 1 1 9 9 1 1 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 11 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 6 30 6 4 37 4 2 32 2 16 Coryluscornuta beaked hazelnut Shrub Tree Coryluscornuta beaked hazelnut Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Diospyros virginiana common persimmon Tree Diospyros virginiana common persimmon Tree 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 4 2 4 2 18 18 8 19 8 1 19 1 1 12 1 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 3 3 3 1 1 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 2 2 4 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 1 1 6 7 13 1 1 1 11 11 10 10 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 5 2 5 7 1 2 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 9 3 12 4 1 5 2 62 2 6 59 6 4 60 4 3 48 3 5 5 4 5 9 2 2 Quercus oak Tree 1 1 2 2 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 1 1 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 2 1 1 8 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 4 1 6 35 6 1 32 1 2 33 2 2 20 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 10 10 2 2 1 1 2 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 2 32 2 4 32 4 32 17 3 17 3 3 3 5 5 Unknown Shrub or Tree 2 7 7 10 10 6 6 Vaccinium corymbosum 1highbush blueberry Shrub 2 2 Vaccinium corymbosum highbush blueberry Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 Viburnum dentatum Isouthern arrowwood Shrub 20 Viburnum dentatum isouthern arrowwood Shrub 14 21 14 3 21 3 21 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 19 5 769 5 1 0.02 4 1 202 24 7 971 19 6 769 0 1 0.02 0 0 19 6 769 18 9 1 728 0 1 0.02 0 1 0 18 9 728 16 4 647 0 1 0.02 0 0 16 4 647 2 0 1 0.02 0 0 2 1 22 14 0.35 6 64 1 256 17 740 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 29 7 1174 3 1 0.02 1 121 32 7 1295 28 8 1133 1 1 0.02 1 40 29 8 1174 11 6 445 3 1 0.02 1 121 14 7 567 17 8 688 0 1 0.02 0 0 17 8 688 21 5 850 0 t21 1 0.02 0 0 5 850 16 7 647 0 1 0.02 0 0 16 7 647 15 6 607 0 1 0.02 0 0 15 6 607 14 6 567 10 1 0.02 2 405 24 6 971 11 5 445 0 1 0.02 0 0 11 5 445 Table 7. Stem Count Arranged By Plot, Continued Project: Upper Silver Creek, DMS Project #94645 Current Plot Data (MY3 2017) Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type P 94645-01-0010 V T P 94645-01-0011 V T P 94645-01-0012 V T P 94645-01-0013 V T P 94645-01-0014 V T P MY3 (2017) V T P MY2(2016) V I T P MY1(2015) V T P MYO(2015)* V T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 1 1 1 1 12 1 13 13 1 14 14 14 12 12 Alnus serrulata hazel alder Shrub 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 3 3 6 6 3 3 1 1 20 20 19 19 21 21 8 8 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 1 1 1 10 1 11 11 1 12 11 11 9 9 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 11 11 3 3 2 2 30 30 32 5 37 32 32 16 16 Coryluscornuta beaked hazelnut Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Diospyros virginiana common persimmon Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 4 4 18 18 18 1 19 19 19 12 12 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 3 3 1 1 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 2 2 4 6 7 13 7 1 8 11 11 10 10 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 5 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 53 9 62 54 5 59 60 60 48 48 Quercus oak Tree 1 1 2 2 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 2 1 1 8 8 4 4 34 1 35 32 32 33 33 20 20 Quercus nigra wateroak Tree 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 10 10 2 2 1 1 2 2 32 32 32 32 32 32 17 17 Unknown Shrub or Tree 2 2 7 7 10 10 6 6 Vaccinium corymbosum 1highbush blueberry Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Viburnum dentatum Isouthern arrowwood Shrub 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 19 5 769 5 1 0.02 4 1 202 24 7 971 19 6 769 0 1 0.02 0 0 19 6 769 18 9 1 728 0 1 0.02 0 1 0 18 9 728 16 4 647 0 1 0.02 0 0 16 4 647 15 6 607 0 1 0.02 0 0 15 6 607 249 18 720 22 14 0.35 6 64 271 19 783 256 17 740 16 14 0.35 8 46 272 19 786 277 18 801 0 14 0.35 0 0 277 18 801 189 16 850 0 9 0.22 0 0 189 16 850 P = Planted This color indicates that the number includes volunteer stems. V = Volunteer Indicates that the stems per acre exceeds requirements by 10% T = Total Indicates that the stems per acre exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% *MYO included 9 vegetation plots. However, upon review, it was discovered that we needed to have 14 plots to meet guidelines. Five additional plots were added in the Fall of 2015 and the MY1 and later means include these additional plots Figure 4. Upper Silver Creek - Vegetation Plot Photos, DMS Project #94645 Photo 1. Vegetation Plot 1 — Tree photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 2. Vegetation Plot 1 — Herbaceous photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 3. Vegetation Plot 2 — Tree photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 4. Vegetation Plot 2 — Herbaceous photo (October 17, 2017). t 4- Photo 5. Vegetation Plot 3 — Tree photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 6. Vegetation Plot 3 — Herbaceous photo (October 17, 2017). 41 ai TL jx I 4, . 71DOMP 1#01, 01 6% - ; `7• 4^��i. Photo 13. Vegetation Plot 7 — Tree photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 14. Vegetation Plot 7 — Herbaceous photo (October 17, 2017). W711 717M I Photo 15. Vegetation Plot 8 — Tree photo (October 17, 2017) Photo 16. Vegetation Plot 8 — Herbaceous photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 17. Vegetation Plot 9 — Tree photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 18. Vegetation Plot 9 — Herbaceous photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 19. Vegetation Plot 10 — Tree photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 20. Vegetation Plot 10 — Herbaceous photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 21. Vegetation Plot 11 — Tree photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 22. Vegetation Plot 11 — Herbaceous photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 23. Vegetation Plot 12 — Tree photo (October 17, 2017). Photo 24. Vegetation Plot 12 — Herbaceous photo (October 17, 2017). s hs�-..? S ..J`11.. Y�iJ�' � � S xv::i.-.. •�.;�' �; �: •' . >v. _6h� . , - �.? �•'��� •. r',�,rq`. r4:. ..6+:5°'� '. r�F". I —'+ � ��� .'�y1:.Y.�r.i.- �.�Z� t• FU- �:? ,f�� •moi: N: i n �+•j �y�: •:ti's ..�i - - F1.I-�'� �t.:. _ �!'::.Y��. _ _- +� 'I: its Y —•q'` €� , • �:r 4_►: •-q°:r.. a i', :• ' s M1 � •'t h .' ... Wil'+. :'� "4r. _ • J � � -� • �k.e A _ .. ').ems � roc �k � '"(fir .r'x�, ::�� y't' � � ��.:.� , y - � - •i'� w� �� �:..: ,`: gig}=•: t .'3: •�, - '�;v . ... - rr�a. y '. +.1p'� zn1�, ,T 4 �� •. yCiM•' -. • " - Appendix D Stream Assessment Data Includes: Figure 5. Stream Photos by Channel and Station Table 8. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Table 9. Verification of Bankfall or Greater than Bankfull Events Figure 6. Cross -Sections with Annual Overlays Figure 7. Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlays Figure 8. Pebble Count Plots with Annual Overlays Table 10. Monitoring Year 3 Stream Summary Table 11. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Figure 5. Upper Silver Creek Stream Photos by Channel and Station — MY3 (2017) Photo 1. Mainstem Photo Point 1 — Station 29+26 (October 18, 2017) downstream view from left bank. Photo 2. Mainstem Photo Point 1 — Station 29+26 (October 18, 2017) upstream view from left bank. Photo 3. Mainstem Photo Point 2 — Station 26+44 (October 18, 2017) downstream view from left bank. Photo 4. Mainstem Photo Point 2 — Station 26+44 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Photo 5. Mainstem Photo Point 3 — Station 24+70 (October 18, 2017) upstream from right bank. Photo 6. Mainstem Photo Point 3 — Station 24+70 (October 18, 2017) downstream from right bank. Photo 7. Mainstem Photo Point 4 (PP4) — Station 20+30 (October 18, 2017) downstream from left bank. Photo 8. Mainstem Photo Point 4 (PP4) — Station 20+30 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Photo 9. Mainstem Photo Point 5 — Station 16+03 (October 18, 2017) upstream from right bank. Photo 10, Mainstem Photo Point 5 — Station 16+03 (October 18, 2017) downstream from right bank. Photo 11. Mainstem Photo Point 6 — Station 13+03 (October 18, 2017) upstream from right bank. Photo 12. Mainstem Photo Point 6 — Station 13+03 (October 18, 2017) downstream from right bank. Photo 13. Mainstem Photo Point 7 — Station 10+11 (October 18, 2017) downstream from left bank. Photo 14. Mainstem Photo Point 7 — Station 10+11 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Photo 15. Mainstem Photo Point 8 — Station 5+06 (October 18, 2017) upstream from right bank. Photo 16. Mainstem Photo Point 8 — Station 5+06 (October 18, 2017) downstream from right bank. Photo 17. Mainstem Photo Point 9 — Station 3+87 (October 18, 2017) downstream from left bank. Photo 18. Mainstem Photo Point 9 — Station 3+87 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Photo 19. Mainstem Photo Point 10 — Stat. 1+22 (October 18, 2017) downstream from left bank. Unnamed Tributary 1 - Monitoring Year 3 (2017) Photo 21. UT 1 Photo Point 1 — Station 4+82 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Photo 20. Mainstem Photo Point 10 — Stat. 1+22 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Intentionally Left Blank Photo 22. UTI Photo Point 2 — Station 4+07 (October 18, 2017) downstream from left bank. Photo 23. UTI Photo Point 2 — Station 4+07 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Photo 24. UTI Photo Point 3 — Station 2+55 (October 18, 2017) upstream from right bank. Photo 25. UTI Photo Point 3 — Station 2+55 (October 18, 2017) downstream from right bank. Photo 26. UTI Photo Point 4 — Station 0+55 (October 18, 2017) downstream from left bank. Unnamed Tributary 2 — Monitoring Year 3 (2017) Photo 27. UTI Photo Point 4 — Station 0+55 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Photo 28. UT2 Photo Point 1 — Station 2+15 (October 18, 2017) downstream from left bank. Photo 29. UT2 Photo Point 1 — Station 2+15 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Photo 30. UT2 Photo Point 2 — Station 0+96 (October 18, 2017) upstream from right bank. Photo 31. UT2 Photo Point 2 — Station 0+96 (October 18, 2017) downstream from right bank. Photo 32. UT2 Photo Point 3 — Station 0+02 (October 18, 2017) downstream from right bank. Unnamed Tributary 3 — Monitoring Year 3 (2017) Photo 34. UT3 Photo Point 1 Station 12+10 (October 18, 2017) downstream from left bank. Photo 33. UT2 Photo Point 3 — Station 0+02 (October 18, 2017) upstream from right bank. Photo 35. UT3 Photo Point 1 Station 12+10 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Photo 36. UT3 Photo Point 2 — Station 10+66 (October 18, 2017) upstream from right bank. Photo 37. UT3 Photo Point 2 — Station 10+66 (October 18, 2017) downstream from right bank. Photo 38. UT3 Photo Point 3 — Station 8+10 (October 18, 2017) downstream from left bank. Photo 39. UT3 Photo Point 3 — Station 8+10 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Photo 40. UT3 Photo Point 4 — Station 7+05 (October 18, 2017) downstream from left bank. Photo 41. UT3 Photo Point 4 — Station 7+05 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Photo 42. UT3 Photo Point 5 — Station 5+95 (October 18, 2017) downstream from left bank. Photo 43. UT3 Photo Point 5 — Station 5+95 (October 18, 2017) upstream from left bank. Photo 44. UT3 Photo Point 6 — Station 4+55 (October 18, 2017) upstream from right bank. Photo 45. UT3 Photo Point 6 — Station 4+55 (October 18, 2017) downstream from right bank. Photo 46. UT3 Photo Point 7 — Station 3+60 (October 18, 2017) upstream to structure. Photo 47. UT3 Photo Point 8 — Station 2+70 (October 18, 2017) upstream to structure. Photo 48. UT3 Photo Point 9 — Station 1+90 (October 18, 2017) upstream to structure. Photo 49. UT3 Photo Point 10 — Station 0+60 (October 18, 2017) downstream to structure. Beaver dam located at Station 25+50 (6/28/2017) Beaver dam located at Station 22+50 (6/28/2017) Table 8. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 Silver Creek, Reach 1 (838 LF) Feature Category Metric (per As -Built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total Number Total number /feet in unstable per As -Built state % Performing in Stable Condition Feature Perfomance Mean or Total A. Riffles 1. Present? 4 4 0 100 2. Armor stable (e.g. no displacement)? 4 4 0 100 3. Facet grades appears stable? 4 4 0 100 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 4 4 0 100 5. Length appropriate? 4 4 0 100 100% B. Pools 1. Present? e.. not subject to severe aggradation or migration?) 4 4 0 100 2. Sufficiently dee Max Pool D:Mean Bkf >1.6? 4 4 0 100 3. Length appropriate? 4 4 0 100 100% C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of pool structure centering? % 100 100 0 100 2. Downstream of pool structure centering? % 100 100 0 100 100% D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? 3 4 0 75 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation? 4 4 0 100 3. Apparent Rc within spec? 4 4 0 100 4. Sufficient flood Iain access and relief? 4 4 0 100 100% E. Bed 1. General channel bed aggradation areas bar formation 838 838 0 100 General 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down - cutting or head cutting? 838 838 0 100 100% F. Vanes, 1. Free of back or arm scour? 6 6 0 100 Rock/Log 2. Height appropriate? 6 6 0 100 Drop 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 6 6 0 100 Structures 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 6 6 0 100 100% G. Wads/ 1. Free of scour? 4 4 0 100 Boulders 2. Footing stable? 4 4 0 100 100% Silver Creek, Reach 2 2,178 LF) Feature Category Metric (per As -Built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total Number Total number / feet in unstable per As -Built state % Performing in Stable Condition Feature Perfomance Mean or Total A. Rif0es 1. Present? 17 17 0 100 2. Armor stable (e.g. no displacement)? 17 17 0 100 3. Facet grades appears stable? 17 17 0 100 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 17 17 0 100 5. Len th appropriate? 17 17 0 100 100% B. Pools 1. Present? e.. not subject to severe aggradation or migration?) 16 16 0 100 2. Sufficiently dee Max Pool D:Mean Bkf >1.6? 16 16 0 100 3. Length appropriate? 16 16 0 100 100% C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of pool structure centering? % 100 100 0 100 2. Downstream of pool structure centering? % 100 100 0 100 100 D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? 16 16 0 100 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation? 16 16 0 100 3. Apparent Re within spec? 16 16 0 100 4. Sufficient floodplain access and relief? 16 16 0 100 100% E. Bed 1. General channel bed aggradation areas bar formation 2,178 2,178 0 100 General 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down - cutting or head cutting? 2,178 2,178 0 100 100% F. Vanes, 1. Free of back or arm scour? 21 21 0 100 Rock/Log 2. Height appropriate? 21 21 0 100 Drop 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 21 21 0 1 100 4, Free of piping or other structural failures? 19 21 3 90 98% rStructures WGads/ 1. Free of scouR 14 14 0 100 ders 2. Footing stable? 14 14 0 100 100% Table 8. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment - Continued Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 UT1 (502 LF) Feature Category Metric (per As -Built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per As -Built Total Number /feet in unstable state % Performing in Stable Condition Feature Perfomance Mean or Total A. Riffles 1. Present? 7 7 0 100 2. Armor stable (e.g. no displacement)? 7 7 0 100 3. Facet grades appears stable? 7 7 0 100 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 7 7 0 100 5. Length appropriate. 7 7 0 100 100% B. Pools 1. Present? e.. not subject to severe aggradation or migration?) 10 10 0 100 2. Sufficiently dee Max Pool D:Mean Bkf >1.6? 10 10 0 100 3. Length appropriate? 10 10 0 100 100% C. Thalweg' 1. Upstream of pool structure centering? % 100 100 0 100 2. Downstream of pool structure centering? % 100 100 0 100 100% D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? 7 7 0 100 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation? 7 7 0 100 3. Apparent Rc within spec? 7 7 0 100 4. Sufficient flood Iain access and relief? 7 7 0 100 100% E. Bed 1. General channel bed aggradation areas bar formation 502 502 0 100 General 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down - cutting or head cutting? 502 502 0 100 100% F. Vanes, 1. Free of back or arm scour? 11 11 0 100 Rock/Log 2. Height appropriate? 11 11 0 100 Drop 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 11 11 0 100 Structures 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 11 11 0 100 100% G. Wads/ 1. Free of scour? N/A N/A N/AN/A Boulders 2. Footing stable? N/A N/A N/A N/A 100 Feature Category UT2, Reach 1 (103 LF) (# Stable) Number Performing Metric (per As -Built and reference baselines) as Intended Total Number Total number / feet in unstable per As -Built state % Performing in Stable Condition Feature Perfomance Mean or Total A. Rif0es 1. Present? 4 4 0 100 2. Armor stable (e.g. no displacement)? 4 4 0 100 3. Facet grades appears stable? 4 4 0 100 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 4 4 0 100 5. Length appropriate? 4 4 0 100 100% B. Pools 1. Present? e.. not subject to severe aggradation or migration?) 5 5 0 100 2. Sufficiently dee Max Pool D:Mean Bkf >1.6? 5 5 0 100 3. Length appropriate? 5 5 0 100 100% C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of pool structure centering? % 100 100 0 100 2. Downstream of pool structure centering? % 100 100 0 100 100 D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? N/A N/A N/A 100 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation? N/A N/A N/A 100 3. Apparent Re within spec? N/A N/A N/A 100 4. Sufficient flood Iain access and relief? N/A N/A N/A 100 100% E. Bed 1. General channel bed aggradation areas bar formation 103 103 0 100 General 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down - cutting or head cutting? 103 103 0 100 100% F. Vanes, 1. Free of back or arm scour? 5 5 0 100 Rock/Log 2. Height appropriate? 5 5 0 100 Drop 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 5 5 0 100 Structures 4, Free of piping or other structural failures? 5 5 0 100 100% G. Wads/ 1. Free of scour? N/A N/A N/A N/A Boulders 2. Footing stable? N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA Table 8. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment - Continued Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 Feature Category UT2, Reach Metric (per As-Built and reference baselines) 2 207 LF (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total Number Total number /feet in unstable per As-Built state % Performing in Stable Condition Feature Perfomance Mean or Total A. Rif0es 1. Present? 4 4 0 100 2. Armor stable (e.g. no displacement)? 4 4 0 100 3. Facet grades appears stable? 4 4 0 100 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 4 4 0 100 5. Length appropriate? 4 4 0 100 100% B. Pools 1. Present? e.. not subject to severe aggradation or migration?) 3 3 0 100 2. Sufficiently dee Max Pool D:Mean Bk` >1.6? 3 3 0 100 3. Length appropriate? 3 3 0 100 100% C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of pool structure centering? % 100 100 0 100 2. Downstream of pool structure centering? % 100 100 0 100 100% D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erasion? 3 3 0 100 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation? 3 3 0 100 3. Apparent Rc within spec? 3 3 0 100 4. Sufficient flood Iain access and relief? 3 3 0 100 100% E. Bed 1. General channel bed aggradation areas bar formation 207 207 0 100 General 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down- I cutting or head cutting? 207 207 0 1 100 100% F. Vanes, 1. Free of back or arm scour? 1 1 0 100 Rock/Log 2. Height appropriate? 1 1 0 100 Drop 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 1 1 0 100 Structures 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 1 1 0 100 100% G. Wads/ 1. Free of scour? N/A N/A N/A N/A Boulders 2. Footing stable? N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA Table 8. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment - Continued Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 UT3 Reach 1 (343 LF) (Enhancement II reach) Feature Category Metric (per As-Built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total Number Total number /feet in unstablePerfomance per As-Built state YNIA Feature Mean or Total A. Riffles 1. Present? N/A N/A N/A 2. Armor stable (e.g. no displacement)? N/A N/A N/A 3. Facet grades appears stable? N/A N/A N/A 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? N/A N/A N/A 5. Len th appropriate? N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA B. Pools 1. Present? e.. not subject to severe aggradation or migration?) N/A N/A N/A N/A 2. Sufficient) dee Max Pool D:Mean Bkf >1.6? N/A N/A N/A N/A 3. Length appropriate? N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of pool structure centering? % N/A N/A N/A N/A 2. Downstream of pool structure centering? % N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? N/A N/A N/A N/A 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation? N/A N/A N/A N/A 3. Apparent Rc within spec? N/A N/A N/A N/A 4. Sufficient flood Iain access and relief? N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A E. Bed 1. General channel bed aggraclation areas bar formation 343 343 0 100 General 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down- cutting or head cutting? 343 343 0 100 100% F. Vanes, 1. Free of back or arm scour? 3 3 0 100 Rock/Log 2. Height appropriate? 3 3 0 100 Drop 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 3 3 0 100 Structures 4, Free of piping or other structural failures? 3 3 0 100 100% rG-ads/ 1. Free of scouR N/A N/A N/A N/A ders 2. Footing stable? N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA Table 8. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment - Continued Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 Feature Category UT3 Reach Metric (per As -Built and reference baselines) 2 (1,022 LF (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total Number Total number /feet in unstable per As -Built state % Performing in Stable Condition Feature Perfomance Mean or Total A. Rif0es 1. Present? 22 22 0 100 2. Armor stable (e.g. no displacement)? 22 22 0 100 3. Facet grades appears stable? 22 22 0 100 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 22 22 0 100 5. Length appropriate? 22 22 0 100 100% B. Pools 1. Present? e.. not subject to severe aggradation or migration?) 21 21 0 100 2. Sufficiently dee Max Pool D:Mean Bk` >1.6? 21 21 0 100 3. Length appropriate? 21 21 0 100 100% C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of pool structure centering? 100 100 0 100 2. Downstream of pool structure centering? 100 100 0 100 100% D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erasion? 17 17 0 100 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation? 17 17 0 100 3. Apparent Rc within spec? 17 17 0 100 4. Sufficient flood Iain access and relief? 17 17 0 100 100% E. Bed 1. General channel bed aggradation areas bar formation 1,022 1,022 0 100 General 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down - I cutting or head cutting? 1,022 1,022 0 100 100% F. Vanes, 1. Free of back or arm scour? 15 15 0 100 Rock/Log 2. Height appropriate? 15 15 0 100 Drop 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 15 15 0 100 Structures 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 15 15 0 100 100 G. Wads/ 1. Free of scour? 4 4 0 100 Boulders 2. Footing stable? 4 4 0 100 100% Table 9. Verification of Bankfull or Greater than Bankfull Events Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 Gauge Watermark Height (inches)* Date of Data Collection Date of Event Method of Data Collection Silver Creek UT3 Station 19+00 Station 8+10 2/29/2016 See table below Crest gauge 15.0 5.0 5/2/2017 See table below Crest Gauge 5.4 3.0 * height indicates the highest position of cork shavings on the dowel and the height above bankfull, as 0" on the dowel is set at bankfull. Photo 1. Silver Creek mainstem crest gauge staff showing cork deposition in red circle at 0.45' above the bottom of the staff, which is at the bankfull elevation. (5/2/2017) Photo 2. UT3 crest gauge staff showing cork deposition in red circle at 0.25' above the bottom of the staff, which is at the bankfull elevation (5/2/2017). Photo 3. Silver Creek stream bank showing accumulated debris of wrack line and bent over vegetation well above bankfull. Verifies crest Photo 4. Silver Creek stream bank showing accumulated debris of wrack line and bent over vegetation well above bankfull. Verifies crest gauge measurement. (11/1/2017) crest gauge measurements (11/1/2017). Figure 6. Cross-sections with Annual Overlays Permanent Cross-section 1 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 41.90 1 24.91 1.68 3.11 14.83 1.06 3.85 1197.38 1197.96 1201 1200 1199 0 1198 w m 1197 W 1196 1195 1194 1193 Silver Creek Cross-section 1, Station 27+24 Monitoring Year 3 0 20 40 60 80 100 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Permanent Cross-section 2 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF Feature Stream Type BKF Area Width BKF Depth ax Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool - 52.03 34.54 1 1.51 4.48 22.87 1 1.00 2.55 1198.20 1198.21 Silver Creek Cross-section 2, Station 26+36 Monitoring Year 3 1204 1203 1202 1201 1200 ca 1199 1198 ...................... ---o--- Floodprone W 1 197 - • • • • • Bankfull 1196 AB 2015 1195 MY1 2015 1194 MY2 2016 1193 I MY3 2017 0 20 40 60 80 100 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Permanent Cross-section 3 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF Feature tream Type BKF Area Width Depth ax Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool - 46.81 39.84 1 1.17 3.81 34.05 1 1.07 2.27 1202.34 1202.51 1207 1206 1205 1204 1203 0 1202 1201 Iw 1200 1199 1198 1197 1196 Silver Creek Cross-section 3, Station 18+98 Monitoring Year 3 0 20 40 60 80 100 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Permanent Cross-section 4 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF tream BK Max Feature Type BKF Area Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 1 41.90 24.00 1 1.75 3.13 1 13.71 1 1.02 3.63 1 1203.01 1203.07 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Silver Creek Cross-section 4, Station 17+94 Monitoring Year 3 1207 — -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o 1206 1205 ^ 1204 0 1203 ................... - --o--- Floodprone LLl 1202 • • • • • Bankfull 1201 AB 2015 MY1 2015 1200 MY2 2016 MY3 2017 1199 0 20 40 60 80 100 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Permanent Cross-section 5 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF tream BK BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 1 41.56 25.01 1 1.66 2.77 15.07 1 1.01 3.48 1 1204.82 1204.82 1208 1207 1206 c 0 1205 ca w 1204 1203 1202 1201 0 Silver Creek Cross-section 5, Station 12+07 Monitoring Year 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o ---o--- Floodprone •••••• Bankfull AB 2015 MY1 2015 MY2 2016 MY3 2017 20 40 60 Station (ft) 80 100 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Permanent Cross-section 6 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF tream BK BKF Max Feature Type BKF Area Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool - 1 57.16 35.96 1 1.59 4.63 1 22.62 1 1.01 1.89 1 1208.14 1208.14 1214 1212 1210 r_ 0 m 1208 m LU 1206 1204 1202 0 Silver Creek Cross-section 6, Station 3+57 Monitoring Year 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Permanent Cross-section 7 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF tream BK BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 1 46.23 25.75 1 1.80 3.20 14.31 1 1.04 4.93 1 1208.23 1208.36 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Silver Creek Cross-section 7, Station 3+02 Monitoring Year 3 1212 1211 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� 1210 1209 c 1208 ------------------ m W 1207 - -o--- Floodprone ------- Bankfull 1206 AB 2015 MY1 2015 1205 MY2 2016 M Y3 2017 1204 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Permanent Cross-section 8 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 4.61 9.28 1 0.50 1.10 18.56 1 1.18 5.83 1 1215.38 1215.58 1217 1216.5 1216 0 > 1215.5 a� w 1215 1214.5 1214 UT3 Cross-section 8, Station 6+22* Monitoring Year 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank * Note: Stationing for Cross-section 8 has been changed to 6+22; this was the surveyed location last year and this year and is changed from what is shown in the As -built survey and the MY1 report. Permanent Cross-section 9 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF tream ax Feature Type BKF Area Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool - 1 5.30 10.57 1 0.50 1 1.47 1 21.14 1 1.24 5.93 1 1212.81 1213.17 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank * Note: Stationing for Cross-section 9 is being changed to 8+12 which is the surveyed location for the last two years and changes from what was indicated in the As -built survey and the MY1 report. UT3 Cross-section 9, Station 8+12* Monitoring Year 3 1214.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o 1214 $ 1213.5 c 1213 1212.5 W ---o--- Floodprone 1212 ------- Bankfull AB 2015 MY1 2015 1211.5 MY2 2016 MY3 2017 1211 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank * Note: Stationing for Cross-section 9 is being changed to 8+12 which is the surveyed location for the last two years and changes from what was indicated in the As -built survey and the MY1 report. Permanent Cross-section 10 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF Feature tream Type IBKFAreal Width Depth ax BKF Depth I W/D I BH Ratio I ER I BKF Elev I TOB Elev Riffle E 1 5.27 1 7.29 0.72 1.09 1 10.13 1 1.06 1 9.42 1 1212.89 1 1212.96 1214.5 1214 1213.5 1213 ca w 1212.5 1212 1211.5 1211 UT3 Cross-section 10, Station 8+33* Monitoring Year 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank " Note: Stationing for Cross-section 10 is being changed to 8+33 which is the surveyed location for the last two years and changes from what was indicated in the As -built survey and the MY1 report. Permanent Cross-section 11 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool - 7.12 11.35 1 0.63 1.65 18.02 1.10 6.43 1209.27 1209.40 1212 1211 1210 c 0 > 1209 m LU 1208 1207 1206 0 UT3 Cross-section 11, Station 11+53* Monitoring Year 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank * Note: Stationing for Cross-section 11 is being changed to 11+53 which is the surveyed location for the last two years and changes from what was indicated in the As -built survey and the MY1 report. Permanent Cross-section 12 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF tream ax Feature Type BKF Area Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 1 4.40 7.62 1 0.58 1 0.87 13.14 1 1.17 6.94 1 1208.77 1208.93 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank * Note: Stationing for Cross-section 11 is being changed to 11+53 which is the surveyed location for the last two years and changes from what was indicated in the As -built survey and the MY1 report. UT3 Cross-section 12, Station 11+84* Monitoring Year 3 1211 1210.5 1210 $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1209.5 0 1209 -- --- Floodprone - - . - - W 1208.5 - ... - . Banktull 1208 AB 2015 MY1 2015 1207.5 MY2 2016 MY3 2017 1207 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank * Note: Stationing for Cross-section 11 is being changed to 11+53 which is the surveyed location for the last two years and changes from what was indicated in the As -built survey and the MY1 report. Permanent Cross-section 13 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline bankfull Feature Stream Type IBKFAreal Width Depth ax Depth W/D I BH Ratio I ER I BKF Elev I TOB Elev Riffle E 1 6.96 1 9.02 0.77 1.11 1 11.71 1 1.10 15.59 1 1203.99 1 1204.11 1205.5 1205 $ 1204.5 0 c� 1204 W 1203.5 1203 1202.5 UT1 Cross-section 13, Station 1+57 Monitoring Year 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Permanent Cross-section 14 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline bankfull Feature Stream Type BKF Area BKF BKF Width Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool - 7.01 6.43 1 1.09 1.76 5.90 1 1.34 12.59 1201.59 1202.19 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank UT1 Cross-section 14, Station 3+28 Monitoring Year 3 1204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o 1203 $ 1202 c 1201 ca M 1200 ---o--- Floodprone ...... Bankfull 1199 AB 2015 MY1 2015 1198 MY2 2016 MY3 2017 1197 0 20 40 60 80 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Permanent Cross-section 15 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF Feature tream Type BKF Area BKF Width BKF Depth Max BKF Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool - 2.02 5.46 1 0.37 0.69 14.76 1 1.30 12.34 1 1201.91 1202.12 Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank UT2 Cross-section 15, Station 2+15 Monitoring Year 3 1203 1202.5 1202 0 m 1201.5 LU 1201 ---o--- Floodprone ...... Bankfull AB 2015 1200.5 MY1 2015 MY2 2016 MY3 2017 1200 11 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Permanent Cross-section 16 (MY3 Data - collected October, 2017) Based on fixed baseline BKF Feature tream Type BKF Area Width Depth ax Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 1.37 5.11 1 0.27 0.66 18.93 1 1.23 7.97 1201.21 1201.36 1202.5 1202 0 1201.5 _m UJ 1201 1200.5 1200 UT2 Cross-section 16, Station 2+53 Monitoring Year 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station (ft) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Figure 7. Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlay Monitoring Year 3, Profile of UT1, Station 0+00 to 5+00 Data collected October, 2017 1209 Low Bank 1208 WSF -- AB 2015 1207 MY1 2015 1206 _...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._.. MY2 2016 X-13 X-14 MY3 2017 1205 -------- -- -- - ------ 1204 ---- _..._... _ _... _.._.._...._..._.. _...._ _.._.._. _.._.._. _.._.._.. _.._.._ _.._..._ _... _... _ _... _... _ _... _... _ _... _... _ _... _... _.. _ 1203 - - - - - -- - - - - --.._.._.. _..--- c .2 1202 _...... 4-0 c� a) 1201 _ _.._.._ ................. ..... ..... ..... _... _... _ ... _... _... ... _... _... _... -- _.._.._ _.._.._.._.._ W 1200 - - --- --- --- ------------------------------------------------- 1199 1 99 - _...._... _.... _.... _...._ _...._ _...._ _...._. _...._.. _...._.. _.._.._.. _.._.._ _.._.._ _.._.._ _.._.._ _.._.._ _.._.._. _.._.._. _.._.._.. _.._.._ _.._.._ _ 1198 - --- --- --- 1197 .. ............ 1196 1195 1194 1193 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Station (ft) 1207 1206 1205 1204 1203 c O > 1202 a) W 1201 1200 1199 1198 1197 Monitoring Year 3 Profile of UT2, Station 0+00 to 3+20 Data collected October, 2017 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Station (ft) W 1226 1225 1224 1223 1222 1221 1220 1219 1218 1217 1216 1215 1214 1213 1212 1211 1210 1209 1208 1207 1206 1205 1204 1203 1202 0 Monitoring Year 3, Profile of UT3, Station 0+00 to 14+00 Data collected October 2017 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Station (ft) 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Figure 8. Pebble Count Plots with Annual Overlays Cross -Section Pebble Count; Monitoring Year 3 U. Silver Creek Mitigation Project, DMS# 94645 SITE OR PROJECT: U. Silver Cr REACH/LOCATION: Riffle at XS4 FEATURE: Riffle DATE: 17 -Oct -17 MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE mm Total MY3 2017 Class % %Cum Distribution Plot Size (mm) Silt/Clay Silt / Clay <.063 0% 0.063 Very Fine .063 -.125 0% 0.125 Pebble Count Fine .125-.25 4 4% 4% 0.25 Sand Medium .25-.50 3 3% 7% 0.50 Coarse .50 - 1.0 5 5% 12% 1.0 Very Coarse 1.0-2.0 12% 2.0 Very Fine 2.0-2.8 12% 2.8 ---MY22016 Very Fine 2.8-4.0 12% 4.0 Fine 4.0-5.6 2 2% 13% 5.6 Fine 5.6-8.0 4 4% 17% 8.0 Gravel Medium 8.0 - 11.0 9 9% 26% 11.0 Medium 11.0 - 16.0 10 10% 36% 16.0 50% Coarse 16-22.6 9 9% 44% 22.6 Coarse22.6-32 10 10% 54% 32 Ve Coarse 32-45 17 16 / 70 % 45 Very Coarse 45-64 18 17% 88% 64 Cobble Small 64-90 7 7% 94% 90 Small 90-128 1 1 % 95% 128 Lar e 128-180 5 5% 100 % 180 Laze 180 - 256 100% 256 Boulder Small 256-362 100% 362 Small 362-512 100% 512 Medium 512-1024 1 100% 1024 Large -Very Large 1024-2048 100% 2048 Bedrock Bedrock 1 >2048 100% 1 5000 Total % ofwhole count 1 104 1 100% 1 Largest particle= 180 Summary Data Channel materials D16: 7.1 D84= 59.6 D35 = 15.6 D95 = 119.3 D50= 27.8 D100= 128 -180 U. Silver Creek Site Mainstem at XS4 Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 100% 90% --*--AB 2015 �MY1 2015 80% ---MY22016 70% fMY32017 = 60 v � 50% IL > 40% W 30% E U 20% 10% 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) U. Silver Creek Site Mainstem at XS4 Reach Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 100 901/. AB 2015 ■ MY1 2015 80 ■ MY2 2016 70% • MY3 2017 60% c 50% d Il N 40% m 30% U 20% � 10% 0% 1ry�h ry�°1 �Op �Op ryOp ��� �Op ebb �O ~~ ~b0 �� A� �ry� ��o rybb �bti h1ti b�p''> � L�b� tirybb ti�ryb ry�6 ry�6 ti b � Noryp; Particle Size Class (mm) Cross -Section Pebble Count; Monitoring Year 3 U. Silver Creek Mitigation Project, DMS# 94645 SITE OR PROJECT: U. Silver Cr REACH/LOCATION: Riffle at XS7 FEATURE: Riffle DATE: 17 -Oct -17 MATERIAL PARTICLE I SIZE mm Total MY3 2017 I Class % I % Cum Distribution Plot Size (mm) Silt/Clay Silt / Clay <.063 1 1 1 0% 0.063 Very Fine .063-125 .125 100% 0 % 0.125 Fine .125-25 .25 1 1 % 1 % 0.25 Sand Medium .25-50 .50 10 10% 11% 0.50 Course .50-1.0 2 2% 13% 1.0 70% Very Coarse 1.0-2.0 13% 2.0 Very Fine 2.0-2.8 13% 2.8 Very Fine 2.8-4.0 a 13% 4.0 Fine 4.0-5.6 2 2% 15% 5.6 Fine 5.6-8.0 5 5% 20% 8.0 Gravel Medium 8.0 - 11.0 6 6% 25% 11.0 U 20% Medium 11.0 - 16.0 13 13% 38% 16.0 - Coarse 16-22.6 11 11% 49% 22.6 Coarse 22.6 - 32 13 13% 62% 32 0.01 Ve Course 32-45 10 10% 72% 45 Ve Coarse 45-64 7 7% 78% 64 Riffle at XS7 Small 64-90 11 11% 89% 90 Cobble Small 90-128 6 6% 95 % 128 Laze 128-180 3 3% 98% 180 Large 180-256 2 2% 100 % 256 C Small 256-362 u 50% v 100% 362 Boulder Small 362-512 100% 512 Medium 512-1024 20% 100% 1024 Large -Very Large 1024 - 2048 100 % 2048 Bedrock I Bedrock > 2048 0% 100% 5000 Total % ofwhole count 1 1 102 1 100% I Largest particle= 210 Summary Data Channel materials D16= 6.2 D84= 76.3 D35 = 14.5 D95 = 127.3 D50= 1 23.2 1 D100 = 180-2561 U. Silver Creek Site Riffle at XS7 Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 100% 90% -""AB 2015 -4-MY]. 2015 80% -Ar -W2 2016 70% tMY32017 60% d d 50% a 40% 21. 30% E U 20% L__A 10% - --- EM 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) U. Silver Creek Site Riffle at XS7 Reach Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 100 90% • AB 2015 ■ MY1 2015 80% ■ MY2 2016 70% ■MY32017 60% C u 50% v IL 40% N A 30% U 20% 10% 0% titi�� 'L5E y0o N"' '1O 'yb� t�0o ybb'bO ,y'Lbb ,��' p5 �` q0 ,�,y`b ��O ry5b �bti ��ti 4 � `ob"1 �, 1b0 �oyD. ti 40' '�o' ry Particle Size Class (mm) Cross -Section Pebble Count; Monitoring Year 3 U. Silver Creek Mitigation Project, DMS# 94645 SITE OR PROJECT: U. Silver Cr 1!j EACH/LOCATION: UTl XS13 FEATURE: Riffle DATE: 17 -Oct -17 MATERIALI PARTICLE SIZE mm Total MY3 2017 I Class % I % Cum Distribution Plot Size (mm) Silt/Clay I Silt / Clay <.063 6 1 6% 6% 0.063 ■ AB 2015 ■ MY 2015 Very Fine .063-125 .125 6% 0.125 Fine .125 - .25 ■MY32017 6% 0.25 Sand Medium .25-50 .50 2 2 % 8% 0.50 Coarse .50 - 1.0 5 50/6 13% 1.0 d IL Very Coarse 1.0 - 2.0 40% w 1 13% 2.0 Very Fine 2.0-2.8 13% 2.8 V Very Fine 2.8-4.0 1 1 % 13% 4.0 Fine 4.0-5.6 1 1 % 14% 5.6 Fine 5.6-8.0 5 5% 19% 8.0 Gravel Medium 8.0 - 11.0 6 6% 25% 11.0 Medium 11.0 - 16.0 15 14% 39% 16.0 Coarse 16-22.6 9 9% 48% 22.6 Coarse22.6 - 32 4 4% 52% 32 Ve Coarse 32 - 45 10 62% 45 Ve Coarse 45-64 19 128% 80 % 64 Small 64 - 90 14 13 % 93 % 90 Cobble Small 90 - 128 4 4 % 97 % 128 Laze 128-180 2 2% 99% 180 Laze 180-256 1 1% 100% 256 Small 256-362 100% 362 Boulder Small 362- 512 100% 512 Medium 512_ 1024 100% 1024 Large -Very Laze 1024-2048 100% 2048 Bedrock Bedrock >2048 100% 5000 Total % of whole count 104 1 100 Largest particle= 220 Summary Data Channel materials D16= 6.3 D84= 71.2 D35 = 14.3 1 D95 = 1 105.5 D50 = 26.9 1 D100 = 1 180-256 U. Silver Creek Site UT1 at XS13 Reach Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 100 90% ■ AB 2015 ■ MY 2015 80% m MY2 2016 70% ■MY32017 60 c 50% d IL 40% w A 30% V 20 10% fmt.. 0% k.A.Aut. LMI pbM �ti5 tis 5p �o 'Lo ti� ap 5b �p �,o �bO �'yb �ti b5 b°` 9p titin ti6p ry5b �bti btiti ,pti5` rypp� rypp4 L'Z1.1 ' 1TS' ,tis' Sp' ,,p' ryO' ti� bp' yb' gyp' 11p' b' ryryb n�'Y C,`'� b6` op' ,ry6' p' r�hC�' „�brL �1rL 1pryp,, �7 Particle Size Class (mm) Cross -Section Pebble Count; Monitoring Year 3 U. Silver Creek Mitigation Project, DMS# 94645 SITE OR PROJECT: U. Silver Cr REACH/LOCATION: UT2 XS16 FEATURE: Riffle DATE: 17 -Oct -17 MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE mm Total MY3 2017 I Class % I % Cum Distribution Plot Size (mm) Silt/Clay Silt / Clay <.063 1 86 86% 1 86% 1 0.063 Very Fine .063-125 .125 86 % 0.125 Fine .125-25 .25 100% 86% 0.25 Sand Medium .25-50 .50 90% 86 % 0.50 Coarse .50-1.0 86% 1.0 Very Coarse 1.0-2.0 8671 2.0 Very Fine 2.0-2.8 86% 2.8 � 60% d Ve Fine 2.8-4.0 1 1% 87% 4.0 Fine 4.0-5.6 1 1% 88% 5.6 Fine 5.6-8.0 88% 8.0 Gravel Medium 8.0 - 11.0 3 3% 91% 11.0 Medium 11.0 - 16.0 30% 91% 16.0 Course 16-22.6 2 2% 93% 22.6 Coarse 22.6 - 32 2 2 %95% 32 Ve Coarse 32-45 95% 45 10% Ve Coarse 45-64 2 2% 97% 64 Small 64-90 1 1% 98% 90 Cobble Small 90-128 98% 128 1000 10000 Laze 128-180 1 1% 99% 180 Large 180-256 1 1% 100% 256 Small 256-362 100% 362 Boulder Small 362-512 100% 512 Medium 512-10241 1 100% 1024 Lar e-Ve Lar e 1024-2048 100% 2048 Bedrock Bedrock > 2048 ■MY3 2017 100% 5000 Total % ofwhole count 1 100 1 100% I Largest particle= 190 Summary Data Channel materials D16= D84= D31: D95 = 45.0 550= 13100 = 180 - 256 U. Silver Creek Site UT2 at XS16 Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 100% 90% 80 70% � 60% d d 50% a > 40% 30% —a—AB 2015 E 20% +MY12015 —r�MY2 2016 10% fMY3 2017 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) U. Silver Creek Site UT2 at XS16 Reach Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 100 ■ AB 2015 90 ■ MYl 2015 80% ■ MY2 2016 70% ■MY3 2017 60% c 50% `m Q. 40% yr A 30% U 20% 10% NAL 0% IJA ob^1 �ti5 tis 5� ti� ti� ti� a� 5b 4� 1 bo ,yb ��' p5 01 �p 41 liO rybb �bti b�ti otia �� � • �, • ,yq' ,Ly' gyp' ��gyp' ryg' bp' bb' �;� 0 � b;L b ,S,y' �5• �' o, �• o• b• ,y ti ti �ti ti `b' 1 q `l`'1 nib ob 1ti. ryti' titi tib c'ti'L �p'Lb Particle Size Class (mm) Cross -Section Pebble Count; Monitoring Year 3 U. Silver Creek Mitigation Project, DMS# 94645 SITE OR PROJECT: U. Silver Cr REACH/LOCATION, UT3 XS8 FEATURE: Riffle DATF.: 17 -Oct -17 MATERIALI PARTICLE SIZE mm Total MY32017 Class % = % Co. Distribution Plot Size (mm) Silt/Clay Silt / Clay <.063 14 13% 13% 0.063 at XS8 Very Fine .063-.125 13% 0.125 Fine .125-25 .25 22 21% 35% 0.25 Sand Medium .25-50 .50 35 34% 68% 0.50 Coarse .50 - 1.0 6 6% 74 % 1.0 Very Coarse 1.0-2.0 747/, 2.0 Very Fine 2.0-2.8 74% 2.8 Very Fine 2.8-4.0 80% 74% 4.0 Fine 4.0-5.6 1 1 % 75% 5.6 70% Fine 5.6-8.0 1 1 % 76% 8.0 Gravel Medium 8.0 - 11.0 2 2% 78% 11.0 Medium 11.0 - 16.0 1 1 % 79% 16.0 Coarse 16-22.6 1 1 % 80% 22.6 Coarse 22.6 - 32 1 1 % 81% 32 Ve Coarse 32 - 45 3 3% 84% 45 A Very Coarse 45-64 11 11% 94% 64 Hill Small 64-90 2 2% 96% 90 Cobble Small 90-128 3 3% 99% 128 Large 128-180 1 1 % 100 % 180 M 20% U Large 180-256 100% 256 Small 256-362 10% 100% 362 Boulder Small 362-512 100% 512 Medium 512-1024 100 % 1024 Large -Very Large 1024-2048 100% 2048 Bedrock Bedrock > 2048 100% 5000 Total % of whole count 1 1 104 1 100 Largest particle= 200 Summary Data U. Silver Channel materials D16 = 0.14 D84 =E28 2 D35 = 0.25 D95 =5 D50 = 0.34 D100 =80 at XS8 U. Silver Creek Site UT3 at XS8 Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 100% 90 _111111—All 2015 +MYI 2015 80% ---MY2 2016 70% fMY32017 ti; 60% d d 50% CL > 40% A 1 11 Hill m 30% E M 20% U 10% 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) U. Silver Creek Site UT3 at XS8 Reach Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 100 90 ■ AB 2015 ■ MYl 2015 80% 0MY22016 70% ■ MY3 2017 60 c 50% 4) IL 40% N R 30% U 20% 10% 0% b0' 0y' °• °' fib' tib n1`y b5Fi' �o' ry4moo' yy' dry' ,y p,' '7 Particle Size Class (mm) Table 11. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 Silver Creek (3,016 LF) Cross-section X-1, Station 2724.3 (Riffle) Cross-section X-2, Station 2636.7 (Pool) Cross-section X-3, Station 1898.2 (Pool) Cross-section X-4, Station 1793.8 (Riffle) Dimension and substrate Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation BF Width ft 29.1 24.6 24.9 24.9 35.7 29.5 34.0 34.5 43.5 39.5 42.0 39.8 23.8 23.5 23.5 24.0 BF Mean Depth ft 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.2 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.8 Width/Depth Ratio 17.2 13.9 13.8 14.8 21.8 16.8 23.3 22.9 25.2 27.3 35.2 34.1 11.8 12.4 13.5 13.7 BF Cross-sectional Area ft 49.2 43.4 45.0 41.9 58.3 51.9 49.6 52.0 74.9 57.3 50.2 46.8 48.0 44.2 41.1 41.9 BF Max Depth ft 3.0 2.9 3.2 3.1 4.0 3.9 4.3 4.5 5.2 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.1 Width of Floodprone Area ft >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 Entrenchment Ratio 3.3 3.9 3.8 3.9 2.5 3.0 2.6 2.6 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.3 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.6 Bank Height Ratio 1.10 1.00 1.10 1.06 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.70 0.70 1 0.90 1.07 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.02 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 32.428.1 28.5 28.3 38.9 33.0 36.9 37.6 46.9 42.4 44.4 42.2 27.8 27.3 27.0 27.5 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 Fixed baseline bankfull elevation 1197.4 1197.4 1197.4 1197.4 1198.2--F 1198.2 1198.2 1198.2 1202.3 1202.3 1202.3 1202.3 1203.0 1203.0 1203.0 1203.0 Based on current/developing bankfull feature BF Width ft 29.1 26.2 26.2 - 35.7 29.5 35.3 - 43.5 42.6 42.0 - 23.8 23.5 23.5 - BF Mean Depth (ft) 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.8 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.2 2.0 1.9 1.8 Width/Depth Ratio 17.2 15.2 14.4 21.8 16.8 23.5 25.2 29.3 35.2 11.8 12.4 13.5 BF Cross-sectional Area ft 49.2 45.1 47.6 58.3 51.9 53.1 74.9 61.8 50.2 48.0 44.2 41.1 BF Max Depth ft 3.0 3.0 3.3 4.0 3.9 4.4 5.2 4.2 4.0 3.3 3.2 3.1 Width of Floodprone Area ft >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 87.3 >300 Entrenchment Ratio 3.3 3.7 >3.7 2.5 3.0 >2.5 2.1 2.1 2.2 3.7 3.7 3.7 Bank Height Ratio 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.70 0.70 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wetted Perimeter ft 32.4 29.7 29.8 38.9 33.0 38.3 46.9 45.5 44.4 27.8 27.3 27.0 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.1 1.7 1.6 1.5 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft ) d50 (mm) 36.6 41.3 25.1 * Corrected from baseline report. Cross-section X-5, Station 1206.9 (Riffle) Cross-section X-6, Station 357.2 (Pool) Cross-section 7, Station 302.5 (Riffle) Dimension and substrate Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation BF Width (ft) 28.4 26.1 25.2 25.0 43.5 41.9 34.6 36.0 26.6 25.9 25.8 25.8 BF Mean Depth (ft) 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.8 Widtb/Depth Ratio 17.3 15.7 15.0 15.1 23.6 23.9 20.5 22.6 13.0 13.3 14.0 14.3 BF Cross-sectional Area (ft2) 46.9 43.4 42.3 41.6 80.1 73.5 58.3 57.2 54.5 50.6 47.6 46.2 BF Max Depth (ft) 2.9 2.8 2.8 2.8 5.3 5.0 3.8 4.6 3.3 3.2 3.0 3.2 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 Entrenchment Ratio 3.1 3.3 1 3.5 3.5 1.6 1.6 2.0 1.9 1 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.9 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 0.90 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.04 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 31.7 29.4 28.6 28.3 47.2 1 45.4 38.0 39.1 30.7 29.8 29.5 29.4 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.6 Fixed baseline bankfull elevation 1208.8 1208.8 1208.8 1208.8 1208.1 1208.1 1208.1 1208.1 1208.2 1208.2 1208.2 1208.2 Based on current/developing bankfull feature If I BF Width (ft) 28.4 26.1 25.8 43.5 41.9 34.6 - 26.6 25.9 26.8 BF Mean Depth (ft) 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.7 2.1 2.0 1.8 Widtb/Depth Ratio 17.3 15.7 15.3 23.6 23.9 20.5 13.0 13.3 14.1 BF Cross-sectional Area (ft2) 46.9 43.4 43.3 80.1 73.5 58.3 54.5 50.6 51.0 BF Max Depth (ft) 2.9 2.8 2.8 5.3 5.0 3.8 3.3 3.2 3.1 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 >300 Entrenchment Ratio 3.1 3.3 >3.4 1.6 1.6 2.0 4.8 4.9 >4.7 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 31.7 29.4 29.1 47.2 45.4 38.0 30.7 29.8 30.5 Hydraulic Radius (ft)* 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.8 1.7 1.7 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft) - - - - - - - - d50 (mm) 33.4 15.2 16.0 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT DMS PROJECT NO. 94645 Table 11. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 UTI (495 LF) Cross-section X-13, Station 1+57 (Riffle) Cross-section X-14, Station 3+28 (Pool) Dimension and substrate Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation BF Width(ft) 9.6 9.3 9.2 9.0 9.3 8.6 6.6 6.4 BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.8 0.5 0.5 BF Mean Depth ft 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 2.0 1.3 1.4 1.1 14.8 16.0 15.7 14.5 Width/Depth Ratio 10.3 12.3 12.2 11.7 4.7 6.8 4.8 5.9 1.4 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.7 0.8 BF Cross-sectional Area (ftp) 8.9 7.0 7.0 7.0 18.5 10.9 9.0 7.0 >100 >100 >100 >100 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 3.7 2.5 2.6 1.8 8.7 8.0 Bank Height Ratio 1.10 Width ofFlood rone Area (ft) >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 7.3 6.5 6.2 7.4 Entrenchment Ratio 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 8.7 9.4 12.3 12.6 0.3 0.3 0.2 Fixed baseline bankfull elevation Bank Height Ratio 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.34 Wetted Perimeter 11 11.5 10.8 10.7 10.6 13.3 11.1 9.3 8.6 6.6 5.8 5.5 - Hydraulic Radius ft 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.7 1.4 1.0 1.0 0.8 Width/Depth Ratio 8.9 13.9 12.3 Fixed baseline bankfull elevation 1204.0 1204.0 1204.0 1204.0 1201.6 1201.6 1201.6 1201.6 2.7 2.2 2.1 Based on current/developing bankfull feature BF Max Depth (ft) 1.7 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 BF Width (ft) 9.6 9.8 10.0 - 9.3 11.0 8.3 - BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.9 0.8 0.82 10.5 2.0 1.4 1.6 8.1 Width/Depth Ratio 10.3 12.0 12.1 1.10 4.7 8.0 5.3 1.10 BF Cross-sectional Area (ftp) 8.9 7.9 8.2 7.5 18.5 15.0 13.1 6.2 BF Max Depth ft 1.3 1.2 1.2 0.4 3.7 2.9 3.2 0.3 Width of Flood roneArea ft >150 >150 >150 - >150 >150 >150 - Entrenchment Ratio 5.3 5.2 5.1 - 8.7 7.4 9.7 13.6 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.00 Wetted Perimeter ft 11.5 11.4 11.6 13.3 13.7 11.5 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.8 0.7 0.7 1.4 1.1 1.1 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft) - - - - - - d50 (mm) 38.8 43.6 32.9 UT2 (310 LF) Cross-section X-15, Station 2+15 (Pool) Cross-section X-16, Station 2+53 (Riffle) Dimension and substrate Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation BF Width (ft) 7.3 6.4 5.6 5.5 6.6 5.8 4.7 5.1 BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 Widtb/Depth Ratio 8.9 13.9 12.3 14.8 16.0 15.7 14.5 18.9 BF Cross-sectional Area (ft2) 6.1 3.0 2.5 2.0 2.7 2.2 1.5 1.4 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.7 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) >100 >100 >100 >100 >100 >100 >100 >100 Entrenchment Ratio 9.2 10.5 12.1 12.3 7.0 7.1 8.7 8.0 Bank Height Ratio 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.00 1.20 1.23 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 9.0 7.3 6.5 6.2 7.4 6.6 5.3 5.7 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 Fixed baseline bankfull elevation 1201.9 1201.9 1201.9 1201.9 1201.2 1201.2 1201.2 1201.2 Based on current/developing bankfull feature BF Width (ft) 7.3 8.4 6.4 - 6.6 5.8 5.5 - BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 Width/Depth Ratio 8.9 13.9 12.3 16.0 15.7 14.5 BF Cross-sectional Area (ft2) 6.1 4 3.3 2.7 2.2 2.1 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.7 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) >100 >100 >100 >100 >100 >100 Entrenchment Ratio 9.2 8.1 10.5 7.0 7.1 8.1 Bank Height Ratio 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.00 1.10 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 9.0 9.3 7.5 7.4 6.6 6.2 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft) - - - - - - d50 (mm) - 29.3 9.5 13.6 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT DMS PROJECT NO. 94645 Table 11. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 94645 UT3 (1,348 LF) Cross-section X-8, Station 6+22 (Riffle) Cross-section X-9, Station 8+12 (Pool) Cross-section X-10, Station 8+33 (Riffle) Cross-section X-11, Station 11+53 (Pool) Dimension and substrate Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation BF Width (ft) 10.1 8.8 9.2 9.3 10.7 9.5 9.4 10.6 8.1 7.0 7.2 7.3 13.0 11.5 11.4 11.4 BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.65 0.61 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.9 0.6 0.6 Width/Depth Ratio 15.5 14.5 18.1 18.6 10.5 11.6 20.4 21.1 10.3 10.2 9.7 10.1 12.8 13.7 18.7 18.0 BF Cross-sectional Area (ft2) 6.5 5.3 4.7 4.6 10.9 7.8 4.3 5.3 6.3 4.8 5.3 5.3 13.2 9.7 6.9 7.1 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.7 1.6 1.2 1.5 1.1 0.9 1.1 1.1 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.7 Width ofFloodprone Area (ft) >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 Entrenchment Ratio 5.4 6.1 5.9 5.8 5.8 6.6 6.7 5.9 8.5 9.9 9.6 9.4 5.6 6.3 6.4 6.4 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.18 1 1 1 1.00 1 1.20 1.20 1.24 1.10 1.20 1.10 1.06 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 11.4 10.0 10.2 10.3 12.8 11.1 10.3 11.6 9.6 8.3 8.7 8.7 15.1 13.2 12.6 12.6 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 1 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.6 Fixed baseline bankfull elevation 1215.4 1 1215.4 1215.4 1215.4 1212.8 1212.8 1212.8 1212.8 1212.9 1212.9 1212.9 1212.9 1 1 1209.3 1209.3 1209.3 1209.3 Based on current/developing bankfuB feature BF Width (ft) 10.1 11.7 12.2 - 10.7 12.1 12.1 - 8.1 7.5 8.0 - 13 13.0 12.3 - BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.7 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.9 0.7 Width/Depth Ratio 15.5 22.0 24.5 10.5 13.8 19.8 10.3 9.8 9.9 12.8 14.2 18.4 BF Cross-sectional Area (ftp) 6.5 6.2 6.1 10.9 10.6 7.4 6.3 5.7 6.4 13.2 11.9 8.3 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.7 1.9 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.2 2.2 2.1 1.8 Width ofFloodprone Area (ft) >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 >150 Entrenchment Ratio 5.4 4.6 4.4 5.8 5.2 5.2 8.5 9.2 8.6 5.6 5.6 5.9 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 11.4 12.7 13.2 12.7 13.8 13.3 9.7 9.0 9.6 15.0 14.9 13.7 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.6 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft') d50 mun)l 31.2 20.4 16.4 Cross-section X-12, Station 11+84 (Riffle) Dimension and substrate Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY] MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation BF Width (ft) 8.2 7.8 7.7 7.6 BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.6 Width/Depth Ratio 9.1 10.6 11.7 13.1 BF Cross-sectional Area (ftp) 7.3 5.8 5.0 4.4 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.4 1.1 0.9 0.9 Width ofFloodproneArea (ft) >150 >150 >150 >150 Entrenchment Ratio 9.4 7.0 7.3 6.9 Bank Height Ratio 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.17 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 10.0 9.3 9.0 8.8 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 Fixed baseline bankfull elevation 1208.8 1208.8 1208.8 1208.8 Based on current/developing bankfull feature BF Width (ft) 8.2 9.1 9.2 - BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.9 0.9 0.8 Width/Depth Ratio 9.1 10.5 11.1 BF Cross-sectional Area (ft2) 7.3 8.0 7.5 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.4 1.3 1.2 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) >150 >150 >150 Entrenchment Ratio 9.4 8.5 8.5 Bank Height Ratio 1.20 1.00 1.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 10.0 10.9 10.8 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.7 0.7 0.7 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft) - - - d50 (mm) MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. MONITORING YEAR 3 REPORT UPPER SILVER CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT DMS PROJECT NO. 94645 Appendix E Wetland Assessment Data Includes: Figure 9. Observed Rainfall vs Historical Average Figure 10. Wetland Gauge Graphs Table 12. Wetland Gauge Attainment data Figure 11. Wetland Photo Log Figure 9. Observed Rainfall vs. Historical Average Upper Silver Creek Project, MY3 Observed Rainfall vs. Historic Average 10.0 9.0 8.0 zor 7.0 v 6.0 v c 5.0 r - -r 4.0 `. .• .EL a L - -r' �' - -•'' a 3.0 � •f . 2.0 10, �- - 1.0 0.0 January February March April May June July August September October November December — •- • Historic Average — •— • Historic 30% probable --6- • Historic 70% probable Rutherfordton, NC (KFQD) t Spindale, NC (SPIN) --*—Marion, NC (NGRF) --*—Morganton, NC (KMRN) Historic rainfall data from Burke County Soil Survey, NRCS, pg. 420 Rainfall data source for Rutherfordton, NC: http://climate.ncsu.edu/cronos?station=KFQD&temporal=hourly Rainfall data source for Spindale, NC: http://climate.ncsu.edu/cronos?station=SPIN&temporal=hourly Rainfall data source for Marion, NC: http://climate.ncsu.edu/cronos?station=NGRF&temporal=hourly Rainfall data source for Morganton, NC: http://climate.ncsu.edu/cronos?station=KMRN&temporal=hourly Rainfall data source for historic averages: Morganton, NC WETS Table (1971-2016) Figure 10. Wetland gauge graphs for each well, showing depth to groundwater and rainfall during MY3. Upper Silver Creek Rain 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 0.0 c 1.0 w R IX 2.0 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KQFD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW1) 10 Ground 5 Surface 0 � V r 1'111\�11�1►�" 111\�►II I���I���� I ' NNN -12 inches r -5 i��l�11�17 m -10 1111L �I�ll�►'�ii111\A�II�I� I��III►I�ilr� ��'��I�il■ I�11� ���■ USAW1 m il����l�llr�l r��l C_ -15 p20 M — — Begin OLGrowing 25 SeasonL YR3 MOST CONSECUTIVE DAYS End Q y -30 Growing � Season -35 (4/3/2017-5/15/2017) -40 -45Well 1 installed -50 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date 1 Figure 10. Wetland gauge graphs (continued) I 1 Upper Silver Creek Rain 1 1 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 0.0 1 YR3 MOST CONSECUTIVE DAYS CRITERIA MET - 71 (34.1%) (5/20/2017-7/29/2017) 1 1 1 I Well installed - 3/31/2015 I c w 1.0 R 2.0 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KQFD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW2) 10 5 Ground Surface 0 -12 inches -5 i IVA I I& oil USAW2 -15 c — Begin Q -20 — 0 Growing C Season t �' -25 -30 — — End Q Growing -35 Season -40 -45 -50 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date I 1 1 1 1 I 1 YR3 MOST CONSECUTIVE DAYS CRITERIA MET - 71 (34.1%) (5/20/2017-7/29/2017) 1 1 1 I Well installed - 3/31/2015 I GROWING SEASON (4/3 - 10/29) Figure 10. Wetland gauge graphs (continued) Upper Silver Creek Rain 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 0.0 c 1.0 w R IX 2.0 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KQFD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW3) 10 Ground 5 Surface 0 -12 inches r -5 m -10 USAW3 m C_o -15 -20 — — Begin Growing C 25 OL Season Q — — End y -30CRI Growing O -35 Season -40 GROWING SEASON -45 -50 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date ■1`■I■I■I�'lli■■11■��I�11� � IL�IIII��r� 1 , 10. Wetland Upper Silver Creek Rain 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 0.0 c 1.0 w R IX 2.0 10 5 0 -5 a, -10 -15 o -20 -25 Q -30 m 0 -35 -40 -45 50 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KQFD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW4) 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date I I I1it��_��III ����I■1� I.IIII�-I�III \i\1■■l��lllll�ri■►�'�ll■alb ��■�� 11'�■IIIII�■■�� I KIM 11 R if fil ILI Li in 1 11 LIN M 1��& 11W mills MOST • DAYS CRITERIA NOT GROWING• IWell installed • ' 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date Figure 10. Wetland gauge graphs (continued) I 1 Upper Silver Creek Rain 1 I 1 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 0.0 1 I I c I YR3 MOST CONSECUTIVE DAYS CRITERIA MET - 119 (57.2%) (4/3/2017-7/29/2017) I 1.0 1 I Well installed - 3/31/2015 w GROWING SEASON (4/3 -10/29) R IX 2.0 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KQFD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW5) 10 Ground 5 Surface 0 12 inches -5 S d -10 USAW5 R -15 c O — — Begin -20 Growing 25 Season Q -30 — — End m Growing Season -35 -40 -45 -50 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I YR3 MOST CONSECUTIVE DAYS CRITERIA MET - 119 (57.2%) (4/3/2017-7/29/2017) I 1 I Well installed - 3/31/2015 GROWING SEASON (4/3 -10/29) Figure 10. Wetland gauge graphs (continued) Upper Silver Creek Rain 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 0.0 c 1.0 it w R IX 2.0 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KQFD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW6) 10 Ground 5 Surface 0- -12 inches -5 -10 l■is■VAI►Nww�imi ■iwllwEullwi�� �iwwlwlw■Iw■ USAW6 -15 00 WN AN ram O 20 — —Begin Growing 25 Season w t — End -30 Growing p Season -35 - • CONSECUTIVE YR3 MAYS -40 (9/1/2017 - 9/16/2017) GROWING SEASON -45 - -50 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date it 10. Wetland Upper Silver Creek Rain 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 0.0 c 1.0 w R IX 2.0 10 5 0 -5 a, -10 R -15 c o -20 -25 t Q -30 m -35 -40 -45 50 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KQFD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW7) I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 YR3 MOST CONSECUTIVE DAYS 1 CRITERIA MET -110 (52.9%) (4/3/2017-7/20/2017) 1 GROWING SEASON Well installed - 3/31/2015 (4/3 - 10/29) 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date Ground Surface 12 inches USAW7 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season 10. Wetland 1/1/2017 0.0 c 1.0 w R W 2.0 10 5 c 0 L d M -5 3 3 -10 0 L 0 -15 0 s -20 G m o -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 50 uge graphs (continued) 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 Upper Silver Creek Rain 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KC.FD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW8) I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 YR3 MOST CONSECUTIVE DAYS CRITERIA MET - 46 (22.1%) (4/3/2017-5/17/2017) 1 1 GROWING SEASON Well installed - 3/31/2015 1 (4/3 -10/29) 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date Ground Surface 12 inches USAW8 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season Figure 10. Wetland gauge graphs (continued) Upper Silver Creek Rain ��ll►�1i1►11�"►I►1�\11111111�11�1� 11��1111��7' 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 0.0 c w 1.0 R 2.0 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KQFD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW9) 10 5 Ground Surface c 0 d -12 inches 3 -5 3 -10 USAW9 L C7 -15 s -20 — — Begin a 25 Growing Season 30 — — End Growing CRITERIA ME' - Season -35 -40 GROWING SEASON -45 -50 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date ��ll►�1i1►11�"►I►1�\11111111�11�1� 11��1111��7' Figure 10. Wetland gauge graphs (continued) Upper Silver Creek Rain 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 0.0 c w 1.0 R IX 2.0 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KQFD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW10) 10 Ground 5 Su ace c 0 AVAII is d -12 inches 3 -5 -10 USAW10 0 0 -15 s -20 — — Begin Q m p Growing Season -25 30 — — End Growing -35CRITERIA M Season (4/3/2017 5/15/2017) -40 GROWING SEASON -45 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date w. wetiana 1/11/20117 0.0 c w 1.0 W 2.0 age grapns icontinuea) 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 Upper Silver Creek Rain 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KQFD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW11) 10 5 0 JE -5 -10 io 3a -15 c ° -20 C7 -25 s CL -30 -35 -40 -45 50 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date Ground Surface -12 inches USAW 11 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season J � � WHIM ni��ii�����►�����i�i����iiii��� Lq YR3 MOST CON;ECUTIVE DAYS 15/15/2017) GROWING• 1 Well installed - 1 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date Ground Surface -12 inches USAW 11 Begin Growing Season End Growing Season w. wetiana 1/11/20117 0.0 c w 1.0 W 2.0 10 5 0 c -5 2) -10 io 3a -15 c 3 ° -20 C7 -25 s CL -30 0 -35 -40 -45 50 age grapns icontinuea) 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 Upper Silver Creek Rain 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KQFD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW12) 1 1 Ground Surface 1 1 -12 inches 1 USAW12 Begin 1 1 Growing Season I 1 End YR3 MOST CONSECUTIVE DAYS V Growing Season CRITERIA NOT MET - 20 (9.6%) 1 (4/20/2017-5/9/2017) 1 GROWING SEASON Ew, installed - 3/31/2015 I (4/3 - 10/29) 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date w. wetiana 1/11/20117 0.0 c w 1.0 2.0 10 5 0 JE -5 io 3a -15 c 3 ° -20 C7 -25 s CL -30 -35 -40 -45 50 age grapns icontinuea) 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 Upper Silver Creek Rain 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Rainfall data from CRONOS Station KQFD in Rutherfordton, NC Upper Silver Creek Wetland Restoration Well (USAW13) 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date 1 Ground Surface I 1 12 inches 1 Il- kill1 USAW13 Begin 1 1 Growing Season 1 YR3 MOST CONSECUTIVE DAYS — — End Growing CRITERIA MET - 87 (41.8%) 1 Season (4/3/2017-6/27/2017) 1 1 GROWING SEASON Well installed - 12/3/2015 (4/3 - 10/29) 1 1/1/2017 2/15/2017 4/1/2017 5/16/2017 6/30/2017 8/14/2017 9/28/2017 11/12/2017 12/27/2017 Date Table 12. Wetland gauge attainment data, summary of groundwater gauge results for MY 1 through 5 at the U. Silver Creek Project Site, DMS Project #94645. Success Criteria Achieved/Max Consecutive Days During Growing Season (Percentage) Gauge Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Year 1 (2015) Year 2 (2016) Year 3 (2017) Year 4 (2018) Year 5 (2019) Yes/36.5 days No/9.5 days Yes/44 days USAW1 (17.5%) (4.6%) (21.2%) No/21.8 days No/12.3 days Yes/71 days USAW2 (10.5%) (5.9%) (34.1%) No/20.3 days No/7 days No/21 days USAW3 (9.7%) (3.4%) (10.1%) No/5.5 days No/5 days No/11 days USAW4 (2.6%) (2.4%) (5.3%) Yes/80.5 days Yes/77.5 days Yes/119 days USAW5 (38.7%) (37.3%) (57.2%) No/19.5 days No/7 days No/16 days USAW6 (9.4%) (3.4%) (7.7%) Yes/74.5 days Yes/72.5 days Yes/110 days USAW7 (35.8%) (34.9%) (52.9%) No/2.5 days No/5.8 days Yes/46 days USAW8 (1.2%) (2.8%) (22.1%) Yes/35.5 days No/13.5 days Yes/44 days USAW9 (17.1%) (6.5%) (21.2%) No/19.8 days No/9.8 days Yes/44 days USAW10 (9.5%) (4.7%) (21.2%) No/18.5 days No/11.5 days Yes/44 days USAW11 (8.9%) (5.5%) (21.2%) No/17.5 days No/7.3 days No/20 days USAW12 (8.4%) (3.5%) (9.6%) Yes/55.5 days Yes/87 days USAW13 (26.7%) (41.8%) Figure 11. U. Silver Creek Wetland Photo Log, MY3 (2017) Photo 1. Wetland Photo Point — W1, replicates photo 50 in Baseline Report (November 1, 2017). Photo 2. Wetland Photo Point — W2, replicates photo 51 in Baseline Report (November 1, 2017). Photo 3. Wetland Photo Point — W3 replicates photo 52 in Baseline Report (November 1, 2017). Photo 4. Wetland Photo Point — W4, replicates photo 53 in Baseline Report (November 1, 2017). Photo 5. Wetland Photo Point — W5, replicates photo 54 in Baseline Report (November 1, 2017). Photo 6. Wetland Photo Point — W6, replicates photo 55 in Baseline Report (November 1, 2017). Photo 7. Wetland Photo Point — W7, replicates photo 56 in Baseline Report (November 1, 2017). Photo 8. Wetland Photo Point — W8, replicates photo 57 in Baseline Report (November 1, 2017). Photo 9. Wetland Photo Point — W9, replicates photo 58 in Baseline Report (November 1, 2017). Photo 10. Wetland Photo Point — W 10, replicates photo 59 in Baseline Report (November 1, 2017). Photo 11. Wetland Photo Point — WI 1, replicates photo 60 in Baseline Report (November 1, 2017). Photo 12. Wetland Photo Point — W 12, replicates photo 61 in Baseline Report (November 1, 2017). Photo 13. Wetland Photo Point — W 13 added between time of baseline and MY1 survey, (April 1, 2015)